I Spit on Your Grave: Deja Vu (2019) Poster

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I spit on this film
papadeltazulu24 April 2019
This has got to be a contender for the worst sequel of all time title. I was so looking forward to this as I really enjoyed the first one all those years ago and was interested in seeing where Jennifer Hills character ended up after the first movie. But whoah! I didn't expect this dross.

I've no idea who this is even aimed at, it's not shocking or graphic, it's so badly written and poorly acted and is full of some of the most awful characters ever put onto film. Maria Olsen's character is so weird and over the top that she ruins every scene she's in. There's countless scenes where people just turn up at the right place and time to push the film onto the next scene, almost as if they have psychic powers and teleportation devices. (Oh look, our main protagonist just ran off into a massive forest and within seconds runs straight into the bad guys who are standing around at the exact spot for her to run into, what a coincidence)

All the hicks in the film are depressingly over the top, idiotic and weird. The main heroines in the film do some of the most stupid things imaginable, it leaves you face palming yourself every few minutes, like seeing one of the villains coming towards you with a knife and despite you having a gun in your hand you........TURN YOUR BACK ON THEM AND START BANGING ON A DOOR, It's cringeworthy to sit through. Some of the dialogue in this abomination seems like it was written by a depressed crack smoking teen, seriously, you won't believe how bad some of the lines are. I spent half of the film cringing and wincing at some of the things the bad guys come out with.

The main woman in this film is supposed to be the worlds no 1 supermodel who turns down half million dollar offers for fun, yet come on, while she's not a particularly unpleasant woman to look at, there's no way anyone who looks like her would be the worlds most famous model, they didn't even try to get someone stunning for the role. Even her hair and clothes suggest she's just an average woman, there's nothing glam about her whatsoever, so taking this serious is hard to do.

The film rolls in at nearly TWO AND A HALF HOURS and there's a reason for this. Countless scenes of things that should last a few seconds like a character raking up leaves that go one for minutes at a time. Scenes of dialogue that just go on and on without ever adding to the story etc etc

If you found any joy in the 1978 film or any of the reboot trilogy, then avoid this one, it's woeful.
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If you like to waste precious hours watch this
rickywallace24 April 2019
Awful acting, on what could have been a classic, the film drags on, the violence is tame, really was a waste of 2 hours 38 mins.
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What a way to destroy an iconic franchise.
donnaivyecho25 April 2019
Pathetic, there are no actors, I swear they picked a few people off the street to continuously scream and read long boring monologue. Such a total disappointment, don't know how it even made it to a screen, should have been buried in a grave a spat on.
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avenuesf29 April 2019
I saw the original "I Spit On Your Grave" when it was released in 1978, and it was one of the 70's grindhouse classics that stayed with me... incredibly sleazy but undeniably entertaining, gross, and yes, even shocking. When I read that the current "Deja Vu" release had cast Camille Keaton, who was the heroine in the original, I was immediately intrigued. I read two external reviews of the film on IMDB before I watched it, and both lauded the film, calling it "strong stuff," and "not for those with weak stomachs." Those reviewers clearly saw a very different film than I did. Clocking in at 148 minutes, this bloated, monotonous albatross was actually painful to watch.

I'm at a loss as to how anyone could have given thumbs up to the film the way it was written, shot and released. Did Meir Zarchi think that by casting Ms. Keaton - who adds nothing to the film and at times is embarrassing to watch - he was going to make this sequel the equivalent of "Gone With the Wind?" His screenplay couldn't have been less than 400 pages long. Every single scene in this film is AT LEAST 2-3 times longer than it should be... the extraneous, redundant, astoundingly monotonous dialogue just goes on and on, until it finally grinds the pace of the film to a complete halt. For a b-film, the actors are believable in their performances, but they just never, ever shut up. Even the ending becomes maddening... the director continues to add more and more small, absurd plot elements to incessantly draw it out. How long did it take to shoot this? With the incessant monologues and additions to the plot it must have been an endless production schedule.

ISOYG-DV doesn't even come remotely close to the creativity or sleaziness of the original... this should have been way over-the-top, as the original was the grandfather of revenge flicks. Instead, it's slow, dull and flat. Even the few special effects are totally unconvincing, and the plot remains disappointingly tame.

This could have passed as a mediocre exploitation film if they whittled it down to about an hour and fifteen minutes, which would have considerably picked up the film's tempo and relieved a lot of the boredom. As it is now, it's an interminable, frustrating mess.
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Waste of time and insult to the great movies
turnerevette25 April 2019
This is really sad you get excited about a movie the to see the mockery of what they did the acting is horrible and the storyline is even worse please stop messing with good movies
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They Couldn't Be Serious!
bgsmoove25 April 2019
Is This A Parody Movie? Horrible Acting & Bad Storyline. Man They Stretch This To Over 2 Hours Of Horrendous Film Making. I Was Looking Forward To This, What A Waste! I Like The Series But This One Isn't Part Of It.
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Very dissapointing
zathan-3284824 April 2019
The entire atmosphere in this movie feels artificial. The acting is bad and most scenes are way too long. I enjoyed the other movies in this series, but this one is terrible. The production is mostly good though.
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Terrible, simply terrible.
paparas124 April 2019
I dunno, I didn't like that movie. Not one bit. The production was ...let's say ..not so bad but everything else was horrible! If you liked the original one, I am sure you won't like this. All characters were fake and the story totally idiotic. No deja vu for me, sorry...
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Two and a half hours of mind-numbing garbage.
BA_Harrison29 April 2019
It's been four decades since gang rape victim Jennifer Hills (Camille Keaton) was somehow acquitted of cutting, chopping, breaking and burning five men beyond recognition. Now the author of a best-selling account of her ordeal, titled 'I Spit On Their Graves', Jennifer has understandably incurred the wrath of her victims' relatives. Kidnapped along with her super-model daughter Christy (Jamie Bernadette, looking every inch unlike a world famous fashion icon), Jennifer once again faces a terrifying ordeal...

This belated sequel to notorious 1978 shocker I Spit On Your Grave fails to replicate the original's success (understatement of the year?), despite the return of director Meir Zarchi and star Keaton. Given that he's had forty years to plan this movie, Zarchi's script is incredibly poor, and his cast is absolutely dreadful, but the worst thing about Deja Vu is its runtime of almost two and a half hours, every scene outstaying its welcome, making the film a gruelling experience for all the wrong reasons.

Do yourself a favour and skip this dreadful film; watch the remake and its sequels instead - they're far more brutal, the acting is way better, and they won't have you checking how much time is left every few minutes.
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It was so horrible, oh so horrible...
paul_haakonsen27 April 2019
I do enjoy the "I Spit On Your Graves", well for the most parts at least they were enjoyable and watchable. I happened to stumble upon this 2019 release by sheer random luck, and I hadn't even heard about it. So of course I jumped at the chance to watch it.

It was a nice treat to know that Camille Keaton would be returning to reprise her role from the original "I Spit On Your Grave" movie, but the allurement was short lived. Why? Because she is stripped and devoid of all proper acting talents - I am sad to say so, but it's true.

Regardless, the movie runs for a little bit more than 2 hours, I managed to endure through 1 hour and 2 minutes of the abysmal wreck that is "I Spit On Your Grave: Deja Vu", then I simply gave up.

Why? Well, two main reasons for me quitting; the first being that the acting in the movie was just laughable and so amateurish that it was an insult to the rest of the movies in the franchise. Second reason was because the movie was unfathomably slow-paced and ultra boring. Nothing of any much interest or worth had happened in that prolonged hour of suffering I endured, so why bother with the rest of the movie.

I must admit that I had expected more, a lot more from this movie, but director and writer Meir Zarchi failed horribly to deliver a movie that could live up to the previous movies. And with a statement that proclaims: "Cinema's top lethal lady vengeance returns in the most anticipated sequel of all time." there certainly was some expectations to live up to. These expectations were not even met in the least bit.

I have no intention of returning to watch the remaining hour of "I Spit On Your Grave: Deja Vu", because it was just so horribly boring. If you enjoyed any of the previous movies - especially the original and the remake of the original - then do yourself a favor and stay well clear of this 2019 abysmal entry into the franchise.
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Boycott this film...
Moviereviewer8730 April 2019
First I have to rant, I love the original. I have ever since I was a kid, I became friends with Camille once I got older and have mad respect for her an an actress!!! I have collected her Italian films etc. I especially Love Madeline Anatomia Di Un Incubo (a wonderful performance)..... But there is one, yes 1 very important performance that's looked over by horror fans because no one wants to admit it's a damn good performance!!!! I Spit on Your Grave!!! Camille Keaton's performance was raw, in your face, nothing was hidden, nothing was censored it was a perfect performance, hard to watch and gut wrenching. There is no other actress who would have done that role better than she did (if any actress would have done what she did) she brought a real victim on screen a performance that sends chills down your spine. She made the film what it is today and for Meir Zarchi to make Deja Vu it was a complete insult to Camille Keaton an insult as an actress, for her character who she has been for the last 40 years Jennifer Hills, and as a person! She is an inspiration in the original film a strong woman who fought back, in this "piece of sh!t" that Meir Has written he has belittled her character..... HOW DARE YOU! I was so enraged when watching the film I got to the grave yard scene and I was so made I broke my glasses I was crying not because of the story but Damn what an insult to an actress who made the I Spit On Your Grave Legacy!!! Things she was saying in the script And the way the story unfolds was crap.... heck the original Savage Vengeance kept her a badass and was a hell of a lot better than this!!!!! This is a shame.... You know it's sad when multiple people are watching it and you can feel a strong hate for Camille in the film it's obvious and multiple people said the same thing... Boycott this film at all cost!!!! As for you Meir you gave us Jennifer Hills an icon in horror how dare you take her away the way you did, disgrace!!!!!
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Why so negative?
TheArtistVersion11 May 2019
Warning: Spoilers

I dont understand all the 1-2 star reviews on this? I mean first, The Length could have some stuff been shaved off (like the Lunch in the beginning and the convo about being best friends/opening a flower shop) of course. I will say that was Becky was slain I looked at the run time and said out loud "How is there still 25 minutes left." Did this movie NEED To be 2 hours and 28 minutes? No, Absolutely no, but I commend for doing so and just going right for the wall with it.

But,I did find it a GREAT Follow up to the original,I wasnt too big on the original (I happen to think the remake is WAY Better) but for Meir to come back and take another shot at it, I thought it was pretty good. The characters were great, a little over acted (David) and Underacted (Jennifer at Lunch) but I think it added to the appeal. A major complaint seems to be that its basically the first movie again at around the 45 minute mark, well hence why its called Deja Vu.

For a forty year wait on a sequel to a movie I only somewhat thought was interesting, and the fact that I sat through the entire 2:28 run time and didnt pause,go to the bathroom,play on my phone etc. means something to me. Usually with 90 minute movies im on my phone goofing off etc I sat the entire time and watched this straight through.

Did it have one to many Zags for Zigs? Yes. Did it have some parts that were unbelievable? Like David could be heard getting pleasured but not the Gun Shot before it,Yes. Did it have some over and Under acting? Yes. Could you have shaved some time off anf made a shorter movie? Yes.

But would you have expected anything else from Meir? I still think the remake to the original is way better but this was a great follow up.
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Bit long and not as good as the original but
michaeljohnson-3610825 April 2019
I enjoyed this movie got a video nasty feel yes the acting is not great but if u like b movie of the late 70s early 80s u will like this
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elle-six26 April 2019
The whole film seems to draggy. The characters dumb AF. Dont bother watching this, go watch the 2010 remake.
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Absolute Trash!!!
Pumpkin_Man15 May 2020
This sequel to the original is pretty horrible. The movie is 2 hours and 30 minutes long. WHY? It doesn't need to be this long! Some scenes drag on forever, with boring Quentin Tarantino-like talk. The film takes place 40 years after the original 1978 movie and Jennifer Hills and her daughter and attacked by relatives of her attackers 40 years prior. Why would they wait this long to get their revenge? Some 'relatives' look too young to even be alive back then. The whole thing just doesn't make sense. Halloween 2018 is a much better 40 years later sequel than this. Please avoid I SPIT ON YOUR GRAVE: DEJA VU like the plague!!!
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This movie should be called "I spit on I spit on your grave" 1978
marematey8624 April 2019
Warning: Spoilers
This movie could last 15 mins. Too much unnecessary talking, too much plot holes and i have impression that Camille Keaton try hard not to laugh in a first 10-15 mins in a movie! Also i think she is forced to be in this movie. I remember the scene where Christy took of her panties and bra, 10 min after when the rape scene took place, she had them on her... Also she could easily run away and save herself from raping (maybe not but she did not even try). Later when revenge took his place, 2 villains are in the woods, 1 in a car and second guy was in the woods(i forgot why). they can speak, and heard each other, but the guy in a car can't heard gun shoot from Christy... LOL! The movie is Revenge/thriller/comedy. I gave 2 star because i respect Camille and because Jamie Bernadette is hot!
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Wtf did i just watch?!
symphy738 May 2019
Easily one of the worst movies Ive ever watched....the acting ridiculous...the plot illogical...and the unneccessary profanity...gosh what a waste
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Worst film of 2019!
amgee-895511 May 2019
It's the worst film I have seen this year. I can't believe the runtime is 2 hours and half. It's definitely the worst film in the franchise by a long mile. The acting and dialogue was terrible as hell. Very lazy and cheap direct sequel to the original film. The ending was laughable. Jamie Bernadette was ok init. The franchise is dead now thanks to this terrible sequel. Don't waste your time watching this film. Absolutely stupid. 0/10 the first film and the remake are the best.
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Surely they didn't think this was quality?
The movie itself is t even worth reviewing. It's absolutely abysmal in every single way, even the plot. I was looking forward to the rise of Jamie Bernadette years ago, I love seeing new scream Queens rise. But at this point I'm ready to say that anything she touches isn't even worth a passing attempt.
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Waste of time
ursblattmann24 April 2019
It's even worse than the other "sequels", and those were fare less than average
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Revisiting the first 4 films is a better option than wasting 2.30 hours on this horrendous nonsense unless u dont mind watching Maria Olsen's ugly boobs.
Fella_shibby7 May 2019
The original was shocking for it's time n while the remake n its sequels were brutal n the kills were nightmarishly innovative but this one is a total time waster without any good kills. In this film the lead actress tells the victim before killing him that she will not waste time in tricking n rather shoot the balls. Well, for one thing this film is a total time waster, ther is zero creativity n no wonder the kills r all lousy. Everything happens in broad daylight n ther is absolutely no one around apart from the main characters. Too much of talks, zero suspense n zero tension. The lead actress looks as if she is amnesiac. Jim Tavaré who played Herman looks like poor man's Michael Berryman. And as if the film isnt torturous enuff, we get to see Maria Olsen's ugly boobs.
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Worst movie ever...
x-7601725 November 2019
I can't imagine if any movies could be worse than this one, the acting, if u could call that acting..gives me the feeling like I was watching a home made movie, and the characters just keep on talking, on and on...I was confused because I wasn't sure if it's supposed to make me feel like the characters are all just a bunch of morons, or just poor writing of story line? Not to speak of the looooong boring plot just make me wanna hope the movie ends before god knows when.

I enjoyed watching the remakes, then I when back to watch the original one, I heard that this one was the sequel of the 78's I spit on your grave, so I've really looked forward to it. While I was watching, I get the feeling like this movie is just laughing at me through the screen...
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aaaaw cmon with the bad reviews!!
georgio-264907 January 2021
Ok i read a lot of reviews on here , were people expecting kenneth brannagh perhaps? daniel day lewis alongside helen mirren in a scorcese epic? most people saw the original or at least one of the remakes/sequels. its gonna be the same!!! take it for what it is. a revenge movie with cheesey script and lots of screaming, blood guts and pain pain pain!!

the acting was below average, the script was hammy, but it is I SPIT ON YOUR GRAVE!!!! i knew what to expect and i loved it!!!
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I got what I expected.
davidoselznick26 June 2019
I anticipated a sequel with the look and feel in the manner of Meir Zarchi's original film from 1978. Yes, DEJA VU looks somewhat cheap. Yet I think it's Zarchi's style. Note the visual work. No shaky cam, but calm and balanced pictures, made by Pedja Radenkovic, who is an award winning cinematographer. There's hardly any music. So some scenes, though they lack excessive gore, become even more dramatic, almost as a documentary of outrageos events. I think the acting of the hillbillies isn't bad, but deliberately exaggerated. It's a kind of satire! One shouldn't align DEJA VU with the franchise that started with the 2010 remake. This is well done gory Hollywood b movie stuff, and I enjoyed that very much! But DEJA VU breathes independent air. And with it's lengthy scenes and long running time this film is even an epic in its own universe.
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I spit on this film..it's horrible film and a lots talking. The worse film that i ever seen..it's a boring movie and a waste of time.
g_nesta28 April 2019
I spit on this film. What a horrible movie that i ever seen. It's a waste of time..this is a rotten movie.
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