L.O.R.D: Legend of Ravaging Dynasties (2016) Poster

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Not that bad, actually Warning: Spoilers
After seeing the low IMDb rating and reading the bad reviews, I was expecting this movie to be another CGI mess like "10000 Years Later" (How that movie managed to have a higher score than this one will be always a mystery for me) with bad animation and a muddled plot...But it actually turned to be a pretty decent fantasy flick.

The CGI for this movie was quite well made. Some scenes were very impressive and in certain aspects, more pleasant to look than many animated movies from the big studios (And by "big studios", I mean specifically Illumination Entertainment) Of course, there were a couple of moments when the movie looked a bit like cut-scenes from a video game, but the overall result was nice.

The plot on the other hand, while being a bit clichéd, managed to be reasonably entertaining to watch, at least until the last minutes, where things start to get confusing and the dynamics between the characters become unnecessarily complicated. Even worse, there is no resolution to the main conflict, but since this apparently was inspired by a series of novels, I guess that all the loose ends from the plot will be eventually tied up by any future sequel. (At least, that's it what I hope.)

This movie was okay. It was much better than "10000 Years Later" in every aspect, and honestly I don't know why it gets so much undeserved hate here on IMDb.
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I Liked it! Awesome CGI!
nizzlebop14 October 2018
The storyline seemed somewhat jumbled but the accompanying computer graphic imagery and action sequences were very pleasing. The concepts weren't run-of-the-mill. Definitely worth a watch if you enjoy animated films.
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Far too rushed, but not bad
Guo_Jing12 February 2019
This could have made for a decent 45 episode drama, but in just two hours there are too many characters and concepts, too much world-building, for anyone's head not to spin. I have no trouble keeping the dozens of characters in lengthy dramas straight, but the dizzying speed of this movie was beyond my abilities to maintain.

If it were a TV series I'd probably be whining instead that the graphics are terrible. As it is, by turning the entire film into CGI they managed to make the monsters look natural to their environment, a decision for which the filmmakers do deserve credit. The scenes that ought to have captured the viewer's attention and imagination the most would have looked quite corny, no doubt, were this a live-action film, so I am willing to tolerate the animation. It does work quite well in this regard.

The film ends with two random characters whose role I only faintly understood discussing what just happened. This oughtn't have been necessary. The viewer ought to have known more or less what was going on as it happened, but at least we do discover the plot before the credits roll.

Probably one thing that most American viewers found refreshing is that this does not feel Chinese in the slightest. The architecture, the mannerisms, even the eyelids, seem rather European. I was expecting a more Oriental experience, something more like Fights Break Sphere or Tribes and Empires or Ever Night, but instead it seemed almost like I was watching a Disney movie.

In the end, the most redeeming quality of this film is that it is entertaining. There are far, far too few fantasy films being made to begin with, much less really good ones. This, while not particularly amazing like Lord of the Rings, is good and at least an entertaining option for the would-be fantasy viewer who is otherwise distraught by lack of choices.
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Total piece of crap.
hhengky11 October 2016
You read my title, spend your money elsewhere. The movie story line is so convoluted, I got instant migraine just from watching it. The opening scene give some back ground about the fantasy land of the story, but that's about it. as the story progresses I keep asking myself, who is this character and why should I care about him? and as new character appears, the same questions repeat it self. Who is this new character and why should I care about it? and after 30 min I began to ask who is the protagonist who is the antagonist of the story? and as more characters with no background keep being added to the story. My interest in the movie just completely over. 1 hrs into the movie the only thing I get from the movie is there are bunch of guys and bunch of girls who meet and fight each other for I don't know what is the reason. What the hell am I watching? and the ending is a complete non ending. who won? who lose? So it's a bunch of guys who meet and fight and no one is winning and no one is losing? WHO WRITE this stuff? 3 year old baby? Whoever write this story need to go to school and stop bringing misery to movie viewer. Here is a basic story writing : Opening, Content, and Conclusion. and the 3 D animations, sure it capture the face of the movie star into 3 D CG, but they fail to capture any expression from their face, it's like watching a doll house. Even in death their face is expressionless. Trust me your money is better spend watching other movie. I want my money back! too bad Chinese theater don't give refunds.
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complete and utter crap
richardkam7 October 2016
I kept checking IMDb for reviews for this but lo and behold, none. So that makes mine the first review. Which also makes me the first sucker to review this on IMDb, despite advance negative press for this film. Firstly I'd like to let you know that I didn't spend good money on this film but my god what a turdcrap it was. Where to begin? As can be seen from the trailers, it's overpaid and underwhelming Chinese super-stars dressed up from head to toe in CGI. I wasn't sure whether I was watching the next Final Fantasy installment, or why i was watching Final Fantasy on the big screen in 3D.

The 3D ( surprise surprise) added nothing to the lack of story, and because the effects were so cheaply done ( see my final fantasy metaphor), And the acting? What from these lame-o characterless, dull, Chinese stars who are too busy looking expressionless, and assuming Japanese manga-style poses? Let's just say that the CGI made it even worse ( if that's even possible ) I have absolutely no idea, how this film got made, but from one Chinese movie fan, to another, please, don't waste your time.
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Shame of Chinese Movie Industry
zgui7 February 2017
Guo is a director who has nothing but awful reputation. This movie is a totally crap. You'd better spend your money on junk food because they are not junk comparing to this movie. After watching this movie I feel shame to come from the same country with Guo. After making another disappointing series "Tiny Time", Guo made this expensive 200 million crap again. I don't know why Chinese investors would spend their money on movie like this. Making gabage movie is fine. However Guo even plagiarize, or you can use the term copy, the plot from another Japanese cartoon "Fate". What a shame! This movie ranks even worse in China. So remember this, you see Guo in the producers list, better stay away.
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Muddled by Storytelling
laurenshenae4 October 2016
L.O.R.D. the movie is a pretty confusing situation. Whereas many stories in the action/fantasy category get tied down because of their lack of plot, L.O.R.D. has a great plot, but tells it poorly. There are actually a lot of things going for it, but in the end it's a bit of a muddled mess. For example, The acting was better than expected, especially with the amount of screen presence of Cheney Chen who I love to bits but has never been the strongest actor. The visuals are great (when the technology is working the way it should be). The general plot is interesting and creates a lot of room for character development and relationships.

The biggest issue is the way the story is told. There are many characters, and if you've read the books they are easy to identify, but if you haven't the movie will leave you confused about who hates who and why. The animation, though more advanced than most films, is really hard to watch sometimes, especially in the fight scenes. The English subtitles, are manageable but by no means palatable.

Despite all this I'm giving it at 7/10 because I did actually enjoy the movie as a reader of the books. I just feel bad for people who haven't.

Guo Jin Ming has muddled his books with sub-par direction and screen writing. If you've seen the movie and you like the premise of the story, I'd strongly recommend reading the book which you can find in English online. To find them translated you will probably have to look on fansites.
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Another Waste of Money
kupukupumu4 May 2017
First of all, I really want to like this movie, I do. I like the casts. I love animation. And seeing it was produced by two China giants, Wanda and Tencent, I was hoping at least it could be tiny entertaining.

The CGI was fine, but the story telling is totally none. Some reviewers said you should read the book before you can understand the movie. That is totally rubbish. A movie is another powerful telling medium. If one had to read a book to understand a movie, then at the least it should provided some written reading to those who were going to watch the movie. To put it into comparison, people who do not read Tolkien's still can understand his Middle Kingdom in LOTR, although not fully.

A waste of resource, casts and time.
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Good movie, worth at least one watch
hakusilverwolf7 November 2017
A lot of people give this movie a very low rating despite its appeal. Honestly, I've seen worse movies. Just to be clear, I found it pretty awkward at first to watch because of the attempt to use realistic CGI which does look real enough at first glance but then also looks animated enough which causes the movements to be a bit stunted. You do get used to it, and I think that in the end, it worked well. The acting could definitely have been better, but I think that's just the actors themselves finding the new medium difficult to adjust to. I know multiple actors that were cast in the movie, and it's not their acting skills that fail. I do believe it's just that in the transfer of the motion capture into the final CGI product, that that's where most of the little nuances of acting were lost. The movie moves through its story really quickly, so you need to be able to keep track of many characters and many different plot directions at the same time to enjoy this movie. The plot itself was intriguing to me, but I found that the last fifteen minutes of this almost two- hour long movie is where most of the background information is explained. I've heard that there is a book to go along with this that helps to explain a lot. I did not read it, yet I understood what was going on in the movie okay. People are just used to a more straightforward plot line. I've also heard that it resembles other previous movies. I have no knowledge of these, so I don't know how much it resembles them or if it's truly plagiarism like this movie has been accused of. The ending definitely leaves off as a cliffhanger, but I don't know if there are any plans for a sequel. As of this time, I have watched this movie twice; once in Chinese with English subs, and once in English. I personally liked it better in Chinese because the dialogue matched with how the mouth moved, but if it's easier for you, the English dub isn't bad. And after watching it twice, I do appreciate it more the second time. If this movie was American, I don't think it would've gotten as much hate as it did. That being said, I am only going to give it a seven out of ten because of what I mentioned earlier in my review. I do think it's worth at least one watch, and after that then you can decide for yourself whether or not you liked it.
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What a waste of 2 hours
richard280628 July 2021
The storyline is crazy, it barely makes any sense, and having to watch it with subtitles makes it even worse.

This guy is magic, that guy is magic, this guy is dead, oh wait, he's alive again. He's a traitor, not he's not, that guy is, and so is she. No she isn't she's trying to save the world. Everyone fights each other. Then they help each other, wait, no they don't, it's a trick.

Lots of random magic action, people fighting for apparently no reason, killing a ton of animals for apparently no reason, etc, etc.

Some city gets attacked, then saved. Why? Who knows.

Who is on whose side? Nobody knows.

Then suddenly it ends. Huh?

Don't waste your time.
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better to see it after reading the book
yolandawww27 October 2016
As a fan of Jue ji, I went to see it immediately after its releasing. The scene was just the same as what I had imagined-the appearance and personalities of the characters and the choice of actors. I give a score of 8 out of 10 partly because of the director's choice of the actors. But most importantly, the movie brought the people in the book and in my imagination onto the screen, making me feel that they had come into the real world or that I was in their world. However, I don't think Guo Jingming has given enough consideration to the feelings of those people who didn't read his book before. The relationships between characters were hard to figure out by watching the movie only. The emotions were hid so deeply in character's eyes and expressions that couldn't be sensed by audience at first. So I recommend you to read the book before going to the theater and pay more attention to the details while watching.
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Put up your Dukes
nogodnomasters27 September 2017
Warning: Spoilers
This is Chinese 3D animation. The is in English and the DVD has English and Spanish subtitles options.

The setting is on a fictional planet and initially centers around Asbel, a waiter at an inn. It quickly branches out into Spirit Warriors and the seven Dukes who lead them with each having a disciple. Asbel becomes a disciple of Silver, Duke #7. Asbel has a spirit beast and needs to obtain a blood weapon. Lady Vox, Duke 2 and her disciple are to go after Duke 5 Wind Walker for treason. Asbel who is 18 meets the 16 year old princess, also a disciple, who we find out stole her mother's "Soul Loop" (whatever that is) while in her womb (no further explanation on that one).

The graphics were pretty good, similar to an RPG game compete with everyone in for that climax battle which was anti-climatic. The soul/spirit/powers rules and transfers seemed elusive and poorly explained. Four elements you control, or maybe you just control one, and some things like space and time really are not elements so why are they powers? Try not to think too hard.
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CGI Spectacle
kirbylee70-599-5261795 October 2017
Warning: Spoilers
Watching this movie I knew it would be hard to discuss what the plot was and whether or not it was worth watching. Sitting here trying to think and then type about it I'm finding just as difficult as I thought it would be. It's not that it's a bad movie, it's just, well, complicated.

In reading I've found that the movie was based on a series of books. Unfortunately they didn't translate well to the screen or much was left out that would have made this easier to follow. Or, since I never read the books, perhaps the problem lies in trying to encapsulate them into one movie.

A young orphan is taken under the wing of one of several Dukes who watch over the world. These Dukes take on disciples periodically to follow in their footsteps and now he is one. Something has happened and the Dukes who were supposed to work together now find themselves battling one another in two groups.

The Dukes control spirit animals, beings that help them and provide both energy and alliances. For instance our new disciple has a snow lion. Another a white eagle. Each Duke/disciple also draws a weapon from a location where they are all stored, one that is meant just for them.

Various threads run through the film with the different Dukes and disciples as they move through this world and finally into one where they all gather. Trying to figure out which is which and who is good and bad becomes complicated while watching. Some look near identical. Some change alliances in the middle of things making it more confusing.

So let's get down to the real question. Is the film worth taking the time to watch, is it enjoyable? If you're willing to stick with I would say yes. Even though it can be as confusing as I've said, there is still a certain amount of entertainment here to enjoy. The computer animation is great to watch. If you've seen any of the RESIDENT EVIL CGI films then you'll know the style I'm talking about. It still hasn't achieved the ability to replace actual actors but it's working on it.

The action and the fairy tale atmosphere of the film are enjoyable as well. It might not be suitable for some very young children but the movie is for most. The biggest problem they'll face is trying to understand what is going on and staying with it. Children I know would be bored long before the halfway point. Adults will enjoy it though.

Made in China I'm always interested in seeing what foreign cinema has to offer. For that reason alone I can recommend this one. It might not be everyone's bag of chips but it is still interesting to watch.
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It's one of those movies which aren't the same with the original book.
XueHuaBingYu11 February 2018
Jue Ji is having low rating because some people are arguing whether they won or not. Firstly, some might think like me that the film cut off in the middle. I also found annoying at first because I felt the movie wasn't finished yet and it's cut off in the middle until I read the book. The book itself was just like that. In the book version, it has three books. Even in the book version, it cut off in the middle. The first book doesn't have the finished point and it continues to the next one. And also it's the same with second and third books. The author Guo Jingming haven't released the fourth book yet, so, we still are cut off in the middle, stranded. Secondly, the movie is so different from the book. Guo Jingming wrote a little bit different screenplay for the film. Some scenes are entirely opposites from the ones in the book. The ability to write such two versions on the same story is quite amazing, but I'd say the book version is better. A better story which makes sense. But the movie version is also good too. But I think some didn't get the contents of this film because they haven't read the book. But for me, even I did it in reverse, I can still get what this film is all about. But I'd advise that to read the book before watching it. Finally, Jue Ji is a little bit different from the other fantasies, it has interesting stories inside. But the sad thing is that they aren't in the film. So, people are feeling this isn't a good film. But as for me, Jue Ji makes one of the best stories.
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Not bad
Schway-Eidolon13 July 2018
Personally... I've enjoyed the movie. Also, if this a crap movie?! Obviously most people don't know what an actual crap movie is. Truth to be told, there are so many bad, and I literally mean bad movies out there. This is nothing compared to a bad movie.
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Worth watching if you're drunk
skyriehearts-0107818 November 2017
I watched this movie, because of the cast and I've found that it is extremely confusing to follow. I love the concept and ideas, however L.O.R.D should've been made into a trilogy. I wish there was more time for the story to develop. I didn't care about the characters. I was more interested in wrapping my head around this confusing narrative.

This film had such a large budget, but sadly -- it went to waste, with the pointless details. The director should've reduced this movie, into a basic plot. We have seen the repetitive good verses evil story-line, and it's becoming quite tedious to watch. If a child can't understand it, there's clearly issues with the writing. It would appeal to Western audiences, because this movie looks visually stunning. I don't hate it, but I don't love it either. China, you can do better than this.
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Good fantasy movie enjoyed it a lot
raini-9390812 November 2016
Warning: Spoilers
All I have to say is, people are too harsh on the CGI and even the story. The only part in the story that I have complaints for is the part where the rampant soul beasts storm into Reyes and they all happen to be lizards or scorpions. First-off, they apparently came from under the sea, so that didn't make much sense. I never read the book, but something just doesn't align about that. Other than that, it was a pretty good fantasy movie that left me curious about the original book and wanting to watch part 2 when it comes out. What's up with the priests? Is Yin Chen's lord dead or alive? What happens to Lotus now? I want more! Lastly, I was actually happy that they decided to do this movie pure CGI and with actors, it made the story more immersive and the setting more fantasy. There's some faces I know already, but with the CGI, I was able to forget who is the actor and tap into the character better. With Chinese films of this genre that has no background in any historical or real-life setting, I think I prefer it being this way for lots of reasons. I think it was a good choice and the result was good.
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Arguably the best movie in Chinese movie history
huangtongnao1 November 2016
Since directing the movie series "Tiny Times", which is adapted from the novel series of the same name, also written by him, Guojingming has become a target of ruthless internet hate. Intranet hate actually, to be precise, since most of the Chinese live behind the despicable firewall of the red empire built by You-Know-Who.

The title of the movie actually translates to "Deeds of the Princes" in plain English, but in an attempt to draw a connection to "Lord of the Rings" or "Harry Potter"'s Lord Voldemort, the producers somehow intentionally chose a more naughty name that abbreviates to "LORD". Alas, the movie has nothing to do with dynasties whatsoever, it pictures a somewhat familiar yet novel world of knights, wizards and dragons.

"L.O.R.D: Lengend of Revaving Dynasties", or "JueJi", by our controversial director Guojingming, is no doubt a milestone in the history of Chinese commercial movies.

No small part of the appeal of this movie comes from the technology being used: 3D motion capturing and 3D animation.

The team responsible for the 3D animations comes from Original Force, a leading animation company in China, that is why this movie has surpasses all other Chinese movies in terms of quality of graphics.

Ironically, the intranet mob also shamelessly slander the animation of the movie as totally crappy. Spreading hatred over intranet communities, circle jerking each other, ignorant of how great a movie they have missed, one really does not know what is the appropriate attitude toward them should he take: disgust, or pity?

Great animation is not the only merit of this movie, the convoluted yet intriguing storytelling is another aspect for Guojingming to tout of this movie.

Indeed, one strong point of Guo's most works is the rather complex plot of the stories. Suspense sprinkled here and there, leaving the answers to be revealed in the grand finale.

In this respect, movie Jueji arguably transcends even the most famous names in the field, be it "Lord of the Rings", or "Harry Potter".

When all is said and done, this movie is one the of two best movies directed by a Chinese director, the other being "Farewell My Concubine"
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Amazing Fantasy Epic
stephenandersondee17 April 2022
Outstanding animation, haunting score and a fantasy world I cant wait to return to. Yes I agree with some reviews that the plot was a little confusing at times and I wasn't sure who the good protagonists were. The film felt a little more like a sequel, a bit of world building at the start might have helped rather then having to piece it together but it all does come together at the end and the journey was worth it.
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Keep making more
sangok-6327610 April 2022
I loved it ❤ there is energy love and action I can't wait to see 2 I'm in Africa try to advertize in Cinemas so its easy for us to see while still fresh.
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I like it.
layadpol19 April 2018
If this would be called a total piece of crap, then why did they do it ? They worked on this to make it worth entertaining though. And that's the bright side. P.S. I like the movie.
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Fantastic stop motion animation
singing_trees28 October 2018
If you are a fan of animation you love this. Better story than most maost an imax version, and a 3D version as well. Visual feast
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Don't understand the negative reviews it's pretty good
hoodho17 August 2020
I've read some of the negative reviews and while I agree the plotline is confusing I don't think that makes the film terrible. It just requires you to pay a lot more attention and perhaps rewatch to get an even better understanding. I thought it was a fun film. Great action sequences and the cgi was truly gorgeous. My only real complaint is I felt that many of the female stars were kind of sidelined in the action department for the male cast. I hope for the sequel we get to see them have solo battles like there male counterparts.
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Great High Fantasy movie!
mbabrenzosa24 September 2023
Great graphics & cast, can't wait for the third film & for the author to continue the novels!

I really love this type of computer generated imagery as it makes movies closer to the novels as they are portrayed. Unlike many donghua that are robotic in movements and facial expression, this movies are a class above them all.

After reading the novels, these movies are very far from the story line of the novels which makes them two different stories all together albeit with same characters.

Like the novels, this movie series are really incomplete. Come on keep these movies coming. Can't wait for Gilgamesh to act!
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Wish it was longer
yaelmae-6207225 June 2020
I love it. Especially because of Duke VII and his disciple. #KrisWu looks so elegant in his role. I wish he is the same Duke in the longer drama #CriticalWorld. No offense meant to the actor who did it. #CheneyChen also is good in his role. The 1 point deducted is that I wish they made it longer so that the story isn't too rushed. 😍😍😍😍😍
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