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A Great Prod at Rom-Com Cliché (and Funny in its Own Right)
Simon_Says_Movies7 August 2013
With so many modern romantic comedies reaching the point of unintentional self parody, we have (thankfully) seen a niche segment emerge that aims to subvert the conventions that have plagued this once frothy and enjoyable genre. Fare like (500) Days of Summer, Celeste and Jesse Forever and Friends with Kids have seen the sins of the father and have come up with ways to please mainstream audiences but without insulting their intelligence. I Give It a Year joins these rare ranks and delivers a sometimes gut busting, always frank and enjoyably clever look at the trails and tribulations of marriage.

There are certainly times when this British-American hybrid goes too far with its crude dialogue or goofy awkward rants but writer-director Dan Mazer still clearly knows what is funny, and his time writing for Da Ali G Show has served him well in his directorial debut. Certainly the heart and soul of I Give It a Year comes with the well matched talents of its two main leads Rose Byrne and Rafe Spall as a newlywed couple who tied the knot after just seven months together. We often cut back to a session with a brash marriage counsellor who probably does more harm than good and also with Natasha and Josh's interactions with a former flame (Anna Farris) and a business connection (Simon Baker) who may play a larger role as things unwind. Either playing off one another or interacting with the supporting cast these two bring the laughs and a believable depiction of a union in distress.

As can often be the case with a peak into the lives of others, especially into one not on the best of terms, awkwardness follows and so is the case with this film. Like being present as a third wheel while a couple have a spat, some scenes in I Give It a Year ring uncomfortably true. Thankfully what this film avoids is painting either Nat or Josh as the reason for the troubles – never opting to paint the wife as merely the shrill, bitchy ninny or the husband as a slovenly tool. Each have their faults, each have their positive attributes and each have the chance to be at the receiving end of an unnecessarily cruel insult or judgement. So while not likable insofar as we're viewing them in tough times, we are able to rationalize with these people and view them as real humans, not just as the brunt of jokes or mere players in a game of marital politics.

The laughs in Mazer's film come from multiple facets, may it be the interplay between characters, situational humour such as a trip to a lingerie shop, or its (often vulgar) wit. The funniest scene (and of the best of the year) involves a visit from the in-laws and a digital picture screen and needless to say the way that Spall plays the situation is absolutely perfect and had be reduced to a cackling idiot. If one buys into the often sarcastic and overly clever dialogue will come down to the viewer, but for the most part it won me over, in large due to how the cast deliver the lines and react in turn.

I Give It a Year also concludes in a perfect way and one that stays true to the same awkward, sardonic tone the rest of the film adopts. To say it slaps in the face every film that wraps up with someone literally running to the airport last minute to proclaim their eternal love would be an understatement. A closer approximation would be that it puts those offerings in a sleeper hold and squeezes out every ounce of maddening cliché. It's satisfying, funny and refreshingly direct. This act is preceded by what is also one of the best "reunion" speeches I've ever heard. I won't spoil anything as to how it unfurls but it too is cooling in its candidness.

While unfortunately not quite parody and maybe never quite as clever as it intends, I Give It a Year is still rife with mirth and deftly understands elements of marriage, relationships and most importantly the irritating formula of the rom-com. Earning its R-rating and showing unequivocally that Byrne, Spall, Farris and Baker are the things of leading men and women, this often uncomfortable but ultimately earnest feature is fun from beginning to end – something, as this film reminds us, is nothing at all like marriage.
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Averagely funny mid-week entertainment with a few yawns...
johnnyjan1611 February 2013
Okay, so imagine you've just finished work, got home and need something to provide a little bit of background noise whilst sat with your laptop on brushing up on what's happened in the world, whilst thinking about what to have for dinner. This film is perfect for that.

This film isn't not funny. It's just not THAT funny. Quirky bits here and there, but once you've heard one sex pun, you've heard 'em all. It never really gets going and half way through the film I could tell I wasn't the only one sat in the cinema thinking this is slowly turning into a bit of a bore.

There are a smattering of funny areas, particularly the Christmas Party scene, but other than that, it's your run-of-the-mill Brit Rom-Com that doesn't really come to life.

Advice? Wait until it turns up on Sky Movies. Then you can judge for free.
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A solid twist on the rom-com genre
freemantle_uk22 February 2013
The rom-comedy genre has been known for being very formulaic and often entries are a dime a dozen. It is hard to stand out of the crowd and it is often a genre that plays it safe. But I Give It a Year is a film that attempts to twist the rom-com clichés.

Josh (Rafe Spall) and Nat (Rose Byrne) are a couple who after dating for seven months decide to get married, even though they friends and family think they are marrying too soon. And it turns out they are right with their marriage hits the rocks. Their eyes soon wonder to two American, Chloe (Anna Farris), Josh's ex-girlfriend and one of Nat's business clients, Guy (Simon Baker).

Often the formula of rom-coms is that the guy or girl tries to win over someone there are often a series of mishaps and misunderstanding on the way. In I Give It a Year the main two characters are fighting for their marriage as they are two other suitors waiting in the wings. In style I Give it a Year was shot very much like other rom-coms like Bridget Jones, Love Actually and Notting Hill (Working Title made all those films) but I Give It a Year is more of an anti rom-com, being more willing to be risqué. There are some twists on typical rom-com clichés and there is a fine parody of a famous rom-com speech.

I Give it a Year is the first film as a director for Borat writer Dan Mazar and most the humour was sex jokes or awkward/cringe humour and sometimes both. This was all summed up with Stephen Merchant in a show stealing performance giving us his trademark cringe humour and saying very politically incorrect at the most inappropriate times. Olivia Coleman as a bitter man-hating marriage counsellor who has some of the best lines in the film and great physical actions. But some of the jokes are overlong and the first joke where a priest is uncontrollably coughing led to me thinking what have I got myself in for.

Spall and Byrne are fine actors. Spall was very good at playing a prat and Bryne was the straight character of the piece. But she is made to be more of the bad guy out of the pair as she is more willing to flirt with Guy and seeks him out as the marriage starts to crumble. The other love interests are also a bit too perfect, even trying to show Guy as the perfect (plus he owns a massive factory in Britain, why not make him British). The supporting cast are solid, particularly Minnie Driver and Jason Flyming as a marriage couple who hard each other.

I Give It a Year is a fun film that will delight audiences. The cinema audience I saw it with enjoyed it. There are enough jokes and twists the rom-com genre to keep the film fresh.
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Dysfunctional - Love it!
djinn66716 February 2013
Check out my review on my Blog at http://fameasserlufc.wordpress.com

Dysfunctional is definitely a word I would use to describe this film.

"I Give It A Year" follows the trials and tribulations of a young couple who, after marrying shortly after meeting, struggle through married life for the first year of their new lives. Rafe Spall and Rose Byrne are the couple in question but as their lives take a turn away from each other and into the arms of ex-girlfriends (Anna Faris) and business colleagues (Simon Baker) everything turns to turmoil with hilarious results.

Awkward is another word I would use to describe this film. Much of the comedy stems from the wrong thing being said at the wrong time in front of the wrong people. Steven Merchant's best friend role is one he plays to perfection as it's not too much of a stretch from his normal self as Ricky Gervais' right-hand man.

Spall is great fun in the film and has to carry a lot of the comedy himself, having a very quirky relationship with his Ex, where Byrne is a more serious person and the situations she finds herself in lend themselves more to the "should she or shouldn't she" question.

It's not the funniest film ever made, but it's well worth a chuckle and I can't help think that the film would have benefited more from a full cinema, rather than a 7-person screening (yes I was the odd one out). Comedy films tend to work a lot better when there's more people watching.

That being said, the first third of the film and the last third definitely have moments which are very funny and "Laugh Out Loud" but the middle section does seem to focus more on which way the characters will turn than the comedy aspect.

Worth a watch, by maybe a DVD viewing in a year or so rather than making a special trip to see on the big screen.
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More rom than com but enough chuckles
rogerdarlington23 February 2013
The rom-com is such a commonplace genre that one has to work hard to come up with a new angle and this one is certainly more com than rom, starting where many finish with the marriage and then - like "Hope Springs" - examining how a partner's personality and habits can really irritate and annoy. At least the American couple in "Hope Springs" had given it a good shot and reached their 60s together but, as the title suggests, in this film it's downhill from the start and marriage is often represented as not so much a word as a sentence.

Written and directed by Londoner Dan Mazer and set in his (and my) home city, the English couple in question are portrayed by Rafe Spall and Rose Byrne (actually an Australian although many people think she is American because of the likes of "Bridesmaids") and their relationship is challenged by two Americans played by Simon Baker (actually another Australian) and Anna Faris, while some of the crudest lines are delivered by Stephen Merchant of "The Office" fame.

This is a movie with lots of chuckles but few laugh-out-loud moments that reminds us that sadly marriage is not always love actually.
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A Nutshell Review: I Give It A Year
DICK STEEL20 April 2013
The trailer alas put in all the best comical bits from the film, so if you haven't seen the trailer yet, don't. Otherwise all that's left in this romantic comedy, is the romance portion only, which begins with the marriage between the leading characters, and I suppose we can agree that sometimes that will suck all romanticism from the film. Which it clearly did.

It's quite an unconventional tale of romance given the leading characters Josh (Rafe Spall) and Nat (Rose Byrne) having taken their vows of matrimony early on, before slowly finding out that their seven month whirlwind romance was clearly insufficient to weather the storm in their relationship any further. Just as how films featuring plane crashes won't make for comfortable viewing for inflight entertainment, so does this film for anyone intending to get hitched anytime soon. It's a film that shows how a marriage can just deteriorate from the lack of communication and honesty, when the initial spark of romance and lust wear out, and what's left is the sinking feeling that you're going to be with someone forever. And forever as it turns out, is an incredibly long time.

Written and directed by Dan Mazer, I Give It a Year began brightly with all the typical trappings of an English film, with plenty of wit on display, and the title coming from expectations that the marriage between the newlyweds wouldn't last more than a year. And we're taken on a trip both down memory lane to examine just how the flashing warning lights and alarm bells have been sounded, before taking stock on what the couple needed to do to salvage their marriage, if they truly want to, though more importantly whether they are with the right person - the one they couldn't live without. And things aren't easy when

It's easy to lay blame in relationships that don't work out, when there are opportunities that are always readily available for that quick flirt, or fling. So you the audience are given that opportunity to exercise and pass judgement, which would make for interesting post-show conversations with anyone you're watching this with, perhaps just to see where the moral lines get drawn. For Josh, there's his ex girlfriend Chloe (Anna Farris, who looked really aged here) with whom he never really had a clean break before meeting his wife, and together they still have that emotional attachment that's yet to be severed. When they each face issues both professionally and personally, they know who to turn to automatically. And having to confess feelings to Chloe and not his wife, is something that's not quite right.

And in the other corner, Nat listens to her colleagues' goading to remove her wedding ring when delivering their sales pitch to an American scion Guy (Simon Baker), an easy qualification for any eligible bachelor's list, and true to form, Guy sees Nat as someone with whom he can connect to both professionally and personally as well. The deception here was something one can easily frown upon, but as the narrative goes, again there's no black and white in issues like these, only shades of grey which you can use to decide one's personal limits and values. Rafe Spall and Rose Byrne play their roles with aplomb, especially in scenes together that highlight more of their differences than similarities, making it obviously clear that they're both heading toward more disasters as the story wore on.

Some of the best scenes in the film happen to be the highlight of the negativity within ourselves, dealing with deceit and hypocrisy, playing foolish games and denying ourselves of our true feelings, often with casualties. Scenes in which all four characters of Josh, Nat, Chloe and Guy coming together are filled with awkwardness and hidden intentions and meaning, that makes it engaging in a What If scenario. Otherwise, if you're tired with the games these adults play, there's always the support caricatures to look forward to, such as those played by Minnie Driver, Jason Flemying, and especially Stephen Merchant, whose role is to prop up the film's comedic department with tons of bawdy jokes, some of which fall flat to keep in line with his character.

I Give It a Year is the anti-thesis of marriage, so you have been warned that this romantic comedy does seem a little bit twisted with its unconventional take on a tale about forcing a romance with the wrong person, while failing to recognize one's happiness truly lies somewhere else. How it all plays out toward the end may be a little bit unrealistic and a tad too inconvenient, but by that time you'd realize Mazer was grasping for anything that can bring this story to a close.
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Skip, skip, skip
Her-Excellency10 April 2017
Have you ever literally cringed?

I felt like doing so at many times during this film. Let's call it a movie, as I think 'film' should be reserved for something better.

To begin, I WANTED to like it. I really never followed Rose Byrne, but I liked her in X-Men, and I have liked Anna Farris in a couple of things. The first twenty minutes or so however should have been a clear indication that I really wasn't going to, and I should have cut my losses then and there.

But no. I watched until the sleep-inducing end.

NONE of the characters are very likable although their unlikeablity ranges from mild unlikeability to extreme dislike. Nat (Rose Byrne's character) is a total witch and you get the idea that no matter who she is married to, that won't change. Her husband, played by Rafe Spall is the most likable, again, of unlikeable characters, and is portrayed as dumb, uninteresting and a moron sometimes. Simon Baker's character is just dull, uninteresting, and it felt like the actor was just calling his scenes in. Anna Farris looked pretty bad and her character was such a tremendous pushover you kind of wanted to slap her. Oh, and a special mention to Rafe Spall's character's best friend who should win an award for most annoying supporting character EVER.

Note to the makers of this film: YOU CANNOT have a hit if most of your characters have almost no appeal whatsoever.

The premise too was just bad-awful and you know it is a movie while watching it because in the real world no real person would act/react the way any of these characters acted in several of the scenes.

The comedy itself wasn't HORRIBLE, it just wasn't really THERE. There are literally NO laugh-out-loud moments, although there are a couple of cute 'haha', funny scenes. Mostly though, again, you just feel as if you have to cringe in embarrassment for the fake (in every sense of the word) "people".

The ending is so ... trite ... but fits the entirety of the movie well, in that nothing about it is any good.

All in all, I wish I had skipped it.
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Enjoyable movie...
paul_haakonsen29 December 2013
"I Give It a Year" is labeled as a romantic comedy. Well, sure that is true enough, though it is heavier on the romantic aspect as to what it is in the comedy department.

That being said, don't get me wrong. I am not saying that this movie is not good, because I actually did enjoy watching it. I am just saying, don't expect to be laughing a lot throughout the movie. I think I actually just laughed once, and it was during the photo-frame scene with the in-laws.

The story in "I Give It a Year" is a good story, especially because director Dan Mazer managed to tell it in a very captivating way, and managed to keep the movie running at a continuous flow. There weren't really any boring moments throughout the course of the movie.

To summarize the movie's storyline briefly, then Josh (played by Rafe Spall) and Nat (played by Rose Byrne) are married on nine months, but things are far from well. Especially because Josh's former love Chloe (played by Anna Faris) is in the picture. And things doesn't take a turn for the better when Nat lands a new client, an American named Guy (played Simon Baker) who is instantly charmed by her.

The cast really delivered some great and realistic performances here, and they had managed to get together a great ensemble of actors and actresses. Aside from the four lead actors and actresses, then it was also nice to see Jason Flemyng in this movie, his character was rather nice.

The movie is predictable, yes, but still, director Dan Mazer managed to keep the movie fresh and interesting from start to finish. If you enjoy movies that bear a resemblance to what you could experience in real life, and enjoy these type of romantic movies, then by all means, you should watch "I Give It a Year".
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I'd give it a miss!!
filmtrance27 February 2013
Warning: Spoilers
I Give It a Year. As a cinema lover, I'd give it a miss! Dan Mazer (famous for writing Borat and Bruno, starring Sacha Baron Cohen) gives his directorial debut with this rom com that looks at the trials and tribulations of a newlywed couple during their first year of marriage. Rafe Spall and Rose Byrne play the 'happy' couple and the film also features the likes of Anna Faris, Minnie Driver, Simon Baker and Stephen Merchant.

In a word: terrible. The film is very cruel in the way that the first 5 minutes are actually quite funny with Stephen Merchant giving an incredibly awkward and humorous best man's speech at the wedding of which anyone who has been part of a wedding can relate to and find amusing. You think to yourself that if the movie keeps this tone then you could be in for an hour and a half of laughs.

Instead, what you get is 92 more minutes of very average dialogue that is trying to pass itself off as humour. 95% of the jokes are to do with sex and that is becoming a problem with a lot of films these days like Movie 43 as a prime example. They just aren't clever enough and leave you feeling very disappointed because the scenario of the film can be made into a really funny story with all the things that can go wrong in a marriage. Only a handful of things are portrayed though i.e. leaving the toilet seat up or not taking the bin out when it's full.

As far as rom coms go, it fails miserably at the 'com' part. Stephen Merchant is the only character remotely funny with his typical way of delivering jokes but as for the rest of the cast, it's just appalling! A married couple, played by Minnie Driver and Jason Flemyng, seem to hate each other constantly for no apparent reason and their insults to one another just lack any comedic effect. A disappointing performance as well from Olivia Colman, the newlywed's marriage councillor, who is just a foul mouthed nut case herself with her own marriage problems but, again, the humour isn't there.

Far better rom coms have been made and far better rom coms will be written in the future. Sorry Dan but not the greatest start to a directorial career that I have seen. Maybe stick with Sacha Baron Cohen because even he is funnier than I Give It a Year!
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Good for some laughs
n_j_ross10 February 2013
Warning: Spoilers
The focus of the new love-story movie "I give it a year" is the ambitious lady advertising executive, Nat (played by Rose Byrne). She can quickly identify threats to her aspirations, and attends parties to network. She has recently married the witty, articulate and embarrassing Josh (played by Rafe Spall), who is a novelist. His exuberant, embarrassing dancing ("...either that or he is being sodomised by the invisible man") and his inappropriate sexual allusions while miming in games of charades, recur throughout this account of their relationship, as Josh's stocks fall lower and lower.

Chloe (charmingly played by Anna Faris) is Josh's other, former love- interest. One of the best performances was by Stephen Merchant who played Danny, the utterly gauche wedding best man, convincingly oblivious to the offence he was causing, as Josh was. The serious-minded Nat, Chloe and Guy (wealthy, educated US American played by Simon Baker) contrast well with Josh and Danny.

The character of the doctor's wife (played by Minnie Driver) was like Beatrice with Benedick in Much Ado about Nothing, constantly humorously pragmatic, reinforcing a strong feminist element in the movie.

While Nat and Josh's love affair is painted with nice broad strokes - a kiss in the rain, a New Year party, a photograph in a bookshop with one of Josh's books, a thrown bouquet of flowers and a honeymoon in Venice - , the mundane details of married life - emptying the rubbish bin and putting more loo-roll in the dispenser in the bathroom, for example - seemed clichéed and not well thought out. Similarly the two broken hooks on the bra, which occupy such a central thematic position in the film, risk seeming banal.

I am quite surprised that "I give it a year" was given a 15 certificate by the British Board of Film Classification, considering the explicit sexual suggestion in the scene when Guy, the rich client, discusses the advertising contract with Nat at her company's offices, and considering the explicit images accidentally appearing on the digital photo frame in Nat's parent's lounge.
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Unbearably grating and not funny
Likes_Ninjas9025 February 2013
Warning: Spoilers
All comedy stems from tragedy. Comedy cannot exist with a dramatic premise because drama forms the situations of reality from which a narrative can exist and develop. What is said within these situations becomes the punchline. The stronger the situations and the more involving the drama of the story, the funnier the film should be. Modern comedies though often fail to acknowledge the dramatic value of a situation, hoping the jokes will support themselves.

I Give it a Year didn't draw a single laugh from me. It forgoes the crucial rule of humour: comedy must exist in reality. This is an anomaly for the British studio Working Title Films whose films, including Love Actually and Notting Hill, have grounded themselves in both quiet observation and dry wit. With a script by first time director Dan Mazer, the plot and the characters here are both underdeveloped and the jokes misfire from unrealistic situations and dialogue.

Mazer is a long-time collaborator of Sacha Baron Cohen. He wrote and produced all three of Cohen's feature films, including Borat, which were American-UK productions. Similarly, this film is crassly written as though Working Title Films had a broader demographic in mind, to whom the subject of sex might still seem like the high point of comedy.

The concept is not as subversive as Mazer claims it is either. Josh (Rafe Spall) and Nat (Rose Byrne) are a couple who have decided to marry after seven months. None of their friends, including Nat's sister (Minnie Driver), believe that they will last. Two months later and they are already in counselling. Josh has written one book but has failed to grasp the second. Nat is working in an office and frustrated by Josh's complacency and his annoying best friend Danny (Stephen Merchant).

Josh becomes reacquainted with his ex-girlfriend Chloe (Anna Faris) and Nat is attracted to the smooth talking and successful Guy (Simon Baker), an American client who likes her but doesn't know that she is married. The familiar premise of two people already spoken for attaches itself to a gimmick where we are meant to realise that Josh and Nat don't belong to each other and are better suited to other partners.

The film postures as being about the aftermath of commitment, including the consequences of rushing into a marriage. However, this concept is not treated with any dramatic weight or seriousness for the situations to hold any trace of drama or tragedy. Instead, we're reminded frequently of why the couple is unsuited but the point is obvious and laboured: we're meant to laugh at a failing relationship that was never promising to begin with.

Mazer also diminishes the comedy by reducing scenes into disconnected skits, determined to embarrass characters, even the ones that we're meant to be rooting for. The characters are so thinly drawn that it disperses the likelihood of seeing them growing and having an emotional attachment. Being made a slacker, Josh is the target for a lot of juvenile humiliations including: his in-laws seeing naked photos of him! Or dancing drunkenly like Beyoncé at Nat's work function!

The potential partners aren't free from this degradation either. Anna Faris has a terribly unfunny scene where she is squashed under a would- be threesome with her partner and another girl. Simon Baker, whose performance overloads on unctuousness, has his romantic credibility strained in a stupid scene where he brings a violinist and doves to a private board meeting with Nat. Would it spoil the gag to mention there is a fan in the room?

Stephan Merchant is a hugely talented comedian but his role is singular: to be as obnoxious as possible, reminding us how even Josh's friends repulsive to Nat. He echoes Spike from Notting Hill, but minus anything resembling a character arc. He exists to say unlikely things, like a wedding speech where he talks about having sex with bridesmaids. It's unbearably grating and not funny.

Much of the dialogue in I Give it a Year resides in this level of smuttiness to hold the audience's attention in the absence of drama and conflict. But comedy that retains dramatic purpose is always preferable to comedy for comedy's sake. The tragedy that should uphold the dramatic framework of the story must be relative to the characters, not the film itself.
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It's a matter of taste, but I found it very funny
neil-47612 February 2013
Warning: Spoilers
Nat (Rose Byrne) and Josh (Rafe Spall) get married after a whirlwind romance. As their first year of marriage progresses, they begin to learn that they don't seem to be very compatible. When one factors in the reappearance of Josh's previous love interest Chloe (Anna Faris) and Guy (Simon Baker), a romantically inclined client of Nat's, both of whom seem to have much more in common with the spouses, one wonders whether the marriage will survive for a year.

This romcom is, in the modern fashion, fairly rude, so don't go and see it if you are offended by smutty humour, sex, nudity or bad language. It is also, again in the modern fashion, largely powered by the humour of embarrassment (best friend Danny (Stephen Merchant) delivers a Best Man speech of excruciating embarrassment, aware but uncaring of the offence and discomfort he causes, for instance). Again, if you don't care for this sort of humour, you're not going to enjoy the film. And it's clear that a number of reviewers, both professional and other, belong firmly in that camp - nobody likes everything.

But the proof of the pudding lies in the eating. I saw this film in a fairly well attended screening with a mixed audience, mostly mature couples and not the sort of audience I would have expected this film to appeal to, except that they were all people who had experienced the difficulties which the experience of living with someone else brings with it. And that is at the heart of this film. When I wasn't laughing out loud, I was giggling almost constantly - I found this film very funny. And, from the evidence of my ears, I was not alone - there was a lot of (especially female) laughing out loud.

Spall and Faris have some funny stuff, and Byrne is also funny by virtue of playing it straight - of the 4 principals, only Simon Baker suffers from an absence of humorous material. But the secondary characters make up for this, with Merchant's crass best friend and Olivia Coleman's sour relationship counsellor being best of the bunch. There are some very funny set pieces - Baker's attempted hotel seduction, Faris' threesome, Coleman's phone diatribe - and stay through the titles in order to catch Jane Asher's final line.

I really enjoyed this and I recommend it highly (but only if you are in the mood for that sort of thing).
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not THAT bad
selffamily28 July 2013
I had no preconceptions of this film, not having seen any trailers, and having missed it completely on general release, so I saw it yesterday on DVD, and will probably watch it again one day.

The theme of the boy-meets-girl-marries-girl-oops! is fairly unusual and the characters were well-drawn for the most part, although the American love interest seemed pretty colourless, but he was loaded, so maybe that was his charm. Minnie Driver was stunning and Olivia Colman stole every scene she was in, and some of those she was viewed through a frosted window. The two main characters could have been played by anyone, but they were convincing if not lovable. I found the best man amusing, in small doses. The ending was somewhat silly but perhaps they ran out of money? It seemed like that. It was obvious what conclusion would be reached, but honestly? An ending that abrupt? Spoiled it really.

So, not for everyone, but on the whole a good way to spend a winter's afternoon, especially if you have popcorn. I've certainly seen much worse.
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Total Bilge
Pomplemoose-Pass7 May 2013
I Give It a Year

I really wanted to like this film but as I watched I became more and more irritated by it. Dan Mazer tried far too hard to deliver what I'm sure he thought were amusing British comedy one liners but it was overdone, lacked originality and was frankly boring. Any acting skill was dwarfed by poor overburdened script writing which made authenticity difficult to execute.

The scenes, characters, story line and plot have all been done far better in other British classics like Notting Hill and Four Weddings where everything gels beautifully. Here however is a mish-mash of nonsense that fails to deliver. I was tempted to switch off 10 minutes through but thought I may as well give it a shot. What a disappointment!

This movie demonstrates a new non-comic genre of British film making which is too overdone to be funny, too unrealistic to be engaging and too irritating to be entertaining. I give it the thumbs down
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Slightly more than decent light entertainment
jburtroald9511 May 2013
Warning: Spoilers
Lately, there has been a curious trend developing in American studio comedies as producers have been trying increasingly to achieve a kind of everyman realism, albeit with photogenic celebrity lead actors and only the most marketable of central social themes. I Don't Know How She Does It ironically made audiences question the plausibility of a forty- something-year-old overworked mother could be as attractive as Sarah Jessica Parker, and manage to find a fifty-something businessman as attractive as Pierce Brosnan to be her love interest, more than it made us marvel at the way she copes with a hectic home and work life. This is 40 hardly has anything on display about the realities of middle age that is not already well known.

A film titled I Give it a Year would seemingly be another flick from this same production line about the third world problems experienced by a mostly happily married couple, but its trailer showed it to be a brilliant British ensemble comedy with a hilarious host of supporting characters who are prime participants and comical spectators of the disintegrating marriage between languid husband Josh (Rafe Spall) and plucky but uptight wife Nat (Rose Byrne). It was a premise that also carried a promising cynical appeal with its anti-rom-com focus on a gradual breakup rather than a hook-up.

So does it deliver, or are all the best lines and novel ideas used up by the trailer? Well, it doesn't exactly break the mould of the tired genre. It's true that our two non-compatible romantic leads are bitterly falling out of love with each another, but this is largely because they are falling in love with their respective American-born acquaintances: suave, handsome travelling businessman Guy (Simon Baker) and Josh's sweet ex-girlfriend Chloe (Anna Faris). To this double-date romantic crossover comedy, the two Americans seem to have brought a packed suitcase full of sappy, coy, fairy-tale clichés, but thankfully most of these are offset or spiced up by the inspired, zany, zappy British humour of writer/director Dan Mazer (Borat, Brüno) who conversely has his vulgar extremities healthily moderated by the sterile Hollywood influences.

However, the trademark humour of Sacha Baron Cohen and his other collaborators does come through on several deliciously memorable occasions in pleasingly small doses. Mazer particularly enjoys writing cringe-inducing dialogue for Stephen Merchant, a comedian naturally inclined to unwittingly say wildly inappropriate things at the most unfortunate of times. Merchant delivers every one of his golden, ingeniously awkward lines with terrific repulsive charm. It's true that a lot of these are in the trailer, which gives the misleading impression that Merchant's character of Josh's most insufferable friend, features much more than he actually does, but given more time on screen he may well have become as tiresome as Cohen's obnoxiously repugnant character creations.

Still, every character has at least one gorgeously revolting comedic moment or two to shine, even our contractually generic romantic interests, and while some may complain about the portion sizes of the Merchant magic, we certainly get our fill the other good supporting characters. Minnie Driver and Jason Flemyng are very entertaining as a couple who are bizarrely content with their discontentment with each other. Driver infuses the familiar snide unromantic witticisms she's given with a great, fresh energy, and Flemyng bring his usual charm to the role of the apathetic, good-for-nothing husband. Olivia Colman relishes her role as a cantankerous marriage counsellor who doesn't exactly lead a good example in her own marriage.

However, veteran actors Jane Asher and Nigel Planer are barely given much to relish as Nat's parents, who spend most of the time giving fairly standard and uninteresting reactions to the much more exciting and inventive comedic happenings on the opposite end of the frame. Some audience members will likely be disappointed by this, we can't always watch our favourite actors in the juiciest roles.

We should be grateful that Mazer has mixed together the crude humour of unwatchable shock-fest comedies with the nauseating sentimentality of unwatchable factory-made chick flicks to make something that is very watchable, and enjoyable, even if it has a strange love/hate relationship with the latter type of film. While not quite anti-rom-com, I applaud it for keeping both the jokes and the romance running alongside each other, rather suddenly abandoning all humour at the halfway mark and forcing an indigestible dramatic tone on its farcical narrative. This is actually a true romantic comedy, a fact that smacks of the same irony that much of the dialogue does. It's definitely one of the better pieces of light entertainment out there, even if it's no comedic masterpiece.
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Missed Opportunity
liwag12 May 2013
Warning: Spoilers
Although earnest, the story is flimsy and lacks heart - which ends up wasting a great cast. I love Rose Byrne in comedy roles, which I think can eventually lead her to greatness. Plus the talents of Anna Faris and Minnie Driver - a missed opportunity.

I get the comedy potential of a married couple, each falling in love with someone else. But it's wasted here, as the story rushed along too fast, never letting us fall in love with the characters.

Stephen Merchant nearly stole the show, sounding exactly like a Ricky Gervais stand-up routine. Yes, I know they're writing partners. Maybe the film should have been about him.
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A year?!? Barely twenty minutes!
amlynnweb12 December 2013
I got this for the actors, whom I all think are brilliant. I didn't know much about it, but read the back cover description on the DVD and thought, eh, worth a shot... And I leave this movie appalled. Hardly funny - a few key moments, but mostly trying too hard to be "alternative" - and the main characters are generally unlikeable. Actually, I retract that: Josh is okay, but Nat I despise. I literally rooted out loud for Chloe (Anna Feris), the ex-girlfriend. And Simon Baker in another ridiculously alluring/womanizing role to a committed woman... I just didn't find it funny. The only heart I saw in the film was a small moment between Minnie Driver's character and the character's husband, a brief respite from this train wreck of a film.

If you're looking for a quirky, against-the-grain romantic comedy, you could do much better anywhere else.
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Two romantic comedies combined into one
Gordon-1118 June 2013
This film is about a newly married couple who in fact don't love each other. They go through marriage counselling to see if they can make it to a year.

I think that the story is very funny! The married couple just annoy each other to bits, and seeing that is already funny. Both of them having set eyes on someone else, and the resulting chaos becomes hilarious and fun. It is presented in a light hearted manner, and even though the couple don't like each other, they don't send out waves of negativity like in other films. in fact they dislike each other in a way that you find it funny. The ending climax, which is a speech in the restaurant about what they should do with their future, is a parody of all romantic films! I enjoyed watching "I Give it a Year" a lot, it's a gem that combines two romantic comedies into one.
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A romcom that men will like as much as women
cotta002-318-86511910 January 2021
Very funny script, Stephen Merchant's best man speech will be remembered as a classic. Lots of funny interactions and one liners that sometimes come so quickly you will miss them , watch it twice to catch them all. Great casting an uplifting funny evening in , definitely one to watch when you need a smile. Recommended
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Lost Opportunity
rke-690-73977720 May 2013
When writing this review I fear that it will be hard to stretch it to as much as ten lines because the film was dreadful and we struggled to find the will to watch it to the end. It was a good idea ruined by a terrible script! Gratuitously vulgar it was unredeemed by any shred of originality. Written by Dan Mazer it failed to match his equally vulgar Sacha Baron Cohen scripts which were at least filled with the originality that this offering completely lacks. Such a pity because if it had been wittily and cleverly written the idea had the potential to equal Notting Hill and Love Actually and their genre.

A huge disappointment, how on earth did they get the backers? Might they pay again with a different writer because I would love to see this idea and storyline reach its obvious potential. On the other hand perhaps our revolted and bored reaction is what the writer sought!
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Mildly enjoyable, funny but predictable and crude.
cinemike403018 November 2013
Well, at least it has the courage to be vulgar. This is a strange melange of the good, the bad and the ugly, which takes its cue from the notion that it is always funny when someone says something inappropriate and offensive without realising it. The central couple, Josh and Nat are attractive enough as the film charts the ups and (largely) downs of their first year of marriage. Film is an art, but individual films don't have to be (thank heavens, some would say). This is an example of a film that is competent enough at a craft level, and gives basic pleasure to the audience by accessing their Neanderthal brain stem, but eschews all finesse. Mr mgillion from Australia has got it rather the wrong way round... if you loved 'There's Something About Mary', you'll like this.
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I give it a 5
Spod-328 February 2013
I file this in the same category as Death at a funeral and A few best men: a nominally funny premise where the comedy is shoveled on with a trowel in a 'quantity equals quality' approach. Stephan Merchant's lines in particular are so cringe-worthy that after the 10th faux pas you know he's going to say something offensive every time he opens his mouth so there is no shock value left. Rafe Spall seems to be treating this as a movie-length episode of 'Pete vs Life'. This is a British film but it has all the hallmarks of a typical U.S. gross-out comedy, and all the shortcomings of that genre too. If you don't believe in the characters as real people then the comedy becomes like watching a cartoon. Be warned: if you have seen the trailer, then you have seen all the best lines in the film.
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Stephen merchant is the star!
khunkrumark12 January 2019
A lot of negative reviews for this... and I'll wager none of those reviewers are English.

There are lots of fantastic 'laugh out loud' moments in this ridiculous and exaggerated story of a young, badly thought out marriage. If you haven't seen it, it's as if Ben Elton had written 'Love Actually'!

Olivia Coleman is let off her leash as the insanely incompetent marriage guidance counselor. Minnie Driver is her usual genius self, gagging over young Justin Beiber. ("I'd destroy him!") The welcome sight of an older Nigel Planer is here too, as well as a host of other notable names and faces.

Rafe Spall overplays his hand as the likable fool, but really it's the howling moments when Stephen Merchant gets on screen that make this worth the price of admission. He's sublime as the appalling best mate and best man at the wedding. Stay till the credits to see him in action some more.

The whole movie is ludicrous and shouldn't be taken too seriously as a 'rom-com'. It's really just a screwball comedy.
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Good Anti romance film
Zmqpshhsghdkd29 March 2014
Warning: Spoilers

I read some not so great reviews, but there wasn't anything else worth watching, so thought I'd give this film a chance. And I'm glad I did!

I can only think that some of these 1 star ratings have come from true rom-com die hard fans. What I loved about this movie was instead of saying everyone should try and work at a marriage that isn't right, it slapped the old clichés in the face and ended with it's OK to walk away and start again. Before you have children and then see the light, ruining their lives.

Anyone whose been in a relationship longer than 5 years will relate to the trials and tribulations of every day life. And nod knowingly at the parts where the lead characters heads get turned by the other love interests.

The comedy was a bit forced at times, but I certainly laughed more than what I expected after reading some of the scathing reviews on here.

In summary, not the best film you'll ever see, but was a refreshing change to the average rom-com and I enjoyed the dry humour.
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I'd give it a wide berth, Olivia Colman's fantastic scene thievery aside.
TheSquiss9 February 2013
Warning: Spoilers
One of the press releases proclaimed I Give it a Year as the best British film of the year. Fortunately, the year is still very young. And last year they saved the best, Sightseers, for last. Fear not, there is still much cause for hope.

The title and the trailer tell you everything you need to know, so no synopsis here. It begins strongly with a 'watch through your fingers' best man's speech from Danny (Stephen Merchant), which, though he cannot hope to match that speech from Four Weddings and a Funeral, prompts as many chuckles as he does groans. He doesn't merely dig himself a hole of humiliation, he keeps on digging until he disappears from sight, unaware that everyone else is either squirming or preparing to kill.

The wedding scenes establish I Give it a Year perfectly, providing plenty of evidence of how woefully mismatched couple, Josh (Rafe Spall) and Nat (Rose Byrne) are and the relationships between couple and in-laws, while providing plenty of opportunity for background humour. Watch for the destruction caused by the horribly twee and ecologically disastrous tradition of Chinese lanterns.

And then it thuds.

I Give it a Year desperately wants to be an original rom-com but it hasn't the balls to see it through.

*********** MASSIVE PLOT SPOILER ALERT *********** Writer Dan Mazer hit an Oscar-nominated high with his screenplay for Borat: Cultural Learnings of America for Make Benefit Glorious Nation of Kazakhstan but fails to come even close to that constant barrage of gags and clever dialogue. And not even the director can save him because, oh, it's Dan Mazer. He presents a couple whose biggest crime is not being stereotypical but being unpleasant at heart. They both fall for other people (Josh for Chloe, his ex-girlfriend; Nat for Guy, a new client) who are genuine and more interested in other people and helping make the world a better place than in wearing designer labels or climbing the career ladder.

While at first Josh appears devoted to Nat, we discover he's critical, lazy and controlling. And Nat, though apparently a sweet Venus, is actually self-centred, demanding and lacking in understanding. Meanwhile, Chloe (Anna Faris) and Guy (Simon Baker) are presented to us as perfect. When they are thrust together by default it is a moment to exhale a satisfied sigh and expect an evolving script that bravely gives the unpleasant leads their comeuppance and allows the underdogs true love and happiness.

But that initial hint at Mazer's ability to give us something new with I Give it a Year is short lived and he fails monumentally by having the wrong couples get together when they are clearly not suitable for each other. What is he playing at? It isn't sweet, it isn't romantic, it isn't a tail of love, it's a balls-up of a genuinely good idea. It rarely climbs above 'vaguely amusing' and frequently falls below 'ho-hum.' Moreover, when we hit the final scene where true love supposedly finds its way, it's just an amateurish mess that leaves us annoyed.

That said, the presence of Minnie Driver as Nat's a sour-faced friend almost makes the 97-minute running time worthwhile. Her glares may be withering but the way she scythes her husband (Jason Flemying) is delightful and Mazer has the good sense not to over-do her appearances.

The funniest lines are delivered by the underused Nigel Planer (curiously uncredited on IMDb) as Josh's dad and Jane Asher as the mother-in-law from hell (you'll need to watch the credits for her humdinger) but the thief of the film is Olivia Colman. Again. While her first scene as the marriage guidance counsellor edges towards pantomime, her later scene where she lets rip at her husband over the phone is comedy magic and the standout moment of I Give it a Year.

Alas, it's not enough to make the admission price worthwhile.

I Give it a Year is neither the worst nor the funniest film of 2013. The year is in its infancy and we'll see more at either end of the scale in the coming 11 months. It is little more than another wasted idea with a few very funny moments that won't justify your time or the production budget.

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