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It's charming!
lauramcculloch2 October 2018
I'm going to go against the grain here, but I think this is a charming little money that gives you a few laughs. It's essentially about a widow and mother who uses her money to help people she doesn't really know that well but who shes formed a connection with. It's not going to blow your mind but it's feel good...
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I liked the story,
nikkd19 September 2015
I like Susan and Rose in this movie. In addition all the supporting cast was great. The script was well written, and the scenes were shot very well in order to tell the story. The music was also very complimentary to the narration. I also enjoyed recognizing a few locations from my numerous trips to Los Angeles. The Malibu Pier, and the Mall at Glendale were my favorites. I guarantee you will laugh, and maybe even cry a little. This is a must see movie for mothers and daughters. It might even help you with your relationship if you listen and pay attention. I will recommend this to my fiends and especially to the ladies and some mothers.
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a weak script, full of clichéd melodrama, tired gags, and feigned sentimentality
CineMuseFilms25 May 2016
A quarter of a century ago, Susan Sarandon co-starred in Thelma & Louise (1991), still ranked one of the best feminist movies of all time. It sits in the pantheon of cinema greats because of how it combined the finest traditions of storytelling and movie making, and over-arched it with powerful messages about important social issues. Since then, Sarandon's name has been associated with a string of high production-value movies and great entertainment. In this context of high expectations, The Meddler (2016) is a disappointingly mediocre story about an irritating mother who farcically acts-out suppressed grief trauma following her husband's death three years earlier.

Marnie (Susan Sarandon) is a widow desperately wanting to be relevant in other people's lives as a way to avoid dealing with her own. Her husband left her financially comfortable and she likes spending money on others, whether it's a bag of bagels or paying for the entire wedding of someone she barely knows. Her daughter Lori (Rose Byrne) has relationship issues of her own and welcomes her meddling mother like a blowfly on a summer day. If that sounds like a thin storyline, several comic sketches flesh it out: like Marnie's serial visits to that helpful guy in the Apple Store; being "earth mother" for a lesbian couple's wedding; deciding what to do with her husband's ashes; and the teen-awkward steps towards starting a relationship with an ex-cop called Zipper. The 'world's most embarrassing mother' theme is squeezed for all its worth, but the endless texting, unanswered messages, and unannounced drop-ins are more wearying for viewers than for this mother-daughter duo. While buried grief lies somewhere in the deeper layers of this film, it is largely ignored or at best explored with casual superficiality.

Sarandon's acting repertoire means she can handle anything from slapstick to pathos, but she can only work with what she is given. It is a weak script, full of clichéd melodrama, tired gags, and feigned sentimentality. She is on-screen for most of the movie, staying in character as a constantly irritating person who is painfully lacking in self-awareness, or just not particularly bright. If it was directed as a serious drama, the central premise of the story might have led to a satisfying movie. But as a corny comedy, it denigrates the seriousness of its deeper themes and is more squirm-in- your-seat embarrassing than laugh-out-loud kind of funny. While this conclusion may speak against the critical grain, it comes from someone who still has Sarandon on a pedestal.
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A rare treat of a movie
rogerdarlington25 June 2016
What a delight to see a film in which an older woman is the central character. No coincidence then that the writer and director is a woman, Lorene Scafari who was responsible for "Seeking A Friend At The End Of The World".

The title is somewhat unkind to the well-meaning, if somewhat overpowering, Marnie, played wonderfully by Susan Sarandon who continues to shine brightly long after the days of "Thelma And Louise". In support roles, the beautiful Rose Byrne (first spotted by me in "Bridesmaids") as her daughter Lori and the gravel-voiced J K Simmons (fresh from his triumph in "Whiplash") as her knight in black leather are pitch-perfect.

This is a movie which is funny, moving and insightful - a rare treat.
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Susan Sarandon mothers it up again (and maybe better than ever) in "The Meddler".
dave-mcclain9 May 2016
Warning: Spoilers
Susan Sarandon is a real mother – in more ways than one. Besides being the mother of actress Eva Amurri (and sons Jack Henry and Miles Guthrie), she has played many moms on screen. Of course, successful actresses of a certain age often make their living from such roles (Meryl Streep, for example), but Sarandon seems to have stepped up her acceptance of motherhood roles in recent years. Her one Oscar-winning role was for playing a sister (as in, a nun, in 1995's "Dead Man Walking"), but just since then, she has played a mother in (just to name a few): "Stepmom" (1998), "Anywhere But Here" (1999), "Shall We Dance" (2004), "Elizabethtown" (2005), "Mr. Woodcock" (2007), "The Lovely Bones" (2009), "Wall Street: Money Never Sleeps" (2010), "Arbitrage" (2012), "The Big Wedding" (2013), "Mothers and Daughters" (2016), on TV shows and, in possibly her best mom role yet, "The Meddler" (PG-13, 1:40).

Marnie Minervini (Sarandon) is lonely and bored. She and her husband moved from New York to L.A. when their screenwriter daughter, Lori (Rose Byrne), did just a few years before. Since then, Marnie's husband died, leaving her enough money that she doesn't have to work. Marnie constantly calls, texts and drops by to see Lori. When Lori suggests that her mother get a hobby, Marnie cheerily responds, "You could be my hobby!" Marnie is loving, charming and means well, but she definitely is a meddler.

Besides having trouble filling the hours, Marnie is still struggling to get over her husband's death. Likewise, Lori misses her father, and has been devastated by her break-up with an actor named Jacob (Jason Ritter). Well, at least she has her mother – and her career. Lori has written a TV pilot which is about to be filmed back in New York. Although Marnie offers to come with her to be her assistant, Lori goes alone, looking forward to a change of scenery – and putting some distance between her and mom.

With Lori (at least temporarily) out of town and mostly out of contact (due to work), Marnie is forced to find something else to do. She offers to pay for the wedding of Lori's best friend, Jillian (Cecily Strong), and becomes very involved in the planning. Marnie starts volunteering at a local hospital, where she befriends an old woman (Jo Jordan) who happens to be mute. Marnie also takes interest in a young man (Jerrod Carmichael) who helps her with the new devices she buys at the local Apple store and she starts driving him to night school, trying to help him reach his potential. Marnie then grows close to a retired police officer called Zipper (J.K. Simmons), who also has a complicated relationship with his daughter.

Then, even as Marnie recoils at the prospect of romance (as she's also being pursued by a local L.A. man played by Michael McKean), she still meddles in her daughter's romantic life, both in L.A. and in New York. A trip to the Big Apple to visit Lori on the set of her new TV show (and spend a few days with her) goes well, but a pleasant dinner with her deceased husband's Italian family simply brings back up her unresolved grief. Marnie has been having sessions of her own with her daughter's therapist (Amy Landecker) back in L.A., but Marnie learns that she eventually has to figure out some things for herself.

"The Meddler" is a very pleasant diversion and a heart-felt tribute to mothers. It manages to validate the feelings of both meddling mothers and the children in whose lives they meddle, helping us to understand and appreciate both sides of that equation, while subtly suggesting solutions to such tension. This film is more fun than "Mother's Day", its main competition for 2016 Mom's Day dollars, and the similarly-themed "I'll See You in My Dreams" (from 2015, with Blythe Danner in the role of the aging widow). "The Meddler" is similarly upbeat and as surprisingly entertaining as 2016's "Hello, My Name is Doris", in which Sally Field gives a wonderful performance of her own as an older woman coming to terms with her advancing maturity.

This film's script and direction (both from Lorene Scafaria, who also wrote and directed 2012's "Seeking a Friend for the End of the World") sometimes exaggerate the story's drama, but the film delivers a decent amount of laughs, along with moments that will make most Movie Fans smile, whether you're a mother, a daughter, or of the male persuasion. The cast is what really makes the movie worth watching – especially Sarandon, whose optimism and good will is infectious. This may not be the mother of ALL movies about mom, but I'm going to meddle just a bit and suggest if you ever had a mother, you consider seeing "The Meddler". "B+"
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less Lori better
SnoopyStyle9 January 2017
Marnie (Susan Sarandon) lives an empty life after the death of her husband Joey. His death left her with more money than she needs. She moved from New York to L.A. to be close to her TV writer daughter Lori (Rose Byrne) and her grand-doggies. It's a struggle to fill her days and she is constantly trying to get into Lori's life. She's even going to Lori's therapist. Lori is suffering about her ex Jacob and from Marnie's meddling. Lori travels to New York. Marnie promises to pay for Lori's friend Jillian (Cecily Strong)'s wedding. She gives rides to Freddy from the Apple genius store. She volunteers at the hospital. Zipper (J.K. Simmons) is a retired cop working on a movie set that Marnie accidentally works onto.

This actually works better after Lori leaves town. Marnie's adventures are fun. Jillian's wedding feels a little Bridesmaids. There is an overload of funny women but it's fine. Jerrod Carmichael is a fun little appetizer but the main course is J.K. Simmons. I actually missed these characters when Marnie goes to New York. I would rather have an indie about Marnie with Jillian, Freddy, and Zipper. It's a bit depressing without them and I can only take so much.
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Not a bad movie at all. If you liked Hello, My Name is Doris you will like this as well.
cosmo_tiger6 September 2016
"I think it's time we set some boundaries." Lori (Byrne) as been dumped by her boyfriend and is struggling with getting through the day to day grind of life. Things get worse when her overbearing and constantly there mother Marnie (Sarandon) shows up and tries to help. Eventually Lori needs a break and when she goes to New York for a job she tells her mother to stay. Without Lori to take care of Marnie finds ways to help others and, more importantly, herself. This, like many reviews, should be taken with a grain of salt. Mainly because I am a guy and this movie was not geared toward me at all. That said I didn't think the movie was that bad, but it was just nothing I could totally get invested in. Some of the scenes were funny, but Sarandon played the part in a way where it made me feel sorry for her more than anything. That may have been the intention but that is what I got out of it. Also, the movie is not what I expected. I was expecting something along the lines of a more serious Guilt Trip type movie, and this is more about Marnie finding what makes her happy. Overall, not a bad movie at all but, again, the movie isn't made for me. If you liked Hello, My Name is Doris you will like this as well. I give this a B.
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Biggest meddler since Rose in Gypsy.
Quietb-13 May 2016
Warning: Spoilers
Susan Serandon stars as the meddler. She is the kind of mother you would wish for as long as you are not her daughter. All the other female characters want her as their mother.

The movie is an outstanding written and directed work. Often the writer director starts the movie too late or won't cut a word or scene of their brilliant writing. Here it is a perfect title, perfect start and near perfect script. Many male characters are a bit thinly written and seem like props not people.

So what if the action cuts from Bennett's in the Farmers Market to the fountains in the Grove like they are a step away. It seemed the writer needed a car stolen even though it was parked in the most highly visible space at Fisherman's Village in a controlled exit parking lot. The coincidence of walking onto the set to meet JK Simmons was fun but also seemed contrived. Was the credited Sam Ruben left on the cutting room floor when the channel Five morning news team was moved to eight?

Susan Serandon, dressed mostly in animal print tops, carries this movie gracefully on her back. She is in every scene and very convincing. There is an outstanding use of music that adds to the fun and carries lots some scenes to a higher level.

The movie looks good on the wide screen theater screen. It is a small movie that isn't receiving big studio marketing promotion. It is the type of movie that will benefit from positive word of mouth. Find it in limited release or enjoy it on a home platform.
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Sarandon Makes the Film
Moviegoer1918 September 2016
Characters like Marnie, the role played by Susan Sarandon in this film, I find really hard to tolerate. In fact I wasn't going to watch the film but decided to only because I knew Sarandon would elevate it. And now, having read some of the reviews here, I realize how comparable it was to Sally Field's recent film, My Name is Doris.

What these two films share in common, besides being made watchable thanks to the talents of their respective main star, is that they were character portrayals of the aging baby boomer as a childlike character.

As an aging baby boomer female myself, I found myself asking, with both films, but I'll stick to The Meddler here, did Marnie take too many drugs in her youth? Because there's something so innocent, spaced out, cutesy, and ultimately kind of brain dead, about her.

Reviewers have referred to her as happy, cheerful, smiling, caring, etc. which are all accurate, but when I ask myself, is she someone I'd like to spend time with, or even have as my mother, my answer is a resounding No. Maybe because in my own family I was the "adult child" I think I'd have to assume that role with Marnie, too. Because frankly she fits into la la land so perfectly. And I always feel that characters/people like that are able to get away with something that I can't.

Which is all to say watching The Meddler was a mixed experience.
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Good Enough
PennyReviews24 May 2021
The meddler was not bad, it had its moments, with some funny scenes, not many though, and good performances. It, however, lacks a main plot. And it is forgettable. Still, it was enjoyable.
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Perfect for People with Tiny Bladders
kr9866420 June 2016
My darling wife, beloved as she may be, has one slight imperfection. Genetics has cursed her with a bladder about the size of a grape, or maybe a walnut at the most. Frequent movie goers that we are, we've perfected the drill. When (not if) she heads out to the restroom, I make note of where the plot was. Upon her return, I whisper into her ear what she missed, and generally throw in a little kiss, too.

This was the first movie where upon her return, she didn't ask what she missed. We both knew before she left that she wouldn't miss anything. For the whole movie, not much happened. Just a lot of ploddingness, talk about feelings, and perhaps two chuckles.

The trailer looked good, but it had all the funny bits. A great cast was wasted on this ho hum mess. I kept waiting for the movie to get better, but it never did. If only my watch had a turboboost option...

On the bright side, if you have a nanobladder, this may be the perfect movie for you.
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A light hearted, fun to watch story that every one can identify with
shraddhusb28 May 2019
Warning: Spoilers
A must watch for the awesomeness named Susan Sarandon!!!! Oh she just becomes the character.

So this is a story of a 'more than necessary', 'concerned' meddling mom (Susan Sarandon) who kinda is super clingy to her 'not that young', 'in her late thirties' daughter (Rose Byrne) The movie is such a simple yet heartwarming story about coping with loss, the way it plays out on our personalities.. I watched this movie, to start with just as a mode of killing time... but it's a must watch cuz each one of us can feel in the shoes of the characters..n inspite of being light hearted, this one has such strong characters .. The writing has depth.. There was a scene where I found myself laughing out loud with the mom - daughter

And what starts as a fun movie about a mom Crossing her boundaries turns into this really deep connection that this character has with others..

I thoroughly enjoyed it!! A fabulous choice to watch it with the entire family, il definitely watch it again with my mom for sure..

8 out of 10 from me, for a light hearted, superbly written, fun must watch!

PS: also loved Rose Byrne's work!! Amazing
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A pleasant way to spend an hour and 43 minutes
suego-4929324 November 2021
I am no fan of Sarandon the person, but her talent as an actress is undeniable. She shines in this movie and she is what makes it fun and enjoyable to watch along with J. K. Simmons.

I went into this movie thinking it was a mother/daughter movie, and in some ways it is, but mostly this is very much Marnie's story and how she deals with grieving the loss of her beloved husband and the daughter who keeps trying to put distance between them while Marnie keeps trying to close the gap all the while exploring other outlets for her need to nurture, help and move forward with her own life. It has comedic moments that are quite fun, but I would not label this a comedy. It is a light, fun, easy watch but still with plenty of substance.

Not everyone enjoys a character study movie, but if you do I think you will enjoy The Meddler.
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Apple Commercial
hytrefde25 November 2016
Warning: Spoilers
The movie starts in an Apple Store where Susan Sarandon buy a new Iphone. She explains that the 64GB model is better than the 16GB one. After few minutes she is at a pre maman party, and gift the new mother with an iPad. She explains that it's a very good gadget, that you can install things on it, and the young mother wows very loud at the tablet. Next scene we are on an Apple store, where we can see the "genius" explaining to her how to zoom in and out. At the 15 minutes mark we are at her daughter's house, and on the bed we can see a Macbook. She try to look at the history on safari, but then the daughter comes, and takes the laptop away.

If you want to see a 100 minutes Apple commercial, this movie is for you!
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neil-47623 May 2018
Warning: Spoilers
Marnie, widowed nearly two years ago is trying to find a new purpose in life, but it's not easy. Having moved from New Jersey to LA to be near her screenwriter daughter (who finds her mother's constant presence in her life overpowering), Marnie's new life includes planning and funding an expensive wedding for a casual acquaintance, accidental work as a movie extra, encouraging a young iPad salesman to widen his educational horizon and ferrying him to night classes (with consequences), and meeting a man who keeps chickens.

Written and directed by Lorene Scafaria, whose scant previous credits include writing/directing Seeking A Friend For The End Of The World and writing Nick And Nora's Infinite Playlist, this movie (which arrived at my local cinema without so much as a trailer preceding it) features Susan Sarandon as Marnie, Rose Byrne as daughter Lori, JK Simmons as Zipper (the chicken-owning cop, the script is undecided as to whether he is retired or not), and several other names in supporting roles.

It is possible to get irritated with Marnie's mild inability to mind her own business, just as Lori's tendency towards moody angst could get on your nerves, but it is easy to see where these traits come from, and the death of husband/Dad Jack before the film starts is clearly of major importance to both women - indeed, it seeds the final sequence of the film. Likewise, Marnie's tendency to back off - literally - from the possibility of a close relationship with a man comes from the same place. The impulsive decision to bankroll the lesbian wedding of a friend of her daughter, a woman she hardly knows, is puzzling and required more explanation: inherited wealth is the obvious answer, as evidenced by the late husband's expensive car, but it would have helped to have had some explanation.

The biggest flaw here is that there seems to be a lack of purpose to the film. It meanders. The drama is gentle, but doesn't always go anywhere much. Things happen and then the expected consequences never materialise. It's all very soap opera-ish, but without any real pay-off to a number of the plot strands which are established.

Having said that, there are happy endings - kind of - to the mother/daughter side of things, and one assumes that Marnie and Lori continue their lives in a slightly more contented vein than previously.
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A fine role for Sarandon, meddling with your adult child in Los Angeles.
TxMike25 October 2016
Warning: Spoilers
We watched this at home on DVD from our public library. The writer/director makes interesting, somewhat quirky comedies about life, but not slapstick comedy. Good writing and a good cast add up to a very entertaining viewing experience.

The DVD has a good extra about "the real Marne". The whole story is derived from the real life relationship of the filmmaker and her mother, during one of her other projects she told her mother "The next script I'm going to write is about you and I'm going to call it The Meddler."

Susan Sarandon, almost 70 in real life, is Marnie, her long time husband had died a year or so earlier, and he had left her very well off financially. So she moved from New Jersey to Los Angeles to be near her adult daughter who works in the movie and TV industry.

The daughter is played by Australian actress, Rose Byrne, using her best American accent as Lori. The first 20 minutes or so I wasn't at all confident that I would like the movie, Marne was meddling a bit too much and Lori seemed a bit too passive-aggressive, but as the story settled in it became nicely interesting.

It really is Marne's story, when Lori has to go to New York for a while to shoot a pilot (not that kind of pilot) Marne gets to explore her own life more. She gets into a volunteer job at a hospital. She meets a woman who wants to re-marry her wife so Marne buys her a wedding dress and rents a yacht for the event. Her therapist wonders if using her money like that is a way of "buying friendship and acceptance."

But Marnie's life gets really interesting when she is walking around and happens upon an outdoor movie shoot, she is mistaken for an extra and goes along with it. In the process she meets J.K. Simmons who is retired police officer Zipper (his last name), working easy security for the shoot. Marne is not ready to jump into any sort of relationship but she accepts his friendship, visits him in the canyon, where he grows chickens for their eggs. Just a very pleasant man who also plays guitar and sings with a nice, mellow baritone.

Is this a chick flick? I don't know, I hate to put labels on movies, but it is a very realistic story and watching the story unfold with some great actors, this guy enjoyed it very much.
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After the death of her husband, a woman throws herself into helping and doting on whoever will let her.
Amari-Sali6 September 2016
Warning: Spoilers

Unless your name is Meryl Streep, who seems to have a new movie annually, consistent work as a lead actress after a certain age is hard to find. Yet, between Hello, My Name is Dorris, The Face of Love, Grandma, and I'm sure many I have yet to discover, women heading into their golden age have been finding the most interesting of roles as of late. This film starring Susan Sarandon is a nice addition to the list. It doesn't top the aforementioned, but it is still a decent watch.

Main Storyline

It has been a little bit more than a year since Marnie's (Susan Sarandon) husband Joe died, and since then she has pretty much honed all her focus on her daughter Lori's (Rose Byrne) life. Something Lori doesn't appreciate for Marnie is absolutely smothering. Making a trip across the country a welcome vacation. But while Lori maybe away, that won't stop Marnie from being the mother figure so many desperately may want or need. Though, alongside being a mother, she is still a woman. One who may still hold a loyalty to her husband, but has quite a few potential suitors trying to get a piece of her time.


As overbearing as Marnie is, Sarandon figures a way to never make her seem like an outright nuisance. If anything, you see Lori as ungrateful. Especially as we meet characters like Jillian (Cecily Strong) who lost her mom and Freddy (Jerrod Carmichael) who may have a mom but they don't have the time to actively be in their child's life how they want. But as a person in general, Marnie is just lovable.


With the movie just 17 minutes shy of being 2 hours, I must admit when it was over I was left feeling kind of empty. Not because I cried or because there was such a relief after all Marnie went through. For, fact of the matter is, Marnie doesn't really go through anything. She has a daughter who feels smothered by her so she avoids her, and Marnie pushes through that. That perhaps is the big obstacle, getting her daughter to appreciate her. That is, as opposed to Marnie really hunkering down and facing the fact her husband is dead.

Now, who am I to say how someone should grieve? I've never been married nor lost anyone significant to me. But with the way Marnie avoided Joe's family, avoided talking about how to handle his ashes, and pretty much anything which acknowledged his death, you'd think the movie would really address his death. After all, like Lori says, her mom lost her other half and is obviously unsure how to compensate besides investing time and effort in Lori or strangers. Which was nice to watch, and made Marnie the likable character she is, but ultimately you just feel like her journey to, I guess, be open to dating again was just too meek considering all the time we spend with her.

On The Fence

There were times I wanted to question who Marnie was besides this overly nice lady? What did she do before her husband died? Was she just a housewife or did she work outside the home? Also, what made her so nice to strangers? These questions weren't necessarily nagging issues, but there did come a point with how much she would talk about Joe and Lori that you got to wondering why Marnie didn't talk more about herself? Past what she did that specific day.
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gsygsy11 December 2016
Enjoyable movie, with a strong central performance by Susan Sarandon, and dependable support from Rose Byrne and J.K. Simmons.

Writer-director Lorene Scafaria tells her story skilfully, wittily and warmly. Ms Sarandon plays Marnie, a New Yorker who, following the death of her husband, relocates to L.A. to be near her screenwriter daughter Lori, played by Ms Byrne. The film is really about the two women working through their grief, but the telling of their tale is done with deftly, lightly: it isn't a heavy film. The overall tone is one of optimism, but without anything mawkish or Pollyanna-ish.

When Lori heads back to NYC to work on a TV project, Marnie knows she has to look for ways to fill her time. She volunteers as a baby-sitter to a friend of Lori's, which leads her to becoming a wedding-planner; she volunteers at a hospital, which culminates in a most unexpectedly moving scene; she stumbles into a location shoot for a movie, becomes a walk-on, and thereby finds a friend in a retired policeman played by Mr Simmons; and she befriends a young guy who helps her come to grips with her iPad (product placement, I suspect) she ends up helping him in return.

If you think there are too many story lines, you're right. This is the film's only weakness, to my mind. In particular , the iPad guy story line is redundant: it has no pay-off and, in spite of a charming performance by Jerrod Carmichael, could easily be cut from the movie, making it a lean 90 minutes instead of the slightly flabby 100 that it is.

All in all, it's a well-crafted, gently amusing piece of work.
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Pleasant story about adjusting to a new life
phd_travel21 January 2017
This is a watchable movie about a recent widow who moves from East to West Coast to be with her only daughter who is preoccupied with her screen writing career and her failed romance.

She fills the void in her life by helping out at the hospital and helping her daughter's friends wedding and babysitting.

The story is touching without being overly sentimental. Nothing too dramatic happens so it's realistic enough.

Susan Sarandon looks very young still. This isn't an eccentric character like Sally Field in Hello my name is Doris. Susan is still quite attractive hence lots of men interested in her in the movie. Her suitor is played by JK Simmons. Rose Byrne plays her daughter.

Worth one watch.
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Slow paced, endearing movie of a mom's new chapter in life,,,
LiveLoveLead2 April 2017
Not sure why all the bad reviews. I mean it's not Oscar worthy, but a sweet simple story of a mom and adult daughter's relationship... really it's more about the mother, trying to rediscover herself after becoming a widow. This charming movie will have you laughing and crying. The pace is slow and simple as we follow along with Marnie as she navigates her new life moving from Jersey to Los Angeles to be closer to her daughter Lori. Lori has her own life problems and is busy with her job, so Marnie begins "meddling" in not only her daughter's life, but friends and even stranger's lives too... but in a really helpful kind way. It's the perfect portrayal of how a mom's unselfishness can seem selfish and annoying till you take a step back and see it from another point of view... if that makes sense. Marnie befriends all kinds of people, helping them out and keeping herself busy, while still mourning her husband who passed a few years earlier. She's like a mom to everyone she meets, while her daughter kind of pushes her away. Marnie just wants to figure out where she belongs and how she fits into this new life. It really made me think about how sometimes we take our mom's for granite and forget to appreciate their unconditional love and think of their sacrifices and feelings too. Sarandon brought an endearing quality to Marnie and I was touched by her warmth and kindheartedness. I think this is a good movie for moms and adult daughters, especially mom's of adult kids/empty-nesters (not so much for the man who doesn't appreciate a chick flick.) Oh, and the reviewers who saw it as tons of product placement/an Apple commercial, I never thought of it as that. I saw it as a newly independent elderly woman trying to figure out the high-tech world we now live in... for those of us who didn't grow up with iPhones and internet, etc. it's a whole new world to explore. 7 stars in My Humble Opinion 4/2017
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Enjoyable for a Lazy Sunday afternoon
linoayumu7 December 2018
I did quite like this film. It was not full of some over the top drama or illogical romance I'm so used to seeing in Hollywood films. This one was more believable and relatable. Susan Sarandon was a joy to watch. There was never a dull moment with her. I didn't take much of a liking to Rose Byrne's character though. She came off as some vapid over-worked brat who was irritating to watch.

And while the film is supposedly about an overbearing mother incessantly meddling with her daughter's life, what the film actually focused on was the journey of the mother coming to terms with her late husband's death and her courage in letting go in order to be happy in life again. It wasn't really much about the daughter at all, so that's a bit confusing.

Overall, it's a great film to relax to.
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Proof that A-List Celebrities don't make the Film
MinistryofDoom20 March 2017
Yes, there are some pretty big A-listers in this film....Rose Byrne, Susan Sarandon, J.K.Simmons, Jason Ritter, etc...but just because you have some well known faces in your film, it doesn't mean that you have a great film. That should be the takeaway here. My mom is a longtime fan of Susan Sarandon so I watched the film with her. Both of us were bored to tears. The uninteresting life of Marnie and her daughter just seemed to go on for ever and ever and ever. There's no climax in this film, no payoff. Nothing. It just goes on and ends and that's it. There wasn't even any indication that it was even building up to something. It's just the boring story of a mom and her daughter living in L.A. There is no reason to watch this film at all, because it's just a re- enactment of "REAL LIFE". Hell, you're probably living Marnie's life right now and I bet you're more interesting than Marnie.
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Those who gave it a 1👎
wieberrscc26 April 2020
Maybe You have to have lived this story with your mom to appreciate it. It was beautiful and had me laughing all the way through.
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Susan and Rose,,,who wants more?
akomari8 September 2016
my expectations from a Susan Sarandon movie are high. the movie was not a disappointment at all..I enjoyed it a lot and so did my wife, Susan Sarandon was great, Rose Byrne- who I like a lot too- did not have enough space with Susan but did great in what was left for her the story is somehow predictable, a lonely widow who meddles in her daughter messed life with all the expected funny and -not so funny- situations ..but the smart deep lines embedded make the fabric of the story much deeper and much more fun to watch. there might be some exaggerations in some parts ( like whats her name wedding) but all presented in accepetable. in one particular scene, Susan tops herself...she is sitting with her late husband brothers..and she mentions that it has been a year since he passed, they are all mean two years...she corrects herself at once ( I meant one year since last year) then her face shows the fact the time is not passing for her.
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Cringeworthy product placement ruins the film.
wiztwas1 October 2016
If you are going to do product placement in a film then it needs to be subtle, this is up there with that terrible Tom Hanks film with the shipping company product placement or one of those "Mobile Phone" films form the 80's there was another film recently, that was based on a brilliant book, they changed a diary from a book to using a camera so they could do the product placement, it again ruined the film.

The story itself was probably not as bad as the commercialisation of the film.

I just wish that the distraction of bizarre elements, such as the mentioning of having purchased the places product in the initial call to her daughter, the befriending of the guy who helps her with her placed product and works in the placed product shop, the mentioning of the placed product web browser when searching the internet, her purchasing the placed product for the baby shower, her purchasing placed product for the chickens.

This is the future of cinema, it is a commercial dressed up as movie, I think it is much more than one commercial to far. This is a ruined film. Thanks placed product.

I know product placement is here to stay, but it can be done well, it can be subtle, it can be and unnoticed part of the story. But when you alter the story and insert extra elements in order to achieve extra product placements then you are at serious risk of making a bad advert instead of a good film.
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