The Simpsons: Lisa Goes Gaga (2012)
Season 23, Episode 22
Big-Lipped Alligator Episode
14 August 2015


I haven't seen this episode in a long time, but I know it was terrible. The only reason I sat the whole way through was because of all the hype.

Lisa is taunted by the other kids - again. Lady Gaga's train goes by Springfield. (This does not surprise me, as she'd need to move quickly.)

But suddenly she gets a - psychic vision? - that a little girl is in trouble. This is never explained. Nor does it come back.

Not so much a Big-Lipped Alligator Moment as Big-Lipped Alligator EPISODE.

The outfits? Nuttier with each one. Lady Gaga being a role model for Lisa? No.

Other female role models have appeared on The Simpsons in the past, some of whom Lisa has had an interest in. Elizabeth Taylor, Linda McCartney, J.K Rowling.

So they decide to 'move with the times' and pick a singer instead, like in the past, choose someone who relates to the cause the member of the Simpsons family is fighting for.

So, I only have one further thing to say.

Why, Fox?
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