Nobility (2017) Poster


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Could've been so much better...
virtualjupiter4 October 2017
This show has many actors from other great sci fi shows, most notably from the Stargate universe, but the writing for this show is incredibly bad. I want to like Nobility, but every time I watch it I feel let down from the sheer boredom of it. All the jokes are not funny, from concept to performance, each joke is lame and delivered by actors who seem out of their element with comedy. Nobility looks to be a show that was created to compete with The Orville, both of which are riding in on the wave created by Star Trek's new Discovery. I cannot recommend this show, and I feel kind of sorry for the stars who for some reason signed on to this project...
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An Interesting Fan style creation with great Actors
thothmodium16 August 2017
This show has a lot of potential with some great actors in the mix;however it remains to be seen how these great actors will be able to take what will be given to them in the way of plot and writing material and make the show something better. As a long time sci-fi fan I hope this show improves, as the plot seems to be getting better by the third episode. The Special effects are good, the sets might be limited but still get the job done,costumes are spot on and well done. The actors who are of high caliber, seem to be under utilized, but this may change in the future episodes. I will look forward to seeing the next show if/when that happens.
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rather weird
ceyockey-8332527 July 2017
This appears to be a pseudo-parody, but with original elements. Some of the acting appears to be sincere, while others seem to be chewing scenery. Not quite sure what to make of it ... and not quite sure where this has emerged from. Also, unlikely to have episodes beyond the 3 available via Amazon, or so I presume.
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Beauty filter? Why?
maxwicen-348-36931931 August 2017
You start watching and the cast are actually fairly successful actors - well some of them at least. If you've seen other sci-fi series like Star Gate, Star Trek, The Expanse, The Strain etc...You'll be familiar with a lot of the cast.

The problem is that the budget seems to have gone into that cast almost entirely. The set is comparable to what they used in the 60s. The special effects about 15 years old I'd say, or well of that quality at least. I.e a good kid with a computer and time can probably pull something better off nowadays.

The acting is alright I suppose but the camera angles and the writing of the show is not. The jokes seem very forced and there's just too many clichés. When the show starts you think you're watching a parody, which is alright - but you're not. And then it's not alright all of a sudden.

But the worst thing is the apparent bad use of green screens and the HORRENDOUS BEAUTY FILTER. Seriously the entire thing is shot with a beauty filter which makes EVERYTHING look slightly smudged out. It just blows my mind how you can do this.
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Very disappointing
redalert994 September 2017
There are so many things that don't work in this series: 1) the acting is no good 2) it's not funny 3) the story line barely makes sense 4) the campyness doesn't really fit with anything else 5) the washed-out camera work doesn't add anything 6) the Walter Koenig character is flat, disappointing, and basically irrelevant 7) there's no 'sci' in the sci-fi. There's also little to no drama in the fiction.

The exterior ships/combat/space stuff is solid. That was really the only redeeming thing.
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Complete Trash!
tjl-6138321 July 2017
Saw this on Amazon wasn't sure what it was! Looked very cheap. Started watching thinking surely it must be some sort of (bad) comedy. Acting was the worst l've seen in a long time and the special effects look like they were from 30 years ago. Managed to get through the 1st episode, will NOT be wasting any more of my life with this dribble. Avoid at all cost!!
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Slow start, but develops potential
hgoforth-4765930 July 2017
As a fan project, this would be top of the line. You can tell a lot of work went into the visuals, costuming, sets, and so on. The setting is interesting and the framing of a documentary adds a lot of flexibility to how they tell the story without shoehorning in exposition dumps.

As a project that stands on its own, there's definite room for improvement. The writing and characters are a cloying mix of cliché and parody, especially in the first episode. It gets better in the following two episodes once the first one gets a lot of the character introductions out of the way.

The shot composition and camera angles don't feel like they would on a more polished production, especially during action scenes -- it feels like most of the scenes involve cutting between two or three cameras plopped down somewhere. There's hardly any movement by the cameras, which could be a function of the cramped sets and other constraints.

The celebrities they bring in from other well-known Sci Fi/Fantasy shows are a bit underused so far, Walter Koenig criminally so. I get that the series is going for a bit of a Star Trek + The Office angle, which sets him up to be Scotty mixed with Creed Bratton, but really he just mumbles unintelligibly most of the time.

All that said, I still want to see what happens in episode 4 and on. I think this is a show with real potential.
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What can be worst than the Orville?
eries-195-98714911 September 2017
Where to start with this show? When I saw it available on Amazon Prime I was impressed that Torri Higginson and Christopher Judge were part of the show. The excitement stops there.

I was disappointed when I realized that Christopher Judge was more of a cameo appearance. He sends orders through a view screen for a few seconds on each episode.

Torri does her usually great acting but I truly don't understand why she's in this low budget series.

Placed 700 years in the future the pilot is a young Asian cowboy and when I say cowboy I mean he wears a cowboy hat and acts like he's fresh off the farm. He even carries a side shooter pistol which I'm sure comes in useful in outer space.

Walter Koenig plays the ships engineer. His character is a senile drunk that reminds me of Colonel Tigh (Terry Carter) from Battlestar Galactica. Just more strange and awkward. Honestly I didn't even realize who he was until I saw the IMDb credits.

The ships psychiatrist (Doug Jones) is plain creepy and disturbing.

The director(s) can't make up their minds. It's a serious Sy-Fi Fantasy, no it's a Slapstick comedy, no it's something else, and the cycle goes on and on. Very uncomfortable to watch.

Yes the special effects are lacking a bit. There are little drones that are part of a documentary that's being made during the show. Kind of a show in a show. There are these odd moments where characters are being recorded and we're seeing the recording as if it's a playback. Kind of like a captains log but with annoying animations that are just in the way.

There are a few characters that I want to like and I can see some acting quality from time to time but then suddenly they go off and do something stupid, unrealistic, unbelievable, or just plain not understandable. Maybe it's not all their fault but sometimes you just got to say no way am I going to do that.

The upside, I liked most of the story line, and some of the action scenes are decent quality. Even some of the special effects are nice.

The downside, some special effects are lame, transition between sense are poor and I believe during the 2nd episode a few scenes are out of order.

Final comments. I wouldn't want to be on a cruise ship with these characters let along on a star ship. Should you watch it? Only if you can doing something else at the same time.
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I could barely finish episode 1
jinkies-2904224 August 2017
Sorry to flame it but the dialog in episode 1 was terrible, the acting ( over-acting ) and directing were not that good either. The fight scene was extremely lame. CGI was OK but still B quality. The concept seems OK but the only documentary / reporting I saw was some occasional CGI video drones floating around. I think the whole set was under par and the lighting didn't help much. I want an hour of my life back
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Worth a look
kyose-9035422 August 2017
Liked it. Low budget brought out the creativity. The cast list is at who's who of science fiction . Campy, in the future, a dysfunctional government is represented by a equally dysfunctional flag ship. Walter Koenig is a Tourettes affected engineer. Star Gate is well represented. it could develop a cult following.
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Don't bother
amaranthim-talon9 August 2017
I watched the first five minutes- Perhaps by some miracle it arises out of its pre-existing ashes- but it is doubtful. If you have a strong stomach, give it a shot- I have more important things to do, like watch the snail races... I had added it to Prime viewing because it had so many of the actors I enjoyed in much worthier endeavors. Sadly, after those first five minutes I decided they should have remain doing soap commercial or similar because this crap is washed up from the start. Blech- I wish I could un-see it.
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Utter mince
hungmosquito1 September 2017
This was pure and utter mince. The acting is a class of overacting rarely seen outside of the 50's & 60's B movie genre. Lines are delivered with a nod and wink that I guess is to suggest that this show is meant to be lighthearted, fun and not to be taken seriously. It succeeds in all of those aims and sadly keeps on plunging ever downward, spiralling wildly out of control.

If the script was remotely funny or is meant to be. It failed. There is zero humour or a suggestion of any to come. So, all in all, the writing is awful, the acting is astounding in its awfulness and the special effects range from 80's kitsch to reasonable.

Save yourself time and watch Rick & Morty reruns.
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Not Sure What This Is
DanielCox-943-92417816 June 2019
INMD lists it as a single event, yet Amazon Prime has it as Season 1, Episode 2 and Season 1, Episode 3. Many of the people listed in the cast are not in the viewable episodes, so I assume they were in episodes that were never aired. The funny thing is I started out with a 7 rating and as I was writing the review it kept dropping to its current 5. I may come back later and drop it further. The concept was there but the writing was weak. The cast looked great, though most of the acting was just phoned in. In many ways it was a near parody of the early Star Trek show. I can see why it never made it past the filming of the third episode.
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Dreadful, tedious waste of potential and time
dzenglish10 September 2019
There are some shows and films (like Ed Wood films) that are so bad they achieve a twisted genius. Nobility is NOT an example of 'so bad it's good'. It's just plain bad. Being a fan of Star Trek, Stargate, Orville and Sci-fi in general i found this "series" to be offensive that it employed veteran sci-fi actors and used them in this awful awful show. Did the actors lose a bet? Did they owe some studio executive money? Lest anyone accuse me of not giving "Nobility" a chance, I watched all 3 episodes, but the were consistently AWFUL! I'm left with more questions than answers, but not enough interest to seek them out. The biggest question i have is "why!?" Who funded this and why? Who wrote this? How old were the writers? At best, the humor seemed to target the preteen male demographic. Walter Koenig's engineer character seemed to be suffering from open alcoholism - stumbling through the ship on duty drinking from a pint bottle of alcohol with a straw. Hilarious!!! Koenig's few pieces of dialogue were nonsensical, suggesting either Alzheimer's, Tourette syndrome or some other mental disorder that would have provided the writers a endless source of humor. The pilot, "Taka" is a Japanese cowboy hat wearing bundle of juvenile laughs starting with the classic inherent racism of "Asian driver" jokes. For some reason, Taka sat spinning in the captain's chair singing " the wheels of the bus" and telling jokes while in the middle of an armed conflict. Soooooo funny! I feel sorry for the actors that appear in this drek! If you insist on watch this, remember... You were warned!!! This is just plain bad! I can't imagine any amount of weed or alcohol could make watching this show an enjoyable experience.
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Not for me
tungrian6 January 2018
Poor acting and weak childish humour. It must improve a lot to be the equal of "The Orville" (which watch to see how it is done!)
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More a Fan made story with stars and fancy camera stuff
rncolbath9 August 2017
This isn't a big seasoned studio production but uses stars from Stargate SG1, and other series, a bit cheesy but entertaining, starts slow as characters shape there personalities and then it's off like a wild fire on the move and your hooked, unless you don't have a funny bone, curiosity or love of sci-fi, gotta see and not listen to nay sayers, can't wait for the rest of the story as it ended without finish but it won't happen if it don't sell at Amazon so go be entertained and show the producer and crew there is a place in the market for there product, thank you
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craftstarspc9 September 2017
Given the budget, the quality of this production is simply amazing. That cast is great, the character development is excellent. The story has a lot of potential. The only down is the limited special effects. I think if these people had the budget, this would be an extra ordinary series. Somebody please pick this up and fund it accordingly.
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Good for what it was
w-30239-8678519 October 2018
I found the show was a parody with a little drama mixed in. Yes it appeared low budget but perhaps that was on purpose and part of the satire. To erie: the Col Tigh you're referring was not Terry Carter. It was Michael Hogan. Terry Carter played Tigh in the 1st series era 79-80.
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