Avengers Confidential: Black Widow & Punisher (Video 2014) Poster

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No where near DC's most mediocre efforts
xamtaro9 April 2014
Not content on dominating the big screen with a connected Marvel cinematic universe, Marvel now aims to create a connected anime universe. Avengers Confidential is a loose sequel to to Iron Man: Rise of Technovore. This time, Iron Man takes a back seat to previous supporting characters of Punisher and Black Widow. Following their debacle in Karachi, Frank Castle aka The Punisher, has returned to taking out organised crime lords. But when one of his hits crosses path with S.H.I.E.L.D, Frank is taken into custody. He has stumbled onto a vast international conspiracy involving an old Russian supersoldier programme and mind control. Unwillingly teamed up with s.H.I.E.L.D agent Black Widow, Frank has to deal with superpowered foes way out of his league while Widow must confront a shadowy figure from her past.

It is an intriguing story. Well written and feeling like it came straight out of the comic books. No surprise there that it was written by comic book writer Majorie Liu. This is a cool way to tie The Punisher into the greater world of Marvel anime characters, themselves already sharing a lot in common with the live action movie universe. In live action, The Punisher's gritty mafia/street crime stories just do not mix with the Avengers' high flying superheroics. If they cannot do it in live action, anime would have to suffice.

Credit goes to this movie for coming up with an interesting reason why the superpowered Avengers remain out of the picture. Since you have a villain who perfected mind control, the last thing you can risk is your most powerful heroes turning against you. So they get plain ol human Frank Castle, The Punisher, and plain ol human Black Widow. Except, the "plain ol human" bit is conveniently forgotten about 10 minutes in where both Punisher and Black Widow are able to go hand to hand with super soldiers, dodge bullets, punch people through walls and take injuries that would kill any normal human.

Now, this being Japanese anime, Marvel has allowed Madhouse Studios (creators of classics like Ninja Scroll, Trigun and the rest of Marvel's anime output) to sprinkle their own eastern touch into this tale. The result......a mixed bag. First is the screenplay, written by Mitsutaka Hirota of Ramen fighter Miki and YuGiOh Zexal fame/infamy. It is a stiffled screenplay, clichéd and lacking any of the wit or character interplay that marvel's live action universe excels in.

This is not helped by the mediocre voice acting from both Japanese and English actors. Punisher growls and grumbles his way through the movie lacking chemistry with Black Widow; herself portrayed more as a straightforward hero with a tragic past romance than a sultry manipulative secret agent whom no one can guess what she is planning to do next. This same screenplay turns our main antagonist into some love scorned brat with a serious inferiority complex who subjected himself to experiments to become a superpowered stalker after his old flame.

Once again, Marvel anime serves as a showcase of what anime always gets wrong. Hyper detailed artwork is ruined by animation shortcuts. First time Director Kenichi Shimizu who watched one too many Michael bay movies peppers this show with shaky cameras, extreme close ups and long lingering shots focused on Black Widow's shiny leather clad chest and bum areas. Nonetheless, the character designs look straight out of Vampire Hunter D Bloodlust with long curvy sharp featured women, square jawed bulky men and a shadow for every nook cranny and crease on a character. They look beautiful.

So in keeping with the usual Marvel Anime standards, we have another visually stunning little movie with a decent story but little else in terms of the script, characters and animation. Better than Iron Man: Rise of Technovore of course, and much better than that CGI atrocity Iron Man/Hulk: Heroes United. Yet no where near DC and Warner Premiere's most mediocre efforts.
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Went into it not expecting much and got nothing.
subxerogravity8 September 2015
Did not like it.

It was more talk than action. I kind of hate it when animation is all talk, what's the point? The animation does not even look cheap it looks like some effort went into it. Enough effort for it not to be just the characters talking for 90mins.

Maybe it would be worth the talk if it was not a story I heard many times. Though the addiction of the Punisher is some-what refreshing, listening to the Black widow and Nick fury defend their occupations as spies is only interesting when Sam L Jackson and Scarlett Johansson do it.

The voice acting was not worthy of all that talk. It was like they were just reading their lines and not really well.

I've seen better action sequences and the character design was weak. When The Avengers finally made it on screen, I was not excited to see them at all.

I do like seeing the villain Graviton done for animation but his appearance was to minimal too salvage the film.

Found it uninteresting.
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Humans should not be invulnerable
david-evans-16-5362424 December 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Though the story isn't bad, when you headline two human heroes like Black Widow and Punisher, it would be nice if they had human frailties and vulnerabilities. These two can dodge bullets, move with incredible speed, beat an army of super soldiers, take an amazing amount of punishment without a scratch, etc. I like how the movies portray Black widow. She is a human surrounded by superheroes and cannot really stand toe to toe with any of them unlike in this movie. And why does the Punisher try to shoot Black Widow when he first sees her? Why not just fight her hand to hand? Like I said, good story, but they make humans superhuman, which they often do in cartoons. So 5 out of 10. Also would've been nice to see other Avengers heavy hitters sooner.
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I liked it but I don't really know why ...
alexfromhorn18 July 2015
I read some Punisher Comics and really liked them for their dark atmosphere and more or less discussing that whole thing about if it's OK or not to take justice in your own hands. And guess what? That was not a topic at all in this movie. And why did they have to team up Punisher and Black Widow? I have no idea, they don't really fit together... So the story is basically to stop the evil organization Leviathan from doing a very bad thing. The cool thing is that I liked the idea of this organization cause it was kinda vaguely described and fitted quite well as a placeholder for the Freemasons, Zionists elites, mafia or whoever really controls major crime stuff like weapon and human trafficking in our world. So the antagonist concept worked for me but the execution lacked. The movie starts OK but gets worse and worse, worst point the ending where suddenly some of the Avengers appear and they barely say a word and they are seriously unnecessary for the plot. So that was just a marketing thing I guess. Another thing is why does it have to be an anime style movie? I really don't know but the animation was well done so it's OK yet not the way it should be. This whole movie feels a lot like an 80s action movie and I think that's why I like it but it can't reach the emotional deepness and suspense that many DC animations reached so far - and I'm saying this as a true Marvel fan.
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Pretty okay
dbnguyen8526 May 2014
Warning: Spoilers
As far as Marvel animation goes, this movie generally looks good. It allows us to visit two characters sadly left behind in Marvel's cinematic success, and it does them some justice in a reasonably interesting plot.

There are some problems of execution though.

Black Widow's voice doesn't seem to fit, and is somewhat jarring from the very start. Either the actress didn't quite get it or she wasn't effectively directed, but it just doesn't seem to connect appropriately. Really, the voice acting for her character shines most during the tragic romance plot, which is unfortunately very trite and grating. Her part in it may be fine, but the villain's motivation is highly questionable as he sought to be "strong enough to be worthy of her."

That might be fine in a simpler story with more innocent characters, but when it's a story involving Black Widow and Punisher, both dark characters who should be well steeped in matters of betrayal and cynicism, it feels like a stretch.

Where the movie shines is in its portrayal of the Punisher, who stays consistent to his code throughout the course of the story. Black Widow has some character development for the purposes of the story, but Punisher stays a solid rock throughout.

So it's definitely watchable. The action and animation are fun and well done, accentuating the particular skills of the two protagonists. The story beats hit their marks, but just happen to be ones that are more out-of-character for Black Widow.

So if you have a couple of hours to spare, it's reasonably entertaining. You also don't necessarily need it in your life.
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Marvel should rethink their strategy of the animated film.
maliapac17 March 2014
"Marvel" should stop butchering our favorite heroes by badly reworking them as Japanese anime. I like anime (the good anime) but in this movie the plot, the dialogs, the direction were just as bad as the worst anime titles.

Illogical cuts, characterization of protagonists (especially Punisher), shallow Fury, shallow BW; unnecessary love twist and motivation of the evildoers is so bad that this film could easily be one of the worst comic adaptations ever.

All falls apart in trying to explain the moral code of the main characters and, as we know from the comics, the question of morality for Punisher and Black Widow is the shadow line if there ever was one.

Marvel should employ some good comic screenwriters for their animated movie section and make them see DC's "Dark Knight Returns 1/2" to be sure that the characters and the storyline will be treated properly. That is, if "Marvel" really care about animated section at all. With the last year "Iron Man: Rise of Tehnovore" , "Iron Man & Hulk: Heroes United" and now this; Marvel is making themselves a bad reputation as far as the animated movies go.

Terrible movie. Not recommended to anyone. It doesn't matter if you're comic book fan or not. The people who did it just don't have the slightest idea about the characters on which they were working, and I should say even about good Japanese anime either.
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A formulaic episode of an animated TV series
vsd3246 August 2017
I'm probably not the best suited person to analyze this movie as I am not the most knowledgeable of neither anime nor comic books. I like anime, and enjoy comic book films and television series, but I'm not a hardcore fan. Comic book fans go into movies already knowing the characters for the most part, whereas for me it's like I'm introduced to each character for the first time. In a way that makes me more objective as I don't know what characters are supposed to be like, and simply watch the movie for what it is. At any rate, I watched this movie and here are my thoughts.

I know anime fans have a debate on "dub" vs "sub"—that is whether they prefer anime movies dubbed into English or with English subtitles. While I normally prefer subtitles to maintain the authenticity of the work, in this movie's case, it is more like this is the English version of the movie than simply a dubbing.

As indicated by the title, this movie focuses on the character The Punisher. Even having seen "The Punisher" (2004), my memory of this guy is vague. He is a vigilante character, who is neither good nor bad, who does whatever it takes to protect the innocent regardless of whether his actions are with in the laws or not. He is arrested by the international organization S.H.I.E.L.D. and they plea bargain with him. An evil crime organization, Leviathan, has stolen weapons and plans to auction them off. The Punisher is sent on a mission with Black Widow to stop the sale of these weapons.

While the artwork was vivid, the animation was minimal—I suppose to keep the feel of reading a comic book. There was not a whole lot of movement in the animation, even in action sequences, and still shots of characters' faces or long pans of people or scenery was common.

Overall, the film is formulaic of any episode of a super hero animated television series. The bad guys have an evil scheme and the good guys have to stop it. That's not a bad thing, it's just what it is, and I happened to like that.
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Not so much a movie ... as a marketing experiment
A_Different_Drummer19 March 2014
Warning: Spoilers
**Although every effort was made to be objective, this review is not flattering. If you are a die-hard fan of Marvel animation, regardless of quality or execution, what follows may elevate your blood pressure and cause mild discomfort**

First thing you have to know, I love Marvel, grew up on Marvel in the 60s, the guy at the local drug store actually set aside the issues for me as they came in. So it would be pretty hard to develop a full-length Marvel animation feature that really ticked me off. But, amazingly, the producers of this bizarre production succeeded. Second thing you need to know, Marvel has essentially been taken over by a bunch of suits who think more like Bill Gates than Stan Lee. While the 'sweet money' is chasing the major breakout franchises -- and doing goofy things like remaking "Spiderman origins" FOR NO OTHER REASON THAN TO KEEP THEIR PRE-EXISTING DEVELOPMENT OPTIONS ALIVE -- the real effort is being put into "monetizing" the lost and forgotten properties deep inside the archive that have been collecting dust. Not making this up, Google it!, you will find lots of corporate-speak explaining what they are really up to. Some of this makes sense. For example, digging Captain America out of the ice was a good thing. He is a fun guy. We missed him. But some of the other salvage operations -- Shazam comes to mind -- are stretching the envelope, and not in a good way. Which brings us full circle to this product. (Because that is what it is, a product, not a film, not entertainment). The point here is clearly to rehabilitate Punisher and, to a lesser degree, Black Widow. As the mainstream reviewers have already noted, the other Avengers don't show up here until the very end of the tale and, even then, have very limited screen time. Do I have anything against Punisher? Not really. He is highly derivative of the Mack Bolan Executioner character which popped up some 5 years earlier than his own 'origins', and his live action film attempt was hardly memorable. Otherwise, I was ready to be impressed. And as for Black Widow, Scarlett Johansson has done such a great job with this character in live action that I was simply anticipating getting to know her better. Disappointed on both counts. First the anime. Japanese studios can do bright and sunny (at which they excel) or they can do dark and gloomy, but they seldom blend the two. This production is so gray that you will think something is wrong with your DVD drive or your screen has gone bad. Seriously. As for the action -- what action?? Taking a page from the Avengers live action film -- or at least TRYING TO -- the writers spent most of the first hour in (what they thought was) dramatic banter, and saved the "action" for the last 15 minutes. Which kinda defeats the purpose of animation in the first place, since animation makes it possible to have continuous bangups and beatdowns without blowing the SFX budget -- over at DC animation, for example, they have already figured this out. Marvel however is still struggling with the concept. The end result? -- well, if you factor in the soporific dialog that seems more written BY children than FOR them; the gray sheen and washed out backgrounds; the failed attempt to "breakout" these characters from the Marvel sub-sub-basement -- and a really sloppy "unrequited love" story arc which, in the real world, wouldn't make it to an afternoon TV soap opera -- you end up with one of the most disappointing animation features of all time. Alternate recommendations? Watch instead (literally) ANY episode of the old X-Men TV series, more fun than a barrel of hammers; or Ultimate Spidey, same deal; or, check out DC's full length The Flashpoint Paradox. Unlike this film, that one actually works.
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Impossible to review this movie
josephkalaivanar17 March 2014
It was impossible to review this film because I fell asleep halfway and couldn't bring myself to continue.

Yes. It's THAT bad...and I'm a fan of comic-book animated films having watched most films in the genre.

I'm told that the Avengers do show up in the last 10 minutes. The challenge is to get through the drivel leading up to those 10 minutes. It seems Marvel is overplaying the drama between Punisher and Black Widow - but they are just not compelling enough to keep one engaged. After 10 minutes I felt as if I was watching an animated soap opera.

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AnnaPagrati31 August 2021
Didn't really love this movie! But it was somehow interesting!
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It is bad, it is "Batman&Robin" bad...
oscarallright26 March 2014
Warning: Spoilers
I was writing better stories and dialogue while playing with my He-Man action figures back in the eighties. The storyline is childish and there are dozens of mistakes in terms of logic. The "Everything's wrong with..." team on Youtube would have a field day with this. To list just a few:

  • How the hell the Punisher calmly walked out of that exploded warehouse, completely unaffected by the flames?

  • Cane told The Punisher where the base was and they were not expecting them?

  • Why the soldiers detecting Punisher at the base do not signal an alarm?

  • Punisher kills three SHIELD agents, got locked up in a cell, Fury says he will stay there and you know what? To hell with all that, Natasha will just let him out, take him to the hangar and fix him a transport.

  • What does the so-called super soldiers are good for anyway? We saw one tearing up the streets in the news and that was it. In Madripoor, they all stood there and stared at the heroes while being shot and punched.

  • Elihas has super strength. He can punch through concrete. There is no way the Black Widow can trade so many punches and kicks with someone at that power level.

  • Punisher kills the big bad boss with a knife. Really? The would-be conqueror of the world can be stabbed to death with an ordinary life. I am not convinced that neither the foot soldiers nor the leader of the Levithian was much of a threat for the world.

I can go on about the stupid things regarding this movie but I have already wasted enough of my life for it.

Avoid at all costs. Break up with your lover if he or she insists to watch this.
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Run away and don't look back
jvrichie3 April 2016
This movie is almost unwatchable. Many have pointed out plot holes and poor writing in general but add to that the cringe inducing voice acting, the feeble attempt at an anime tone and the absolutely horrible editing. There are constant scenes of a character saying something in the middle of a conversation and unexplained delays before the other person says anything back. Maybe it would make sense if the director included a meaningful look or gesture or frankly anything but there's nothing. Half the time, while you're waiting for anyone to respond to a line the scene is just everyone standing or sitting and there's no expression on their face at all. I understand "meaningful" pauses but these are just pauses that make no sense.

So the writing is a mess, the voice acting is painful and the editing barely exist. Avoid this movie as if it will give your brain cancer - because it will.
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Totally unnecessary....
chironade21 June 2015
Marvel never stood for dark and gloomy brutality, mutilation and mass murder / serial killings. So this movie simply uses popular characters in order to produce a gore-like film. It sucked at the beginning, it sucked in the middle and it sucked at the end...

Just because most kids nowadays have the IQ of an ice-cube and are trained to watch everything that is lowest quality does not give anyone the right to produce such a perversion of a film. Nothing but mayhem and slaughter, worst dialogue possible and more like that.

Its an insult to anyone who appreciates true stories and art well done. This movie only serves as the best example of one of the worst movies.
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Probably the better of most Marvel animations, but not by much...
oneandonlyrms2 May 2014
Warning: Spoilers
DC's animation department is notable for its voice acting, music, blend of art style and the animation itself. When it comes to animated films, DC nails it 95% of the time. That is not the case with Marvel, and this film is a fairly good example of that.

Starting with the good, the Punisher is the best thing about it. He's violent, cynical, and couldn't care less about SHIELD's mission over his own. Brian Bloom did an awesome job with him, and he'll probably be the only thing keeping your attention the whole time.

That's pretty much the most positive thing that can be said. The music in this film sounds like it came from a cheap porno (or a bad 90's anime film), and while the art is pretty, the animation itself is just bad. It's like watching a bad 90's anime film. And, with the aforementioned exception of Brian Bloom as Frank Castle, the voice acting is awful. Like a...bad 90's anime film...

Actually, that's really the best way to describe this whole movie. It really is like a bad, 90's anime movie, complete with balloon boobs on Black Widow (not like she didn't have them in the comics).

But if you can get past the voice acting, animation and dialog, then have fun swallowing the fact that the mighty, no nonsense Natasha Romanoff gets turned into a typical fantasy Anime schoolgirl whenever she confronts her love interest, Egghead. Yes, Egghead, the robot and/or the dumpy looking Nazi scientist. But don't worry, he gets redone as a brainwashed Bishonen type of guy, creating a star struck love story as Widow unfortunately works for SHIELD and Elihas Star (you didn't really think they were going to call him Egghead, did you?) works for Orion. It is literally the most predictable thing about this movie, and one of the most grating parts of it. You will be happy when he predictably dies on the right side of the law. Because Redemption=Death and The Power of Love tropes just had to be thrown in to this already clichéd romance subplot that was completely unnecessary and does nothing but take away any credibility from her character.

Alright, to sum this up without going to in dept: Action is okay. Everyone's a Jedi who can leap 70 feet in the air and move really slowly. Voice acting is cringe-worthy, dialog is even worse. Punisher's character was the best thing about this film, and Black Widow's good until she gets forced into a romance. And like I've said before, it really does feel like you're watching an anime with every negative anime stereotype, but with American comic book characters.
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More Black Widow and Punisher team ups please
WeAreLive26 November 2017
Warning: Spoilers
This movie was definitely worth my time. Even though I saw this movie before Iron Man rise of technavore this movie was actually better and had more of an interesting story line. As I have stated in my previous review I was never really an anime fan when I watched this but I still enjoyed it.

I am actually glad that Black Widows voice was changed even though it was weird that Black Widow was in a relationship with Elias Starr (Egghead in the comics) and he was a shield scientist in the movie.

The best scene was where a dog was licking Punisher and the final battle. Especially the scene when Hulk says "HULK HATE GRAVITON!"

This movie is good for a teenager or an adult but not for children because Punisher dose a few mature things in the movie.
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Like Wrapping a turd in Fancy CGI
payam-samii-16 June 2015
Warning: Spoilers
Marvel should take a leaf out of DC's book for creating animated feature films...as this has to be the worst thing I have seen on Netflix.

The Dialogue/Script is a joke....almost as if a 6 year old has written it for what she thinks adults would want.

I can't fully express how bad this film is other than the fact that I have been skipping forward large chunks of it and now I am reviewing it even before finding out what happens at the end.

I can't imagine the last 5-6 minutes would somehow redeem this poor excuse of a license cash-in.

I just hope somebody would read this and doesn't pay to see this rubbish excuse for an animated film....as we definitely should not reward the producer/director/writer with any source of income for this trite!
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just Don't
dgeerts-263-5122205 September 2015
Warning: Spoilers
let me explain the main motivation of the evil scientist behind this movie after not good enough for his girlfriend black widow, the man decides to fake his death, join a terrorist organization, kidnaps people and experiment on them.

then later after he talks to girlfriend he immediately changes his mind and tries to destroy everything he made. so its to bad for the guy that he never talked to anybody about his plan or just thought it over for a minute over the many months it must took to do this.

oh there more wrong with this movie like normal humans walking through fire, guards not getting on radio when there buddies are dead, there so many things wrong this movie just save yourself and to people who say they liked this movie i don't get u, how its like watching a grown man slowly eaten by ants and just letting it happen how can you defend this movie! its worse then batman and robin it worse then German scat bondage porn
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Made Punisher look like a bad*** but not much more
ryan_ihs_201126 March 2014
When I saw the title I thought it was going to be more of a Black Widow/Punisher story than anything and I was right I thought it made Punisher look like the bad*** that he is but it wasn't much of the Avengers the last 10-15 minutes had the Avengers appear which was for me the best part but the long drawn out story with Punisher and Black Widow was kinda dry more talking than anything it was somewhat boring but it was nice to see Punisher get to show how great he is the used Avengers in the name to get the dollars but it should have been called "Black Widow and the Punisher: Fight the Lavethian" ft. The Avengers cause that is pretty much what it was if it wasn't for the free ticket to see The Amazing Spiderman 2 that came with it I would be somewhat upset that I spent money on it
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Bad writing
ubermalice26 July 2022
For having so much potential the writing or story telling is simply abysmal. The dialogue is some of the worst I've heard, well... period. The voice acting is solid and the animation isn't bad. Like I said, lot's of potential. So much excellent source material to work with. I have no idea how anyone can write dialogue this terrible.
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Adult action with very old school animation.
face-819-93372623 March 2014
Warning: Spoilers
A rock solid story with very adult animation, that is sadly very old, and tired. The first half of the movie is quite a good story arc with good build up, though once it changes from just Punisher and Black Widow things just seem to be forced, yet no one is ever really good enough. How has animation as a medium not changed in the last 25 years except in the processing power, and rendering speeds? The animation, and most of the side characters in this movie could easily just be cut out, and placed into an older movie like Ghost in the shell, Bubblegum Crisis or any number of movies and shows that have come out in the past 25 years. The facial expressions , and over the top antics just seem like a bad culture clash that doesn't need to be there. I liked the parts of the movie which were spent in other countries, though do not understand why even if the majority of this movie is anime inspired (which is a good thing) do they not make America seem like America? You will understand better when you see it, but the style and mannerisms of the people in each country should be unique, and yet they all feel like a single country like the whole movie was filmed on a sound stage in Hong Kong, or Tokyo. A real plus that you have to give to the movie is that it does look better than the poster. There is no shortage of collateral damage throughout as these superhero battles are wont to leave, and this is Punisher so expect more death than you have seen before in any Marvel movie also there is full frontal male nudity in this one like Dr. Manhatan, only not blue. This is a very Enjoyable movie which I can not help but recommend, and I know I ranted a bit, but you may be getting just as tired as I am with the same same, and like it when things get a bit fresh. Other than the violence level (and this is actually still tame compared to real anime) there is not a lot here that is new.
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Not very wonderful
neil-47624 February 2019
Warning: Spoilers
BlacknWidow and Punisher are teamed up to get to the bottom of some mind-control shenanigans which preclude the use of super-powered Avengers.

This animated feature has an almost entirely Japanese production team and is anime-style rather than western-style.

The story is dull and uninvolving, production design is drab and gloomy, script and dialogue don't grab you, there are too many dramatic tableau poses with no movement, vocal casting isn't great, the style doesn't fit The Avengers and, if pushed to come up with a reason for recommending this, I don'tbthink I could.
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A Gritty Marvel Animation with Moments of Vigilante Excellence but Misses Full Superhero Glory
Mysterygeneration9 January 2024
In Kenichi Shimizu's animated film Avengers Confidential: Black Widow & Punisher, two Marvel antiheroes-Black Widow and Punisher-go on a mission against a mysterious organization. The animation in the movie is amazing, and the battle scenes are expertly coordinated. Popular heroes like Captain America and Iron Man are included to spice up the story. However, the movie lacks the depth and complexity of Marvel's more popular animated features, and it struggles with character development and storyline execution. A deeper investigation of the Marvel universe might be explored through the film's emphasis on Black Widow and Punisher, while several character motivations are left unexplored. The movie ignores a more interesting story in favor of action scenes.
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Slow pacing
ashfordofficial31 December 2021
Second and final film in the Marvel Anime series. As the sequel to Iron Man: Rise of Technovore, this one too had its ups and downs. I couldn't handle its slow pacing and bland storyline.
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Not at all what I was hoping
kit_kat_dog47 October 2018
I love Black Widow, she's one of my favourite heroes, so when I saw this movie at the library I had to borrow it; and I have to say, I was thoroughly disappointed. They tried to make it too much like an anime and forgot that it was also still a superhero movie. Don't get me wrong, I like a good anime as much as the next person, but this was anything from good. Not only this the actual story was lacking too, when I first found it I thought - aha! Black Widow/Punisher team up, it's a great concept, what could go wrong? - Well apparently a lot could and did. Needless to say, next time I go to borrow something like this I'll read up on it first.
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Wonderful blending of Japanese anime and Marvel Universe
crozan6 April 2014
I wasn't expecting much when I turned this on. After the magnificent show of the Avengers, it's hard to elaborate on the fringes of the Marvel Universe. However, this movie goes to show that even the fringes can be as exciting as the main course.

Focusing on the Black Widow and Punisher, this movie was clearly made by a Japanese anime fan for all the anime fans out there. And it doesn't get too aloof with the fact that it is quite anime. I am not a purist, but this was an exciting romp with a little twist of Japanese. Kind of like a light beer with a wedge of lemon.

You get a decent enough storyline, punctuated with fast fight scenes and the Black Widow twisting herself into impossible routines, for your pleasure. The fight scenes are pretty much the highlight of the movie, with the story taking a bit of a back seat, so don't expect award winning script writing.

You will find the dialog a bit cheesy, but we are dealing with a comic book story line. I feel it doesn't detract too much from what the movie is intended to be, purely a popcorn munching, time passing movie. I would probably watch it again in a few years, just to refresh myself.

Graphics are standard Japanese anime, with Black Widow looking thoroughly like what a animator would have imagined her to look, svelte with flowing hair. Punisher gets beefed up and looks precisely like the comics.

Voice acting in my opinion was spectacular. I enjoyed Jennifer Carpenter doing Black Widow - barely recognized her from her Dexter days, but it's definitely her. Brian Bloom gives a great performance as a gruff talking Frank Castle, reminds me of some of his work on A-Team in 2010.

My advice is to watch this with an open, clear mind. Don't expect to see world class action scenes, with Joss Whedon witty banter. It's a Japanese anime mixed into the Marvel Universe and it gets a fair storyline through.

At the end, it's a 5 dollar thrill ride on a roller coaster at a local fairground. Gets the job done, for a good price.

I give this 10/10 for exceeding my expectations and having a solid casting and believable storyline.

Kudos to the filmmakers.
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