Basic Rubbish
31 March 2006
Warning: Spoilers
How are people giving this a 9 rating? Are they seriously saying this 'effort' is on the same levels as the Godfather and LOTR? Be serious, just for a minute. After all, these reviews are for people to read...

OK, so for anyone under 16 or has lived in a cave for 20 years, let me bring you up to date on Basic Instinct. It was a film, made in the early nineties which, like it or not, came to be hugely influential on the film industry. It wasn't amazingly well acted, well written or particually well directed. However, what it did have was eroticism. And in huge doses. It created the Erotic-Thriller genre of the 90's and became the trend-setter for every horny guy looking for a 'proper' film.

Fast forward 14 years and we have BI2: Risk Addiction. Now pay attention to the 'Risk Addiction' bit because you'll hear it about twenty times through the movie, just in case you didn't get what it's about the first time through.

The film opens with Sharon Stone sucking Stan Collymore's (1990's footballer, convicted women-beater and dogger) finger as he's pushing her buttons in a night time drive over a bridge. Yes, good idea director, cast a renound real-life villain doing what he was made infamous for. Brilliant. All we need is a 'Gary Glitter at a playground' scene and the film's complete.

So, we're then following the trial of Stone, on trial for Collymore's death. This is where the storyline ends. The next 90 minutes are mostly dialogue between Stone and her Psychiatrist, mostly going along the lines of this:

Stone: "Innuendo, Innuendo, Innuendo, Risk Addiction?" Psychiatrist: "I'm your psychiatrist" Stone: "Innuendo, Innuendo, Innuendo, I like playing games" Psychiatrist: "I'm your psychiatrist" Stone: "Innuendo, Innuendo, Innuendo, I'm off now, to MAYBE murder"

And that's pretty much it...I've not bothered referencing all 30 seconds of erotic scenes, or AMAZING acting skills, not to mention having to see a 47 year old woman trying what only can be described as a mid-life-crisis erotic display, complete with chair. This film, is TERRIBLE. Possibly the worst film ever made - worse that Gigli, Showgirls and Striptease combined. Anyone who can even see an ounce of credibility in this film needs a head exam.
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