Operation Red Sea (2018) Poster

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Political Propaganda? You guys watch Hollywood war movies as well right...?
dmv_gary8 December 2018
It recently came to Netflix, so I figure more US audience would be watching the movie, then I see so many reviews saying it's bad because it's propaganda. Thanks for showing how double standard works guys. It's not the best movie, but it's fun, thrilling to watch, based on real event and reasonablly realistic, so I give it an 8. On the other hand, If it is pure propaganda, I'm glad to know that when things go down, Chinese government get stuff done, fast.
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Elite Warriors
kosmasp13 March 2021
Dante Lam .. I think it has been too long since I saw a movie of his. And watching this, I have to say, if he can do one thing right, it is the action sequences. No prisoners taken and all that. A lot of (CGI) blood and a lot of death. The stunt work here is amazing to say the least! The sound effects, the tension, the adrenalin ... everything is working just fine here.

There may be a little patriotism, but other than that ... also like with Wolf Warrior, it's not like we are not used to that from US/Hollywood output. So it is more or less the same, just in chinese. But the action actually is one might say better choreographed than the American counterpart ... or at least as good.
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Lots of action, at least
sandy-3177625 October 2021
If you are interested in a fair war movie with tons of action, lots of interesting military equipment, and some gore, this is for you.

There is a pretty huge cast of characters, and since most wear drab clothing or military uniforms it is not always easy to keep them separate, but on the other hand you can just remember Chinese = Good and keep it straight.

The Chinese military is portrayed as high tech which I guess is fair, because this isn't their military as a whole but a small elite group. Special effects are quite good and some aspects of warfare are gotten right, which are often bungled by western war movies. For instance, a mortar attack is portrayed as the consuming terror that it is rather than a bunch of bloodless explosions.

The gore is pretty shocking when it occurs (limbs blown off, etc.) but it is also not focused on. I quite enjoyed it.
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Too many double standard reviews
zhao-111095 February 2019
Those who thought the movie was pure war scene should watch the Pacific, which also solely described the war scene in WW2. You could feel it, you could see it, you could witness the brutality, you could be shocked by the reality, that's filming. You wanna see superhero killing thousands of bad guys without injury but do not want to face the terrible war that is going on in the Middle East. Those who thought it was propaganda should comment the same under the American Captain and under the First Blood. Biased eyes could not see the fair world.
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Much better than that War Wolf
w-7147411 April 2020
"Wolf Warrior 2" is popular in the summer vacation, and madly swept more than 5 billion.

But as long as you dare to say that it is not good at all, you will be besieged by brains, be greeted by your family, and even rise to an unpatriotic level.

Everything is afraid of comparison. The advent of "Operation of the Red Sea" makes "War Wolf 2" look quite ridiculous in comparison, just like the children of kindergarten have played with each other.

We would like to thank Director Lin Chaoxian, who proved how high Chinese military films can be, he improved our aesthetics, and he made us understand that War Wolf 2 is indeed not good enough.
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Worth watching!
Firestorhm7729 January 2020
This movie was actually better than I expected. Though not perfect, it provided a decent storyline and lots of action. It's definitely worth seeing at least once.

I see some of the more critical reviewers saying how it is just Chinese propaganda. I would argue it's not much different than most of our American movies that display sacrifice and heroism (such as films like Act of Valor).

Besides, the trivia section of this movie even states that this film was "a gift for the 90th Anniversary of the Founding of the Chinese People's Liberation Army, as well as the Communist Party's 19th National Congress." So what do you expect? And quite frankly, who cares if it's propaganda-like for the Chinese citizens?

Give this movie a shot. It is enjoyable and definitely worth seeing. you may be surprised how well the story moves along with multiple battle sequences. I also appreciated seeing another country's attempt at an action/military movie.
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Great action movie
brianpleung29 November 2019
Similar to American made war movie in terms of action, equipment, tactics, but more realistic showing that enemy's capabilities and good guys getting hurt and shot! Some people say it's Chinese military propaganda, I'd say it's about the same level of s**t as u see American war movies. If only bad guys die so much more often than good guys, we wouldn't have so many wars. 🤔. A good change to see heroic action movies that don't speak English!
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Chinese military movie
SnoopyStyle2 August 2018
It's 2015 in the Gulf of Aden. Pirates have captured a Chinese merchant ship and the Chinese navy goes into action. A Chinese sniper is crippled while trying to arrest an escaping pirate. Reporter Xia Nan pursuing a terrorist and yellowcake uranium story is almost killed in a car bombing. After a coup in Yewaire, a naval task group and special forces are sent to evacuate civilians.

There are a few concepts combined in this Chinese movie. The best one is the Black Hawk Down military movie. They obviously invested a lot military hardware. It's a patriotic affair and proud of it. Morocco makes for a solid devastated city backdrop. There is plenty of big explosions. Other than a few Matrix bullet time fantasy scenes, it works quite well as a semi-real action packed thrill ride. The characters have no particular charisma or individuality. It's just action and military hardware. It's not high-minded, and I have no problem with that. The reporter's story is probably trying to inject some political nuance which is unnecessary. She's a good character but it would make more sense if she's a Chinese super spy Jane Bond. She could lead the soldiers with intel to rescue the civilians and take down a terrorist group. Overall, this is a functional action movie. The lack of a lead protagonist does hold it back some. More time early on spent on the Captain would help.
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Forestaller17 February 2018
Who'd have thought that the first live-action SPEC OPS action movie with realistic effects work would be made by China (starring their Navy SPEC OPS "Sea Dragons")? I guess I was wrong to think that without a rating-system, Chinese movies wouldn't dare to show anything -- it turns out that they have no qualms about showing everything (without lingering over it like Hollywood gore porn, of course) if the movie/genre was right...

Featuring 5 main escalating missions/set-pieces -- which are always strongly grounded by detailed sniper tactics and expertly strung together with clear plot-points as well as characterizations -- all the usual Hollywood war/military movie "fat" (such as "character arcs", "grand narratives", "social justice" polemics, etc) has been trimmed off, so that military enthusiasts can simply immerse themselves in the gritty and heart-pounding SPEC OPS action.

Just for its utter lack of pretension (to appear more "balanced", "diverse", profound", etc.) -- 10/10, would BANG again!
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Great Action Flix
roycrowe-9482127 January 2019
Warning: Spoilers
Great action flix. The Chinese need to invest in helicopter gun ships.
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Baby Step Improvement of Chinese War Films
zericextension7 April 2019
Warning: Spoilers
Operation: Red Sea, a step of improvement in Chinese warfare cinematography, even if it's only a baby step. After having watching many of Chinese war films alongside with my mother over the past 16 years, it's undeniable that this could be one of the better made war films in its history. My focus however, is only on the battle scenes as I have no interest in its narrative style.

Let's begin with some good sides. There are a few improvements worth mentioning that is demonstrated in the film. Firstly, I think it's worth a round of applause that after who knows many years of making war films, they finally, finally show the audience some severed limbs during combat. Secondly, armament variety. In the majority of war films featuring modern Chinese military, Chinese soldiers will always carrying their signature weapons, their QBZ assault rifles and their QBU sniper rifles, if there is a sniper role. For this film, there is a much bigger variety, not only for different types of assault rifles, but classes as well. They finally brought in machine guns (light and heavy) and more usage of RPGs. And finally, actual usage of tanks. For most of their war films, the tanks shown in the film never see actual combat, at most used in simulation. We finally get to see some live action with tanks, even if it was horribly portrayed.

Now, the usual and usual bad stuff scene in Chinese war films. I think one of their biggest flaws in the film is consistency. When at first I saw the car bomb scene, I was surprised to see the focus on the reality of the explosion. It was only a one-time thing however. Many of the explosions portrayed later in the film failed to stay consistent with how damaging the explosions or "pyroworks" can be. I don't exactly remember which character it was, but I counted that he died at least five times just from explosions, whether it was from mortar fire, from grenades, or from other explosions. It was frustrating to see him still kicking like nothing happened and "beating the bad guys." In fact, I believe that in the scene with the mortars, half of the Chinese squad that was there should be dead including that French-Chinese individual. The scale of the explosion portrayed from the munitions exploding is much similar to the initial car bomb scene. In the car bomb scene, barely anyone survived, and if they did suffered severe wounds. In the mortar scene however, they were simply covered in sand, and not mentioning the classic Chinese style of over-the-top dramatic fallen teammates shots. From that range, if they followed the consistency, the mere shock wave would've killed them all.

And while we're in the sandy mortar scene, let's talk about that painful sniper shot. I counted, that shot of the fired bullet took a total of thirty seconds to travel from the mouth of the barrel to scratch the side of the fleeing sniper's face. A painful scene to watch. It's cool to see a shot like that, but overdoing it is another thing. Spending over ten seconds showing a shot like that is already too long, let alone the half-minute. The slow-motion was set into three parts: in front of the bullet, the side of the bullet, and finally the back. I can only explain that through the liking of Chinese cinematography to over dramatize.

One more scene from this sandy mortar section needs to be mentioned. I couldn't possibly let the acrobatic explosion scene slide can I. I get it that he jumped to escape the mortar round and that the explosion would push him further away, but the front flip? Who thought of that and actually put that in the film? And of course, he should be dead (I think that's the character that I counted that should've died for at least five times). And also, the fact that he gets up like nothing really happened, again is extremely frustrating to watch as he continues to "beat more bad guys." Also, also, just to add one more "should've died" scene, the sniper who was under mortar fire. The explosion was way too close for him to survive that shock.

Next off, the scene when the T-72 tank was first used to fire. Might as well mentioning why there is a label in the front of the T-72 tanks that reads "W 13"? and why the tank is painted with a Chinese army camouflage? This is another ridiculous scene, more of a WTF scene actually. The tank fired a shell that penetrated I think three stone columns AND THEN exploded? I get the fact that AP or armor piercing round can easily penetrate those stone columns, but then how in seven hells does it create such a massive explosion by hitting a house? A HE or high explosive round can do that, but then it can't penetrate those columns. It's a very dramatic scene that takes the term unrealistic to another level, to the point that even my mother, who lacks such knowledge, felt weird watching that scene.

Now, the tank chase scene. Does it ever occur to you that like in a video game, the enemies are scripted to have extremely poor accuracy? For some odd reason, the Arabic fighters are shown to be very capable, like their quick calculations in adjusting their aim for the mortars and their skilled sniper, but can't really hit that T-72 with four pursuing it. It's not just this scene, it's in every scene where when it comes to aiming at the Chinese soldiers, the Arabic fighters can't aim straight. It's like they have a cheat code for survival. Back to the tank scene, there are a few weird scenes shown here. A couple of frustrating ones are when one of the M60 tanks just stops as it no longer works after being hit with, presumably, a HEAT round on the reactive armor plating on the turret. The plating is gone but the turret is really undamaged, and yet it just stops. Another one where the the tank was hit in the turret, but its tracks are destroyed? consistency much?

Fast forwarding to the sandstorm scene, the "convenient sandstorm" scene, I think this is one of the dumbest scene ever made. First of all, why would anyone disembark their intact, not exploding anytime soon, vehicle into a sandstorm? Do they not know how deadly a sandstorm is? Secondly, the portrayal of the sandstorm was extremely poor; we were able to see clearly what was going on inside that storm. From what the film initially portrayed, that storm should've reduced visibility to close to nothing but about a few feet in front of you. Disregarding the sandstorm, there was a scene with a M60 tank laying down MG fire on one of the Chinese soldiers as another destroyed the tracks. Tell me why and who is stupid enough to leave its combat vehicle just because the tracks are destroyed? Those Arabic fighters just left all their firepower just because they lost mobility, at which they were moving at snail's pace anyway. And the final face-off scene between the two tanks, the drone. . .I don't know how it managed to hit the "hostile" one, maybe there was dialogue I missed? And speaking of, the communications in this film is atrocious. Their screaming and yelling is nearly impossible to understand without subtitles. My mother couldn't hear half of the conversations. And with this poor communication, how did they pull off not killing their own since both tanks are M60 tanks? In a sandstorm "like so portrayed," it's impossible to use visual confirmation, and I would assume thermal targeting. They didn't even show a scene like that in their too. . .on how they targeted and hit the tank (they love doing those dramatic scenes).

Oh right, I almost forgot about the scene with the warship. Funnily enough, warship looks a lot like the US Arleigh Burke guided missile destroyer. Is it true that the Chinese have a rip-off version of the Arleigh Burke? Anyways, that scene where it defended itself with the Phalanx against the seven missiles is absolutely ridiculous. Based on what the scene is portraying, by the time the crew kicks in with the Phalanx, the missiles are already in a close danger range, and with how tightly packed they are, there is no way none of those missiles hit. It was impossible for them to completely wipe out all those missiles that are later portrayed to come is looser packs. All that UAV launching and support fire is pretty bull. That destroyer would be rendered combat ineffective, or worst sunk as it would be hit broadside.

I think that's enough. . .just one more thing: the classic "time shall stop when our teammate is hit and is about to die, maybe." This never gets old does it? I'm not sure if it's unique to Chinese cinematography, but the way they do it, it's way too unrealistic and dramatic. My mother complains all the time: "and they would just stop shooting?"

Yeah, that's all. I don't know if I can say disappointed. I heard that this film is the most well-made in terms of fighting, which I can see. It's an improvement, but having watched many other foreign war films like from the US, the UK, Malaysia, Korea, Russia, Germany, etc., Chinese war films just can never achieve the "audience on edge" effect even though its seems like the film was supposed to have that effect. And the way Chinese war films try to portray patriotism and heroism, it just feels very over-dramatic and it's really poking fun at themselves rather than having us feel that patriotism, that heroism. In worse terms, they're disgracing what it means to be a soldier. Horrible, absolutely horrible, and even in this film that style doesn't change. I really would've gave it half a star, but another half for effort.
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Non stop action
zyclunt13 January 2021
So if You want an non stop action with little story this movie is for You. Premise is simple special ops from China doing evacuation of their embassy in war torn country. Of course it's just the beginning of troubles for chinese commando unit. And movie is packed with shootouts, car chaces, tank battles, sniper duels and so on. Practicaly all the quite scenes between fighting are trimmed to bare minimum. And the action looks good, a lot of money went into special effects. There is a bit of propaganda in the movie fortunately on the level of American war movies. Be warned operation Red Sea is not for children some scenes are gory and too realistic. But if You are above 18 and want some good action movie give it a try.
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Over-the-top military action movie
jamesrupert20142 October 2018
If you like this sort of movie, you will love this one: non-stop action, graphic bloodletting and many 'tough guy' moments as well as lots of armaments on display, ranging from a huge variety of small arms to tanks, drones, missiles, anti-missile 'Gatling guns', and helicopter gunships: all very cool and very loud. The grind-along soundtrack pumps up the action and the cinematography/CGI/stunts are all excellent. The plot follows a Chinese Navy special-ops team as they attempt a number of rescues in a fictional middle-eastern country (inspired by the 2005 rescue of Chinese nationals in Yeman). Mixed up in this is plucky reporter trying to find a MacGuffin containing information about 'yellowcake' that the terrorist plan to use in a dirty bomb. All of this is simply an excuse for loud and bloody mayhem. Like "Black Hawk Down", the film focuses on the comradery of the 'men (and women) on the ground', and if it doesn't scare you off, may make you want to sign up for a stint. The final scene, almost a cinematic ultimatum, is pure jingoism.
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Hong Kong disappoints
MountainBiker25 December 2018
This is the Oscar submission from Hong Kong? Were there no other movies to choose from?

This is an utterly horrible film. The director, writer (was there one?), the acting all horrendous. The storyline ... um ... wasn't there. It felt like a group of sixth graders were given a lot of money to blow up their action figures.
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Incredibly amazing action sequences
TheBigSick17 February 2018
Actually, most of the film is just above average, and the score would be like 7/10. However, the action sequences between Minute 100 and Minute 120 are incredibly brutal, realistic, bloody, traumatizing and unbearable, and are among the finest action scenes I've ever seen. Thus, I would give the film a 8.5/10 overall rating.

Similar to the Chris Nolan's "Dunkirk" and the action flick "Operation Mekong" in 2016, also directed by Dante Lam, this film "Operation Red Sea" sacrifices plot and character development for action, and fortunately it works. The cinematography, film editing, sound editing, sound mixing, visual effects, action choreography, original score and production design are just speechless. The film borrows ideas from several Hollywood blockbusters, such as the moral debate in "Saving Private Ryan", the special force fights of "Black Hawk Down", the war scenes at "Hacksaw Ridge", the tank battles from "Patton" and most importantly "American Sniper"'s sniping sequences.
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Fictional action packed promo for the Chinese Navy
mike_bike_kite26 September 2018
Not really a film but more an action packed promo for the Chinese Navy! Based on a true story though, in real life, I don't believe the Chinese did any actual fighting, let alone fight against impossible odds. Perhaps it's better to say this film is loosely based on Black Hawk Down. I found it a bit amusing how they kept reiterating how uncomfortable they were going into other nations territorial waters while in real life the Chinese seem quite happy to rename these waters as their own. These days they're even building their own islands in international waters and then calling the surrounding seas their own too!

As a make believe action film I think it works, it's action packed and doesn't pull any punches. As a portrayal of a true story it's almost 99% fiction. As a statement of intent for the Chinese Navy I found it a little worrying. It will be "interesting" to see how the Chinese Navy live up to the film, I suspect they're going to get some real life practise in the coming years.
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my notes
FeastMode26 July 2019
Basically everything i said and felt about operation mekong (same director) applies to this movie. the action was awesome, intense and large. so many great action scenes and moments. enough action in the first half to fill a whole movie. the music was awesome. some really great shots.

the reason i didn't give it a higher score is because i didn't really care about the characters or the details of the story. when the action wasn't happening i didn't care much. that's partly because of the language barrier, but also partly because there are a LOT of characters. so you don't become attached to any of them. there are still some scenes with good emotions, but half the time i didn't know who was who. also as much of an action junkie as i am, near the end it started becoming too much. i got action fatigue. it was a little too long and didn't was a bit anti-climactic with a long end scene after the climax

lots of realism in the action with some great gore scenes. lots of moments that subvert expectations. this was a well made movie... for the most part. i probably wouldn't watch it again (1 viewing)
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Director Lin Chaoxian is more and more outstanding in grasping the theme of patriotic films
xuefeiding-472893 July 2020
The film is adapted from the real events of Yemeni emigration. From the beginning of the evacuation of overseas Chinese, hijacking accidents, the Jiaolong team accepted the task and completed the task, all the way to the end. There was no particularly sensational dialogue and drama, and all kinds of weapons and artillery were fired directly. Some scenes are really bloody, which really makes people feel the cruelty of war and the precious of peace. Praise for China's special forces.
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Some reviewers are really salty and pathetic....
jxgaoswag6 March 2019
Why don't some American admit that they are brain controlled by their ridiculous government and media? These Americans always choose to be blind when they are betrayed or abandoned by their government. So sad and pathetic... The reason that they think this film is a propaganda is because American hero movies are all propagandas. What a pathetic reality. China is stronger and stronger. Get back your prejudice and wait to be surpassed....
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One of the greatest action movies ever made
kluseba18 June 2020
Operation Red Sea is a Chinese big budget patriotic action film that is inspired by the highly successful Operation Mekong released two years earlier but follows a different set of characters in a different location. The story takes place on the Arabian peninsula where a group of terrorists overthrows a weak government. The People's Liberation Army Special Operations Forces are given order to evacuate Chinese personnel and workers from the country. They must save a hostage from a heavily guarded terrorist stronghold. The group comes across an ambitious French-Chinese journalist who reveals that the terrorists plan to weaponize yellowcake materials into a dirty bomb. The military personnel must now save the hostage, protect the journalist and prevent the yellowcake materials to be delivered to the terrorists.

This stunning movie convinces on numerous levels. The story isn't particularly imaginative but already more elaborate than similar American movies and comes around with a few interesting events and turns. The characters are attaching, diversified and unique as viewers will care about their fates. The realistic locations have been perfectly chosen and offer much diversity. The action scenes are among the most spectacular ones ever created. Especially the bloody showdown in the terrorist stronghold is absolutely breathtaking. The special effects are employed with care as the movie has a realistic touch. Despite a length of nearly two hours and a half, this film never gets boring and convinces from start to finish. Even the deleted scenes adding more information about the lead characters are sympathetic and could have been included in the original movie without making things redundant at all. While many similar Chinese movies are a little bit too patriotic, this one here focuses on the story, locations and characters which makes it more diversified.

If you like action movies, you should definitely watch Operation Red Sea that offers some of the very best fight scenes ever created in the history of cinema. As if this weren't enough, the movie convinces with an above average story, sympathetic characters and gripping tension that will keep you hooked for nearly two and a half hours. While American cinema led the world with action franchises such as Rambo four decades ago, the best action franchises these days seem to come from China and deserve more international attention and acclaim.
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The shape of things to come
Radu_A7 July 2018
Remember, people: this is a story about an elite military unit trying to foil a dirty bomb plot during a different rescue mission, nothing more, nothing less. Given this story line and its clear focus on action, allow yourselves to be entertained. Its the bang-boom-bang movie of the year, which is why it's on track to become China's most successful movie export ever. Expect more of this with the trade war, as the ending clearly suggests that it's also intended as a line in the sand - pardon, sea - between China and the US of A.

My two cents on the most frequent criticism on this one: there's no story and pretty much constant action. As other people have pointed out: the reason why this movie is constant, uninterrupted mayhem is that warfare really is that crazy, as anyone can learn from a multitude of books, documentaries or (like yours truly) friends in the military. The situation in Yemen - for which the location is a thinly veiled stand-in - is so complex that one should feel grateful that there is no attempt whatsoever to put what happens into perspective, as so many Hollywood propaganda drivels do.

I didn't like the predecessor to this one, "Operation Mekong", because of its truckload of stereotypes about Thais and Burmese. "Operation Red Sea" is a huge improvement because it doesn't pretend to be anything more or less than an action flick with a bit of "China saves the day" on the side.
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This is a movie you should't miss.
xlou-572993 March 2018
This movie is everything but boring. I couldn't sleep after watching it and keep thinking how lucky I am to live in a peaceful place. It 's a movie that make you want to stay millions of miles away from war, any war. American social media, as they always do, think China simply wants to show off its military power and poses a threat to the U.S.'s control of South Sea in this movie(where on earth they got this?I must have missed it in the movie!) , it is really not about China being this or that, as the 8 Chinese soldiers are not even allowed to carry any Chinese weapons to enter the war zone and all used weapons are provided by local government, it is about we should be thankful that we don't live in war zone. And we shall all be damned if a war ever came, especially the commoners like you and me.
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This Chinese pro-military film is actually not that bad, but it has some problems...
Z2170814 February 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Coming from a country where a lot of pro military flicks are made one way or another, I can't really say anything. But as far as Operation: Red Sea goes, it's a pretty solid military/action story. It's combat scenes are pretty well done, the characters have pretty good chemistry, and even the story wasn't terrible. It kind of makes me think of American action/war films like American Sniper and Act of Valor, but from a modern Chinese perspective. I feel it also plays heavily on video games from the U. S. as well.

As far as the action goes, there is a lot. It does calm down briefly at certain parts, but it makes the story pretty simplistic. And speaking of which, here's the story. This Chinese Naval Special Forces group called the Jiaolong Unit (pretty similar to the U. S. Navy SEALs if any thing) have to rescue Chinese nationals from terrorists in a fictional country on the Arabian Peninsula. So they end up blasting, sniping, and shooting their way through terrorists to rescue Chinese citizens. It eventually leads into them having to get nuclear materials from the terrorists, which they plan to use for nefarious purposes.

Overall, as far as the actual combat sequences go, they're pretty entertaining to watch. It's sort of like watching a Call of Duty game at times with some of the action sequences (and I've played my fair share of Call of Duty) and it is fun to watch.

With all that said, however, I do have some problems. A lot of the of the visual effects aren't the greatest, even for a non-Hollywood movie. For example, the PLA navy destroyer's gatling gun firing on the rocket barrage wasn't the best looking in terms of movie SFX. And they do make the terrorists pretty cartoony, especially their leader (I think Sayyid was his name) who to me felt like the Russian Col. Podovsky from Rambo: First Blood Part II.

To sum this movie up, if A.) you want a dumb-fun foreign action film with soldiers and a lot of explosions, or B.) you want to see how China portrays it's military in it's modern form, this movie's for you. If not, I'd skip this one.
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War, war never changes.
soliddeng24 February 2018
I finished the movie yesterday, still fell unreal. It's like a civilian first time experiencing real war, not the kind of wars that were shown in the Hollywood war movies, but an extremely realistic one, the one that you will experience when you walk right into the middle of an ongoing armed conflict . I have watched countless war movies from all over the world but I have never felt the way like I had on yesterday. I heard from my Chinese friends about modern Chinese young netizens love to see China gets into a war with other countries to demonstrate the ability of their Military force. I strongly advice them to see this movie, to see what will really happen in a war.
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Strange yet satisfying..
eddymachin-8042716 May 2021
This film is very disjointed though fairly fun too watch , I'd saw it at 2 in the morning and though most scenes made zero sense to me the film was fairly too watch made most in part due to the massive amounts of blood , gore and torture.
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