Look Away (2018) Poster


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Almost ...
jon-c-ison24 September 2019
The first part is excellent; touching, creepy, interesting and really very chilling at times. A mix of believable characters and relationships, very well acted. The stage is set perfectly, but unfortunately in the second half the violence somehow undoes the tension already established. It's as if they couldn't resist the temptation to overdo it. Less would have been much more. Rather than build on the psychological and atmospheric creepiness, they throw it away with a rather unimaginative, predictable story arc, where the very dramatic actions feel over the top, and lack impact. A shame, as this really could have been excellent. Nonetheless, worth a watch.
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Nice Surprise!
zeelu-895502 November 2019
I caught this on Showtime with time to kill and my expectations were low, but wow, nice surprise. Love the atmospheric feel, and wow India did a great job! For some reason, i thought it may be some kind of Lifetime movie type deal, i was soooo wrong. It kept my attention the whole movie, and with India that's not hard to do. It's worth a watch.
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Twisted reflection
TheLittleSongbird10 January 2019
'Look Away's' main attraction was its premise, maybe not exactly original, the ideas themselves are not new really but it did sound like the film was trying to do something fresh with them. Nonetheless though, it actually sounded very creepy and interesting. Some of 'Look Away' sounded like it could be relatable too. The cover and advertising were attention-grabbing and looked creepy, almost nightmarish, and also like Jason Isaacs quite a lot as an actor.

Seeing it, being encouraged by people saying it was for them better than expected and the above average rating as of now, 'Look Away' is not a great film and has flaws. Which actually happened to be the general consensus for the film hearing about it. Unfortunately these flaws are not large and a couple bring the film down rather significantly. As indicated though, there are quite a number of good things here in 'Look Away'. Would call it decent but uneven, which is actually not too bad a position to be in as a film and an acceptable distinction.

Beginning with 'Look Away's' good things, the acting is better than average. India Eisley carries the film intensely and poignantly and Isaacs is good support. So is Penelope Mitchell. Mira Sorvino is not the best used but she does a reasonable job too. The film shows a foreboding atmosphere and has a slickness to how it's shot. The use of sound is suitably ominous and not obvious or cheaply recorded.

Most of the story compels. There is a genuine creepiness, with the mirror image being appropriately sinister. There also is some subtle tension and the melancholic tone to some parts is poignantly done. Found myself relating to the protagonist, none of it is intelligence insulting (generally the viewer is treated with relative respect) while there is an effort to not be predictable. The direction is more than competent.

There are issues though. The script can be quite weak and sounded underwritten. Some of the pace is a bit too slow and like trudging through mud in the scenes where there is not as much as going on as others, a bit of trimming might have helped.

Am aware that Mark is not really a character one is meant to be like, one that one is meant to feel anger towards, but he never really grows in development and irritates throughout. Worst of all, as others have said, is the ending, which took ambiguity and unresolved questions to extremes and came over as confusing and unfinished.

Overall, an uneven film but with a good deal to commend it. 6/10 Bethany Cox
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We've been there and done that but yet a surprisingly well done indie film.
Purrz14 October 2018
I loved this movie! The motley crew of characters were beautifully portrayed by the cast. From jason Isaacs self indulgent, perfectionism - to Mira Sorvino's disturbing deep-seated sadness and her hunger for her husbands attention - to John C. MacDonald's portrayal of the school bully, who deep inside knows he could never get the attentions of the beautiful Maria. Yes, he was incredibly believable, they all were.

And lets not forget (how could we she was SO good,)India Eisley. She was exceptional to say the least and she's a new find for me. Needless to say, I want to see more of her. Her portrayal of the demure, disturbed, invisible school girl to her confident, angry alter-ego twin, was flawless. Her expressions alone were noteworthy. I think and hope we're going to see more of this young actress in the near future.

Was this a perfect movie, no. There are flaws and I think the ending needed a bit more attention but I was in for the long haul within the first 10 minutes and I'm glad I stayed the course because it delivered. IMO it's worth a watch and definitely worth your time.
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Mirror, Mirror, On the Wall!!!
lavatch6 February 2022
Warning: Spoilers
There is a defining moment in "Look Away" when Maria Brennan is sitting in class with her new boyfriend Sean. It has only been days since Maria was responsible for the death of Sean's girlfriend, Lilly. The lecturer is describing Dante's ninth circle of hell in the "Inferno." The name of this region is Cocytus where souls are encased in ice. Maria and Sean then leave class and enter into the freezing cold outdoors. Welcome to Cocytus!

The most interesting relationship in this film was that of Maria and her doppelganger named Airam. A possible meaning of that name in Urdu is "wished for child." Such a child was abandoned by the Brennan family because it was born deformed. But she now returns in the form of the mirror image of Maria.

Airam has everything that Maria lacks: ego, self-confidence, and the determination not to be a doormat. When they switch places, Airam moves into action, and it is payback time! First, she hobbles Mark, the young hockey player who has been harassing her in school. Next comes Lilly, who was presumably her best friend, but in fact, was her bete noir. Finally, Airam is left to deal with her parents, especially the father whom the film more or less portrays in an act of infanticide.

The actress playing Maria/Airam was successful in character differentiation. Far from being the anti-social and timid Maria, Airam knows precisely what she wants to achieve: control over others. Maria was hoping for a miracle when she switched places with her mirror image. Instead, they both landed in hell.

It was disappointing that the film included so much violence and did not include an effective resolution. Its strength was as a psychological film, and it moved too far into the horror genre. It also became too arty at the end with trick photography. Apparently, the police were onto the antics of Airam. It is only a matter of time when she will want to retreat back into her safe world of the mirror on the wall.
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Great potential but failed nonetheless
Lythas_853 March 2019
Warning: Spoilers
It had indeed great potential. The main character is a loser. Pure and simple. She gets made fun of by pretty much everyone in the school except one guy. The same boy she likes but is banging her female friend.

Anyway, the alter ego thing in the mirror had the potential to be great. She completely changes personality and surprises everybody and do whatever her "sister" couldn't and maybe at the end she'd reveal that it was all her. She already had that fearless persona all along..

But no, she just turned into a psycho who killed pretty much everybody that spoke in the movie besides her mom, of course. The first one was the school bully. Apparently, she breaks his knee and then he just disappears from the movie.. I guess she could must some super strength cause she was able to get the guy twice her weight outta the lockerroom to whatever place she dumped him into... Don't forget her only female friend at the ice skating ring... she could barely move but her friend suddenly gets afraid of her super weird stare and starts running away and ouch, she trips and breaks her spine, I guess... lol

Like I said, it could've been great but it was just a tasteless bland alter ego killing with no purpose whatsoever.. she even killed the boy she always wanted.. just because he wanted to go to the police because they'd called him to ask further questions.. he wasn't gonna turn her in because he didn't know what she did.. and worse, the police knew nothing.. just following protocol, but it doesn't matter, he's gone..

Waste of a good plot to make something out of this movie.
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SnoopyStyle9 November 2018
Maria (India Eisley) is a timid high school senior. Her father Dan (Jason Isaacs) is a plastic surgeon who is obsessed with perfect looks. Her mother Amy (Mira Sorvino) is struggling with depression. At school, her only friend figure skater Lily is possessive of her boyfriend Sean. She gets bullied by schoolmate Mark and his friends. She starts having visions of her reflections acting differently and talking back to her. The reflection calls herself Airam.

It has the tone of a good slow moody horror without the scares. It is a bit too slow and Mark really needs to die to set it off. Mark's bullying is problematic when the only person coming to her rescue is Sean. The skating party comes off really weird when everybody is laughing at her. There is one creepy aspect to this movie. While India is 25 and the character is 18, India looks really young and the sexual erotic aspect gets voyeuristic. It would be less creepy if she's playing a college student. She's a quiet actress and seems limited in range. She is able to play two separate personalities and that works better than expected.
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Had a lot of potential, just didn't deliver!
mariopilloni12 April 2020
Great cast, great premise but the director needs to reestablish the value of details. The atmosphere was effectively set, the cast did a fantastic job (especially India Eisley) but the director just seemed to neglect the details which impact the overall story. I understand that the beauty of films is it is not restricted to reality but effectively creating a reality you want your audience to be drawn into, is all in the details. Such a wasted project. I saw another review entitled All atmosphere, no substance, perfectly sums it up.
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Disappointing Ambiguous Conclusion
claudio_carvalho20 November 2018
Warning: Spoilers
The shy seventeen-year old Maria (India Eisley) lives a repressed relationship with her parents, the perfectionist plastic surgeon Dr. Dan Brennan (Jason Isaacs) that is unfaithful to his depressed Amy (Mira Sorvino) that unaware of his love affairs. Mara is bullied at the high-school by her schoolmate Mark (John C. MacDonald), who is a hockey player. She is outcast and her only friend is the skater Lily (Penelope Mitchell) and she has a crush on her boyfriend Sean (Harrison Gilbertson), who is gentle with her. One night, Maria finds that her mirror reflection is an independent teenager called Airam that knows her inner feelings and fears that proposes to swap places with her to solve her problems. When she is humiliated by Mark at the prom and by Lily, she accepts to swap places with Airam. She revenges Maria´s abusers and when the trapped Maria requests her to stop, she ignores her appeals. What will happen to Maria, her parents and her mates?

"Look Away" is a dark and melancholic thriller with an ambiguous story of a repressed and bullied adolescent without self-confidence. The way she is treated at school and at home by her father is very sad. The image in the mirror is ambiguous and the viewer does not know whether Airam is a supernatural being (her deformed twin sister) or her repressed desires. The plot is intriguing but the conclusion is disappointing. The 25 year-old India Eisley convinces in the role of a seventeen year-old teenager. My vote is six.

Title (Brazil): Not Available
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Had potential like others have said
minigarments20 December 2020
Warning: Spoilers
The first hour was pretty good. But the last 30 minutes sort of lost me. And what about the scene with Mark the bully in the shower? What did Airam do to him after she whacked his leg with the hockey stick? Did she kill him? If so, how did she dispose of the body. Considering she killed a few others without even wincing I bet she did. But they should have showed the viewers what happened next.

I will say the funniest part was when Airam confronted Mark in the hallway after that stupid ice skating prom where he humiliated her. But you know she was right, lol. And too bad about Lily. Maybe if she had stood up for Maria she wouldn't have had her little accident.

And her parents were something else. Dad was a plastic surgeon who thought a great birthday gift for his daughter would be plastic surgery to fix her "flaws". Mom was too busy feeling sorry for herself-dad was having fun with his lady patients after hours.

So considering all this is it no wonder Maria would trade places with her beautiful and charismatic reflection. Or did she actually have some sort of psychotic break? Or was it actually the deformed twin that her father late die? I guess the viewers have to decide for themselves.
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Intriguing Horror/Thriller
Pairic19 July 2019
Look Away: The Evil Twin is a much (ab)used trope in Horror but this film puts some life back into the genre. Maria (India Elsley) is an introverted teen, bullied at school, her demanding father (Jason Isaacs) doesn't really listen to her, her mother suffers from depression due to Isaac's philandering. She notices that her reflection differs from her and is at first freaked out but gradually starts to converse with her mirror image, Airam. Maria's life gets even worse, the bullying intensifies and she comes into conflict with her one friend. Airam persuades Maria to let her "come through" the mirror" and take the driving seat. This Dark Maria causes mayhem.

It is never clear as to whether Maria is suffering from a disorder or whether the consciousness of a lost twin lives on within her. Iaram is truly a mirror image, turning the tables on bullies and resorting to savage violence. No one is safe once she has set her aims on a desired object. The real horror in this film is the bullying which is ignored/overlooked by adults and tolerated by school students. Nasty though Airam's actions are, they take place in a context. A certain eerie gothic quality permeates the film. Not a classic but Director/Writer Assaf Bernstein delivers an intriguing Horror/Thriller. 7.5/10. On Netflix.
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Awesome premise, poorly executed.
climbyourarms17 August 2022
Warning: Spoilers
I think the direction of this movie could have gone two different ways. I say this because the director didn't make it clear.

Either this movie is a shallow look into split personalities, or it's a shallow look into the supernatural.

The first half of the movie is incredible. I was completely sucked in by India Eisley's performance. So much so, that I've watched the first half of the movie a couple more times just to at least get a better understanding of what the director intended to convey as it's not clear.

I think this is a look into split personalities. India captures the sullen, withdrawn teenager with a dismal self image perfectly. What now seems even more clever is that the director probably chose India because of how pretty she is, as he wanted the character to have natural beauty, but not realize it. This may have been brought on because of her parents, an overbearing father who promotes a toxic environment, and an ultra passive mother who seems to share the same disorder with her daughter, but tries her best to manage it.

The inciting incident could be the ultrasound she found, or looked back on, remembering her twin sister was deformed and allowed to die at birth, or did she? Could she be thinking she was the deformed one? Could she bear some kind of unfounded guilt for her deceased sister?

That's the extent of the depth I was able to pull from this movie, because the rest of the film was squandered into a weak teenager movie. The second half completely pulled me out of the story. The nudity was unnecessary, not targeting the right audience, especially because the character is supposed to be seventeen which was uncomfortable to watch, and the violence seemed way over the top and unbelievable, seeming like acts of narcissism, but then again, if you have a mental break and there's no one to help/stop you, the violence might seem senseless anyway.

I summary It's a shame to have such a strong premise/good acting and waste it with poor execution.
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why all the sex and nudity
fleurdeli-hn23 April 2020
This is truly one of the creepiest movies i've ever seen. and not because it's a horror or a thriller or creepy by plot: creepy because it's like the writer of this movie wanted to see this young girl touch herself, be naked, and have sexual situations as often as possible. really? sexual tension with her own father? not one of the nudity, sex, or sexual tension scenes did a single thing to drive this story forward. not one.

i'm not a prude, i don't mind nudity as a form of driving plot forward. sex is apart of life and therefore movies. but seeing this young girls boobs "just because" had a weird tone to it. seriously... weinstein creepy vibes if you ask me.
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ericdhall7714 July 2020
This was a very disturbing movie on so many levels. It's worth a watch but the ending really misses the mark.
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Very Entertaining movie!!!
marcvuijk8 June 2019
A interesting look into the mind of a young woman who feels unloved and neglected by everyone around her and how far the mind of such a damaged person could go. This movie was really entertaining to watch and has some interesting issues. I would have rated it higher but towards the end it seemed like they speeded it up a little to wrap it all up quick but nonetheless a fun movie to watch if you like your physiological thrillers. Great soundtrack in the movie as well. 7/10 for me, defenitely worth watching.
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Too long and too slow, among other problems
Wizard-829 March 2019
Warning: Spoilers
I've always had a soft spot for supernatural thrillers that concern tormented outcasts who one day get the power to have revenge and get whatever they long desired. However, this particular telling left me quite unsatisfied. The main problem with the movie is that it tells its story in a manner that's too slow and too long. The first 40% or so of the movie basically shows over and over the crappy life of the lead character. True, it's necessary to show the character's life before the transformation, but the movie basically beats this part of the movie to death while we in the audience are saying, "Okay, we get it! Get on with it!"

As it turns out, the remaining 60% or so of the movie isn't that much more speedy in its unfolding, with the plot plodding along at a glacial pace. Actually, it could have been much worse, since there are signs that some key sequences were cut down or eliminated entirely somewhere along the line. This leaves quite a few unanswered questions, such as the fate of the lead character's main tormentor after the locker room shower scene, and what exactly happened in the past with the lead character's mother. At the end of the movie, you are left hanging in several aspects, and you'll be far from satisfied.

The movie is fairly well produced on an extremely low budget (though occasionally the seams show slightly), and the lead actress is willing to get naked several times. But as a whole, the movie is too muddled and bogged down to get much enjoyment out of it. If you should come across it on Netflix or elsewhere, I suggest you do the title action.
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Don't Look Away
stevenrobertson-978997 March 2021
Good solid 6.5 for this film. Gave it a 7 as the lead actress is superb. She plays her two characters perfectly going from soft and lacking in any confidence to super angry and on a mission... What a mission it is too. But by the end of the film it's explained to you why she's soft and lacking on the outside but angry and on a mission on the inside and it's rather sad. A film that didn't stand out to me to be one to watch that actually turned out to be pretty good.
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Could have been really good
mbmarsh-0570911 January 2019
Actors were great but the writing and directing, not so much. A lot of scenes felt over the top, forced, and unbelievable. Like "That would never really happen that way" and made me cringe and shake my head. If the writing and directing had been a little more creative and realistic, it could have been a great movie.
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Decent teen horror film
Horror_Flick_Fanatic8 December 2018
I normally don't like teen horror films but I did not dislike this one. I thought it was well done. India Eisley was very convincing as a very shy high school teen. The plot lacks originality and the film wasted Mira Sorvino acting talent. Jason Isaacs was good. Just didn't like the anti-male vibe to this film. It wasn't necessary. The story has every male at fault for something or another.
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Everyone Loves an Evil Twin
alexqueens30 October 2019
In what universe does the skinny girl with model looks get picked on at school? I guess in this one. But wait, turns out the blonde kendoll popular guy just had the hots for her all along and her only friend who's not-really-her-friend just kept her close to look superior alongside her, despite feeling threatened by her.

Now, I try to avoid teen movies in general, but I honestly thought this mirror-evil-twin tale would be ...interesting? It wasn't.

This could have been so much better, but it was considerably underdeveloped, beginning with a very dull first half, and just when things were about to pick up, the 'murderous spree' was an unimaginative dud.

However, India Eisley played the sad and mousy part well enough, but she really shined as the more confident and wicked version of herself. I expect she'll be seen a lot more of from here on. And Mira Sorvino was great. Shame she doesn't get meatier roles to showcase her skills in full. As for Jason Isaacs, he seems to be stuck in the same character as the doctor-scientist in Cure for Wellness and the OA series. Not necessarily a bad thing.
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A surprisingly well done low budget psycho-thriller
Top_Dawg_Critic13 October 2018
Novice (only his 2nd full length film) director, writer and producer Assaf Bernstein did a fantastic job with this film. Outstanding directing and cinematography, perfect score, and great acting by all cast especially India Eisley in her double role. Sure this story has been done before in many different ways, but I still enjoyed the constant thrill and tension throughout - even during the predictable scenes. The set locations (home and school) were great as was the winter scenery. I felt the length was too long for the pacing, and should have been edited down from 103 mins to 80-90 mins. Otherwise a great low budget production by Assaf Bernstein. A well deserved 8/10 from me.
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they did the best with the script they were given
iamkilix24 May 2019
It's a teen horror film. so from the beginning they do not really have much assets to earn stars. But I loved watching the main character. her body language and facial expression was impressive. the only thing that could be better was script. figure skating scene was kinda funny. I'd like to see the main actress somewhere else.
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All atmosphere, no substance
maybe_ed_should_drive13 January 2019
Warning: Spoilers
This movie looks beautiful, the acting is great, the mood and music is great but it still manages to fall flat. Just like Maria, the film is beautiful on the surface, but underneath you see it for its deformed half-baked self.
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Thoroughly Surprised
ShadowsBeneathTheLight17 October 2023
I went into this knowing absolutely nothing, and I suggest you do the same. The movie is a little slow, but somehow the pacing works as it builds suspense. The acting is surprisingly superb, I never felt like anyone was phoning it in. The main actress in particular, India, really nails the dual roles, and although she was around 25 at time of filming she still sells the innocent, shy teenager.

For a low budget film, the effects are good and scenes are shot well, making the most of the winter setting. There is minimal cgi (if any?) which I think only helps sell the movie. The plot too is nothing fancy yet still keeps you engaged to figure out the motive behind everything.

My only gripe as others point out is that the movie ramps up the gore during the final 20 minutes or so as if to sell the horror element. By no means is this a bloody slasher or anything with limbs flying, the gore is simple compared to most films these days. It still tho seemed a little over kill. In particular it seems people in this movie have bones made out of papier-mâché, especially one scene in particular (I won't spoil which one but when you watch the movie you'll realize it when it happens).

Still for a low budget movie with minimal cast and effects, I was very much blown away and glad I watched this.
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Disturbing...and Decently Done
kcrisenphoenix3 December 2019
Warning! Not a "Feel Good" movie! A girl begins to see that her reflection is another person. Or is she? Is it all in her head? Is the reflection the ghost of her deformed twin sister who may or may not have died at birth? Was there ever a sister?

India Eisley did a pretty darned good job as both Maria and her reflection Airam, and she'll be worth looking for in the future. Jason Isaacs (Captain Gabriel from "Star Trek: Discovery") subtly plays the pretty awful man and father who doesn't think his daughter is good enough the way she is and offers as the ultimate birthday present to give her plastic surgery to make her perfect. It makes for a messed up young girl. Mira Sorvino is great (as usual) as a woman who has been emotionally damaged by the man as well.

The story reminds me of "Joker" in a way, from the aspect that the horror and terror could have been avoided had Maria been treated like a human being and not constantly made to feel less than. When she finally gets tired of it all and bursts forth as Airam, we are left to decide if something supernatural happened or this is some kind of split personality story.

Everything is filmed in grays and blacks and whites and browns and makes for a very oppressive atmosphere. It's the kind of movie I wouldn't watch before bed, but I am glad I saw it. Director Assaf Bernstein is someone I'll be looking out for as well.
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