Rose Red (2002)
Good, but not as good as Storm of the Century
4 February 2002
Warning: Spoilers
Contains Spoilers I just got done watching this yesterday. I thought it was very good but it could have been better. I'll break it down. PART 1: The slowest part in the series only because it has to set everything up. I think it was good that we got the history of Rose Red and by the end of this series it becomes a developed character. I did like the character's especially Nick, Pam, and Rachel. MINOR SPOILER: So naturally two of the three die. END SPOILER. PART 2: A little faster. Some bad FX and yet some more background to develope Rose Red. This has the Stephen King cameo as the pizza guy here. This part is painfully full of bad lines. They kill off two of the more underdeveloped main character's and of course one of them was my favorite. PART THREE: A little slower part 2 but still good. More bad lines. My other favorite character dies. I liked the Mirror Room turning to the watery stuff. The ending is good but why is Ellen Rimbauer a vampire? So in the end this is a very good mini-series. I've noticed a trend with King's work. Every two years he puts out a new series.The Langoliers(1995), The Shining(1997), Storm of the Century(1999), Rose Red(very early 2002). So I hope we'll be seeing a new mini-series from SK soon.
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