Believe Me: The Abduction of Lisa McVey (TV Movie 2018) Poster

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An Amazing Woman Who Was So Much Better Than Her Surroundings
Foutainoflife31 March 2019
This is a made for tv movie about the abduction of a young girl and her amazing ability to keep cool. This is based on a true story.

Lisa McVey lives a life that is overflowing with adversity but she has a strength that keeps her hopeful for her and her younger sister. While she lives with her grandmother and her sister is living with her mother, she is being sexual abused by her grandmother's live in boyfriend. She works at a small doughnut shop and even the money she makes is being taken away by her grandmother's boyfriend. Her mother and grandmother both know what is going on but seem to be indifferent to the situation.

After leaving the doughnut shop after a late shift, she is abducted, raped and taken to her rapist's home. There he continues to abuse her but she does her best to play along and begins to manipulate his emotions. He finally reaches a point where he is ready to dispose of her but she manages to convince him to spare her life. In the long run, this will be the saving grace in all aspects of her life and his downfall.

This is a great story. Kudos to McVey. She did an amazing job and most likely saved a lot of lives in the long run. You know, they say that you never know your own strength until strength is your only option. This is a testament to that.

The quality of this seems like it may have been a Lifetime movie. I don't know for sure but I don't have a problem with Lifetime movies so that's not an issue for me. The lead actress did a great job in my opinion. I think that movies based in reality have a stronger impact on me. I appreciate the small miracles that are happening all around us on a daily basis yet we never knew they were there.

It is a great story. The script and quality are made for tv so this isn't an epic film with a huge budget. It was worth watching for me though.
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Suspenseful crime drama that I enjoyed
mudvayne-9024512 October 2018
I started watching this with no expectation, and after about 30 minutes I was really engrossed in the story. Whilst there were some parts that suffered from acting that wasn't so great, overall I thought this was done really well and was suspenseful. What a truly horrific person to have done those crimes and what an incredibly strong and clever woman to have gone through all that she did.
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pamdaroche27 April 2019
Warning: Spoilers
I grew up in Florida and remember when this happened.

2 days ago Governor Ron DeSantis signed his execution warrant. He'll be executed at the end of May. Finally!!
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much better than expected
SnoopyStyle3 May 2019
Warning: Spoilers
It's Tampa 1984. 17 year old Lisa McVey lives with her grandmother who pimps her out to her boyfriend. Her mother is a horrible drunk. She works nights at a donut shop. While riding her bicycle home, she is kidnapped and raped over the weekend. With cunning and a lie about her dying father, her kidnapper eventually releases her. At first, nobody believes her. The cops suspect that she's lying and they're pre-occupied with a serial killer on the loose. Police detective Larry Pinkerton (David James Elliott) is the one who finally realizes that she's telling the truth.

I was expecting something much less from Lifetime. The kidnapping and rape is brutal. The disbelief is even more harrowing. In many ways, those are the climatic scenes. After that, the movie is pretty standard. The acting is great. The young actress is compelling. I really only dislike the hazy glowing lighting and TV movie style. It needs better production to give it a darker sensibility. It can't really escape its TV movie genetics. The first half is tense and the second half is a good wrap up of a cop show. This is based on the true story of serial killer Bobby Joe Long and survivor Lisa McVey.
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Amazing story!
Groovykat107 October 2018
Ok sometimes Lifetime Movie Network movies aren't the greatest, BUT, I continue to watch them because occasionally they will hit one out of the park, and this is a perfect example. This is a true story, not exaggerated or dramatized, the real deal on what really happened and Lisa herself telling in her own words what happened here and there was a perfect touch. Amazing but horrific story turned into a great movie! & for Lisa, I am so happy Lifetime got this right as she is an amazing woman and Lifetime captured that perfectly.
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I sometimes wonder if these negative IMDB reviewers live a spoiled and much sheltered life
Ed-Shullivan21 July 2021
I thank my lucky stars to have been brought up by two hard working and loving parents. Although my own childhood and my four (4) siblings were brought up in a loving home with clean clothes and hot meals and much attention, some of our neighborhood friends were not so lucky. I realized at an early age what a neglected child who is continually traumatized can end up living a life much like Lisa McVey must have went through. I found the troubled childhood of Lisa McVey real and disturbing.

I give much credit to the actors who brought much realism to this fact based true life story. Those negative reviewers need to lighten up and realize how difficult it is for both the writer and director to encapsulate a harrowing real life child's drawn out trauma over multiple years into a 90 minute crime/drama made for TV movie.

Not all movies are meant to entertain but instead, to bring awareness to a particular horrible crime(s) such as murder, sexual child abuse, incest, kidnapping and/or rape. As for this film, the perpetrator, Bobby Joe Long, was convinced by his latest young victim Lisa McVey, to release her.

Lisa McVey now an adult, works in law enforcement and Bobby Joe Long was sentenced to death. Real life story. Real life drama. Real life outcomes. I give this made for TV film a highly deserving 7 out of 10 IMDB rating.
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Fantastic! Netflix pick this up.
gideonzack15 May 2019
This is an incredible story and very well done. Hard subject matter to handle but this story must be told and seen. This is a women's empowerment plot and it would be awesome if Netflix picked this up and did a wide release. These films don't get enough credit or viewership.

I was enthralled from the first 5 minutes. Netflix don't let this waste away in lifetime movie ether. License it and spread it. Will be good for society. 5/5
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An abused girl gets raped and kidnapped
phd_travel14 January 2019
Warning: Spoilers
A girl is kidnaped and raped while blindfolded but when she is released no one believes her except a cop played by David James Elliot.

Her family members are unbelievable.

Her freaking grandma and Mother are worse than the perp! Allowing her to be abused.

The actress is sweet and acts well. Things get interesting when they start to solve the crime.

Worth watching.
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I'm a believer ...
kosmasp2 June 2021
An intriguing story to say the least ... a very hard to swallow story to watch. Thankfully the movie does not delve on and does not linger around on the really upsetting scenes that happen. Since this is a true story, it is even more incredible. You may know or guess where this is going, but the way it unfolds and the things we learn ... it's quite something! The movie manages to hold your attention for sure - and the empathy level we have is quite high.

The actors involved are really good ... and I was on the edge of my seat. I have a thing for things that are morally right ... or justice in general. I know this really got to me ... quite the extraordinary story!
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A story that needs to be told.
Nemesis4211 June 2021
Parts of this were very harrowing, and the courage displayed by the main character was astounding. The script and concept are great, and the ending had me in tears. Though it would be much better if it were grittier and directed with more flare. It has a strong TV movie feel, is very clinical and the direction is plain. Both sound editing and score are held back way too much. The casting and acting by the protagonist and primary antagonist are spot on though, well done with getting these two for the film. Thanks for teaching us about courage.
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"Number One Hero"
lavatch21 May 2020
Warning: Spoilers
"Believe Me: The Abduction of Lisa McVey" is a made-for-television film based on a true story that genuinely feels believable. It tells the harrowing saga of a courageous young woman, who, in the face of no support from those around her, is able to rise above her circumstances and become both a survivor and a hero.

The early part of the film is hard to take in the brutal kidnapping and captivity of Lisa by a serial killer. But because Lisa is already an incest survivor, she uses her skills to meticulously record details about the kidnapper that will lead to his arrest.

The family conditions of Lisa were horrendous with both a mother and grandmother who were uncaring and exploited a child beyond belief. The abuse was staggering to contemplate. The three police officers who questioned Lisa were not much better, as they believed that her attention to detail was a sign that she was fabricating her story. It was only Detective Larry Pinkerton who recognized that Lisa was telling the truth and that she could lead the police to the serial killer.

The actress playing Lisa was terrific. There was salient moment when Lisa was captive and staring at herself in the mirror. She spoke the words aloud, "Don't give up." That was her mantra that led to her survival. When apprehended, the serial killer could only admit, "she was special."

The film's denouement was effective in depicting Lisa reconnecting with her sister Lorrie and being cared for by her loving Aunt Carol and Uncle Jim. There was a nice touch at the end of the film when the real Lisa McVey appears on camera in her job on a police force. The essence of the film was Lisa as a force of nature who was able to pull herself up by her bootstraps and become what Detective Larry Pinkerton calls our "number one hero."
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Very Admirable
tomfsloan13 October 2018
Warning: Spoilers
It it weren't true it would be corny. But it was true and that girl is very admirable. Lisa overcame a lousy life and became a real hero. The movie was paced well and the acting was very good. A few loose ends I missed, whatever became of the stepfather? Were there any consequences for the several cops who showed initial disbelief? I was annoyed when the one cop had the bad guy on the fake traffic stop but let him go. But what annoys me most is why is this guy still alive???
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Amateur acting
klemp016 June 2021
I honestly don't know how anyone can give this movie a 10, who are these people who gave this the maximum possible rating? Have they ever seen a good actor in their life? It's insane, the acting is so terrible and so amateur, every scene made me want to turn it off.
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Not bad
evangelia_tripoliti11 June 2021
Not bad. But why did they call it believe me? It literally took them a few minutes to believe her. They didn't put too much thought to the title.
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True story
alex_i-305195 June 2021
So I googled the true story after watching this as I thought for sure they must have dramatised it but its actually all true! I absolutely agree with the other reviews that it does feel like.. a TV movie the way its filmed (for UK people kinda felt like a channel 5 movie) however, that HONESTLY didn't take away from the story at all. Completely gripping, brutal but honest. Really good film.
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Would really benefit from a longer run time
daviddilligaf7 June 2021
This movie honestly deserved a substantially longer run time. What's there is great and the lead actress, in particular, does a superb job.

Unfortunately, there isn't enough. The movie is only 1 hour and 27 minutes in total, when 2 to 2.5 hours would have done it justice.

It starts out well and spends a lot of time on Lisa's ordeal. This is important to the story and whilst quite a tough watch, it was definitely necessary. Afterwards, however, it seems like a race to the finish line. The story develops so quickly that the viewer doesn't really get time to dwell on or process anything.

Solid work from all involved, just needed a bit more time to breathe.
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Brilliant film
iamtherobotman7 June 2021
I usually avoid 'Made for TV' films at all costs. They tend to be poorly written, poorly acted and poorly produced over all.

This film blew me away. It was somewhat hard to watch knowing it's a true story, but this is unbelievably well acted. I'd never heard of any of the cast members, but the Protagonist, Katie Douglas was just incredible. If this woman doesn't become a huge star, there's something seriously wrong in Hollywood. Her performance was one of the best leading roles i've seen in quite some time. The emotion and feeling she exuded was what took this film from 'good' to 'excellent'.

The supporting cast done their bit too mind you, this was an all round effort.

The story itself is heartbreaking. This woman, Lisa McVey has strength and courage beyond that which any human should possess. To come through the ordeals she has and continue to help others suffering similar treatment is an inspiration. This woman is a true super hero.

This is a must watch film.
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Shocking true story
tanyakearney4 June 2021
Warning: Spoilers
I was really surprised at how good this movie was, I think the lead actress was very good in her portrayal of Lisa, and I was wondering where I had seen her before she has a role in Ginny and Georgia.. was nice to see JAG star David back on screen.

It was a suspenseful show and you cannot help but feel for her and the lack of family support she had and how she survived and went on to help catch a serial killer, a very brave young lady, I would really recommend this movie.
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Good film
johnnyboygrant8 March 2020
Lisa is very likeable from the start. Poor kid was surrounded by a$$holes.
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Unbelievable light
williams-bruce10 June 2021
Not nearly as good as the Unbelievable series, which itself was too sanitised. The protagonist has no flaws - despite being abused all her life. All her reactions are stable and proportionate. She never acts out. In lieu of that, the film makers chuck in a couple of bad dreams. The true story it's based on is a human triumph and deserved something less lazy.
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One Hell Of A True Story!
flowerstardust19792 June 2021
I almost skipped this on Netflix passing it off as a lifetime movie. So glad I didn't!

This is a story of a remarkable, brave, intelligent and courageous young lady who not only suffered sexaul abuse at the hands of her father, she then ends up being kidnapped and held hostage by a rapist. Survives that only to be disbelieved by not only her so called family members but also by the police.

It's what follows after this that makes this a truly remarkable story, one that had me in tears for many reasons.

The young lady who plays Lisa is an exceptional actress. So well acted and portrayed .A tough movie to watch at times but also couldn't miss a moment.

It was nice to see the real life Lisa at the end of the movie.
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A lot of stupid people in this case, and a family that should be in prison.
deloudelouvain18 December 2020
Believe Me: The Abuction Of Lisa McVey is a tv-movie. It looks absolutely like a tv-movie but for once it wasn't that bad. What was bad is what that girl had to live through, certainly the part with her family, even more than the actual abduction. To me the grandmother and mother should also be in prison but that's another story. As for the abduction story itself, apparently based on a true story, it's just hard to believe it all happened like that. Maybe everybody was stupid around her, family and police included, and maybe she's the only smart person in that town, but it's just hard to believe. There's a certain suspense to the story what makes it interesting to watch. The acting is at tv-movie level, so nothing exceptional but not mediocre either. All in all for a tv-movie it's worth a watch.
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Powerful story let down by awful screen play and acting!!!!
Anna52 June 2021
Without a doubt is Lisa McVey a true hero and the kind of strength and resilience she displayed is awe inspiring. That's why her story deserved a great screen play, high calibre director and amazing actors.... None of this is being delivered here. In fact the acting and directing is so incredibly bad, it feels cheap and almost like an amateur production at times. All these 10* reviews here seem to rate the actual life story of Lisa McVey (which indeed deserves 10* for heroism) instead of rating the actual film!!! Otherwise I can't fathom why anyone would describe this car crash of a production as "masterpiece"..
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Goo movie
ingamazonaite15 August 2021
Good movie based on real events.

It's for one watch, probably not for watching twice. Or to be on favourites list.

I gave 7* for being based on real events.
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Tear Jerker
destinyres17 November 2020
This was an absolutely great movie . You will be on the edge of your seat. You will chear for her to win. You will cry. Your heart will melt. This movie was better than what I expected. A+ Movie
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