Praise This (2023) Poster


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Chloe can sing!
ferguson-67 April 2023
Greetings again from the darkness. Off the top of my head, I can't think of another faith-based film aimed at pre-teen African Americans, especially girls. Writer-director Tina Gordon understands the audience for her film, and smartly uses music and an immensely talented singer (or singers) to convey the message. Where this one seems to go off-track is having four other co-writers involved: Camilla Blackett, and the Murder Ink writing team of Brandon Broussard, Hudson Obayuwana, and Jana Savage. We don't know who wrote what here, however since very few scenes or lines of dialogue strike as realistic, it seems a broad brush of blame is deserved.

Sam (5-time Grammy nominee Chloe Bailey) is on her way from Los Angeles to Atlanta. Her mother died a year earlier, and she's been a hand full for her frustrated dad (Philip Fornah) since. He's hoping her psychologist Uncle (Kendrick Cross) can reach her in ways that he hasn't been able to. Sam has a rebellious streak and is an aspiring singer-songwriter. Her cousin Jess (Angelika Washington) is over-the-top energetic and upbeat, and thrilled to have her "Sister Cousin" join her in The Oil Factory, the gospel singing group run out of the church headed by Pastor Goodman (Tristan Mack Wilds), a reformed man himself.

Prior to Sam joining, The Oil Factory flops at a performance so badly that they likely missed out on a participation trophy. Of course, Sam sees herself as too cool for gospel, but crossing paths with rising star Ty (rapper Quavo) provides an opening, and Sam's amazing talent immediately makes this rag tag group a contender at the competitions. And you can surely guess that along the way, Sam has the opportunity to learn some tough life lessons.

One might think this sounds eerily similar to PITCH PERFECT (2012), but what's missing here that was present there, is comedy that works and characters that can be related to. This film offers up a slew of characters, but only Sam and Jess are given even the slightest chance to create a full person. The rest are simply chess pieces in a formulaic game that lacks a punch. On the bright side, despite the presence of multiple pastors, very little actual preaching occurs. And there is a glimpse at the contrast between powerhouse (mega-money) churches, and organic congregations sharing a purpose.

Despite the many flaws and disappointments, we are left with no doubt that Chloe Bailey is the real deal as a singer. The script lets her down in being unable to convince us that her character Sam has matured and learned her life lessons well, but there is a message here, no matter how choppy and fragmented the presentation plays out.

Streaming on Peacock beginning April 7, 2023.
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Pitch Perfect meets Church
exceladeogun19 May 2023
Praise This

Pitch Perfect meets Church and you get Praise This. This is a feel good movie meant to instill faith, but it doesn't deliver this in an overbearing manner where you feel faith is being shoved down your throat.

The first half of the movie was cringey, but it progressively got better. The acting is good, and Chloe Bailey shines, showing she can Sing (I mean, we all knew she can, but she came to reinforce that point), act and dance.

The plot could have been better, and the dialogues needed a more natural feel, but overall, Praise This stays true to being a feel good movie about singing and faith.

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GREAT MUSIC, GOOD ACTING...Sad it's too Real Life!
Erin502669 April 2023
As I watch this on Easter Saturday, purposely because I needed something to get me in the mindset for a Blessed Easter...well, the music mostly did. The music was really good and as a follower of Jesus I really appreciated it especially this time of year. Music is very important to me; I love and appreciate all kinds, except profane. The actors did very well with a so so script. Of course, anytime you have a story about organized religion there's the hypocrisy which one always hates to see but it's real life and at least the script maker stayed true to real life. That's why I just love Jesus; I respect the Jewish Bible but I follow HIS words that are paraphrased- they're the only part that belong to Christianity. Let Islam take and use the Jewish Bible and the other organized Christian religions if they must but it wasn't what Jesus intended if what HIS words that were written 100 years after HIS death were what HE actually said. So that's what bothers me when films show church service scenes. Besides of course the actual hypocrisy of all organized religions. It's well worth watching for a family show though.
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Cousin sister makes the movie
walkermeg18 April 2024
Jess is the best character. She's the reason for the season. It was cute and enjoyable to watch. Better than some movies out these days. But seriously, Jess is the best character in this movie. Giggled throughout the whole movie because of her. The quips in it were pretty funny. Was not a fan of Chloe Bailey's character, idk too cocky. But I still love her and girl can sang <3.

Break every chain oil factory!!!! Break it and keep it broken.

Favorite line "cousin sister" and the two random ladies who play commentary remind me of the podcasters from pitch perfect. Honestly, their characters should've had a podcast with their commentary.
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Decent but too much cussin
babygurlj10 April 2023
I was really happy to find a gospel movie on a mainstream platform, but there's way too much cussin in this movie for it to be Christian. I don't understand why you would have a ton of cuss words in a Christian movie. As a Christian, I don't listen to things like that in movies or music or in any other way. Not all black people cuss and not all black people want to hear that. The acting and plot were decent but I really could have done without all the sexual innuendos. I try to support black projects but this one made it difficult only because of the filth that could have easily been left out.
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This is what's wrong with churches
aim-999678 April 2023
First, I compliment the actors are outstanding performances based on what their director expected!

And really good camera work etc.

This movie wisely goes the old Fake Law Movement BUT foolishly does so with the Fake Grace Movement!

But, this this is supposed to represent Biblical Christianity this movie instead promotes superficiality...yes, some of the other characters their characters were competing against were hypocrites but to indirectly strongly promote unChristlike behaviour, especially from supposedly Christian leaders, is also a problem.

...apparently my review was too short. Here.
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Loved it!
mrbajohnson9 April 2023
I love the fact that it clears up the concept that if your saved your perfect and a hypocrite if you mess up. The fact that it used a song platform for this was a great way to show that God can use anyone to carry out his will. Sometimes when we are being used by God we may not have a relationship at first, but eventually he touches every persons heart in someway to show them the path to accepting his love for us. Repentance comes at times we least expect it! The movies is a feel good movie yes, so the critics will never site this as a good movie but it was and I'm sure if you watch it you will too!
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Far from what worship is supposed to be
improvemyhomect15 April 2023
This os totally opposite of what praising, singing and worshipping Jesus is suppose to be. Thos is another of those movies that are fully inappropriate and below what religion and singing about religion are about. The mouths on these people are horrible and this is a movie that more represents sin and praising evil just for likes, views and money. This is totally ridiculous and has zero to do with praising and the glory of singing and worshipping the Lord. Should all be ashamed of themselves. Selfish, ridiculous, shameful and just plain out wrong. At some point I hope someone learns what not to do and not mock religion.
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Decent, amusing little story with some good music
ykjdh7 April 2023
I'm starting to think people who write reviews on this site don't actually see the movies and let their biases put something down on blast. This makes the reason why some reviews tends to be negative. Not sure why that is when a majority of movies hit the streaming service these days at the same time they hit theaters. Otherwise they'll hit in a few weeks but point is, no reason to lie about something. This movie is available to stream on Peacock and it's pretty decent. In fact, it's good enough to to hit theaters and is far more entertaining than a lot of what's been released as of the date of this writing.

The story revolves around a young girl sent to live with her aunt and uncle after the death of her mother. The family is God fearing and active members of their community church. At first there's some resistance here on her part as this is all new to her but with some encouragement from a higher calling and bonding with her cousin, she becomes the newest member of the church choir. This is pretty much a simple story of inner city kids using their talents to praise God. Soon they find themselves competing for a national choir competition and along the way the ride was actually pretty good. I'd say this movie is along the lines of Sister Act and Pitch Perfect where there's complex characters we actually care about and want to see them succeed. There's some decent music here that I found myself getting into and good story about family and friendship. As of 4/7/23, it's streaming on Peacock and I have to say, it's a lot better than some of the movies in theaters at this very moment. Plus, this is a guaranteed good time.
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A Great Feel-good movie
MsHexley8 April 2023
In the midst of movies and shows where it seems like you need to have background knowledge in order to fully enjoy it, movies like "Praise This" are a godsend (no pub intended).

As someone who isn't a Christian (or any of the other denominations), this movie does not feel like it's trying to shove any beliefs on you as much it's trying to instill faith in yourself and it's a message anyone can be told.

Chloe Bailey kills it as Sam who is ambitious to a fault. Anjelika Washington as Jess is the weird black girl energy I have not gotten in movies and I desperately need.

All of the cast plays the roles they've been given well. My personal highlights being Druski as Aaron, Jekalyn Carr as Kiki, Loren Lott as Kelly, and Koryn Hawthorne as Fallon.

I think my favorite thing is that it didn't linger on the falling apart drama that feel good movies have to have. Listen I know I'm probably alone on this but I hate something having drama just because the plot needs it.

But it is believable because Sam's character is portrayed as a hurt person who doesn't seem to have issue with using others because she thinks she's fighting life all alone.

If you like fun jukebox musicals that are similar to Pitch Perfect, then you should definitely check out this movie.
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Pitch Perfect goes to church!
sirgarrykay8 April 2023
Anjelika slays as a comedy powerhouse. Without her character the movie just wouldn't land as well! The movie will make you laugh and feel joy. It's just such a feel-good movie. And don't worry if you're not a gospel lover! Neither is Chloe's character! Lol it's church choir meets Nicki Minaj. Literally haha

Definitely stream it on Peacock. The singing is great too. Probably one of the best Peacock Original movies to be released. I'd love to see where a Praise This, Again -a sequel, would go. I think they've just scratched the surface on these characters and there's more for them to grow and more competitions to compete in!
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Unexpectedly wonderful!
mom31118 April 2023
This movie was unexpectedly wonderful! The actors were awesome! Jess was precious and Sam showed up and showed us how to count our blessings. 1st Lady gave gentle and loving counsel. PG was right in his correction of the bishop. Big Love was something else, loved his fun spirit. The 2 ladies from the peanut gallery were so funny with their commentaries, had me in stitches The DJ should have checked his cup for WINE! Overall, the movie was great and if you didn't give it a 10, you weren't watching it! Adding to my Favorites and will watch it again and again, I am sure I will enjoy it each time!
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I'm not a fan of Musicals.
katuckgrey8 April 2023
I'm usually a protester of musicals but this movie was amazing. Chloe Bailey shines as Sam, a LA youth transplanted to Atlanta by her worried dad. Sam then joins the Praise Team at her new "Come as you are" church. Though Sam isn't initially a believer, There's some messages to be taken from this movie if you're willing to watch. The comedic timing and gags were on point as well. With popular trap beats and classic gospel lyrics, the soundtrack is amazing. Anjelika Huston, Druski & Quavo really shone in their roles as well as Mack Wilds. If you're into Black Cinema that feels familiar, praise this!
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Predictable but good
alexandrialamontagne8 April 2023
Gospel Pitch Perfect.

It was a cute movie. Great soundtrack and fun cast. Girl is forced to move to ATL. Hates it. But her perky cousin starts bringing her to church/choir group. They're the underdogs and their captain won't allow their style to change.

As they get to their first comp the Captain decides to switch teams to their biggest competitor in an off attempt to sabotage them. New girl starts free styling about god and boom they place and move on.

Obviously it keeps going from there.

Definitely give it a watch. Like I stated the soundtrack is good. Quavo had a small part in it but not too bad.
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Great Movie!
drye-5096210 April 2023
This movie had great music and acting. I had plenty of laughs. It showed that even though we are followers of Christ, we are not perfect and God still loves us. I also love the fact that they took secular music and turned it into Christian music. My kids really liked that part. It was great to watch a movie that didn't stereotype people of color. I also liked the fact that sex and violence was not the main topic. It was just an overall awesome movie! This was something for the entire family. This showed that Christian's like to have fun too! I hope they make a part two. This movie is definitely in my movie rotation.
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Chloe stole the show
Advocate18 April 2023
Chloe stole the show. This movie shows how talented she is, with an ability to act, sing, and dance like her mentor (Beyoncé). The movie is a journey through faith where the character Chloe plays has some trials and tribulations she must sort through. And just like many us, when we first turned the corner to get on the right track, we may have made a mistake or two. In this movie, Chloe stole the show. Literally. You have to watch the show yo catch it. But this is a good movie for the entire family. I also enjoyed the cameo appearances of some of the gospel greats of this era (Ms. Carr & Ms. Hawthorne). It's a movie that mirrors life. Broken people in search of a perfect God. Save the judgment for King Jesus.
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I'm a true believer that any song made is a cry out for God!
frances046224 May 2023
Yes! I I am a true believer that any song can be turned into God's purpose. As I look at this movie, I was actually watched it six times. I will be watching again it is very inspirational. It is very true about a lot of us out here in the world today we are crying out inside for God's help and some of us don't have the support that is needed, to put us in the right direction. So if you were one of those people that rates movies by not looking at them, you should watch it. You may get something from it. May God bless you keep you always and if you don't know him Laura, please ask that you please someone in their life and have them bow down and to say what must I do to be saved And repent their sins.
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Great great day
akoronyedeborah10 October 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Why I call it great day" cause for the past few weeks I've been having some problem true faith" after watching this (PRAISE THIS ) it's all about the determination,my girl (SAM) has it it's like I want to have it even after falling down, I will try she got the energy and I love the fact that no sex included and violent stuff. And also many people have sin in the past ,that doesn't make them the worst people in this life, just like me I like worship songs but sometimes if I see my mate or my friends to appraisers feel like let me try you know I can do it I have to try what is that (MUSIC IS LIFE )
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Beautiful movie
lisapatton-1263217 June 2023
The movie is fun to watch. It was energetic & fresh. All of the singing and acting is excellent, Chloe was outstanding. My girls don't like musicals so we almost passed it up but decided to watch. I am glad we did. It was family oriented and fun. Quavo was good in his role. It was something for all of us. We could all relate to the story line. It went from being more than watching a movie but an experience as a family. We are watching it again tomorrow. The groups were so talented. We found ourselves trying to look up the singers so we could purchase their individual music. It is an amazing movie.
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CJharris-740-81314 January 2024
ABSOLUTELY FREAKING LOVED THIS!! The entire cast did a outstanding dang job!!!! Not finna sit here and talk about the movie, shoot go watch it!!!! I'm not one all into God or anything like that. I'm a fan of Tyler perry show Fatima. Since she was in this, of course I had to see it! She's a great actor, one thousand percent love her! I was skeptical to watch this, but lemme tell you. Not one single regret here!!! Was so worth the watch!! Was into the movie every second!!! This movie and cast kept me entertained!!! Perfect movie!!!! I was so into it and not ready for the end. I'm about to watch it all over again!!! YES!!! Thank you for creating this movie PRAISE THIS!
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