ID2: Shadwell Army (2016) Poster

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Has some good ideas, but proves ineffective
wellthatswhatithinkanyway13 October 2016
STAR RATING: ***** Saturday Night **** Friday Night *** Friday Morning ** Sunday Night * Monday Morning

Many years after the events of the original film, the social and political climate of Shadwell has changed considerably, and a new generation of disaffected men has emerged. Mo (Simon Rivers) a British Sikh officer working his way up the ladder in the Met, is the latest charge assigned to infiltrate the ranks of the infamous Shadwell Army gang. He crosses paths with Vinnie (Linus Roache) a fellow undercover officer who's dealing with an extremist far right element of the group, headed by a local politician (Neil Pearson), who is exploiting tensions surrounding the opening of a new mosque in the area.

It's never too late to make a sequel to a film these days, and this follow up to 1995's cult football hooligan drama I.D., is one of many that caught me completely by surprise. Picking a handful of memorable characters from the first film (including Lee Ross as the impaired simpleton Gumbo) whilst completely leaving out a load of others (most notably Reece Dinsdale's striking lead character John), it still fails to connect them together in a manner that would let you know they had a history from the first film.

Set in a modern Britain nearly twenty five years on from then, it highlights some simmering tensions and divisions that are very relevant to these times, and there's a lot of interesting potential to explore with these themes, as well as the generally shocking element of the football violence. Sadly, none of it really manages to engage you in the way it should, and it just goes through the motions without any real coherency or focus.

It has the original's staunch and spirit. If only it had it's substance. **
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How long do you wait
leavymusic-230 November 2021
There's no point in saying much about this film, just watch ID, the Original 1995 movie, this isn't a worthy of the name! Pretty awful idea of the 2nd, 20 years later.

It retains almost nothing of the first. If only Gumbo.
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Sequel syndrome shouldn't put you off the Dogs!
tonypeacock-15 February 2017
Warning: Spoilers
Long awaited sequel to the quintessential football hooligan film I.D. This film was made so long after the first (Trainspotting 2 eat your heart out) that of course some characters have sadly departed us. (Bob the landlord of The Rock played by Warren Clarke).

The film retains some continuity from the first with admirable cameos by Perry Fenwick as Eddie (Billy Mitchell off Eastenders) and Richard Graham as Trevor. Eddie and Trevor were part of the original police unit in I.D. The film strays away from football (as if hooliganism wasn't enough) to the subject of fascism by members of far right groups such as the English Defence League.

The main character is an Asian called Mo (Simon Rivers) who does an admirable job as the undercover police mole. The Yorkshire locations are mainly in Kingston Upon Hull rather than South London and add little to the film.

Another returning character Gumbo becomes an unlikely hero.

Not as good as the first film as most sequels aren't but a worthy watch all the same.
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Oh dear! Oh dear!
joel-3346715 August 2016
Warning: Spoilers
Being a massive fan of the original I was really looking forward to watching ID2... How let down was I? Low budget, unconvincing acting and a very poor, disconnected story line. The main character is neither convincing as a police officer or a football hooligan and the fight scenes are shockingly bad.

Shadwell are now playing the likes of Bolton and Hull in the Premier League? What happened to Wapping away in the cup? All the magic has been taken away with this awful sequel.

Some really cringe worthy moments as well. I lost interest 40 minutes in but stuck it out to the bitter end.

Give this a swerve and watch the original again. This was truly awful!
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Well that was a wasted Sunday afternoon...
donttouchmeprimate28 November 2021
What even is this??? Some decent acting but the writing was an absolute mess.

NOTHING MADE Sense. I tasted my own fart and that was still more enjoyable than watching this.
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Don't bother
shanayneigh14 March 2021
If you like the original movie, don't bother with this very loosely connected sequel. Unlike the original, this movie has nothing to say. The only reason I watched it is because it was included on the I.D. blu-ray.

There is no build up. The main character (a generous use of that word) goes into a pub and talks to a stand up comedian, and bam, four minutes into the movie he's part of the hooligans. It wasn't until after the film was finished and I watched the making of documentary that I realized that the stand up comedian was one of the four policemen from the original movie, something which was never established in the movie.

Remember the original where it was imperative for the policemen to establish trust with the hooligans, pretending to be painters having lunch in the pub to get of first name basis with the staff etc? No time for that here, we have to get to the poorly executed fight scenes quickly!

This movie neither a police procedural, nor a thriller or character study. It's amateur hour all the way through. It boggles the mind that this movie was written by the same person who wrote the original. And I have no idea who the director is, but if this movie is representative of his work, I have zero interest in watching another movie by that guy.

The only thing I liked in this movie was the exchange between the right wing extremist politician and his dunce of a brown shirt storm trooper. It beautifully sums up the schizophrenia in the extreme right.
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Don't write this one off.
jazzsp8-94-55570617 December 2019
I heard about this film and knew it was going to go one of two ways. I loved the first ID from way back when. This has some old characters in it that I suspected where just thrown a bone.

I was wrong.

While not quite hitting the highs and lows of John's story from the original this is still worth a look, it brings you back into their world in a convincing enough way it leaves you wanting another installment.

Sure, the budget is low. The acting isn't world class but the story is compelling. Just like the original.

I went in blind. I didn't know anything about the story. I want the same for you. If you enjoyed the first one, trust it.
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As a Brit I would love...
TheInevitableHulk19 April 2020 see two sub-genres disappear into the mist of time. The 'Geezer-Geezer-have-aword-wiv-yerself-Gangster film' and the 'Isn't Football Violence Terrible? let's wallow in some film' ID2 is a waste of digital space, making no useful contribution. It is a wonderful example, however, of the 10/10 IMDB review from users who mysteriously only feel the need to join the site and review one film in their lives. Strange. Perhaps DVDs and BluRays should credit these people on the crew list, y'know in the interest of transparent.
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Worth a watch for the scenes of Hull
fostrhod20 December 2021
ID2 2015 Muslim cop infiltrates a gang of football hooligans supporting Shadwell Town. It's a terrible film, but it is so captivating as it's predominantly filmed in Hull and Beverley, about 80% of it , their local pub is Wellington Pub which used to be my local so it's all very familiar. Loads of scenes and faces of Hull so if you like watching your home town in films it's well worth a watch. 4/10 for the film but 8/10 for the setting. That must mean a captivating 6/10.
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Took less than 4k at rhe cinema
robborockstar22 November 2021
Don't bother. Usual low quality football hooligan film. You find the odd gem ,but this isn't one of them . The aim actor might as well wear a police uniform as he's so unconvincing qs an undercover cop.
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Strange but interesting, a cult classic in the making?
warpster-8546017 August 2016
This really took me by surprise. It kind of is ID, and kind of isn't. It's Shadwell (and I really love how that environment has been brought up to date - owned by Russian billionaire, season tickets cost too much etc), there's some characters we know and love (Gumbo!), but it's not John undercover now (though he does have a presence) but Mohammed, and we get deep into some politics that are way beyond the usual terrace shenanigans. I certainly didn't expect this film to take us into the area of extreme street politics, but then remember where the original film left us at the end, with John's "is he, isn't he" moment, and in a way this film picks up where the first one left off. And we get another big question mark at the end of this one too, quite cleverly. The screenwriter is being quite cheeky taking us into this territory (same guy who wrote the first one), but I think he has earned the right and largely gets away with it. There were some moments that really unnerved me, it can get quite close to the bone,but I don't want to do any spoilers here. Just enough to say that all is not as it seems. I know some people who love the original just want more of the same served up, like Green Street 2 or something, but then they probably would've complained if all they got was the same story again. Know what, ID was slagged off when it first came out and is now acknowledged, 20 years later, as a cult classic. I've got a sneaking suspicion the same will happen with this film. I was a bit bewildered when I first watched it, but the story stays with me and I keep thinking back to it, and will definitely have another look when the DVD comes out.
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A homage to the original
matthewvine1-109-85566820 January 2022
Ok so nothing is going to beat the original. Yes it's low budget but the script and acting make the plot plausible. Give it a shot for an enjoyable trip down memory Lane with Gumbo.
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Politicised tripe.
russellcarey-3600622 November 2021
If you're of the belief that every football hooligan is an uneducated far-right Muslim hating terrorist then this film is probably for you, if you have a semblance of free thought though it's probably best avoided. It's a shame they had to taint the original film with this rubbish.
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Far cry from the original
andy-connolly-399-81342819 December 2021
For those of you who remember the mid-nineties hooligan film ID, forget it, this is so loosely related they may as well have just called it Shadwell Army.

There's a couple of decent performances (Pearson csn play a smarmy guy like no other) but fundamentally there is nothing that stands out or makes you remember the actor or the character. The story has some good ideas, but the 3xecution lacks something, and it feels like a made for TV movie.

You're much better off watching the original or investing your time in Footsoldier or Green Street.
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Lazy and Lame
AgentMosco3 December 2021
Have the writers ever even seen a football hooligan? There's no way they'd be seen dead in any of the clobber these folk are wearing. The first film had the same issue but at least with that one it had a good story to follow. And there aren't any real people that act like these Morons. It was like they couldn't be arsed writing it so done it in a hurry.
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More of the same innit?
leem-saintfield14 August 2016
Not exactly picking off where the first film ended,The viewer will find themselves thrust into the rough end of London and mixing it with the hard men who run the manors. Mo, an Asian cop (read: Muslim) undercover with Shadwell FC attempts to infiltrate the clubs firm and shut it down from the inside. Along the way he meets an other undercover officer with a different type of mission and the two men become allies. The action isn't as realistic as the original and the story is kind of hackneyed. One saving grace is the return of lovable tard Gumbo, who appeared in the original and offers some light comic relief. All in all this has too cheap a feel to it and the fights scenes are simply not realistic enough.
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Here's to Gumbo
nogodnomasters28 August 2017
Warning: Spoilers
Mo (Simon Rivers) is an undercover cop and Sikh. He infiltrates the dogs or wannabes, a term used to describe ardent football fans of the Shadwell team. They are playing Amsterdam in the finals which leads to hooligan violence. At the same time a Mosque is thinking about expanding near the stadium which has caused unrest. Vinnie (Linus Roache) is also undercover, attempting to direct things politically. Mo likes Vinnie's wife (Christine Tremarco) or is trying to fit in, go figure. Mo spends half the film with blood on his face, some self inflicted.

The film has action and drama working all the time. It centers on Mo and we wonder what he is going to do, i.e. where his alliances are when things hit the fan.

Guide: F-word, sex, near nudity.
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Press the BACK button.
dunwrights8 January 2023
Who? Who wrote this ridiculous, modernised, pathetic, ice age glacial moving idea of a hooligan grudge match? Just leeched off something else altogether for a payday?. This young, inexperienced and unauthenticated, (yet romanticised ineffectively) version of mainstream perspective.

This over the top acting (without a story line to back it up) story.... The scenes!... I mean, not only do a couple of absolute meatheads get onto a boat going to some football destination, they end up sleeping in the staff berths from some 1940s steamer, then you see two bald headed meatheads scissoring each other at night-time in bed on a drunk? What the on earth?

It's like someone had an idea of how movies work but haven't read enough books and have little imagination,far too many rules they abide by and no vision.

I have not been able to finish the movie, I stopped to write this...and just noted the ending....god, please a bucket of paint and a brush.? Anyone ? I'd rather watch paint dry in a pitch black room.

Thie entire movie is the husk of a desiccated idea, jumped on like some kind of Columbian Charlie, 2/3rds around the world after being resold not 5, but 6 times, yet without the lines to hold it all together....roasting in the Saharan sun at the edge of a pristine bay ....or the Fyre festival.

Clint Eastwood could out act this movie after being dead for 50 years.

Other than that, it's fine.
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Loved ID...
alexateddy-6618624 November 2021
Keeping things simple...

Things that I liked about this film:

Performances by -

Linus Roche Paul popplewell Lee Ross Neal Pearson

Things I did not like about this film:

Everything else.
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Really really interesting movie
beautifullywicked1 December 2016
We loved this, and I really didn't expect to. A group of friends wanted to see this as a late night end to a party, and it didn't sound my cup of tea at all. I don't like football, I don't like violence, and I don't like boy films, but in the end it was me telling everyone else to shush. The boys liked all the laddy stuff of course, and I must admit it was energetic and exciting in those areas, depending on the adrenalin of the actors rather than cgi wham bam stuff, but what really got to me was the journey of the central character, Mo, who starts out in one place and ends up in another, but you never really know where he really stands, who he really is, maybe because he doesn't know himself. That kind of mystery and confusion about a character is just what gets me in a film. In a strange way it reminded me of William Friedkin's weird thriller Cruising. In the same way as that film, you finish at the end thinking and arguing about what you've just seen, about what the reality of it is. By the end I had quite forgotten this was a film about football violence, it seemed to be about so much more. I'll have to watch the original ID now too, there were lots of discussions by the boys comparing the two films, some liked the first one more. But in the early hours of the morning we were all really debating the film, and how many times can you say that. Highly recommended!
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Possibly the worst screenplay of all time
adampdavies6 January 2023
The performances are actually reasonably strong apart from the monotone lead. The cinematography is passable given the no doubt restrictive budget. What lets the whole thing down is quite possibly the worst, meandering, irrelevant screenplay ever put to film. This genre is not rocket science and has a reasonable tribe of bloodlust wannabe hooligans ready to spend 90 mins to be entertained. What they don't want to watch is some convoluted, political, unrealistic mess. Hooligans giving up there tickets to a home Euro tie? One bus of rival fans that looked to have women and children aboard? Pity as there are some good performances.
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An audacious film, I nearly didn't see
vincentospace-pauline6 January 2017
The sequel to one of my all time favourite British movies, I could not believe this had been released without much publicity or fanfare, and only got to hear this had been released when over hearing a conversation in a pub, between two guys I'd never met. They were arguing fiercely about it, one loved it and one hated it, I thought whatever movie this is it must be interesting, and it turns out to be the follow up to ID!

The argument between e two guys was about the fact this film goes off at a tangent into politics, which seemed to me a strange thing to argue about as I found the first film extremely political, telling the story of John, whose character completely breaks down in the course of the film, until he becomes fodder for nazi groups (that's my reading anyhow). Some may feel the direction of ID2 is unfaithful to the first film, but I feel it couldn't be more so without just being a tired retread.

So much to say about this film, I would get boring, but it is based in Shadwell , though cleverly updated, it involves an undercover cop again, who again has a sort of breakdown, there's sexual tension and betrayal like the last one had, and some of the characters from the original film re appear- LOVE YOU GUMBO!!!

But it's different too. The cop hero is a British Muslim (I think) and a mosque is being built next to the Shadwell ground, so it massively kicks off. What a BRILLIANT idea! Audacious is the word. This and other factors bring the original ID concept right up to date, this is England here and now, and it ain't pretty.

The film is very low budget, and sometimes that shows (could no one properly fund this film?) and some of the casting is less than spot on, probably the two facts are linked, and this is what stops me giving the film a perfect 10. But there is more going on in this film than any other I have seen in the last year, and I found it both funny and exciting. The climax has a big disappointment in it (no spoilers), but again it is that word audacious.

This is an incredible film, as was the original, I will watch it many times, and I can't believe I only knew about it because two blokes were having a row in a pub!
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A Well-Crafted Sequel
ethanross-5779325 November 2021
Warning: Spoilers
I had the immense pleasure of discussing both this film and it's first installment with the wickedly talented writer Vincent O'Connell. We are taken back to the stomping grounds of Shadwell's violent football underworld in another look at how easy it is to lose one's identity when confronted with a need to abandon every belief you've built your life on.

Two decades on from the original film, Simon Rivers puts in a blisteringly visceral performance as Mo, a Muslim police-officer who experiences racial hatred from his police "brothers" as well as the firm he's tasked with infiltrating on orders from his higher ups (played by Neil Pearson in a return to the first film's character of Dave, now a high-ranking member of the police force.)

We head back to "The Rock" pub, now rebranded as Le Chien but still very much the stomping ground for Shadwell FC's hooligan-contingent. It's here that we are introduced to Danny Boy & Nick who serve as Mo's first contact with the group, as well as Vinnie. Vinnie is held in high regard by the firm's many members, but it is apparent from early on that he may have his own hidden motivations.

We are also reintroduced to the I. D. franchise's heart in Lee Ross' character "Gumbo" - a man who manages to be both a very gentle, childlike individual whilst courting the violence he's surrounded by.

When watching I. D.2, I loved that he was the only one who was really sure what Mo was, but didn't care despite being in a repeat of his circumstances from the end of the first film. It's this character that really bridges the gap between the two films. His ending is framed by a very bittersweet decision that contrasts the end of the first film; his singing aloud to the empty seats of Shadwell's football ground alone. At the end of I. D. 1, John's descent into madness and white supremacy, culminating in the "Seig heil" chant, is a very disturbing end to his character arc. The choice to focus on Gumbo's final decision is a compelling one, and it leaves it's mark.

I could talk at length about this film, but I suggest you watch it for yourself.

There have been so many hooligan films now that the genre has become somewhat saturated, but the first acts (for me, at least) as the progenitor of stories like this and the second manages to cling to that identity without becoming lost in that market.
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Best Brit film of the year
vincentoconnell-5198730 November 2016
A proper British film that is more than the sum of its parts. Like the original ID it's not just about football hooliganism, but really takes on important issues about what it is to be British in 2016, and if I have a criticism at all it's that it maybe tries to take on too much - violence, gang culture, community identity, football losing touch with its grass roots, racism, can it not be important? But the film holds together as a thriller while also being a valid social document. In a way it reminds me of 1960s British new wave movies like This Sporting Life (again which was about so much more than sport), Saturday Night Sunday Morning, Kes, Loneliness of Long Distance Runner, IF and so on, it really belongs to that tradition. This blew me away, and I cannot believe it slips past the critics unnoticed. Also (no spoilers) the end really affected me emotionally, in a way I could not have expected.

Some people seem to hate it, and I can only think that's about politics, not the film itself. One of the few films recently that gives me any hope at all for the British film industry.
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Mislead by bad reviews!
nofuture-23 May 2018
I am shocked by the low ratings this movie is getting here. I ordered the bluray from Amazon before I read the reviews and thought to myself, "oh crap" Thankfully I got down to watch it and at the end I thought it was a great movie, with a plot that is intelligent, injecting a new storyline which is very relevant in today's UK. A strong 8 from me!
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