Sweetheart (2019) Poster

(I) (2019)

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Kept me interested!
vovachkagirl1 June 2020
I think that most of the ratings for this movie are a little low. I found this movie interesting and it kept me wondering what might happen next. The acting was a little better than I expected, good enough to carry it along without wanting to turn it off. The only thing that irritates me is that I found myself thinking that Jenn's initial survival skills were a little lame.
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Sweetheart: A Successful Exercise in Minimalistic Horror
nihilistic_tyranny18 May 2019
Most of this film involves a woman trapped on an island, alone. Still, don't expect this film to be boring. The use of visual storytelling is quite impressive, and while it's not quite a masterpiece, it doesn't drag the way the premise implies it may.

Highly recommended for anyone who loves horror, or has a Castaway fetish.
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A slow start to a film that gets better as it goes along
jtindahouse20 August 2020
The early parts of 'Sweetheart' reminded me a lot of 'Castaway' and it made me appreciate 'Castaway' a lot more than I ever did before. It's extremely hard to make a movie entertaining when you have only one character and the only plot device is your character trying to survive. 'Castaway' was lucky enough to have the extremely watchable Tom Hanks in the lead role - I could watch that man paint a house and probably enjoy it. 'Sweetheart' has Kiersey Clemons, who while obviously not on the level of Hanks, did a commendable job of keeping the movie watchable and pushing it through to the next stage.

This is a very dark film. A lot of scenes take place at night and it can be quite difficult to make out exactly what is going on a lot of the time. Also the film is very short. Coming in at just 82 minutes, they obviously didn't want to push things with what can be quite a slowly paced film at times.

If you're not enjoying the beginning of 'Sweetheart' I would suggest you push through it. The film does get better as it goes along. As some more characters come into the mix and we get more of a view of the monster - a very unique monster that I quite liked the design of - things certainly become a little more enjoyable. I was a little let down by the ending. I would've liked to see a little more creativity used, but that's not a major. I enjoyed 'Sweetheart' without ever really loving it. Worth a look, but don't go in with your expectations too high.
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A horrors fan "The Shape of Water"
FIoret15 October 2019
Warning: Spoilers
Blumhouse straight to digital release is a cozy one, perfect for an cold autumn evening. It had one of the aspects that make some of the best horror, in my opinion. Isolation...(I.E. Alien, Predator, The Thing) Better than just a cabin in the woods. This story unfolds on a deserted island. You can run, but in circles.

I appreciate never getting a full daylight view of the monster. My imagination fills in the blanks just fine thank you.
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Good movie.
Patient44416 October 2019
So let's think about the budget this movie had, about the actors, the surroundings, the plot, and if we add all of them, it comes off as a beautiful effort. It doesn't have to take too much in order to make a nice little gem for yourself, and as shown here, with a right direction, you can achieve lots of things.

Sweetheart was interesting from start to finish, did not focus on more details than it should, it comes off as those lovely first 15 minutes from I Am Legend, but manages to continue like such, without divulging too much and simply staying on the story. You get to see more and more, to stick some pieces together yet always pay attention on what's important, and this I do believe it is the beauty of a simpler movie: less is more.

Sweetheart is an great example of how horror/survival/in the woods/ monster movie should present itself, not just copy this one, but come forward with the material after it was properly put together and gone through every little step. I salute Sweetheart and also recommend to you Prey (2019), tad bit alike, both decent add-ons to horror.

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What happened to Zack?
kirakmccarty16 September 2020
Warning: Spoilers
Anybody else wondering what happened to Zack, especially after Lucas's cryptic sentence "you are starting to sound like Zach". What happened to Zack?!- all the blood in the raft and on the knife. You have this side story with no conclusion. I want closure people!
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Great potential mostly wasted
mrliteral11 November 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Starts out intriguing but consistently goes downhill.

Just a woman on an island, no info presented regarding who she is or how she got there but she seems quite calm & rational most of the time, despite half the things she does making no sense while the rest is rather resourceful. Perfectly fine to have one character and no dialogue IF there is a story being told visually, but this movie sits still for long moments with nothing happening. The scenes of intended tension don't work because it keeps cutting back to the character without giving any indication what she's looking at.

When something does happen with the creature it's almost always at night, because of course this is supposedly a horror movie but hey guess what if it's too dark the audience is basically watching a black screen. There's even a scene later when two other people show up on a raft and one of them says something about feeling safe because it's been dark out for a few hours and they haven't seen anything...right because IT'S DARK OUT. Terrible cinematography, stupid writing.

Oh yes the awful awful dialogue...so for half the movie it's just one character, and rather than have her talk to herself or sporting equipment she says nothing, which as stated would be fine if there were more to be seen, but once the other two show up and conversation can occur they still don't say anything of value. They just keep repeating the same meaningless phrases -- we need to leave, no we should stay -- without progressing the story or revealing character, which are the only two things any dialogue should ever do. Also now that there are people for her to speak to she sounds panicked & crazy, even though much of her actions to this point have been thoughtful & controlled...great character work there.

Actor playing the apparent boyfriend gives a terrible performance of a poorly written character. Nothing he says or does means anything or carries a hint of emotional weight. There are suggestions in the movie about what his off-camera actions may have been, but it doesn't add up to anything. It has no effect. Same thing with their characters showing up on the island; it has no effect. They literally arrive out of nowhere in the middle, do nothing, and die. What's the point? Also when they get there, the main character spends all this screen time trying to explain to them everything we've already witnessed, all her experiences on the island to that point...yeah that's great storytelling, just repeat everything we already know. Don't bother utilizing their arrival to raise the stakes, reveal further information, or introduce natural conflict -- just have them say they can't believe her because she's always making up stuff, that's a perfectly cinematic way to show backstory, put in a new character to tell us things, don't show it, that's too difficult.

And a bunch of other little things: trying to open a coconut nowhere near the guy whose life she intends to save with it and spilling all its milk the second she picks it up; trying to sneak the raft back into the water in plain clear view of the people she's ditching who are sitting on the beach in the sun like they're on vacation and not stranded on a tiny undeveloped island in the middle of the ocean after spending SEVERAL DAYS ON A RAFT; trying to ditch them in the first place; trying to leave the island on an open suitcase that was closed and floating when she found it; that suitcase somehow being hers without this made clear until later without any real reason for the delayed reveal or maybe the director thought it WAS clear even though lots of things in this movie are poorly shot and it isn't at all clear what's happening way too often; the creature attacks her without deadly force and disappears without reason several times because plot armor; she never once seems to consider trying to kill this thing until very very late; her plan to kill discount aquaman who's twice her size and could slice her in half with one good claw-swipe is to sharpen lots of little sticks and leave them poking out of the sand all over the place so she can run around and keep stabbing mutant Percy Jackson with a new sharp stick until fishboy eventually bleeds out and keels over...and it works.

Low-budget single-location horror is a good thing when the writing is smart...which means the characters and their actions are believable, compelling, and entertaining. So many movies seem to be put together with a focus on the creation of particular moments, but not enough work is done for those moments to feel connected, compelling, dramatic, or natural. Sure it can be scary for a mysterious sea creature to stalk a shipwrecked survivor, but not when the specifics of the situation don't play.

And not if it's too dark to see anything.
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A decent horror only let down by costume design
PsychoBeard6661 October 2020
I really enjoyed this but the creature design was like something out of Power Rangers or Guyver. Cheap rubber suit that wobbles and in one scene it looks like a puppet with a hand in it.

That's my only criticism. The setting was great, the acting was fine, the suspense was handled well with a good premise.

Don't rush to see it but if you've got time to kill give it a go.
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Lacking in basic ways
snw-4111716 October 2021
Warning: Spoilers
My major issue with this movie comes from a few basic things that don't make sense. You're stranded on a deserted island and you don't write S. O. S. In the sand. You find food, make shelter but you don't write S. O. S.? People in real life have been rescued by writing S. O. S. In the sand.

And you have a flare gun but it's not ready to shoot at all times. Also, everyone should know by now that if someone has an object embedded in them you don't pull it out. I'm not a survival expert and I know that it's basic first aid. These kinds of errors are so unbelievable that it puts me off the whole movie. I have a real problem with this type of writing because the characters are not believable. It's especially important when you're dealing with something Sci-fi that the rest of the movie is so realistic you get caught up in it. If I don't believe the human characters how am I supposed to believe your monster?
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I have to say...
tmccull5215 October 2019
Warning: Spoilers
I did not hate this movie. I rented on demand as I was bored and looking for something to watch, just the kill a little time, and I ended up watching it again.

Our protagonist, Jenn, who is very nicely portrayed by Kiersey Clemons, manages to keep her wits about her, despite finding herself in dire straits. She washes ashore a tropical island with a badly injured friend, Ben. He dies fairly quickly, leaving Jenn on her own. After her friend dies, Jenn scouts the island, looking for whatever resources that she can find. While searching, she finds an old Igloo cooler and a canvas bag, ostensibly left behind by previous inhabitants. Some of the items are useful, and some aren't. She makes the best use of what she is able to salvage.

Shortly thereafter, while combing the beach, she finds the mutilated remains of a small shark on shore. This gives us our first inkling as to the threat that she will see n be facing.

Jenn comes to discover that some sort of creature comes ashore seeking prey every night. She manages to avoid it, and gets the opportunity to bury the friend that washed ashore with her. Later, she is combing the beach again, and finds that something has stolen her dead friend's body, which understandably freaks Jenn out.

I will spare some details here, in the event that you decide to watch this movie. Suffice it to say that Jenn proves herself to be crafty, resourceful, and rather gutsy. She does not shy away from doing what needs to be done in order to survive. Along the way, she manages to avoid the usual stupid decisions and pratfalls that most horror movies are rife with.

I will spoil the ending, mostly because Jenn does something that most characters in these movies almost never do; she makes damned sure that the monster is dead. She doesn't just hurt it, drop her weapon and flee. Once the creature finally succumbs, she keeps cutting and tearing at it until she is absolutely positive that it is dead. There are no cliched jump scares, where the monster has one last surge of life. When Jenn kills 'em, they stay dead.

Despite the spoilers, I left a lot out of this review. Even knowing the outcome, it would be worth your while to give "Sweetheart" a chance.
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Huge missed opportunity for something great
ramirezcoulter17 August 2020
Warning: Spoilers
I'm no fancy critic or crazy film snob, but movies like this that seem to be just empty shells of productions being mindlessly rolled out by Netflix what seems like every week truly ruin my hopes for a fresh, good film.

And it's so sad. Because this movie starts out great. The remote island, the lack of background information, the little dialogue - they all make for such a suspenseful and "what on earth is going on here?" feeling in the best way. The lead actress is also awesome. She conveys her emotions really well. A lot of the comments here praise her for doing exactly what a regular person would do in real life, and this is true, she follows what the audience is thinking they would do - she's smart and capable, which as a black woman lead is fantastic. The monster is also really intriguing at first too. Not being able to see it is a classic tactic, but it works. I was also liking the fact that once the other two characters arrived on the island, that something important about their past was insinuated, but never fully revealed, leaving the audience to both infer and wonder about how that's impacted their actions now.

But this mystery and intrigue is ruined about halfway through. This movie turns into a corny, dragged on goose chase with an alien creature hunting down a female lead - original, right? It seems as though the last 20 minutes of this movie were suddenly rushed into a cringeworthy, anti-climatic conclusion where none of the suspense or wit from the beginning carry over. Now that we've seen that the monster is a ridiculous toy-looking shark-man, I'd be shocked if anyone found themselves remotely scared or curious anymore (not to mention the terrible special effects used that made it even less believable, if that's even possible). With the killing of the other two characters, we now have no way of really understanding more about the interesting story that was being built up about their past before the predictable, action-filled second half. Revealing the monster and turning the journey into a cliché sci-fi story that adds nothing new to the genre is a huge let-down, and ruined the chance to add something fresh to the "distressed female in a strange place vs mysterious predator" idea. I was left bored and unfulfilled, and ready to easily forget this story.

Frankly, I feel insulted that directors like this and big names like Netflix think that their entire audience will believe this is a good movie just because it looks well-done (at least in the first half), and because it touches on some "woke" themes. And I no longer trust Rotten Tomatoes for scoring movies like this so highly - it's clear that these opinions are not entirely original and authentic anymore. It's a shame because Sweetheart had so much potential, especially because it made me begin to believe in some true, deeper meaning about trust, credibility and leadership for a minority lead. Unfortunately, it became a big missed opportunity to do something great and instead another wannabe Alien/Castaway and Netflix flop.
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Impressive Monster Indie
stephenherman6 December 2019
Warning: Spoilers
I was pleasantly surprised by this one here. I'm not usually a fan of monster movies but this one did it right.

The lead actress was really good. She held the movie down all by herself. Not to mention she wasn't bad on eyes. Really beautiful woman.

Good Script. Great visuals. I really like how they held back on showing the monster till closer to the end. And that black hole in the ocean... Yikes!!

Glad blumhouse takes chances on these kinds of films. Congrats to all the cast and crew. Thank you for making an entertaining film.
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mvike8 February 2020
Warning: Spoilers
I LOVE monster movies, and something that makes me so sad is that we have VERY, VERY few good ones very often that come out, and even less GREAT ones. "The Thing" (NOT the new CGI infected version) will always be king imo. And typically they're now always low budget trash ...in recent years we have gotten, "The Void, The Mist, The Ritual", and a few others, but not many!!!

So when one comes along that is decent, I'm always excited! I didn't know what to expect, but they did well! My two favorite film themes, MONSTERS and TRAPPED IN A LOCATION/ISOLATION!

Also, the monster is (from what I could tell) basically ALL practical effects!!! There is one scene in particular that I'll always remember among great monster scenes, when she fires the flare and the monster is shown way out in the water! BRILLIANT!!! As well as the eyes in the photo that you aren't really sure if it's eyes, or the mind playing tricks. It's chilling, scary, and no need for JUMP SCARE! The lead actress, I've never seen her before but I really liked her a lot. I will say that the final act, as with almost every monster film was the weakest part. I don't know if this is because we now see too much of it, or if because it's the same old "it or me, gotta right it" stuff.

I really thought the look of it was pretty good, and I loved how it would keep up with her running by jumping into the water, this film was very original, while feeling familiar as well.

As I mentioned the final act felt a bit weak, as most of this type of film suffers from, (so I won't knock it much...) this could also be in part due to the addition of the incredibly unlikeable other two people that wash ashore. I don't think they added anything other than a few monster kills to the film.

I'll just say this, if YOU are a horror fan, more specifically a MONSTER movie fan, and The Thing/The Howling/ Deep Rising, and others are YOUR thing? Check this out, you'll be very pleased!!!

We always complain that we don't get enough of these original horror films, so when we do like now? SUPPORT IT!!! Go rent it.
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Soooo.... What happened?
nexusbrivers16 August 2021
Warning: Spoilers
What's in that black hole? Why not show us?

Did she make it off the island? How?

Did a plane come?

Were there more than one creature?

Who buried the bodies?

How did her friends survive on that raft for so long if that thing could pluck them out so easily?

Why were her friends so stupid?

What happened on the raft with the blood? The knife?

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Surprisingly better then I thought it would be.
deloudelouvain6 January 2020
I don't know what the budget was for this movie, probably not that much as you never really see the "monster" but the story itself is well made with the right amount of suspense to keep you interested for the entire movie. They did a good job creating a malicious ambiance. Another example that you don't really have to have a big budget to make a decent horror/thriller. The cinematography was good and the acting of Kiersey Clemons was on top for this movie. Not much other characters but in this case you don't even need them. Surprisingly better then I thought it would be, certainly worth a watch if you like a bit of suspense.
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The Gill-Man Meets Nola Darling
EdgarST13 April 2020
I am sorry... but if you are going to watch a movie about an African-American girl scout or Corporal Nola Darling, against an over-sized Gill-man, you better stop the cinéphile pretense and realize you are going to watch just that, so put on your Jack Arnold hat with a feather "a la Guillermo del Toro", and leave the intelligentsia pose for latter, when you sit to watch Díaz, Martell, Brillante, Reygadas, Alonso, Encina, Tarr and the rest of the crowd.

Quite original, wet, salty, sandy and scary horror movie if you ask me, even if it loses impact and power when we finally see the fish-man, and it turns into a hand to hand match between the woman and the thing. It tries to explain everything, but it also leaves a few questions unanswered, which makes it more intriguing.

I am glad I saw it, on this umpteenth "quarantine" Sunday night.
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If you don't pay for good special Fx, You can't disguise it by having scenes darker then the G.O.T finale episode.
tkaine315 October 2019
It's not bad but it's not good either definitely a mediocre film. Yes it delivered some degree of suspense large in part due to the concept and topic but the big reveal looked like something crafted from the 90's and with a very miniscule amount of backstory revealed on every character which counts up to be 5 it all just unravels like a run of the mill monster movie. The actor wasn't bad she has better films in her repertoire as a co-star but she handled the role well enough. I would recommend this film as something to see on a rainy day but nothing here was amazing or great.
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not bad
watcher201919 October 2019
Worth a watch just for the lead actress being able to carry this off with good style. Defo a talent on the rise here.
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Zero brains and common sense
tinymark216 November 2021
The girl in this movie is as dumb as they come! Zero common sense. She wouldn't have lasted more than two days. Movie starts out ok but is just silly by the end! Don't waste your time!
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Ansango25 October 2019
Warning: Spoilers
Sweetheart is by far the most underrated horror film of the year. It has an interesting premise and has one of the best creature in a while in horror movies.


1. Beautiful cinematography 2. Tense Atmosphere 3. Interesting premise 4. Brilliant acting by Kiersey Clemons 5. Direction


1. Even though it's short in runtime, it's still feels a bit long due to its dragged 2nd act. 2. A lackluster finale 3. There was huge potential in the premise and it wasn't utilised properly.

Overall, a very intersting movie and a must watch for horror movie fanatics. I think there should be another movie where the origin of creature should be explained. Dunno, would be an interesting idea for a sequel.
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Review is nothing but a summary of the worst glaring nonsense. There was plenty more.
kking-6864110 January 2020
Warning: Spoilers
Night scenes are too dark to see anything at all. A hollow log doesn't break when the monster beats on it as hard as it can, but it splits easily as a person crawls out of it. Character looks at two palm trees - there's a scene cut - character is lying in a hammock stretched twenty feet in the air between the two palm trees. How? Earlier scene - character mashes minnows and throws them in the water, quickly attracting a small shark. Later scene - character has a huge gash in leg, in one scene, then the wound is never shown again and she goes swimming almost immediately after without fear of sharks. Says she has enough food for three people for weeks, but the tiny bit of food she packs in that little chest would last one person one day. And then, when you finally see a clear shot of the 'monster'- oh, my. Man in a cheap rubber suit with the head of a toy dinosaur. ...and goat hooves? An amphibious creature with man legs and goat hooves? The creature comes out of the sea, but you never try to go inland? I'm not even sure this was actually an island - we never saw more than one beach. Everyone just assumes it's an island. Ends without full resolution. Terrible from beginning to end.
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Involving and scary.
johannes2000-110 April 2020
Warning: Spoilers
I liked it. Especially the first half of the movie, where we very gradually get more and more revealed of the monster worked great for me, the tension is effectively built-up and together with main character Jenn (Kiersey Clemons) we experience some pretty scary moments. As always in monster movies it's a bit of a risk to at last bring the monster in full sight and here it's not different, it does detract some of it's menacing effect.

I also liked the way in which we seem to be planted right in the middle of the story: what exactly happened to make Jenn wash ashore on this island stays for the biggest part in the dark and even when two of her friends later-on also wash ashore in a dinghy it's not really cleared-up. It adds to the creepy atmosphere, as does the few innuendo's concerning bloodstains in the dinghy and the questionable parts that these two friends seem to have had in that. To me it didn't really get any clearer, but maybe I missed or didn't understand an intended clarification in the end. Clemons by the way does a great job, carrying the movie for the biggest part on her own.

Like many reviewers here I had some doubts as to the logic of things. Especially the apparent but totally unfounded assumption that the creature was solitary kept amazing me, but lucky for Jenn the writers assumed the same. And Jenn's ability to survive the many attacks of the creature was just as amazing.

Anyway, a good well-acted and genuinely scary movie.
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sheepfood9 November 2019
Warning: Spoilers
This movie is really a very very simple movie. Try to over-think it, and you may get pissed off in the end. Like, I kept thinking why is her skin so clean after all the shit that happened? Like, why the monster had to come out to land to hunt, when there's plenty of food in the ocean. Like, why is it interested in dead meat while still chase after living beings.

By the time I realized it was such a waste of time to bother, the monster got murdered and movie ends.

There is only ONE big complain coming from me. And that is, they over-emphasized on Lucas; his little talk to Jenn while she was tied up and also hinting that he may be the one who killed Zack with the bloody swiss knife. It's absolutely unnecessary and there wasn't any further development in the remaining of the show. More doesn't necessarily means better. Sometimes LEE is better. It makes the movie weaker and amateurish.
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Popcorn decent, but I don't get the title....Sweetheart?
LordCommandar16 October 2019
So I watched this film this morning around 2:00 am, because sometimes I need something to watch to put me to sleep and I figured this would do the trick. But I kid you not when I say twenty mins in, It felt like I had just drank a fresh cup of coffee. Wow, what a decent surprise. This woke me up and kept me focused to the very end. Great stranded island monster flick. I was also pleased to see a role like this played by an African-american, Kiersey Clemons who did a great job in a lead part carrying the entire film. This was definitely popcorn decent, but I really don't get the title. Anyway, highly recommended weekend fun.
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Did you see it?
nogodnomasters10 November 2019
Warning: Spoilers
Kiersey Clemons washes up on a deserted island. Her companion dies shortly afterward. She discovers there was a family there before her and later a monster that comes out of a black hole abyss on the ocean floor with the sole purpose to eat folks on the island. It is a story of survival.

Good film with a build-up. We do get to see the creature, but never clearly.

Guide: No sex or nudity. I didn't catch the swearing.
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