Signed, Sealed, Delivered for Christmas (TV Movie 2014) Poster

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Everyone "needs" their own personal Angel so if you are a believer ....
Ed-Shullivan5 December 2020
This is a nice Christmas story with a bit of heartache but with a lot more heart. There is a little girl who writes to God to help her mother who is in the hospital. The team members of the Lost Letters comprised of team leader Oliver (Eric Mabius), Shane (Kristin Booth), Rita (Yan-Kay Crystal Lowe), and Norman (Geoff Gustafson) take the weathered and worn letter addressed to God and so they start their magic and commence finding this little girl who wrote this mystery letter asking for God's intervention.

While in the process of finding who the little girl is and more importantly where this little girl is, the team is feeling in the Christmas spirit except for Shane. All four members have some personal feelings around Christmas that they eventually share with each other, and they are touching and heartfelt stories, especially Oliver's childhood Christmas story.

If you believe in the magic of Christmas, and the spirit of (any) religion, than you will most likely enjoy this feature film in the Signed, Sealed and Delivery series. I give it a 7 out of 10 IMDB rating.
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True Christmas Values
P3n-E-W1s319 December 2016
Ever since I watched "The Crow - Salvation" I've been a fan of Eric Mabius' acting as his portrayal of a "Crow" was one of my favourite, second to Brandon Lee.

I've not seen him in anything for quite a while, then I saw he was in this movie called Lost Letter Mysteries for Xmas (English Title). And what a joy it was.

In his role as Oliver O'Toole, he plays a stoic, straight-laced, upright, and honourable postal worker, who thinks nothing of going the extra mile to do the job right.

I loved the idea of a team of postal workers sorting through undelivered or undeliverable letters with the purpose of giving help. Even though, I now know, this is part of a series this Christmas episode works well by itself. It's well written and the direction is carried out well and progresses the story and cast at a steady pace.

After seeing this I will be looking at getting the series on DVD.
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Perfect Christmas movie
txharrington22 December 2021
First off, this series is so strong in connection and love. This one hits just a little more.straight to the heart! I love that it talks straight about Jesus! It's so sweet and caring. I actually cried watching this one. Perfect casting!
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Extraordinarily Well Crafted - The Meaning of Christmas
dial911book30 November 2014
My wife and I saw this program when it was first aired on Hallmark a few days ago (Nov 2014). We had watched all the previous episodes of Signed, Sealed and Delivered, and had enjoyed them for their story lines as well as for the individual characters who are nicely developed and who also form an effective ensemble.

This Christmas special is almost breathtaking. I'd love to know more about the writer(s) involved and how the director and actors viewed the project also. Particularly good is how this Christmas episode provides enough background and details about the characters so that a first-time watcher of the series is not lost or bewildered.

I plan to add to this review after I watch the program again (on DVR). The actors in this series and the guest stars all deserve recognition for their work.

Right now I can say this beautifully filmed and edited show offers a lovely composition of interesting characters, dynamic and subtle relationship issues, tension and pathos, familiar cinematic devices that older viewers will recognize and all can appreciate ... and ... some clear, eloquent expressions of doubts about Christmas and then a stirring vision of the most basic true meaning of the Christmas message.

Whether the viewer is secular, Christian, or of another worldview, the overall presentation is at once intriguing, uplifting and satisfying. This two-hour program showcases the best of what the Hallmark Channel aims to offer viewers.
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Incredibly well written / crafted
critic_w10 June 2015
It is rare to see a special-episode that is so carefully well crafted. The script had a lot to accomplish and it did so with excellence. Having followed the series, my household watched in amazement as newcomers in our audience picked up on and enjoyed as if they'd been following the show all along. The series core strength is its abundance sentiment, with nuances of miracles / belief in God. For the Christmas 2-hour episode they "took it up a notch" in both areas, yet were never heavy handed or preachy. Amazing. This series, perhaps better than any other on television, weaves fun and funny suspense that manages to draw the viewer in tugging on heart-strings along the way.
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Don't flirt with the angel, Shane.
mbdrqvrnv23 November 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Extremely well written for a TV Christmas movie.

Obviously this movie is part of a well crafted series that keeps us well entertained and waiting for the development of the two romantic stories that were introduced to us 11 episodes ago and now have been promoted to TV movies.

Anyway the two romances are developing at a glacial speed but they both get a little boost in this movie/ episode.

It's very funny to see Oliver getting very jealous as he sees Shane dancing with a handsome stranger, flirting with him shamelessly right under his nose at the postal ball. Shane looks stunning and the stranger seems to have eyes for nobody else but her in the room.

Oliver really wants to punch something but ends up drinking it instead.

Anyway, it turned out that the handsome stranger was equally interested in touching Oliver's heart as well as Shane's.

The part in which Oliver finds out that an angel has been watching over him all those years since he was a kid is very touching. Eventually he is able to pass the same message to Shane, bringing to her some healing for old hurts deep within her heart.

It's all done so subtly, both the love of God and the love that they are already feeling for each other is portrayed so beautifully and becoming harder and harder for them to deny or disguise.

The two dancing scenes are absolutely magnificent.

Eric Mabius and Kristin Booth brought their A game, the chemistry between them is amazing. And let's not forget about Crystal Lowe and Geoff Gustafson also wonderful performances.

Very well done by all involved.
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A New Christmas Classic
wakemethen13 November 2018
We have just watched this program for the first time and could not be more pleased. The entire production is first class, as is the message. It is not possible for any warm-blooded being to not be moved by the spiritual encouragement which is at the heart of this story. We look forward to more SS&D movies. These have proven to be interesting, intelligent and reliably family-friendly entertainment.
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Bad even for Hallmark
dtdenver-987-92554614 December 2019
90 minutes of proselytizing - evidently just what some viewers want from a movie. In reality, the characters were completely self-absorbed and determined to pout through the holidays - while sharing every single little complaint from their lives with everyone around them. The two "quirky" characters border on mentally disabled. For such a smart guy who reads Dickens' Christmas Carol every year, the lead couldn't lift his head above his own fug to wonder about a mysterious stranger named Jordan Marley hanging around. The overall plot - holding a raggedy Christmas pageant (while the leads continue their self-righteous preoccupation with themselves) - is really really thin. And finally, just to prove god loves Hallmark, there's an unlikely happy ending.
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Signed, Sealed, Delivered for a 2014 Christmas...featuring Rob "Silk Stalkings" Estes and Marion "Happy Days" Ross
safenoe19 December 2016
Warning: Spoilers
Signed, Sealed, Delivered the TV series ended after only 10 episodes, but thankfully Hallmark continued this fine series as TV movies. Signed, Sealed, Delivered for Christmas is the first of the seven movies thus far. The rest of the seven movies are: From Paris with Love, Truth be Told, The Impossible Dream, From the Heart, One in a Million, and Lost Without You. Hopefully the movies will continue in 2017 and beyond. Or who knows, maybe Hallmark will agree to recommission it as a TV series.

SSD for Christmas starts two days before Christmas, and Jordan a postal troubleshooter bigwig (played by Rob "Silk Stalkings" Estes) meets the Postables, and charms Shane on the dance floor at the postal ball. Oliver is a bit jealous and cuts in to get a piece of the dance action with Shane.

Jordan (Rob "Melrose Place" Estes) passes on a "Letter to God" to the Postables - it's quite touching and was posted from Wyoming (the home state of former Vice-President Dick Cheney), and Shane is a bit hard-edged and cynical about trying to fulfill a child's wish to God. This leads to Oliver and Shane having a serious and thoughtful discussion about the role of God in such a situation. Later in this movie we learn that Shane's father left her family the Sunday before Christmas. We also learn that Jordan isn't really from the post office. He is someone sent from above. This relates to another "Letter to God", and it was written by Shane soon after her father left.

Anyway Jordan (Rob "90210" Estes) has a deep conversation with Oliver about his estranged wife who's in Paris. I assume that the next movie Signed, Sealed, Delivered from Paris with Love resolves this sad thread.

Shane encourages Rita to pursue her feelings with Norman, but Rita's a bit reluctant.

Marion "Happy Days" Ross makes a special appearance as Oliver's former Sunday School teacher.

Rita and Norman come very close to kissing after accidentally bumping heads after getting excited seeing an owl. So close.

The ending was incredibly moving and I loved the jazz version of It came upon a Midnight clear that played over the end credits. I wish I knew who played the song.
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Miracles and Faith
jansutton-2387723 November 2021
A wondrful Christmas story from the Postables, a quirky, lovable division of the Denver Post Office Dead Letter Office. The Postables deliver, regardless of obstacles. And this Christmas they face quite a few: a despertely ill, pregnant mother; a frightened little girl; a mysterious supervisor; and, as always in the Postable films, their own fears and disappointments built up over the years. Yeah, it's a tear jerker. And a perfect Christmas presemt!
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Unusual approach to Christmas
Jackbv1232 December 2017
This is a bit of an unusual story with quirky characters. Even some of the props are strange. The story has a number of Christmas related messages but doesn't get overly preachy and in fact some of them are subtle. There are elements of the story that are quite predictable, some that become predictable with clues, and even a few false clues.

The characters would be called losers by many people, but certainly not by anyone who loves Christmas movies. As we get to know them (if you haven't seen the series) they become quite lovable. They have backstories of their own, which are kind of sad. Because the characters are so quirky, I hesitate to evaluate the acting, but I found that it was fine for the story.
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Finally A Movie Which Glorifies Christ!
chrisjobs112852 November 2022
This was amazingly refreshing

for once in a very long time

a movie which glorifies The God of Heaven

and His Son Christ Jesus!

I bless The Name of God for creating the people who brought this movie into being.

This movie was well done technically,

and it was scripturally inspiring!

"There is no fear in love;

but perfect love casteth out fear:

because fear hath torment.

He that feareth is not made perfect in love."

1 John 4:18

"When The Son of Man shall come in His glory, and all the holy angels with Him, then shall He sit upon The Throne of His Glory:

And before Him shall be gathered all nations:

and He shall separate them one from another,

as a shepherd divideth his sheep from the goats:

And He shall set the sheep on His Right Hand, but the goats on the left.

Then shall The King say unto them on His Right Hand,

'Come, ye blessed of My Father,

inherit The Kingdom prepared for you from the foundation of the world:

For I was an hungred, and ye gave Me meat:

I was thirsty, and ye gave Me drink:

I was a stranger, and ye took Me in:

Naked, and ye clothed Me:

I was sick, and ye visited Me:

I was in prison, and ye came unto Me.

Then shall the righteous answer Him, saying,

Lord, when saw we Thee an hungred, and fed Thee?

Or thirsty, and gave Thee drink?

When saw we Thee a stranger, and took Thee in?

Or naked, and clothed Thee?

Or when saw we Thee sick, or in prison, and came unto Thee?

And The King shall answer and say unto them,

Verily I say unto you,

In as much as ye have done it unto one of the least of these My brethren,

ye have done it unto Me.'"

Matthew 25.
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Absolutely Fantastic
melissaculver-322739 June 2024
Absolutely marvelous on so many levels. Traditional family values. The interwoekinksnof the narrative was consistently wholesome. The narrative was full of great relationships. We were very attentive to the plot line the whole way. And the narrative of the nativity was also included. Such a precious gem of a movie. More of this, please!!

For some odd reason I cannot post this unless I say more. I need to add 188 more characters. I'm satisfied with what I have said. Take my word for it. This is a delightful narrative. So glad we watched it. We plan to watch the whole series. I applaud the work of the writing team. Nicely done.
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