The 12 Disasters of Christmas (TV Movie 2012) Poster

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gavin694230 December 2013
It is Christmas Eve when an ominous dark star appears in the sky; could this star be a sign that Judgment Day is near...

Wow, this film is bad. On top of all the nonsense -- why did the Mayans hide all that stuff in Idaho, and why is the end of the world only happening in one city -- it was just bad on many levels, even for a film that appeared on SyFy (and changing the title to get it purchased / watched after Christmas will do nothing to save it).

Worst of all was the naming of characters as "Joseph", "Mary" and "Jacey". I mean, you could try to make it a bit more subtle by at least calling the one guy Joe, but no.
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Should've been titled the, "12 Gruesome Deaths of Christmas."
bgm200511 December 2012
Warning: Spoilers
Should've been titled the, "12 Gruesome Deaths of Christmas."

Complete with killer Christmas lights that break from their shackles for the attack, a mysterious fog that makes that creepy noise while stalking its prey, and unlucky Grandma impaled by a giant icicle that missiles from the sky.

A small-town story of biblical proportions, of course character and place names gotta use biblical references. And finally, no good biblical disaster story is worthwhile without an evil nemesis, so toss in a Wal-mart clone and its megalomaniacal owner as the villain. I mean, the disaster has to have a purpose, right?

A sophomoric movie that I admit kept me watching just to see how it ends. The real end though, was me poking myself in the chest for losing two hours of my life.
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I laughed so hard seeing how poorly this was executed
HK_Key-Si_HK19 March 2018
The 12 Disasters Of Christmas is a weird movie. It is weird, because everything in it seems to be bad. The acting, the dialogues, the plot, the writing and not to forget the incredibly bad CGI (one of the worst I have ever seen). In a small town, young Jacey (Magda Apanowicz) has her birthday. And this event triggers the reappearance of 12 plagues the Mayans have encountered 1000s of years ago. But do not worry, her grandma knows she is "the chosen one" and passes an old ring on to her to stop the end of the world. There are 4 more rings to be found to stop armageddon and that gives us one and a half hours of whatever this movie is trying to be. I don't want to go into details that much, but I have to point out the CGI effects on the electric wires. I laughed so hard seeing how poorly this was executed, that the rest of the movie just left me with a smile. And not even a sour one! I even found myself enjoying it. Usually your first reaction would be, well, it was like that in the 80s sometimes. And then you notice the movie is from 2012. Nevermind then... This movie is a great opportunity for you, to show it to people who even complain about top notch CGI today. After they saw this here, they might appreciate it a lot more!
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Painful Waste of Time and CGI
kat_astrophi9 December 2012
Please do not consider wasting two whole hours of your life on this turd, possibly hoping (as I did) that it will fall into that 'so bad it's good' territory. This movie was so awful it skipped that category altogether and went straight into the land of 'forgettable and generic'. I'll try and go through methodically rather than just wax annoyed about this Syfy dud: PLOT/STORY- The film is a doomsday sci-fi story set in a small Northern town and based on the premise that the Mayans predicted the end times and then warned us using coded messages in the song "The 12 Days of Christmas." Yes, really, the one with the French hens. The writers waste no time in flinging far-fetched and mostly unexplained disasters at the characters, from hilariously fatal icicles to hurricanes to the dreaded Jello Sky only previously seen in Ghostbusters II. The characters are incredibly cartoonish (soulless corporate goons, rebellious teen girls, religious fruitcakes, the gang's all here!) and the writing is so weak in parts it is embarrassing to watch actual grown-ups act out clunky dialogue and a confusing narrative a fourth grader may as well have written. Which brings me to my next point.

ACTING- The film hangs its hat primarily on Jacey, a young girl with special powers, and her father, as they go through tired heroics trying to decipher a book of Mayan cartoons, save the world, and repair their strained relationship, natch. The actors here do little more than act as cardboard stand-ins for characters so flat and incomplete even THEY don't seem to believe them. I wasn't convinced that any of the people were in even the slightest bit of peril (and trust me, peril comes at every character from all sides) other than perhaps the dog, which had the good sense to leave early on before things got so bad that I had second-hand embarrassment for anyone who appeared on screen. Without spoiling anything, suffice to say that the best bits of acting (and I use that term loosely) are generally the people who display expressions of actual horror- as opposed to boredom- before they are dispatched of violently by the doom du jour.

MUSIC AND SOUND FX- Nothing special to see here; the film carries your typical Asylum-quality generic music tracks to try and amp up whatever terror or concern we're intended to feel, although I must say that occasionally you get a satisfying crunch or rip whenever a hapless townsperson is brutally killed because the Mayans got their panties in a bunch and we didn't pay enough attention to a Christmas song.

...In closing, yeah, it was just that bad. Also, here's a parting thought: we're meant to buy that Jacey and her family are descended from Mayan prophets, and their pale-Caucasian-small-Northern-town-ishness is hand waved by the resident Smart Theory Guy by simply saying that thousands of years of intermarrying with Europeans has made them not remotely Hispanic. Seeing as how there are still Maya peoples (an ethnic group) alive today in Mexico and Central America, isn't this kind of racist or at best, wildly ignorant? I kind of hope so because it gives me one more thing I can complain about with this movie. After giving my two hours I feel I've earned as much. Don't make the same mistake I did, folks.
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Well, They Got the Disaster Part Right
Michael_Elliott9 December 2012
The 12 Disasters of Christmas (2012)

* 1/2 (out of 4)

Really stupid movie has a girl (Magda Apanowicz) learning that she's the "chosen one" and must collect five rings to prevent the Mayan prediction of the world coming to an end from happening. Along with her father (Ed Quinn) the two try and capture the rings while avoiding earthquakes, tornadoes, ice spears and other disasters. THE 12 DISASTERS OF Christmas should have been so much fun but instead it's just one long, boring mess of a film that takes itself way too serious. Add in the totally unbelievable special effects and you've got another worthless movie that people turn into SyFy for each Saturday. I actually thought this one here had a pretty interesting story but it soon struck me that the "end of the world" wasn't really the "end of the world" because all of the events were just taking place in this one small hick town. It's also pretty hard to be scared of anything you're watching when the special effects are so poor that you can't help but roll your eyes. This is especially true during the scenes where people are freezing and the ice spears really aren't any better. The performances are about average for this type of picture but you really can't blame them too much considering the screenplay. THE LORD OF THE RINGS is another obvious "inspiration" but director Steven R. Monroe (I SPIT ON YOUR GRAVE) just can't bring any life to the material.
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1 disaster...this movie!
hepnershadow29 December 2013
I watched this movie in Portugal. My friend was sick, so we stayed in and came across this so called movie. It's one of those movies you can't not not watch and laugh through the whole thing. The great thing about seeing it in Europe is that there is limited commercials.

Mayan rings? Really? The father, Joseph, and the mom, Mary, have a daughter named Jacey??..JC....seriously??? and a son named Peter? There's even a "Jude" who betrays the holy family! Oh, and Kane...I was waiting for Abel to show up somewhere.

I feel bad for Magda Apanowicz...I felt at one point she was thinking, "Why didn't I get that part in the Hunger Games???" If it's on, just leave on the background while your cleaning your litter box.
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Dead-headed SyFy disaster junk
Leofwine_draca21 August 2016
The 12 Disasters of Christmas is a Christmas-themed disaster movie from the SyFy Channel that attempts to emulate the same kind of Mayan prophecy disaster nonsense as in the big bucks Hollywood movie 2012. Except, of course, the filmmakers have a budget of about $3.60, so attempting to convey world-scale events on a tiny budget was always going to be a challenge. No surprise that they make a pig's ear of it.

This Canadian movie was helmed by Steven R. Monroe, no stranger to the B-movie genre having already made the likes of ICE TWISTERS and the I SPIT ON YOUR GRAVE remake. Religious nonsense provides a backdrop to the otherwise familiar action, which sees a family trio pursued by twelve different disasters: they are forced to flee from freezing ground, invisible force fields, icicle showers, and other assorted mayhem. None of it makes much sense and it goes without saying that the CGI effects are so utterly poor as to be completely laughable.

Another laughable element of the film is to have the annoying female teen protagonist called Jacey and her parents Joseph and Mary. I suppose the scriptwriters thought this amounted to wit but they were mistaken, it's just very silly. The stuff with the magic ring seems to have been borrowed from THE LORD OF THE RINGS but inevitably given the low budget, the climax is based around human drama and betrayal rather than anything requiring money. Yes, it's dreadful.
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Theo Robertson24 February 2013
Warning: Spoilers
" On the twelfth day of Christmas my true love sent to me ... " You know the song don't you ? And thanks to this movie from the SyFy channel I found out a few other other things . Thinking I was going to be watching a cheap version of something THE CORE or 2012 I found out so many things I didn't before . Watching THE 12 DISASTERS OF Christmas was a highly epistemological experience

The original song the 12 Days Of Christmas isn't in fact a traditional European Christmas carol but is a warning from Mayan Prophecy

A complete stranger aged in their seventies can turn up at the home of a teenage girl asking to see her and no one is reminded of TO CATCH A PREDATOR

Characters who are of of one hundred per cent European descent living in North America and who have never been near South America can still have a Mayan bloodline

I could go on but you see the point I'm making . Whenever a character says something or does something you're left scratching your head or rubbing your chin thinking " Hmmmm I don't think any of this is at all likely " When an audience member starts bigging them self up thinking they're more erudite than the screenwriter that's a fault that can't be overcome

The main problem of the movie is how inoffensive and family friendly it all is . It's not necessarily a bad thing because I did have the misfortune to watch CABIN FEVER 2 SPRING FEVER the previous night but THE 12 DISASTERS OF Christmas has the opposite effect . It's not much different from watching one of those disease of the week TVMs . It's summed by a scene where two characters find themselves in the middle of a tornado storm and a car falls towards one them . Cut to other character screaming and screen fading to black
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Not in a while has a movie title been more apt...
TheLittleSongbird23 December 2012
Warning: Spoilers
I actually aim to be encouraging to be encouraging towards films with my comments, summaries and ratings, but only ones that really deserve it. The 12 Disasters of Christmas doesn't deserve it for me, it is one of those movies where a movie title is spot on in summing up the quality of the film. The 12 Disasters are not of Christmas or the disasters depicted in the movie to me, more like the 12 main disasters that contribute to the overall disaster that is this movie. List of disasters in regard to this regard(in no particular order):

Disaster #1- In regard to the special effects I wasn't expecting great ones considering the term low-budget. I did want to see some kind of effort, which is not what I got with The 12 Disasters of Christmas. These ones look really cheap and perhaps even unfinished, again not unexpected, but seriously these are among the worst I've seen in a while.

Disaster #2- The editing is very choppy. It does little to make the scenery and such interesting or striking to look at. But it also manages to actually make the effects even cheaper than they already are.

Disaster #3- All of the acting is poor. Everybody seems really bland, the very worst could be described as non-existent, and never once is there a sense of genuine peril or terror.

Disaster #4- A complete lack of atmosphere. Any scenes that mean to indicate any signs of suspense or a sense of genuine horror at the perilous predicaments fail completely.

Disaster #5- Which leads directly onto the story. Pacing-wise you know a film is dull when nothing compelling of the kind happens. To further disadvantage things, there is also nothing that comes across as a surprise, it is riddled with predictability that you know exactly what is going to happen throughout. It also suffers from taking itself far too seriously.

Disaster #6- There is some really awful writing in The 12 Disasters of Christmas. The whole dialogue throughout the entire movie is awkward and cheesy, and made even worse by the uninvolved line delivery of the actors. There are also far too many biblical references and names that are both poorly placed and very poorly researched.

Disaster #7- If you are looking for any likable characters, don't look for them here. And let's forget for a moment that the characters and many of the situations are clumsy and overused stereotypes. These characters are either obnoxious or non-descript and are nowhere near developed enough. Consequently I didn't care for them or their situation at all.

Disaster #8- Coming from somebody who has started a degree in music(vocal studies to be exact), I always do look for good music. And was the music good here? Not to me it wasn't. It wasn't the case for me of it being badly composed, it just came across as generic with a sluggish tempo, making the movie even duller for my tastes.

Disaster #9- With low-budget disaster movies and if you have seen enough, you are probably accustomed to some questionable science and geography. But you will be in for a shock at how many of these errors there are in The 12 Disasters of Christmas and how pushed to the limit of stupidity they are brought to.

Disaster #10- Likewise with the music, this movie has some lame sound effects as well. More often they are overbearing and bizarre even, but what is even more frustrating is that the suspense is partly ruined by the sound effects literally sounding out whether something bad or out of the ordinary is going to happen.

Disaster #11- The directing feels very flat here, breathing no life or energy to the proceedings. There is no sense of individual style or feel of the disaster movie genre as well.

Disaster #12- Bad pacing, it's all very leaden and lifeless, so everything underwhelms whereas it should thrill or shock.

So in conclusion, disastrous. If you do decide to see this movie, do make sure that you do watch it before Christmas(despite the title), otherwise you'll find yourself a Scrooge overnight. 0/10 Bethany Cox
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Horrible and not even researched well
knightfan-2418825 December 2016
Warning: Spoilers
Not only is the acting as poor as described, and seems to mock Mayan culture/ethnicity, but let's add that it's blatantly anti-Semitic (the character named Jude that betrays....not making this up....Mary, Joseph, Jacey (gee...J.C.?), and Peter.

By the way.....the 12 Days of Christmas start AT Christmas, not before. That inaccuracy should have been enough to clue me to avoid this thing altogether.

Geez, need to add more lines....this was really, really a bad movie. And a blatant rip off of Lord of the Rings. I'm honestly not sure why I'm watching to the end....
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Yep, disaster, that's a good name
agremlin30 December 2016
Warning: Spoilers
This one stank worse than the bathrooms in the Superdome during Hurricane Katrina in New Orleans. Just have a few questions here and yes, there are spoilers with them so, let's get started.

Question 1 as the Mayan culture died out in South America would it not be impossible for both The of that culture's bloodline and all of the Rings to wind up in the same location, in North America? What are the odds of that happening? Question 2, on the mountain why did the steam dissolve Mr. Kane however Jaycee and her father had been hit by numerous steam eruptions and came through completely unscathed? Perhaps they had Nomex underwear. Question 3 with the laser-guided stalagmites why is it that no one in this town appears bright enough to get inside? Question 4 when Mary was summoned by the sheriff to the accident site on the road, no other passerbyers, no cops, no other anybody was present at the accident. There should have been someone there who made the phone call to 911 but likely they had something else to do. And in that regard, why did Mary not even check on the other victim in the overturned vehicle? Is it possible that it was that second person in the other car who made the phone call and was just in such a hurry they decided to walk into town? Or could it have been the man in the grassy knoll with the rifle? Question 5, how did this Mayan civilization thousands of years ago hide a ring in a mine that did not exist or would not exist for a thousand years? I'm guessing these guys were good! And Question Number 6 (my personal favorite) is how in perdition's flames did Kane, Mary, Jaycee, and everybody else involved in this fiasco in between make it through the impenetrable barrier of cursed Mayan energy to get to the mine, Grant's cabin, the mountain trail, the ranger station, the Christmas Farm and find the Rings? All of these locales we're outside of the town, you know that place with the impenetrable Death Dome that's sealed everyone inside?

Seriously, who writes this stuff?? Did they have a day off from KinderCare and did it in between recess and lunch period? It's like they're not even trying anymore.
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Simple the best ever!
greg73498 December 2012
This movie has topped any film i have ever seen the screenplay was top notch the suspense this movie put me through was incredible I strongly feel this movie could win an Oscar for best film of the year Holly elissa really used her magic in this film somehow outdoing her role in ice quakes which i thought was impossible This movie plays out a lot like a steve zillar directed film who by no comparison is the best director in the business The special effects are amazing I would say easily outdoing avatar and the plot keeps you jumping out of your chair all the way till the very end. I have been moved spiritually by this film it is an uplifting film and makes passion of the Christ a has been. When you watch this film im sure you will agree I cannot wait for the following comments cause I don't see how anyone can turn down this film!
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Syfy fans will enjoy
spmytrash10 December 2012
I have watched many Syfy original movies, personally i find them very enjoyable. Unlike many of the other people who are negative about these kinds of movies and quick to give bad ratings and reviews. You need to be a fan of Syfy movies to really be able to enjoy this movie. Sure it does not compare to "2012" or some other popular doomsday movie. But to the right crowds and fans I believe many would still enjoy this movie. The effects and story line are not high rated or spectacular. But keep in mind, it is a Syfy original movie. The actors and actresses may not be well known or very popular. Even though some of them have been seen in other Syfy originals. Considering the movie genre,the casting, and storyline i really think they did a good job. I would really recommend it for any fan of Syfy movie originals.
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Okay at best
SanteeFats26 December 2014
Warning: Spoilers
An end of days movie based on the Mayan calender that never came to be. A very old looking teen named Jacey is the fulcrum for the film. There is the misguided guy who thinks she must be sacrificed based on the last page of an ancient tome. He is wrong and pays with his life but not before others pay a price. So this girl needs to find five rings that will empower her to stop the end of the world. So she goes looking for the rings with her dad's help but runs into problem's. Of course she finds all five rings and stops the end of the world. Her whole family manages to survive, mother, father, and brother. Humm maybe a bit to much but I guess you can't a lot of angst in a ScyFy show now can you??
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Can't get past the elephant in the room
kirachloe2 November 2023
12 disasters that are beacons of the end of times. But they ALL happen in a little town that no one ever heard of and almost no one goes to???

The key stone of any ... EVERY ... quality SciFi and horror movie is the 'suspension of disbelief'. The script and actors have to support this to ensure the audience gets drawn in and STAYS in the framework of the movie. And yet, they never once provide a sufficient explanation of why the whole world depends on a little town out in the middle of nowhere ... that didn't even exist when the architects of the prophecy was created. Come on, if you can't cover the basics do not expect a good rating.

Yes, the film crew seemed to know what they were doing and the acting was actually good But without a solid story your audience is going to drift in and out of the experience, and ultimately have a negative experience.
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Who gave this movie rating higher than 1?
kububeach11 July 2022
The title says it all. It's just a disaster. The story doesn't make sense. The acting was really bad. And don't start with the terrible CGI. I don't know what the purpose of making this movie isz.
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Thank goodness for fast-forward
BenHur5924 December 2020
I watched this movie in about ten minutes, mostly on fast-forward, going to regular speed just to see how bad the next not-special effect would be and of course the demise of the bad guy. They won't tell us what the budget for this landfill-worthy effort was, but it was way too much I am sure. Ed Wood's "Plan Nine from Outer Space" was far more entertaining and cost a lot less.
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I think greg7349 was kidding
kris-gray29 February 2020
So how many times can a teenager save the world? An American teenager at that!

greg7349 says it is worthy of an Oscar, now I know he is joking as I can't believe he is serious, perhaps he was thinking he meant minus ten, now that would be about right.

It was only early this morning and there wasn't much else to watch whilst I was dealing with my emails so I didn't really waste any time on it. I just wonder why only American teenagers can save the world, even though the rest of the world doesn't seem to be affected.

So it's the usual Sci-fi channel American rubbish, be warned.
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I actually threw up.
gman-6305114 August 2021
The camera movement really messed with my brain. Silly angles, Constant, irrelevant camera movement. I got motion sickness for the first time ever.
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Whiny Girl Movie
MissCherylA5 December 2021
JC. A female Jesus mixed with witchcraft powers. That's not sacrilegious at all. Jesus was a man not a whiney teenager. They couldn't even do the storyline right.
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Just Did Not Fire On All Cylinders Or Perhaps Any...
wandernn1-81-68327428 December 2020
The Story seemed to copy a lot of other movies. Under The Dome and others I just cant name right now. There wasn't a lot of originality or really much entertaining about it. Cannot recommend. 3/10
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Christmas in July
gressman0724 July 2021
I honestly can't tell if this movie is trying to be serious, and that's what makes it so bad it's so good. I don't remember the last time I've laughed so hard without drugs, my face honestly hurts from so much grinning. Knew I was in for a winner with Grandma's "all the women in our family" bit and things only get better from there (and quickly so).

A Yuletide amalgamation, mashing together 2012, Under the Dome, Red Clover, and even The Mist (!)

I'm glad Christmas came early this year cause I'm thinking we're in for some chop come 12/21!
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Only 1 disaster
aillyia12 December 2020
And that disaster was this dumpster fire of a movie. It was poignant, if by poignant you mean it sucked
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Haha. What a POS movie. Wow it's bad.
frankblack-7996130 July 2022
You probably wouldn't expect this to be as bad as it actually is. Almost turned it off a few times, but roughed it out because it was making me laugh. Terrible story, acting, cgi, you name it. A middle school kid educated in a private school could have written a better screenplay. In public school I doubt they can read and write anymore, but they know what a drag queen is. Just avoid this if you want something interesting and intelligent to watch.
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One Big Disaster!
adamjohns-4257529 November 2022
The 12 Disasters Of Christmas (2012) -

Wow! This was sooo bad! After a few minutes I knew that I wasn't going to watch it to the end, but I did try.

20 minutes was enough though and I had to turn it off.

The acting was poor, the special effects were worse and the story looked like it was going to be awful.

Ed Quinn as the Dad was quite sexy, but even the chance that he might get naked later on was not enough to keep me watching, because he wasn't that hot.

It certainly wasn't the usual charming Christmas romance and I was actually looking forward to that, but this was so far from the type of films I enjoy and so far from being well made too.

Unscored as unfinished.
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