Smosh: The Movie (2015) Poster

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I Regret Watching This
rmsccbm2 September 2015
This is one mess of a movie! For those of you who do not know, Smosh is a fairly popular YouTube channel that does comedy sketches. And when they announced a film, I was instantly let down. With many other big YouTubers like Fred, Shane Dawson and Harley making sh*t movies, it was only a matter of time that these two idiots got there nose in there. And from there, I was expecting a really bad movie. This movie is atrocious! From the childish humour, that never gets more than a slight grin, to the laughably bad sets and characters. This movie was just plain awful. The only real redeeming qualities it had was the cameos, which, honestly, while they were fun to see, we're just a way to have Smosh say; "Look at us we can get Lady Gaga in our movie." And by the way, she was just the worst in this mess. The jokes fell flat, the story was dumb and rushed, and above all, it comes across as a big cash grab. Don't see this movie unless you are under 10, then by all means have a blast. But if you don't like dumb humour with no substance, stay well away. 3/10
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I am a Smosh fan and i tried my best to enjoy. In vain
cowboysaif27 July 2015
I am a moderate smosh fan. Watched nearly all of their videos in youtube. The biggest puzzle of this movie is Ian and Anthony acted the way which is alien to me. Looked like they were being forced to act, absolute zero emotion and crappy dialogs. Were they nervous ? They are far more better than this in their youtube videos ! Who wrote the story ? Even their food battle videos makes sense than this predictive, humorless story. Seriously guys, you can do better than this on live camera ! The reason i like smosh videos is that they bring absolute absurd scenarios to life and make fun of almost everything. In this movie, there is none of that. Looks like someone saw 5 minute smosh video for the first time, tick some checkboxes. Wiener joke ? Check. Taking dump on car ? Check. Ian laughing at people ? Check. OK boys, story is written. Now glue your faces and start acting. The regular smosh family could have pulled a better short film. Seriously, Their foreign food test videos are better. I heard there are some true fan materials in the movie, like pokemon throwback or whatever. Who cares ?
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Started watching Smosh in 2007 and now this is just sad.
megamantaco27 July 2015
Warning: Spoilers
-THIS REVIEW CONTAINS SPOILERS!!!!!!! BEWARE- Honestly this felt like some direct to TV movie, and a bad movie. I was a big smosh fan in 2007 but stopped watching after 2013 due to there forced acting, using same video ideas, and them just milking out other series (Pokemon, if _____ were real, etc). I watched the movie hoping It would be decent at best but what I got was a cringe fest of bad acting, a lame plot, and barely any laughter. The plot is that Anthony doesn't want his high school crush to see an embarrassing video on youtube so him and ian go inside youtube and change the video. Already Anthony is the cliché guy who has no confidence in himself and Ian is just the dumb character who's suppose to be funny. The problem is that the plot isn't all that great considering in the youtube videos Ian and Anthony travel through time, fight Italian mafias, life hack, do crazy food battles, escape from jail, etc. In the movie they constantly re-use the same youtube clips that they travel to and it gets old like seeing Jenna marbles for the third time. All the youtube cameos you see in the trailer are 95% of the cameos in the movie, there's shane dawson and the Smosh Games guys including Mari, and dtrix. To my surprise, no Nigahiga or Kevjumba. The acting in this is very poor, in the old smosh days they had better acting then they do now. Ian being a douche thing in the movie gets old and isn't funny. One thing that I think many smosh fans will agree with is that NOT having Ian's actual mom in the movie is really stupid. Instead it's some women we've never seen before and for the first time we see Ian's dad...okay? If you couldn't get Ian's real mom, don't put it in the script. The special effects are decent but there's one part where Steve Youtube catches them in a forest and it's obvious that he's green-screened into the scene while Ian & Anthony aren't. For a Smosh movie, there's almost nothing Smosh about it! I was hoping to see Smosh characters such as Boxman, Teleporting fat guy, Damn Neighbor, Billy Jean, Charlie, & Food Battle Reporter. Not saying they had to be main characters but not even a cameo or an Easter egg? What a joke! The only thing they reference is there Pokemon video but since they had to change the name for obvious copyright, it's not all that special and feels very forced. You can tell there was no passion in the making of this movie, they didn't even write the script themselves! Overall, this movie will probably appeal to those under the age of 13. This wasn't the way to go with the movie at all, oh and one more thing, the title screen in the movie is so bland, it's just white text font with a backdrop shadow, the logo they used for the trailer and poster was even better. You would think they would do some cool graphic explosion like they do in the Food Battle videos with some epic orchestral score but nope, simple white text with some song playing that sounds like a theme song for a teen sitcom you would find on Nickelodean.
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Fake reviews
chrisalanstudios25 July 2015
One reviewer actually sated this was the best movie they've ever seen. Another gave this movie 9 out of 10 stars, then basically went on to say the movie was pretty crappy. LOL!!! Seriously!! Have you ever SEEN a movie prior to this?? All I needed to see was the trailer and a few interviews on daytime TV to know this is a joke of a movie. I'm sure it ranks right up there with the Fred movie. You Tubers need to stay on You Tube and off the big screen. I'm actually supposed to come up with 10 lines about this movie before IMDb will allow me to post this review. Do you realize HOW DIFFICULT THAT IS to do with this stupid waste of film??
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Really, really bad commercial.
rudolfravbar25 July 2015
Warning: Spoilers
Smosh: The Movie is not the movie, it's more like a one and a half hour long YouTube video with more youtubers. That's all.

An embarrassing video of Anthony surfaces online right before his fifth high school reunion. The Smosh dudes then race to pull down the clip before it blows Anthony's chances of reconnecting with his teen crush Anna.

I really like Smosh like YouTube channel, but not like a movie. Before I watched this movie, I read some reviews. Reviews were saying that the movie is not like they were expecting (in a positive way). I was like:"Well, let's watch it then." But reviews were wrong. The movie is really bad. The movie felt so cheap, like I could make one like this (no, seriously, I can).

The acting is bad. Their acting is something like we can see on their YouTube channel. It's a bit better, but still cheap. Dialogues are mostly really clichés. Actually, there is one actor that did pretty good. Peter Breitmayer (Mr. Ellis). He is so cool.

There are some moments in this movie where you're like:"That's dumb, nobody will do that." For example, when the mailman came with a mail and Ian threw water balloons at him, or when a little kid started shitting on Anthony's car. Nope. Also, the movie is really predictable. The movie is not funny as well. It's supposed to be funny, but it's not. I don't know about others, but this movie was not funny. I don't like that thing that Ian and Anthony's YouTube video (newer), in which they were all fighting, gave them wealth.

The special effects were bad, especially the scene when Ian and Anthony were jumping through the portal to YouTube. Also, I remember that there was one awful explosion.

In the end, this movie is only for their true fans. I don't think that this movie doesn't deserve a big rating.
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Less than Meh
jincaluboua28 July 2015
Smosh: The Movie is a great and fun ride for a huge Smosh fan. But, any other movie goer would be disappointed. Don't get me wrong here, Smosh has some few good laughs (In this movie too) and I enjoy some of their content. Though, the movie seemed bad as a whole. The entire thing is littered with plot holes and the story is typical guy gets the girl. Also, the dialogue is a bit choppy seeming to be only a rough draft and not thought over well. Not to mention that the acting is mediocre and some of the performances were just cameos to sell YouTubers.

If you really love Smosh then you will enjoy the movie, but otherwise it's one giant commercial for Smosh/YouTube.
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One of the worst if not the worst movie I ever saw
deloudelouvain2 November 2015
Okay first of all I never heard about Smosh. I say that because apparently after watching the movie and reading some reviews afterwards, I read that those guys actually make you-tube videos. Well I sincerely hope for them that they are better then this crap. Because I can assure you that this movie will go in my top ten most awful movies ever made. This movie must be made by a six year old. It's not possible otherwise. The amount of garbage per minute is incredible. I didn't think it was possible to make such a bad movie. They proved me wrong. If somebody writes something good about this movie then he is or acting in the movie himself, or he is related to one of the actors, or he is just mentally retarded. Don't get fooled by anybody that gives more then one star for this garbage. A zero star would be better but it's not possible to give on IMDb. So I repeat: do not watch this garbage, it's a waste of your precious time on earth. You will regret it for your whole life. Well at least I do.
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I wish this was better
erikgee25 May 2016
a lot of things had to come together to make this movie not good. someone had to write this movie, and then after that people read it and said, "yeah thats good, lets film it." and then on set those smosh guys acted the script and no one said, "Hey maybe lets try another take. maybe try to be more natural, take some time and really tap into your character. or maybe we could halt shooting until these guys take some acting classes." no one said that dozens of people on the set and no one said anything, they were just okay with it. they just filmed it and someone edited it and they said, "here internet kids, you like garbage, right? have this."

Its kind of insulting that everyone on this film was OK with how it turned out, and no one with the power said "hey lets try to make this good, lets really give them a good story with good jokes and gags and emotional stakes, and good special effects, and a plot that makes sense and characters that you can really get behind and root for." but no one did. and thats really disappointing. for all of us.

it could have been fixed but not now.
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cheap and predictable
shadiex26 July 2015
i have been waiting for the movie for along time but when i saw it i felt my eyes bleeding , really smosh you just couldn't do it , i have been a big fan of the YouTube channel since 2011 but i was disappointed by the movie the acting was horrible , the plot was expected no twists just like any below average comedy movie and don't let me get started on the special effects , but the movie had it's moments Ian was the soul of the movie his dumb ideas and comments were awesome , overall : the movie is watchable but don't have high expectations, smosh keep on YouTube you are good there movies are just not your thing

p.s i was waiting to see more youtubers in the movie.
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Just, why?
bnmccarty-228 November 2015
Warning: Spoilers
Although the idea for the movie was pretty original, it just couldn't be pulled off. Many jokes were just used so much, it wasn't funny, you can't just reuse one joke over and over again and not expect people to get sick of the joke.

I used to watch their videos and I feel some of their videos are better than this crappy movie.

There are problems with the plot that needs to be fixed, if it were to have any hope at pulling off the story line it was going for. One thing that I can't wrap my mind around, if they get stuck inside of YouTube, couldn't they escape with the next people they see? I don't see what would stop them. When iJustine came up, I just can't figure out why she didn't tag along with them. If their phone dies they get stuck, but they pretty much do what they need to do and then head back to the portal into the real world. What would stop someone from the real world from following them and returning? Does something bad happen? And Anthony who keeps going back to the butt massage girl just got lame and annoying. Like, I am pretty sure that's not the only thing that goes through a guy's head. It just made it seem like Anthony didn't seem all that bothered about that embarrassing video of them.

As for their YouTube videos, it just seems that they are running out of ideas because their content doesn't seem as good as their older videos. Because of that, I had stopped watching their videos. I feel like this was just an attempt to try and get more people to their channel and subscribe. A bad attempt at that. The acting is probably the worst about both the movie and their YouTube videos.

The humor is bad, as though it probably was aimed for 12 year old boys or something, but the stereotypic scenarios that occur throughout the movie makes it less funny.

Overall, if this movie were given anymore thought, better dialogue, better acting, and less running gag jokes, this movie would be pretty good, but this wasn't a very decent movie.

I give this a 2, mainly I have to praise them for coming up with their own movie plot and the ending was pretty decent, but that's it, there's nothing more to this that's praiseworthy. It's not worth the time to watch.
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Silly that it became funny...
RosanaBotafogo6 September 2020
It was so ridiculous and silly that it became funny, exaggerated, stupid, but with light and funny jokes...
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I Tried to Like it.. I Couldn't
nathansben26 March 2017
This movie is absolute garbage. I tried to like. I honestly did. The acting was worse than their YouTube videos. terrible story and not to mention the green screen crap were they run and it's edited into a chase scene? WHY? This is a movie! It looks like they've crapped their pants and decided to run into the bathroom to change! Overall, This movie isn't the worst film ever produced, but I wouldn't even call it "mediocre" or "bad" This movie is one of the worst film i've ever seen.
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Waste of my life
eathorses1 August 2016
First I read great reviews about this movie and liked the actors themselves. Then I see this is stupid as f. I watch whole movie and was like. WHAT THE F DID I JUST WATCH! I thought it was such a waste of my life as a rushed ending and horrible story-line came to play. The whole concept of the movie was stupid and all I could say was. I wasted my precious f-ing life. Yes I was very angry. Please DO NOT WATCH. Live your life to the full. This is a stupid movie and I should never hear of them again. Do not watch, Please. Wow IMDb make me write 10 lines. I can't believe you are not allowed to swear in this. Here are my censored opinions. This movie is f********************************************* bad. The swearing may and will go on forever.
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daniel-3139126 July 2015
Not a lot of good stuff to say about it.... Its an okay movie by itself, but very underwhelming and it did not live up to my expectations! Not the best acting by Ian and Anthony , its only a tiny bit more serious than their youtube videos and such. It mostly seems like a cheap and easy way to get as many youtubers and youtube videos in a movie as possible. Bottom line is that it was so hyped for and the have been advertising it for a long time now, so it is just VERY disappointing to anyone who thought it would be a good and unique movie, because it turns out to be a good concept that they took care of in the worst possible way and made it look and feel like a low-budget cliché filled movie.
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Holy crap, what the heck is this?
nukeman-0035924 September 2015
Warning: Spoilers
Boy, this movie sucks. The beginning about how Anthony wants to be cool and not childish. While Ian is the exact opposite, he lives with his parents and writes "Thirsty" comments. Claiming it is first base, either way the beginning has nothing to do with the rest of the film. The "actual" plot kicks in when the two find out there is a five year HS reunion and Anthony finds a video of him even though the freaking Mic stand is no where near Anthony he somehow got it lodged in his anus. Not to mention a scene where he accidentally murders a guy, which is a running joke. Who posted the video? well right after they meet Steve Youtube, which is something a ten year old would call the "Owner of youtube". Right after a penis joke and a a Markiplier cameo, they go find out if Diri runs out of batteries they will be stuck, during the Markiplier cameo they decide to split up and this consists on nothing and Ian finding butt massage girl. Which amounted to nothing, then they find the video and who posted it. It was Ian, and if they wasn't thrown out of now where they decide Steve should be a villain. Where do i start? first off if Ian was the one to post a video, then Ian could've deleted the video. Secondly; if Steve was evil, why didn't Jenna tell the two this. Would've that been better than what they give us? Instead they decide to mess up time. Somehow this alters them into billionaires and surrounded by hot women. None of them is Anna, so they got to the reunion, Anthony finds out that she didn't want a douche-bag billionaire and wanted the middle class douche Anthony, so he sings and butt massages girl is named Brad and that's what they end on. Goodness, this movie was awful
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Smosh Presents: Ian and Anthony's Bogus Abominable Crime Against Against Humanity
bignothingdrake31030 September 2015
Being the glutton for punishment that I am I found yet another abominable flick up for streaming on Netflix. That piece of trash is known as Smosh: The Movie. For those of you unaware of Smosh, good for you. However here's the cliff notes version: In 2005 when YouTube was first established two nerdy kids Anthony Padilla and Ian Hecox made crudely shot videos of them lip syncing to theme songs for Pokemon and Mortal Kombat. Ever since they have made a miniature empire by making moronic annoying skits filled with fart jokes so terribly unoriginal and uninspired that they would make Dane Cook shoot himself in the face pandering to the mentally castrated youth of America, the lowest common denominator that are tearing this nation apart bit by bit on a mission to keep them out of college along with the monstrous duo responsible for the death of parody Jason Friedberg, Aaron Seltzer who need to die with them slowly with blood in their mouths. But I will admit that yes, when I was younger I found a few of their skits somewhat amusing and looked up to them for a brief months and sent them a long since abandoned project known as The Mark Alpha Cycle asking for advice. What was I thinking? Don't ask because I couldn't tell you, I was high out of my mind. I never heard back from them and I am perfectly okay with that.

Why did this movie make me want to slit my wrists and kill and kill the next living creature that I saw? What drove me to black out and stab my drinking buddy who was watching this with me in the face beyond all recognition? Was it the fact that the jokes were so dated that it would only be funny if the movie were released back in 2003? Was it the fact that the production value was so cheap and tacky that it would only be forgivable if the effects were featured from a video by a Channel Awesome critic and didn't have the budget of five million dollars? Is it the fact that I can't stomach these two retards for more than five seconds? Is it the ridiculous plot? Is it the fact that it's an 84 minute YouTube Video that only exists to make money? Or is it the fact that ALEX WINTER of all people directed this bogus most non- excellent crime against humanity!! I'm just going to let that sink in, Bill Preston DIRECTED THIS UNWATCHABLE PILE OF CINEMATIC FECES Come on man you were one of the heroes of the 80's you and Ted defined the late 80's for Crying out loud! Show some dignity! I believe that to die an honorable death and redeem myself if I ever become a famous director, screenwriter and when my material wears thin much like Smosh's material did and back in like 2005 and I stop bringing in bank and I get that desperate for money that I direct to video sequel for a couple of moronic internet celebrities, please, give me a bottle of poison and walk away Now I really got to find both Bill and Ted movies on Laserdisc to add to my collection to mourn the death of a fallen idol. I remember hearing about Savage Steve Holland directing a made for TV movie for The Fairly Odd Parents a couple of years back called A Fairly Odd Movie: Grow Up, Timmy Turner! And I can at least forgive that because Cosmo is still a fairly enduring character for me even until this day and well let's be honest here Better Off Dead was really his only good movie. But Alex Winter? What are you doing man?!
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YouTubers shouldn't make movies
jadewoolgar3 November 2017
Warning: Spoilers
I've watched Smosh for years, so there was no surprise that I was going to see this movie.

It starts out like a any old Smosh video, but goes off on tangent as soon as Anthony finds his Graduation video. I'd say you'd have to have a pretty low attention span to actually enjoy this film. My advice is, don't waste your time watching this trash.
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Stay Away From This Movie.
JackTheCritic13 March 2016
Warning: Spoilers
-_- Well what can I say about this movie. IT'S ATROCIOUS. The writers ( Eric Falconer and Steve Marmel) are complete morons for writing this piece of garbage. The plot (if you can call it one) is Anthony attempts to impress his crush, Anna Reed , by trying to do a back-flip, but he fails, landing on his face, and the microphone lands in his anus. They both decide to pull down the video before it blows Anthony's chances of reconnecting with his crush. This movie's budget was 5 Million Dollars and the money used not used properly. This movie was produced by AWESOMENESS TV, the company with the biggest amount of fail. The movie felt like it was aimed for a 5 year- old, due to the awful jokes, the unfunny humor, and every single thing that would be in their crappy videos. This movie is so bad it makes your eyes bleed, and it makes you want to go to sleep in this bore fest. In long story short, this movie is really bad, so make sure you stay away from this abomination that is referred to as a movie. - JackTheCritic.
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Not a movie only they could have made.
beetle-259-55414827 July 2017
This review was written on another site nearly two years ago, when Anthony was still part of Smosh.


I watched the movie last night. As a long-time Smosher I was disappointed that Boxman didn't show up. Or Sergeant Anous, Billy Jean, Stevie, Charlie, That Damn Neighbor, Teleporting Fat Guy, or Ian's REAL mom!!! I thought that there would be tons of references to their videos and that their YouTube channel and videos would be a big part of the movie but no, not even an appearance of Ian's pink- frosted sprinkle donuts!!

I thought that you would have to know a lot about Smosh to understand the movie, but this didn't have to be a Smosh movie. It could've starred two different people, had a different title and it still would've worked. This movie doesn't even acknowledge that they're famous YouTubers. The only tie-in to Smosh it has are the title, the "SHUT UP" at the beginning, and our two main characters.

If Ian and Anthony ever make another movie, I hope it has more to do with Smosh itself. I'd love to see all of their famous characters in a feature length movie. Anous, Charlie, Billy, Jean, Stevie, etc!! Maybe even PokeMon if they can get the rights.


However, since Anthony left Smosh in June, I don't think there will ever be another Smosh movie or Food Battle... unless Anthony comes to his senses and goes back to Smosh. Why he would leave such a successful job and channel that he co-founded and co-owned since the beginning of YouTube back in 2005 is beyond me.
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Best movie
joppiesausboys4 April 2022
This is by far the best movie ever. The Godfather, Shawshank Redemption and The Dark Knight are just not on the same level as Smosh: The Movie. I rewatched this movie so many times that I lost count.
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Well done Smosh!
kylemb-846573 February 2020
Alright so I gotta start this off by saying well done to smosh for making a pretty great action comedy, and I do understand the majority of reviews for this movie are actually bad but let me explain why a smosh fan should watch this P.S I wouldn't recommend someone who isn't a fan of Smosh to watch this movie as I don't see you getting much enjoyment out of it's 80 minute run time. Smosh The Movie is a simple story of 2 best friend trying to get an extremely embarrassing video off of the Internet or more specifically YouTube by going into the website itself. Sound pretty cool to you, well obviously it does because it sounds like one of Ian and Anthony's idiotic skits where laughter is always a guarantee! I think there humour (Especially Ian's) Is pushed to the max for this film because I found myself in tears while watching this. It may be offensive and completely stupid humour but I can assure any fan of smosh at least a good time!
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Blandly directed and unfunny
seige-hound3 April 2016
This isn't an entirely honest review, as I didn't finish watching the film, but what I saw was awful, and didn't justify me finishing it.

I don't like Smosh, but they have several things going for them. They have an outrageous and immature sense of humor, and are good at editing those sensibilities together, however, this film completely disregards the little charm Smosh has and instead creates one of the most bland, boring and humorless comedies I've ever seen.

The film consists entirely of A shot B shot, back and forth. There is no variety, no clever editing tricks or gags, just cringy dialogue, awkward acting and too many cameos.
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adampowell657 November 2015
Warning: Spoilers
This famous YouTube duo's first venture into feature filmmaking is, in short, a train wreck.

Smosh got their start releasing short comedy sketches on the Internet, and this movie actually attempts to place them in a coherent narrative. As such, the plot is as simple as it gets; one of our leads needs to ensure that an embarrassing video that shows him goofing around is destroyed before his high school crush sees it, so he can impress her at some kind of school reunion or whatever the hell it was. Honestly, who cares? The writers sure didn't, and I'd be surprised if anyone in the audience did. Personally, I was waiting for the obligatory scene where he finds out that the lady likes him anyway and we get a cringe-worthy and obvious ending, complete with the cheesy "be yourself" message that's been done to death, but whatever. It's presumably aimed at easily-amused 12-year-olds, so who cares about the storyline? The filmmakers certainly didn't seem to; at least, the lazy and predictable story didn't give that impression.

We get all the scenes we're expecting. You know they're going to learn that in the end, all that's important is believing in yourself. We know that they're going to have a falling out and be angry with each other for a bit, only to kiss and make up before the third act. I predicted every single thing that was going to happen. It's the most tired, most done-to-death story imaginable. It's as if no one making the film even cared.

But the film's selling point - apart from cameos by other famous YouTube celebrities like Markiplier and Jenna Marbles - seems to be the comedy, and as such, the story really isn't a huge focus. A good story is always nice, but in a comedy like this, it's not necessarily bad to have something basic. All you need is some simple excuse to have your two leads go on an adventure and goof around, and once the comedy itself works, it's fine. Unfortunately, that's not the case here. The comedy is about as predictable as the cliché- riddled story, and every bit as painful. If you're older than fifteen, prepare to roll your eyes more often than you smile.

The only parts I found amusing were, actually, seemingly unintentional; the film's effects were so cheap, I couldn't help but laugh at how downright ridiculous some of the scenes looked. As a fan of "so bad it's good" funny movies, this is the only reason I gave the film two stars as opposed to one, but I can assure you that I would have given it the lowest possible rating if not for those moments. Unfortunately, they're pretty rare, and given how painful the rest of the jokes are, I just don't think it's worth it. There's a fine line between something being bad to the point of being amusing enough to watch, and then just being plain awful. This seems to poke its head into the former category at times, only to come running back to the latter, where it belongs.

There are also these little moments that suck you out of the film. Smosh fans will notice that the video is an obvious nod to the Pokemon theme song, as the first Smosh video to ever exist was their parody of it. But the film's version of that video replaces the song with an obvious knock-off of Pokemon, clearly for copyright reasons. There are also things like terrible green-screen effects, and I seem to recall hearing a Wilhelm scream at one point. Moments like this only make the film more annoying than the horrible jokes and wooden performances do.

On that note, by the way, the acting is very bad. It also doesn't help that the characters themselves are unlikable and obnoxious. When they're not being stupid, they're being downright unpleasant to other characters. One of the leads has a crush on a girl whose YouTube channel hosts a video where she's having her butt massaged, so he labels her "Butt Massage Girl" and when he meets her and (of course) becomes her love interest, that's what he calls her, constantly telling her to shut up if she tries to reveal her actual name. The purpose of this is so that they can prolong the moment where it turns out that her name is Brad (a nod to a previous scene where the character was warned to make sure his future spouse is not actually a man) and he subsequently freaks out. Because comedy, I think.

Christ, what an awful movie.

The story is predictable and lazy. The jokes are painful. The acting is atrocious. The characters are unlikable and annoying. It's boring, it's stupid, it's annoying, it's not funny, it's just not good. Don't even bother seeing it. Don't give your money to these idiots.
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mobadizhere10 September 2018
I was scared going into this, I thought this would be insulting trash. Turns out it's just boring trash. It's not insulting like any other YouTuber movie like F the Prom or Not Cool. Smosh the movie is just lifeless and bland, and I'm fine with that. At least it's not some disgusting comedy film that tries too hard. I would take a boring comedy film over that any day. Overall, Smosh the movie is doable, if you're not interested in watching a good film.
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Ending was good.
jens-pe12 November 2015
Warning: Spoilers
Movie bad. End fun. My name is Brad. WAT TA FUK Ha Ha

I am happy to join with you today in what will go down in history as the greatest demonstration for freedom in the history of our nation.

Five score years ago, a great American, in whose symbolic shadow we stand today, signed the Emancipation Proclamation. This momentous decree came as a great beacon light of hope to millions of Negro slaves who had been seared in the flames of withering injustice. It came as a joyous daybreak to end the long night of their captivity.

But one hundred years later, the Negro still is not free. One hundred years later, the life of the Negro is still sadly crippled by the manacles of segregation and the chains of discrimination. One hundred years later, the Negro lives on a lonely island of poverty in the midst of a vast ocean of material prosperity. One hundred years later, the Negro is still languished in the corners of American society and finds himself an exile in his own land. And so we've come here today to dramatize a shameful condition.

In a sense we've come to our nation's capital to cash a check. When the architects of our republic wrote the magnificent words of the Constitution and the Declaration of Independence, they were signing a promissory note to which every American was to fall heir. This note was a promise that all men, yes, black men as well as white men, would be guaranteed the "unalienable Rights" of "Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness." It is obvious today that America has defaulted on this promissory note, insofar as her citizens of color are concerned. Instead of honoring this sacred obligation, America has given the Negro people a bad check, a check which has come back marked "insufficient funds."
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