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Let's hope greater exposure gets this film more intelligent reviews
harris107829 June 2013
I don't usually bother writing reviews, but this is a good little film that I feel has been unfairly maligned by a few uninformed reviewers here, so I'll add my two cents:

Fruitvale Station is a solid film, well paced and edited, with a strong lead performance by Michael B. Jordan and some standout work by Octavia Spencer. The sound design is particularly noteworthy. The cinema verite camera-work (No, "M. Brand," the visual style here was a choice; well made student films, even cheap ones, generally look better than this) left me underwhelmed for most of the film (and honestly, the mistimed focus pulls were pretty distracting) but paid off big time in the Fruitvale sequence. There the cinematography, editing, sound design, and score combined to create the most gripping ten minutes of film I've seen in a year. I'd recommend Fruitvale on the strength of this sequence alone.

Ryan Coogler admittedly takes some dramatic license with the story. Some of it (the Katie character) works, some (the bit with the dog) comes off heavy-handed. None of it gave me any reason to question the film's "fidelity" to the facts. The unfettered access to Oscar's family, legal documents from the criminal and civil case (including all the video taken on the scene), and the tacit approval of BART (They were allowed to film on the actual BART platform and in their cars!) gives me no reason to believe this film takes any more narrative license with the facts of the Fruitvale incident than many documentaries would.

The film is not perfect. Some of the performances are subpar, some of the improvised dialogue bumps, and the day-in-the-life conceit, while not ignoring Oscar's spotty past, does paint him in an unrealistically rosy light. But by and large this is a moving, gripping, at times infuriating film that will stick with you after the credits roll. Congratulations to Coogler and his team.

**As for the troll who called this film "socially irresponsible," your opinion and the reasoning behind it are so abhorrent I struggle to imagine any person, no matter how ignorant or loathsome they might be, taking you seriously.
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Based on or Inspired by?
ferguson-613 July 2013
Warning: Spoilers
Greetings again from the darkness. It's not politically correct to criticize this movie, but it seems only fair to treat it as I do every other movie on which I comment. If that sounds like a bashing is coming, you are mistaken. In fact, this is an emotionally-charged, well written and exceptionally well-acted movie that provides much anticipation for the future projects of its first time director Ryan Coogler. However, in my opinion, it is also flawed in its "Based on a True Story" placard that is then followed by much manipulation (3 Oprah references), some of it even bordering on misleading.

If you are unfamiliar with the tragic story, 22 year old Oscar Grant was inexplicably shot and killed (while subdued and face down) by a BART (Bay Area Rapid Transit) cop after watching New Year's Eve fireworks with his girlfriend and buddies. An altercation/fight occurred on the train and the officers pulled Grant aside to detain/arrest. Much of this was caught on cell phone video by train passengers, and the aftermath brought protests in the city. The officer was tried and found guilty of involuntary manslaughter and sentenced to two years. He claimed he mistook his gun for his Taser.

No one can argue that this was anything but a senseless tragedy. Director Coogler even begins his movie with actual cell phone footage of the incident. The ending is known and seared in the viewer's mind before the story even begins. Whether the senseless shooting was racially driven is a topic for debate, but the current media focus on the George Zimmerman trial and his killing of Trayvon Martin makes the timing of this movie quite compelling.

Coogler certainly points out that Grant (adeptly played by Michael B Jordan) was no angel. We learn about his prison stints, his drug dealing, his unfaithfulness to his girlfriend (the mother of his daughter), his lack of responsibility (losing his job due to chronic absence), his string of lies, and most glaringly ... his terrifyingly quick and violent temper. My issue with the film is the seemingly inordinate amount of time Coogler spends on the flip side -- the focus on Oscar's desire to get his life back on track. So much effort and so many scenes are written to exhibit how Oscar is a charming guy with a big heart. He helps out a white lady in the grocery store, he takes a big step towards leaving the drug dealing life, he plans his mother's birthday party, heck ... he even cradles a poor dog that was hit by a car. This inequity in storytelling apparently has only one purpose ... to create another symbol of racial injustice. We are not left to ponder if the real Oscar is the one who inspires his daughter to brush her teeth or the one who bows up to a foul-mouthed convict. Instead, Coogler wants us to believe that Oscar was now a good guy who had put his past behind him ... all in the 24 hours leading up to his death.

The fact is, there are two sides of Oscar, just like everyone has multiple facets to their personality. Most of us learn to control the sides that doesn't mesh well with society ... others really struggle to do so. Michael B Jordan delivers a powerful performance as Oscar, and he and Octavia Spencer (who plays his mom) will both garner awards attention. Other supporting work is provided by Melonie Diaz as his girlfriend, Ariana Neal as his precious daughter, Ahna O'Reilly as the shopper, and Kevin Durand and Chad Michael Murray as the BART cops.

This film was the hit of both Sundance and Cannes, and was produced by Forest Whitaker. A major tip of the cap to BART for allowing the filmmakers to work on location at the actual Fruitvale station, for a level of authenticity. Coogler chooses one last bit of manipulation with his closing video of Oscar's daughter Tatiana at a recent memorial outside of Fruitvale station ... followed by on screen text of the officer's two year sentence. We get no details on the trial, only the assumption that the sentence does not deliver justice, but rather another example of racial bias.

Lastly I'll say that the decision to make a dramatization rather than a documentary was interesting. This allowed the director to focus on Oscar the good guy. A documentary would have required facts from the trial, a better perspective of the train disturbance and probably fewer Oprah references. The dramatization makes the movie more emotionally charged and more effective at inspiring discussion, rather than debate. Despite all of that, this is extraordinary filmmaking from a first time director, and I will certainly look forward to Ryan Coogler's next project.
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Tragedy at Fruitvale Station
seaview110 August 2013
Warning: Spoilers
An independent film written and directed with stunning effectiveness by newcomer Ryan Coogler, Fruitvale Station is based on a true story, and even though its story of an unarmed black male who is shot on New Year's Day, is pulled from national headlines, the film is a character study of the choices in life and how a cruel twist of fate intervenes. It lingers in the heart and mind long after the end, and as such is one of the best films of the year.

We witness video footage of police rounding up black youths at a transit train station, and while the suspects are on the ground and restrained, a gun goes off striking one of them in full view of witnesses. What follows is a flashback account of the final day of Oscar Grant's life and the events leading up to New Year's Day 2009. Amid the backdrop of the Oakland Bay area, Oscar (Michael B. Jordan in a breakout performance) is a young black man whose background is a mix of prison, drug dealing, and failed jobs amid a serious relationship with his girlfriend, Sophina (Melonie Diaz), and their little daughter. He loves his family especially his mother (Octavia Spencer is rock solid) and vows to make a better life for them. It is New Year's Eve, and he helps to prepare his mother's birthday celebration. Just as he is on the brink of a new start, fate intervenes at a transit station and a deadly encounter with police.

Oscar is a man who has a conscience and a sense of responsibility. On the one hand he is portrayed as a devoted father, a passionate lover to his girlfriend, and loving son to his mom, and yet he lies to his loved ones and is in constant turmoil. It is affecting to see that he genuinely wants to leave behind his broken life and get a second chance. We root for him too, and that makes what happens at the end that much more compelling.

This is the sort of subject matter, which can be viewed as an indictment of police violence and a statement on racism that might have been ideal for HBO or a filmed documentary like The Thin Blue Line. You also expect to see a post-shooting trial, but the film focuses instead on the events and people around Oscar that lead up to the fateful moment. It is a portrait of a young, flawed life ended before it has a chance to redeem itself. We want to know a bit more about Oscar; what put him in prison, and what was his childhood like? Instead we get a fragment, one day in his life, about a father and his little daughter and the life they had and never will again. The final images of Oscar's real life daughter after the events depicted in the film are touching and sobering.

Coogler shows a good command of a scene and how to make it authentic. Moments of levity such as a group countdown to New Years are counterpointed by tense confrontations from the past. The dialogue is realistic, and you really feel you are watching a slice of real life. The pivotal scene of the police arresting Oscar and his friends is startling and upsetting; you feel like it could happen to you. The frantic reactions and emotions of the victims and witnesses as a shot rings out is heart wrenching.

Liberal use of hand-held cameras lends an immediacy and realism to the events, and there is a great shot of Sophina from behind as she reacts to the tragedy. We don't need to see her face because we know from her body language exactly how she must feel.

One wonders how much of the screenplay is based on truth, but whether this is or isn't a biased view of an event by the filmmaker, it is highly emotionally affective filmmaking. In light of other recent, racially charged headlines, it cannot help but become a hot topic. This vivid, stark reenactment of an event that should never have happened is a relatively simple tale of a complex life, a kind of urban, American tragedy. It is a powerful, filmic statement that raises questions that demand answers.
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Passionate and sympathetic portrayal of a complex and struggling young man
jolgacr27 June 2013
Warning: Spoilers
This film depicts story of a deeply flawed young man struggling to turn his life around. The movie reveals the generous good-hearted nature of Oscar, on whose life the story is based. The awards the film has won are well deserved, as the film-maker succeeds in presenting an unsparing look at Oscar's many failings even as he humanizes this young man whose life is largely unknown to the American public. In a quite amazing fashion, all of this is done through the lens of a single day in Oscar's life, with only the aid of one brief flash-back.

Despite his efforts and his kindness, Oscar is failing to transcend his past as much as he is succeeding in doing so. His struggle to change is fueled by his relationships with three women central to his life, and we are on the edge of our seats watching his relationships play out with them, knowing before the movie begins how it will end. It is a credit to the film-maker that he is able both to maintain that tension and at the same time to draw us into Oscar's world so effectively. This craftsmanship only underlines the tragedy of the final outcome more starkly.

It is sad that the review that wins pride of place on this website ignores Oscar and focuses on Officer Mehserle, who appears only briefly in the movie. The film does not demonize Officer Mehserle, and one might be tempted to do, but rather presents him as a blank slate. Surely, as those who witnessed the events appeared to do, and as the jury who found him guilty corroborated, we might well assume that he committed a crime. However, his motives are not suggested in the movie, his youth is clearly depicted, and his inexperience implied. Surely any professional, a doctor for example, who makes a mistake of motor memory under pressure and thus takes the life of another human being, should be held accountable for her actions to the full extent of the law.
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Tragic, sympathetic and simple. Fruitvale Station takes us inside the world of the late Oscar Grant
trublu21513 July 2013
Based on the true story of one of the most heart wrenching instances of police brutality in American history, Fruitvale Station humanizes Oscar Grant, a victim of senseless police violence and racial profiling. This film does not paint him as a saint nor does it paint him as a crook, it shows him as a human being with many flaws. Michael B. Jordan gives an electrifying performance as Oscar Grant. He doesn't miss a single step and delivers a performance that has solidified him as a force to be reckoned with on screen. The film, as a whole, works but not for storytelling. This is a film that has great performances and that keeps it above average on many levels. If there was anyone else playing these roles, especially Jordan, I feel as if the film wouldn't pack as much of a punch. Ryan Coogler directs the hell out of his actors and does a fantastic job keeping pace. Running at just below an hour and a half, the film moves. It doesn't drag, it doesn't lack, it is a beautiful and moving portrayal of a man who was in the wrong place at the wrong time and the decisions that he made to put him at Fruitvale Station on that fateful night.

Overall, this is a film with powerhouse performances that needs to be seen. The 2013 awards season definitely has a contender in Fruitvale Station along with a soon-to-be Oscar nominated Michael B. Jordan.
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Well intentioned but overrated
cherold16 August 2013
Fruitvale Station begins with a disturbing phone video and ends with an intense recreation of the events surrounding that video, but in between, it's a little dull. The movie's main intent seems to be simply to show that a nice guy can get hit by disaster, so much of the film is just showing you the main character being a nice guy; planning his mom's birthday party (the mom's performance is a standout), talking to his kid. He's not portrayed as a saint - he has a quick temper and a bit of a past - but he's still basically a really nice guy.

This means that about two thirds of Fruitvale Station is a slice of life drama about a nice guy going about his normal day, which is really not that interesting. Most of the power of these scenes relies on that opening video, as you find yourself thinking, this might be the last time he sees her, this might be the last words they say to one another. And the movie does have a nice way of dropping in moments of menace, always signified by an effective low rumbling sound that brings your attention to key moments in a low-key way. But knowing something is coming, the movie seems to feel it doesn't need to make the events leading up to it especially interesting.

Things pick up as the movie heads towards its upsetting recreation of that video. From the time we see the first Bart station, the movie is quite engrossing. Even here though, there are issues, most prominently in a series of absurd coincidences that scream Hollywood set-up in a way unexpected in an indie film.

For a movie about an incident that triggered racial tensions, the film is surprisingly un-race based. That's admirably even-handed, but it may be one reason the film lacks passion; a good guy in the wrong place at the wrong time is not a subject for passion. Yet, the film lacks the sense of philosophic musing that might make the whole doomed nice-guy thing work.
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Saw this at Sundance
keelab8726 January 2013
I knew nothing about the true story behind this film before I saw it but Ryan Coogler did an impressive job of telling this controversial story. Coogler takes us to the last day in 2008, and introduces us to Oscar Grant's life. A young, troubled father that is trying to do the right thing by his family. This was his debut at Sundance and he didn't disappoint. The audience laughed when the actors laughed and shed tears when the actors shed was a very moving film. By the end of the film I felt as though I knew these people personally. The whole cast did an excellent job! I'm looking forward to hearing more about Ryan Coogler in the future.
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Overall good execution, with plain narrative which lacks statement
Arit29 January 2013
Warning: Spoilers
This is a good film with great acting all around, directed by an emerging, enthusiastic filmmaker. With that being said, there is nothing special about its storytelling that makes it stand out.

First, the film starts with a "Based on a true story" disclaimer, which adds nothing but confusion to its content. The director has admitted that 'Katie' does not represent a real-life individual but a composite of multiple people, which implies that he has brought significant dramatization. Given that many narrative films today are inspired more or less by true events, this opening message only makes you wonder how much of the story is actually true.

Second, the film ends with a sequence of text-only frames which forces you to read multiple pages about what happens afterwards. A simple gimmick of, for example, adding actual still images to the background, or showing newspaper headlines, would have made this sequence more effective. Such creativity should be a no-brainer in this digital age, when everyone is equipped with a video-capable device, ready to become an instant YouTube correspondent in case of an emergency, as clearly demonstrated by this very film.

Last but not least, the film refuses to make any statement or offer any new insight, and you are eventually left to wonder what message to take away from it. It is a rather plain recreation of serial events, the fidelity of which is not even guaranteed. "Fruitvale" is ultimately saved by the splendid performances of its cast, adequate pacing, and high-adrenaline content, but left with much to be desired in the top-level concept.
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Begins as a brilliant character study then has an underwhelming message given what it had the potential for.
Sergeant_Tibbs3 August 2013
Warning: Spoilers
Half way through the year and Fruitvale Station is looking to be the indie favourite of the Oscar season and its first hour quite deserves the hype. It begins with the shocking and raw real footage of the event the film documents and leaves the rest of the film on the strong dramatic irony that after these 24 hours all these characters lives will change and none of their plans will come to fruition. With this irony it makes the excellent character study all the more fascinating. Michael B. Jordan is terrific as Oscar Grant, giving a subtle convention-defying performance and he's well supported by Octavia Spencer and Melonie Diaz. I came to feel truly involved with Oscar, especially due to the intimate photography and detailed writing. It's very impressive work from such a young filmmaker who's the same age as the real Oscar Grant.

However, as the film appears to set up a lot of meaningful things in the first hour, in hindsight, they feel aimless. I thought the setups were great. The way Oscar lies but has strong paternal instincts. He's been to prison but he's kind at heart. He's cheated and flirts but he's close to all generations of his family. It's touching and each scene gives him more depth. This is why it's such a painful shame that by the time the film reaches the Fruitvale station scene that all of the potential setups are thrown away in favor of chaotic sentimentality. I'm not sure if Coogler is trying to say that it's because of the content of Oscar's character is why he was put in that situation with both his good sides and bad sides. But the ruckus that puts him in the spotlight is instigated by something that's set up earlier in the film in a blink-and-miss-it scene and renders the whole sequence very confusing.

Sure, what happened to the real Oscar was very sad and I'm certain that it felt chaotic to everyone who witnessed it but I can't help but feel that Coogler ended up not knowing what he wanted to say with the film. It can't possibly be about racial issues because there's not enough development on that. It can't be about injustice regarding police because it's only present for about 5 minutes. Maybe the film could've been saved if it showed the remaining characters trying to cope but it leaves on a hopeless note. It's unfortunate that Coogler turns an intelligent fascinating character study into a flat unpleasant sadfest and it renders the power of the emotions unsatisfying. Maybe this is what he wants us to feel, but I believe the film could've been way better than that. Oh well, at least we have the first hour with the brilliant Michael B. Jordan.

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Do you call 911 when the killer is a cop?
Red-12516 September 2013
SPOILER: Fruitvale Station (2013) was written and directed by Ryan Coogler. Michael B. Jordan plays Oscar Grant III, an African-American man who was shot to death in the Fruitvale BART station on January 1st, 2009. The man who killed him was a police officer. The killer was convicted of involuntary manslaughter and served about two years in jail.

The film follows Grant through his last day of life--December 31st, 2008. We watch as Grant interacts with his common-law wife, their young daughter, friends, relatives and strangers. Grant comes across as a basically decent man--flawed, undependable, but clearly in love with his family, his partner. and their little girl.

It's hard to enjoy this film, because it's based on a truly tragic event, and we know how the story will end from the beginning of the movie. Still, Fruitvale Station is definitely worth seeing, because it reminds us that everyone's life is always at risk, but that the risks for young, African-American men are higher.

The movie will work well on DVD. It's definitely worth seeking out and seeing.
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Educhico26 February 2021
It's almost a Hitchcockian exercise what Coogler does. Showing the climatic incident from the start, making his audience know exactly how the incident happened, where it's all leading to, leaving us during the entire movie in the expectation of when is it finally going to hit.

The tragedy deepens from the first message he sends until the birthday of his mother, as we see all the memories piled up on the fridge and the director frames the last time Oscar we'll be with his family, closing the second act and leading us to what we know to be the inevitable end.

And during the entire movie, the director leaves what seems to be hints for any explication that might make us understand what happened. The drugs, the blood, his anger. Almost defying us to take those as signs of what we would normally think if taken out of context.

And yet, the randomness of the moment is so much more impactful because there's no reason to it. Despite the fight that spikes it, all we see until then are signs of the redemption Oscar seeks, because of his daughter, and the abrupt end to all of it. "You shot me", the lasting words of a confused man, as we are by the end.
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Jordan's champion performance carries the film!
meeza20 September 2013
"Fruitvale Station" is not the feel-good movie of the year. Nevertheless, I think you should stop at this station to witness the impact that this movie throws at you. The film is based on the true story of Oscar Grant, 22-year-old Bay Area resident, who crosses paths with friends, enemies, family, and strangers on the last day of 2008. Grant was accidentally killed by a police officer at the Fruitvale BART station. The officer was part of a group of policemen who held Grant and his friends at the station for fighting with others in a train. This unfortunate event did not get the headlines that the Trayvon Martin case did, but was just as sad because a young life was taken away way too soon. Writer-Director Ryan Coogler orchestrates "Fruitvale Station" primarily on Grant's last day with his family, girlfriend, and friends; instead of just simply taking the "plight for justice" road. Consequently, that gives the movie more depth and authenticity. Coogler's scribe of the picture was not as impressive as his direction but still gets the word out on doing what is right not just for one's own sake but for their loves ones; and of course, he also disseminates the message on the unjustified death of Grant. Michael B. Jordan's starring performance as Grant was a slam dunk; and let me tell you it was no lay-up due to the nature of the complex character he had to portray. Jordan completely disappeared into the role. There were also some impressive supporting turns from Oscar-winner Ocatavia Spencer as Grant's mother Wanda, and Melonie Diaz as his girlfriend Sophina. "Fruitvale Station" does get overdramatic at times, but it does have justifiable reason to do it. So you might want to take a hanky, but I think this movie is one that should be on your track to witness. ***** Excellent
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This movie is trying to make me cry
themissingpatient17 January 2014
Warning: Spoilers
Based on a true story of a 22-year old who was shot by a police officer on January 1st, 2009, without reason. We are taken through the last 24-hours, before the incident, through the victim's eyes. Oscar Grant says he wants to stop selling pot, promises he is done cheating on his partner and is going to be a better father to their 4 year old daughter. It's the last day of 2008 and it's going to prove to be a long one for Oscar, whose dark past is about to catch up to him.

Michael B. Jordan gives a great performance as Oscar. He makes it impossible to not like the character he is playing, even when it shows him acting detestable in a scene from his past. The film continues on, keeping things interesting enough that it's easy to forget we've already been shown what is going to happen.

Fruitvale Station does start to rot over the last few scenes. The film has already done it's job but then the director goes to such great lengths to try to squeeze tears out of us, we become aware: This movie is trying to make me cry.

Though guilty of being a little too obvious in it's emotional manipulation, Fruitvale Station is a promising feature film debut by writer/director Ryan Coogler.
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Maybe A Short Film Would Have Sufficed
3xHCCH4 January 2014
Warning: Spoilers
For a feature film, "Fruitvale Station" is not really long, just an hour and fifteen minutes. However, with the limited story, maybe it would have been more effective as a live-action short film instead.

This film tells us the story of an ex-con Oscar Grant who is trying his best to get back on his feet after his stint in jail. However on one New Year's Eve 2008, he gets involved in an altercation with policemen in a BART train station, which had a bloody and tragic outcome.

While Michael B. Jordan does a good enough job as Oscar Grant, he does not exactly do anything extraordinary which we have not seen before. Octavia Spencer flashes her Oscar-winning acting style in the short moments she is on screen as Oscar's mother.

After we see the last fifteen minutes at the BART station, the first hour or so leading to the fateful day felt rather empty. It is a very sad violent event that never should have happened, yes. But the movie never really lifted off being a simple crime scene reenactment.
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A Movie About Race That Manages Not to Preach
evanston_dad20 April 2014
An accomplished film from young writer/director Ryan Coogler detailing the events that led up to the murder of Oscar Grant, a 20-something black man, by San Francisco police on New Year's Eve.

Most of the film is a day-in-the-life study of Oscar, a young man who's trying to get straight in an environment that doesn't make it easy. He's recently spent time in jail when the movie opens, and he's lied to his girlfriend (with whom he shares a young daughter) about getting fired from his job. The lure of petty drug hustling is strong, but he's fighting the temptation, and he's got a mom (Octavia Spencer) who checks in occasionally to remind him how disappointed she'll be if he falls back on crime. The film avoids making any kind of hero out of Oscar -- he's a decent guy who's fighting the odds in not terrible but not great circumstances, and though his murder could easily have become a symbol of white oppression (which in real life it did), the movie doesn't force that idea down its audience's throats.

One of the things I liked best about "Fruitvale Station" was how honest it was about its portrayal of white/black relations. White people don't play much of a role at all in these black people's lives -- the cop who murders Oscar is white, but the film shows other interactions with random white people that are perfectly normal and kind. The movie isn't concerned with preaching about how whites and blacks should get along -- instead it acknowledges that whites and blacks exist in very different cultures and explores the worst case scenario of how tragic the outcome can be when one doesn't make the slightest effort at accepting the humanity of the other.

Grade: A-
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The 2013 Sundance Winner is worth checking out
estebangonzalez107 January 2014
"I'm good, I'm good, I'm gonna be good."

Fruitvale Station is one of those small independent films that found a connection with audiences and critics alike ever since it was released early last year in the Sundance Film Festival winning both the Audience Award and the Grand Jury Prize. Nearly an year has passed until I finally was able to watch this captivating and tragic film based on the last day of Oscar Grant's life. This is Ryan Coogler's debut film, and he should have no trouble financing his upcoming projects after the breakthrough with Fruitvale Station which he also happened to write. It's a passionate and powerful film that benefits from a stellar performance by Michael B. Jordan (Chronicle and Friday Night Lights). He is the driving force of this film and the reason why the final 15 minutes hit our emotional chords so hard. The injustice he suffers from police brutality makes our blood boil and ultimately Coogler achieves the effect he was looking for. Since the film is based on a true story and we already know the tragic outcome, I thought it would take away much of the dramatic effect, but I was mistaken because Ryan Coogler uses this knowledge to build the story and make us care for the main protagonist. It makes us question the what ifs and what would've happened if he decided to listen to his daughter and stay home, or travel by car instead of train. It is those small moments that connect with the audience and make us route for him despite the impending doom. It is a well crafted social critique about an important issue that hits home.

Oscar Grant (Micheal B. Jordan) wakes up on the last day of 2008 convinced he's going to turn his life around, making this his New Year's resolution. Trying to get his girlfriend Sophina (Melonie Diaz) -who also happens to be the mother of his four year old daughter, Tatiana (Ariana Neal)- to forgive him for a past infidelity and forming a family is his first priority. Next he tries to get his recently lost job back at a local store, but that proves to be impossible. He has promised his mother, Wanda (Octavia Spencer), that he will never return to prison so selling drugs is no longer a means to make a living. Despite the difficulties he's facing he's still focused on turning his life around while trying to support his family. So the film continues to follow Oscar as he interacts with the people that cross his path on that last day of the year until the inevitable tragic event that will take place in the train station later that night.

I agree with some of the criticism that this film has received for foreshadowing the tragic event throughout the course of the day and trying to put a halo on him by focusing on how he was going to turn his life around. The scene with the dog is one classic example of that and yes it is manipulative and tries a little too hard to win over our sympathies. A mistake that a newcomer like Ryan Coogler can correct as he continues to grow as a promising film maker. Perhaps that is the weakest part of the film, but I can see how a person like him would want to turn his life around considering it was the last day of the year and we usually do make many resolutions during this time. I also agree with the fact that there is probably nothing true about the events that took place during that day other than the tragic outcome at the station which was recreated very well considering the authentic footage I've seen from the incident. But I do have to defend Coogler here because in a way I think we all tend to put a halo on the people we love once they are gone remembering the good things about them and not so much on the negative aspects. However there are moments where we get to see glimpses of the dark side in Jordan's performance which actually enhances the film, like when he confronts the manager. There is a perfect balance in that scene between him trying to help out a girl at the store and then threatening his former boss. Those small moments show the brilliance in Jordan's performance and Coogler's direction. Add that to the emotionally engaging final 15 minutes of the film and you will have a hard time arguing your case against this film.
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Very Good Look at a Head Scratching Event
Michael_Elliott26 July 2013
Fruitvale Station (2013)

*** 1/2 (out of 4)

Exceptionally good drama from writer-director Ryan Coogler about Oscar Grant (Michael B. Jordan) and the various encounters his has with those around him. This fact-based drama gained major media attention when Grant was shot in the back by a police officer and this film really tries to be as real as possible in regards to its actual visual look. I'm not going to sit here and say this is a documentary because no film with a script and acting should be called a real document of any event. I'm sure things have been changed and altered for a dramatic effect so obviously one shouldn't come here expecting a documentary. With that said, there's no question that this is an exceptionally well-made movie and one that features some very good performances. I think the strongest thing that the film has going for it is the realistic style that Coogler creates. It's also as if we're really there on Grant's final day as a camera just follows him around from one location to the next. I thought this really helped create an environment that the viewer could connect with no matter what their race was. I think the film also does a good job showing where this 22-year-old man was in his life when all of this was going down and I'm sure many people won't approve of some of his choices but there's no question that the end result is something that's not only shocking but will leave you scratching your head as to why it happened. I think most people are going to know the story already but that really doesn't take away from the drama created by Coogler. In fact, we're shown what happens as the movie starts so we know how everything ends. Jordan turns in a terrific performance in the lead and I really like how he never tries to make Grant some sort of superhero or anything that he wasn't. I appreciate how the performance is just raw, on target and shows a human being struggling with life. The supporting performances are all good with Octavia Spencer and Melonie Diaz standing out. FRUITVALE STATION is depressing from the opening scene all the way through the opening credits so one shouldn't come here expecting something cheerful but it's certainly hard hitting.
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Hold on and brass yourself, we're now arriving at Fruitvale Station. A controversial movie.
ironhorse_iv12 August 2013
Warning: Spoilers
If you're not familiar with the real life event that the movie is based on. Here is a rundown, the film main purpose is to tell the true life events of Oscar Grant, a 22-year-old man's last day before he was fatally shot by BART (Bay Area Rapid Transit) Police on accident in the early morning hours of New Year's Day 2009. Being from the Bay Area, and being an eye witness of the real life event. I found the movie by first time director Ryan Coogler to be very well made, and good, but also saw it as a political statement movie that took a lot of creative dramatic license. I will have to say that this is a thinking man's film. Some people will see it as a call for stronger gun-control, while others see it as anti-police movie. Some people think it was just create to stir the race issue and promote the every so often Hollywood moral message 'racism is bad'. While other may think this movie is just made to capitalize on a tragedy event and make money off, Oscar Grant's untimely passing. I thought it was a bit shameful to make a movie so soon after the events. They should have waited a bit. The real life shooting happen in 2009, as of this writing, a few years ago. In many people's eyes, that is still pretty fresh. It's a bit disrespectful for the victim's family to have relive or be reminded time after time, the moments of Oscar Grant's life went cold over and over again on a Hollywood film who main goal to make money. It's even more appalling when you think about it, for this movie's marketing to have the nerves to be promoting the film on a billboard at the Fruitvale Station where he got shot. I go to that station every day, and it's disrespectful to me. It's like promoting Oliver Stone 1991's JFK movie on the grassy knoll. It get even weirder that the movie scenes were shot at and around Fruitvale Station platform where Grant was killed in real life. In my opinion, the movie shouldn't had been made because it took so much creative license that it's misleading the audience to believe what they see is facts rather than looking for the truth. It's telling you exactly what it wants you to feel. There is no subtlety whatsoever. Just because I agree with that the tragedy was senseless politically, doesn't mean I can overlook the blatant manipulation with its deviations from the truth. Some creative license is allowed, especially since no one knows every detail that happened that day, but there are numerous things in it that are demonstrably false/made-up. The whole awkward Pit bull dog run over scene seem like a really strong string to make Oscar Grant look like a good guy. I thought the film had too many blatant attempts to make you like the guy. Even when they portrayed his flaws, it was supposed to show that he's on a path of redemption and thus elicit more emotion at the end. I'm not saying this is a bad thing, it's just isn't how I would explore the character. Yes, it's showcasing who Oscar Grant is as a human people, giving a back story to the face and name. I just have a problem with films that use current or recent real life tragedies for entertaining reasons. I have to say the acting is great. Michael B Jordan as Oscar Grant is wonderful. I do think they use the word 'brah' way too much. It did get a bit annoying. Octavia Spencer as his mother was pretty strong character. I do like how the director use cell phone calls, and text them with fonts on the screen. Still, I wouldn't see some of those text fonts due to the dark or bright lighting of the film. I do felt the film forget to mention some things about the event like why the BART police were on edge before the shooting because two guns had been recovered in separate incidents along the rail line over the previous hour. Plus, before he arrived at Fruitvale, Officer Mehserle was involved in an incident at the West Oakland station where a teenage boy with a semi-automatic pistol had fled from police and jumped off the station platform. I'm one of those who think Mehserle did it on accident due to that. Mehserle had no reason to kill Oscar as it seems somewhat in police control. Was he in the right mind? Clearly not. Still, based on my research, I doubt he meant to kill him, but he did kill him. That is a fact. I dislike people that quickly to judge it as a hate crime and use the event as an excuse to create chaos riot or to loot items. Remind me so much of the 2011's Kenneth Harding Jr. case where people were so quickly to judge it as a race crime without understanding the case. People forget that cops are people, too and they do mistakes. I'm still glad, Oscar's family did filed a wrongful death claim against BART police and Officer Mehserle didn't get off scot free. He did serve his time, for the shooting. I do say research well before watching the film, to get an opinion on both sides of the coin. I think the real life event captured on multiple digital video and cell phone cameras is more powerful than this film. In my opinion, a free online documentary film about Oscar Grant would better suited the issue than this independent money hungry film. Still, this film is a powerful movie to watch.
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Oscar Grant 1987-2009
bkoganbing8 September 2013
Warning: Spoilers
I was much moved by Fruitvale Station which is the name of one of the stations of the Bay Area Rapid Transit or BART as its known to the citizens of Oakland and San Francisco. On January 1 of 2009 among a group of crowded revelers on the BART train, an incident took place that cost young Oscar Grant his life.

Police shot young Grant and in this day of cellphone cameras which everyone but me seems to have it's impossible to get away with a lot of bad behavior. In this case the police shot Grant while he was cuffed and on the ground.

Oscar Grant is portrayed with deep insight by Michael B. Jordan and the film with some flashback sequences including one where he is in prison and has an incident that bears on what happened on 1/1/09, it's the story of his last day of life. We see a young man trying to turn his life around, a quite ordinary individual. Like in The Diary Of Anne Frank you are struck with just how ordinary young Mr. Grant was, just as the occupants of that 3rd floor attic.

I worked for several years at New York State Crime Victims Board before retirement and part of my job was to evaluate police work. I saw the gamut of work from truly heroic to unbelievably atrocious. The thing that always struck me was first assessment. Cops arrive on the scene and make an assessment immediately of who's bad or good. What happened on that BART train was nothing that Grant or his friends started, but cops on the scene, possibly as a result of prejudice made wrong judgments and that led to tragedy.

Fruitvale Station will get a flock of awards I've no doubt, maybe even in the big show with the Academy Awards. It's a fine film with lessons in it for all of us, especially those in law enforcement.
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Can't we all get along?
copyright9085 August 2013
Warning: Spoilers
FRUITVALE STATION This is not a spoiler. It is public record and well known.

Fruitvale Station is a stop on the Bay Area Rapid Transit (BART) just one stop north of the Oakland Coliseum. It was there on or about 2:00 am January 1, 2009 a ruckus broke out in one of the passenger cars. BART's own police force responded and determined that a group of black men, that included 22 year old Oscar Grant, were responsible for the melee. What happened next is confused and disputed, but what is certain, is that the unarmed Oscar Grant was being restrained by a BART police officer and laying face down and prone on the Fruitvale Station's concrete platform when another BART police officer pulled out his weapon and fired once into Grant's back. At 9:00 am January 1, 2009 Oscar Grant died on his hospital bed.

This movie purports to chronicle Oscar Grant's last day on earth.

As we get to know Oscar we clearly see he is no angel. A philanderer, drug dealer, and an ex con with an explosive temper who can't hold a job. He wrestles with his checkered past and uncertain future, but he's no throwaway. He has a chance. He has a strong support system in a mother, girlfriend and daughter that love him, and he returns that love.

Whether or not Oscar will live up to his responsibility for his family or revert to the life of a street thug we will never know. The movie tells us he didn't get that chance because of a racial profiling that assumes that if there is trouble, and there are a couple of black guys standing around,then they must be the cause of it. The ultimate act, although I think the movie is muddled on this point, is not the act of some Aryan redneck racist, but of a societal norm that automatically assumes black male guilt and reflects that assumption through societal protective functionaries (the police et al) and which can't help but create a situation like Oscar Grant found himself in, with inevitable tragic results.

This is writer/director Ryan Coogler first feature. It's an impressive start for what is an apparently very impressive young man. An athlete and a scholar with an aptitude for math and science, he decided to go to USC film school. He came to the attention of Forrest Whittaker to whom he got to partner in this production, as well as picking up Harvey Weinstein to distribute. That's a pair of heavy hitters there. He is, in that unfortunate Hollywood adjective "gifted". I am reminded of Michael Caine's line in "Deathtrap" that "This play is so good even a gifted director couldn't ruin it." In any case he seems to have the talent and drive that will put him in good stead with Hollywood for a long time.

The cast is uniformly convincing with Michael B Jordan (the B so as not to be confused with the basketball player) giving us an Oscar that is tortured by his past mistakes but remains hopeful for his future. Melonie Diaz plays Oscar's girlfriend and mother of his child that Oscar clearly dotes over. Although Oscar has let her down and committed transgressions she must forgive, she refuses to have Oscar defined by a police blotter. The same is true of his mother in a powerful performance by Octavia Spencer who knows that her son has good possibilities and she will not forsake her faith in him.

Performance aside, this is Ryan Coogler's movie. It is a true expression of the auteur. It is his message; his statement. There comes a time when one has to decide how well that message is delivered.

This movie has received almost universal critical praise, but for me the message is a bit mixed. Coogler's starts the movie with actual cell phone footage (apparently there is quite a lot of it) of the incident and he moves the story along in docudrama fashion with an influence of Italian neo-realism. There is no question that Coogler is trying to tell us "this is real life". Yet, in the middle of the movie, he includes a rather disturbing scene with a dog which is plain use of the literary conceits of foreshadowing and metaphor. This scene does nothing to either advance the story or further define the character, and is the apparent invention of Coogler.

In the final scene two remarkable coincidences occur in the train car. It is here that the "real life" train car jumps the tracks, with an end result that confuses, obscures, and dilutes the powerful point he wants to make. As a consequence, it mutes my emotional response to the ending.

It's probably better to let the story to bring out the point, rather than let the point bring out the story.

Nevertheless and make no mistake about it, Coogler captures the tension and chaos on that train platform as a master filmmaker.

Despite my objections to some of his cinematic choices, I admire Ryan Coogler's film. The conversation on race here in America, if indeed it can be called a conversation, has created a lot of heat and not much light, and much of it is just pure nonsense. Coogler has for the most part forsaken ideology and focused on the humanity of Oscar Grant. He has created a character that all of us can identify with. At least to those of us who have screwed up sometime in our lives and fought for a second chance.

I think that's most of us.

To see all my reviews just click on my name above, or see my blog Bloggin' Movies.
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An indie gem to seek out to see; Michael B. Jordan is riveting.
george.schmidt27 July 2013
Warning: Spoilers
FRUITVALE STATION (2013) ***1/2 Michael B. Jordan, Melonie Diaz, Octavia Spencer, Ariana Neal. Absorbing account of the last day in the life of ex-con Oscar Grant (riveting Jordan), an Oakland, California family man attempting to go straight in spite of his past and inner turmoil to do the right thing which inevitably lead to his killing by a transit police after an altercation on a train post New Year's Eve celebrations. Newcomer Ryan Coogler - who wrote and directed - manages to convey a young man's plight when the deck is so stacked against his best intentions in sadly a tale too often proved to be true in this day and age. An indie gem to seek out to see.
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Where's the Story?
sniperx36025 December 2013
Warning: Spoilers
I have read a lot of reviews and acclaim for this film and when I finally got around to watching was very underwhelmed. There is so much praise for Michael B. Jordan and Octavia Spencer. These two actors do a great job. I do not think either of them are Oscar-winning, but perhaps Oscar-nominating. Michael B. Jordan's performance is great, but that alone is no reason to see this movie, instead, just watch Chronicle where he is still great (although, compared to Dane DeHann in Chronicle nobody in that movie is a great actor). There is no doubt that this story is tragic. A loss of life is still a loss of life, especially when the incident is an accident, it's just not a very good film.

This film is very confidently made and it shows. The direction and acting is certainly there, there are just two main issues that I cannot stand. First of all, the film has no story. This is based on a quick incident that was caught on some cell phone footage, nothing to make a full length feature film out of, a one hour documentary would have been fine. They spend a little over the first two thirds of this film leading up to the events, all of which really don't matter. The only reason for this is to get a sense of the character, but that doesn't work because of my second reason. This film is completely, 100%, biased. This story makes Oscar out to be a saint Now, I knew nothing about anything relating to this film before seeing it. They spend so much time trying to force his likableness down our throats and it just seems too pushy.

I have no problem when a film is biased on one side, it is just when it is based on real events that I really cannot stand this. This is not like Batman where we are supposed to be biased to one side. This is a story that rather than exploring options, takes every single route to Oscar and injustice. This is not one of those films where there is an antagonist who is the film's protagonist, like Law Abiding Citizen, and taking the biased route only causes more problems than it solves.

Upon exploring more into this, I have come to the conclusion that this whole incident is just a series of mistakes taken on both sides. The cops were too aggressive, but so was Oscar. The cop then responded as he should and taze him in order to relax him, but upon a mistake, grabbed his weapon and wound up killing him. This film makes it out so that every step was wrongfully taken by the cops and there was no justice. If you ask me, I'd say justice was served. The cop who fired the shot was sentenced for two years in prison for involuntary manslaughter and wound up getting out in 11 months. This seems a bit too short for what happened, but I'm sure there is a perfectly good reason made by the people who study law rather than the person sitting on his computer.

Ultimately, a well made movie does not make it a great movie. I had the same problem with The Conjuring, a very well made movie, but lacking in so many other aspects that I could not stand it.

This is a great story that would be a very interesting documentary, but I would only recommend this film strictly for its confident approach in filmmaking.
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A film worth seeing!
oaktownms17 July 2013
I woke up this morning with tears in my eyes and thinking about Oscar. I thought about all the Oscars I have seen or known.I pray for all the young black men I know especially my two teenaged black grandsons--- Please, Lord protect them as they move in these desperate times. Please protect them and have them to know you. I have never been to a theater where after the feature, everyone emerged from the theater in dead silence, some crying, others with sad faces-some with the look of horror, not even talking about the movie. until they got to their cars. It was a powerful. gripping retelling. I thought the performances by Michael and Olivia were worthy of some kind of awards whether they are nominated or not. Movies with these kinds of gripping reality never get nominated--They always pick some kind of English romance,, or French novel! I'm just wondering whether this film will be released in Chicago and New York. Anyway, I want to congratulate the writers and producers.
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Moving & Emotional Story
stevendbeard24 July 2013
Warning: Spoilers
I saw "Fruitvale Station", starring Michael B. Jordan-No, not the basketball player, notice the B. in the middle of his name? This one was in Red Tails, Friday Night Lights-t.v.; Melonie Diaz-Be Kind Rewind, Lords of Dogtown; Octavia Spencer-The Help, Drag Me to Hell and Chad Michael Murray-One Tree Hill-t.v., Dawson's Creek-t.v..

This is based on a true story about an incident in 2008 that happened in the Bay Area in California. Fruitvale Station, a mass transit train station, is where it happened, and actual video footage is shown at the beginning and end of the film. Michael plays a 22 year old African/American that has a 4 year old daughter with his Hispanic girlfriend, Melonie. Michael has been in trouble with both Melonie and his job. He has been late to work so much, that they fired him. He got into selling drugs and messing around on Melonie with other women and went to prison-for the drugs not the messing around part. Octavia plays Michael's mother, who has her birthday on New Year's Eve. After Michael gets out of jail, he decides to turn his life around-no more drugs, no more messing around and being a better father to his daughter. On New Year's Eve 2008, Michael and Melonie go to his mother's birthday party to celebrate. Afterwards, he and his wife and a few friends take the train to go see fireworks. A confrontation on the train with someone from Michael's more reckless past leads to a police involvement by Chad and some other police officers that gets out of hand. It is a moving and emotional story that has similarities to a recent story that was in the news. It's rated "R" for violence, language and drug use and has a running time of 1 hour & 30 minutes. It is not one that I would buy on DVD-once was enough- but it would be a good rental.
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Should have been a short
christophe9230019 January 2014
Fruitvale Station, in an ultra minimalistic approach and a slowness almost caricatural of the « indie » scene, tries to humanize this tragedy by depicting the victim in his best light, but this process is too simplistic, too obvious, and no real sympathy arouses for Oscar.

Granted, the ouctome itself is tragic but everything that is related before, those contemplative day-to-day life scenes, has no direct connection with it and 90% of the script therefore turn out to be almost pointless, and though the film lasts only 1h25, it seems long.

Fruitvale Station probably would have been more relevant as a short feature since there wasn't much material for more.
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