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Kruger's stage
ferguson-614 April 2016
Warning: Spoilers
Greetings again from the darkness. {Minor Spoiler} Remember that time you bashed your lover in the head with a lamp, left them bleeding on the floor, and then drove around for 3 days before turning yourself in to the police, confessing to what you assumed was a murder? And then remember how emotionally free you felt when it was discovered that not only was he/she alive, but they didn't even blame you for the head injuries? Well that's exactly what Diane Kruger's character, Romy, goes through during the first part of the film.

Romy and her husband Richard (Gilles Lellouche) have traveled to the southwestern United States from their home in Paris. It's pretty clear that their hope is that this vacation will reignite the passion they once had and break them out of their marital slump. A few too many drinks at the bar leads to some unwanted amorous advances, and in the heat of the moment, Romy starts whacking Richard in the head with the lamp.

Once she realizes that he survived and she's not going to spend her life in prison for murder, she also decides that she's not going to spend the rest of her life in a dead end marriage – a different kind of prison. Instead, she sets off on a journey of self-discovery. She even mentions how free she is, and can choose her own path.

Her self-discover phase takes her to Las Vegas – courtesy of a truck driver played by Lou Diamond Phillips. Within a short period of time, she has befriended a lady (Laurene Landon) who wears a bunny suit in order to pose for pics with tourists. Romy borrows the bunny suit and meets a mysterious cowboy (Norman Reedus) named Diego. It's the relationship between Romy and Diego that dominates the final 2/3 of the film, and though they both create interesting characters, it's a bit of a letdown after the story's set up with the French husband.

Lena Dunham has an odd turn as Diego's sister-in-law, and there is a dose of spirituality from Native Americans, but mostly this is Diane Kruger's movie. She seems to be enjoying the wide range of emotions while showing off her talents, and she keeps us interested enough to keep watching … even when the pace slows to a crawl.
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Mean husband leads to new adventure for soon to be ex-wife.
roxdog11 September 2016
Not seeing any trailer or knowing much of the plot I wasn't sure want to expect. I see others are upset about inaccuracies in the film but overlooking those aspects I was intrigued. It was a bit slow going, but just the kind of movie I enjoy. I loved the film 'Dark Harbor' many years ago (the only film i had seen Reedus in before The Walking Dead) and was expecting quite the same from this film. I would have liked a female character with more ambition and self respect but in the end i think she proved herself. Just waiting to see where the story would take me kept me invested until the end. I hope to see many more reviews in the future to see what others think of this film.
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Lost in America....
planktonrules16 September 2016
Warning: Spoilers
"Sky" is a very unique movie and I can't recall ever having seen anything like this...which is a major plus.

The film begins with a couple from France vacationing in the town of 29 Palms, which is pretty much in the middle of nowhere in the California desert. The husband is an obvious jerk and when he and the wife are in a bar, he drinks way too much and begins saying horrible things about his wife. Later, after they go back to their room, he tries to rape her and she beats him with a lamp to stop him. She thinks he's dead and quickly disappears on a road trip.

Later, when she learns he's NOT dead, she inexplicably does not return home but aimlessly drifts through much of the rest of the film. You see her in seedy hotels, hanging out in old Las Vegas and eventually taking up with a guy who goes from being a one night stand to a boyfriend. It's obvious that Romy (Diane Kruger) is lost and has decided to just take a walk on the wild side. Seeing her hanging out in honkeytonk bars and in trailers is all a bit surreal considering that she's a French-German lady.

As I watched this French production, I just kept saying to myself "I hope folks in Europe don't think this is like most of America!". The film presents a very seedy and low view of the country, that's for sure! Dank hotels, ugly and violent people, rats running's certainly not what you usually see in films! This is NOT a complaint...just hoping folks don't assume this is typical Americana.

Overall, this is a very good film but it's not for everyone. Many quiet moments and a sense of alienation make it something not for all tastes. But, if you're looking for something truly unique, you could certainly do a lot worse!
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Touching paradise
yahaira-729-6947013 October 2022
Warning: Spoilers
The French have a way of being passionate that for me reminds me of a bipolar personaliy. You just dont know when things will shift from one extreme to the next. Thats how this film starts. Diane Kruger is a talanted classy actress to watch as her character fights and flees from her boring marriage hits her obnoxious husband with a lamp. On her way to freedom so many women put up with difficult husbands so as not to be alone. She shows courage more than the fear thats shes murdered her husband. I like the slow going drama of the plot. Perhaps more will be revealed as to her journey a beautiful woman alone in the american desert towns searching for a new life- its a good story. It is realistically portrayed as she drives along and meets all kinds of characters. Meets the love of her life and grows spiritually from lifes experiences.
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Daryl Dixon's side project?
climbyourarms20 November 2016
Warning: Spoilers
Daryl fans everywhere, be prepared to hate me.

We can officially say, Norman Reedus has lost his identity and has personified Daryl Dixon. DD has taken over, they are now inseparable. I will give this film credit for its artistic quality and beautiful setting, but the plot was boring and characters were way too cliché and predictable.

First and most importantly, Daryl... I mean Diego, is a scruffy d-bag loner who lives in the high desert, never seems to shower and uses a gun, only he's not a good shot. He might have just walked off the TWD set, hopped on a plane and shot this movie, he even kept his greasy emo hair and used the same wardrobe. His character is DD the whole way. I was surprised that his brother in this movie wasn't named Mel, or something close.

The plot "gave away the farm" too soon. Romi found out that her husband wasn't dead 1/3 of the way into the film, right when I was beginning to really feel the terror and bleakness of life on the run. Daryl/Diego could have still swooped in and they could have had their little fling all while hiding out, would have done wonders for the plot and would have affected little else. Afterward, I lost all sympathy for her, nor did I think her character empowered women to be free, rather the opposite. She was just bumbling around trying to find a bad boy to nail her. Mission accomplished.

The medicine woman... a sweet old native American lady that names Romi "Sky" and tells her that she is going to produce baby Dixon, despite losing several babies in the past. She was so stereotypical, it almost seemed like a slap in the face to Native Americans everywhere. At least they didn't make her a drunk.

The only compelling, unique acting was that of Lena Dunham. And I can't believe I'm saying it, because I can't stand her. She played the role of trailer trash so well, you would think they pulled some lady out of lot 7 in the same park and told her to play this role, it was that good.

Anyway, whatever. I had to leave a review because this movie was so ridiculous, when The BIG ending happened, (I won't spoil it, even though I know you won't care) I was laughing, not crying like intended.

Either way, Daryl fans, enjoy some more Daryl, I mean Diego!
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A Road Movie Looking for a Road
Kat_Albert_Film7 November 2023
Road movies are sort of my jam. And they usually work through an interesting cast of characters and scenarios along the way. This is some sort of road movie hybrid.

So many significant parts (cinematography is good) do not equal a great film. There are many ways this could have gone, but it seemed to float around looking for something cohesive.

I wish I could have come in and fixed the script that is so flawed that a roster of talented actors could not fish it out of the toilet.

Yes, the end is a nice flip, but so many missteps to get there. My "5" is generous. I should have known with the horrible accents from the locals in the first scene and then Lena Dunham was just a really bad impression who knows no one to base the interpretation.

Boo for wasting so many beautiful shots on this.
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A good, if slow moving, love story with a melancholy surprise, shocking bomb shell and unanswered ending
maggotbaby136 December 2017
Warning: Spoilers
The only reason I first watched the movie was because it stars Norman Reedus, and I love him on The Walking Dead and in The Boondock Saints movies, but soon grew to enjoy it. "Sky" moves a little too slow, but there is no denying the attraction between Reedus and Kruger. The bug bombshell is when when Diego (Reedus) finally tells Romy (Diane Kruger) that he's dying from cancer caused by exposure to depleted uranium (apparently during his time inthe military, a subject mentioned once and then never again) and after making love (or trying to), Romy has her own secret to admit: She's pregnant with his child. They fight, but make things work, and several months later, Diego is sicker and Romy in the middle months of her pregnancy. He finally admits he loves her and tells her to tell their son that he was always wanted by his father. Diego appears to sleep and the next morning, Romy leaves the bedroom and walks into the living room, then outside to join a 10 year old boy, Diego, Jr. The end sequence is of mother and son playing in their yard, then walking across the desert. That's where you're left with questions. Did Diego, Sr. die the night he made his request to Romy or did he live long enough to see his son enter the world?
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Loved it. Love slow dramas.
SillyGayBoy26 October 2016
I basically watched this because it looked intriguing on Netflix streaming and Norman Reedus is in it. I didn't know anything else about it.

This isn't like most other films. A slow drama, dialogue based, periods of time go by and we don't know how long. It just shows clips of things, like real life, but slow and atmospheric, kind of like how real life is.

The acting and writing was well done. I enjoyed the performances. If you are a sucker for indie stuff like me that is done differently and well and not traditional Hollywood garbage then this may be up your alley.

If you are looking for something fast or action packed then this is not the film for you.

But I enjoyed it a lot.
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Sky is filled with gratuitous errors
mary-4611628 August 2016
I lived in 29 Palms. The only people allowed to make movies set in the Mojave should be people who live or have lived there. Perhaps the most grating (and insulting) error was "Grandma Sioux", not the character or the actress, but the fact that the Native Americans of that area are Chemehuevi. They have been there for centuries. They don't speak Sioux - mapiya is a Sioux word. I've found that too many whites - especially Europeans enamored of the romantic "Indian" behave as though all tribes are the same. It was also inaccurate to picture the Anglos as desert rats with no teeth or all kind-hearted souls. This movie was one of the worst examples of sentimental stereotyping that I've ever seen - made Dances with Wolves look hard-core. There were also errors in geography and location. Finally, at no point in the credits do the film-makers thank the Mojave itself or talk about the current threats that corporate solar power installations pose to the wildlife and sacred sites in the desert. Sheer exploitation. Honte a toi.
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Boring with constant errors and myths. An emotional main character that teaches horrible ideas to younger audience
ThomasJeff31 August 2016
There are just constant errors throughout the movie even though it tries to be realistic. The police are incompetent. The detective is even more incompetent and naive. The main character is an incompetent "spiritual french hippie" who constantly ACTS on FEEEEEEEELINGS over logic.

Other errors include the nonsense and falsehood known as "depleted uranium" making someone sick. This is simply not true. There is no such sickness. There is no "radiation" that people get from "depleted uranium". It would be like getting radiation from tungsten or other heavy elements that aren't lead. People constantly shoot lead bullets and yet they don't get poisoned or irradiated. There is no SUCH THING. It's a hippie myth.

The movie is basically about a sexually repressed woman who becomes a stupid slut and a hobo and leeches off of others.

A few of the worst behaviors a woman can do in life. Living life through unplanned emotions/feelings/thrills. Making child-like decisions. Hurting other people along the way...

She's not an adult. She's a child who cares about nothing but her own selfish feelings.

There are also constant filming of Western/Mid-western American culture and portraying it as inbred, violent, and backwards, which yes there could be such characters but I don't know why the movie director or script writer decides to focus so closely on this.

Characters in the movie keep doing illegal things or things that can get them fired and trying to make it seem "Oh it's OKAY and NORMAL."

Then she finds spirituality and native Americans and other nonsense.

The Native Americans are portrayed in their typical clichés as super-connected with spirits.

This movie was written by children who have only had a few bad experiences with love.
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What's In A Name?
rdg4530 July 2018
A Frenchman and his wife are vacationing around Twentynine Palms, and are driving through the desert going who-knows-where, to "repair" their relationship. A stop at a desert bar, where hubby gets drunk turns to disaster and she wacks him a few times with a lamp in a motel room. Now, she's on the run and doesn't know whether hubby is dead or just injured. Her guilt causes her to stop at a police station to confess, however, an investigation determines that he's not dead -- just hospitalized. And, she's not going back to him. Instead, she hitchhikes to Las Vegas. She gets a wonderful job and lives happily ever after... well, not exactly. You'll have to watch this one to see how well her choices go.
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1) depleted uranium is not dangerous, the peer reviewed science is clear. 2) Can Norman Reedus play anything other than Daryl Dixon??
random-7077818 April 2019
Firstly the the study of first gulf war veterans who have actual depleted uranium fragments in their bodies for 27 years now -- and are under intensive continued study by the CDC have a LOWER cancer rate than the same cohort with NO exposure to depleted uranium. The same sites that debunk anti-vax and anti-climate change nuts also show that depleted uranium conspiracy theories use the SAME nonsense fallacies. The depleted uranium nuts are flat earth nuts. The claim that 1990's Balkan war NATO troops had higher incidences of leukemia and other cancers has been totally debunked., They have LOWER rates than same age, gender, and other variable cohorts.
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A sad boring movie with zero redeeming qualities.
MadMark963 June 2024
The movie has many issues but the biggest ones being it just simply doesn't go anywhere whatsoever. It's not even slow, that would imply there was still something going on. Lots of really lame plot "fake outs" to make it seem interesting but it's not. It reads like the selfish fantasy of somebody very unhappy with their life.

Everyone in this movie is extremely unlikeable and intolerable, even Norman Reedus who is usually a good actor pulled off a performance where he looked like he could've cared less being in the movie even when he's supposed to be interested in things in the movie.

Horrific acting, goes nowhere. I avoided this movie for years and I'll probably forget it exists. I think most people myself included only watched because of Norman but he doesn't save the movie at all.

The only redeeming part was Lena Dunham playing a character that is essentially, equally as gross as her real life counter part.
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Great movie if you see it as a coming of age story only
blumdeluxe10 February 2019
Warning: Spoilers
"Sky" tells the story of a woman who, having reached a dead end in her marriage, travels to the states with her husband in order to rescue what's left of their relationship. After an attempted rape she flees however and starts a trip towards herself.

First of all, I've read that people are rightfully upset about the inccorect image of native Americans that is given in this picture. I really know too few about this culture to judge this but I assume that they're right and it is absolutely correct that this is a no-go. If you want to include a culture in your film you should at least do some research and talk to people of the respective background. I can understand that on this basis some people will hate this film and not unterstand what I liked about it. As I said, I didn't even notice the grave mistakes, which is a shame but a fact and so I saw the movie more from a perspective of a lost human trying to find identity and meaning. And in my opinion the film portrays this search brilliantly. You can argue about the plausibility of the story but in the end it remains a very touching plot with many emotions and questions at least I could relate to. It is a rather slow film, a journey rather than a race but I liked the overall atmosphere and the melancholy that was present.

All in all you have to judge for yourself if that is enough to give the film a legitimization despite its questionable cultural perspective. From a strict point of narrative I would say that it is a great movie but I'm even more angry that such errors occure then.
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Good, artistic film - left me crying like a baby
sztuba19832 June 2017
Warning: Spoilers
As a massive Norman Reedus fan I was stoked to watch this film. Have to say that I really enjoyed the story line and it made me sympathize with the main characters. I thought it would be hard to split Daryl and Diego however Norman Reedus made the viewer believe Diego's story line. Of course at the end i did blubber like a baby. But all in all the film was enjoyable; however I don't think I will watch this again, it was too heart rendering at the end. I would recommend this to others.
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A reborn full of sadness
maggiesette-736-40821413 October 2018
A bitter sweet romance, a reborn and an unlikely almost impossible match, that lead to such a unique love. Not the best script ever at some point, but still make my cry and feel empathy for such a hard human rality
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aleksandrkubanov-0615119 January 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Liked the movie. I'll probably look again. Yes, maybe a little pathetic, but this film did not become worse. This is not a documentary.

I was especially touched by the moment when Oleg gets off the bus and he does not leave, but sits down on the steps and understands that if he leaves, then who will remain to protect our homeland from armed thugs. And you understand that he already then decided to return, and not, as some wrote, because of the girl, or rather not only for her.

And it is not in vain that the episode on the bus is a thread of events in Syria. Allegory: a motherland girl, bandits-terrorists, a cowardly friend - "Western friends".

Officer, soldier is ready to defend the Motherland and come to the aid of the weak.
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