Zombie 3 (1988)
Horribly Fun!
7 July 2007
Warning: Spoilers
So basically the story is as follows. The military (for some reason) is developing a toxin that revives the dead, and while it's being transported, it is stolen by some terrorists. The terrorists are all gunned down, but one escapes with the toxin, unfortunately he ends up cutting himself on the vile somehow and becomes infected. He then flees and finds refuge in a crappy motel. There, he kills and spreads the disease to a poor maid (Ill explain her death a little later). The terrorists corpse is then cremated which in turn, spreads the virus throughout the land. OK, well...lets start with some of the things that stood out to me.

1.That god damn smoke. What is with this, in every scene there seems to be endless amounts of smoke being pumped out everywhere.

2.Karate soldiers. When these soldiers are battling off hordes of undead corpses and they don't have fire power on them, they resort to their mastered ninja skills. Look out for an assortment of karate chops, kicks, and throws.

3.Mirror Death. What...the...hell. The terrorist who turns into a zombie kills a poor maid by yes, smearing the maids face into a mirror, causing massive hemorrhaging and ultimately killing her.

4.The special effects. The gore overall is pretty good, tons of blood and guts and visceral feasting. After being bitten, you don't immediately turn into a zombie, the bite turns into some disgusting looking mutated fungus that pulsates and oozes blood and green gunk. But...at the very start, when the terrorists are fleeing and the military is shooting at them, there are no effects once so ever. The helicopter shoots a couple of guys and when they get shot, they jump up into the air and fall down. No entry wound, no blood, just a guy going "Argh!" jumping up and falling down.

5.The zombies. There are so many things to mention about the zombies. Theirs zombie people, zombie birds, even zombie fish (their must've been zombie fish because a zombie pushes a girl out of a window and she falls into this lake, one of the soldiers dives in to save her, and when he pulls her up, her legs have been eaten and she's instantly a zombie), most of the zombies don't just mindlessly roam, most of them are hiding, yes hiding. They wait till you walk past then jump out from behind a bush or from behind a wall. Speaking of jumping, there are at least 10 zombies that literally fall from the top of the screen then start attacking. Inside or outside, they just fall and attack. There's even one zombie thats on the top of some 20 foot poll that jumps down, and I have no clue how he could of got up there. You've got your typical stumbling, moaning zombies, and you've got your acrobatic, brawling zombies, that not only want to tear you apart limb by limb, but want to beat you up before. I can recall the part on the bridge where one zombie gives a soldier a dirty haymaker then proceeds to put him in a headlock. My favourite was the deranged zombie at the gas station wielding a machete. He was vicious, jumping all over, smashing into tons of stuff, he really looked like he wanted to hunt that chick down and tear her apart.

6.The theme music. There seems to only be one song that plays whenever something is happening. I liked the theme music, but after every time a zombie attacks or every time a soldier starts running, it gets kinda of annoying.

7.Flying zombie head. That was ridiculous. They were looking around in the hotel and found a refrigerator. They opened it up and a zombie head flew out and chomped on the guys neck. The guy fell and the zombie head flew into the air and then flew down to the guys neck again.You have to see it to know how unnecessary it was.

8. The guys in the white jumpsuits. These guys were badass. All they did was gun everybody down. Zombies, survivors, they didn't care, they were on orders to shoot everyone, and thats what they did. Hell, they even killed one of he main characters.

9. The hilarious dialogue. Oh man. It's spread throughout the entire movie, but pay attention closely when the scientist guy is telling the general guy that they are going to try to find an antidote. That guys acting is priceless.

Overall, it was a ridiculously bad, good time. It's a fast paced movie so it doesn't get boring, and its loaded with tons of things that make it so...unique.


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