Separation (2021) Poster

(I) (2021)

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Had Low Expectations...
AmericasFan27 July 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Despite the mostly negative reviews this movie has gotten, I still wanted to see it. Anybody who feels that way, please keep in mind that it's more of a thriller/suspense than a horror movie. The puppet, clown looking thing does put some supernatural horror into the plot but it's not what you think. I enjoyed it and I would definitely give it a try when it's on one of your subscription channels for free.
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Not bad
Draysan-Jennings3 July 2021
After reading some of the reviews I was expecting this movie to be terrible. I don't think this film is as bad as people are saying. It wasn't great but it doesn't deserve a 1 star rating. I thought it flowed well and I especially liked the ending. Not a film I'd watch again but it definitely wasn't a waste of time. 5 stars.
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Not a bad take on the trauma of divorce and death on kids
myignisrules6 May 2021
I was pleasantly surprised by the look of these supernatural monsters. With a nice balance of practical and special effects, we're given nightmare inducing puppets coming to life, an uber creepy contortionist clown, played by Troy James. You may not know his name, but if you watch The Flash on CW, you'll better know him as Rag Doll or any horror movie with a contorting character it's probably Troy James behind the makeup (Jangly Man in Scary Stories to Tell in the Dark or the Backwards Man in Black Box to name a few) and the main 'baddie' which was some sort of witchy looking grim reaper type creature, all felt and looked original in appearance and most scenes involving them were genuinely creepy. The actors were all fine in their roles and kept me engaged for the entire runtime.

That said, it's not a perfect horror movie as it suffers from a runtime that feels a tad too long. The first act could've used a bit of editing to tighten things up and get us to the supernatural stuff sooner. It's also predictable as hell. I guessed about ninety percent of what was going to happen and I was one hundred percent right. Still, Separation isn't bad. It's the kind of horror movie I would show to someone who doesn't like hardcore horror, but who scares easily (I already have a victim in mind LOL) and if you're a true horror fan, I still think it's worth a look.
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Part family melodrama part supernatural horror, doesn't quite come together but does have some decent performances and craft.
IonicBreezeMachine24 October 2021
Jeff Vahn (Rupert Friend) is a struggling comic book artist who hasn't had success since he torpedoed a licensing deal for his breakout comic The Grisly Kin. Tensions are mounting between Jeff and his wife Maggie (Mamie Gummer) who voices her frustration with being the primary support for the household and feels Jeff isn't being an attentive father to their daughter Jenny (Violet McGraw), spending more time with babysitter, Samantha (Madeline Brewer). Backed by her father Paul Rivers (Brian Cox), Maggie initiates divorce proceedings against Jeff fighting for sole custody until Maggie is killed in a hit and run. Despite Maggie's death, Paul makes his intentions clear he will fight for custody of Jenny. As Jenny exhibits odd behaviors and Jeff experiences vivid nightmares, his collaborator on a horror comic, writer Alan Ross (Simon Quarterman), shares his views on the paranormal that Maggie may not be done with Jenny.

Directed by William Brent Bell and written by noted producer Josh Braun of History of Violence, House of the Devil, and Creep with a co-writing credit by noted creator of Sci-Fi channel comic book series, The Anti-Gravity Room, Nick Amadeus. Separation combines the familiar horror tropes seen in Bell's other work whilst also touching upon familial discord and comic book/graphic novel elements. I can't say it fully works, but it did keep me engaged until the very end wondering how they were going to tie the elements together.

Rupert Friend does a good job playing a struggling father who's a bit of a mess professionally and personally as he's never really moved past his one point of success with The Grisly Kin and has shown reluctance to move past his initial success with the work or collaboration or compromise with others in the industry, it's certainly a solid character even if it doesn't give him high ground as a father. Violet McGraw does okay as Jenny, she handles the material about as well as can be expected, but there is something about how the character is conveyed that reminds me of those mid 2000s films like Hide and Seek or Godsend that tried to capture the ambiance of The Ring or The Sixth Sense in a way that felt kind of forced. It's not like this character type hasn't been done well as the film What Maisie Knew showed a similar child character in the middle of a messy divorce or even in similar genre films like Mike Flannagan's Before I Wake that used horror iconography mixed with exploration of a child's mind in dealing with unprocessed grief and PTSD. Separation feels like it's trying to tackle similar issues but there's a bit of a disconnect between the themes it addresses and how it presents them, especially since it relies upon the character of Jenny spelling out "the point" at the climax of the movie.

I did enjoy the various physical manifestations of The Grisly Kin characters (even if much of their incorporation was mostly used for fake outs albeit very nice looking ones), and there is a fun performance with director Bell's frequent collaborator Simon Quarterman playing Alan Ross, in a cute reference to comic writer Alan Moore and comic artist Alex Ross, who was actually an enjoyable character filling the horror checkbox of "occult expert" that works on another level with Alan Moore being a practicing wizard in real life (look it up). Quartermain's performance is so good I actually wouldn't mind seeing him reprise this master comic writer/occult expert in another movie because it's a really strong character and performance.

Separation is just okay. It's not boring because it's got such a bizarre mixture of elements with its Comic Book references, family melodrama, and Henry Selick/Tim Burton esque monster designs that I found it to be a watchable sit all things considered. I can't say exactly that it "worked", but this isn't a 7% on Rotten Tomatoes, nor is it a 4.6 on IMDb, it probably belongs somewhere around a 5.5 if I'm being honest.
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Not THAT bad
tweezygum-9827628 August 2021
Firstly, this movie isn't nearly as terrible as people are making it out to be. Yes, it's nothing memorable and the runtime is way to long, but it somewhat redeems itself with some creepy moments and awesome ghost (I assume) designs.

The editing is rather sloppy with some moments feeling as if scenes were cut and then forgotten to add back, giving it a very rushed feeling.

Over all its entertaining enough to sit through but don't expect to be wowed. It had so much potential but ultimately never reaches the heights it could have.
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Cool Contortionist Clown. Not Much Else
peterscarpinato30 April 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Jeff and Maggie are a young couple having problems. Jeff is a former comic book writer who has been unable to duplicate his success leaving Maggie to support the family. Maggie, feeling frustrated with the marriage, decides to leave Jeff and take their young daughter Jenny with her.

Maggie isn't a nice person so her unexpected fate doesn't cause much sadness for the audience. Soon after, Jeff's convenient life size creations of his creepy comic book characters begin to come to life. At first in dreams and then in a seeming reality. Something also seems to be communicating with Jenny as she begins to space out and regresses to talking like a baby.

Sound good so far? Don't get your hopes up. The film has the setup for a great horror film. Unfortunately it never delivers as it fails to ever build any real tension. It just meanders. Rupert Friend is quite one note as Jeff. The part calls for more acting range and Friend just doesn't deliver. The whole film is also lit too darkly and at times I wanted to just close my eyes and nap.

Oh but that creepy clown. Think Linda Blair in The Exorcist doing the spider walk and you'll have an idea. If only it was in a better movie.
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A dark and enjoyable horror movie...
paul_haakonsen16 August 2021
I stumbled upon the 2021 horror movie "Separation" without ever having heard about it. And of course, with it being a horror movie that I hadn't already seen, I needed no persuasion to sit down and watch it.

And let me just say that writers Nick Amadeus and Josh Braun actually managed to scribble down a script and storyline that provided good wholesome entertainment. The movie is not really scary in terms of it being a horror movie, but the atmosphere is dark and brooding and there are some genuinely creepy moments throughout the course of the story.

"Separation" has a pretty interesting cast ensemble, with the lead part being played phenomenally well by actor Rupert Friend. He really carried this movie nicely with his performance. It should also be said that child actress Violet McGraw definitely was a star in this movie as well, and she put on a very good performance. And the movie also has Brian Cox on the cast list, though in a minor role.

Visually then the special effects and practical effects in "Separation" were quite good and very convincing. The design of the apparitions - or whatever you'd call them - were very interesting and very detailed. And the special effects brought the movie to life in a very entertaining manner. And of course, a movie such as "Separation" needed to have proper special effects to function.

Director William Brent Bell definitely churned out a wholesome horror movie here with the 2021 movie "Separation". I was more than genuinely entertained by the movie.

The ending of the movie, however, was a bit rushed and lame actually. It would have been much more fulfilling if the writers had gone a whole different way with the ending, because what transpired on the screen as the movie came to an end just felt very anti-climatic.

All in all, then "Separation" is a watchable, enjoyable and entertaining horror movie. My rating of this movie lands on a six out of ten stars.
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Mean mom, muffin dad, no plot, twist comes out of no where.
the_hawk811 July 2021
This was a nonsensical movie with no plot. There is no character arc for anyone. The twist isn't even remotely hinted at. I mean if you can call it a twist I guess.

The wife wants a divorce and they are in mediation the next week. They are making fun of him. He will get nothing and no custody. Even his attorney says he's screwed. Why?

He has to call 911 for an allergy for his daughter. The cops show up for some reason and need to take his daughter because they suspect abuse. Of corpse they got a hold of the grandpa somehow and he shows up instantly. The dad is like "okay". What?

The cops don't come for an allergic reaction.

Everything was so heavy handed and not close to reality. Three stars is being generous, the monsters were cool though.
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Interesting Premise, but Falls a bit Short of the Mark
Reviews_of_the_Dead18 May 2021
Warning: Spoilers
This is a movie that I'll be honest; I didn't hear anything about and only learned of it looking at the local listings at the movie theaters around me. I saw this was horror and that it featured Rupert Friend as well as Brian Cox. I do enjoy both of these actors. I was in to see it after that and then saw some people on social media bringing it up. To get into this, the synopsis is a young girl finds solace in her artist father and the ghost haunting their house.

I will admit that there was a bit of a spoiler that I didn't like in the synopsis on the Internet Movie Database, so I did change it a bit. We start this off though with Jeff (Friend) who is a struggling artist. It appears that back in the day, he created a comic book line of some creepy looking characters that have a lot of basis in puppets. Due to some differences, it didn't have as much success and died out. He is now unemployed. This caused his wife of Maggie (Mamie Gummer) to have to go work for her father to make ends meet. This also causes strife at home. What is interesting here is that she hired a babysitter of Samantha (Madeline Brewer) who is into comics and taking more of a liking to Jeff than watching the daughter of Jenny (Violet McGraw). Things come to a head when Maggie comes home right as Jenny falls in the attic, hitting her head. This causes Maggie to leave with Jenny.

The stress of their situation is too much for Maggie. She seeks out the aid of her father, Rivers (Cox), who is a lawyer. Maggie wants a divorce and Jeff's situation puts him at a disadvantage. He cannot afford to fight her as she wants full custody of Jenny and looking to move to Seattle for work. Jeff thinks things are looking up when he runs into a college friend of Connor (Eric T. Miller) at a coffee shop when he has time with Jenny. Connor runs his own comic book label. Jeff is at the wrong place for to meet with Maggie, which was a good to reinforce that he doesn't always listen. Things take a turn when Maggie is killed in a hit and run accident.

Jeff, who is established as a bit of a flake, now has to fully take care of their daughter. His problems aren't solved though. Rivers is now seeking custody of Jenny, who is struggling to deal with the death of her mother. To make matters worse, there could be an entity haunting the house, taking on a similar look to the creatures Jeff created in his comics. Is there really something here or a more logical explanation to everything?

I feel that is enough to get you up to speed with the story of this movie. Where I want to start is I really enjoyed the set up. We establish this family and everything we really need to know with them. Jeff is wrapped up in himself. He is clinging to the past and now that he's older, he is lost. I could tell that Samantha was into him and Maggie just feels like a tired woman who is just done with everything. The real victim in all of this is Jenny. I feel this is actually an interesting story in that Jeff loves her and will do whatever he can for her, but he still needs to mature. Maggie doesn't believe he ever will and she works too much so she isn't around. Samantha also sees this as an in as well. What is interesting is that this is a classic broken home before the separation and potential divorce, which makes what I will go into next more feasible, the haunting.

What I find intriguing is the introduction of the elements from Jeff's original comic book line before we get the haunting. The toys are puppet based and I'll be honest, creepy to me. I like that Jenny has grown up with them, so it doesn't bother her. This is an interesting correlation for myself as well as many horror fans that have grown up with the genre so we don't see it like those that aren't as familiar do. This also allows an interesting scene with Jeff wanting Jenny to 'befriend' the scary monster that is bothering her. It leads down a path though that causes problems.

To actually get to the haunting now, I like that they don't actually start until what happens to Maggie. It is also a gradual thing as well. First it is starting with a painting mysteriously burning where it is only affecting Jeff's face. It then progresses, which is good for a movie like this. We need that slow build. I've said that I like incorporating Jeff's comic book characters into it, as that's feels like what they were made for. This actually seems to have a gothic feel as well. The ghost might not be all that bad. It isn't trying to hurt Jenny, but it wants to hurt Jeff and others. I enjoy it as we normally think the supernatural element these days is the villain, when in the early days of the ghost story, it was more of a guiding force to the truth.

I do have to shift over to a negative here though. As I said that I did like the slow build with the haunting, this movie runs too long. There is a bit too much that I didn't care about that was given to us. Looking back on quite a bit of it, I understand why. We needed to establish certain things so it makes sense later. There was just a long stretch where I lost my interest. I also don't know if the payoff was enough for me with the journey the movie was trying to take me on. There is also the use of a couple dream sequences that I disliked. It was done for scares and adds really nothing to the overall product in my opinion.

To get back to positives, I will go to the acting. It was interesting to see Friend here as our lead, since I know him originally from the TV show Homeland. He was one of my favorite characters there, so it is interesting to see him in a different role here. I thought he worked as this struggling father. Cox is always great as his ruthless older father-in-law. Brewer was interesting as I predicted her interest in Jeff from the opening scene. I thought she did well for where her character ended up. For me though, I had guessed it when something gets brought up and I was checked out by then. Aside from that, I thought Gummer was good as the overworked, tired mother along with McGraw as the daughter. Miller plays a character I enjoyed and I also like Simon Quarterman as Alan who is our supernatural 'expert'. The cast is solid overall in my opinion.

Then really the last thing I wanted to go into would be the effects. First I have to give credit to this guy who took on one of the puppet characters in humanish form. That was an image I saw before seeing the movie and it was creepy. There is CGI there to enhance, but it was probably the scariest part of the movie for me. I'd say from there that all of the practical effects were good. The CGI I can be forgiving for. Being that there is a comic book element to the movie, there is this effect that is done where the world will go red and it makes sense at the climax. I really thought the effects were pretty well done overall and the cinematography was solid as well.

So then in conclusion here, I thought this movie has an interesting set up. The modern gothic take on the ghost story is something that when done right works. Incorporating the comic book elements as well is interesting. There is a bit lacking with the story though and it runs too long for me. What I will say though is the acting and the effects were pretty solid. The soundtrack fit for what was needed, I had no issues there. This movie though just seemed to miss the mark for me a bit. I'd still say this is over average for me.
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These actors, this creative team, those CGI people... They all should know better
lareval26 October 2021
The idea is somewhat promising and some of the nightmarish images are quite effective. Such a shame that is all vastly undermined by performances that are all over the place (specially in the idiotic twist reveal), laughable CGI, lackluster pacing and a really stupid ending. It's awful because it can't even barely justify itself. Painfully executed.
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See-through but still good
lilymartin-570942 May 2021
This movie was somewhat predictable. Basic trope. The acting was really good though. I enjoyed the visuals. Not a basic horror movie, don't expect blood and gore.
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snowgeorge-9436816 July 2021
Warning: Spoilers
I don't remember the film, but YEARS AGO a supernatural human like creature walked upside down contorted. It was cool and scary. All these years later, it's HACK. Along with every other unoriginal wanna-be scary part in this snore fest.

It was 21 minutes before anything happened, and that was an auto accident. Then it was another 20 minutes of sheer boredom before the next yawn filled scare.

If you took the "who committed the hit and run?" and made that the focus of the film, it might have had a little more entertainment value. I believe it was this snippet of the story that got this trash made.

If you like horror films, don't watch this. Unless you're tired and can't get to sleep. This will work like a tranquilizer.
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An Ok Horror
gab-675992 July 2021
I have been waiting for this movie to come out for months now so I was so excited to watch it for the first time today. I have to say this movie was a let down, from seeing the trailer and actually seeing the movie. You basically see the whole movie in the trailer so nothing was new. I loved the while comic book aspect and believe this movie could have been so much more then what it was. They literally opened up so many doors for this movie to have gone through with adding the whole comic books aspect, but they failed to deliver. This felt like a story that has been done time and time again, so a person could easily guess what was going to happen before it actually did. I will say this, the girl was adorable and the actors did make this story believable. Downside was it was to believable at times to be scary or anything but a drama.
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Lazy writing and directing
calypsokidd1 May 2021
I cannot believe how poorly written and directed this film is. The premise has so much potential but the story and film get so many details wrong by just being lazy. Separation is not worth going to the theatre to see; if you must watch it then wait to see it on cable or online.
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Don't waste your time.
Lilith_i1 August 2021
Warning: Spoilers
That's it, the title.

But as required I'll write a little more. Lazy editing, lazy writing, bad acting, poor research in basic aspects of human interaction and police procedures.

Just save you money and time.
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Just Throw Away Both Parents
i_kemenyyy5 August 2021
I personally didn't care for the plot, as it's nothing that hasn't been done before, but I appreciated the monster/ghost designs and how they evolved from the dad's artwork. With a better story that sort of thing could have a lot more potential. Otherwise there's nothing particularly remarkable about this movie.
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So incredibly not what I thought...
ravenhair7029 June 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Ever since I saw the trailer to this movie, I've wanted to see it. It came out April 30th and I've waited and waited and nothing. Finally found it on one of those sketchy 4k movie websites on Cam only. My wife and I jumped at it. The whole movie was pretty much a custody battle in this life and the afterlife because the mother gets run down by hit and run, screaming through her phone at her soon to be ex-husband, right before she's run down, that he'll never see her again. Even in death, she wants her daughter and haunts the brownstone to get her back. Sure, there were some jump scares here and there, but I found it to be an exhausting supernatural lifetime movie with a who-killed-the-mom-at-the-end twist, which I guarantee you will see coming. I hate to be disappointed at a movie I was so eager to see. Watch it if you want...don't say I didn't warn you. Peace.
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Not bad, but could have been better
aidanratesmovies3 October 2021
Predictable and a bit messy, but engaging and quite unique- Separation manages to stir up just enough interesting psychological scares to provide for a compelling, if uneven, film. I'll start off with the films flaws, this movie can be a bit predictable at times, especially towards the end. The plot twist is kinda stupid if i'm being honest, and the obscurity of what the film is trying to say at the end proves to be more confusing than interesting. The editing can also be a bit messy at times, feeling like the film itself wasn't quite ready to go out, with transitions between some scenes almost being non-existent. That all being said, i'll focus on the positives of this film. For one thing, it's an incredibly interesting and entertaining to watch. Rupert Friend makes for a compelling and sympathetic lead and the mystery throughout the film is quite fun to follow at times. It has a clear and dark tone all the way through and although it does have a hard time balancing reality with fantasy- is does manage to have some great visuals and imagery throughout which are wonderfully creepy to look at. In the end, Separation could have been a lot better given its intriguing plot if it had just spent a bit more time in production rather than be rushed out. Despite its flaws though, it still makes for a compelling horror film, and one vastly more original and unique than most mainstream companies dare to try today.

My Rating: 6.8/10.
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It was ok not theater worthy, some ok effects, decent acting, mediocre story
joiningjt6 May 2021
Didnt hate it but didnt love it we wanted to get out of the house and not much is playing because Hollywood is so fricking greedy!! Had a few good moments and we liked that cast. Didnt really need Brian cox but I'm sure he needs a paycheck as well. I'd recommend waiting for Netflix or Amazon, hbo, whatever. Not worth going to the theater but it was nice to get out of the house and it was senior day so its 5 bucks.
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You've got you're single dad drama in my wannabe James Wan horror movie
jonathancupp668 July 2021
Warning: Spoilers
I wanted to write a review to say that Separation isn't a bad movie. Or rather, it's a little bad but also misunderstood. The core of the problem with the movie is an inexplicably misogynist attitude towards the wife. The movie is trying to portray her as crazy and goes just a little too far so you think after she dies she's some sort of malevolent spirit, when that turns out to be only party true.

Before I say anything else, Brian Cox does a great job. It's a pretty underwritten part and he's expected to turn from wanting to see the main character behind bars to remorseful grandpa very quickly and the range of emotion he gives us with not a lot of material is just real pro stuff. He understands when it's a drama and when it's a horror and is always on point.

That's the crux of the movie's problem is that it's mostly a serious drama about a troubled single father, a cartoonist who has to find a real job to support his child and be the adult he never learned to be. It's worth noting the main character never raises his voice, never criticizes his child, never says a bad word about his wife. The movie wants to make him the put upon martyr and the actor does a good job, but it almost seems like someone is telling the story of their own divorce. And of course THEY come off as a saint and the other person the devil himself. The movie just has this self- satisfied righteousness that he's a sensitive artist and therefore valuable and to be cherished. It just doesn't his that tone and we're left with an obviously incompetent man refusing help in raising a child, which kind of makes him less sympathetic.

There's a sense of technical skill to it though. Cinematography is generally pretty nice, the horror scenes and unique with interesting makeup and designs, and the music sounds ok. It's just over a hundred minutes and pads that time with long quiet scenes of father and daughter talking about stuff, and him talkin about work, and his ex-wife... And it's like, what is this a Lifetime movie? And then a spooky witch shows up and the movie is Insidious for a second. It could have been ten minutes shorter (at least!).

And lastly, the babysitter. If he's interested, then he should not be paying this girl falling over herself to constantly flirt with him. He's so dumb. And after she kisses him, he acts like nothing happened. You're her boss! He needs a mommy around him all the time and it seems disrespectful to just act like she isn't doing what she's obviously trying to do. So when the end comes, I'm like, this is all YOUR FAULT to him.

One thing about the ending, the spooky clown guy I think is some kind of previous ghost that when the wife died somehow helped her manifest herself. So there's some kind of Insidious-esque universe at play that it's setting up.

The thing is, with this movie I meant to leave it on in the background but I found myself sitting up watching it a few times. If they'd cut ten minutes and given the actresses some different takes that don't make them look as crazy as Judge Doom dipping those shoes in the dip, it might be a decent sleeper. But sometimes it looks like the editor did a bunch of fancy angles and tints on the monster scenes and called it a day.

Anyway, your call, slow moving, inexplicably wife hating, drama about a sad sack widowed cartoonist struggles to ink for a living while him and his daughter are haunted by a spooky owl witch woman and some kind of... contortionist? If that sounds like a reasonable Saturday afternoon than you could do worse.
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Worst babysitter ever!
ckarnoutsos1 July 2021
Well, the movie is not unique in any way but I really liked the music and the special effects. It has its creepy moments but that's it. If you are a horror fan who watches all movies, you might enjoy it a bit. Acting and directing wasn't bad either. The plot is kinda thin at moments tho.
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Trailer was better than the movie
patch-6195716 May 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Potential to be a great trauma survivor story, mending the bond between a father and his daughter. Ooooh but lets add some random horror elements with no build up?! I didnt understand this movie.

My guess on the plot?- mom came back as an evil entity, masked as her child's toys, because she was mad at her dead beat ex husband????
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Draw me the stuff of nightmares
nogodnomasters6 August 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Jeff (Rupert Friend) and Maggie (Mamie Gummer) are in the middle of a bitter divorce and custody battle over their daughter Jenny (Violet McGraw). She also doesn't like the babysitter (Madeline Brewer). Maggie has daddy's (Brian Cox) money on her side. While Maggie is walking and talking on the phone at the same time she is smacked by a vehicle and killed. Apparently I am not the only person who has a disdain for folks who have a phone growing out of their ear. Jeff draws dark haunting comics for a living and now has issues with a haunting of his own.

I liked this story as you got to know all the characters. Jeff, who was his own worst enemy, now makes sacrifices for his daughter. But the ghost is dark and haunts everyone in the house.

Guide: F-word. No sex or nudity.
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Had a flashback to Momma in Kramer Vs. Kramer
kimcoxmonm25 October 2021
That would be Meryl Streep, Mamie Gummer's mom who played Mrs. Kramer. Though she left her husband and son, she returns after an injury to their son and a nasty custody battle ensues. A far superior movie.

This movie has the good, the bad and indifferent. The pacing was very slow and the cinematography was average. The editing was lacking as it bounced around aimlessly. The character development was minimal but you get an outline of who they are. Divorce is in progress and the custody battle ensues. Mom is the domineering, breadwinning shrew and Dad is the hapless milquetoast. Mom returns to work for her father as an attorney because Dad is in a perpetual pity party for one, due to his one-hit wonder of a comic book. Initially it's the chicken and egg scenerio but when you see that video in happier times, it's clear her attitude evolves as he devolves. Never good,though, when you have children.

He lives in this past glory futilely attempting to resurrect it but it appears he revels in his pity with the babysitter who thinks he's a genius. See where this could be headed??!!

Theeeeennnn...sheishitbyacarandkilled. Problem solved. No it is not...Now it's Daddy's turn.

The sitter is more interested in the father than her charge but the daughter is more interested in her imaginary world. This is where reality begins to clash with the otherworldly.

At this point, it's still slow. There are typical cliches such as; oh it's just a dream, now it's hallucinating and now it's supernatural in their world.

Then you have the requisite medical condition that foreshadows an upcoming plot turn. This time it's a peanut allergy. Though only approximately 1% of the population has such an allergy, it seems 75% of those are movie and TV characters.

The new trend seems to be the creepy contortionist creature. I've seen many in the past few years, the last being Scary Stories To Tell In The Dark, which is also a better movie. This is by no means an insult to the talents of Troy James, he is one of the highlights of the movie. If they continue using this trope, he will be working steadily for a long time.

I was sure of the killer in this and I was right, so that was anti-climatic, as was the ending. The pace picked up in the latter third but it was predictable.

Another plus were the sinister dolls and the artwork. It was a clever idea to have the Dad as a comic book writer/artist. It lent well to the story.

I personally will not watch this again but it wasn't a waste of time.
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Recycled ideas, waste of time.
doctorsleeeep30 April 2021
The plot sucks, they reuse a lot of ideas that have been done already. Troy James' character is literally pointless. Basic and see through plot.
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