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Tedious False Advertising
28 October 2016
It seems as if you will be watching a suspenseful horror film. Sadly, you will be mistaken.

While I would watch a movie about rape-and-revenge, I would prefer it if it was made obvious in the description, instead of some nonsense about a curse.

I expected some weird coming across a graveyard or some Indian burial ground stuff (that they mention at the beginning, by the way), with some vengeance being taken out and her friends picked off.

Well, the last part was vaguely true.

I'm sorry, but this is the biggest example of false advertising I have seen since 'Bridge to Terabithia' (2007). Was there more than one writer, in separate rooms, doing this and hoping the other person would come up with a similar premise? It seems like that.

As stated above, I like the idea of a teenage girl deciding to get revenge on the lustful, vain jock who tried to rape her. But I don't appreciate disguising it as a horror movie.

The ending is just so bizarre and out of the blue that I can't wrap my head around it. It made even less sense than ever at this point.

Let me summarize by saying that if the movie had been truthful from the start, I would have given it about 5 stars. I would have preferred a story about a teenage girl escaping a curse, but the only horror is how you feel when you realize what the story really is.
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The Simpsons: Lisa Goes Gaga (2012)
Season 23, Episode 22
Big-Lipped Alligator Episode
14 August 2015


I haven't seen this episode in a long time, but I know it was terrible. The only reason I sat the whole way through was because of all the hype.

Lisa is taunted by the other kids - again. Lady Gaga's train goes by Springfield. (This does not surprise me, as she'd need to move quickly.)

But suddenly she gets a - psychic vision? - that a little girl is in trouble. This is never explained. Nor does it come back.

Not so much a Big-Lipped Alligator Moment as Big-Lipped Alligator EPISODE.

The outfits? Nuttier with each one. Lady Gaga being a role model for Lisa? No.

Other female role models have appeared on The Simpsons in the past, some of whom Lisa has had an interest in. Elizabeth Taylor, Linda McCartney, J.K Rowling.

So they decide to 'move with the times' and pick a singer instead, like in the past, choose someone who relates to the cause the member of the Simpsons family is fighting for.

So, I only have one further thing to say.

Why, Fox?
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My Pizza was More Interesting than This
18 June 2015
Honestly, if I could give it a zero, I would.

How to even begin with this massive waste?

Right. The graphics are terrible, the writing is abysmal, the only way you know the zombies are Nazis at all is because of the title and even then the graphics during the title look like they've been done with a camera negative, the acting is transparent, the budget was blown on cigarettes and I can barely hear a word they're saying.

I brought a pizza to go with the movie, as is my tradition. But let's be honest, the pizza had more life and acting than the movie.

I got this for 75 cents and even then, I wanted my money back.

When I saw the quality, I wondered if it was a pirate film at first. It looks more like something a couple of guys put together for YouTube. If that was the case, I'd say it wasn't bad, but I've seen better. But since it wasn't and had a $30,000 budget, I was appalled.

Not that small budgets are a bad thing - The Blair Witch Project had an even smaller budget, but it performed much better than this. Even the quality from a hand-held camera in that movie was much better than a professional one in this!

This is not a horror movie, it is a laughing stock and a complete bore. It has bad lighting, a problem which is obvious in a scene with two characters outside with barely any moon and 'Nazi' zombies chasing after them. You can barely make out the first guy's (bald and shiny) head. You hear a splash and are amazed there was even a lake there!

It was so bad in fact, that I only watched the first half. But that was enough to tell me this was so bad, it made The Last Airbender look like The Spongebob Movie!
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Phineas and Ferb: Knot My Problem/Mind Share (2013)
Season 4, Episode 10
Probably the Scariest Episode of Phineas and Ferb...
23 May 2015
OK...let me begin.

For kids, this is an adventure story about justice and getting your body back, as well as to be careful of strangers or things that seem too good to be true.

For adults, it's another story COMPLETELY...

The entire prison story is taken from 'The Shawshank Redemption', (Stephen King) which includes violence, swearing and prison rape. Yeah, this is a KID'S show. Not that I'm against jokes only adults get, or criticizing the writers, but it's just so creepy.

The suggestion when Buford is in a fly's body, but there are lizards is unnerving. I don't know what's worse, the implication a parent will get, because of Buford being another species or a child.

The implications of what would have happened if the gang failed are too much to think about...

This is probably the only episode where the gang's story is more aggressive than the Perry story.

So I give this a seven and say that this is a lot like 'Coraline' - a children's story which scares adults more.
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Good Movie, but Horrifying Ending
6 February 2015
Interesting, just there are some parts which are just too much for me.

Maybe it's because I'm the sort of person that sees things that other people don't, but the ending is just too terrifying. It has good morals such as it doesn't matter what your upbringing is to make a difference, or that we need to help the earth before it's too late, but the stuff near the end makes you wonder exactly how many people died due to the villain's plan. Also, it's revealed that the British Royal Family (the list says all their names) accept the villain's plan. Just...think about that during the implant scene near the end. On the whole, it is a perfect subversion of spy movies and gentleman spies, but those with a weak stomach might not like the church scenes or the ending.
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Strange and Puzzling
18 October 2014
When I saw the trailer (or at least a poster) for the film, when this came out, I thought it wasn't my type. Fast forward six/seven years and I hear it's actually not as fantasy as it sounds. Ironically, when I was the age the movie came out, emotional dramas were all I saw.

Well,let's see.

Josh Hutcherson and AnnaSophia Robb are good actors,really good for about preteen, young teen and they seem to have had a bit of success.

But seriously? Let me explain exactly how awful this was. I heard about a guy who took his three daughters (can't remember their ages,but the oldest was younger than the main characters) to see the movie. It was the first weekend he had them after an awful divorce.

The movie is slightly slow in the first parts, but something that doesn't make sense is when Jess is in class and Leslie is describing her 'Self-Contained Underwear Breathing Apparatus' he sees hand-drawn pictures of bubbles and sea creatures. The opening credits also show that style. But the rest of the movie is terrible CGI.

What is incredible is how many people enjoyed the movie despite all the plot twists. I know some of them may have been fans of the original book, but to watch it, see a lad of kids inside the cinema crying, then call the film a work of art?
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