Richie Rich (TV Series 2015) Poster


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A terrible show. It should've resembled the comic book
addicy21 July 2021
Richie Rich is a lovable character, but it's his family that's the problem. His father is basically a couch potato with no job or aspects. The sister should be grateful they're all living in a big mansion, but all Harper does is complain. Not exactly the way a supportive sibling should behave.

I got as far as episode 5 before realizing the family never leaves the house. Richie and his friends never set foot in school. They could've built a classroom set on the same stage, but they didn't.

The worst plot is Richie converting his vegetables into energy. I mean come on that's pathetic.
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Yikes! Not a Comedy but a Tragedy
ews-1347211 September 2021
This show is a complete abomination. Other than Richie Rich, the other characters are completely one-dimensional and stereotypical:

* Richie's jealous sister who most of the time is used only for a punchline * Richie's accountant given the stereotypical dress (glasses, suspenders, etc.) and has no range of emotion other than "Hey look at me I do nerd stuff!" * A teen girl who overspends and, most of time, is characterized only by her obsession with consumerism. Although she is allowed some character development.

But the most egregious character is the father: stupid does not begin to describe him. He has the maturity of a six month old, never got past the third grade, and is just there to be the big clown. Did all of the writers hate men or their parents?

The jokes are lame and don't even deserve the obvious and overused canned laugh track. Laugh tracks should just be banned from sitcoms.

I feel bad for all the young actors in this show, they deserved better than having deal with this drivel.

Avoid this show.
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I tried...
willster-831465 June 2022
When I found out Jenna Ortega was in this show I had to watch it, after all I loved Stuck in the Middle and Jurassic World Camp Cretaceous. So I gave it a chance. Episode one broke me with the sexisim, objectification of a woman in a maid outfit by a child... I and then Jenna's character basically being a gold digger and the hapless dad... 5 episodes in and I couldn't take any more. Poorly shot, horribly written, toung in cheek acting, it was a disaster and not something I'd recommend for children at all!
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Terrible Show for Any Age
rylon9 March 2015
This show is really bad. At first blush, it looks like a typical low-budget children's show, not unlike what you might see on the Disney Channel. But it has some huge problems. First, is that the Murry, Richie's money manager is a Jewish stereotype. For some reason, Richie Rich's money manager is a 12-year-old like him and has a bunch of Jewish money manager stereotypes. He also has a bunch of weakling nerd stereotypes, but those are just annoying, not insulting.

The second problem is that the robot maid is a typical model in french maid outfit. It's weird that a kid that hasn't hit puberty yet (at least not in the first episode) would choose a blatant sex symbol. That said, she has the best lines. Heck, she's the best developed character. It's like the writers knew how terrible the concept was, and gave a bunch of great dialogue to compensate.

The worst problem is Darcy, who is a girl Richie's age who 'spends his money' and otherwise acts like a vapid spoiled trophy wife/girlfriend. But she's twelve (or around that age), and they're not dating.

It's unsettling to see young children acting out these adult tropes. The only actual adult (besides the robot) is a Richie's father, a man child who doesn't seem to have ever held down a job in his life. How he had two kids (Richie has an older sister) is beyond me. It isn't that I can't picture a woman having sex with him, it's that he's so immature I can't imagine him being interested.

I'd stay away from this show. Far, far away.
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This concept just does not work...
jeff-92-3342121 April 2015
I don't think that this concept is something that will ever translate well from comic books to television or movies. The Richie Rich comics were funny because they described wealth so outlandish, that when Mom went to the East Wing of the mansion, she traveled by plane. Money gushing out of oil wells and vaults so big they were measured in acres. Stuff like that.

Of course, that stuff does not translate to the real world very easily. Richie Rich may be a good comic for kids fascinated by money, since it teaches that friendship and family is far more important than money. But trying to translate that into a real-world TV show by papering the walls of Richie's bedroom with foreign banknotes just seems silly.

The concept COULD work if it were "dialed down" a bit... Like a show about a kid in an extremely wealthy family who just wants to play with other kids and is a good person, but who has to contend with things like the security guards that follow him everywhere for his protection. Or who asks his Dad for lunch money on his way out the door and his Dad hands him a $100 bill because it is the smallest bill he has. Little jokes like that would at least be believable.

But this series is completely over the top. I know that most movies and TV shows require a suspension of disbelief, but this one requires a suspension of your entire brain.
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This show is so bad it's sad
A_kind_of_Nick26 April 2015
I loved the Richie Rich movie (1994) with Macaulay Culkin when I was a kid. Of course, once I watched it again as an adult, I found some things in the movie just dumb, but I could still see why I loved it so much. It was well written, had a good plot, good actors, etc.

This Richie Rich show, however, is simply bad. No, wait, I have a better word for it: horrendous. Story is pretty much inexistent, characters and dialogues are horribly written, and actors are just... not good. After watching a few episodes, I couldn't take it anymore.

I know they are just kids that were probably just very poorly directed, but still, this is something else. They remind me of puppies that are avidly learning to do new tricks. In this case, their "punchlines" are the tricks, and the "laughs" are the rewards. And honestly, it gives a stink of desperation to the whole show. They kinda look like they are on speed or ecstasy too. Yep, a bunch of puppies on drugs, that's pretty much what they look like to me.

And let's not forget the obviously objectified/sexualized robot French maid... She has the best lines, and she's a freaking robot! And just like all the other characters, she's an overused stereotype that is just inappropriate. It's like they took her character from a bad indie porn movie and put it in a kids show on Netflix.

I don't often take time to review movies/series, but this show just made me so mad I had to vent somehow. I can't believe such a show can still be produced in 2015. It's sad for the actors, because you sense they do have potential and talent hidden behind the poor direction, but I officially brand this as unwatchable. There's too much wrong stuff at the same time, and I honestly don't understand how someone could enjoy it.
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Can't believe how inappropriate this show is
lilahtyleraiden6 July 2017
So, this show is really terrible on every level. It has that typical absurd situational humor but that's not why I'm writing this.

Let's start off with the fact that this kid becomes a trillionaire by not eating his vegetables. But the two things that get me the most are his sex symbol French maid robot slave and his walking stereotype of a 12 year old money manager. These two things do not belong in a children's show. His best (friend)?? Is a girl that spends all of his money and doesn't stop complaining. The main character himself a spoiled, selfish and suffers zero consequences for being an absolute donkey to his sister and his "help". The dad belongs in an institution of some sort for allowing all this behavior and for allowing his 11?? Year old to purchase a sexualized slave. I hate this show and it is now banned from this house.

If you took any lessons from this horribly written show they would be:

Treat everyone like your help Hold your money over everyone's head

Objectify and buy attractive slave women

If you're rich you suffer no consequences

Don't eat vegetables

Treat your family like they are meaningless
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cabooseminusone13 July 2015
Literally the worst show I've ever seen. Horribly corny, Horribly bad acting, Horrible characters. The dialog actually sounds like the child actors wrote it. It amazes me that this show was ever green-lit. Also, As one reviewer pointed out, the show is actually borderline offensive. There are so many offensive stereotypes. I can put up with a lot of kids shows but this one is torture. Now to formulate a plan to convince my niece to watch something else... On a side note; What is up with the random little girl whose only purpose is to spend the kids money? And the creepily sexualized robot maid? Also, How does the father even feed himself. He should be placed in a home for the mentally challenged.
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What is this?
alexsbanks14 August 2015
So we have the:

Rich kid who is easily manipulated by girl who wants his money.

The girl who wants his money. The Jewish/Nerd accountant stereotype.

The dumb dad.

The non-existent mother.

The sister (ok character).

The slave robot (okcharacter)

The plots are bad, the lines are bad, some of the actors are bad. It only appeals to a 1 year old. Even so I think that even THEY would get bored by the 3rd episode.

I recommend never watching it. My little brother adores it, but I can see through its lies, DO NOT WATCH. Watch the film instead.
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Cheesy& Idiotic
nicki-6160712 November 2018
I get that most kid shows are for entertainment and cheesy, but I must admit as I sat and watched the first season with my 8year old, I found myself more aggravated than with any other show I've watched on Disney or Nickelodeon. The "teen" robot maid in a maid costume and heels, the "6yr old acting" dad makes this show beyond cringeworthy. I've watched alot of Disney XD and Nickelodeon and yes they have their fair share of cheesy, but this brain cell killing show takes the cake. All the characters are weird and horrible actors. I understand why it was canceled, why it was picked up again, baffles me.
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fun escapism for the young, and young at heart!
jlonesoldier25 May 2019
Though this series shares the title as the 90's movie, cartoon, and comic books that preceded it, it takes place in a completely different universe.

instead of being born into wealth, young Richie somehow eliminated the use for carbon fuel, by using his uneaten vegetables. he became a 'trillionaire' as a result, and moved his family (father cliff and older sister harper) into a huge dream mansion.

though he gains a lot of material possessions (such as; a robot maid named irona, pet whales, jetpack, and amusement park), he is most concerned with staying connected with his two best friends; murray - his money manager (played by Joshua carlon), and darcy (played by jenna Ortega) - his 'money spender' .

this is all explained in the opening credits by Richie himself (played by jake brennan).

with the help of cgi and expansive and stylish set designs, a surreal utopia - which serves as a playground for Richie and his friends, is created. most events and activities take place in the makeshift living room or bedroom of 'master richie'. it's vital that they're nice to look at - which they are:)

a little imagination from the viewers is needed to fill in a few blanks. as there are some things that either happen off camera, or are not explained at all. this is a nice touch, as it keeps us engaged. it's a fantasy world where anything can happen.

the focus is wisely kept on the children. the average age of the cast is twelve - which is also the extent of the target audience. they all give energetic and charismatic performances in their distinctive roles. the story is mostly told through their eyes. Richie and his friends, as well as robot irona (played by brooke Wexler), have great chemistry. even the reoccurring non rapper 't-nice', aka taj, aka 'bulldozer's son' (played by Nathan Anderson), fits in effortlessly with the group.

there's an interesting dynamic within. darcy and murray are polar opposites and don't seem to get along. it's unlikely that they'd even associate with each other had it not been for Richie - who seems to love them both equally, and is the glue that holds them all together.

the older robot maid irona, is both an adviser and servant to Richie. despite not having any feelings, she sometimes acts as though she doesn't want to work. she appears human upon first glance, however, she talks in autotuned voice and is the subject of many special effects.

the b plots are usually reserved for Richie's father cliff, and older sister harper. harper is an angry overachiever, desperate to get into Harvard university. she wants to carve a lane for herself, and is unimpressed with Richie's success.

cliff is a lazy, jobless, barely functional, 'man-child'. he seems to learn from his children rather than the other way around. he wants to spend time with them, but mostly ends up helping, or hindering, harper's plans.

the overall tone of the show is light, loud, and in a similar vein as some of the Disney tween sitcoms from the late 90's/early 2000's. this is not surprising as it borrows some of the same writers. though I don't find it to be anywhere near as obnoxious.

sure, there's some slapstick, sight gags, and subtle references to bathroom humour, but they are few and far between. they don't get in the way of the colourful, fast paced action.

there's also a fair amount of heart sprinkled throughout - without things getting too sappy. the intention is to entertain, not teach. this isn't high art and shouldn't be judged as such.

there's a sense of wonder and comfort. each episode is a new adventure. 21 of them in total, span over two seasons - which makes it easy to binge. the show actually improves as it progresses . part of me wishes that it could have lasted longer. then again, it was best to end it before the actors outgrew their roles.

it's been four years since it's debut. i'd definitely call it an unlikely classic! I only hope Netflix keeps it available for us to watch until our hearts are content :)
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It's so ridiculous... But I just keep coming back!
michaelhirakida30 May 2015
Warning: Spoilers
I have this weird thing with the Netflix original series Richie Rich, based off the famous comic strip. The whole show is about the titular character making a trillion dollars overnight after his brand new invention that makes greens become an energy source. He moves his dad and sister into a new mansion with a Robot Maid. He has some friends like an accountant named Murray and Darcy who is the money spender (seriously why would he need a money spender?) and it follows the family and friend's adventures.

The whole thing is so cheap. I mean, seriously so cheap. You could put cardboard as the background and it would still look more expensive then this! I always riff this show for having excuses of why they can't show anything expensive or cool and that is the reason.

The show is completely ridiculous. The Kids do act like most kids, but with a few adult traits to them. Murray has a phobia of losing money and loves to save up and invest in things while Darcy is a shopaholic who contrasts from Murray a lot. The show has some extremely dumb things like in Episode 7, Murray goes to Antarctica to get Richie a check to sign, but he loses it, ends up going back and thinks he is a penguin.

You know what the weirdest thing about this show is?

I actually don't mind it at all.

Not all kids are going to enjoy the humor of the show. I mean, the thematic elements of the show is money and I still don't know how kids are going to enjoy the economy jokes, but maybe for the older audience it will appeal more to those who grew up with the comics.

Some of the jokes can be really funny and sometimes they can be really dull. My favorite by far is in Episode 7, one of my favorite episodes by far where Darcy has two musical numbers about how they should abandon Murray and why Murray was better off as a penguin.

The show reminds me of old Disney Sitcoms from the 2000's like Suite Life/On Deck and that's a good thing because I did like watching a few of those shows on TV.

Not a lot of people and kids are going to like this, but to those who do, Season 2 is out now with 11 episodes. Check it out, I don't think it's a terrible show, it has a cool likable lead and some good characters. Definitely for kids though, unless the old timers want to watch it.

67/100 C+
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My 8 year old son wanted me to see how bad this is
tookieuk2 May 2022
This series is awful, it's a travesty, my 8 year old son, after we had watched original film from the 90's wanted me to watch an episode just to see how bad it is. It is full of canned laughter as no real humans would ever laugh at the unfunny jokes, the silly storylines and the just plain annoyance and dislike that you will have of everyone in the series.

Also, having a robot maid that is dressed like a stripper is not really what one expects in a kid's TV series. It is a travesty.
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Travesty of original, writers must hate Richie
MasterChief201922 May 2019
Nothing like the comics. Truly terrible. It should not been titled Richie Rich. The series would still be terrible, but at least actual Richie Rich fans wouldn't have been horribly disappointed.
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Biggest piece of horse dung
johnyarenis25 July 2018
This has got to be the worst series on Netflix. He "jokes" are lame, the characters are pathetic, and if the parents are so stupid family services would've taken him away from them.

This show is so bad that they had to give it a second season to confirm that the first one was not an aberration.
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nukeman-003593 February 2016
Warning: Spoilers
there are things that work in the show, and Some aren't. The good, i like the Richie character. He's a funny kid and he can provide a convincing role i like the Murray kid, he's a great comic foul for the other friend. I also like the premise, making a new fuel based out of vegetables creating a good idea with no such need for fossil fuels. now to things i hate, i hate the father and the sister character. The father feels a lot like a sitcom dad stereotype. I mean he can't get through a knob and peephole? Come on, the jealous sister is irrelevant. I mean she does nothing except be upsetting annoyed and be the complaining sister and Darcy. Darcy being the friend that i think is just friends with him for the money. I honestly don't know why. It's OK
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W.T.H. Did my boys stumble onto???
jpickettiii22 September 2019
To put it simply, this show stinks. The laugh track is heinous. The acting is wooden and the jokes are lame.

Avoid it at all costs.
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Pretty bad
jstephan122011 March 2019
I never bother with reviews but this is pretty awful. I get it, it's a kids show. But this is poorly written, poorly acted and honestly just a really bad story line. 2 👎🏼👎🏼
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No plot, no humor
voltronforce021 May 2019
The show has 0 humor and there's nothing in the plot, even when considering it's a kids sir, to carry it.
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Very bad show
robma-073207 May 2020
If you think about a boy earning trillions of dollars then you think: "Hey this is more money than cash is on earth, nice, well done". The show includes many unfunny jokes, has litterally no story and is increadibly stupid, when you think about a maschine which transforms vegetables into energy?
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Great Show!
danceatabbylees5 March 2015
When I saw this on Netflix, at first glance it looked terrible.. But I'm happy I took a chance and watched it. I thoroughly enjoyed the entire series, and would recommend it to others to watch. Some of the writing is bad, but some of the writing is good as well. As with any series, with a bit of fine tuning, it has the potential to be great. The acting is very good in my opinion, and I feel like the actors (especially Jenna Ortega who plays Darcy, and Kiff VandenHeuvel who plays Cliff, Richie's father.) I really hope more episodes are made in the future, so we can see how the show, and their actors improve. I feel that many young ones alike will enjoy the show, seeing that it is very entertaining, and attention grabbing as the viewers can visualize themselves in the situations, and have fun watching the show. It's very fun and entertaining, I'm sure you'll love it!
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Its not that bad
Jonjserda3 May 2017
At first I hated it but the more I watched it the more I liked it. The writing is bad. The jokes are bad but sometimes their funny. I did get attached to the characters especially Harvor she is just really pretty. This show isn't that bad it just needs some better back backgrounds better writing better plots and better jokes
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Dreadful stereotypes
mattgenever29 June 2018
Geez...c'mon producers!

This series provides yet another example of stereotyping on American TV.
  • white rich kid
  • ditsy girl that just likes to spend money
  • bespectacled boy that saves money and is a numbers geek
and worst of all
  • robot slave girl dressed in maid outfit direct from a porn studio!

I am raising two girls to be strong, independent, driven, positive women. The constant profiling of girls and women in TV is outrageous!

Time for this sort of junk to get off the box.
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Horrible stereotype for intended age group
mykidzrkute-9669430 May 2015
I rarely review but I sat and watched an episode of this with my 11 year old daughter and have to say it's just awful! The sad part being it could have been good. There characters that play Richie, his dad and the maid seem to be talented actors/actresses who seem appealing to me as such, just not in this show. Why they would agree to do such trash just screams $$$$$$.

The theme song makes clear that Richie is rich from "not eating his vegetables" and creating an alternate energy source. Yes, let's put that out there right off the bat for our kids to see. Then there's the fact that he allows one of his best friends to blow as much of his money as she wants but his sister has to try and trick him into finances and is jealous of his wealth. Or that his dad is still a stereotypical jobless deadbeat dad even though his minor son obviously has the means to provide for himself, just no one else.

Like all well rounded kid shows these days only parent is present for some reason and it's the dad. He's a love able post 80's stoner type character who loves his kids but can't take care of himself let alone a family it seems, I like the actor that plays him though.

Ritchie's maid is a "super model model" robot. I guess dad had no problem with him ordering her, you know since he's like, 10. She's an objectifiable character slammed into the middle of a children's show im guessing to attempt to pull some appeal from a slightly older pre teen genre? I can't image why else she's there.....if couldn't be to attract adults because it's clearly a children's show and there's no way anyone over 12, maybe 14 would watch this.

In all I couldn't believe the writing when I sat down and watched a couple episodes. I colder believe the hook to not eat vegetables and I'm still wondering why these two kids have no guidance and don't go to school. The character could have been a great one considering the actors, the idea and writing is just all half assed
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