68 Whiskey (TV Series 2020) Poster


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Honest Civilian Review
stillafool16 January 2020
I'm a teacher. Not long ago, I watched the movie Fist Fight. It was full of inaccuracies regarding education, but you know what...it was still pretty funny. M*A*S*H came out roughly 20 years after the Korean Conflict. I'm sure that plenty of veterans sat and watched that show and cursed how unreal it was. Americans loved it. Here we are sitting on 17 years in Afghanistan and we haven't once had anything to watch that even attempted to capture any range of emotions surrounding our involvement there. 68 Whiskey at least makes an effort...and even succeeded to a certain degree in the first episode. I laughed audibly at a few parts and was interested in the story. If it's inaccurate...I don't really care. I'm not a soldier. I'm a viewer.

I spent a year in Kandahar and, while I wasn't involved in combat, I was deeply connected with Afghan people at the time. I enjoyed that they presented them as educated and not all backwards jihadis worthy of only target practice. The even spoke Pashto correctly from the little I remember.

While there may be a great deal that is not realistic about the theater of war involved in the production of this, I really don't think most Americans care. We need a show that can take the piss a little about our unjust involvement in the region and this show looks promising for that if nothing else.
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What's all the 'Where's the Beef' Reviews About?
djdrew10325 May 2020
I was RegArmy 1975-79 64C30 Transport Operator Heavy, so yes, IMHO the show isn't accurate or distinctly following military protocol. But I enjoyed it none the less. If I had of not given it a chance like many most likely failed to do, and went into it with a prejudiced opinion from reading the low ratings, I might have disliked it also and given it a poor rating.

But I did give it a chance as I know ratings are not always on-the-nose so to speak. I see all the bad reviews from prior-duty or active-duty US Military and they seemed to hate it as a majority. But then the show isn't promising to be a detailed, accurate or historical documentary. Its a comedy/drama show. To each there own of course, and no foul done, but.

I saw a few "Watched episode 1 and it stunk! Won't be watching anymore." What I get from those reviews is an error possibly by over-judgmental opinions to give ANY show a chance, maybe?.

Just about any new series doesn't really warm up until a few episodes get written and acted out. They almost all take a while to get off the ground unless they are one of the gifted, blockbuster series that we are rewarded with, but then not all shows are 8's or higher.

Many seasons don't even get to a 6.5 or 7 until season 2 hits, but that's because actors get acclimated to the scenes and each other, and writers get really warmed up. But if people happen to give out their condemning reviews early on, actors are not uplifted and writers fall under the burden of non-approval and we get struggling shows far too often doomed to fail.

I hope not with this one. This is is worth watching if it isn't shot down already and then it will be a pity to have lost it to reviews that just demand too much out of writers, actors and producers.

This is enjoyable if you get in and give it a chance. I gave it a 7 because you can't rate anything in 1/2 to give it a 6.5 that it well deserves. Its not an Emmy winner but then not all shows are. People all have their own opinions of course, and people have their own likes and dislikes. But I think too many are being too critical of an otherwise enjoyable show if given the chance. Just like episode 10, I liked the way it left you fulfilled and comfortable, without leaving you in a clutch from a cliffhanger dilemma like so many shows do, just to buy into anxiety driven curiosity.
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Should been a better title
mozart-4784324 January 2020
This is a drama , not comedy , not documentary, by naming this 68 Whiskey, it draws too much comparison with the actual station in Afghanistan, but if you adjust expectations, it's not bad of a show
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Could Have Been Very Good
fleck05IMDB16 January 2020
Warning: Spoilers
I love the premise and the look of the show. I like the attempt by people who make the show to bring awareness to veteran issues and the set looked good. But... There were a LOT of tactical and technical wrongs that tell me there wasn't concern for being realistic - that's fine, it's Hollywood. But soldiers going outside the wire, handing off their weapons to locals and trading medical supplies for hash... really? I expected better.
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Chill out people. It's just a show.
fndr7625-605-10216018 January 2020
I liked it. It was silly, funny, sexy and so many other good things. I understand it's 2020 and it's cool to be offended but chill out peoples. Just cause this show didn't represent you the way you wanted doesn't mean it's not worth watching. If you have noticed almost all of the rating are service members. If generation kill taught me anything it's that service members have a great sense of humor and they can laugh at themselves. Let's not forget that is a valued trait in humans that is quickly disappearing.
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Very good television.
highpowerp11 July 2020
68 Whiskey has a wonderful cast and scripts with good stories and substance. It's not a shoot-em-up. It's a modern day, hour-long M*A*S*H set in Afghanistan, and then some, with perhaps a bit more drama and less broad comedy. I was pleasantly surprised to trip over this show. I hope it stays around for a while.
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I Beg to Differ
billjames-26 February 2020
I love this show. It is irreverent, funny, sweet and very much like a re-boot of MASH There is quite a lot of satire here and the writers poke fun at many issues, such as the private contractor soldiers who no one knows why they are there

I find all the hate in the reviews very much reflective of the right/left divide in the USA.
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All Kinds of Bad
marymcfarland-0186616 January 2020
This may be the least amusing comedy I've ever tried to watch. It simply is not good. Casting is bad, writing is bad, acting is bad, there is no chemistry between the actors at all...It's just terrible.
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Expect entertainment not accuracy
claynejohnson17 January 2020
People hating because this isn't as realistic as they want it to be? No disrespect to our awesome military, but I haven't served and don't give a crap how accurate a random tv show on a random station is. Its entertainment and I was entertained. cant wait for the 2and episode. the chicks are hot, the dudes are fun to watch, and Ron Howard is awesome. I'll keep watching
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Glimmers of Hope -- Episodes Getting Better
PrescottPark31 January 2020
I was eager to see the reviews here after watching the first episode and found that I was in agreement with the opinions expressed. However, I have a rule that I give a show at least 2 episodes before I give up on it. Now I have watched 3 episodes and I think it is getting better. The treatment of issues, like promising citizenship to immigrants who serve and then backing out on it, or the different cultures within mysterious other pseudo-military groups is addressed. I may stick with it as there does seem to be a better effort to show some worthy complexity in the plots.
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Absolute drivel
susanroserustic16 January 2020
My husband was a 68 Whiskey stationed in Afghanistan for multiple tours. This is absolutley in NO way realistic. I get it's suppose to be a "comedy", but come on, it's not even remotely funny! These men and women deserve a MUCH better TV show about what they do. Whoever wrote this drivel has no idea what being a 68W is all about. Watched the first episode all the way through and listened to my husband tick off mistake after mistake. By the end of it he turned it off and refuses to watch another episode. Ron Howard should be ashamed. I'm pretty sure there will be a number of 68W's that would gladly instruct him on how they should be represented. Insulting.
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Loved it
stoneycreekmadman25 January 2020
They had me hooked from first line. Tired of shows only trying to tug at heart strings. I just want shows to be stupid and maybe have some action. I miss that and this one gives a little of both. Thanks.
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Why all the hate ?
ogorodetsky16 January 2020
I find it pretty interesting dramedy. Interesting characters with good chemistry. It is probably not very realistic but it is not a documentary for god's sake lighten up people.
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Not a vet, but even I noticed many things wrong
georeedy17 January 2020
First off, the show seems like they didn't even bother to research basic military procedures. Fighting on duty, securing a perimeter with 9mm pistols, calling out during a memorial service, etc. I could go on but suffice it to say the show's not realistic. I'd be ok with that if the characters were at least interesting or somewhat likeable. They're not. Add to that horrible writing and even worse direction and you end up with a horrible mess that should have been much better.
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Completely inaccurate.
nicholashensley-6781316 January 2020
I was a medic in the USAF and would work closely with Army and Army medics. Completely and uttering inaccurate and disgraceful. Did they even have any veteran production advisors? Even the treatment they're doing is inaccurate. Not impressed and would not recommend wasting your time watching this.
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Great TV show looking forward season 2
sbrackstone30 July 2020
Well this is a great show. Acting was good and I love the story line with medics getting into all sorts trouble. This has a hint of modern day MASH to me and with a bit more seasons under its belt and some more scripting to the plot this will be a great hit. Can't wait to see season 2
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Pretty good stuff
Workslikeahose27 January 2020
Has its flaws but reality is suspended for most entertainment shows. I am a little sick of all the whining and whimpering by the prudes and people claiming to be vets. We are better than that.
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If you thought this might be another M.A.S.H., you were wrong.
Cameron-Daniel16 January 2020
Looks like Ron Howard has sunk to a new low. Show starts out with a couple having sex in a supply room at a FOB, then transitions into a bare knuckle fighting match, then a soldier who's selling rugs and gets killed. From there we find a soldier who's trying to run scams, one who's trying to trade medical supplies for drugs, all while disobeying orders. And just to make it a little more tacky, about every tenth word is the "F" word. Not a very good way to show support for our troops in Afghanistan. In fact the military has very little to do with the storyline. Definitely a big letdown.
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hilarious yet plane filth
bigcdtv16 January 2020
This show is wildly funny no doubt and really is a good show but heres the thing if your a person that thinks your too classy for yellowstone due to adult content then your gonna hate this show to peices the reason is this is just as dirty as the others more then one sex scene filthy language so if your offended by that just be smart and stay away
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How could someone who doesn't know the abc of the Afghan culture and can't read and write get hired as cultural advisor?
afguy200630 January 2020
Hi Mr. D,

How are you? I found your email online and I am an Afghan from NM reaching to you about a show called 68 Whiskey. Are you involved in it?

There is a guy I am sure you know Fahim Fazli, he is acting in it but he is an uneducated man and I met him in New Mexico a few years ago. How come he is an Afghan adviser on this show? he can not read and write well and he doesn't speak Pashto.

He was screaming vulgar language in episode one of 68whiskey and I couldn't watch it with my family. We Afghans don't use vulgar language like that. Can you do something so the 68whiskey company knows about it? Can you help me and give me their contact information too? They should hire an educated and expert Afghan to help them with Afghan culture and language and not this uneducated guy.

Please read these reviews and an Afghan interpreter also wrote a review and I totally agree.
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The MASH for 2020
paint-7522323 January 2020
Funny, adult humor; realistic atmosphere. Shows promise of becoming a favorite.
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I'm a female in the military
aliviahaire16 January 2020
As a female in the military I believe this is a disgrace and needs to be taken off air. Females haven't fought this hard to get added in to line units only to have the media portray us as wrongly. This was the biggest blunder in my opinion of the show, but not the only one.
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Funny and fast paced. Great first episode!
ecoombe-3389018 January 2020
Great comedy, great acting and some laugh out loud moments. The sets and helicopters are great too. I can't wait to see what happens in the next episode. A show thats easy to watch and kept me interested.
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It was actually ok.
sheepshearer21 March 2020
Not really funny but entertaining enough to keep me watching. I watched all 10 episodes in one day and didn't get bored at all.

Lol at the people expecting a tv show to be realistic. Even the news is fake now.
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Bland and unentertaining
daedalusdoodles16 January 2020
There's a lot of veterans or people related to veterans getting really bent out of shape because this fictional comedy TV show doesn't accurately reflect the details of military life. They're expecting more worshipful "praise our troops" shows that depict US military as being nothing but a bunch of saints, and frankly this won't do that for them.

Also, it won't do anything for anyone, because it's garbage. Not related to the respect it does or doesn't have for the military, it's just neither funny nor good drama. I got about halfway through the first episode and don't think I even cracked a smile.

They want to be M*A*S*H, but they lack the writing chops, acting chops, material, or the right timing. A big part of M*A*S*H was that it was set in the Korean War but not until 20 years after the war ended; people who had served in that war had time to decompress. We've still got troops in Afghanistan now (13,000 as of Oct 2019), which is part of why people get bent out of shape as I discussed above.
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