Jay and Silent Bob's Super Groovy Cartoon Movie (2013) Poster

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Not the Movie It Should Be
gavin694230 September 2014
Jay and Silent Bob hit the lottery jackpot, and use their cash windfall to become crime-fighting superheroes.

This short film should have been along the same lines and the same animation style as the failed (but loved) cartoon series. This, however, is not the case, and rather seems to use "Jay and Silent Bob Strike Back" as its jumping off point. From there, it is an endless stream of jokes that are crude even by Kevin Smith's standards (the obsession with penis jokes, ejaculation and anal sex never stops).

Smith's legions of fans seem to be going strong. Shrinking, perhaps, but still a powerful force, and surely many will watch this film. One suspects, however, that few will really enjoy it.
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Eh, it's ok.
baronvonpiano19 May 2020
I mean, it's alright. I got a few chuckles out of it. The story itself was good, the cast was great. The art style was weird it looked like something out of Mad Magazine or the Mad TV show from Cartoon Network. The movie was EXTREMELY graphic, and I don't just mean for violence, I mean the other thing too. I guess they figured they could get away with more since they were animated instead of live action, but it was just kinda gross. I didn't hate it, but I didn't love it either. This was definitely the weakest thing to come out of the View Askewniverse.
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dellamorte-4486914 November 2019
Disappointingly stupid. I expected BAD but this was worse than that. Full of forced jokes as well as cheap animation
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Such a wasted effort
I've been hoping for an animated movie from Kevin Smith since the Clerks cartoon first aired. This isn't it. It looks like garbage, seriously, if it was a 2-5 minute youtube video it would be acceptable to be this badly animated. Kevin needs to get over his "I smoke weed now so everything is the best thing ever" bullshit and start writing things that are actually funny again. He has consistently gotten worse over the last few years. Everything is dumbed down even more than it was. Jay used to be the stand-out idiot in his movies, now everyone is just as dumb. Dude seems to be comfortable being a lazy writer and recycling the same gags over and over again but the guy who made Clerks wouldn't respect the current hack using the name Kevin Smith.
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heftymartin27 September 2014
I honestly rate "Jay and Silent Bob Strikes Back" as one of the funniest movies. But this... man I dunno what's up. It's just not funny. None of the plot, gags, situations or lines are funny, Nothing is original. I believe it takes genius to make stupid things funny. It's really lacking here. But enough on the content. What about the animation? Well it's awful. Badly drawn, no style. Not in a funny way like South Park. Badly animated, but not in an aesthetic way like TV-anime where frames are dropped and motion is reduced to the bare minimum using ingenious methods. No, it's just really poor. I like Kevin Smith's movies up to around Clerks 2 then it all went to crap. I actually think Jay and Silent Bob hold their own as characters, while Blunt Man and Chronic is just an empty void of infantile ideas with no backbone.
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Something that would've been made by somebody with no respect for the material - not the person who created these characters
StevePulaski11 May 2014
It happened to Cheech and Chong (sadly), it happened to Achmed the Dead Terrorist (whatever), but now they've crossed the line with Jay and Silent Bob. An animated movie featuring Kevin Smith's iconic stoner characters Jay and Silent Bob has been in the works for years, and when a trailer for Jay and Silent Bob's Super Groovy Cartoon Movie circulated early in 2013, the dream had finally materialized into a project. Smith would be going on a tour throughout the United States showing this film at festivals and following it with one of Smith's trademark Q&A sessions. The unfortunate thing about watching Jay and Silent Bob's Super Groovy Cartoon Movie is that no witty, refreshing Q&A by Smith follows to wash the pungent taste the film itself leaves in ones mouth.

I'm not particularly sure if I've outgrown the humor brought on by Jay and Silent Bob over the years, or is Smith has just dumbed the humor down to inconceivably low levels. All I'm sure of at this point in time is that Jay and Silent Bob's Super Groovy Cartoon Movie is a poor excuse for such a highly-anticipated project. A cheap, underwritten parade of lackluster animation, annoying characters, and writing one would expect from someone who doesn't care about the characters, their impact, or their legacy - not from the soul who created them and who plays one of them.

The film is based off of Smith's Bluntman and Chronic comic book series, with the characters serving as the alter-egos of the film's titular duo. It concerns Jay and Silent Bob (voiced by Jason Mewes and Kevin Smith, respectively), two stoners who still spend their days hocking marijuana in front of the Quick Stop Convenient Store. One day, they look into participating in a radioactive experiment of sorts so they can earn five dollars for participating. Even though they back out because of fear of injection and needles, they receive five dollars, which Silent Bob spends on a scratch-off ticket and is awarded $10 million.

The two decide to act out their fantasy of being crimefighting heroes, with Silent Bob assuming his role of "Bluntman" and Jay assuming his role of "Chronic," Bluntman's ignored, less-loved sidekick. The two manage to get on the nerves of every hideous villain there could be, from a man whose wish to have larger genitalia turned him into a giant, walking penis, to a nerdy, comic-book fanatic who lives with his parents.

The immediate disappointment is how Jay and Silent Bob feel like they're subjected to the background of their own film, with almost fifteen minutes of the film's already short fifty-eight minute runtime dedicated to looking at the grotesque villains of the film. The villains seem less like practical villains and more like the brainchildren of prepubescent teenage boys. One could say most of Smith's films feel like they were written and conducted by such a group, but Smith's films also had the beauties of conversational realism, hilarious monologues that critiqued daily life and etiquette, and possessed a rare love and admiration for the common man.

Everything Smith's early films predicated themselves off of is lost with Jay and Silent Bob's Super Groovy Cartoon Movie, which does nothing but cheapen the characters by giving them dialog comprised entirely of swear words, marijuana references, and a zinger like "snootchie bootchies" or "snoogans" thrown in for good measure.

Finally, there's the animation, which is simply inexcusable. Even as a lover of animation with an older aesthetic and something that isn't overly-polished, pristine CGI animation, I found this animation to channel on the poor qualities of the Top Cat animated film. Made for about $69,000, according to Smith, Jay and Silent Bob's Super Groovy Cartoon Movie looks like it was made in an older Flash program. The film's director, Steve Stark, was said to be an "animating genius" by Smith himself, and perhaps he is when he is not working with lackluster imagery on a project marketed for adults but will likely only please teenage boys.

There is something so incredibly disheartening about the way Jay and Silent Bob's Super Groovy Cartoon Movie takes two great characters and throws them into an unwatchable picture with no redeeming value. Jay and Silent Bob's memorable banter that was present when they would harass the public is replaced with oversimplified statements, and instead of enjoyable side-characters, we get irritating villains in their place. It's only all the more appalling when we remind ourselves that the person who made this devaluing picture created the characters it centers on, in addition.

Voiced by: Jason Mewes and Kevin Smith. Directed by: Steve Stark.
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(In)decently funny
Bored_Dragon22 February 2018
Jay and Silent Bob in animated adventure in manner of "Jay and Silent Bob Strike Back", just more politically incorrect, more vulgar and more over the top. Not quite original or high quality, but definitely entertaining. They spoofed everything - Guardians of the Galaxy, Spiderman, Daredevil, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, Captain America, Clerks, Batman, X-Men, Carrie, Superman, Star Wars, Back to the Future. Racial and homosexual jokes are implied.

  • What kind of comic book could this be without quick cameo from Stan the Man...
  • Marvelous!
  • You two think you're the only superheroes in the world? Hey, you became part of the bigger universe now.
  • You mean DC universe?
  • No, no that emo crap. I'm here to talk to you about joining the Stan's Avengers initiative.

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What A Disappointment
Astor222 September 2014
The highlight of Kevin Smith's Comedy Writing has to be Jay & Silent Bob Strike Back. This movie split my sides from beginning to end.

This latest effort, looks like a hash and rehash.

Back in 2001, pot humor was fresh and edgy. Nowadays with 26 states having some legal medical pot on their books and a rapid number of states getting ready to legalize, it's so ho hum now. Time for a new shtick.

The villains. Ugh. The villains. Puerile stuff. Somebody needs to explain to Kevin Smith that he's a bit over-fixated on Dick jokes & cum humor. He comes off as a 12 year old who just discovered his first wet dream.

There are too many in-jokes that are obviously derived from his podcasts to be of much entertainment value to me. Honestly, I tried listening to a couple of the podcasts and found them to be, voilà, a lot of Dick jokes and pot humor. It gets old fast, as did this cartoon.

The animation quality is what you'd expect for $69K.
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Neil Gaiman+
mdlortz16 February 2020
So unless you're a Jay and silent Bob cinephile. I wouldn't recommend this unless you like Neil Gaiman and him saying p***y
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Lazy writing low quality animation
airfaith7 August 2017
There isn't much work from Kevin Smith that I don't like and I love the jay and silent bob characters but honestly I just found this boring, referencing as many of his own movies as possible referencing as many superhero movies as possible and.... no actually I think that is about it, I did laugh around 3 or 4 times throughout but I had to force them and even afterwards I just felt kinda dirty, like "omg did I even just laugh at that" moments, wasn't anything like the comics or anything was more like a bad episode of the Clerks animated series, the kind of episode you would press skip on if it actually was from that series, kevin smith constantly popping up to explain to the audience how they don't feel the same was as their comicbook counterparts I just felt this was lazy rushed and for the sake of making an animated movie rather then doing it because it would be hilarious or quality content. Give me the comics or even the movie but the animated movie, no thanks.
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It's Hilarious
jonathanbarnes0117 September 2014
If you're a Kevin Smith fan you'll love this movie. It's classic Smith and of course add's pop culture references like he does in all his movies. If you watched the Clerks Animated TV Series, then you'll enjoy this as well. It's done the same way. Don't expect it to be just like Clerks, or Chasing Amy and Dogma because it's not. I don't understand why people don't enjoy it because its full of hilarious scenes that will have you in tears. I believe people were expecting it to be an animated version of Jay and Silent Bob Strike Back sequel.I think the only thing that took me by surprise was that Kevin didn't direct it him self.
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A bad YouTube video
wonnabehero-0915915 June 2020
This film was disappointing. I love the View Askewniverse. I love the Clerks animated series. This was like watching a bad YouTube animated video. The animation was just bad, the voice acting was bad. It was just bad. I would give it a miss. The worst thing about it is that the comic it is based on was pretty good.
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OMG! My Children are Scarred for LIFE...
dragonroars-5781216 September 2015
Anyone with Netflix this month can watch this wholesome turd... including your kids! I don't have children, but I could just imagine mom or dad popping this on and leaving the room for the kids to watch.

It features the two stoner superheroes, Bluntman and Chronic fight bad guy villains such as;

Lipstick Lesbian - who was just insulting to lesbians, I feel ya girl.

The Diddler - Specifically stated in the movie as "the only BLACK villain", who consistently had his hand in his pants ... jerking it.

Dick-head - Yes, a mutated man who fell into a vat of Viagra and turned into a talking penis.

Newsgroup - An internet nerd with no life and a touch screen embedded in his chest.

Cocknocker - The man with a fist bigger than his head used for groin punching. Sad to say, Tara Strong did the voice for this one. She is better known for doing voices on kid shows like; The Fairly OddParents, Teen Titans, My Little Ponies, and Power Puff Girls. Tara, if you ever read this, change your name and run away. The money was not worth the humiliation.

So that about sums it up. Pop this on only if you are interested in viewing a pornographic cartoon about murder, rape, and drugs. Seriously that is the theme.
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Jeremy_Urquhart11 March 2023
Absolutely atrocious. It's easily one of the worst animated movies I've ever seen. Makes me question whether I've actually ever liked a Kevin Smith movie.

I wasn't aware it was written by Kevin Smith initially and was shocked to learn it was actually written by him. Not that he's always an outstanding writer (I think some of his movies are funny but whatever), yet this is even lazier than Yoga Hosers and Jay and Silent Bob Reboot. It's arguably not as bad because it's only one hour long, instead of 90 minutes, but it's still easily one of his worst, with those 60 minutes feeling much longer.

Even big fans of Kevin Smith need to steer clear of this.
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If you're a kevin smith fan avoid this
Pukeonthestreet10 February 2020
I'm not sure if this is when he started smoking weed in real life but this is the worst thing he's ever been a part of. Not funny and horrible. I saw it on Netflix and love his movies but this was awful.
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If you dig Clerks and Jay and Silent bob humor you will like it
ilcool9011 April 2020
It's vulgar, politically incorrect and utterly silly. But that's Kevin Smith and if you like his humor and his comic books you will have an hour of laughter. I will take this one over Jay and Silent Bob reboot any day.
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