The Innocents (TV Series 2018) Poster


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I'm being fair. It's slow and it's slow because of self-indulgence.
generic230-129 September 2018
I hate this new trend to make the mystery in a show SO mysteriuous that you have to watch all 10 episodes to figure it out, where, IN ALL THE episodes leading up to the revelation, you could take out 5 and compress into 1 epsiode. I felt Maniac was like that, and this is like that. There is NO REASON they couldn't reveal MORE EARLIER, except, they needed 8 episodes. I started out LOVING this show, but by episode 6, I was just so frustrated. I don't like being left in the dark for an entire season, it's not rewarding. It's lazy, and ruins any ability to sustain tension. It's self-indulgence in an atmosphere that never delivers a compelling story.
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Wonderfully done cinematically, terrible plot holes
xjewelzbabiixx14 September 2018
Warning: Spoilers
I loved this show as I was first watching it the whole way through. The music is great, the acting is good and the premise is very interesting. HOWEVER, shortly after finishing it I noticed a massive plot hole that I don't know why hasn't been addressed. This entire show, literally the entire basis of this show, is dependent on the pennines five. It's why June's Dad is so worried about her isolation, it's why June's mom went away, it's why Henry's Dad is stuck, it's why Henry's Mom is so preocupied, it's all about the Pennines five from the very beginning. The whole incident was because Elaine touched other people while in her shifted form. This is the biggest impact shifting can have on a person, they get stuck because the shifter doesn't shift back before touching someone else. So WHY is June able to hold Henry's hand when fleeing from the hospital as the nurse? Why is June able to KISS Henry in the night club after shifting into her friend? Why did June never shift into Henry in either of those cases, but the moment she's shifted into Henry and his mom touches her, she becomes Henry's Mom? Cam holds June's bare arms down while shifted into Henry and that didn't hurt him, why not ?? And also, why would Elaine have gone running through the streets as Henry's Dad anyway? She knew she had shifted, she knew she wasn't herself, and she goes immediately to a pub to get a drink, abandoning the man she supposedly loved so much she couldn't control herself? I'm ultimately really disappointed in the sloppy climax developed by the writers of this show while everyone else is putting on a phenomenal performance.
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Ok, but not great. My conscience wouldn't allow me to recommend to anyone but it's not awful
WhateverIWant296 August 2020
Manage your expectations... it's average at best, but not the worst way to kill time. I really wanted to love this as I enjoy sci-if. I also like a good British production/drama, but it wasn't anything special and it was quite slow with very few lukewarm twists/decent moments of gripping drama thrown in sparingly. To be fair, most of the actors were good (namely Harry and some supporting roles), they performed well...after about three episodes it does get better, but just not great.

Just to clarify a couple of other things; someone compared this to the brilliance that is Sense 8. This is nothing like Sense 8. The storyline/plot is VERY different, context completely differs, the scenery and cinematography are also very different. This is more static, less sensual, less versatile, has a lot less drama, suspense and action. It's based in one or two countries max and there's minimal cultural crossover. Sense 8 was a feast for the eyes and mind so I wouldn't want anyone to get their hopes up. Anyway, this is also not as realistic as some are claiming. It might be more so than an assumed glossy, soapy American produced version, but a lot of the interactions between young people are far from realistic. A lot about the runaways and how they run, the hospital, club scenes in Shoreditch how they survive, etc...does not make sense and is far from realistic or believable. I understand that we can be young and dumb, but they often take dumb to unrealistic levels.
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Sense8 Lite. Bleak and slightly depressing, but with some promise.
kitellis-9812124 August 2018
I can't help comparing this with Sense8, even though the comparison is perhaps a little unfair.

Sense8 was a massively ambitious and expensive globe-trotting extravaganza, that transcended all genres and invented a completely new grammar of screen storytelling. It was brave, bombastic and brilliant, and polarised its viewers. Many people didn't "get" it at all. Those that did "get" it almost unanimously agreed that it was an acquired taste; one that required patience and commitment from its audience. After an initial false start, I eventually "gave-in" to the Sense8 way of storytelling, and was rewarded with the absolute best viewing experience of my life.

So when I saw the trailer for The Innocents, and it immediately reminded me of Sense8, I decided to watch it in the same way; allowing it to wash over me and (hopefully) worm its way into my consciousness in a similar fashion. I wanted to love it. I was ready for a new addiction. It took most people three episodes to get properly into Sense8, so I decided to give The Innocents at least that much of a chance.

So far I've made it almost to the end of episode 4, and I'm still waiting for it to hook me. No joy yet.

I'm finding it to be bleak and depressing. Also slow and insipid. The shape-shifting idea has been done a lot in the past - as has telepathy, of course - but unlike Sense8, which brought total originality and inspiration to the idea of telepathy, The Innocents seems to be (so far) utterly unimaginative and rather limp in its treatment of shape-shifters. The best device they could come up with to visually demonstrate someone having taken the shape of someone else is to have their "true" image conveniently reflected in mirrors - visible to themselves and also to non-shapeshifters. This is a lazy and uninspired shortcut to tell the audience who is who, and also allow them to "prove" to other people who they are. But so far I'm not buying it. It just feels like they couldn't be bothered.

Also, the bleak mood of the piece is failing to grab me. I'm not a big fan of Nordic Noir - which is what I assume they're aiming for. This feels like a rather forced cross-breed. It's shot in England and Norway, with a cast and crew that seems to be Anglo-Scandinavian, and the two flavours don't mix very well, in my opinion. They're too similar, like two notes next to each other on a piano being played simultaneously. It makes a discord.

And the presence of Guy Pierce in the cast is also strangely unappealing. He looks somewhat similar to Terrence Mann in Sense8, and seems to be (so far) filling a similar sort of role. But it really feels like stunt casting. Every time he pops up in a scene you remember every other Guy Pierce film you've seen (plus Mike in Neighbours if you're of a certain age) and it becomes a distraction from, rather than a benefit to, the overall experience.

The two lead actors are not bad, although Sorcha Groundsell is oddly similar in appearance to a young Fairuza Balk (albeit without the monster gnashers), but her weirdly demonic eyes and variable accent are, again, more than a little distracting.

The plot is, so far, nothing to write home about. It has certainly failed to hook me. And the overall production is similar in quality to any standard low-budget BBC or ITV mid-range television drama. Nothing about it suggests that its creators had much in the way of ambition or inspiration, and the whole product is noticeably lacking in passion and energy. It feels, in fact, like someone at Netflix suggested that they try to do something similar to Sense8, but without spending all that damn money, and without being so damn cerebral, gosh darn it!

Well, speaking purely for myself, I'd have preferred it if they'd used the budget from The Innocents to add an extra couple more hours to the Sense8 finale. But maybe I'm just spoiled now.
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Binge watch worthy
RubyMouse24 August 2018
I have only watched the first couple of episodes but so far I'm gripped. The actors are all doing a great job, Guy Pearce has an amazing presence and the Nordic noir style suits the brooding darkness of northern England perfectly. Sadly after watching another couple of episodes I lost interest though.
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Excellent Acting, But Never Shape Shifts into Gear
wgbraier-896282 September 2018
Warning: Spoilers
This eight-episode Netflix Original sci-fi drama shows teenage love is complicated enough, without "shape shifting" into other people's bodies and their memories. It can be downright dangerous to the point you may not remember who you are.

Scottish blonde beauty Sorcha Groundsell stars as June McDaniels who along with her high school boyfriend Harry, run away from their repressive households. Her innocent yet alluring look carries the show, as she and Harry discover her shape shifting abilities during their fateful encounters along their escape route. They meet, Kam, (Abigail Hardingham) another shape shifter, who uses her shape shifting powers for bisexual encounters. A scientist (seasoned actor Guy Pearce) tries to capture her and discover the key to her power.

A crew of powerful dramatic U.K. actors are wasted by an overly confusing script. Long aerial panoramic views of Norway's beautiful farms, forested hills and winding rivers are fine for a travel show, but slow the pace. Some weird characters are never quite explained. Why does her agoraphobic brother live locked up in a separate barn, fed meal trays through a small door like a prisoner?

If you don't mind the slow pace of the first show, the rest will follow in the same way.
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Snooze fest-6 was being kind
pacgd25 August 2018
Watched it because Guy R. was in it. Fell asleep watching every episode, then re-watched them thinking I missed something, I missed nothing. Show needs something in every category, slow paced, not to much action,. not thrilling, story boring etc... Just not my cup of tea. Netflix, please come up with better shows, I know you can.
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Just doesn't have a point
andrew_clure30 August 2018
No doubt I'll get a lot of abuse from the people who love this. They'll no doubt say people who don't like this simply don't understand it or just want explosions and non-stop action. Well they'd be right about one of those, I definitely do not understand it.

Not because it's a complex story (it really isn't), I just don't get where the interest is. So two teens, love each other and run away. One shape shifts and is chased by some beefy Norwegian blokes. Trouble is the chasing isn't particularly interesting and the beefy Norwegian blokes aren't scary enough to make you worried what would happen if they did get the shifter.

Much of the story, particularly in London, is cliched beyond belief (montage of driving around famous London land marks like Piccadilly Circus, indie music, short cuts of pointing and laughing etc... you get the idea).

If you were a fan of the Twilight films then you'd probably love this (takes it self far too seriously). Ultimately though it's just a story about 2 teenagers, one happens to be a shapeshifter and not much else happens.

In short.... Meh!
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Obviously Underappreciated
katenceee27 August 2018
Looking at the other reviews, I can definitely say that this is not for the average viewer who is always in a hurry and wants fast-paced entertainment, even if it's at the expense of the quality of the production and the deepness of the characters. One of the other reviewers mentioned that it's something of an acquired taste and, man, did I acquire it. It's also true that the Innocents resembles Sense8 quite a lot. But in the end of the day, it does make you care about the characters, there are a few delightful suprises and it makes you want to watch more. On top of that, the performances and the cinematography are fantastic. Definitely recommend this to viewers who want something different and deeper than the average mainstreem productions.
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Overall, not bad.
sbjc-9068125 August 2018
This isn't the greatest show I've ever watched, but it's also no where near the worst either. I'm on the last episode and can honestly say that I'm not sorry that I've spent the day watching it.

I loved the music, the characters are likeable, and the show has a certain charm that draws you in.
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Misery begets misery...
soundhound-6105129 August 2018
I watched the entire first season. The pace didn't bother me and I really felt like it had promise; there were even a lot of things I liked. I didn't find it boring, but it's just so depressing and the characters make a series of increasingly unbelievable decisions to force themselves into harms way. I really hoped it would be good, but I'm left with nothing but disappointment.

To the people who say this is a show for intellectuals, get off your high horse. This one's just not that good.
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Hope for Season Two!
laceyjune26 August 2018
I'm genuinely surprised by all of the negative reviews. No, this series isn't a straight 10/10; it has some flaws, but it certainly doesn't deserve the lowly, pathetic ratings between 1-5 stars. Admittedly, yes, the series does move at a slower pace while the protagonist and her boyfriend are figuring out her abilities, but the underlying storyline is so much bigger and more intriguing. While the sole focus appears to be on June and Harry, we have other characters (all with their own motives and backgrounds) searching for June, both with positive and negative intentions. Character and plot development often take time in stories like this because smooth pacing is so much more important than non-stop action. No one enjoys a series that appears to move too quickly without any explanation or proper development, so the fact that this series managed to deliver so much potential in only eight episodes speaks volumes.

I wound up binging the entire first season over the span of two days (damn my need for sleep and other obligations), and I'm not the type to binge something unless I'm genuinely intrigued by or enjoying it. The idea behind "shape-shifting" is originally developed in this story, as the ability to shift is directly linked to experiencing strong emotions, ranging from fear, love, pain, etc. The series even includes interesting mythology regarding Berserker warriors, though it is not discussed as much as I would have enjoyed (one of the few flaws) as I would have preferred to gain more knowledge on how shapeshifters came to exist in their world, and how we only know of a handful. However, it's possible they hope to delve more into the history in season two.

I promise that if you stick with this series, it is very rewarding! There was only one episode I found myself a bit bored with, which involves our teen lovers going to what appears to be a rave, but even that encounter is significant. The boyfriend, Harry, is completely devoted to June. He isn't your typical teen character who makes bad decisions; he tries to steer June in the right direction. Unfortunately, I can't say the same for our protagonist, June. She makes minimal dumb decisions, but it's like in horror films when the main characters do something silly to further the plot. In June's defense, she's only 15 going on 16, and Harry makes up for all of the silly situations she puts them in; although her stupidity and naivety is why I can only rate this 8/10. Yes, she is young, but given what she endures over the span of an eight episode season, she should know better!

I realize this series isn't for everyone, especially since so many bashed the show before giving it a full chance, but if you're a fan of the sci-fi genre, English and/or Norwegian scenery, and great plot development, this is the show for you. However, if you are not a fan of cliffhanger series finales, then you might want to wait for season two to be released, or avoid it completely.
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Guy Pearce 10/10, he is the only reason I watched it.
Trapshitkalci26 November 2018
Warning: Spoilers
Everyones play is great, except June and Harry, I could have gone without them. Guy Pearce is the best as always. He is so good in roles like this ! Music was sometimes annoying but there were times when they were so good. Music is for me 5/10. The mood of the whole series was good, all the actors play was good, although the character of Harry was not so sophisticated ( well shaped) I would say, his personality was too hard to a 16 -18 year old young boy. There were times when I felt the story is too slow, so sometimes it was boring for me. Hoping for a second season ? No I don't ! Without Ben can't be good. Without a good actor it wouldn't worth to watch. I mean a real actor who can lead a series or movie with his play.
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It isn't bad but it's not very good
mariov76922 November 2018
Warning: Spoilers
The show is a bit of a mess and that's thanks to enormous plot holes and what the show chooses to focus on. I've read other reviews but after I was done watching the series. This isn't some slow burn. You find out the main premise of the show in the second episode and it's not explored with any satisfying conclusion. This isn't an intellectual mind bender or deep and thought-provoking series. The main characters are high school teenagers. June, the girl who just turned 16, and her boyfriend Harry, who is also in high school, make bad mistakes but the adults rarely question their actions or infinite admissions of forever love. That's perhaps one of the weakest parts of the series. The series over focuses on their relationship which made me think, correctly, that things between them wouldn't end well. The other weak part of the show is the police angle. Harry's mom is a cop and is central to locating them. But she wants to solve a mystery and it's very weak. There's also no way that even if the mystery is solved that a case can ever go to trial. No way.

The scenery is beautiful and the acting is really solid. The central mystery isn't really covered with much depth. You really don't learn much about why June is the way she is and how it happened. All you get are theories. The villain in the show is way too obvious. Everything that happens, including the romance, is ridiculously coincidental which means there is something to it and of course there is. The kids run away and luck into everything. They are insanely trusting even after they've been nearly kidnapped, drugged, lied to, stalked, and more. June's family tracks them down even after they lost their first place to stay. And they only find them because things had to work out perfectly in order for them to be found. The finale of the season was terrible. Every dumb thing that could happen happened. It's like a horror movie when you say don't go in there but the victim goes in anyway. That's how the finale goes. This show is very frustrating. It has potential but it never delivers. You just knew it would end the way it did.
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Just be straight, tell us the truth.
Cilica20 September 2018
Warning: Spoilers
Can you see the old woman at the door needing help, or the wolf dressed as granny? Yes the wicked devil disguised as the good doctor. The premise is good, exciting but the holes in the story line - like so many other failed attempts at a congruent story follow down the same path - Detective is reprimanded with severe discipline because of the writers need to stop this side of the plot, giving too much away to have to write better is too challenging. All in all its good, I dismiss the holes as systemic in today's storytelling and move on to what will happen to the young lovers?
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Not as bad as the reviews have said
lcpiet26 August 2018
I was interested in this bc I'm a huge Guy Pearce fan. It does start out very confusing and you do need to watch to get a sense of what's happening but as with most of these movies that's how they hope to suck you in. It is slow going and it,does take a couple of episodes to get a feel for the movie despite actually knowing that June is a shifter early on. To just chalk it up to an interracial couple running away is pretty insulting and basic. It's just a couple of kids who think they know it all and want to be free, what kid can't relate. It's not as fast paced as I was hoping but the story line is ok.
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roelricardo12 September 2018
Sadly as many other series of Netflix, they advertised so much on the same platform that you start watching, whenever you realized you have missed a lot of time on a bad product very slow
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An honest review.
gevans2094 September 2018
Warning: Spoilers
Ok so I have only just in the last hour watched the finale (through to ep8).

Hype: There was a lot of hype around this and I myself was looking forward to seeing it. I'm a fan of Guy Pearce and the fact that it wasn't another incarnation of some superhero franchise gave me hope for something special.

First episode: I'm not an avid watcher of TV shows but I have seen my fair share - enough to know that the first ten minutes is vital to success and the ending even more so. The first ten minutes were very intriguing and gave me something to follow, but I was left a bit underwhelmed by the end of the first episode.

Overall: Yes it was a slow burn but I liked that and enjoyed the time to think about the characters and plot. The plot was sound and although I found it frustrating not knowing each characters hidden agenda I accepted that as a part of the mystery. There was a constant feel of unease for all characters and twists and revelations were delivered in perfect timing.

So why the lackluster rating?: You know when you watch a cheesy horror and there are those moments when you are screaming at the TV "no don't open the door" ? Well I was getting increasingly frustrated with really stupid choices. and not in a "this is what someone would do in real life" way, but in an "are you stupid? way. Dealing drugs, driving while not looking at the road and crashing (TWICE), trusting total strangers, trusting total strangers who you say you don't trust and "I've dumped my 16 year old girlfriend in the middle of London to go home and have a go at her Dad after I've had a few pints' moments to name a few. I found I didn't care about any of the characters - they were either too suspicious or too stupid and this left my experience a little cold, sadly. It was a very intelligent script but the characters not so much.

Standout: Steinar by far. The only person I wanted to know more about and felt for. Kam a close second.
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This is much better than many of the hateful reviews.
lesleyswc26 August 2018
First let me say I'm looking forward to season two. And let me Say that reading these IMDb reviews is like reading the writings of hateful fifth graders. I do not understand it. So I don't often leave a review but will this time because I'm tired of seeing a pattern of creative work being so shallowly and savagely reviewed. It is not perfect. The two main characters are teenagers. It is beautifully filmed. It is a creative and intriguing premise. Young actors are quite good. Yes it is romantic but not in a cloyingly sweet way. Yes it has a more European feel and pace to it , But that isn't a bad thing. I found it enjoyable and not the same as everything else. So worth a view if you like a little sci-fi, supernatural mystery with some twists and turns.
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Better Than they say. Worst than they say.
pozytywny-maniak5 September 2018
It's not your typical Netflix series. The story is not the strongest it's suit. Dialogues are also often very TV-like... and the main character is the least interesting one... I know it sound like it's bad but it isn't.

I think this series have great potential: script can be improved - yes but it is overall pretty interesting and sometimes even innovative. Dialogues are often cliche- yes but some of them take us very deep into some psychologically interesting places... oh! And support characters are very well written.

The strongest side of this series is production. Beautiful shots, great music, fantastic locations... it's a candy for an eye and for the ears.

I gave it a 7/10 as I was expecting another Netflix supershow. Instead it was just good. I'm certain that they will improve over time. To be honest some series did start from lower level that this one and had better reception.

Give it a try.
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First half of season 1 was ok, second half of season 1 was terrible
lovettstough13 February 2019
I've taken my time and watched all of season 1. The first half of season 1 was ok but the second half of season 1 was not even ok it was terrible. I've seen this same type or kind of story line with a lot of shows throughout the years and none of them ever lasted more than 2 or 3 seasons if they made it past season 1. The premise of them all is the same. If people ever do show special abilities or a new deadly virus is found they want to weaponize it and or they want to weaponize it and sell it to the highest bidder. The doctor or whatever he is that claims the safest place with June is with him and only he can help her and people like her shouldn't be trusted at all. I don't trust him. I don't think he will end up being a good guy at all.
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Better than the reviews!
rchlryder25 August 2018
I think people who watch a mainly American diet of television will not get this show. Yes it's very young adult but it has such a European pace and subtlety that most won't have the patience for it. I thought it was great and you do have to go beyond three episodes! After that you can't wait to see where it's going. I can even see where a second season would go. In the end if you like a slow burn mixed with a little touch of sci-Fi to give it flavour, give it a watch.
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Sooo slow to begin with, but great by the end
ameenah-8089326 August 2018
Honestly, i totally get what people were saying about not getting past the second episode. Tbh the first half was a real drag, only carried on watching because it was raining outside. But the last few episodes were faster paced and a lot more exciting. Overall, this would've been better as a movie. Also - ends on a predictable but appropriate cliffhanger.
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Character in Search of Bad Guy
dwankan29 August 2018
I like the premise of this series. As a fan of XMen and the numerous variations on that concept, the basis of the show's concept appeals to me. And, the many theories from the high rated reviews are all wrong: it wasn't too slow paced, and yes I got it (if you don't get this, you're pretty dense). What bothered me was the common plot device of characters accepting danger and deceit when they're smart enough to know better. I lasted several episodes, and I wanted to keep enjoying it but after watching someone repeatedly running toward people who clearly seek to harm her, I can't keep watching. I don't mind characters facing up to difficult odds or challenges: that's exciting. Nor do I mind characters facing their own weaknesses or trying to fix their own mistakes. Neither is true in this series. The main character actively seeks out known dangerous people and actively fights against the help and advice of the people who have clearly demonstrated that they intend to keep her safe. That certainly builds tension, but it's lazy writing, and it makes the characters hard to sympathize with.
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Hard to follow
ahopefulhobbit6 March 2020
This show has an interesting premise combined with good acting and videography. I enjoyed June's story. However, I'm honestly still confused about the various side characters. Their scenes don't really make sense and the multiple time jumps don't help. I struggled to pay attention to these characters through most of the season because the show never explained what they were doing, or their motives, or even who they were.
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