Daddy (2015) Poster

(I) (2015)

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Accomplished and Engaging Gay themed, indie drama.
t-dooley-69-38691612 June 2016
Colin is one of those gay guys who seems to have it all – great job, loads of money and he gets all the young men he wants. His best mate, Stew, lives next door and is the polar opposite but they have been inseparable since college. Then one day an intern starts work at Colin's office.

What first starts out as an overly keen employee soon becomes something much more intense, but when something is too good to be true.... well you know how it goes.

Now this is from TLA and yet is one of theirs that raises the bar. It is well made, acted. Scripted, filmed and everything else. The story is believable and engaging and the twist I never saw coming. It is also an indie and stars Gerald McCulloch as Colin who also directed this, he is a seasoned actor and the calibre shone through, but Jamie Cepero as Thaddeus was brilliant too and all the part players never let the side down. This is a TLA release I am happy to recommend.
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Unexpectedly hot
raeesbrene31 August 2019
I wasn't expecting to enjoy this movie so much. It has a great story. Colin portrays a very good looking middle-aged stereotypical gay man. One day Colin begins to feel like there is something missing in his life and starts seeking something more after he starts dating the new intern he works with but comes to realize that that "something more" was definitely not what he was expecting. "Daddy" has a great twist to it that literally had me jumping off my seat the FIRST time and my pants off the SECOND time.
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My first gay movie and i think it was educational
brorigocap29 September 2016
Warning: Spoilers
I enjoyed the movie "DADDY" and i think Gerald McCullouch has brought out something that is often neglected yet important. Although one might be attracted to older or younger people, it is never good to rush into a sexual relationship without actually knowing who the other person is. Intimacy is not just about sex. The case of Colin and T is not just a movie scenario but happens in real life. Not just among Homosexuals but also among Heterosexuals. I particularly like the movie because there is no gratuitous nudity that you would fine in some movies. This movie calls for reflection on the part of all. and Hey do not shy away from your relations. family is always great. Gerald you rock. Peace
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mijko17 April 2016
Warning: Spoilers
This movie is horrendous. I cant decide if its the acting, or the script. I think its both.

Maybe being director AND main actor, blinded Gerald from the truth. His acting is not easy to watch, it feels very forced a lot of the time. Especially his catch phrase "Who's your daddy". I understand there's meant to be some humour and irony there. But hearing him say it, makes me cringe.

Dan Via has to be the saving grace of the movie. His character was believable, and realistic (ish)

This movie feels like a rough draft, that needs a lot of work. Another embarrassing piece of "gay cinema"
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Uninvolving gay-themed melodrama
moonspinner5523 July 2017
Gerald McCullouch directed and stars as Colin, an older professional gay man who hangs out with a platonic buddy named Stew, instigating an intimate relationship with a much-younger man, an intern at his office. This proves to be a sticking point in his close relationship with Stew, his neighbor and best friend since college, with jealousy rearing its head based on the simplistic notion that Stew isn't as attractive as Colin, can't get a date of his own and has deep-rooted feelings for his long-time pal. McCullouch toys with the clichés and stereotypes inherent in this scenario (the gays namedrop Madonna, go to the gym regularly, and hit the bars not for a thrilling night out but with the intent on finding sexual partners); however, having a gay protagonist who also likes sports isn't exactly groundbreaking, while the scenes of gay intimacy are merely hinted at. Gay love has been shown to better advantage as subplots in heterosexual-dominated films, which makes one wonder why McCulloch didn't (or wasn't allowed to) go all the way with his narrative. Playing it safe won't expand the boundaries of gay cinema--it never has. * from ****
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Emotional story
arno3162019 December 2019
I really enjoyed watching it. Some gay films have a pretty easy to guess storyline, but I have to say I got really surprised! I felt it was very emotional and it brought me to tears.
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Bad acting
germanguyfrankfurt14 January 2018
The story itself might have been interesting but the acting was beyond mediocrity and was sad to watch. May work as a play but definitely not as a movie.
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Not what you expect
will-1637923 November 2019
So I have been following this film from the gofundme phase of its production and brought it once available on DVD. Now I will say this film is not Oscar winning but I think it's worthy of awards for the film. Actor gerald McCullouch gives a performance that feels very authentic for a middle aged gay male character that we all have seen from time to time but with a heart. The other characters match this well and add to the film in simple crafted moments. The ending is a little out there but is very possible in this day and age. I gave this film 8 stars because with the calibre of low budget gay films out there this one seems very polished and complete but also very well made and acted.

Looking forward to seeing some other great work from gerald. It's worth seeing
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Davalon-Davalon2 July 2021
Warning: Spoilers
I tried to watch this movie on a streaming service about 5 times. I got up to 32 minutes of it and I couldn't stand it for another second.

I do not understand how it is that anyone could have thought that this was a "movie." Gerald McCullouch stars and directs himself in this travesty. If he is shot from the right angle, and he does nothing else but smile, he does look pretty good. But as for acting? I didn't see any.

In 32 minutes of film, there were at least 10 cutaways to "exteriors" to give us the illusion of a "big movie." Okay... so...?

In the beginning we meet Tamlyn Tomita, a wonderful actress is who underused and has a minor role in this film and is asked to use the f word a lot. Okay... and? So...?

We are asked to believe that "Colin" (Gerald) can't get his work done because his intern is some stupid young woman who is involved with her phone and apparently can't understand requests. So, Tamlyn comes to the rescue and serves up "T" (Jaime Cepero, who has looks and talent and is totally wasted in this disaster), who has a huge crush on Colin (I can't tell you why, since Colin only seems to be in love with himself). Colin, being the egomaniac he is, throws all caution to the wind and immediately starts an affair with "T," who is a sweet religious boy from the South and has a daddy who thinks that all gay people are headed for hell.

This drama is juxtaposed with that of Colin's one-time lover (?) and now next-door neighbor "Stew" (Dan Via, who looks like he has some talent and ability and is way more likable than "Colin"), who is angling to get a teaching position in California, which is on the opposite coast of where he and Colin live. Colin is some kind of anchorman on some kind of local news show... none of which matters or has any meaning.

To make it clear that "California" plays an important role, Colin and Stew have to fly out there in the beginning of the movie to go to the funeral of Colin's (?) uncle's gay lover. This scene was absolutely totally pointless, and as the camera started to pan across the "bereaved" guests, I started howling because it was so fake.

In 30 minutes, "Colin" does and says nothing that makes him likable, appealing, interesting or sympathetic. I have no idea what his goal is or what he wants other than "T." And if "T" hadn't come along, then "Colin" would have easily been able to bag some other guy, which the film also makes clear early on.

I wanted so badly to enjoy this film because I saw Jaime in "Smash" and thought he had great potential. But I'm sorry; 32 minutes I was staring at the screen and saying, "And.... and... what is going on?"

I was not engaged, entertained, moved, amused, challenged or anything else. I don't understand how this film could have won any awards. I rarely, rarely turn off films, even if I hate them, but this one was absolutely impossible to sit through.
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qui_j15 April 2020
It's always best to avoid films where the Producer is also the main actor of the film. They are usually bad. "Daddy" is the exception to this rule....IT'S TERRIBLE! The acting is sub sub-par, the dialog uninspiring and the story a bit silly. BTW, terrible really means terrible!
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They tried... ?
chiguy1726 September 2019
I really wanted to like this film. I've always liked Gerald McCullouch (i.e. he's cute) and I want to support the LGBT community as much as possible, but there were just so many misfires. The supporting cast (and much of the main) was just amateurish, and the relationship between Colin and "Tee" was just not believable, and honestly kinda disturbing (this is coming from someone who's had relationships w a 10+ yr age difference).

It just needed a lot of fine tuning. Normally I would sin the film for the 'intimacy' solely being hinted at (especially considering the production team), but aside from wanting to see more of McCullouch, I really wouldn't want to see anything more than what was shown (and one can see more on NBC). The fact that I didn't want to see anything more in and of itself indicates just how much this on screen relationship just does NOT work.

They needed to bring someone in to help adapt the script to be more screen friendly and maybe needed someone w a little more directorial experience to at least pitch in.

I hate to say this, but it's much more along the lines of a student film (or even a Cinemax flick - w/o the sex) than any sort of professional endeavor. It's really kind of sad, because with the right cast and crew, it could have plausibly been a decent film. It makes me wonder how it received any reviews north of 5 stars.
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Not the Film You May Expect
gregorygallen29 April 2016
I first saw Gerald McCullouch in a play in NYC (sorry, I never got into CSI) and from then on, watched him in everything that I could. There is such an honesty in his acting and he has transferred that same sincerity into his feature film directorial debut. Many may think Daddy to be the standard gay-themed sex comedy (due to the title), but they would be sorely mistaken. Dan Via has adapted his complex stage play for the film and does double duty by wonderfully playing the best friend. At the core of this story, it's all about relationships and families that we create. I found myself very moved by this film and recommend for those looking for something different from the usual Hollywood gay fare.
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Good acting but a bit boring in general.
paulclaassen11 June 2021
I must be honest, I'm not a big fan of gay-themed movies. Not for any other reason apart from the fact that I find them so similar, and rather boring, actually.

'Daddy' wasn't entirely boring (but not all that exciting either). At least the acting was good and it wasn't a bad script, and Gerald McCullouch is an absolute dish! I mean, how many ways are there to say how much I like this guy? His portrayal of Colin McCormack (Daddy) was very good. 'Daddy' can refer to a mature gay man, and also an actual Dad (Father). In this instance it refers to both.

There's a big reveal that's meant to shock the audience, but unfortunately it doesn't quite have the impact it ought to have had, since little to no information was given on the characters concerned. The story should have delved deeper into their lives to fully explore these characters, and for the twist to have a greater impact. I eventually found the film a bit on the boring side...

Would I watch it again? No.
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Good Story Line with a Twist
Peachtree3031921 December 2016
Warning: Spoilers
I liked it! I thought the story line was fun...given the circumstances and the ending that is. Gerald is a sexy man to watch, and there were some fun moments between him and his best friend Stuart played Dan Via in the film. Jaime Cepero is perfectly awkward in the film, which hides a deeper darker secret in the end. The cinematography is nicely done and the story line flows nicely. Just when you thought it was going to end, it starts a whole entire ending that I didn't expect, but was really pleased to see. I also liked seeing some familiar faces of other actors like Mackenzie Astin, Tamlyn Tomita, Richard Riehle and Patrick Richwood.
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Scriptwriter did not make research in genetics
mariobolden27 November 2020
Warning: Spoilers
In the story Colin ( daddy) and Tee are biological father and son.

However, the son does not share any physical characteristics from the father.

There is nothing in Tee that resembles Colin ( and vice versa).
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Oedipus Wretch
hddu10-819-374587 February 2020
The concept of this film could have actually been interesting and even profound on a couple of levels. As is, it was poorly acted, scripted and cast (with the ONE notable exception of Jaime Cepero, who was the one actor who actually brought a deeper humanity and meaning to his role). The main character of "Collin" simply comes off as a gay white, self-entitled Alpha male who no one cares to sympathize with. He gets what he wants regardless of consequence. And even when bad things happen, he blames those around him for it. The "gay friend" was even worse than the typical stereotype and more whiny. The fact that he felt he needed to give the "big reveal" either shows he is an incurable drama-queen or just vicious to the point that one wonders just why the lead has him as a friend to begin with. Messy, sloppy and bad...not worth watching.
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mgrant-842877 November 2021
Warning: Spoilers
I've haven't seen this film, but I think I'm being generous giving it two stars based on the drivel written on the DVD cover.

I think you'd be better watching a rerun of Dynasty than watching this film.
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marcovinicio-7492113 July 2021
Colin is the stereotypical gay man the movies need to stop showing, just worried about himself and his personal pleasure, at the end he is the one that mess up and still is everyone's fault but his.

Interesting plot, but short on character development and very disappointing conclusion. Is sad that although it is possible for something like the movie story to happen, it's not explored or developed further than the egocentric point of view of the main protagonist.

The main problem with the movie, amongst many, is in fact Colin, is a shame that the actor and the writer just show the lack of development for a movie that just feels half baked.
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sheikhtj11 September 2016
I think it's something different story i've seen in this year. I'm always careless about actors. The most valuable part for me is script , acting , story, drama , emotions. Movie is not just for time pass. It's a mirror of our life or like a short view of others life stories. some times we learn , some times we laugh , some times we cry and some times even it gives us a solution and many hints to solve many problems.. (too bad some peoples get it negatively some times) THIS MOVIE HAS IT ALL !!!!

The film actors Colin McCormack and Stewart Wisniewski, two gay men in their late 40s. Longtime friends whose relationship has taken on many of the emotional undercurrents and routines of a non-sexual marriage. Story starts out as a relatively light comedy and soon turns to a very dramatic and emotional story.. Their bond is tested when Colin begins dating an intelligent and brilliant intern younger man( Tee Bloom ) with whom Colin fall in love. But the young man has dark secret,he will take Colin from the skies of success, and throw him in the dark recesses, but when it blurt.. all hell breaks loose in everyone's lives.

Overall i think its a great movie to watch. until you see it you won't understand.. DADDy is not just a Movie, also a fantastic film. Don't know about others but i've watched it like 3 or 4 times and i understood the hints and main messages of this movie..

I wanna thanks to full team of this movie .. Well Done !! Specially well wishes for Director : Mr.Gerald McCullouch , story writer : Mr. Dan Via and Music composer : Mr. Rob Gokee :) best of luck for upcoming works guys...hoping on you guys for giving us some more interesting works <3 <3 <3
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Overall a great movie and worth the time to watch it
joeobyrne10 September 2016
This movie is a good waste of your time if your looking for a way to sit down with some popcorn and relax but grab some tissues because it can get sad. The story kept me tied to the movie screen want to know what would happen every second of every minute. The acting was so well done you wouldn't have thought this was a script you would have thought someone had had a camera filming the actors in their every day lives. 10/10 on acting 10/10 on script 10/10 on everything overall a great movie. I would recommend this movie to anyone straight, gay the works it tackles gay stereotypes about age and that's something i love great job guys.
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Dream Daddy
markjbuchanan21 October 2016
No spoilers - this movie probably won't be for everyone with that twist reveal, but taken for what it is, it's a well-acted independent movie. Gerald McCullouch is a dream daddy! He's a commanding presence and definitely swoon-worthy. The movie also plays a bit on the "non-sexual life partner bit" in that the lead character's (Colin) relationship with his longtime best friend (Stewart) has taken on a marriage-like quality, complete with jealousy and all the emotional ticks therein. When Colin starts dating a much younger man, things get a little heated and it's interesting to see how that plays out. Check it out and see what you think.
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Gerald McCulloch Fan 4 LIFE!!!!
learnmikeyt19 December 2016
This is seriously one of the most well-thought out, well-acted and well- directed movies I've seen this year! Having my own daddy issues in my life, this film resonated with me, pulling me in every direction with every character. Gerald McCullouch is the extremely dreamy Daddy type that you just feel every emotion from! Just looking into those eyes of his in every close up and you just feel for him. Love how the contrast in lighting in the gloomy parts of Philadelphia and the brightness from the perfect weather in LA are done in the movie. Each city becomes a character in the movie. The twist in the plot had me gasping out loud! Incredible performances from, all actors! AMAZING Job!
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'Daddy' Knows Best!
peteranthonymartin26 December 2016
I thought this film was great; a pleasant surprise! The acting and writing were great, the directing was excellent, and I was definitely shocked (in a good way) where the story goes. I was very pleased to see a film that positively portrays a older/younger gay relationship with real depth and heart. But then I was even more pleased with the how the complicated the relationship becomes, it made the story/relationship more real and grounded. I was a fan of Mr. McCullouch from the Bear City movies and his acting is pretty great in each of these films. But I really hope he will be doing more directing in the future. It was some pretty impressive work for his first feature length movie. Dan Via also displays some great acting work for only having a handful of acting credits to his name. Very impressive! I wish I caught the stage version. Looking forward to seeing more from Dan as well. Bravo and congrats to the cast and crew!
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I loved it!
qmmjr28 August 2016
This film was executed perfectly by the full cast! And Mr. McCullouch will bring you to tears with his heart felt performance! I love that the film explores love, relationships, family, friends and all the ups and downs that come with them. But nothing prepares you for this twisted plot! So enjoy and be ready to laugh, cry, get ticked off, etc... It truly takes you on an emotional roller coaster! The only thing that could've made this movie even better is if I myself could've played Colin's love interest! Lol I'm just serious... Kidding, kidding! Great job you guys. I'll definitely be waiting to see what Gerald has up his sleeve next! Enjoy!
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Outstanding Film
mrklauswaldorf11 June 2018
I've watched this film multiple times and never get tired of it. The story is great and it is shot very well. It's highly original as there is a twist that I never saw coming and I know others share that experience. The film moves at steady pace and doesn't have any annoying inessential scenes like many other films have these days. Great performances by the lead actors. Gerald McCullouch & Dan Via in particular had great chemistry together on screen. The film had great dramatic as well as comedic moments giving the actors a chance to shine is both aspects. The score by Corey Tut was another great facet of the film. If you listen to the lyrics of the songs in the background, they correspond with what's happening on screen (certainly not always the case in other films). Recommended to all!
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