Terror Trips (2021) Poster


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Well, at least they looked like they had fun making this...
paul_haakonsen14 June 2022
By first glance I have to say that "Terror Trips" wasn't really off to an impressive start. Why? Well, because the movie's title was such a blatant rip off of the logo used in "Stranger Things". But still, I opted to watch what writer and director Jeff Seemann had to offer.

And even the movie's title intro was a rip off of the "Stranger Things" intro. Talk about being unoriginal and tacky.

The storyline in "Terror Trips" was adequate. It wasn't a spectacular or outstanding storyline, but writer Jeff Seemann had managed to cram in some interesting enough things here and there. But overall, then "Terror Trips" was a mediocre and somewhat mundane horror movie. The storyline offered nothing new to the genre, yet I managed to sit through the entire ordeal to the very end.

As for the acting in "Terror Trips", well first of all I wasn't familiar with the cast ensemble here. Some of the actresses and actors did actually okay jobs, while others put on rather wooden and rigid performances. So you are in for quite a mixed bag of experiences here.

The special effects in "Terror Trips" were adequate. Now, it wasn't grand scale special effects, but they served their purposes well enough. The gun shot scenes were toe-curling bad to witness though.

All in all, then "Terror Trips" is not really an impressive horror movie. And if you are a fan of the horror genre, then I guess you might find a bit of enjoyment here and there throughout the course of the movie. But this is not a horror movie that I would recommend for fans of the horror genre to rush out and get to watch.

My rating of "Terror Trips" lands on a four out of ten stars.
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Horror kills.
DrProfessor17 June 2022
This is a very silly movie. Just like the new restrictions on posting reviews with one-hundred and fifty characters. Sometimes short and sweet is all that's needed.
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Terror trips and falls flat on its face
phantasmda16 June 2022
To be honest, I didn't go into this with the highest of expectations, it's a horror movie that a cost little under 200k to make, so the production values were always going to be low.

However, I have seen Hannah Fierman in a few other films (Siren, VHS Creepshow) and quite enjoyed her performances so I thought I'd give this a go.

It's about as original as you'd expect from a film of this ilk, group of obnoxious hipsters go into a secluded area for camping and drinks and become trapped and are hunted down and killed, you get the idea.

This one however, goes into a different direction to most films of this type and it strays more into the human organ harvesting issues that go on in places like Turkey and Egypt's dark underbelly. The idea has been done before (Turistas) and it can be really un-nerving and uncomfortable to watch if done correctly.

However, correctly done is not what you get here, it's ham fisted, poorly acted, poorly shot, poorly lit and the effects, what few there are, are pretty dreadful, I'm looking at you fake CGI gunshots. There's little to no gore apart from a few blood splatters and blood stains here and there, most of the kills are all done off screen or shot in a way that you can't decipher what's just happened. There's a really painful fight choreography scene near the end, which is cringe worthy to sit through. Without spoiling it, there's a fight scene involving 2 people and somebody involved with one of the people about to fight, nudges his partner and says 'Here, watch this' as if something really epic is about to happen and what we get is one of the most poorly filmed, poorly choregraphed and uncomfortable to watch fight scenes you will ever witness, it's so bad.

Most of the actors range from absolutely awful to mediocre. The guy who plays Eli is decent enough but everyone else are just bad, even Hannah Fierman, some of her line delivery is terrible here.

There's some representation in this, that is actually done correctly for once, so I'll give it that, there's a lesbian character who actually fits in with the story and the group rather than simply feeling shoe horned in to fit a narrative and it feels natural rather that you being hit over the head with it. Take note Hollywood. Unfortunately, the actress playing her isn't much cop. But then, neither is anyone else in this to be fair.

The ending is, well, it's bleak and it's different I'll give it that but it did leave a nasty taste in my mouth and nothing really gets wrapped up, maybe they're saving that for a sequel (please don't)

All in all, it's a well intentioned but really poorly made horror film with very little horror in it, the micro budget shows in spades but some people might get something from this as long as their expectations are low enough.

I did read one other review on here where the writer claims this to be the 'Film of the year'.... Just, No lol.
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Terror trips and falls on its face
qcrwdpsxs25 June 2022
I enjoy low budget, bad horror movies. There's typically something redeeming about them even if you're laughing when that wasn't the intent. This movie has nothing to offer. It's not funny. It's not scary. It's not well written. It's not well acted. Even the blood was awful.
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When horror is actually just horrible
Absolutely_Positive18 June 2022
If you have absolutely nothing better to do, doing nothing would be better than spending any time watching this. The only thing this movie does well is get worse with every scene. The last fifteen minutes will make you wonder why you just didn't walk away when you had a chance.
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Really Pathetic Movie
lyndascarrow19 June 2022
A bunch of really, really stupid idiots running around with their heads cut off. Very bad acting. Totally useless script and the worst ending I have ever seen.
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yet another...
ops-5253514 June 2022
''6 young adults go for a trip in the woods...''horror-movie, supposedly telling the story about horror entrepeneurship making classic horror movies into theme parks where paying visitors may take part in the moviesetups... gosh what an idea, and gosh what bad story and crash test dummies acting, they are just like small robots that can talk alot and do the moves and mimes that they just learned at the acting academy...so a group hug to ya all cause this is a student groupie en masse'

no this is trashy stuff, its more dumb than evil death, and the surprise factor isnt present at all, its done so many times before, and the lack of experience shines a light on the acts and the filmwork and where where the thoughts left behind when writing the script?. The grumpy old man is in his most gracious corner today, a 2 is more than enough for this nitwitty slæsjer hårrår.
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"Terrible Trip"
skyhawk74716 June 2022
Wow, this was just terrible on so many levels. The wooden acting on the opening scene is awful and initially I switched off just after that scene. I then went back to it the next day and gave it another try and with all the cliches, lame storyline and poor acting it is by far one of the worst films I have seen this year.
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Like a bad acid trip!!
tman-2128918 June 2022
This movie starts out bad and just gets worse. The whole thing from the word go is pretty boring! Some of the acting was decent and the people who weren't stick out easily. Make better use of your time than this movie.
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Starts dumb and only gets worse
ruble-huff17 June 2022
This movie is a noxious blend of cheese and cringe. I'm not talking about the kind of cringe a good horror movie can inspire. If you see this DVD in a bargain bin, keep looking.

The concept of 'Terror Trips' showed promise, but turned out to be a thin smokescreen. The woke half-shaved head of purple hair put in an appearance, being so stunning and brave that the character maintained it for at least five years. There was no way I could take that character seriously.

When people start dying (big surprise), the guys are put down with ridiculous ease. The 'evil' women outperform the subservient men at every opportunity. It was an embarrassment to both sexes.

The ending is as bad as it was predictable. If you enjoy making yourself feel stupid, foolish and gullible, this movie is for you. Having watched it once, my DVD copy is ready to begin its second life as a drink coaster. Hard pass on this one.
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Original indie thriller
marceldorian22 March 2023
What I like about this movie is that it has an original premise. A few friends start a travel service that arranges tourist trips to horror movie shooting locations. So they go scouting but get more than they bargained for and let's just say that things get bloody. I won't say more as I don't want to spoil it for you. All I'll say is that there is enough blood to satisfy horror fans and enough twists to satisfy the thriller fans.

Keeping in mind that this little gem had a limited budget, the cinematography is really good and the direction is solid. If you are in the mood for something different, give this indie a go.
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A Solid Trip
kjs114413 March 2023
Terror Trips is a suspense/horror film with a very unique premise. A group of friends decide to start a business whereby they give tours of the filming locations of famous horror movies. However this innocent idea gradually turns into a real life nightmare at one location. I was very impressed with this movie, the thrills and the special effects were top-notch. Also the cinematography was excellent. I thought the direction was really strong as well, and I really liked some of the shot compositions. The cast all did a solid job, and I especially thought Hannah Fierman's performance was excellent. If you're looking for a solid suspense/horror, watch this one.
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Pity they didn't lose their passports
lesliecurtin16 October 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Pity they didn't lose their passports This has to be one of the worst movies ever! I think they were all reach asked from acting school. None of them are good, and the plot is just too silly to believe. The concept would've been OK had they spent money on actually revisiting the horror spots in the film instead of showing pictures of them. At least that would've been a laugh. But yes, he pick some random horror movie no one has ever heard of Inco visit that place. Needless to say it doesn't turn out well for anyone least of all the viewer who is wondering why they wasted their time hoping things would get better as the movie went along but being sadly mistaken . I mean I get that there are people who steal other peoples' organs, but they list put them in saline solution and not in a Styrofoam box.
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Just like Hostel about evil European but worse
Doraemon3454214 August 2022
A bunch of horror nerds travel to some small town in Europe to research a horror movie...and foreigners are strange and evil. The plot is basically like Hostel and the movie is excruciating, total garbage.
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It was a disappointment
WeskersWaifu30 November 2022
You could tell during this movie they were trying their best to make it a distant cousins to Hostel, setting it in the middle of nowhere in Eastern Europe, that same clique. It was trying it's best to be something it just wasn't, a decent horror movie.

Initially I watched this movie because of the cover of it, it looked somewhat interesting but this movie was a fail. I usually turn movies off when they start to bore me and I guess I hoped for an almost Last House On The Left revenge story but instead I got..unimpressed, disappointment and boredom. The end was just the epic downfall of the whole movie, difficult to say since it really wasn't that impressive.

The acting was awful, the way the characters interacted with one another was boring and forced and there wasn't anything about this movie that I actually liked. It was difficult to find even small good things about it, maybe the initial premise was good jumping off point but that was a dive straight into concrete.

I wouldn't recommend this movie for anyone who is a horror fan, you won't find any aspect of it that fits nicely in the horror genre except maybe being in a place you don't know in the middle of nowhere.
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Movies for the hard of thinking
lcorcoran-3921514 October 2022
This movie is stupid beyond belief. More perpetual victims, weak characters that all deserved to die. Tired of Hollywood producing garbage with beta males who fold at the slightest threat and women characters constantly whining their way to their ultimate, predictable demise. Rip offs of Hostel and other far superior horror movies galore. Don't waste your time watching this abomination of eighty five minutes. You're better off watching paint drying while banging your head with a brick stick. I've watched porn with a better plot and more convincing acting. Total, predictable, crap fest. Run Forrest, Run.
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Horror Hype Derailed, a Rollercoaster of Promise to Purgatory.
P3n-E-W1s314 November 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Story: 0.75/2 - Direction & Pace 1.25 & 1.25/4 - Performances: 1.25/2 - Entertainment: 0.75/2

Total - 5.00/2.

Well, dear cinephiles, 'Terror Trips' takes us on a ride that, much like my last attempt at assembling IKEA furniture, starts with great promise and ends in mild confusion.

The premise, oh, the premise! One could imagine the potential being as boundless as a teenager's appetite for pizza. Trips to horror movie locations sound like the perfect recipe for a horror buff. What horror fiend wouldn't want to visit the town from Friday the 13th? It's like a horror-themed vacation with a side of nostalgia. Sadly, the glimpse of that iconic town is shorter than my New Year's resolutions list, and before you can say 'Bloody Mary,' we're thrust into mediocrity.

Now, the trip advisors stumble upon a rare cult gem, 'The Black Vulga.' - a film within a film - and suddenly, we're exploring the notion that movies mirror reality. It's an intriguing concept that hooked me like a fish on a philosophical line. But, alas, what could've been a decent horror flick metamorphoses into an action suspense flick that's about as thrilling as waiting for your toast to pop. The picture promised thrills and excitement. Sadly, it's like expecting a rollercoaster as the big ride at the amusement park and finding out it's the kiddie train.

Credit where credit's due; they did opt for a bleak, naturalistic ending. I appreciate the commitment, but it's like applauding a magician for pulling a rabbit out of a hat when you were expecting a Bengal tiger.

Now, the creative direction and pace - well, it's a mishmash that had me thinking of a grab bag at a carnival where you're not sure what you'll receive. There's an amateurish touch, as though they genuinely thought allowing the neighbour's geeky kid to be the cameraperson was a grand idea. While attempts at various tempos to establish atmosphere are evident, it's like a musician with multiple instruments trying to find the right tune but missing the mark.

The talented cast, however, stands out like a lighthouse in a raging sea of impenetrable fog: They're the movie's saving grace, carefully steering the helpless ship through the raging storm of mediocrity. Admittedly, there are odd moments when a few performers appear as enthusiastic as a miserable cat at a water aerobics class, but their collective effort deserves generous applause.

Ultimately, 'Terror Trips' is a passable escape for an hour and a half, but only if your watch list strikingly resembles the Sahara - barren and requiring cinematic hydration. Here's to hoping the sequel secures its footing and conveys us on a journey more thrilling than a bungee jump off a cliff - 'Terror Trips 2: Electric Boogaloo,' anyone?
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Let's split up.
nogodnomasters13 April 2023
Warning: Spoilers
A group of young adults decide to conduct tours of horror film locations with a little glitz followed by the movie. Dan (Mike Blaney) is the leader of the pact and credits George (Abigail Esmena) a new comer to the group with the idea, They all loved it. Ginny (Hannah Fierman) and Eli (Chaney Morrow) are an item. There is Molly (Roni Locke) on the goth side and Ed (L. C. Holt) the horror film expert. After 6 years, the group decides to do a European trek. They end up in a small village where Black Volga was filmed about Russian men taking children ad using them for organs and sex slaves. Alex (Kate Kiddo) their host tells them it is best if they left right now. After hiking a bit they decide not to shoot the film here and to leave early after they spend the night. Dan goes missing as they fight for their lives.

It is not a bad film. I have to question placing organs in a nice Styrofoam box with no dry ice. It started to drag after 20 minutes and had trouble getting up to speed.

Guide: F-word. No sex or nudity.
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Flawed, but Could Have Been Good
icocleric11 November 2023
It had promise with the concept, but overall it was pretty flawed. The acting and dialogue in the first scene was so awkward and stiff, that I nearly switched off, but it did improve. Some of them ended up decent.

With the story I disliked that it was organ and people trafficking. I think it would have made more sense if the specialised in one or the other. I absolutely hated the fact that literally everyone was "in on it" especially since they weren't even in Russia, so the likelihood of the KGB having that much influence is slim. Some people being confused, but trying to help still would have worked.

Like the story would have worked just as well with a criminal gang looking to make money. The story really did have a lot of promise though, more research and better editing could have made it really good.

Also why all the end credit scenes?? There was like 3 of them.
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Creative Premise
dtittone28 March 2023
Director and Writer Jeff Seemann delivers on every level with his horror film, "Terror Trips." First, I have to give kudos to Jeff for the premise. The story is original and keeps the audience engaged from beginning to end. Jeff has written a solid script and has delivered a great film. Second, the cast, although large, is solid. The performances are realistic and the ensemble cast doesn't disappoint. In addition, the cinematography is excellent. I highly recommend "Terror Trips" if you're looking for an original horror film without excessive gore and violence - the gore and horror elements are tasteful and work well.
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Not Much of a Horror Fan, but I Got Into This One
baccaruda14 April 2023
Warning: Spoilers
First off, I read some of the reviews of this film, and I found a lot of the vitriol unwarranted. This is a low budget film and should be viewed through that lens. Perhaps aficionados of these types of films are snarky and difficult to please, which I understand, because making genre films like this is very difficult. Most every subject has been explored to the nth degree, and original ideas are few and far between in the genre. The last horror film I admired was "It Follows" which has a terrific concept for the script and very good execution. But these days, most horror is in the zombie sub-genre, and that is getting WAY long in the tooth. In "Terror Trips", there is the familiar storyline of Americans being in a far off land, and running into strangers that are FAR less than solid citizens, as they pick off the young Americans one by one. While watching, I could see that there is an aesthetic at work that transcends most indie films, with solid locations that fit the story well, generally solid acting, and crisp visuals. Having never seen "Hostel" and its various sequels and imitators, I don't have the ability to compare, but once this one got going, I was into the story and the plight of titscharacters. That said, I awaited the conclusion of the film to be a neat wrap-up, but instead I got something a somewhat more vague than what I would have liked, as one of the main characters' escape from the evil foreigners went unaddressed. Not certain why the film makers decided to forego that aspect of the story, which could have added a satisfying bookend to the movie, instead opting to show two of the other protagonist's nihilistic end. Perhaps others may appreciate the conclusion though. Overall, a solid effort, and something that horror fans and indie film connoiseurs may enjoy.
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Be careful what you trip for.
RBIves-202-72535216 March 2023
The setup for this film is so perfect I can't believe it hasn't been done before. Imagine a travel service that will help you arrange tourist trips to your favorite horror movie shooting locations. This company is started by 2 of the characters who bring their closest friends, also horror superfans, on scouting trips around the world as they expand their locations. It makes for some fun location hopping early on as we visit some very recognizable places.

The bulk of the story revolves around their first trip to Europe to scope out the location of an indie horror flick that is a little less well known. The rest of the film pretty much writes itself. Our crew realizes they are in a struggle of their own and will have to fight for their lives to make it out of their dream come true.

I won't spoil anything, but suffice to say there is plenty of good cinematography, acting, and twists to keep things interesting, not to mention a killcount to satisfy your traditional horror needs.
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Guided Horror Tours
catheraneskillen27 March 2023
Horror films are big. It seems that a majority of people love being frightened out of their wits and so many of them become classic, late night showings. This film has a great premise. It's a business involving horror aficionados, of course, who lead guided tours to the locations of some of the most popular horror films ever filmed. Obviously, research is involved. I mean what could go wrong? Am I right? Well...just wait. This little group sets off to Europe to investigate the scene of a maybe true story filmed many years before. Without giving away the plot, suffice to say there are unusual circumstances that arise that send our little group hither and yon searching for answers. Will they be successful? Will they survive? You will have to watch to find out.
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Phenomenal horror
jedijimmy10129 March 2023
I had a lot of fun watching this indie gem. The cinematography was magnificent, the writing was superb, and the actors all brought their characters to life in a special and likable way. There's plenty of what us horror fans love in this movie. The locations and production value all worked here. This was a very fun ride from the beginning to the end and I highly recommend this to anyone looking for a good modern horror. I wanted to see more. I look forward to seeing what comes next from this talented group of filmmakers. I found myself invested in the story and characters. I also found myself on the very edge of my seat anxiously waiting to see what comes next.
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Well... I liked it anyway!
bowmanblue19 January 2024
I'll admit it right off the bat - I really enjoyed this film. It was only when I went to see other people's reviews after I'd watched it, did I realise I think I may be in the minority. It's about a group of American teenagers who go to a remote part of the world and end up falling foul of whatever is out to pick 'em off one by one. Nothing new with the premise. If you're into your horror films then you've seen that a hundred times with only slight variations on that synopsis.

When it started, I did question whether I was going to enjoy it. The sets were pretty bland. You could probably recreate al the sets from whatever you have lying around in your back garden. However, when the six characters are introduced - yes they do tend to each be a bit 'one note' in terms of characterisation, they are actually likable.

The story's big point is that all six protagonists are all open horror fans and are therefore well aware of the cliches and conventions the genre has to offer. So, seeing as most of my favourite films are cheesy eighties B-movie horror, I like to think I got most of the 'in jokes' sprinkled into the script for us die hard gore hounds. Plus the characters are actually quite likable. None of them were such stereotypes that they were annoying and you find yourself preying for whatever masked serial killer or monster is stalking them to take them out as soon as possible.

So the acting and characters are nice. Plus, on the whole, based on how main characters normally act in horror films, they do make rational decisions when they fall foul of the threat in Eastern Europe while scoping out sets from previous horror movies. But don't go expecting too much gore. The kills are hardly imaginative and, although most of the slices and dices are practical, when it comes to blood splatter it was blatantly computer-generated.

So, I maybe in the minority in terms of who liked this and who didn't, I'd say it's worth a watch for your die hard horror fan. The only real gripe I could find was the - literal - ending. It effectively just stopped in what - to me - felt like the middle of a scene, leaving me with a bit of an 'oh right, is that it?' kind of feeling. Besides that, I did enjoy the ride.
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