Attack of the Adult Babies (2017) Poster

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Adult baby attack
TheLittleSongbird6 October 2018
The idea sounded very interesting and creative, so there was enough to make one want to see it. The cover looked quite eerie. So saw 'Adult Babies' with genuine interest and wanting to at least sort of like it even if it had many problems.

Seeing it, well 'Adult Babies' certainly did have many problems and it is pretty much exactly the same feelings had when watching a few other films recently. It has its moments and good points certainly, but just underwhelmed even having prepared myself to not expect an awful lot. Not a terrible film or without redeeming qualities, and there is far worse out there of the genre and overall. Liked the concept for 'Adult Babies' somewhat, the execution was generally lacking.

'Adult Babies' at least didn't insult my intelligence. It at least didn't make me angry watching it. Despite giving it a relatively low score and negative review, it even didn't make me regret watching it altogether, there are imminently worse films out there.

It starts off quite well and there are a few amusing and unsettling moments throughout.

Did think it didn't look too bad for a film not made on a high budget, the music set the tone reasonably well and some of the acting is above average.

However, not all the actors are entirely at ease and the characters are not easy to endear to with some irrational ways of thinking going on. The script is very stilted on the most part, while the ridiculousness goes well overboard a lot of the time that it becomes tiresomely dumb and the elements intended to be creepy were spoiled by random gratuity and predictability and bordered on being uncomfortably weird in an excessive sense.

Tension and suspense is next to none after a promising start, the latter stages become very vague and lack explanation and there are parts that come out of nowhere and add absolutely nothing.

Summing up, lacklustre but could have been worse. 4/10 Bethany Cox
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Yes, it's dumb, but it does have an actual hamfisted message in there.
terrencepatrix27 July 2018
This movie isn't for everyone, it's not for most people actually. It's absurd, silly, disgusting, bizarre, and...political? Kind of?

Basically this movie is about the wealthy elite who essentially rule the world and how it came to be. The ruling class makes a deal with politicians that involves regressing adults into the mental state of babies cared for by a team of sexy nurses and a pair of dictator like management. It's disgusting old men in diapers goo-goo-ing and ga-ga-ing, drinking milk from absurdly sized bottles, and pooping themselves. Along the way a family finds themselves involved and tasked with infiltrating the establishment where this is going on. There's some eye gouging, poison, chainsaws, some shootings, another stabbing, and pooping. A lot of it at the end. There's also a claymation sequence that comes out of nowhere.

Is it GOOD? Not really in a traditional sense. Is it good for a laugh and a bit of gross political commentary? Surprisingly yes. It's not even all that low budget, the effects are quite good, it's just freaking weird. But I was entertained and that's why it gets a 5.
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Could have been better - could have been worse - an middle of the road "meh"
one9eighty31 January 2019
Warning: Spoilers
The title of this film sometimes appears as "Attack of the Adult Babies". It's a British film directed by Dominic Brunt, made in 2017. It's a horror comedy, splatter, low-budget film which is crude, rude and full of lewd.

To summarise it as best as I can; a family are forced to break into a country estate as they are threatened at gunpoint by two Russian hitmen, who, are under instructions by the father of the family who has his own motives. Upon breaking into the country estate it becomes clear that it is a retreat for a wealthy upper-class cult, comprised of politicians, judges and heads of commerce - it's like an old Etonian reunion on crack. While at the retreat, the cult members all dress up as babies and imbibe a strange drug which makes them believe they are babies - but its ok, hired sexy nurses are there to rub their bellies and change their nappies. As the family dig deeper a sinister plot is uncovered, the cult is a front for an alien entity/pooh God which has been ruling the world for some time. Only the family that started the adventure can end the horrors occurring within the cult.

This film isn't for the mainstream masses, or even conventional horror fans - but if you like gross out gore and tongue in cheek humour - then you might enjoy this film. I have to admit, this actually divided my household, I thought it was a decent, albeit random film, my missus out-right hated it and said it's the worst bad film we've seen together - and FTR, I have introduced her to a real library of bad films. The acting wasn't awful, although it's obvious who has acted before and who was just drafted in for this film. Maybe there was a lack of depth and character development, but you wouldn't typically get a massive amount of that in a film of this type anyway so I could overlook that. The pace of the film was ok and flowed nicely - it didn't take too long to get things going. The action was decent with a nice amount of fake blood and fake pooh. The CGI was tastefully done for a low budget film and, random as it was, the Claymation addition towards the end of the film was of a decent standard. The message, or themes explored on the film could have been better - while tip-toeing around a political or philosophical message it didn't really seem to hammer a meaningful message home, it didn't leave me thinking after the end of the film - which was a pity.

Now to rating, I rate all films against each other and the standard of films from history and how I feel about them. My reviews and ratings are my opinions only. I didn't hate this film, I didn't think I'd wasted time watching this film - but I didn't come away from the film wanting to tell family and friends that it's a must-watch cult classic either. I'm going to give "Adult Babies" a 5 out of 10.
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Attack them
kosmasp19 October 2017
The Adult Babies that is, in case you were wondering. Now the movie itself had the title "Attack of the Adult Babies" when it played at Frightfest, but just calling it Adult Babies makes more sense. Well if you can put this movie and sense in one sentence. That's actually almost impossible and very untrue/false. And despite any "moral" message this supposedly is giving us, there is not many merits to get from it.

Unless you set the bar really low and like practical effects that is. Especially the latter are the one thing that made me give it an extra point and not go for the lowest score. Having said all that, the filmmaker clearly wanted to make something people have fun with and there is one punch line (delivered by a Human Centipede "alumni") that made me laugh. So even if you don't like the movie like me, don't be mean to the people who made this. They are nice people and they just do what they like most, no matter how we perceive it. I'm saying this because some people attacked (verbally/written comments) the filmmakers personally and that is not cool at all.

So to sum up, some will like this, because it's brainless "fun" plus gore and won't mind the low quality in general. For everyone else: You should know after the trailer or after a couple of minutes ... don't put yourself through it
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Cinematic excrement
Leofwine_draca22 January 2019
Warning: Spoilers
ATTACK OF THE ADULT BABIES is the latest work from EMMERDALE actor and horror fan Dominic Brunt. Sadly, it's also his worst yet, a film obsessed with toilet humour, weirdness, and awful effects work which combine to make a viewing experience uniformly bad. There's no plot at all here, just a bunch of characters assembled in a rambling country house occupied by grown men dressed as babies. Some of them are randomly made up to have snouts instead of noses, and many are dispatched via messy but awful-looking CGI. The unknown cast deliver weak performances, and the obsession with excrement and juvenile humour make this one of the poorest British 'horror' films I've ever sat through.
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It's so ridiculous it's watchable...
extremesteamkeys24 April 2019
Adult Babies tries way too hard to push the boundaries of shock and horror into the realms of farce. It does however succeed in moments, but as a whole the film is quite flawed. It seems desperate in its attempt to become a cult classic - and this its downfall - rather than be driven by a strong narrative that actually has some significant impact its just a series of badly-strung, cheap jokes that are mashed together.

Despite this, there are momentary glimpses of potential, and the plot, if nothing else, is fairly original.

If you look past the shock value you won't find much there - but if you take it with a grain of salt and look at it with a lighthearted glance you might get a few laughs over the sheer insanity it entails.

Whilst certainly *not* a film for the whole family to enjoy I'm sure some people out there will find it appealing. (To each their own).

3 Stars - *Just Plain Bad*
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Wait, What?
SameirAli20 September 2021
If I travel 40 years back and take this movie with me, there must be something fresh. Poor direction, acting, scripting, VFx etc. Makes it really boring to watch. A very non realistic gore scenes confuse you as if it was intend to be a comedy or real slasher. Avoidable movie.
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Boring, and generally terrible.
inboxkeith13 October 2020
I do enjoy low budget, edgy horror when it's done right, but this was just a chore to sit through.

This film doesn't deserve an in-depth review, it deserves to be forgotten with the thousands of other bargain bin attempts at horror.

The acting, and especially the script and direction is woeful.

Unfortunately, this is the second film by this director I've tortured myself with (the other been Bait), and it boggles my mind that this man feels he has enough talent to make anything of value.
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Grotesque Horror Comedy
Tweetienator16 September 2018
A fine grotesque movie - for certain not for the mainstream audience. Lot's of dark and bad taste humor, some splatter and gore and on top a well done production and well working cast.

What else!? If you like the horror unusual, this one may be made for you - if sexy nurses, rich men in diapers and slashing people (including a heist gone wild) sound attractive to you. Remembers me somewhat a little of Eat the Rich from 1987.
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kathmummybear29 September 2021
The idea was ok and it didn't get off to a bad start but wow did it tank ! Poor script and no direction and just when you think it can't get any worse there's playdoh ! .I can appreciate that this is a low budget film but don't waste your time there is much better out there .
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Here piggy piggy...
tattoopig27 July 2018
Crude, rude and full of poop...this is not a film for the faint of heart or those with a tummy bug! Forget the plot about cabals and the Illuminati, just go with it, as a suburban housewife and her children infiltrate a facility housing adult babies who are turning into pigs...yeah, pigs! Loads of in-jokes ("I've come to get you, Barbara") and insane visuals give this film a reason to be watched. It is a straight to cult status movie, reminding me a lot of Peter Jackson's "Bad Taste". The gore is great and the screenplay twisted as hell. I loved this film and recommend it to anyone who enjoys their entertainment truly grotesque and hysterical.
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Sexy, Funny, Weird and Gore done correctly.
tkaine327 July 2018
This film by all accounts is ridiculously dumb but the writers & directors know this and they stay on course from beginning to the end. When it first starts the videography along with the music sets the tone and this is an independent film so I am always on guard for the first 15 mins. Not knowing if I'll make it through watching the whole film but this movie grabs you early on and keeps pace tremendously. It sort of reminded me of a 2017 film called 'US and Them' if you haven't seen that you should check it out, But the reason their similar is because of a good storyline disguising a message. The acting was also superb in a weird uncomfortable way.

My qualm with this movie is the ending after the retro cartoon Gumby looking scene which I have to say was a great touch to the film but after that a few things happen at the end that could of been explained a little better. But all in all I think this film is definitely underrated I give this a good movie rating at 7 and I would recommend this movie to anyone who likes Sexy, Funny, Weird, Gory flicks this will become a hidden jewel to those who get a chance to see it.
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shaunnicholls12 September 2018
Erm..... well.....erm what can I say? Once you seen it you can't unsee it is about the best I can say, seeing Roy Glover and Faith Dingle from Emmerdale was surprising then I realised Paddy from Emmerdale produced it and seeing the kitchen manager from Dinnerladies was surprising too, nothing more to say really!!
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Shlock jockeys
platostate7 February 2019
Biggest load of trash to hit the screen..absolutely pointless and an insult to everything you could possibly think of in relation to talent...people should be arrested for wasting such time and money to quite obviously take the. P**S out of its viewers by creating crap...its even worse to think that an actual respecting company would appreciate thier advertising time destroyed by the amount of people who will turn over from whichever channell would be so foolish to for the fact that respected actors have even allowed thier names to be printed in relation only makes me think that a serious mentally constraing bout of influenza must have compromised thier sanity enough to prevent them from seeing how disgustingly dusturbing the whole scenario was.. As for the creator hate to see the skeletons in thier closet if this is an extension of thier imagination..this is truely an insult no only to british media but also the British viewing public..truely a career destroying creation !!!
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rocknrelics7 August 2018
The woman from Emmerdale puts in a fantastic performance, but as for the rest of the film, it's dire. It so desperately wants to be a cult film, but it just doesn't have 'it'.
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I bet the people giving this high marks give ALL bad movies high marks...
Sean_Biggins9 October 2021
First off, in case you don't want to read this whole review, I just want to say don't watching this movie unless you want to waste a couple of hours of your life -- you have been warned.

Some people always root for the underdog simply because they relate and sympathize with the loser, and if that's the case, then they will no doubt love this movie, because this has to be one of the worst things I've ever seen in my life, and YES, it is truly THAT bad. I won't waste my time explaining much of it because I just wasted enough time watching it.

But just to describe, it looks like something that was made by film students in 1976. Perhaps that was the 'look' they were going for? - if so, then they at least got that right (not that it's hard to make something LOOK that bad), but in this day and age when any Joe Blow can make a high-quality looking film, these guys opted for terrible film quality and terrible sound. There's no plot, there was obviously no script, and the worst thing is that you can't even laugh at it because they weren't witty enough to make a comedy, and weren't smart enough to make a drama or a horror film, so what you're left with is just a big, fat NOTHING. I would be curious to know what kind of film influenced this Dominic Brunt guy because to me, it looks like he saw a David Cronenberg movie while at film school and thought 'Hey, I can do that', when in reality - no you can't, and in fact you can't even come close, not even 1%, so then why even bother? What's the point? All it is is a waste of money and peoples time and the viewers time who take a chance on your crumby film. Honestly Mr. Brunt, don't waste any more peoples time or money - just get a job flipping burgers or whatever it is that failed movie-maker dudes all end up eventually doing.
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A positive suprise
doriskaski18 January 2024
I was already exited when I bought this! And now I can say that it was a positive suprise.

I've seen some old and new slasher movies and those have always been I pit boring for me. Maybe those have been a little pit overdone or just not my style. But anyways this one was. It has almost everything.

It has comedy, slasher gore, a story and some nudity. So it keeps you entertained through the whole movie. The acting was great I think. Effeckts were great too. Ofcourse you could see in those killing moments how they have used some still images etc. But onestly it didn't really bother me because it was done nicely.

Although the story is ok. Theres enough everything and its fun.
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Seen this advertised in Viz....
lisa_gemmell8 October 2018
....says it all really!!! A crude, fun, gruesome, vulgar rollercoaster of a movie that I would definitely recommend to fans of obscure British horror. Just when you think you couldn't be shocked anymore, then comes the claymation scene, which was my favourite part! Bit of a disappointing ending, but the build up more than made up for that. Who would've thought that Paddy from Emmerdald had such a twisted sense of humour?! Well done to all those involved, will love to see what Joanne and Dominic come up with in the future.
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parry_na30 October 2020
Wild alternative comedian Charlie Chuck, Laurence R. Harvey who played Martin in 2011's 'The Human Centipede 2' and Seamus O'Neill who had played deeply perverse David in 2011's 'Inbred', all play some of the titular characters in this bizarre low budget horror comedy/satire. With cast-members like that, as well as other faces that may be recognisable from television, you would think a wild ride was on the cards - but none of them are encouraged to contribute as much custom insanity as you might hope.

"Effenbe. B - b - buckets!"

Is this something that desperately wants to be a 'cult' film, is it a satire on 'the establishment' or simply creators having fun with a grotesque selection of gore, excrement and pigs? As events become bigger and more spectacular and the most interesting characters expire, it threatens to lose that spark of madness, but remains a convincingly perverse, grotesque world. My score is 6 out of 10.
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Why the low scores??
Stevieboy6667 January 2019
Dominic Brunt is known to millions of viewers in Britain as a bald headed character in the long running soap "Emmerdale". But I also now of him for his passion for and production of horror movies. I've been reasonably impressed by his previous works but this one is by far the best to date. In fact it's a bloody good movie, period. Crude. Very crude! Gory. Very gory! There's as much poo flying around as there is blood and guts. Great characters, all well played. It's original, that's for sure. The plot is barmy to say the least and the ending is one of those What The Hell?? types. But it's a great ride, certainly not for everyone but I enjoyed it, funniest film I've seen for some time. We need more movies like this, roll on Brunt's next venture!
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Destined to become a midnight movie cult classic
james_whitt706 January 2018
Warning: Spoilers
If you're after a movie that's almost beyond description, then Dominic Brunt's Attack of the Adult Babies is for you, a film that's just begging to be seen on the big screen.

At first this satirical shocker seems like Benny Hill on acid with plenty of leggy nurses dressed in seductive uniforms, but the movie has a dark heart.

When two teenagers are forced to break into a manor to steal documents, they discover high-powered, middle-aged men taking refuge from the stresses of daily life by dressing in nappies and indulging their every perverse nursery whim!

As you can tell, not your usual movie with plenty of guts and faeces splattered across the walls, but if you scrape that aside you'll see a clever dissection of how the world treats its less fortunate. The cast which includes Sally Dexter, Joanne Mitchell (who also came up with this bizarre story) and Kurtis Lowe give it all they've got and add a sense of reality to this most bizarre piece. Oh, did I mention the claymation sequence near the end?!

This is destined to become a cult midnight movie hit and be applauded for being something totally different to what's on offer at the moment.

(Adapted from my own review which appeared at the Horror Channel site)
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Weird and Wonderful.
itztazxx31 July 2018
Thats all I have to say about it. x This film doesnt make much sense, doesnt make much sense near to theend but overall it's a great laugh. The fx isnt too bad and the gore isnt bad either x
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A timeless classic
mr-sime24 December 2020
A must own for anyone that appreciate the motion picture art form.
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A biting satire of UK politicians.
plan9914 June 2023
I had to redo my original review as it was removed for, presumably, being too specific about which politicians were being very accurately satarised in this film. UK politicians act like babies in Parliament, the "debates" are often shown live on TV and it's like listening to toddlers. They are also treated like babies with their every whim and tantrum catered for. The "porkine" references in this film relates to the saying that politicians have "their snouts in the trough", enriching themselves as much as possible and at every opportunity with little regard about the people who voted them in, they live far away from the real world. A great film but probably not appreciated by non UK residents who are not aware of what it's really about. Very well worth watching. Fingers crossed this toned down review is not removed.
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Dark, twisted and hilarious!
towers-3628530 May 2019
Read the title, that's all I'm going to say as I urge you to watch this movie for yourself!
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