Kiss of the Damned (2012) Poster

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An excessively low IMDb rating.
beanofdoom31 March 2013
At the time that I am writing this review, this movie has an abysmal rating on IMDb (less than five stars).

If IMDb were a room full of people with exceptional taste, I guess I would understand why. The movie is thoroughly derivative; it tries a little too hard. I get the feeling that it's supposed to be a 'Hunger' for the modern era, moody and atmospheric-- they've even traded the classical and operatic soundtrack for haze-scene and low key beats looped with synth harpsichord melodies -- and yes, sometimes it falls a bit short and comes off amateurish.

But IMDb is not a room full of people with taste, so I don't get it. There so many movies on this site with absolutely no redeeming value that have ridiculously high ratings. This movie, while not art, did try; it never came off heavy handed, overall it was approachable, and entertaining. I keep asking myself what about it is causing people to react so negatively; the only thing I can figure is that perhaps the vampire crowd are portrayed as too cultured or something, I don't know.

Ultimately I guess I'm writing this review for people like me, those who put a lot (perhaps too much) stock in IMDb ratings. As a fan of films like The Hunger and the whole 'artsy, excessively classy but tortured immortal' cliché I can honestly tell you that I didn't think this film was an utter waste of time (at least no more so than many other movies). It was a perfectly fine hour and a half spent on a rainy afternoon.

I find its current rating a bit unfair.
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Diamond in the rough
johnnywrjackson1 April 2013
Visually, nice and dark, as it should be, and cinematographically surprising, considering the rating.

It is underrated to be sure. The group that created and carried through with this work should be encouraged to continue. This is not the usual treatment of the subject matter, and was a highly worthwhile viewing experience for me. This one is different, and enjoyably so. There are rough spots, of course, but on balance, it has earned its place. I am glad that I have been reading user reviews of late, because bare IMDb ratings have not consistently been reliable guides, especially in non-blockbuster situations.
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My Review Of "Kiss Of The Damned"
ASouthernHorrorFan3 April 2013
"Kiss Of The Damned" is a modern Gothic vampire tale that melds elements of classic romance with dramatic thriller edginess. The film is directed by Xan Cassavetes and stars Milo Ventimiglia, Joséphine de La Baume, Roxane Mesquida . In the movie Djuna falls in love with a young man Paolo whom she tries to resist. Her desire and connection to the suitor overtakes her convictions and she begins a relationship with the man. Soon he becomes her companion in the world of night and vampirism. By no means is this a horror film. "Kiss Of The Damned" is more of an Erotic Thriller than it is anything else. Keep that in mind when watching this film if you are expecting a "True Blood" high intensity or gore level because you will be disappointed. That being said, I really enjoyed the movie. Let me explain…

"Kiss Of The Damned" carries us back to the golden age of vampire tales when we held a romantic and dark desire for the creature of the night. This film is what I would imagine reading one of those supernatural themed Harlequin-eque romance novels would be like. The director explored the more passionate side of daily life and love affair between a vulnerable but strong woman and a man desperate to love her in every way. It was down right Gothic and sweet. The film didn't bother getting too graphic or soft-core with the heightened sexuality of the relationships depicted in the movie but it was adult enough to be sheer supernatural eye candy. This movie is a great date movie for that vampire loving partner or person you want to kick it with. The story was compelling in true dramatic style that expresses the lives we expect vampires to enjoy. Just note that this is not a "horror" movie nor do I believe the director ever intended it to be one.

"Kiss Of The Vampire" is a film that flows more as an emotional heart- song with moments that rise to melodrama before sliding darkly down into melancholy. There is plenty of blood soaked sequences that express the true nature and conflict that lives within the vampire but it does not push the themes to the level of grindhouse or exploitation. The movie will not be for everyone and if you enter the tale looking for high octane exuberance, of ravenous creatures as monsters, with bodies writhing in guts and gore- then you will not be satisfied. However if you remember the classic view of the more romantic creature of more Gothic tales of the vampire then this movie gives you the heat, passion and- yes -the bloodstains as well.
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Boring Vampires
billcr1231 March 2013
The only interesting thing about this movie is the fact that it was directed by John Cassavete's daughter, Xan. He had a reputation for making off-beat dramas, and his offspring has his eye for the strange. Djuna lives alone in a big, creepy house, until one day at a video store she meets Paolo, a screenwriter, and it is kismet; well not right away, but eventually after a bitten tongue, he discovers that she is a vampire. While having sex, she bites him on the neck, and, he is now one of the undead. They have a lot more sex, and attend dinner parties with fellow travelers of the night, and just have a grand old time. Trouble arrives with Djuna's sister, Mimi(Roxane Mesquida from Rubber and Fat Girl). The sibling rivalry erupts and many victims are drained of their blood along the way. The problem is that Kiss of the Damned is never scary, and the erotic scenes are tepid and downright boring. Beware of this boring film.
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Underrated Vampire Film
claudio_carvalho12 September 2015
In the countryside near to New York, Djuna (Joséphine de La Baume) lives alone with her housemaid Irene (Ching Valdes-Aran) in a manor that belongs to her friend Xenia (Anna Mouglalis). When she meets the screenwriter Paolo (Milo Ventimiglia) at a video rental store, they immediately fall in love with each other. However, Djuna discloses to Paolo that she is a vampire and while making love, she turns him into one. Paolo moves to her house and they happily live together. Out of the blue, her wicked and troublemaker sister Mimi (Roxane Mesquida) appears to stay for a week with them, turning their lives upside-down.

"Kiss of the Damned" is an underrated and sexy film romance with a good romance with an international cast where the female vampires are French actresses. The plot is well developed and the music score is classy. In 2013, Jim Jarmusch wrote and directed the cult "Only Lovers Left Alive" with a similar storyline. My vote is seven.

Title (Brazil): "O Beijo do Vampiro" ("The Kiss of the Vampire")
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Just dreadful.
david-646-96492330 March 2013
I can only assume the positive reviews of this tripe are by people involved somehow in the production. I watched this with my offspring who summed it up perfectly with "It's kind of like a vampire film, but without anything interesting happening." Poor acting, below average directing and a slow script. Prior to seeing this movie, I heard it likened to The Hunger and the poster looked like it was aimed at the kind of person who owns a lot of Stevie Nicks albums so I went in not expecting much and I wasn't disappointed - I became bored twenty minutes into it. That's not to say it was all bad, some of the sets were nice so those more interested in furniture placement than being entertained may enjoy this movie.
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More than kissing
kosmasp23 May 2014
With passion comes great responsibility ... especially if you are not able to control it. The main character is a very strange one and the actress has a tough role to play. There is a stretch in what she has to depict. The story itself is more adult than your average teenage movie that came out lately (yes Twilight and any spawn it gave "birth" to), but also very predictable.

I watched it at a Festival, so the audience knew or expected this to be a strange one. If you are about to watch it, you should note that too. There is a lot of sexuality and some violence in this, something to consider too. A nicely done movie about containment, self control and love in general. Also about the meaning of life ... it does have to say a lot, as you can see
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kyriazopouloskon30 November 2021
No plot, no point, bad acting, bad editing,unexplored characters, unnecessary characters, no character motivation,bad use of music,boring and unoriginal. At least it was mostly competently shot and coloured but that's it. Avoid.
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Still a better love story than Twilight...
TheCornProject1 April 2013
Warning: Spoilers
All jokes aside, Xan Cassavetes' directorial debut is destined to become a cult classic. From the opening shots of the lonely mansion by the lake, the film sets a tone that has you hooked. Cassavetes uses the long empty corridor, the endless staircase, and the empty lake foreshadowed by the overcast weather to put the viewer in exactly the right mood for what's to come. Her unique style of directing skips any unnecessary prologue and tells the story through the interactions between her characters. We first meet Djuna (Joséphine de La Baume), a neurotic introvert who spends her nights scavenging the forest for animals and watching romantic movies. It is her love of the latter that causes her to cross paths with a handsome young man named Paolo (Milo Ventimiglia) in a video store one night. From the moment their eyes meet for the first time, both characters form an undeniable chemistry.

However, Djuna has a secret that could force an end to any possible relationship. She's a blood-sucking vampire who lusts for the innocent flesh of mortals. Paolo's naivety to such detrimental truths draws him closer to Djuna despite her rejection of his advances. Like a fly caught in a spider's web, eventually Paolo's persistence reaches a deadly apex. He discovers the truth behind Djuna's dilemma, but instead of running for the hills like one would expect, his infatuation remains undeterred. He would rather be cursed as a vampire forever than live a life, regretting the love he denied. Immortal love happily ever after, right? WRONG! Paolo and Djuna's romantic harmony is soon disrupted by the arrival of Djuna's sister, Mimi (Roxane Mesquida). From the moment Mimi steps foot in the door, trouble looms like a dark cloud. Mimi is loud, obnoxious, psychotic and exudes a sexual presence that threatens to uproot Djuna's bond with Paolo. Wherever they go, Mimi sticks out like a sore thumb. She lacks regard for social etiquette at a formal gathering of vampires, she openly hunts for human victims in public areas, and she hosts sex parties in Djuna's home without her approval. Mimi is the epitome of a villainous vampire. She lacks the moral fiber that the other vampires cling to and consciously attempts to undermine their ethics.

Events begin to spiral more and more out of control until the final shocking act. Xan Cassavetes must be highly commended for her first effort here. She treads a thin line that borders on vampire exploitation but never crosses it. She intersects horror and romance genres effortlessly without the film ever becoming self-parody. Her use of atmospheric scenery, shot selection, lighting, and an eerily effective score are impeccable. There were moments where I thought I was watching Kubrick's Eyes Wide Shut. To those whose opinion of vampires has been tarnished by the Twilight series, please watch this film to see it done correctly for once.

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Boring vampires, who do almost nothing.
sandiglendinning28 May 2013
Warning: Spoilers
Take some conventionally attractive people, semi nudity, blood, vampires mix it together and under normal circumstances something quite sexy will pop out of the other end of the movie making machine 9 times out of 10. This movie is the remaining 1. Spoiler alert -An early scene deserves some credit as I have never seen a man dry hump a door before, that was quite novel and funny. At one point there is a mostly clothed threesome the highlight of which is seeing a big man's hairy bum slap bang in centre frame. Yummy! This film does try so very very hard to be erotic, but incredibly it just doesn't work because the 'erotic' scenes have no authenticity. The result is akin to the kind of soft porn you can see any day of the week on late night TV which is funny to begin with but becomes dull after a while.

What confuses me most about this movie however, is the fact that these people are vampires (which let's face it is pretty cool). Despite this they have unbelievably tedious lives which seem to be mostly made up of whining, squabbling with each other in a bitchy sort of way and going to parties full of snooty people who hate them in a passive aggressive manner.

On a positive note, the music in this film is bloody fantastic. it's just a shame that the rest is so pants.

If you like your vampires boring, this is the movie for you. If you like them sexy or menacing get some Hammer Horror or watch 30 Days of Night instead. If you are a hipster you will probably love it though.
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A mortal dude falls in love with a vampire elite.
bloodbank-643-81711427 March 2013
Sexy and thrilling! Tired of Twilight histrionics? Sick of slasher remakes? Yearn for classic dreamy elegance and melancholy of The Hunger or Nosferatu? Then dip into dreamy dripping seas in the land of this film. The last time I saw a film this personal yet gorgeous was when I went on a Jean Rollin kick earlier this year. Xan Cassavetes goes right to the European masters for inspiration. She balances spooky house atmospherics with creative humor, and a downright "queer" sexuality as it relates to traditional vampire lore. Bottom line - this is a really unique and special film. I totally encourage you to let go and experience the bliss of one. Become undone as you merge with the infinite beat.
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Chik-Flick Vamp Scamp
samkan10 November 2013
Although some may consider this film soft core porn, fairness warrants calling such legitimate erotica. And most definitely geared toward women. The plot is relatively simple and as believable as a contemporary vampire film can be made. There is a brief "talk" scene where vampire ideology and politics are bantered about. Though interesting, such would have been better left on the cutting room floor; e.g., just as one is allowing him/herself to suspend belief for fun's sake we're asked to take things even more seriously. Vampire technique is very well done: Gruesome and realistic yet neither gory nor exploitive. There's good acting and expensive sets: This is NOT your cheap B-movie. Evil Sister Mimi becomes the star of the show, no small feat given our interest in the firstly introduced love partners. If you think you've worn out he selections in the Horror section of NETFLICKS, try this one for a surprise.
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Low budget vampire film that brings nothing new
siderite19 November 2013
I watched this film on a whim and I can tell you from the start that is mostly a waste of time. Mostly, because the vampires in the film, classical as they were, had this twist of high class addicts that tried to stay off human blood, but occasionally failed. There was even a night of the vampires where they just sat there and discussed their condition. This had a lot of potential. Unfortunately the discussion was stale, the basic premise of the film just a spout between eternal sisters (now that is hell) and nothing else.

The cast was also full of potential. Milo Ventimiglia is a decent actor and rather good looking; I bet he will do increasingly well. Roxane Mesquida is hot as hell, especially in the role of the out of control psychotic bitch. Michael Rapaport, poor guy, had a lot going for him but now is just a fat nobody playing ridiculous roles. However, I am pretty sure this cast could have done a decent job with a good script. Alas, this was anything but one.

Add to this the really bad direction, the weak effects, the obsolete camera techniques and you get a movie that looks made by a student for a cinematography exam. Just avoid it.
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porn for women
nightcrawlercyp1 April 2013
Warning: Spoilers
Imagine what you are left from a porn movie if you cut all the scenes with actual sex. Now stretch those 5 minutes for an hour and a half and you get this type of movie. It is a waste of time. The only quality of this movie is the fact that Roxane Mesquida is hot. Unfortunately she appears in only a couple of scenes.It is a video equivalent of women's cheesy novels. It will appeal to those that have loved Twilight and other brain dead people.There have been a lot of romanticizing of vampire movies lately so I tell some of my ideas on vampire myths. If vampires would exists this rules would apply: 1. Sun light only weakens not destroys them 2. They do not need to feed very often. They can feed once every few years with one or two humans and would be enough. But to have superhuman strenght to heal faster or to have powers they need to feed more often. Basically the more often you feed the stronger you are. 3. Vampyres cannot consume synthetic blood or animal blood. It is not the consumption itself that gives them their power. The act of consumption of human blood is part from a demonic contract. In return of this act they gain rejuvenation and others. 4. Turning something into a vampire involves a contract between the human and the vampire sealed by the act of consuming each other blood. It cannot be done by accident. As a conclusion this movie has only one target: horny women. If you are not in their target you will waste time of your life for nothing.
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A movie very much like Interview With A Vampire. If you liked that movie you will most likely enjoy this one too. I say B-.
cosmo_tiger23 June 2013
"I would have done anything to be with you, however insane." Djuna (Baume) lives a lonely life. Only going out at night and mainly renting movies that she watches by herself. She has a huge beautiful house but the only person that visits is her housekeeper. One night at the video store she meets Paolo (Ventimigilia) but is afraid to talk to him. When he persists she reveals her secret to him. Djuna is a vampire. Both lives are changed forever. I have to admit that I am not a vampire movie fan at all, mainly because of the Twilight movies. This one has more of an Interview With A Vampire feel with the sexual aspect of True Blood. The movie had a very classy, almost operatic feel to it which really helped the movie. This is not a teen geared vampire movie, but it's also not Dracula either. If you are looking for something in the middle then this is for you. If you are a vampire movie fan you will enjoy this. I thought it was OK, but again I am not a big fan of this genre. Overall, if you liked Interview With A Vampire then you will most likely enjoy this one too. I give it a B-.
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Boring romantic vampire movie
henferdeline19 May 2014
Warning: Spoilers
The script is 100% predictable. No scares, no tension building. Pretty actresses and lead actor. Consistency is not a strong suit here either. At one point we are informed that they "heal almost instantly", at another we see them running and catching a doe but, when one crashes the car (a Mercedes. at no more than 40 mph. and the car topsides. in slow motion.) we see the poor character pass out, wake up still broken and bleeding and start LIMPING the remaining yards to the refuge, eventually collapsing as the sun rises. Yuck. You can't get more clichè than that in a vampire movie.... Some pretty ludicrous bloody scenes and sex scenes that qualify for Game of Thrones could bring this to be thought of as a B-movie. It's not. It is a cross between True Blood and Twilight. No fairy vampires that twinkle in sunlight, but the "veggie" vamps are there, synth blood and all. Beware.....
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Atmospheric, beautiful and underrated
Morten_518 April 2017
The vampire movie genre is one of the oldest in cinema. It has evolved a lot since Nosferatu (1922) and Dracula (1931). In recent years, the genre has presented a lot of examples of the erotic thriller or drama. With "Kiss of the Damned", director Xan Cassavetes, in her feature film debut, delivers a beautiful, atmospheric example of this, depicting the lives of a community of vampires in Connecticut. Deliciously shot by Tobias Datum, it has all the aesthetics you could ask for. It is well worth your time if you've any interest in the genre.
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We don't need no stinking character development!
selfdestructo19 April 2023
I can't help but think how much more interesting this would have been had I known anything about any of the characters. Overall, mildly entertaining. The lead actor that everyone seems to rave about has one mode in this picture: And that mode is "wooden." Was not expecting Michael Rapaport to show up and chew the scenery. Wicked red herring involving his character, and Djuna showing up in his room. I hate it when filmmakers "cheat" with these. And oh man, the scene at the party with the vampires waxing philosophical made me want to barf. Maybe 5 stars is generous, but I stuck with it. Some naked ladies.
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Better than the IMDB rating
Agent1024 June 2021
I have a conspiracy theory, or really just a theory. People didn't like this film because it just didn't mesh with the American vision of vampires. Rather than sparkly, womanizing hunks, we had a different-more European-vision of the vampire genre.

I get it. The film was slow and had some budget limitations, but that was not really enough to detract from the entire project. What we get is a strange love story that is a whirlwind but also filled with toxicity. But what can you do in this situation? You can't stop being a vampire. And as the inexperienced male lead must learn, you can't just wing it as a vampire either or else your blood lust could get you killed.

The film is stylish and very well shot, but back to the budget limitations. I just wish they had put together a much more coherent "B" plot. Dealing with a blood hungry and uncontrollable sister can be fine, I think including a police presence would have given the ending a little more punch.

Kiss of the Damned is definitely an acquired taste, but also quite satisfying. It's not a typical straight to video type movie but it is sound in its approach.
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so much potential wasted in this one
dragokin20 April 2013
There were several interesting things to start with. Above all, The Kiss of the Damned tried to tackle vampires from a new angle. It tried to step away from the current mainstream perception of the topic, which is a crossbreed of Harry Potter and Lord of the Rings.

Vampires live among us and avoid sunlight under the guise of a skin condition. They speak English with a foreign accent, which is a detail from Bram Stocker's original, if i remember right. They've accumulated considerable wealth during decades and centuries on this Earth allowing them a fairly comfortable living. Craving human blood, they try to attack humans as rarely as possible.

The approach to filmmaking in The Kiss of the Damned makes the viewer reminisce about the movies of the nineteen-sixties and nineteen-seventies. With long shots mostly devoid of dialog, again in vogue in the beginning of the twenty-first century, it is ready to create an outstanding atmosphere. Faithful to it's presumable inspiration, the authors selected an exciting soundtrack to run in the background.

However, between scarce moments in which something happens there are endless sequences with gloomy atmosphere which eventually put the viewer to sleep.
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Excellent Vampire movie!
jimthor-138474 July 2016
Warning: Spoilers
I'm confused why the rating on this is so low. The plot is good, the acting is good, the vampires are good. I believe anyone who loves Vampire movies would love this movie. It has everything I like in a Vampire movie. Sort of a love story, violence, good ending, good plot line, and the Vampires are realistic (well, as vampires go).

I wish I could find more movies like this one. I'm running out of Vampire movies. The Twilight Series is OK, but this movie is the kind of Vampire movie I like. It has a good mix of a love story mixed with Vampire violence. It's not one or the other.

Enjoy! It's a lot better than the IMDb rating it me.

Jim W
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gavin694230 August 2013
The vampire Djuna (Josephine de La Baume) resists the advances of Paolo (Milo Ventimiglia), but soon gives in to their passion. When her trouble-making sister unexpectedly comes to visit, Djuna's love is threatened, and the whole vampire community becomes endangered.

I did not pay as much attention to this film as I should have, but it had two things that jumped out at me that deserve recognition ,even if I am not ready to write a thorough review.

One is Michael Rapaport. He does not get the respect he deserves and has not done nearly enough things. Someone please get this guy some Oscar-winning roles.

And two is the style. I feel like Xan Cassavetes was inspired by Italian cinema, and this inspiration comes up in the style, the dialogue and even the casting. A wise decision on her part, and it is nice to see John Cassavetes' talent lives on in the next generation.
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Political soap opera in vampire form.
richardwworkman30 November 2020
This film annoyed me. It basically developed similar themes to those in Interview With a Vampire. The struggle for power within different cultures, races and political groups within vampirekind.

The basic premise is a sound one, how does a subculture of vampires exist and function within contemporary society? What emerges is two conflicting views represented by two sisters who have very different perspectives on how to progress through all eternity living as the undead.

The equation between blood lust and sexual desire are well worn tropes within the vampire genre and the sex in this film kind of makes up for a ponderous script which bumbles along to a flaccid dog end of a conclusion.

There's a bit of blood and gore but generally this film is more Lestat than Salem's Lot. Arty shots and a claustrophobic oppressive atmosphere serves the sexual obsessive and animalism well but ultimately, like the vampires themselves, I was unsatisfied.
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A Certain Taste
scythertitus22 November 2019
This movie harkens back to a lot of vampire movies from the past, in fact it wears them on its sleeve. Therefore if you are a fan of 70s movies of a similar style or perhaps the more modern efforts of Only Lovers Left Alive and We Are the Night then there probably is a lot here for you, I'm not really a fan of any of those so I wasn't of this either.

It's a problem of indulgence, the film cares more about giving the viewer a vicarious feeling of power and desire above and beyond any type of interesting character work or cohesive story. Things just happen, and not in a 'well at least it's a true representation of everyday life' kind of way. There are lots of attractive people doing lots of seductive smouldering, and if that is all you want then you will probably love it.

Overall the movie isn't terrible, it just wasn't for me. At no point did it pull me in or get me interested in the world, they didn't even really go into that much about the lore despite seeming to have a whole social class of vampires with some vague organisational skills. Still if you don't care and just want to watch sexy vampires being sexy and the same tired "our vampirism is a curse/we are better than humans" dynamic, then knock yourself out.
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Not bad for a romantic vampire movie
bhernandez221628 February 2022
Kiss of the Damned brings some of the best vibes when it comes to any different vampire movies. It's almost like Interview with a Vampire at some point and sort of like Twilight, even tho I'm not a fan of twilight, but this movies was pretty alright when it comes to going out on a date with a vampire.
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