Mata Hari (TV Series 2016–2017) Poster


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Interesting but truly strange
kay_rock13 April 2018
This is definitely a soap opera version of the story of Mata Hari, complete with anachronisms, melodrama, and some strange dialogue.

The actors are from everywhere, and it appears the film was made in multiple languages.

While some of the actors, based on their lip movements, seem to be speaking English, some of them are clearly speaking different languages at different times, with no sense of rhyme or reason. Even within a single scene actors appear to be switching languages. From how it looks, there are times when the main character herself will be speaking some other language while other characters are speaking English, and times where her lips seem to be creating English-appearing shapes which match the dialogue, but she sounds as if all of her scenes are dubbed. In fact, many of the characters are clearly always being dubbed (probably for voice continuity, since they seem to be jumping from English to (Russian? Ukrainian?) randomly. The whole thing might have been redubbed, with those who always used English, like John Corbett, doing their own dub work (I know his voice well enough to know it was him speaking).

The other possibility is that half of the script was rewritten after the filming was done and they made the actors redo all of the dialogue while keeping the original film. Either way the result is a very strange audio/visual experience. If you watch, I'd try to avoid ever looking at the actors mouths. Too bad you can't also avoid listening to them, since a lot of the dialogue sounds like the bad acting of voice workers badly dubbing a Japanese fantasy movie, with more care paid to trying to fit the dialogue within the allotted space than bothering with things like emotion or story or even continuity.

It's also strange that regardless of what country we supposedly find ourselves, the majority of the characters have eastern european accents. Strong ones. Distractingly strong. Boris and Natashia from Bullwinkle strong.

Zero attempt was made at making characters appear appropriate for the time period. Gym-toned women dance around with perfectly shaved and moisturized bodies. Even the prostitutes and circus workers seem to be able to afford expensive day spas. Eyebrows are waxed and modern makeup adorns many faces. Clothing is made with modern fabrics (and people have far too many changes of clothing compared to what would have been normal for the time period and incomes) and everyone has perfectly cut hair in modern styles. Even the harsh orphan mistress had expensive highlights.

The whole thing is a bit bizarre, yet I found myself sort of mesmerized and binged the whole thing. I doubt I learned anything factual about the life of Mata Hari, as I'd originally hoped, but I can't say I wasn't in some strange way entertained.

The scenery and architecture are magnificent, and the costumes, while obviously modern construction, are beautiful. Some of the characters, while poorly acted, are never-the-less kind of compelling.The soapy story is interesting enough, even with the "moustache twirling," single level bad guys who seem to lack much personal motivation for their evils. I still wanted to know what was going to happen next.

It's one of those "home with a cold" or "up all night with insomnia" shows, where it becomes worth watching when you really have nothing else you could be doing. It's definitely not the worst series on Amazon Prime right now.

But boy, it isn't the best, either.

Edited to add:

Pretty sure it is a rewrite of scenes that caused the overdubs, because even American actors are frequently saying words that don't match their lips. They must have done a massive rewrite and figured it was easier to just have the actors reperform nearly ALL OF THEIR LINES. It's funny.
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An even opinion
csaranchuk-693471 March 2021
I chose 5 out of 10 stars because while it does lack some obvious skills that actors need, it's still built around the story of a real life person. So imperfections cast aside, I think she's remarkable. A fight to get her child back. An abusive ex husband who really needs to get what he deserves. But her desire to make a stable home for her and her daughter is what is inspiring. The love that radiates from that persistence she has. I am only one episode into the series and I will not spoil anything further as I continue to watch it. Rather than merely looking at the flaws of the acting and etc. Look at the true story behind it. There is no flaw in a true story.
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With the right people this could have been fun
stefan_busse31 December 2020
Dull, dragged out and unconvincing. These are the ingredients of Mata Hari. I think her life deserved a more uptempo passionate treatment. Maybe a two hour movie with better actors and writers had served her legacy better.
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Were all the actors voice dub actors?
heatherforever27 March 2018
Is it just me or did all of the actors sound like voice dub actors? It was really strange. Weird acting; stranger voices.
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What happened here??
laurawebbthomas28 April 2020
How can a film have such amazing sets and wardrobe, but be so horrible? Are there voice overdub? Is the dialogue out of synch? Was script rewritten and the voiced over the original? Who chopped up the story line in places? I just don't understand how this train wreck was made.
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Captured the story with few liberties in International star studded epic
lapratho29 March 2021
Warning: Spoilers
The real events were not exactly adhered to 100%, but after some more digging, this is as close as you can get it in a serialized drama, with the exception that 100 years after her execution it is pretty well established that Mata Hari was not a German spy at all.

However, the artistic license taken was done quite well. This is mainly a critique of some of the reviews here, in order to set some things straight about this International mega production with faces that will be familiar to a world audience.

While some of the historical and biographical details can be nit-picked, the series does compel one to do at least some rudimentary reading about the real characters and times they lived in. There are a few deviations, but overall this is a fascinating period costume piece! Anybody interested in and watching "Downton Abbey" and other similar drama series with a deliberate pace and detailed story telling, will have an interesting time watching this series, and will not be bored in the least.

Many quite obviously chauvinist reviewers have expressed their misgivings about some "feminist" rewriting of history. Like it or not, this is a woman's history, so tossing in some background is called for, and needs to be seen in context. Why else would a small time house wife coming from a bad marriage end up being a world stage player amongst royalty, which is what Mata Hari was. As far as some of the supposed "strange" behavior, like in the rape scene, it is actually quite common that fear and terror cause breakdowns and surrender, with the offender getting the upper hand, especially when they are aggressive manipulators. Humans have many different reactions, which are unpredictable, and never expected, when they are subjected to forced situation of violence and humiliation!

It is also rather typical of a xenophobic audience to complain about voice dubbing. It is far less distracting to watch and listen in a dubbed version, than having to endure reading sub titles that distract from the cinematography in an international production, but some audiences still need a lot of education in that regard. This was never even a discussion topic in Europe, where dubbing is preferred and done routinely, and people watch movies and TV from many countries without getting daft about occasional slips. I am used to dubbed movies and TV, and the quality of all the dubbed scenes in this series is actually rather excellent. The pace, cinematography, dramatic pauses used, are all tools of advanced dramatic theater arts, and are well used here. The acting is top notch. This is NOT a wham-bam action piece, but a thinking person's piece, for one who takes their time to sink into the story telling.

The atmosphere and spirit of the times before and during WW1 are right. Women were indeed second class humans then, even more so than now. Characters like Mata Hari were certainly created by the circumstances of their times, as is told here. It is interesting to watch the slow turning of a common house wife into an International power player. "Mata Hari" claims no innocence for her, but shows a gradual corruption of a human being into a dark fate, that could have been so different in better circumstances.

100 years after her execution, France actually released all of her files, and it turned out, that she was executed for political expedience, not for being guilty as a spy.
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very very bad
c-ciprian5 December 2018
This is a very very (very) bad series. The acting is horrible, the screenplay is basic and it's full of clichés.

It strange to see people actually rated this with a 9 or a 10, it must be the crew or cast...
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Feminist revision of 100-year old events
emuir-113 October 2019
Warning: Spoilers
While it is possible that Mata Hari was not quite as guilty as she was made out to be, which is usually the case at a time of heightened fears, she was definitely playing both ends toward the middle and a very dangerous game. When a country is in danger, losing a war, threatened by an adversary, there is a tendency to look for someone or something to blame. Foreign backgrounds, different ethnicity, homosexuality or perceived low morals are seized on as proof of degeneracy which eases the conscience of the public who feel they got what they deserved.

'Mata Hari' must have been made by a feminist movement in Russia, as she was depicted as an innocent victim, used and abused by men, and finally framed as a spy by a cruel French Army interrogator out to find a scapegoat for French losses in WWI. Even her three page confession was allegedly forged. Talk about reinventing a story! Several of the real life characters killed off in shoot outs actually went on to live long and productive lives until the 1940s. Gabriel Astruc for many years was a prominent impresario who presented the Ballet Russe to Paris and built the theater in which the audience rioted when Nijinksy's Rites of spring was performed. Astruc was Mata Hari's agent for 10 years, but was hardly the lovesick doormat gofer, and far from being shot while saving Mata Hari's life during a raid on a party by French agents, he lived until 1934. Elisabeth Shragmuller had a doctorate in political science and after the end of WWI took up a position at a German University until her death from tuberculosis in 1940. Vladimir Maslow seems to have disappeared from the history books, likewise there is no mention of Ladoux killing by Maslow.

I will say the costumes and locations were gorgeous and a lot of money had been spent on the series. The International cast appeared to have acted in their own languages with English dubbing added later, which while common in Italy, is unusual for a Russian production, but I suspect the International cast was in order to sell the mini series in other countries. I did not notice the dubbing as I read the captions, but I did find the occasional American voice very grating.

I am giving the series a rating of 8 due to the unnecessary rewriting of history. The historical record was dramatic enough without the changes noted above. It would have actually been better to add an epilog briefly showing the future lives of Shragmuller and Astruc, even if it had been a few lines on the screen, rather than killing them off. Overall, the performances were excellent, in particular those of the magnificent Kesesinya Rappopport as Elizabeth Shragmuller, and Yezekal Lavarov as Costello.
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Mata Hari
dimitriantomiou8 August 2019
I almost finished the Mata Hari series, which I really liked, the costumes were great, and they were at the same time as music.
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Worst dialogue ever!!
daniellea32712 April 2018
Warning: Spoilers
Whoever wrote this must have spoken another language other than English, then decided to write an entire script in English. It was hard to even get through the 1st half.

The characters were unbelievable. For example, in the beginning, Mata Hari has a knife to her husbands's throat, who was just trying to rape her, then he's "smart enough" to start yelling "please don't kill me" just as her daughter (who was stolen by him) and his new mistress (who he lied about) walk into the room. And what does she do? Sit on the floor with the rapist husband acting like she's mute all of the sudden. Oh, but then she ends up writing these elaborate letters to her daughter...yes, the mute! Such poor character development.

I hope this writer finds a new profession soon.
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Drawn out and boring
True_Reviews18 October 2020
This series is one where there are pretty people in this series who cannot act. If an acting school needed any example of just what bad acting is, look no further. Nothing much more to say. As to the story, it is long and slow and although they tried to make it interesting it simply did not work. Waste of time.
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Great Story Rewritten Poorly
DKosty12319 March 2020
Warning: Spoilers
The period costumes and a lot of things look great on this series. The problem's come from the rewriting of history for no good reason. Mata Hari's tale is not perfectly recorded anyplace because of the fact spy stories are difficult to record properly. Here though, the character's are distorted from anywhere near the facts about their lives that are known. It's called artistic lisense and while the artistic is here, the substance is spoiled.

I don't believe in spoiling plots so I would just tell someone to read the real history before watch the series. That way you have a much better idea how the real known and the story here do not coordinate. Vahina Giocante ... Mata Hari a great job by a Franch actress playing a woman who was actually Dutch. Aleksey Guskov ... George Ladou- excellent acting but most of the the character does is a work of fiction. Viktoriya Isakova Lidia Kireevskaya is once again excellently acted but the story line also lets them down.

You have a character who recovers from near death injuries going around and beating up 3 men. That's not too realistic but that is the best example I can think of for the shortcomings in this series. There is the ignorance of Mata Hari life facts too. This one seems to like sex, the real Mata Hari did not. This one has no children. The real one had 2, one of which died after World War 1, but very little about her in this story.

The political reality is dealt with in an interesting manner, but the white wash of why Mata Hari in real life was executed is a fictional story here. At least at the end she is executed which considering the rest of the artistic license taken here, it is great that it ends at 12 episodes. At least Mata Hari is not presented as someone you should cry for. That is the truth.
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Entertaining, But.........
kamsinger23 March 2020
Definitely entertaining, but certainly not true to history. I understand taking "poetic" license, and embellishing a mix of fiction based on fact, but they really stretched for this one. This is the kind of production that spurs me into deeper research and finding the truth of the story. I found the use of the National Emblem March in episode 8's military parade to be amusing. I hardly think and French would use a march composed by the US Air Force for the United States in their parades. Somebody didn't do their homework, but then, who knows. Nonetheless, it is entertaining and the costumes are excellent.
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Plot holes or maybe budget cuts
astrid_broxx30 May 2021
Warning: Spoilers
The series was ruined by a poor script. Or perhaps the producers miscalculated costs and had to cut the budget during filming.

The plot has holes that make the viewer confused about what is going on. Who are the people around Mata Hari? In the first scene, we see her devastated after the son's death as she prepares to run away with her daughter from her husband. Suddenly she is in some house, without her daughter, there are rumors of some accusations against her.

Suddenly some man appears who is in love with her, but it is not clear how he met her, or who on earth he is, and why they then work together in the stables?
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