All Creatures Big And Small (2015) Poster

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Positive viewing
kosmasp20 May 2016
I have to admit I was surprised when I watched this, because I didn't think it would be as entertaining as it was. Obviously if you take the technical aspect of it, this seems light years away from current Pixar or other animated movies. But when it comes to the comedy and characters it's not half as bad.

Still the standard is high and movies are not only audio, but also how the visual might affect your movie experience. Very small kids may not mind, but teens surely will have an issue and won't understand the problems with making a movie on a budget. Having said that, you should give this movie a chance. Try to see more than just the obvious and you'll have fun
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How do animals deal with a flood?
one9eighty27 October 2015
This is your standard Noah's ark story as the title may elude to (albeit the title varies depending on which country you find yourself watching the film). The king of the animals, a lion, announces to the other animals that a biblical flood is on it's way to wipe out all the life from the planet. There is a plan to save the animals as an ark has been built to carry them for forty days and forty nights until the flood has gone. The animals each have to meet with the acceptance committee to see if they warrant a place on the ark - it seems only certain animals will be saved and unfortunately for the main characters of this film "Nestrian's" (fluffy neon animals with big snouts that walk on two legs and excrete a cloud of smoke when they are scared) haven't been selected for safety. Rather than face the flood and sure death head on, the Nestrian father and son combination trick their way onto the ark with some Grymps (wolf like solitary creatures, walk on 4 legs and likes to get angry). The child Nestrian and Grymp wander off exploring only to realise that they have left the ark and have been left behind to face the flood. At this point of the film it turns into a journey story, the children try to find a way to avoid the flood water while following the ark and the single parents on the ark try their best to get the ark turned around to rescue the kids. The overall moral is teamwork because alone respectively the two groups, kids and adults, wont be able to succeed by working as a team they should be able to survive.

The story isn't epic by any stretch of the imagination as it's based on a story from the bible we've seen many times before, it mirrors other animated films like "Ice Age" and "Finding Nemo" but all the same its harmless fun. Fortunately the film doesn't try and force religion onto it's audiences it simply takes inspiration from a biblical story and goes off on it's own tangent using the inspiration as platform only. The animation was cute and colourful and while the story wasn't the most original the dialogue was amusing at times and there was a mix of gags that both adult and child could find amusing. The clever thing about the film was that as a cynical adult I knew that random animals with names I'd never heard of wouldn't be saved by the end of the film but there was a great twist which showed what happened to the animals God and Noah didn't save. Ultimately the ending is happy and my cynicism was slightly surprised.

This is a European film which has been released in various countries (as mentioned by the title variances) however there is nothing lost and the unknown actors doing their turn for the voices carry off the film with charm. There are occasional problems with the animation but let's face it, this was made with a lot less budget than your next Pixar film is likely to get and for what was invested this is a good way to spend a quiet weekend day with audiences of different ages. I have no problem awarding this 6 out of 10, not entirely my cup of tea but not an awful waste of time by any stretch of the imagination.
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Fun but nothing special
matthewschultz6 August 2015
Warning: Spoilers
This is the type of movie we've seen at least one million times before. It starts out with something big and scary, some kids get in trouble and go on an adventure, they meet someone who helps them on said adventure, the one who helps them looks like he dies, the kids look like their not going to make in, some bad guys show up to make things even worse, then it turns out that the one who helped the kids isn't dead because the movie wants to keep a G rating. I've seen this so many times before and it's gotten so old. But the movie was still pretty fun. It also had a bit of religion in the mix without trying to force it down our throats. I found this movie to be enjoyable but nothing special. It's good for a rental. If you want to buy it, wait for a price drop. This movie is not worth full price. In fact, the only reason I own this movie is because I got it for free on the Google Play Store.
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OK kids' movie
neil-4768 May 2015
Warning: Spoilers
In the rush to get on the ark, Leah (a Grymp, an aggressive foxy-type thing) and Finny (a Nestrian, a gentle, dopey, fluorescent coloured plush toy elephant-type thing) are left behind. While their parents Hazel and Dave try to take over the ark and return for them, they do their best to survive, accompanied by an enormous slug-type thing (called, hilariously, Obesey) and his parasitic, er, parasite.

This kids' CGI film is, I imagine, good fun for smallish children: as you get older there is less and less in it for you (there is one tolerable Tetris gag). The visuals have several good moments, but are mostly unexceptional and there are some obvious areas where no-one has bothered (the vast ocean is well animated, but there is no surface after-effect following splashes, for instance). The characters are adequately realised, but generic. The story is acceptable but not classic. The voice talent is satisfactory but not dazzling (and comprised of unknowns in the English language version, not that that is necessarily a condemnation).

In short, this is a fairly cut-price offering which your little 'uns are likely to enjoy, but you may find it somewhat lacking.
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Nothing great but not a bad movie for a free Google play movie.
jamessturgess-144552 November 2018
I got this movie for free on Google so I didn't lose any money. I figured worse comes to worse it's boring and I can delete it and lose nothing. I was pleasantly surprised by how cute it was and it actually had a few jokes that made me laugh. Nothing new or spectacular about the whole "opposites have to work together" premises but it's tried and true so if it ain't broke don't fix it. I don't know what the deal is with people calling it Christian brainwashing or indoctrination, it literally never mentioned God or showed Noah (or any human for that matter) on screen. It's a movie about weird animals that find out how to deal with a crisis and have a happy ending. Nothing religious involved at all besides the setting. You could take Noah and the ark out of the movie entirely and achieve the same outcome. So don't let the rabid anti religious review (you know who you are) and the confusing evolution vs. creationism (you too) thing that cropped scare you away from this movie. Your kids will probably like it, it's face paced and the jokes and slapstick comedy are pretty rapid fire. It's a turn your brain off movie for children, not an art house flick.
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Great kid movie
sw_mom228 August 2018
Although not a musical it's a fun kids movie. The end takes quite a turn and is a terrific surprise.
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A dull, strange cartoon film not worth watching
SimonJack13 December 2018
This animated film was originally produced in Europe and released in Germany and the Low Countries. There it was titled, in the respective tongues, "Ooops! Noah is Gone." It goes by "Two by Two" in the U. K. and by "All Creatures Big and Small in the U. S. The DVD I purchased has the cover with the title in large letters as "GOD'S Little Creatures." The apparent inability of the producers to come up with one title may be due to the confusion within the film itself.

On the DVD cover, it has a quote from the Dove Foundation that calls it "a charming story of forgiveness." By a real stretch of the imagination, one might come up with forgiveness as a part of a mixed bag of themes. But I doubt any youngsters, for whom this film must clearly have been the target audience, would grasp that. Other promotions and reviews have referred to this film as a comic tale about the animals that didn't make it onto Noah's Ark, an animal adventure, and who knows what all else.

The big problem with this film is it's connection at all with the story of Noah and the ark from the Bible. Any kids in the audience who know anything about that story at all would immediately be confused. Either the writers and producers didn't know the Bible story themselves, or they didn't care if the story made sense. In which case, all kids who know the story would find this confusing to the point of distraction, and dislike for the movie. One doesn't like to think that there might have been another purpose or design of the film - that is, intentional distortion of a Bible story. Then one might wonder and question for what end or purpose.

As an adult, I found the mixture of fable, with the Bible story, and cute animation with fictitious animals to be dumb and dull. But, in some ways it does tell even young children that these are the "dumb" animals. Finny and Leah think Obesey is a slug. Finny and Dave don't even know their real habitat. Nor do Leah and Hazel. Apparently, the film didn't do too well anywhere - with the possible exception of China. I have no idea how much the Chinese box office was in American dollars or British pounds or Euros. But when a movie source such as IMDb only lists the box office take from China and nowhere else, I take that as a sure sign of a flop.

My three stars are solely for the cartoon work of the artists. I watched this to the end just out of curiosity to see if it had a couple of species of animals make it onto the ark that didn't have partners with which to copulate and preserve their species. That's the kind of question that would naturally come to mind for an adult - and even most children above age seven who watch this mixed bag of Biblical story, science, extinction, fantasy creatures, and cartoon adventure. And at the end, it's obvious that Hazel and Leah will be the last of the Grymps.

This definitely is not in the league of "Ice Age" and the number of similar and sequel interesting and entertaining animated films. Best not to waste one's money on this film, even from the dollar bin of dvds.
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Ooops! Noah is gone...
dilipbts21 June 2020
I got this movie for free on Google so I didn't lose any money. I figured worse comes to worse it's boring and I can delete it and lose nothing. I was pleasantly surprised by how cute it was and it actually had a few jokes that made me laugh. Nothing new or spectacular about the whole "opposites have to work together" premises but it's tried and true so if it ain't broke don't fix it. I don't know what the deal is with people calling it Christian brainwashing or indoctrination, it literally never mentioned God or showed Noah (or any human for that matter) on screen. It's a movie about weird animals that find out how to deal with a crisis and have a happy ending. Nothing religious involved at all besides the setting. You could take Noah and the ark out of the movie entirely and achieve the same outcome. So don't let the rabid anti religious review (you know who you are) and the confusing evolution vs. creationism (you too) thing that cropped scare you away from this movie. Your kids will probably like it, it's face paced and the jokes and slapstick comedy are pretty rapid fire. It's a turn your brain off movie for children, not an art house flick.
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Just your standard religious ark story
JHughesd5 September 2015
Nothing more than the standard ark story that every one has had rammed down their throats already. The animation was sub-par for a professional film, this looks and feels like a student film, a halfway decent student film but a student film none the less. The lighting of the shots were highly stylized and in my opinion didn't work out too well most of the time. The story was abysmal, boring, predictable and unoriginal and that's all there is to say about that. The voice acting was decent and probably the best part of the film but was not good enough to save it. And I think this last part goes without saying but be prepared to have Christian ideology and highly judgmental characters rammed down your throat, standard Christian indoctrination film. If this is your type of film then you'll love it however I would like my 87 minutes back please.
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Fairly Unique Movie
e-4300929 March 2020
The film is a fun yet educational way to teach younger audiences a small bit of biblical history while maintaining a standard of appealing to almost all ages.

The animation was fairly good, whilst the films' visuals looked a bit bland and colourless. The plot and story was unique compared to other movies I've seen.

Parents - if you're looking for unique and animated film that doesn't contain much violence and teaches children a small bit of biblical education then I would recommend this movie.
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Creationism vs. Evolution
dougleigh18 January 2016
Warning: Spoilers
The movie is visually engaging and often funny, and it's for these reasons that our 9, 10 and 11-year-old seemed to enjoy it. But the 14-year-old laughed "at it," not "with it." Here's why, I think.

While in no overtly way religious, this is a Noah's Ark story, so by definition it's a biblical story. What's amazing about All Creature Big and Small is the implausibility of it all. The basic setup is that Noah subcontracts who's "on" and "off" the Ark. The Lion - a spitting image of The Lion King, who - first decrees that omnivores can't eat herbivores. Then he gets the final say over what animals can and can't board the Ark. (As for Noah himself: like all humans, he's conspicuously absent throughout movie.) After the flood eventually comes, some on the "out list" stowaway aboard the Ark. So far, standard kids fare.

One creature excluded from boarding the Ark, Finny, is a constantly-worried pessimist while his daughter, Hazel, is a silver-lining optimist. All this proceeds entertainingly enough. But when push comes to shove toward the end of the movie and their lives are imminently threatened, things fall apart. The pessimist learns the value of trust and kinship, while the optimist comes to appreciate the value of force and decisiveness. But rather than leaving things there, the movie makers decide to moralize the story, metamorphosing the now-extinct species into one fit for the post-flood world. The problem, of course, is that evolution - at least as it's currently understood - does not affect a single generation but rather occurs over thousands, if not millions, of years.

On the surface, this deus ex machina is a simple contrivance to create a happy ending for all (excepting the villains of the story). But more deeply it seems to suggest not only that Creationism and Evolution each have their merits, but also that they are not mutually exclusive of one another. How? By force-fitting a "happy ending," allowing *all* creatures great and small (except the most minor and villainous) to survive.

The means by which they survive is wrapped up in their silly (and inexplicably previously-unrecognized) abilities: breathing under water, farting or squirting a noxious fluid, or an oversized slug turning into a whale. These creatures evolve within a single generation, a resolution that is neither satisfying nor plausible. No one we care about dies. Instead,

I suspect that it was not the producer's intention, but by fictionalizing the story of the non-fittest animals, they debase the entire argument of Creationism. So instead of crafting a story in which Creationism and Evolution could plausibly co-exist, by relying on inexplicable Acts of God, the movie debases the prior ideology while making a mockery of the latter.

The movie evades death - particularly the death of a species - in its wrong-headed portrayal of natural selection as something that can redeem an individual life, rather than that which governs the continued existence of a species. Though clearly anti-scientific, the movie might be forgiven as mindless entertainment for kids. The net impact for adults, however, is that in attempting to appeal to both Creationists/Individualists and Evolutionists/Collectivists, neither narrative is coherent.

For some such beliefs in life, there can be no viable middle ground.
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Something to see on a rainy day
bluecatcinema29 May 2015
I don't usually watch dubbed foreign animation, but something about this film appealed to me, not to mention I had a free morning and money to spare, so I went to see it. It turned out better than I thought.

As the biblical flood nears, the father and son "Nestrian" pair Dave and Finny board Noah's ark alongside the "Grymps" Hazel and Leah. Unfortunately, Finny and Leah get left behind, and struggle to survive as the flood waters rise higher. At the same time, Dave and Hazel try their best to find their kids.

This film isn't exactly an epic tale, but it has its moments. There are a number of pop culture references, and a few jokes that genuinely made me laugh out loud. The story of the friendly Finny and the grumpy Leah going on a journey together isn't exactly a unique plot, but it at least makes the "opposites stuck together" shtick work, with additional comedy relief provided by the humongous Obesey and his chatty parasite, Stayput.

What stood out the most for me was the surprise reveal near the end. I won't spoil anything for anyone, but I will say I was genuinely impressed. It may seem a little contrived for some, but if you look back over the course of the movie, there are actually a few clues dotted about. It was actually quite clever, and not something I saw coming.

So, in short, is Two By Two a classic, blockbuster epic? No. But it has its own unique charm, and I can think of much worse ways to spend an hour and a half than watching this movie. Like the Ark itself, it manages to stay afloat.
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Nikkie114 February 2021
I really enjoyed this little movie! The story, based on Noah's Ark, was entertaining. The cartoon characters were creative and interesting. I think kids "of all ages" will enjoy this little film.
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I partly liked it
ktpt-8009722 July 2015
The plot is the same as we have seen, the dialogue is what i really enjoyed along with the same comical response and what has happens in it, which is good. Offers a good message for the young ens.

Though i hated absolutely outraged that an animal was called Fatso insulted over his weight, although it is a kids movie that perpetuates that religion which is all fine, but its for children. We want to teach them not to insult others over how they look. I would have given this a higher rating but because of that it gets a 2 star, the writer really has to do some soul searching of some sort. horrible person or persons, I am not a fan of the religion but i find this is still very watchable an enjoyable and i am enjoying it but hate the parts with the creature being call fatso!

all in all keep your kids away from it , unless you are parents who judge people by there looks and want your kid to do this also!
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Mediocre CGI ripoff of El Arca
bbshockwave19 February 2018
Warning: Spoilers
When I first saw the posters for this, I thought WTF, they remade El Arca (2007) in CGI? But while that movie was funny and (due to being South American) somewhat raunchy, this one is just mediocre and boring. Our heroes are two "nestrians" (what an original name), small furry elephantlike creatures that look like rejected Pokemon/Invizimals - basically, the kind of design you see little kids draw. The flood is here, and a (never shown, guess human CGI was not in the budget?) Noah built his Ark, and the bored King lion assembles the animals for the Ark. Problem is for our nestrian father and his son, they are not on the list. So they pretend to be grymps (foxes with fur resembling some anime's mascot) to get on board, angering the mother grymp and her daughter a lot. See the similarities here already? El Arca also had two humans disguising themselves as nonexisting animals to get on board, as well as the whole "no meat eating on the Ark" thing that was the crux of that movie. They even ripped off effeminate chimpanzee butler. Here however, the plot falls already apart. WHY are a father and his son and a mother and her daughter selected for the Ark??? Did the writers forget that the point of selecting two animals each was so they can reproduce later? Enter our villains, the weird flying fox-like Mr and Mrs Griffin, who A: don't even remotely resemble mythical griffins but bats, and B: despite being flyers who could easily sneak onboard the Ark, they never even try. They just try to eat the two kids who miss the Ark and have to work together to survive. From here on, it's where the movie turns into a boring by the numbers trope-fest... The kids have to work together and of course the grumpy "I can do everything myself, I don't need anyone" grymp girl becomes friends with the clingy friendly nestrian kid. At the same time, on the boat their parents also work together to turn the boat around and learn to like each other. The kids pick up friends, the weird moss-covered giant blob with a mouth and his parasite, and learn to appreciate teamwork, yadda-yadda... All this culminates in a final scene where the movie pulls a 180 and made me slap my forehead so hard it hurt. When the grymps fall into water and the nestrians jump after them to save them, it suddenly turns out they can breathe and swim underwater... What's more, the giant blob was actually a whale! Umm, writers, really? That's NOT how evolution works. A creature won't develop organs and abilities to be used in an environment it never even visited. Or if it was already developed for this, it would KNOW which environment it needs to live in. Even if the writers are creationists, would God create an aquatic creature and place it in the middle of the dry rocky mountains? Overall, a boring Noah Ark's animal story, with a lot of chases and hijinks that lead nowhere, and characters you will forget immediately with the most unoriginal designs I have seen. The CGI was on the level of console game cutscenes. El Arca was no masterpiece either, but it tried to be innovative. This was just boring.
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lower level animation
SnoopyStyle21 April 2019
All the animals have been called to gather ahead of a devastating flood. Not every breed of animals are on Noah's list. The Nestrians aren't on the list. Dave is a Nestrian and pretends to be a Grymp to sneak on board with his son Finny. Finny and a Grymp named Leah sneak away and get stranded when the water launches the Ark. Their parents Dave and Hazel scramble to turn the boat around while Finny and Leah's journey to higher grounds find new friends and new enemies.

This doesn't make Biblical sense and the graphics is not top level. Noah brought the animals onboard two by two but they're mother and daughter or father and son. It makes no sense as the biblical Noah story. The story would work better if a Nestrian couple is left behind. It could be a family and the couple refuses to leave behind their son. It needs to be a version of the biblical story if it is going to work. As for the animation, this pan-European effort is closer to a TV movie from a few years ago. The surface work is lacking. It's not quite artistic enough. It is inferior to its theatrical competitors and that sinks it.
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Absolutely terrible
guinnessbuddy21 December 2019
The film doesn't make any sense and is full of deus ex machina, everything seems to happen out of convenience. The animation is cheap and lazy, I cannot remember seeing a film so poorly made. I know it's "just a kids film" but that doesn't justify having a whale that has somehow lived on land all of its life, and throwing in a dab just to be relevant has got to be the most desperate thing I've seen. I'd steer clear of this movie, shouldn't really be called a movie, I only watched it because I was hungover and was wondering how bad it could get, and believe me it exceeded all expectation in dreadful was.
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The best animated movie with an uninspired name.
ManWithGoodTaste27 July 2015
Commencing the movie defense in 3... 2... 1!

I, like probably many others, thought this was a generic animated motion picture "for the entire family". I was so wrong. So very wrong. Not only was it not generic; it was way better than expected. After all, it was so good, I am giving it a 9!

Okay, let's start with the premise. It is very simple. A single mother and a single father are separated from their daughter and son (respectively), and need to get back together. The daughter is a hunter-type animal who works alone, and the son is a timid-type animal with a natural gift for building things, and a love for warm hugs. It is one of THOSE movies, with the moral being "we need to work together!" It is, as I said, simple, and not terribly original.

Now, the reason I give this movie a 9 out of 10. Despite the simple old-as-dirt moral, the way it is HANDLED is great. Morals take a backseat, while the front seat gets firmly occupied by the action, the gags, and the dialogue. It is like the movie team were given complete creative freedom to come up with as many interesting scenes as possible, and they done all of them. The timing of the action is great, the lines are great, the voice acting is great, and not a single "funny" moment felt forced (to me anyway, some people are much more picky). Actually, this movie reminds me a lot of Penguins of Madagascar, in the way it's structured (simple moral, but runs on non-stop gags).

The animation has to be mentioned somewhere, so might as well mention it here. It is really good. The only parts where I thought things looked "imperfect", was every time tree branches were used. This animated movie does not have the best looking branches out there. Wood aside, all the textures and atmospheric effects are perfectly fine. And in my books "perfectly fine" equates to "nothing being wrong". The animation itself deserves a 9 as well.

You are probably asking at this point: "But what about the Ark? What about Noah? How are those elements used?" Well, I did not mark this review as containing spoilers, and I am not delivering any. Let's just say, the way the "Ark" part of the story is handled, is the most creative way I ever it seen it handled in any movie. And I'll leave it at that.

I won't spoil the ending either, but I will tell you that I did not see it coming. That was some truly great cartoon writing, and I was pleasantly surprised. Now, to reassure you somewhat, I wasn't born yesterday, and seen and read hundreds of stories. I have frames of reference, and I have developed that thing called "taste". The ending of this movie was GOOD. Trust me on that.

Last, but not least, the movie's title. It was changed for every country it was released in, if I am not mistaken. And it is funny, albeit in a sad way. It can instill the wrong impression upon the potential audience (aka, you), that the people who made this movie did not have any idea what they did. I assure you, the naming problem in no way reflects the actual content, because the movie is great. After all, if it wasn't, I wouldn't give it a 9 out of 10.

Watch it. Now. Don't be afraid. It's really good.
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Average kids movie
melesburhan10 February 2020
Its good animation and graphics but not really a family movie which adults/parents can much enjoy but more like for kids ages 13 and below. Simple humour and easy to understand storyline. A movie you can put for your kids to watch when you are buzy with othdr stuff to to take care and they wont get bored with it or ask you the meaninings of certain scenes coz of its simplicity.
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A little of Evolution
praiseworthyusher1 July 2021
Although this theme made the audience expect a more extraordinary story, but you should be satisfied by the chase of two missing children and trying to get back to their parents, with a little taste of evolution concept.

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Wow, this movie SUCKS!
amandamstraub12 March 2024
Wish I'd read reviews before hitting play. Animation is decent, but voice acting is terrible. If you're looking for anything related to Noah, skip this. If you're a Christian, definitely skip it. The take home message is, "God is mean and doesn't let 'different' kids on the ark."

Wish I'd read reviews before hitting play. Animation is decent, but voice acting is terrible. If you're looking for anything related to Noah, skip this. If you're a Christian, definitely skip it. The take home message is, "God is mean and doesn't let 'different' kids on the ark."

Wish I'd read reviews before hitting play. Animation is decent, but voice acting is terrible. If you're looking for anything related to Noah, skip this. If you're a Christian, definitely skip it. The take home message is, "God is mean and doesn't let 'different' kids on the ark."
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A Solid Animated Movie
gattot24 December 2016
After seeing some of the negative reviews for this movie I just had to submit a positive one because this is a good movie. If you are in the mood for a fun animated film, it is definitely worth a watch. This is far from "Your Standard Religious Ark Story" Anyone that believes this 100% did not watch the film. There is 1 mention of Noah, and then its just animal antics on a boat. Some of the jokes are predictable and the writing does feel standard, but there are more genuinely funny moments and surprisingly heart felt ones as well. You might watch the trailer and think this is a low-tier animated attempt, but if you sit down and watch it you will be surprised
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Thoroughly enjoyable
orlink11 January 2017
I really enjoyed it. Although the animation does not have the fine detail (fur, grass) of bigger budget movies, the action sequences, characters, visuals and the soundtrack are great. It is very fast moving and full of refreshing jokes and surprises. The creators of this movie must have had lots of fun making it. I disagree with some other reviewers - it is not your typical Noah's Ark story. Imho, it is definitely original, and not just in the main idea, but in many other aspects of the movie as well. I have not watched it with kids, but I believe small kids as well as many adults will love it. If you feel already tired of the Pixar, Disney, etc. style of animated movies, then see this one.
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Great Movie for kids and their parents
pernillelkpetersen15 September 2018
We watched this movie three times in one day. The kid, who normally doesn't sit still, was spellbound. Good story for both kids and their parents.
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A surprisingly good children's movie.
sagaceline2 April 2016
I'm a huge fan of Disney and Pixar, so I'm usually really sceptical when I see non-Disney movies, but this was actually really good. I was really surprised by how good this was, I've never heard of it and found it by accident, so I didn't have any big expectations for it. But I was pleasantly surprised, I actually really liked it. It had a good plot, and even though it's based on a religious story it wasn't religious at all. God wasn't mentioned, and Noah was only mentioned when a lion told the other animals who built the ark. It also had a really good plot twist/surprise at the end, which was totally unexpected. And my younger brother (6 years old) didn't loose focus from it as he usually does when he watches movies, he really loves this one. It was funny, emotional and just a really nice children's movie.
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