The Prey: Legend of Karnoctus (2022) Poster

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Not great, but contains the best one liner in the history of cinema.
YourMyWifeNow12 July 2022
I love a good B movie and this was firmly at the bottom end of the scale.

I should have known as soon as I saw Danny Trejo's name. He's the kiss of death for any film.

The dialogue is terrible. The opening scene to introduce us to the cast, is unbelievably bad. Some of the acting is sub-par. The effect aren't great... but somehow, if you take all that into consideration and know what you're going in to, it's bearable. There's just too much creeping through the caves whispering to each other and not hearing gunshots around the corner, despite being deep in a cave system.

I opened with 'the dialogue is terrible', but it's well worth enduring this film just to bear witness to Nick Chinlund perfectly delivering what might be the best action movie one-liner in cinema history, just before his climactic fight.

All in all, it's a fairly decent, low budget, monster flick, as long as you go into it knowing what to expect.
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Expected it to be Crap -- and I Wasn't Disappointed!
nb-1988111 July 2022
There's a thread of a workable premise here, but the overall execution is completely flawed. Terrible acting. Ridiculous monster.

It's like a crappy, low-budget mashup of Three Kings and Predator -- but on the former flick's catering budget.

Plus, we have seen everything here before, and done better.

And what, was Adrian Paul passing through town and decided to "star" in a 2-minute, completely throwaway part? If so, where was Bruce Willis?

Sadly, this is hot garbage.

You have been warned.
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Danny Trejo, why do you do that.
einsamer_boy11 July 2022
The trailer alone reveals how bad the film is.

---------------------------------------------------------- Low budget with a cheap, embarrassing monster.

-------------------------------------------------------- There are bad actors that include a C-movie.
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I watched the trailer
laudateestchristus12 July 2022
Yes, I watched the trailer and that's why I gave it the benefit of the doubt and at least gave it a 2. All you have to do is see the monster to know your kids would laugh at it before begging to turn it off.
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Danny Trejo bait and switch
continuumx14 March 2023
I watched this because Danny Trejo was prominent on the poster. Do not be fooled as I was. He is in a few, brief scenes early on and then disappears for the rest of the movie.

The movie starts with some Afghan guys in a cave somewhere doing...something. Making drugs? They get killed by a monster. Then it cuts to some unspecific special forces black ops guys planning a very vague heist to steal...something. Gold I think. They are planning on hiding it in a cave. Coincidentally, it's the same cave. Then we cut to a group of soldiers in a village...somewhere doing...something who are then ambushed by...someone for...some reason. They take shelter in a cave which is, coincidentally, the same cave again. I guess the special forces black ops guys were going to hide their loot in a cave right by a village for some reason. The entrance is caved in and they are trapped with the monster...whatever it's supposed to be.

This movie is pretty bad. There are a couple of decent B movie veterans but most of the actors are pretty terrible. Most of them are not at all believable as soldiers. They scream, run around and randomly point their rifles at each other in a way that would get them kicked out of a local gun range. Most of the characters seem to have never heard of things like discipline or chain of command. One has multiple neurotic meltdowns and no one says a word. There is a part where people are hallucinating for some reason. Then it's just kind of dropped. It doesn't really serve any purpose but to pad the running time. The creature is only seen in glimpses early on. They should have stuck with that because it looks like crap. Once the monster starts attacking, it's just a pile of monster movie cliches until the cliche ending. It's not the worst thing ever but there are lots of better monster movies out there.
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This is a very bad film
iliasalk22 July 2022
Complete trash. Low budget, cheap movie. Bad actors, bad script, And for you fans expecting something more from the "stars" in this film, Danny Trejo and Aaron Paul just under 1 minute participation at the beginning. Just a joke.
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Terrible, absolutely terrible!
faenell25 July 2022
I wanted a refund in the first 60 seconds. Anybody having anything to do with this movie should be ashamed of themselves. The dialogue is stupid, unoriginal and predictable. The monster is a bad Halloween costume. I probably won't admit I watched it.
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Good from far and far from good
AussyKoala1 August 2022
Boy this movie dragged on...awful acting..semi decent monster, but the worst acting ever! I wouldn't pay $2 to watch this again! Heck you couldn't pay me to watch this dreck.. precede with caution!
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Nothing to see here really, move along, move along...
paul_haakonsen17 July 2022
Well granted, I wasn't really harboring much of any particular high hopes for this 2022 movie titled "The Prey: Legend of Karnoctus", given the movie's synopsis and also because of the cast ensemble. But hey, I do believe in giving a movie a fair chance, and thus I opted to sit down and watch what writers Matthew Hensman and Gustavo Sainz de la Peña had to offer with this movie.

And just as I had expected, then it wasn't a whole lot of great storytelling or entertaining movie that was delivered here with "The Prey: Legend of Karnoctus". In fact, the storyline is pretty simplistic, almost to the point where it was becoming non-existing. So you're not in for an extraordinary cinematic experience if you opt to sit down and watch what directors Cire Hensman and Matthew Hensman dished out here.

The narrative is dull, especially since there isn't a whole lot of anything exciting happening throughout the majority of the movie. And watching American soldiers being trapped inside a cavern just hardly count as proper entertainment for me.

The movie didn't really have an impressive cast ensemble, with the majority of actors and actresses being all unfamiliar to me. But hey, at least that is something I enjoy in movies, as the performers aren't associated with other previously portrayed characters or roles. So at least that worked in favor of the movie. Just a shame that the actors and actresses literally had nothing to work with in terms of proper script, storyline, characters or dialogue.

"The Prey: Legend of Karnoctus" is a movie that came and went without leaving a lasting impression, much less actually managing to stand out. I do believe that come tomorrow, then I will already have forgotten about this movie entirely.

My rating of "The Prey: Legend of Karnoctus" lands on a very generous three out of ten stars.
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Danny Trejo... need I say more?
confirmeddeath25 July 2022
The dude literally goes around asking to star in the worst movies possible.

I think his first question to any role is "Is it going to be crap? Then I'm in it!" I like the guy and enjoy his movies, but damn!

Tho tbh... he wasn't really in this movie.

I'd given the movie a higher rating had it not been for the fluctuations in the monster power... At one point It has the power to crush skulls, at a different moment It's throwing punches with a weak old man and the old man isn't even bothered by the punches of the creature that crushed a skull as if it was a deteriorated old balloon.

You don't go making a running film where the bad guy runs 200km/h at one point and then at a different point, can barely keep up with a guy running 30km/h...
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pavanadina-1609913 July 2022
I Loved it! Fun! Reminds me of the 80's movies... Predator meets Goonies!

Best movie i've ever seen with an Afghani Sasquatch!

The Prey: Legend of Karnoctus reminds me of The A-Team, it's got these bad ass mercenaries that meet a platoon of young soldiers. Together they face off against impossible odds, an Afghani Sasquatch, known to the locals as KARNOCTUS. The whole movie has a Predator vibe but then lots of humor like Big Trouble in Little China or Army of Darkness.

If you want a fun ride with expected twists, this movie is for you.
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Interesting Premise, but Falls Short
Reviews_of_the_Dead15 June 2022
This is a movie that I was turned on to thanks to Justin Cook who sent over the screener for review. What caught my interest was that it featured Nick Chinlund and Danny Trejo, who were both in a movie together that I love, Con-Air. I think both are solid actors in specific roles. Outside of that I saw this was horror according to Letterboxd and was an action movie, I was in to see what this had to offer.

Synopsis: a platoon of U. S. soldiers in Afghanistan searching for Taliban become trapped in a cave and are hunted down by a deadly creature.

We start this in a cave. There are Afghan soldiers. It looks like they have a workshop or a laboratory, something along these lines. They get attacked by a creature that is living there. It pulls them deeper and appears to be eating them.

The movie then shifts us over to seeing a map. There is a crew that is planning a heist where they're going to hijack a truck, hide the loot in a cave until a helicopter comes to extract it. We then meet the team doing this robbery. They're led by Tagger (Chinlund). With him is Vega (Danny Trejo), a sniper by the name of Gunnar (Adrian Paul), Reid (Kevin Grevioux) and an older guy driving their tank. Even though they're outgunned, they take what they're after.

It then shifts over to another group that is from the synopsis. There is a platoon of soldiers. We get to know them a bit as they debate what the best toys, video games and what not were growing up. They then head out. The problem is that they go to the same village the heist went down. It is there they get ambushed. They are decimated and a few of them seek shelter in a cave. It turns out to be the same one our crew from before is hiding.

Tagger isn't happy that they're there. Despite his rough exterior, he can't let them die. He decides to help them and he also needs them to find another way out of the cave. The entrance they all used was destroyed in an explosion. They venture deeper and make a grisly discovery. This is also the same cave from the beginning as well. There is something that isn't human hunting them.

That should be enough to recap this movie. I was going to try to introduce more of the characters, but I'll be honest, there was so many that it was hard to keep up. I'm fine with that as I knew from that opening scene with them that they were cannon fodder. A lot get decimated in the ambush and that still leaves quite a few once we get to the cave. From that point, I like the setting. I'm not claustrophobic, but there is something about being trapped in a cave that scares me. Then you are also adding in a creature, we have a good recipe.

Where I want to start delving in deeper is with the idea of a creature feature facing off against soldiers. Before I do that, this movie is trying to push an interesting commentary. We have a special forces team led by Tagger. He hints to soldiers that they're sanctioned to be there by the U. S. government. They probably were trained by them but are rogue. They're out to steal whatever is in the boxes. This team robbed a terrorist group that was armed by the C. I. A. This has happened in the past and probably still is happening. I like that we are seeing the soldiers being overmatched there. With how highly trained they are, they go against this creature who can pick them off. When you have a group that you think is better equipped and unable to overcome something, that adds tension for me.

The last of the positives I'll go into would be the creature itself. I did a quick search to see if this was real in lore, but the only thing that came up was this movie. Even though it isn't something that people fear in real life, I like what they did. They went practical with the look of the creature for the most part. It is a yeti of sorts. It has glowing eyes and blood. What is also interesting is that the creature can use x-ray vision at times. I thought the cinematography was good with its POV as well as keeping this to the shadows. I was thoroughly impressed that then didn't just go CGI. Another positive is that the attacks this does on characters looked to be done practical from what I could tell. They are strategic in cutting away as well so it could be CGI. Either way, this is a positive.

I do have some negatives here though. I wasn't overly impressed with the acting. Part of this could be how the dialogue was written. It was a bit stiff and trying too hard. Chinlund and Grevioux play well off each other. They are really the stars. The soldiers we meet in the movie aren't fleshed out well aside from a few. I could tell some apart by their looks like Cody being played by Cleveland Berto who is black. Sullivan is Matt Musgrove and he's the annoying soldier. There is also Mingyu Chu who plays Chen and he's Asian. The only one that they did well in fleshing out to me was Lake (Masika Kalysha). She is strong-willed, smart and I also found her attractive. I'd say that the acting comes off like you'd get a slasher film. That is how this plays out to be honest in its set up. The acting isn't bad, but it also is lacking.

Last thing to go into would be the CGI. It isn't very good. Thankfully, we only get this early in the movie during the heist and getting the characters trapped in the cave. There is bad CGI bullets and fire bursts from the guns. The explosions and blood spray are also done with computers. This took me out of the movie and made me question to go on or not. As I've said though, the movie gets away from this so that worked. We also get odd comic book/storyboards to fill things in for the credits, both beginning and end. I didn't hate this as it was an interesting way to save money as well as get us up to speed.

In conclusion, this movie caught my attention and almost lost it early. I do think that once you get to our characters in the cave, it settles in. We have an interesting concept here. We have trained soldiers trapped in a cave with a creature. It then becomes a bit of a slasher as they get picked off looking for an exit. The acting is fine. No one stands out and how things are written makes it a bit stiff. The strongest part of the movie are the practical effects of the creature and the attack scenes with that. I wasn't a fan of the CGI. This movie wasn't as exciting as you expect for an action movie. Being that this falls into the story model of an 80's slasher, which explains it as it is a bit faster slow-burn movie. With that said, this movie is okay. I'd put this as just over average for me. Some tweaks could have made this much better though, especially with some of the actors cast here.

My Rating: 6 out of 10.
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Cheap Looking But Made WIth Heart
statuskuo6 June 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Here's the thing, I will NEVER dog a movie where I can see the moviemakers put their love into it. You can tell based on the fact that the movie is dedicated to a few people who passed away before the finish of the project. You can also tell that this movie was made with some serious ups and downs. And even after all the adversity, it is remarkable that they made something that isn't any worse than a typical Marvel movie.

It is about a ragtag bunch of soldiers, led by a young Jon Voight look-a-like, who stumble upon another ragtag bunch of mercenaries (?) who have hidden stolen Afghan gold. The trick is that they need to hide it in a cave and extract it later. That is the plan. Unfortunately, the cave happens to be haunted by Karnoctus. Forgive the fact that, it's not that people don't know about that cave. NOR does Karnoctus is locked in the cave for some reason. NOR does the opening sequence of a drug den attacked by the cave beast would inspire more Afghanis to go hunting. Perhaps that was what that scene of a cave clearing of corpses imply. IF you've watched movies such as "Pitch Black" or "Overlord" much of this will be familiar. Horror/military. There is some moments of comedy which adds to the comic book sensibility. Much of it added by the effortlessly glib Danny Trejo. But for the most part, much of it becomes too serious. And the ending comes fast. In other words, the pacing is off. Again, I will never destroy the efforts of a no-budget production. They had their hearts in the right place, but it just seems so...made for late night cable t.v.
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Yoda is a glorified frog
nogodnomasters18 July 2022
Warning: Spoilers
In Afghanistan some US forces and special ops get trapped in a tunnel system and look for a way out. In the tunnel is the demon Karnoctus because we saw him having the Taliban for lunch earlier.

I loved the beginning of the film with the characters and the fun banter. Once they were trapped in the cave, the film became boring. It was as if it was written by someone else. The monster was something out of the 50's.

Guide: F-word. No sex or nudity.
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Kinda fun movie, but a few reality checks.
kirachloe26 September 2023
OK, a fun campy movie that isn't winning any Oscars, watchable for a rainy Saturday.

But I have never seen so much crap in the reviews. Lets admit the issues, give credit where due and trash the BS.

Yeah, you will only see Trejo for the first few minutes. But that does not take away from many of the actors which are good (not great) although the script they have to work to is so-so at best. But they keep the movie moving enough. Lots of time spent in tunnels so not a ton of scenery (what do you expect from a low budget film). So ditch the 1 star complaints.

As to the major BS from all 8s, 9s, and 10 star reviews, look at the reviewers. Most only reviewed one movie and gave it a 10?! Hmm, smells like a friend or family of one of the crew?
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Amazing Movie!
fearloathingonzo19 July 2022
Best movie I have seen in years, from an amazing cast and crew! I will be watching this movie again. And again, and again! Much needed entertainment, which hollywood has been terribly lacking in recent years. Created by truly good people! My new favorite movie!!!
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A generally enjoyable if slightly flawed creature feature
After getting attacked in an ambush, a group of soldiers finds themselves stranded in a cave with a rouge group of soldiers secretly smuggling gold out of Afghanistan and are forced to team up together to get out, complicated by the discovery of a strange mystical beast living in the caves hunting them one-by-one.

Overall, this one had a lot to like about it. Among the better features here is the rather intriguing setup that provides this one with a lot to like about the various figures coming into contact with each other. The series of interactions with the military troop coming into conflict with the rebels that push them into the caves where they come into contact with the mercenaries running through the caves smuggling out the gold found in the area that they stole gives this a rather intriguing interconnected setup. That this gives us a great sense of who they are and what they're doing in the area which brings about a solid sense of mistrust that carries them throughout the film. This setup serves as a fine means to introduce the film's main positives in its action and creature feature stalking being mixed into the whole affair. The opening scenes of the mercenaries stealing the gold in the middle of the village has a lot to like with the gunfight featuring some impressive aspects to showcase their skills as they manage to take out the entire group of locals in one go. The later scene of the convoy being attacked in the same village that leads them into contact with the stolen mercenaries brings a rather fun air to it and with a solid series of scenes confronting and battling against the creature all provide some thrilling action here. With that taken care of, the film's horror elements are quite fun and chilling with the context of what's going on. The discovery that it's able to induce hallucinations lowers their inhibitions and trust with each other enough to the point that it can attack from the shadows unseen and destroy the victim makes for some fun sequences, much like the escalating series of discoveries inside the cave that brings about a greater sense of the danger it possesses. That leaves the main attacks here to be somewhat shorter than expected but the frenzied energy and brutality shown off in these sections makes for a highly impressive series of scenes here, all holding this up nicely. There isn't much to knock this one down but it does have some issues. The main drawback here is the main creature here which does tend to come off with a few minor detriments that mainly come from the lack of information given about it. There's little here about what it really is, where it came from, or any of the behavioral tactics it has so this thing just comes off like a complete mystery. Considering the unfamiliarity present with the creature, that manages to keep everything here so mysterious that it never makes much sense. As well, there's the general chaos and confusion created when it attacks due to the shaking camera in place during this section which causes it to be hard to make out at times, which all told manage to be the issues that bring this one down the most.

Rated Unrated/R: Graphic Language and Graphic Violence.
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Absolutely Brilliant
wylie-1634919 July 2022
Loved it. So well written i do hope this becomes a franchise.. First sequel should be THE PREY: Battle frogs Vs Evil Santa!! That would be so cool. Also 'Danny Trejo'!! 🤷‍♂️ need i say more 😎
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Some falters, but ultimately a fun "Creature Feature"
paul-9618925 September 2022
You can tell by the behind-the-scenes imagery during the end credits, that a lot of heart went into this movie by the cast and crew. That said, the wobbly opening desert sequence with Trejo suggests the crew's time with him was limited. Thankfully, once the action moves underground the movie quickly finds its feet.

Solid performances all round once the real meat of the story picks up, and there's a fun monster movie to be had here. I had a fun Saturday afternoon watching this one, and I think you will too! Come on, you can tell what you're letting yourself in for with the title. In that regard, it does not disappoint.
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Really Fun To Watch
burnbush-6261819 July 2022
My husband and I rented this movie through Directv. I wasn't sure of what to expect but we were pleasantly surprised. This was an old style monster/horror movie not a CGI style movie you usually see today. It was a bit campy and we loved the casting! Along with the suspense there was a bit of humor too. It was very fun to watch!
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The Prey
BandSAboutMovies5 June 2022
Warning: Spoilers
In the Afghanistan desert, a group of mercenaries and U. S. soldiers are trapped in a Taliban cave after an explosion seals the opening. They have to find out how to work together to make their way through the system of caves and tunnels to find their way to the surface. What doesn't help matters at all is that they're not alone.

They're about to meet Karnoctus.

If you head into this movie hoping for it to be a Danny Trejo film, you'll be disappointed. He has a cameo role. But if you come in wanting a homage to Predator, good news. You're going to be pretty happy.

Directors Cire Hensman and Matthew Hensman do a great job of getting their budget on the screen and making the film look way more expensive than the budget. The caves and tunnels make a great dark location. And the effects look great too!

Between Tagger (Nick Chinlund) and his right hand Reid (Kevin Grevioux), two CIA-employed agents who must move some secretive crates, and the frightened men and one woman under the command of Sgt. Griffin (Justin Arnold), the monster has plenty of targets to go after.

There's also a nice cameo for Adrian Paul from Highlander: The Series.

While I wish this movie wasn't so blatant about the sequel it sets up, it's still a blast. Dead bodies everywhere, secretive drug labs, monstrous spiders - there's something for every horror fan to love here.
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Fun movie full of heart and soul
dnbane19 July 2022
What a joy to have a movie made with heart snd soul. If you are tired of over the top big budget films this movie will be sure to satisfy.. I recommend anyone needing an escape from big Hollywood to get their popcorn ready,, sit back and enjoy this show. The Prey is sure to please.
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The Prey
jpnbrooksmom8 June 2022
Great movie for what is expected to be a low budget film..You can definately tell the movie was made with so much heart and passion for what they love to do!! Great job Hensman Brothers on your first film. Cant wait to see your next one!! Kept me on the edge of my seat and was engaged the whole time.. Also loved the memory dedications at the end...
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Loved it!
jgbk-9171420 July 2022
I loved this movie!! . So proud of these guys for creating something with meaning!!! Pay attention to the hidden message in the movie!! The Hensman brothers kick A$$!
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Awesome Flick!
jpm-6838219 July 2022
This movie rocks! I usually do not like these types of movies but my husband dragged me to it and I was pleasantly surprised! I was gripped throughout the entire movie. I give it a thumbs up!
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