The Gay Deceivers (1969) Poster

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A Real Time Capsule
george-103217 February 2008
When "I Now Pronounce You Chuck and Larry" came out in the summer of 2007, it jogged my memory about a movie called "The Gay Deceivers" that was out when I was in junior high and which I was too young to see. Netflix didn't own a copy, but evidently they keep track of who inquires on movies they don't have and send it out when they get it. So boom, "The Gay Deceivers" arrives by surprise in my mailbox six months later. Regarding the review headlined, "Offensive and Unfunny", I'm going to say just one thing, in my campiest voice, "Oh Mary, lighten up". (How dare they make a movie in 1969 that offends my 21st century sensitivities!) Yes, some of it is hard to watch, maybe for me especially. It was made about the time of my sexual awakening, and some of the stereotypes depicted underscored for me why I had grown up with so much internalized homophobia. But they were making a farce and all they had to work with was how gays were perceived at the time. It's a little too much to expect them to have transcended the thinking of the time in which it was filmed. But on the other hand, some of it is still laugh out loud funny. Especially the scene where Michael Greer makes breakfast. I laughed, then I turned to my partner of fifteen years and said, "I suppose as a gay man I ought to be offended, but it's just so silly!"
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A very unusual film for its time.
planktonrules13 January 2012
Warning: Spoilers
"The Gay Deceivers" is definitely an odd movie for its time, as in 1969, gay-themed films were certainly NOT mainstream. Now by today's standards the film is ridiculously campy and stereotypical, but it was still a very bold departure for its time.

The film begins with two friends (Kevin Coughlin and Larry Casey) pretending to be gay in order to avoid being drafted and sent to Vietnam. Their ruse seems to work, but later one of them sees a fellow from the draft board nosing around so they decide to go all the way--moving in together and pretending to be a couple. They live in a very gay-friendly apartment complex and soon are accepted by their EXTREMELY stereotypical neighbors. And, over time, it becomes less and less certain to those around them that they are actually straight and it's interesting to see how their friends turn against them.

I am sure some will blanch at the antics of these gay characters and the language used to describe gays--but considering the time, it was still a rather bold film. It was clearly anti-Vietnam when this wasn't popular and even talking about homosexuality in ANY way was quite unusual. I also thought that it was rather funny--not brilliantly funny but a cute little spoof. I also particularly liked the final scene--you just have to see that one for yourself. A bit offensive, but in this era of extreme over-sensitivity, I think we could use a few films like this.

By the way, the film has a bit of nudity here and there.
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Be patient
homopromos29 December 2014
No, it's not the most right-on of movies, but it could have been so much worse. Michael Greer fought very hard with the producers and directors to soften the worst edges of stereotyping in Malcolm, and I think he injected a teensy-weensy bit of realism. Greer, who also played Queenie in 'Fortune and Men's Eyes', was, rare for the time, an out gay actor and his honesty and his activism should be acknowledged. Given his talent, he sacrificed a much more lucrative Hollywood career because he wouldn't 'tone it down' (ie. pretend).

Incidentally, Keith Howes 'Broadcasting It' says that this was the first film ever to be turned down by the BBC on the grounds that it was offensive to homosexuals, but no more details than that. Has anyone heard of this, and do they have any idea of when the BBC became so solicitous of our feelings?
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citizen_cupid5 November 2000
The impact of this film recently became clear to me when I realized that having seen it only once, nearly 25 years ago, I was still thinking of it. It has become part of my internal landscape, and I tend to compare every comedic treatment of gays on film to my memory of The Gay Deceivers. It is rather sad to think that the best and probably most honest comedy about gay life in America was made so long ago, and in a time when homosexuality was still rarely hinted at in main-stream cinema. See this rare and wonderful film if you can -- urge your local film festival, art house or PBS station to acquire the rights to screen it. It deserves to be rediscovered by a new generation.
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2 dudes move in together to avoid the draft
ksf-212 January 2010
So two guys try to convince the army that they are gay to avoid being sent off to war. Of course, they decide they have to move in together, next door to the queeny landlord. Michael Greer should have received SOME award for this work. Lawrence Casey and Christopher Riordan were pretty much just hired to spend the movie with their shirts off. Kevin Coughlin and his big blue eyes do a great job in a very believe-able role. Watch out - that drag queen at the party is the butchest one in the flick. On the DVD from Dark Sky Films, there is a funny bonus interview with director Bruce Kessler. The big difference between this film and ones like "Chuck & Larry" or "Partners" is that this one treats the actual gays living in their natural habitat with a lot of respect, albeit with some stereotypes (the pink, the nudes, the ascots). I understand... at that time, that's how you knew who was gay and who was not. Fun for the most part. They spend so much time worrying about getting caught by their family, friends, or the army, that its a little more serious than it needs to be. Also some frontal female nudity and butt shots. Hats off to the actors for having the guts to make it.
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Keeping up gay appearances
bkoganbing16 November 2012
Warning: Spoilers
The Gay Deceivers fed into two events that happened in 1969, the Vietnam War and people's reluctance to serve in same and the Stonewall Rebellion. The folks who made this film were making a film on topical events. It was an interesting idea, but could have used a bit of historical perspective. A remake today would probably have a better perspective. For example we left the time of seek and eliminate for gays to Don't Ask Don't Tell and that's now history.

A couple of All American kids Kevin Coughlin and Larry Casey don't really have any political convictions about Vietnam, they just don't want to go in the army. So back then they decide to play gay to avoid the long arm of the Selective Service. The problem is that they have to keep up the pretense. It's a strain on both of them, Coughlin has a girl friend in stewardess Brooke Bundy and Casey gets a lot of action from women of all ages who are checking him out as a lifeguard.

It turns out that the colonel at the draft board Jack Starrett is not believing them one bit, so Coughlin arranges for them to move into a most exclusive neighborhood where they are adopted by gay couple Michael Greer and Sebastian Brook. Greer who was best known for being in the cast of Boys In The Band plays a typical gay stereotype and as such has the best lines in the film.

The idea for The Gay Deceiver topical though it was in 1969 is really exploitive to the max. The film has some amusing moments, but a little bit of perspective would have helped. Richard Webb who was Captain Midnight as straight an arrow as they come is Coughlin's father. He does bring some serious note to the proceedings by lecturing Coughlin on just what the consequences were back in the day for declaring oneself gay officially to a government agency, especially the Selective Service.

But it might not come to that because Jack Starrett knows gay when he sees it.
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An entertaining, dated farce
markwood27216 May 2018
I saw this via YouTube May 12, 2018. Not great, but also not as bad as some people say. It's a mildly diverting farce offering comedic bits of average cleverness that must have seemed more clever in 1969. "Stereotype" cannot begin to capture the degree of subtlety on offer here. Michael Greer's portrayal of the guys' landlord, Malcolm, just seems crazy today, but everyone else in the movie, whether straight or gay, male or female, old or young, civilian or military, is similarly broadbrushed. A farce will do that. The story ingredients combine the response of Vietnam era young men facing the military draft with the status of gay people as not "normal". This farcical recipe had the misfortune of being overtaken by events only a few years later. Centuries old customs and understandings, thought permanent without even having to think about them, changed very fast. The movie was released in the year of Stonewall. The draft ended January 1, 1973, the United States' involvement in the Vietnam war a few weeks after that. Later that year the American Psychiatric Association removed homosexuality from its catalogue of mental disorders. Gone in less than four years was the movie's gay vs. "normal" dialectic . Gone as well was the story's premise of a military draft. The focus of conflict between gays and the military shifted to that of barring gays wanting to serve in the armed forces. There is a limit to how much blame attaches to making what was at the time, strangely enough, a mainstream, financially successful R-rated movie. It's hard enough to make any movie, let alone one that can anticipate sudden changes in what plausibly appeared at the time of filming to be the established patterns of life, law, and thinking, however much things needed to change. And did.
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The Gay Deceivers(1969)
angelsunchained16 January 2005
If seen now by young people who weren't old enough to have lived during the Viet-Nam War, this film will seem "small" and out-dated. But, when this film was released in 1969 at the peak of the war, this was not only a very funny film, but a sad reality of the society of the times.

Sad in the fact that some draft-age males would make believe they were gay to avoid going to Viet-Nam.

Made slightly before the Gay Liberation movement, this film gives a surprisingly sensitive view of the gay lifestyle and gay community of this era. Micheal Greer gives an academy award winning performance (he wasn't even nominated)as the gay landlord, Malcom DeJohn; in one of the screens funniest, yet sensitive performances. DeJohn is best remembered as "Queenie" in the brutal prison film, Fortune in Men's Eyes.

The stars of the show, Kevin Coughlin as Danny and Lawrence Casey as Elliot give fresh, intense, and emotional edged performances as men living with the fear of the war lurking over their shoulders.

Also wonderful supporting roles by Sebastian Brook and veteran character actor Jack Starrett.

The Gay Deceivers captures a time in American history that has been forgotten. Yet, today's headlines have made this film worthwhile today. The Gay Deceivers is not deceiving at all, I rate it a 10 out of 10.
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Richflo_9426 February 2018
Warning: Spoilers
Before watching this movie, I read reviews saying it was extremely homophobic and just generally bad and unfunny. Although I am not saying it is not homophobic (it is filled with stereotypes), I thought gays were portrayed pretty positively for the time. Also, the movie was hilarious, I laughed the whole time. The plot is somewhat similar to Chuck and Larry, which is a movie I despised. I would say Chuck and Larry was more homophobic, and stereotypical, than The Gay Deceivers, despite being made decades later. The actors are all very funny, especially Michael Greer. Anyway, sometimes when you watch a movie you just want to laugh, and this movie did just that for me. Not all movies need to have a serious message.

SPOILER: I thought that Elliott realized he was actually gay, which to me became clear towards the end of the movie. However I have not read anything on the subject at all. I mean, towards the end, he has problems sleeping with women, he goes to a gay bar on his own, he hooked up with a guy (in drag but still), etc.
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Offensive and unfunny
preppy-38 May 2003
Just dreadful "comedy" about two young men who pretend to be gay to avoid being drafted.

The comedy is horrible--very childish and stupid. The view of gays is simply unbearable--all limp-wristed, mincing, lisping men. Basically this film reinforces every single gay stereotype known to man. As a gay man I got so offended I had to stop watching half way through. It doesn't help that the print I saw had color that was so faded it looked like the film was in b&w.

I suppose, in a way, this is useful in a historical context (i.e. to show how negatively gays were thought of in the late 60s). But its entertainment value is nil and it's so incredibly offensive it makes "Boys in the Band" look like an uplifting, liberating gay movie.

For gay film completists only but be warned again...the view of gays here is deplorable.
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As a Gay man born in 1968...2 thumbs up
djbvk214 September 2019
Was a great movie. It was 1969...enough said. A lot of comments are from people in the 2000's using their liberated thoughts now to judge something from 50 years ago. I love older gay campy movies. Some really good laughs n some lulls but again it's was 1969. Don't expect 2019 material or beliefs. Best scene is the flower bed scene
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Could've been funnier and more campy
Eegah Guy16 March 2001
I'm nuts about films from the 60s and this was a pretty adequate comedy about being gay to get out of going to Vietnam. It is interesting to see how gays were being represented in the popular cinema during a time when homosexuality was still pretty underground. But for me it was interesting knowing that the producer-director team of this film also made ANGELS FROM HELL, one of my favorite biker films. Weird, huh?
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Don't be deceived
brefane12 June 2009
A premise that could have worked for comedy or drama is defeated by amateur acting, writing and directing. The result feels like soft core porn that's been edited for an R rating. Michael Greer, a specialist in swish, has charisma, but the rest of the cast is unappealing. The film has no atmosphere, poor pacing, drab set design and dreary cinematography, and it's offensive in its stupidity and gay clichés. It's interesting to note that lead Kevin Coughlin played an unapologetically gay character in 1968's Wild in the Streets. Coughlin was killed in a hit-n-run accident in 1975. A child actor, he appeared on The Patty Duke Show, and played Duke's brother in the 1959 feature Happy Anniversary.
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A Gem
laffinsal7 April 2004
This little movie, from the end of the 1960s, is perhaps one of the finest "gay" films ever made. It certainly ranks among my Top Five favorites of the genre. Two straight guys wanting to avoid the draft for Vietnam, decide to play gay. Seems like a silly idea for a movie, and it is, but despite the premise and the usual stereotypes (typical of the period) it really is harmless and lots of fun.

The two lead male actors are fine, and their female counterparts do quite well too. The star of this show, however, is Michael Greer, who is superb as the "gay landlord". His character is pretty much an extreme stereotype, but so what? He plays it to perfection, and is probably the most interesting character in the whole film. The scene where he accuses an older woman of trampling his flower bed is the singular most funny scene in the whole movie, and it's all because of his delivery. Other nifty aspects about this film: the the 60s views of a gay bar (with the Tom of Finland-esque drawings along the walls), the views of L.A. from the time, and the really dated fashions/styles.

A fun movie, definitely worth a look if you like "gay" films as a genre, or just amusing "cult" type films.
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raymarsh-5108418 May 2019
This was not in any way avant garde even for its time. It depicts straight men acting out the gay nancy or butch-predator cliches. Even back during WWII, entertainments for soldiers featured drag and other forms of effeminacy - for comedic relief. This is just a continuation of that tradition of humour. This is straight people going Gay-face for the straight entertainment. I found it offensive. There is a reason that this movie has been virtually forgotten. Not recommended.
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Its ok
invisibleunicornninja19 August 2018
A while ago I saw an over-the-top clip of two men screaming about the name of some flowers on Instagram. The commenters said that the clip was from this movie, so I decided to check it out.

This movie isn't great, but its not as bad as I was expecting. Yeah, some of the stereotypes and attitudes shown in the movie are a bit offensive, but that's what it was like at the time. Its honestly great to see how far media has come since then. Most of the exaggerated scenes can just be enjoyed for how goofy they are.

The way this movie was put together is ok. There are a few interesting shots and the audio quality is fine, along with the sound mixing. Its not great, but its better than I was expecting.

I only got a little over 33 minutes into this movie. Its not bad, I just got bored.

Overall, I wouldn't really recommend this movie. Its nothing special.
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Two straight guys pretend to be gay to escape the draft
ivan-2225 September 1998
Much underrated comedy masterpiece, profoundly relevant, compassionate and witty. One of the greatest American comedies, a true work of pop art. Unique and unmatched. All performances are great, particularly Michael Greer and the late Kevin Coughlin (1945-76). Director Bruce Kessler's deserves a lot of credit. Cinematography is very fine, as is the music. This great film is STILL ahead of its time, misunderstood by both straights and some gays. The Gay Deceivers should be required viewing at colleges. No other film raises so many important social issues and does it with such grace, simplicity and charm. Although the film was very successful at the time, it has been totally forgotten, and can be found at a handful of video stores ("Video West") in West and North Hollywood. It is particularly puzzling, that Kevin Coughlin's movie career should have ended after this, his most successful film. His obituary states that he worked in European cinema in the seventies, but I have been unable to unearth any information about it.
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The laugh hit of the '60s
bdewar16 August 2007
Warning: Spoilers
I just thought of this film after about forty years and remembered it as a real funny feature picture. So, naturally, I went on IMDb and looked it up.

I was surprised that the first(rotating?)review was bad and remembered how original and funny a story and movie it was.

So, I clicked on "More reviews" and was glad to see that I was right. Maybe the one reviewer was not about to get drafted at the time as I was, and I faced going straight (no pun intended) to Nam.

I saw it with friends most of whom I suppose were straight. Some were filmmakers and we just 'broke a gut' laughing. And the thing is, the entire audience was laughing just as hard in a major Hollywood theater, as they would have in a small art house.

The only (SPOILER)in this review is really not much of a spoiler; it's just describing a neat scene. I just did not want to spoil it for someone lucky enough to see the movie if it is ever brought back. The scene is that funny. So just in case this movie is not re-released for TV or rental, and if tomorrow, Televangilist Pat Robertson is made America's censor, here goes ...

It is the visual that is hilarious. Of course the straight boys have to invite their parents to see their one-bedroom apartment. In the boys deception they have had to leave it furnished just as it had been before their taking possession from the very gay prior tenants.

They were unable to change anything because they were being investigated by the draft board, who did not believe that they were gay, which of course they were not.

When the parents and younger brothers and sisters (I think) walked into the one bedroom, THAT THE BOYS WERE SHARING; I and everyone in the theater were laughing so hard, one could not hear the dialog; that is, if the actors were even talking.

Picture a bedroom decorated like a '30s or '40s musical, or as my late parents used to love .. operetta movies featuring women's themes, with titles like, "Up in Central Park" and "Naughty Marietta" with Jeanette MacDonald and Nelson Eddy. Oh, how I hated those films as a kid.

A bedroom decorated so strongly that it shouted-out, "Ths is a women's room."

But what got the most screams of laughter was THE BOY'S BIG RED VELVET BED THAT THEY SHARED ... SHAPED LIKE A HUGE HART!!! I remember that today, forty years later!

Great, funny film; I wish they would bring it back.
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A Good Classic!
youngjacob200211 July 2003
I thought this was a terrific movie.I'm very sorry to say that Michael Greer of Fortune And Men's Eyes fame died last year of lung cancer.I was devistated.I was such a big fan of his.He was a great actor,and I read alot about him.He was a comedien as well as an actor.This was Greer's first movie,and he did a great job.This movie was made in 1969,about two men who escape the army by pretending to be gay.I thought it was very funny.I have not seen many 60's movies,very few actually,but this one was a great.Watch it,you'll love it!
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You need to look at it with different eyes
stevedgrossman26 February 2022
If you view this movie based on modern terms you will find it incredibly homophobic.

If you look at it framed in 1960s American upper middle class society, it gives you an idea of how people looked at gays.

This movie was made during a time where homosexuality was still illegal in many states.

If you ignore the dated ideas and over the top camp, it's an interesting look at the time.

I find the clothes and styles to be really cool.
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Silly, amateurish comedy
baker-929 May 2001
Having watched this amateurish comedy recently, I was shocked at some of the other comments here. While "The Gay Deceivers" is as good an indication of how gays were portrayed in the late 60's (i.e. swishy, nellie queens and leather butches), it's no better than a curio - certainly not required viewing for anyone other than gay cinema completists.

There's very little here that's truly funny, since the direction and editing is so poor that basic comic timing goes out the window. Michael Greer has his first appearance as the queeny neighbor of the two hetero boys pretending to be gay to avoid the Draft. It became a typical role for him.

What's amazing is how long it took for Hollywood to graduate (even in part) from films like this, "Partners," and "A Different Story" to something approximating reality among gay people. And directors/writers still get it wrong more often than right.
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A Hot Mess
Ripshin16 April 2024
The raving reviews in here are quite hard to comprehend. This idiotic film "drags" out every stereotype you can imagine about gay men, and multiplies them by ten. Yes, I understand that this film portrays a certain time, and its attitudes towards homosexuality. So what? It was offensive then, as it is now. Gays are continually described as not "normal," or perverts.

Everybody swishes around, and acts catty.

No, this isn't a campy gem of a movie. There were numerous protests of this film upon its release, BY the gay community.

I am sure many straight viewers think this is a hoot. If so, I question WHY they think it is a 10 out of 10. In 2024, I can't imagine a gay man finding this anything but repulsive.
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