Dry Blood (2017) Poster


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Very disturbing in places and not well acted but ultimately pretty interesting
Red-Barracuda25 April 2017
Warning: Spoilers
This is a film that improved in my reckoning only after I had seen it and discussed it a bit. When I was watching it, I took things more or less at face value and consequently I wasn't overly impressed but on reflection there was a bit more going on with this one when you analyse it a little. The story has a junkie called Brian head off to a cabin in a remote mountain area in an attempt to get off the narcotics. Two people enter his orbit, a female friend called Anna who wants to help him and a local cop hell bent on harassing him. All the while, he experiences frightening hallucinations that seem to be connected in some way.

Directed by Kelton Jones who plays the cop, with a lead actor Clint Carney who also wrote the screenplay, this is a film that I think suffers from not having better actors. While Jones is actually alright as the police officer, it's the lead actors Carney and Jaymie Valentine, who plays Anna, that let the side down here. Both are seemingly primarily musicians and it shows. Carney is more irritating than truly convincing as a troubled addict, while Valentine practically sleep-walks through the entire film. It's possible that this is an intentional stylised form of acting to illustrate the dream-like nature of events but my gut feeling is it's more likely just not terribly good acting. So from a dramatic perspective the film is pretty much handicapped from the word go on account of this. But the nightmare imagery that punctuates the story is very well done, it doesn't overdo it and it is quite effectively creepy. In the final section of the film, it has to be said things do get very disturbing indeed. Firstly, the police officer is dispatched with a gunshot to the face and soon after Brian's ex-wife, her new husband and little girl show up and are all murdered. The woman has a bottle stamped into her face and the little girl has her head cut off with a knife. This latter scene is extremely disturbing stuff with the girl's murder in particular shot in graphic detail. It crosses into territory you just don't see in movies (which is a good thing) but its visceral nature certainly is hard to forget and will no doubt give this feature some notoriety.

But it was only when you start to piece things together that the whole starts to emerge. My take on it is that this is the third occasion Brian has retreated to this location on cold turkey. The first time murdering the family, the second killing his friend Anna and then most recently shooting the cop. The clues are all there, including his visions of the dead woman and the headless girl. He also has an seemingly irrational revulsion associated with the kitchen knife and there is also the scene where he goes into the cellar where he sees something, which we see out of focus in the foreground – it seems clear that the bodies of the family are down here and that he did go down there on the visit that Anna accompanied him. What confuses things is that the narrative is non-linear with flashbacks interspersed side-by-side, along with hallucinations which is muddled even further on account of Brian being a very unreliable drug-addled narrator. It all adds up to a film which seems a little lacking if taken at face value but which has a lot more going for it when you realise it is very fragmented and more complex than it first appears. It still suffers on account of its poor acting but it is a film which has a story which is much more interesting than originally meets the eye.
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Far too slow a build, extra points for fantastic gore.
Jester22213 September 2019
Trailer was cool. So I gave it a.look. I almost didn't make it through as it's so dull until about hour in. Acting is watchable for most part but also but cringeworthy in places. As a lover of gore and splatter the ending had me pleasantly surprised. Great mix of practical and cgi which for a low budget film was better than average. The acting became better in the year crazy moments and I found myself reminded of Ash in Evil Dead when he's covered in blood and laughing insanely. I'd have had a lot more happening during the first hour to maintain interest but the ending was fun.

A good attempt at a tired cabin in woods tale.
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That wig needs a role credit
brent-fontes7 June 2019
Acting was decent but obviously strained during emotional peaks. Special effects and death scenes were surprisingly good, though a bit too gory. Better directing could have built up the suspense better so some of the gore wouldn't have been needed. Story was a bit predictable but decent. It's definitely better than I expected for a low budget indie film. Perfectly fine for a lazy day movie marathon.
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Not sure who they paid to write good reviews but DO NOT TRUST THEM!
ferloinvinnie-3601123 January 2019
Listen, I've seen A LOT of terrible movies in my 29 years of life, but this one is right up there with the worst of them. It's a B movie at best, the acting is absolutely atrocious, the writing is a joke...I feel like Ashton Kutcher is about to pop out from somewhere and tell me that I've been Punk'd. I'm not going to bother going into the details of the movie beyond the fact that it's impossibky to follow, it makes zero sense, and it's utterly incompetent. I haven't written a review in about 8 years but I felt like I had to...Don't waste your time.
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Had potential
faith-2993417 January 2019
Had potential to be a really good movie but it was really slow and the acting had me cringe. I had stopped it just before it was over, couldn't even bring myself to finish it.
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Underwhelming at best but still somewhat watchable
kannibalcorpsegrinder7 January 2020
Trying to quit a drug habit, a man goes up to a friends' mountain cabin to help quit, but when his hallucinations and visions begin to mess with his mind he becomes unable to distinguish fantasy from reality and turns to increasingly desperate maneuvers to stop them from happening.

This one wasn't too bad but was pretty flawed. Among the bright spots here is the central premise providing an opportunity for plenty of fun. The idea of being at the cabin and attempting to come clean and still being so unsure of himself that the distorted view of the world causes supernatural visions and images he can't control serves as a fine starting point. Those haunting scenes where the ghosts appear around the cabin are quite creepy, and the hallucinogenic battle with the deranged cop come off nicely overall as there's some brutal action featured here. The finale, which shows the reveal of the ghosts and how they come to be as well as the twist about what's already happened gives this a dark twist on top of a frenzied series of action scenes that are quite fun seeing the crazed side come out. Providing this with some great gore as well, these here are the film's positive elements. There were some flaws featured here. The main problem with this one is the agonizingly slow build in the first half which really takes a lot of energy from the film. As this goes through the tricks and tribulations of his getting to the cabin, going for supplies and settling in at the house, the pacing to this one feels rather dragged out here to stretch out an unsuitable feature-length premise to an appropriate running time as we focus on him solely for long stretches of this segment. Most of this isn't interesting as it comes off heavily favored in that regard, and while the few interactions with the locals including the suspicious police officer do manage to interject some activity into the film they tend to fall flat after a while due to the repetitive nature of many of these scenes being here to pad out the running length. The other main issue here is the general lack of horror activity featured here. The haunting scenes with the ghosts running around the cabin that only he can see happen so frequently that they rarely generate any kind of shock when they happen since they come out of nowhere in a story that forgets to include any kind of mention about them. Even the other intended scenes trying to show he's losing grip with reality have no impact because they're not that scary in concept or execution, and with so much of these scenes given no sense of urgency or immediacy as her blank-faced reaction to his genuine freakouts manage to render most of these scenes as if they're not intended to scare. The last problematic issue is the finale, where it repeats everything to the point where it's hard to tell what it meant or what was supposed to be the purpose of it all, making for the film's lowered qualities.

Rated R: Graphic Language, drug use and Graphic Violence.
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Boring and stupid.
teekieteekybirdie19 July 2020
Nothing worth seeing here, the only sort of spooky gory parts were where the guy hallucinates and thinks he sees dead people in his house, he's just a crazy druggie who is going through withdrawal, not to mention the acting is absolutely horrible and the girl in the movie is SO annoying and stupid! But so is the guy too, so that makes the movie even more unbearable. Not to mention the whole movie is absolutely horribly boring and just plain stupid and pointless. I turned it off halfway through because it was so mind numbingly boring and dumb and the acting was SO awful, it's not even worth watching, I don't even care how it ended. It's that bad.
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Better than it had any right to be
trombleykyle21 January 2019
I came across this just randomly scrolling, and in typical me fashion, I gave it a chance. I'm not going to say it blew the doors off, but it was definitely worth a watch. It starts off really slow, and the acting is terrible, them two things alone almost took me out of it, but I'm happy I let the film play out. There's some great practical effects work in this, the gore is great, it's surprisingly shocking in a few scenes, and even the CGI was effective. The bad part of this is the story gets a little convoluted at the end, and the acting is dreadful (like I stated up above). Fortunately the run time is less than 85 minutes, so you can get through it pretty quick. The 7 is probably a little generous, but overall I had a good experience with it, so I have no issue putting it...
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Very dry and very bloodless
TheLittleSongbird29 October 2019
My appreciation for horror is high and my appreciation for murder mysteries, mystery and thriller are my favourite genres (it's debatable as to whether animation is a genre but that would count too) is even higher. Really was quite fascinated for the concept for 'Dry Blood' and liked the advertising (cool and creepy, that kind of advertising does make one want to see anything). Was genuinely hoping that it would not be a waste of potential.

'Dry Blood' sadly was that and it does frustrate me when any film does little to nothing with its promise. It does have its moments and merits and it is not that bad, or at least to me it wasn't, but the things that are wrong with it are a lot and they are big and outweigh the good, also summed up well already. Which prevents 'Dry Blood' from being a good film, and most of the time from personal view it was barely watchable which is such a shame.

For a film not high in budget, 'Dry Blood' doesn't look too bad. Some nice atmospheric shots, that are not limited in use of techniques, and the scenery also has atmosphere. The music is suitably spooky without being too loud or spelling out what's happening or what the characters are thinking too obviously.

Kelton Jones gives it his all and does it without going over-the-top.

Other than him though the acting is awful and a bad mix of irritating and phoned in, a primary example being the leading lady who looks as though she didn't want to be there and it was quite depressing to watch. Didn't care for any of the characters, that either bored me, annoyed me or both. The script constantly sounds awkward to total gibberish and was in serious need of more depth and tightness.

The story takes far too long to get going and even when there is a glimpse of more happening the momentum is still dull. The flashbacks and hallucinations initially seemed interesting on paper but ended up working against it rather than making it interesting, actually felt that they confused the story which became increasingly muddled until it leaves one quite lost.

In summation, left me intrigued on paper but didn't do it for me. 4/10
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Fans of horror must see this
andruwhart19 January 2019
I never write reviews, but this film is so unique and well thought out that I think it deserves a second look. I'll agree that the acting is subpar, however the story and the chills more than make up the difference. The makeup work, for the horror elements, is superb and the imagery is frightening. I even watched this a second time, so my wife could see it, and found there are ample clues and hints to the ending - a lot of detail was given to the details.

Give it a watch because for what it is - a low budget indie horror - it really shines.
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Low Budget, Interesting Story
pastazia8 February 2022
I have to give credit to small time filmmakers who despite a low budget go out on a wire and bring their story to life.

Acting = 4 (some good, some mediocre) Musical score = 4 (not bad for original music, great for vintage song) Editing = 6 (no major glitches) Cinematograph = 6 Script = 7 (a bit weak in places but still believable) Visual effects = 8.9 (yikes! Very realistic Storyline = 9 (kept me guessing and didn't disappoint)

All in all, I mildly recommend this movie. Some content is a little difficult to watch, but adds to the horror of the situation.
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Definitely a slow burn, but worth the wait
Kato552323 April 2019
I like indie horror movies. Most of them aren't very good, but there's some enjoyment to be had by watching some of them anyway. This one intrigued me because the trailer had a bunch of Lynch-ian nightmare logic images like deer head and the burned woman in the bathroom, the woman in the kitchen with the knife (no spoilers, all in the trailer). That's the kind of horror I like, so my interest was piqued.

It definitely wasn't what I expected. I was expecting a more conventional haunted house story, but what I got was really a movie about surviving addiction and paranoia. To the reviewers that claim the movie is slow, that's a legitimate stance to take, but the movie is a slow burn and it does lead somewhere. If you make it to the end, everything comes together and you understand why the movie was put together the way it was. Nothing is random. All the images serve a purpose. It's a very clever script.

Clint Carney and Kelton Jones do a good job holding down the movie. Their performances carry the film. Kelton as the cop is very fun. He's a guy you love to hate and he has some decent one liners. I was iffy on Clint's acting choices until I watched the movie - by the way, it holds up on second viewing. Knowing the ending in advance actually does help make the film rewatchable. But on the second viewing, knowing the ending, Clint's performance makes perfect sense in context. He plays a man unhinged, battling his addiction and not having anyone he can trust. It's very empathetic.

The cinematography made good use out of the locations they shot in (which is around the Big Bear, CA area). I love small towns and pine and lakes and even the small general store in the film, I get a kick out of that kind of stuff when I travel. But the images were beautiful and the shots were well composed, surprisingly so with the low budget I know they must've had. But a lot of the shots had moving camera, which means dolly, jib, or Steadicam, which adds a lot of production value. It's very stylish.

Going back to the slow burn, there is some creepy imagery sprinkled throughout, but you'd be doing yourself a disservice if you don't make it to the end. The bulk of the best scenes are backloaded and it's worth the wait. You wouldn't believe the payoff unless you see it yourself. But trust me, it leads somewhere, and I'd be shocked if anyone sees it coming. It's quite memorable.

At less than 90 minutes, I would highly recommend "Dry Blood" for folks who love horror and are interested in something different - not everybody is and I get that. That's why we get so many remakes and sequels. This is definitely different and not for everyone, but I think if you check it out, you'd be pleasantly surprised. I'd be very interested to see what these guys do next.

I'm giving it a 10/10 to offset all the 1 votes that are written by people who didn't seem to make it to the end, which is definitely the best part of the film and what makes this movie stand out from the riff-raff.
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Issa No for Me
payasoingenioso18 January 2021
I don't know who was paid to write these positive reviews.

This might could have been a slow burn. It's not, though.

The gore is cool.

Meanwhile, I have no sympathy for this meth addict punk who cries constantly and takes absolutely no responsibility for his choices.
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debbieagranbyroad21 January 2019
Please don't bother... Watching paint dry us so much more exciting and worthwhile. Two stars for the scenery....Nought for the acting and film...
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Don't waste your time!
mcupp-8945914 February 2019
Acting is flat, this movie could be cut down to an hour. I don't know who is giving this movie all these awards at horror festivals, but they must not be used to well thought out dialogue, nor plots. This movie dragged on with the hallucinations, ghosts and the friend supposedly coming to help. Don't waste your time.
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Not very good and all reviews over a 6 rating have reviewed ONLY this movie and no others
It's just not good. The acting, the production, the direction...the whole thing. Every one of the high rated reviews is written by someone who ONLY has one review in their activity...this movie. My guess is they were offered festival tix in exchange for a good review. Even some of the verbiage from good review to good review highlights nearly identical aspects of the movie...as if reviewers were give cue cards to write from.

I've written very few negative reviews, as most movies have at least one or two redeeming qualities, but this is one of the worst movies I've seen in a long time, as a whole.

***NOTE*** I edited this review due to a couple of autocorrect issues, and for the life of me, I couldn't remember what the movie was about, and I just watched it three days ago. Granted, I have a lackluster memory, and I watch at least 20 movies a week, but in my opinion this was a bad enough flick that it left me with zero memory of its contents.
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Dear the Horror Genre, 2019 is not your year.
meekszach16 February 2019
I'll start by saying this was the worst acting I've seen in a film this far into 2019. Like wow was this painful, i didn't believe a word they said. This made Jersey Shore look more convincing than the talent that handled this material. They as some filmmakers say, "acted with their faces", and let me tell ya- even the wardrobe wasn't strong enough to at least make a photo session look good. Enough bashing.. The story was fairly typical but kept itself trippy enough to make a few scenes engaging. The vfx in here are fairly top knotch for a low budget indie horror film. Unfortunately that makes only 17 minutes of the film enjoyable, the rest will have you snoring Zzz's.
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Thank God it's over
drumboybarry20 July 2019
This movie sucked! The acting was horrible, but the lead actor to it to another level. I was sticking around for a huge surprise twist, but it still just sucked. At least they could have showed the girl's boobies', but that was a huge let down too. Don't waste your time like a did. Go build a birdhouse or have a beer!
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Worth a watch - enjoyed effects and atmosphere
LizSta24220 August 2020
I'd heard about this film when it was being promoted across festivals and was looking forward to watch it once available. Then I read the reviews and prepared myself to be underwhelmed/disappointed. But - surprise! - I actually enjoyed it. Acting-wise...I thought Brian overall came across as convincing. The cop was fun to watch. Anna - well, probably not the best, let's leave it at that. My favourite bits were the overall atmosphere (including the music), witnessing Brian's deterioration and the special effects. No CGI here, thank God! It reminded me of old school B movies which were usually pretty low on acting skills but still good fun to watch.
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"Isn't it supposed to be fun? It's not!"
hwg1957-102-2657046 October 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Apparently this film has won awards. I don't know why. Visually it is ordinary though the cinematographer seems to like wallpaper for some reason to the point of zooming in on it now and then. Why? The plot about a drug addict fails because you don't know what is real, what is a hallucination, what is mental, what is drug induced so at the end when the main character Brian Barnes is revealed as the killer one thinks, that was a slow burn that fizzled out. But was he really the killer? Did he know he was the killer? Why was he calling Anna at the end when she was dead in the boot of his car? If she was. The film isn't helped by Brian and Anna being acted by two poor thespians. They are not convincing for a moment.

Not a good film. There were some lovely trees though so at least there is that.
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jinnynorth30 August 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Interesting start with a guy slumped over a steering wheel in a car. The title name sure gives it a good vibe for a horror movie.

He meets a cop at a local store whilst getting supplies and straight away the cop is suspicious of him. He follows him home and drives off.

He takes some pills and you see the effects especially when he calls out for a girl upstairs and goes upstairs and see a zombie like girl.

He gets pulled over by the same police officer who's been after him for ages and been keeping an eye on him. Finding any excuse to find out more about him.

Great movie with a good storyline.
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The horror of recovery
jmbovan-47-16017310 January 2021
This is an impressive look at recovery twisted to include horror elements. Strong acting performance by the lead actor make the questioning of what is real and what isn't real believable and frightening. This isn't a typical horror film, but ultimately it ends with horrific events. If you enjoy films that make you question reality without psychedelic elements, you may enjoy this film.
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Scary, and creepy AF!
jeffreylocker17 January 2019
I'm a huge horror fan, especially indie horror. Great horror is rare, and great indie horror - which usually suffers greatly due to budget/quality constraints - is even more rare. Dry Blood creeped the hell out of me! Not only does it stand out from the usual fare, but it has such unique, surprising, and even shocking moments and scares that all I can say is hats off to the Dry Blood team! The horror genre has been on a roll the last several years - and the budgets are getting understandably bigger - so when I see those little films that could, and then went on to freak me out a bit (in a very good way), I will give all the props in the world. Well done!
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A solid and disturbing horror film. (Don't listen to the jaded haters.)
christophermoonlight26 January 2019
This was a genuinely good indie film. Very dark, very disturbing, and will sometimes push it too far for more sensitive viewers, but extremely well crafted. The acting is a mixed bag but the lead and protagonist are solid, so it doesn't get in the way of the story. The effects are pretty seamless which is a big plus. There were moments that made me jump yet the story pulled me in and didn't let go. Shades of The Shining yet its own unique vision. Great sound mix and music, too.

I don't know what the one star reviews are about. Yes, it's a low budget movie with limitations but the production is anything but armature. People are just getting way to jaded and as a result they're smothering good content with preconceived notions of what's good.

Like most movies there's room for improvement but I'd say it's leaps and bound better than 95% of the indie horror films that are coming out these days. I look forward to seeing more from this team.
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Great movie!
suzanjones30 January 2019
Wow! What a ride! This movie will make you want to hide your kitchen knives! The third act, I'm still waiting to exhale! #inshock
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