Go On (TV Series 2012–2013) Poster


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I am glad I started watching this
Gummybear20127 January 2013
I watched the pilot yesterday.

I got so addicted, I have already finished all the episodes that have been released online. It is not the bursting out laughing type of comedy like Seinfeld or Friends, but Go On is certainly a feel good-worthy time waster. Matthew Perry is almost the same character as Chandler from Friends but his persona manages to carry the show off really well.

It is hilarious in it's own way with the awkward and sarcastic jokes as well as the thought provoking lovable character personalities.

If you have nothing to do and want to just smile on the inside, watch Go On!
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A feel good watch.
timlawson1-553-14000412 December 2012
I was really looking forward seeing Matthew Perry again and i'm glad I did. What 'd like to add after reading the reviews and watching the first 6 episodes is that the creators of this show really captured the same optimism and positive vibe you get from watching series like "Friends". It's that unique feeling you had way back. It's humor and optimism in a really pure and simple form, never rude yet humorously cynical. If you're not in to that stuff normally (like me) you will still have a great time watching this.

Matthew Perry seems to pull this off pretty easily. He's charming and funny, not as nerdy as Chandler but more the arrogant type that opens up to people slowly. Good acting, great cast, I like it a lot.
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Best New Comedy On TV
hussainalkasake28 February 2013
When I first found out about Go On, I thought it'll be like Mr Sunshine. Remember that show? Exactly. But this is what we've been waiting for from Matthew Perry. Matt plays Ryan King, a popular sportscaster who lost his wife and has to attend mandatory group therapy sessions. That's what's awesome about the show, the group. The group is hilarious, with well constructed, weird, crazy personalities. The group is really good, just as funny as Matt. The writing is incredibly awesome, with Matthew Perry's classic sarcasm that's still funny. The show probably won't run for a long time, due to the story. Not saying it's bad(it's great) but it can't go on for more than 1 or 2 seasons. It's incredibly good, especially if you were a Friends fan. This is a hilarious, feel-good show that'll bring a smile to you're face. Definitely Best New Comedy On TV. Go Watch It Now!!!
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A great new comedy - why all the hate?
CriticCritique19 September 2012
If you're reading this then you already know the premise of the show. When I first heard about this show I had a hard time imagining how they would be able to pull it off as a sitcom, however after watching it all I can say is well done.

The cast does a great job and are very believable, especially considering there is almost no character development going on. Having watched the first three episodes I really hope that this show gets at least 2 seasons. I don't know that it has enough going for it to last beyond that, as at some point he has to get out of therapy, but I hope they give it the opportunity to play itself out.

For me, the true test of a comedy is not necessarily that it is funny for the whole 30 minutes (well, 21 minutes, damn commercials), but that it makes me laugh out loud. This show has provided me with a number of laugh out loud moments, and that is what I am looking for in a comedy.
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Finally, a good "dark" comedy
pukcia12 September 2012
The idea behind this show is fresh and promising, but it is the tone of the show that I liked the most. In this era of sarcasm and irony filled shows this one is actually nice relief! Don't get me wrong - perfectly executed sarcasm is really funny, but I am happy to see the show that manages to crack me up without being too sarcastic, especially given the main theme of the show. Perhaps the only negative point of the show is the size of the therapy group - it is too large so it is very difficult to remember them all. Also, I really hope the writers won't go the obvious way in terms of the romance - that would definitely spoil the show considerably. Of course, my opinion is based on the first 2 episodes of the show, but I hope to see much more of it. All in all - a nice return of Matthew Perry but most of all - the show that makes you smile and be a little bit happier.
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Slowly spreading its wings
tejafrenz15 October 2012
I am a big fan of Matthew perry and always want to see him do good roles, so that's how i started to watch the show. It is really nice to see Perry back and also in his over prudent form. He looks good in some eps and hammered in some but overall he is able to pull himself together to show us some of the great acting he has in him. It is a pity he is not picked up by many directors.

Coming to the show, starting was a bit hazy as usual and i didn't know what substance it might have to go on. Now they are taking things slowly, started exploring characters and it makes a good watch. Hope they move on over the Ryan character and really start expanding the show.

Over and all, the show is enjoyable with some damn good acting but with a little preaching here and there. I am watching the coming episodes, are you with me?
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Go On is Awesome!
elephantsonparadetoys11 October 2012
Warning: Spoilers
This show is quality! If you like sarcasm and crazy people, then this is your show! I can't wait for the next episode!! Matthew Perry's character is perfect. He loses his wife, is unable to grieve and ends up having to go to grief counseling. There we find a group of "crazies" that are dealing with their own grief issues. Between the group, they are able to help each other deal with life and "Go On". I crack up every time I watch this show. The writers are genius. As I just lost a family member, it is good to know that we can still feel sad, but be able to enjoy the memories and "go for the cry". John Cho is one of my favorite actors, so I am glad to see him on TV! He plays an great straight man to Matt Perry's craziness. And this show would not be the same with out the entire grief counseling group!! Go watch this show! It's awesome!
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I'm so sad that this show got cancelled...
taylorkingston3 May 2015
Warning: Spoilers
I honestly thought this show was really good, and I really enjoyed it. I'm really, truly, surprised that this show got cancelled, which as you can imagine, made me very, very sad. I loved it. I thought it was a new idea that hadn't been done before, with a great cast. But as well all know, it's very hard for a show to get off the ground. The fact that it made it to air for an entire season is good enough for me.

This show is about a sportscaster who has recently lost his wife. Just to clarify, when I say lost, I mean she died. He goes to a support group and meets all of these other people who are struggling to get let go with a loss, hence the title, Go On, as they must all go on with their lives.

Overall, I give this TV show a 7 out of 10, which in my ratings book is: Great.
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Go On is great show, that I hope will last at least 7 seasons at the least!
Morpheus91128 October 2012
Never could get into "Friends" so Perry was just part of the; whatever cast of a highly rated, whatever, comedy. I just never did find the "Oh, I am hot and cool and edgy, quick lipped sitcoms like, "How I Met Your Mother", or "Happy Endings" or any comedy that has a freaking need to shove some Hollywoody mainstream social agenda down my throat, ever funny at all.

Herein lies a show that just deals with pure human relations and subjective emotional downfalls that we ALL GO THROUGH on a daily basis. Go On, trades edgy, with constructive sarcasm, and a just "look at myself in a mirror, we all have problems," overall attitude without going into the movie-type ridiculous unreal personality traits like you would see in a Happy Gilmore production. On the other hand, the first comedy movie, that I ever watched more than one time, was "The Whole Nine Yards." In this movie, Matt Perry first displayed this quirky but not annoying yet vulnerable and fairly intelligent dude that will not be totally be taken advantage of.

I see this same personality is in Go On, which I liked so much from the 2000 movie. So along with a phenomenal group of characters that are so well played with the likes of the kid from "Everybody Hates Chris" and Julie White, quite frankly, the whole cast is amazingly written and well directed. And goes without saying, is an incredibly well acted ensemble cast to the likes of a classic comedy like "Barney Miller" from the 70s. Go On is great show, that I hope will last at least 7 seasons or more. Love it! GT
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It's not Matthew's fault
piercejeans17 September 2023
As in capital punishment, execution is everything in a sitcom TV show. The premise is darkly possibly funny. One of the producers from Modern Family was connected to this show. With an exec producer from Friends and the best male star of Friends, what could go wrong?

This is the "what were they thinking" part of the review. I think it's best to compare this to another successful sitcom like "Modern Family." The Levitan / Lloyd creation had an ensemble cast like Friends and somewhat like they tried to do here. What happened? It was not the weak plots... Friends had plenty of "I can't believe they wasted an episode on this premise" episodes. And it was not the directors... or was it?

Time and again, comparing the quick tempo perky high energy of Friends and Modern Family to this production leaves me wondering how the directors and producers could allow them to produce a half sitcom and a half soap opera. The drama and serious moments of the show were played with too much pathos... that way. THAT is the problem.

In Friends and in Modern Family, it did not matter what the subject was or the premise of the episode, it was always played funny. The actors never bogged down even in the serious moments. Matthew Perry showed them how it was done. The rest of the cast... did not. There was no chemistry. The performances of the female actresses was weak and forced. The assembly of a politically correct array of demographics perhaps contributed to the genuine lack of energy and chemistry between the actors. Everybody tries... but producers have to pick actors for the parts.

In the shows Friends and Modern Family, you could not imagine other people playing the roles... they made it their own roles and their own characters came to life, different from the rest of the cast but still belonging. In GO ON, it seemed as if half the cast is just reading lines, and they really did not do justice to some genuinely funny material. Granted, the lines were not Woody Allen quality, but then again they should not have become General Hospital.

I am surprised Silveri and others did not pick up on the weak spots, coming from such powerhouses as Friends and Holland being a future producer of Modern Family. Perhaps it was the budget. It is always sad when high potential is not executed properly. Matthew Perry is very talented and skilled at comedy. I think they should have aimed at a cast around him which had the same energy and charisma as the Friends cast. All I have to say for now. I am going to go off into a corner and sulk.
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Didn't deserve to be canceled
faddict201111 August 2013
I stumbled across this show after i heard a few of my friends discussing a short clip from a trailer for the show - we googled the show looking for that clip and there was no stopping thereafter.

The show is funny, witty and the characters are relatable. Matthew Perry is great and as usual has great presence and perfect comic timing. Julie White (Anne), Laura Benneti (Lauren)and John Cho (Steven) and most of the cast are really great at their roles.

It's really sad that it was canceled because it had a good cast and the show was really gathering momentum. It has really great moments and I would have loved to see more of it. Hopefully, it will get picked up and followed through.
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Based on the pilot
napierslogs9 September 2012
What we have here is a comedy about a man whose wife passed away. In film-land, dark comedies generally elevate both comedy and drama-tragedy genres. In TV-land, dark comedies rarely find the right balance. However, with "Go On", I am optimistic solely because of Matthew Perry in the lead role of Ryan King, a sportscaster. In over 15 years of TV sitcoms and light comedy film roles, he has always been able to deliver a sarcastic comment in lieu of actual advice, and successfully make us laugh, over and over again.

Ryan's boss forces him to attend group therapy to help deal with the loss of his wife. As can be guessed, group therapy is filled with all different people from all different walks of life with all different depressing issues to deal with. It has been compared to "Community" in the regard that we have group of people with different ages, racial and cultural backgrounds. While it's very clear that this series isn't going to go in the same direction at all, it should also be noted that this group won't be able to make many people laugh. There's around 10-12 members in the group therapy, which is way too many for us to get to know. Based on the pilot, it looks like one member might be able to make me laugh, which means approximately 10 won't.

The next big issue with "Go On" is who is going to be able to take Perry's sarcastic comments and throw them back at him for the extended punch-line? There's no Jennifer Aniston, Allison Janney, Sarah Paulson, David Schwimmer, or Bradley Whitford. And I really don't have faith that any of the sports stars can deliver a scripted joke.

What we have here is failure to communicate. Just like most dark comedies attempting to grace the small screen.

While I liked "Mr. Sunshine", "Studio 60 on the Sunset Strip", and "Friends" a lot more than the few laughs I got out of the pilot for "Go On", I will remain optimistic. If the writing is good, the jokes will follow.
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Not great
veve_veve21 November 2012
After watching a few episodes of Go On, I'm disappointed. It's predictable, jokes are too easy, and it's a waste of Matthew Perry's talent.

The characters are clichés: the lonely woman who loves cats, the weirdo who says the strangest things out of the blue, or the one who's too cool for the whole thing but somehow find his emotional side (and everyone says 'awww'). There's no original spin on the characters and I feel like I've heard the story many many times before.

It's not the worst sitcom, there are few funny moments here and there, but too few, too far apart, and they were overtaken by the times when I felt like saying "Oh, come on!" rather than smile.

Last, one thing I found particularly annoying is it's resemblance to NBC's Community. Not because I don't like the latter, I love the show, but Go On one is just a toned down version of Community, stripped of its best parts, in my opinion.
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10 years later...
greek-a-rican-467-972022 April 2022
...and I'm still upset this show was canceled. I'm watching it again on the Roku channel, and it's just as hilarious as it was in 2012. Fantastic ensemble!
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Quirky Funny
ozfan-118 September 2012
This show is quirky but not, so far, laugh out loud funny. I've watched both episodes aired and have the next one on DVR. I enjoy the repartee between the characters. It looks like there is some sexual tension between Ryan and Lauren and perhaps Ryan and Anne (his assistance) which could play out later in the series. I like Fausta, George and Sonia (can you say cat lady lol). The character Mr. K is going to be a scene stealer for sure (kinda like other minor characters have done in other sitcoms). Will this last, I think it might. I am intrigued by it and even though I am not rolling on the floor laughing, I like the pace of the show. The characters are interesting as well.

Check out my blog on Blogspot called Tales of Television for more reviews
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Not Bad
raykyogrou06 December 2012
Warning: Spoilers
A show about a group of people going to therapy because they lost someone or something. The idea seems familiar and I don't think this will last long. I mean, do you see all of these people going to therapy for longer than 1 season? Matthew Perry makes it better and he is quite funny. Also the guy who plays Steven can have his moments. But still, I won't be surprised if it gets canceled at the end of this season. Maybe it will run for one more season, maybe not.

The gay guy is annoying.

The lesbian woman has some funny insults and comebacks.

Sometimes I wonder if the woman who plays Fausta really acts or is just herself.

Larry is quite funny too, good actor.
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Matthew Perry can't catch a break
SnoopyStyle28 August 2013
Ryan King (Matthew Perry) is a sports talk radio host struggling with his wife's death. His assistant Carrie (Allison Miller) has a crush on him. His boss/friend Steven (John Cho) forces him to join a support group led by slightly incompetent Lauren Bennett (Laura Benanti). The group includes Anne (Julie White) who lost her gay partner, Yolanda (Suzy Nakamura) who is sexually closed off, Owen Lewis (Tyler James Williams) whose brother is in a coma, and Sonia (Sarah Baker) who lost her cat.

The Friends curse continues for Matthew Perry. This is actually quite a fun cast. The self-help group is a superior setup. It's an automatic built-in group with chemistry. I really thought this one had a chance. Matthew is being Matthew. It's the group dynamics that's different. They are quirky fun, and each one is worth rooting for. They are more family than acquaintances. There are some great comedic talents showcased. It is really too bad that this didn't get renew. It is not going to be any better for Matthew.
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constant small doses of humor
dragokin28 April 2013
It seems that some of the cast of Friends (1994-2004) are cursed to be remembered by it, Matthew Perry being among them. Go on is an attempt to leave this legacy behind and is partially successful.

The episodes are short, which is at the same time Go on's advantage and disadvantage. Advantage, because it can never become boring. Disadvantage, because a lot of jokes have to be told in a short time frame. This leads to fast delivery of lines and occasional over-the-top performance.

I would call Go on small, not because of its qualities, but because it won't be remembered as a groundbreaking comedy. Despite that it is a relaxing show that will make you laugh a lot. In my opinion, this is not easy and nowadays not a lot of shows can do that over a longer period...
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Love this show, my favorite
kupo778 November 2013
Cant believe they canceled it, its one of the best ones I've seen in years, and i don't like many shows. Not cool.... Loved the characters and how they become good friends, the whole therapy situation and just how free the characters are, out of the box.

Not this typical boring show but very entertaining. I loved watching every show and i laughed a lot. I've even watched this season many times. I just cant believe it got canceled... All characters are really funny, especially mr. K who is fascinating. I love how they help each other dealing with stuff and i just love love this show. I cant believe so many bad shows go on endlessly and the good stuff gets the boot. Shameful.
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Great Show, Love Matthew Perry
jschroeck9223 September 2012
Warning: Spoilers
When I first heard about this show, I didn't think I would care for it that much. It looked interesting though. My friend actually convinced me to start watching it.

The main reason why I really wanted to watch it was because I liked watching Matthew Perry in Friends and I thought that he might to a good job in this show. Well I was right. Matthew Perry plays a dedicated sports reporter on the radio, but he has recently lost his wife in a car accident. He doesn't like to admit it, but he is having a hard time getting through this. He is forced to go to group therapy so he can slowly get over it. He meets a bunch of interesting people, and the show is based off of interesting thing s that happen to him and his new friends in group therapy.

I find that this show is great for everyone. The humor in it isn't vulgar and there is just enough drama that can drag you into it. This show is great for the whole family, and i highly recommend that you should watch this show. You won't be disappointed.
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Not Entertained
craigmetke15 February 2020
A show made for people who don't know they can choose something else. Not worth the bandwidth.
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Extremely Underrated comedy, phenomenal cast!!
joiningjt12 October 2020
I have no idea why this didn't stay on the air it was incredible funny, incredible cast, showed signs of a great future but as usual a great show doesn't make it. It was really Underrated and the whole cast shined. It's to late for it to come back but if it did I'd be there watching every episode . Also everyone I know who watched it also loved it.
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I love it
Tareq924812 April 2016
This show is Awesome. I had many laughs and I felt Ryan's(Matthew Perry) journey after his loss of his the woman he loved with sadness and enjoyed his sessions with group in a funny way. what made the show great that the Actors fit in their roles and did great. And the show is not just funny it also has a message and makes you feel others problems and learn something you learn especially the value and importance of love. This is one of few shows that I went through one episode after another. I am really disappointed that it got canceled I really want more. The show could have had few other seasons. It is really underrated. I think it is one of the best 20 minutes sitcoms.
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Great show......can't understand why it didn't take off!
postalpete-905278 July 2021
I loved the cast and the storyline as I thought it had endless possibilities as Ryan (Perry) navigates his world after the passing of his wife. I really wish this had been the post-Friends hit Matthew Perry deserved.
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It was good while it lasted
Collie_M19 August 2013
Warning: Spoilers
I was disappointed to learn that this show was cancelled after the first series. I thought it had many things going for it, despite the fact that it was flawed in places also.

I feel most for Matthew Perry, who is great in the series as the overly- confident (almost to the point of being obnoxious at times) but very likable sports radio presenter, Ryan King, dealing with the loss of his wife, Janie. The supporting cast is strong also: John Cho and Perry work very well together as the workmates/friends. The plot centers around the support group that Ryan attends, reluctantly at first, led by novice guidance councilor Lauren (with problems of her own). Almost all of these members are acted well and have their own quirks: it is a diverse group and their characters are well-written and acted.

I found myself laughing out loud for during the first few episodes, but the laughs became a little less and less as the series progressed. It isn't the most laugh out loud comedy: it is more the quirkiness of the characters that provides humour. There is little doubt the show is entertaining. But there are moments of depth also and underneath it all is the serious issue of dealing with loss. Again, this is acted very well, especially by Perry.

So why did the show get cancelled? Well, there are a few aspects that let it down somewhat. There is a sense that at times, its just not very... real. The mix-and-match group are interesting but almost cartoon-like at times with their quirkiness. But more importantly is the recurrence of King's dead wife Janie. The fact that he talks to her and eventually invents a boyfriend for her lets the show down. Also, the fact that his encounters with her aren't shown to be inside his head make her seem more of a ghost than a figment of King's mind. This is shown when he is talking to a coat-rack in real time when he sees his wife there: this just doesn't happen, King is far from insane and it is just a bad way to describe grieving. Another unrealistic aspect that annoyed me was the fact that he woke up at 1.23am every night, almost to the second. I was tempted to reach into the TV and put the time forward on the clock 5mins just to see would the world end. This is just very unrealistic and a poor way to show his grieving process. Also, the philosophical metaphors King sprouts at the end of the episodes on his radio show, almost describing the lesson of the episode using a sports analogy, is just a little overdone and corny (reminded me of desperate housewives somewhat). Another negative was the fact that there were too many love interests for King. Once he decides to start dating again, he meets a group of very attractive beech volley-ballers, then he has a relationship with a returning group member, who is also predictably out- of-this world attractive. The underlying chemistry between King and his cute assistant Carrie is well done but the one-episode romance with guest Courtney Cox and the continual hinting at a romance between him and the group leader is unnecessary. It is just hard to believe all of these beautiful women are linked to King (his wife Janie was smoking hot too). Its all just a little unbelievable and the direction down that route that the show takes halfway through is a little distracting. The best moments and episodes are probably ones focusing on when the group characters get explored and developed.

Overall it was good viewing and had an interesting context, with very good acting and clever wittiness at times. Perhaps the long-term feasibility of more series was not there: I guess there are only so many times you can share your problems to a support group before the whole thing becomes repetitive. Which is a pity, but such is life.
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