Biggest Waste of $90 million
14 March 2013
Warning: Spoilers
This movie was BAD!! It had a totally incoherent plot that was doomed right from the get-go. The movie felt so choppy and badly edited (considering it was re-edited and rewrote many times). Characters went from one place to another without any reason. I mean, one minute Porter was in bed with a lady (he met just a few "movie minutes" ago)and then he was back home again. I couldn't understand what the hell was going on in the movie most of the time. The only saving grace that kept me from totally tuning this film out was when Jenna Elfman came on screen but her role was so miscast and she didn't fit in at all with the dumb story. This movie made little sense and was way too serious to be considered a comedy. There wasn't much at all funny about this. I probably laughed maybe twice, and they weren't even good laughs either. Town and Country spent 3 years gathering dust on the shelf before it was pulled down and finally finished, and the result was this fiasco. There was a great cast of actors and actresses who all had successful careers before this film; three of them won Oscars. Now after this film, some of these people are struggling to find work such as Warren Beatty who hasn't been in a film since this one. Others have been more lucky such as Diane Keaton and Elfman and the director managed to stay a float as he did some other films that weren't exactly home runs (Hannah Montana: The Movie), but fared far better than T & C.

The only thing I got out of this movie: A man cheats on his wife, pays the consequences, another man does the same thing, then comes out as gay, and a man comes in with a shotgun. Oh, and the polar bear scene that was rather strange and kind of funny. The movie's dumb, cheesy ending didn't give me any bit of hope that I would like to come back and give this film another shot to try to make some sense out of it. I kept on checking the time to see when this train wreck would end. It really did feel like the cast and crew had to find a way to end the nightmare so the ending it was.

I expected this movie to be a disaster based on what I read about it being one of the biggest box office flops in American film history and reading reviews. It exceeded my expectations.
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