Deceived (Video 2002) Poster

(2002 Video)

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A terrible waste
NxNWRocks3 August 2004
It's a shame this film couldn't maintain the edgy intrigue of its first twenty minutes or so. Instead, it unravels to the point where the title might refer to the viewer who was expecting some kind of payoff for investing their time in watching it.

The idea of the signal and the question of its origin is a sturdy enough hook to hang a plot upon. The story is not the problem, but the means that are employed to tell it certainly are. The first sign of trouble is when the military shows up at the observatory. Naturally a storm soon follows - is there some rule in Hollywood that people must always be trapped in remote locations by thunderstorms? Once the debate about the signal goes on..and on, for almost the entire movie. For folks who are stuck in a tense situation far from anywhere and who don't trust each other, the characters act remarkably calm and there is far too much talking and too little action. One of the biggest mysteries is why for such an important character - she's the only one with overt psychic ability - the part of Vasquez is so woefully underwritten. It seems that she has only two lines in the whole movie - a total waste of a very fine, sultry performance by Ramona Milano.

Gossett Jnr is passable as the army honcho - it's not like he hasn't had previous experience in such a role - but the only other solid acting comes from Judd Nelson, who gives a workmanlike performance as Jack (not Jake!) Jones. He valiantly tries to carry the film for its duration, but the tepid script sinks his efforts. It doesn't help that Michelle Nolden's performance as the devout love interest fails on practically every level. Most of the other leads fall into stereotype - feisty female reporter - or caricature - the preacher who likes his food.

Basically, this film is such a disappointment that you might be well advised to send a signal of your own to the TV set - and watch something else!
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Cartooney sci-fi/thriller that's ambitious & somewhat entertaining, but limited by indie budget
Wuchakk6 November 2016
Released to video in 2002 and directed by Andre Van Heerden, "Deceived" is a sci-fi/drama in the mold of 1997's "Contact" or 2003's "Alien Hunter" except that it's decidedly a 'B' production with several comic book caricatures rather than characters. Although, thankfully, there are a few likable and realistic characters, like the ones played by Michelle Nolden and Judd Nelson. The story centers around seven people who meet at a remote observatory in the mountains after contact from (presumably) space has finally been made. But something weird and eerie is going on and they might not make it out alive.

While this is a Christian production, the ideology doesn't become a factor in the story until the third act and it ties into the reality behind the strange phenomena happening at the observatory. The production quality is akin the the typical comic booky Syfy movie, but without any palpable monster. As noted above, at least three of the characters are over-the-top caricatures -- the new ager masquerading as a reverend (Jefferson Mappin), the colonel (Louis Gossett Jr.) and the hot reporter (Deborah Odell). Stewart Bick and Ramona Milano complete the main cast.

There are kinks in the script that needed worked out and so the story flow is uneven at times and lacks suspense build-up. But I liked the confined environment and the interplay between the characters. All the main actors (not the peripheral ones) take the material seriously and give their best, despite some campy elements, which was the script's issue, not the actors.

Several other things impressed me. For one, this ain't no conventional Christian movie. Despite its low-budget, it's ambitious and has a unique plot. The three females cast members are all beautiful in their own way, with Ramona standing out, but they're each exquisite. The images of Kara (Odell) holding a candle in the dark tunnel are striking.

Then there's the interesting way the Reverend is depicted: At first glance you'd think he's a Southern Baptist preacher, but it becomes clear that this isn't the case. He's a New Ager, but he's not really a hypocrite in that he really believes what he says and is even shown practicing what he preaches, which isn't to say that he's without flaws. He's obviously a glutton, for instance. Speaking of which, it seems like the screenwriter tried to implement the seven deadly sins into the story but, if so, it was half-hearted. Lastly, as cited above, the character of Smitty and her possible relationship with the computer geek, Jack, is compelling. Smitty is the sole Christian character and I like the way she's portrayed as sincere, but flawed; and walking in some morally-conflicting situations, like working for Shaw (Bick), a company whose goal contradicts her belief system.

The movie runs 95 minutes and was shot in Toronto, Canada, substituting for the Sierra Nevadas in California.

GRADE: C+ (5.5/10)
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Bad, but no worse than your average B flick
Sollus3 July 2004
The script is bad, the acting substandard and melodramatic, the budget was probably way up in the 4 or maybe 5 digit range. Even so, I've seen worse. Just because it happens to offer the perspective of a Christian doesn't make it as horrible as so many other reviewers seem to think.

There are other movies that preach "New Age" beliefs and aren't treated this poorly. Is it possible that people are letting their beliefs taint the reviews just a little? Yes this IS a bad movie, but some people actually do enjoy watching them. Why not just enjoy it for the poor qualities you would judge any other film?

As for whether its Sci-Fi, I've seen Ghost, The Flintstones and The Mainitou listed under Sci-Fi. Unfortunately an argument could be made for their inclusion. Now if there were an accepted category of Christian movies I might agree with moving this there. There isn't, so why quibble? Again just look at it like any other B movie and get off the Anti-Christian rhetoric.
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The First Step towards Redemption for Cloud Ten
thomasp_art23 July 2002
I'll be honest, when I picked up "Deceived", I was less than looking forward to viewing it. Given Cloud Ten's horrible and unbearable movie record, it's still a mystery why I picked it up. But since I was out of movies to watch for the night, I popped it in.


This has to be Cloud Ten's best movie to date. After seeing all of the others (Revelation, Tribulation, Judgment, Left Behind, ect.) I was surprised to find out that Cloud Ten is learning the meaning of the word, "Quality". The script wasn't that bad at all; it was not overly preachy. There were some awkward dialogue, but it was a LOT less than all the other movies. As far as casting goes, again lot's of improvement from previous films. I think that casting Judd Nelson was a good decision as well as that of Gossit. It was well photographed, the sound mix was decent and the score actually fit.

Overall, I'd give it a 7 out of 10. It's not totally perfect (Title Sequence) , but it's getting there. Regardless of what others might think, "Deceived", has quality behind it that ALL the other Cloud Ten movies could only long for. If Cloud Ten continues on this path, they may just win me back.
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davidl19 March 2003
Decent cast marooned in a miserable script that delivers an inconsistent and often incomprehensible message. The characters are unbelievable and sometimes unnecessary - what purpose is served by the psychokinetic except to supply some gratuitous bloodshed and dime-store special effects? The story itself falls under the heading of an "idiot plot" because only idiots would behave the way these characters do when faced with these situations. And that includes the (unseen) Devil, who seems to need electricity in order to deliver his message.

I saw the film on cable with no preconceived notions and no knowledge that this is the "Christian Film" genre.

Unintentionally funny at times. A 6.66 second message? Please don't bludgeon the viewer with the Book of Revelation.

Technically incongruous. Phones don't work, radios don't work, but the Internet connection to the Pentagon does work.

If you want to like it because it has a religious theme, you'll like it. If you're looking for cinema, look elsewhere.
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Awful. Just awful
kjoest4 July 2003
This movie would have to improve to be considered rotten. Made me wish I could rate it with zero stars instead of one. Unless you enjoy bad acting, a poor plot, and atrocious dialog, stay away from this stinker. Christians looking for a good Christian film should look elsewhere.
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Deceived by "Cloud 10"
Deceived11 April 2002
Where to begin. The synopsis on the cover made it sound like a really interesting movie. I am a big science fiction fan (and the `deceiving' synopsis of `Deceived' led me to believe that this was a sci-fi movie). Unfortunately, until today, 11 Apr 2002, I didn't realize that Cloud 10 seems to be a `religious movie production company'. So, if you are expecting to view a science fiction movie – FORGET IT. Unless of course, it is Cloud 10's intention to portray the bible as science fiction. If that isn't their intention, then maybe they should be a little more truthful/revealing in their synopses.

Respectfully, Deceived (by both `Deceived' & Cloud 10 Productions) for the last time
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90 minutes lasted like 90 years in prison!
jebiga16 August 2002
One of the worst movies I have seen this year! Bad acting, poor plot, no ideas. I dont mind the low budget movies but most of the budget of this poor (in absence of better word at the moment let's promote it into movie) movie was spent on smashing cool flat panels at the end. Poor monitors - died in vain. Skip it! Or if you want to amuse yourself and check how bad a movie can be - this is the contender!
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Bad, really, really bad.
mike-ryan45524 July 2009
Warning: Spoilers
I am a Christian. I believe Jesus is the son of the living God, the only begotten of the Father and the only name whereby we can be saved. And I believe this movie stank!

The movie's theme was the broadcast from the pseudo-extraterrestrial source that really was evil. Strange and horrible things happen. We see the evil of government, the evils of telepathy and mind control and the evil of phony religion and the evil of phony news broadcasters, and in the end the cute couple are saved (physically as well as spiritually) and make it through just fine. They even make a convert.

And it was still BAD.

Lou Gossett was just utterly wasted. I do hope they paid him double. The rest were cheap Canadian actors.
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Not exactly Academy Award acting, but...
BionicBozo18 March 2005
Warning: Spoilers
This movie is fairly suspenseful as far this kind of movie goes. It has its moments where it kept me glued to the TV. On some occasions, I did grow bored enough to go to the fridge without bothering to hit pause. One of the climatic scenes where three of the characters end up in a fight over who will control Nelson's character was just plain ridiculous, and whether intentionally so or not, was out of place in such a serious movie. It seemed rather contrived. Also contrived was the time sequence of the transmission that is at the focus of this movie. The time lapse of the transmission is...(you guessed it. tahdah.) This being my first Cloud Ten film, I won't make a decision on their style and brilliance (or lack thereof) until i have had a chance to see others of these Christian-based films.
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what is this all about?
sth_Weird4 January 2006
I watched this movie because I read about the story on the back of the DVD cover and I really liked it because I'm a big fan of the X-Files series and it seemed to be something of that sort. But unfortunately this movie was a complete disappointment. I watched it twice (only because I was confused after watching it the first time and I thought I might have missed something) and it still leaves me confused and wondering what the main plot is (if it has a plot, that is). The only highlights in the movie are the main actors (at least the male cast). I think Judd Nelson's performance was brilliant. Having taken basic lessons in sign language I got to know some hearing disabled people myself and something they all had in common was their calm nature. I think Judd was very believable in his role. His performance and the performances of Louis Gossett Jr and Jefferson Mappin made me give this movie a 4/10. It was a pleasure seeing them play so well together, but the best performance can't save a bad story, so I can't really recommend this movie to anyone but fans of the actors, and even they probably won't watch it more than once.
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Intriguing, suspenseful, and entertaining, Deceived is fun!
OneWayFilms200019 January 2002
I was excited to watch the newest release from the fastest growing Christian production company, Cloud Ten Pictures. Having already set the standard in Christian films with hit's like Revelation, Tribulation, Judgment, and Left Behind, I prepared myself for another surprise hit. I was not disappointed as this intriguing supernatural tale of good vs. evil unfolded like a Steven King classic.

Paul Lalonde and John Patus wrote a brilliant screenplay that clearly unmasks the enemy that surrounds those who are searching for eternal answers in modern day science.

This story is played out by a superb cast who add depth and life to their characters. The characters are one of the most important elements to the success of this film. Unlike most science fiction films that depend on special effects and blown up budgets, Decieved succeeds with strong character interaction and transformations that make up the mystery and suspense. This is a character-driven story that relies more on the talents of its players than it's budget.

Judd Nelson (The Breakfast Club, St.Elmo's Fire) plays Jack Jones, a tech expert who is called upon to assist in sharing the un-identified signal with the world. Jack is faced with his greatest challenge in piecing together the mystery surrounding the signal and it's strange effects on everyone who listens to it.

Academy Award winner Louis Gossett Jr. (An Officer and a Gentleman) masters the role of Colonel David Garrett, the man behind the top-secret government project who discovers more than he bargained for after becoming trapped with the crazed team.

It's refreshing to see Christian projects being produced that aren't ashamed to proclaim the gospel. Deceived not only entertains with mystery and suspense, but it presents the clear gospel message of hope and salvation without being too preachy. Cloud Ten continues to step forward with each project that pushes the limits and sets new standards. Intriguing, suspenseful, and entertaining, Deceived is fun!
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Not nearly as bad as expected
hung_fao_tweeze4 October 2011
I gave 'Left Behind' a chance and didn't get 30 minutes into it. In that movie the acting was horrid and the situations strained to become credible. So, it was with great reluctance that I came to 'Deceived'. This time the acting wasn't horrid and the situations didn't try so hard to beat me over the head. In fact, this was no better or worse than an average X-files episode including the speculative ending. The Christian message was inserted here and there but it seemed to become part of the story rather than try to take over the story. There are logic gaps that need explaining. It was nothing too distracting though and if you accept this as a standard B-pic you can actually sit back, relax and be entertained.
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All this movie does is to preach a conservative religious viewpoint
srooks121 September 2009
This movie makes very little pretense about its purpose. It presents one dimensional characters in a situation where the characters wonder and bluster about different religious viewpoints. There is only one correct viewpoint, namely conservative evangelical.

While the technical aspects of the movie seem to be above average, the writing is definitely not. The writing is predictable and dull which makes the acting even worse. The transitions in the story are jumpy. The devices used to create tension are much too obvious. One example should suffice. When the group is trying to decipher the mysterious signal, they find the signal pulses for 6.66 seconds. Obviously, this is supposed to point to the Satanic origin of the signal.

In short, Deceived seems to be a cross between a sci-fi movie and an evangelistic meeting...and it fails as both.
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How Bad Can A Movie Be?
kevino-412 December 2003
Well, it can be truly horrifically bad, as in "Battlefield Earth". Or it can be stupidly cheaply exploitatively bad, as in "Attack of the Giant Leeches". Or, it can be painfully embarrassingly bad as in "Face the Music". "Deceived" is innovative in that it creates a new kind of bad, cheap certainly but in a preachy posing altruisticaly bad way. It's as if the actors, most of whom are at least competent, sacrifice themselves for the good of the cause, saying words and performing actions that must have caused their thespian guts to wring themselves inside out. Still they trooped on and we have the result. There's enough camp to make it watchable, sort of, and of course with this kind of thing there's always curiousity about just how far down the road to "Plan 9..." it will go. The answer is quite a ways.
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Be not deceived...
johnclint16 February 2020
...for this I say unto you that is an evangelical Christian film disguised as a sci-fi movie.
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Religious crap
mspenguin197422 February 2020
Started out interesting but quickly deteriorated into religious nonsense. Unfortunate, as the premise for a sci-fi flick was good.
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Awful film
sfeston25 January 2020
Just terrible. And then I found out why. It's a christian based film.
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So bad. Just. So. Bad.
gpantalone20 March 2020
Bad writing. Bad directing. Not bad acting, but they had so little to work with. Except for the preacher - trifecta. Even Louis Gosset, Jr. Couldn't help this steaming pile of merda di cavallo. So many bad cliches, shallow characters with no development. Just awful.
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Forever Damned20 June 2002
As a fan of the Cloud Ten apocalyptical movies I expected more of the same. Unfortunately, this one did not live up to the others both in story and in production values. The story and therefore the sets were limited, with opportunities missed to branch out from what the observatory really was experiencing.

The final scene gives the opportunity for a sequel. I say don't bother and lets have more from the O.N.E stories.
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Deceived? Maybe. Intriguing? Yes.
IanBadeer7 December 2005
Warning: Spoilers
Having seen almost all Cloud 10 Pictures movies I was looking forward to seeing this one after a relatively good trailer.

The genre was so different than other C10 movies I have seen that it literally scared me for a while that they were trying to delve into sci-fi. I wasn't disappointed.

Being a writer myself (and nearing my first publishing), I tend to be overly critical of the script. This one was an excellent idea that had some believability to it. Unfortunately, certain lines come out canned and the story drags on and on and on. Come on people... do something! FX are the best I've seen for a C10 movie (which isn't saying much), and I raised my rating from a 7 to an 8 just because of the flat panel monitor explosion scene. I am a geek, and those explosions were MAGNIFICENT. Poor monitors... I hope they were only blowing up shells and not the real $1500 models at the time.

Acting was slightly above average, but it was the plot that kept me from shutting the movie off. The ending was WAY too fast, and there seemed to be little to no resolution, which was probably intentional.

This is the first C10 film that has spooked me, props to Paul LaLonde for the story.

I give it an optimistic 8.
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Intriguing, suspenseful, and entertaining, Decieved is fun!
OneWayFilms200015 January 2002
I was excited to watch the newest release from the fastest growing Christian Production Company, Cloud Ten Pictures. Having already set the standard in Christian films with hit's like Revelation, Tribulation, Judgment, and Left Behind, I prepared myself for another suprise hit. I was not disappointed as this intriguing supernatural tale of good vs. evil unfolded like a Steven King classic.

Paul Lalonde and John Patus wrote a brilliant screenplay that clearly unmasks the enemy that surrounds those who are searching for eternal answers in modern day science.

This story is played out by a superb cast who add depth and life to their characters. The characters are one of the most important elements to the success of this film. Unlike most science fiction films that depend on special effects and blown up budgets, Decieved succeeds with strong character interaction and transformations that make up the mystery and suspense. This is a character-driven story that relies more on the talents of it's players than it's budget.

Judd Nelson (The Breakfast Club, St.Elmo's Fire) plays Jack Jones, a tech expert who is called upon to assist in sharing the un-identified signal with the world. Jack is faced with his greatest challenge in piecing together the mystery surrounding the signal and it's strange effects on everyone who listens to it.

Academy Award winner Louis Gossit Jr. (An Officer and a Gentleman) masters the role of Colonel David Garret, the man behind the top-secret government project who discovers more than he bargained for after becoming trapped with the crazed team.

It's refreshing to see Christian projects being produced that arn't ashamed to proclaim the gospel. Deceived not only entertains with mystery and suspense, but it presents the clear gospel message of hope and salvation without being too preachy. Cloud Ten continues to step forward with each project that pushes the limits and sets new standards. Intriguing, suspenseful, and entertaining, Decieved is fun!
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Great movie
kmaxx-114 April 2002
Once again cloud ten pictures provides an entertaining and suspensful experience. The story takes a while to get going,but once it does it becomes quite suspensful. I recommend it to people who like the author`s Frank peretti and Alton gansky. 9 out of 10.
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A Great Christian Movie
walkmangwf-114 January 2003
It's hard to think Why anyone world what to Put down Deceived I Loved Deceived for 3 reason's

1. with this movie I Have now seen all Andre Van Heerden Movies and I have to say he one of the Great Christian Director he dose a Great Job in making Deceived

2. The Cast. with Well know Names like Judd Nelson and Louis Gossett Jr they Did a Great Job Playing Their Roles and For the Rest my Fav is the Rev

3. The Story. when I first Saw a Preview for Deceived I thought it was a Alien Movie but I was Wrong when if you have not seen this movie im not telling you what it is but all I can say it show a Good and Freaky Christian Movie with a Story that I Think World Make a Great Preview of the Last days in my View I

it is a Must See Movie for Sci Fi and Christian movie Fans **** out of ****
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This Movie Sucks
Riogrande8325 July 2002
Cloud Ten has made some pretty decent films in the past such as the Apocolypse Series, which I actually enjoyed, but this film is pure garbage. Thank God I didn't pay full price for it ( I auctioned it off of ebay for around $10.00). This movie should be number one in the "Worst Movies of All Time". The storyline is so retarded. If you don't want to waste your time and money, do yourself a favor and avoid seeing this film. -1/10
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