"Star Trek: Picard" Seventeen Seconds (TV Episode 2023) Poster

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Forget Picard, I want a Ryker show
EntropyFashion2 March 2023
Like ever real Trek fan, I can say finally they are delivering Trek worthy stories and acting. Strange New Worlds and season 3 of Picard have the franchise back on track.

Inadmire Patrick Stewart but the poor Man is far too old and frail to perform at the required level anymore. And why should he be frail when he's synthetic?

But the dynamic when Ryker steps up is wonderful. I've always had a soft spot for Ryker and Frakes still has the swagger, humor and heft for the role.

I would love to see a next season but this time focused on Ryker, Seven and Worf...along with some Deep Space Nine folks?

But the twists in this episode show what good writing can do...
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bnevs182 March 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Like many, I will note the fact that last year (and most of NuTrek) tends to start out great, then fizzle out...this one may be sustainable. I can honestly say I didnt see the Changeling thing coming, and I almost always see 'twists' (another captain's son thing included) coming. If the producers are willing to use up enough of the TNG/DS9 arcs that were left dangling, they will avoid the content crunch that leaves the middle of seasons vacant. The legacy of DS9 is horribly underserved in NuTrek, and short of a DS9-linked series, a wrapup in this season of STP would be welcome.

Overall, Im still cautiously optimistic that the producers wont try to slowplay the content like in other NuTrek and give us a great season.
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Seventeen Seconds
Prismark103 March 2023
Seventeen Seconds is the journey on the turbo lift from the bridge to the sick bay.

Riker did that journey went his son was born and it was a difficult birth. He emerged from the lift already being a father. Picard would make the same journey in this episode.

It is an action packed one. The Titan playing cat and mouse in the nebula with the Shrike. It was a straight lift from The Wrath of Khan.

More interesting was the contrast between Picard and Riker. The latter now installed as captain of the Titan by an injured Shaw. Riker wants to get the Titan's crew home safe. Picard wants to fight the Shrike. Oblivious to the massive technological and weapons advantage that Vadic has. Neither men show much tactical nous and it is left to Shaw to question how Vadic keeps finding them.

The talk between Crusher and Picard over the lack of Picard's presence in the upbringing of his son was clunky. Jack's anger over Picard was unfathomable. Picard had no idea he had a son!

It was left to Worf and Raffi to elevate the episode with their own story. That had a much better blend of humour and action. It also led to a villain from Deep Space Nine.

At least the third episode connects some dots. There is a big bad emerging. If this series of Picard was shaping up to be the eight season of The Next Generation. It is now also connecting to its sister show from its latter years.
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Best Star Trek Épisode in a Decade
dabbou-992512 March 2023
I am crying... not from Hate-watching the second season of Picard, but from pure happiness about this episode. At least three times I couldn't believe what I was seeing. The story, the special effects, the surprises just baffled me. The acting really good. The legacy characters fantastic. The plot goes in a direction I never dreamed about seeing in a modern Star Trek Épisode. The callbacks, the new directions and the possibilities for the next episodes are remarkable. This is absolutely the Trek I loved and still love. Yes, Strange New World is really really good. But I am a TNG Person and I am in a really happy place. Engage!!!
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Best TNG episode since 1994
stoeta12 March 2023
This is the best episode from TNG cast since "All good things...". It gives you the feeling that you watch season 8 of Star Trek The Next Generation. Write it for the true fans of Picard, Riker, Crusher, Troi, Worf, La Forge and Data. The score is powerfull and you can see the hand of a writer who participated in the past in making other Star Trek series and who took into account the opinions of old fans of this phenomenon. If the rest of the episodes will be like this one, there may be a premise for a reboot of the entire Star Trek The Next Generation series. Of course, we have to find the best actors to replace Sir Patrick, Mr. Frakes and Ms. Mc Fadden in the main roles who from time to time may appear in the possible new series. But I repeat, only if there are scenarios like the one in this episode.
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Expectations and evolution
critic-97-4176577 March 2023
In real life, people evolve. Things happen, we learn, new baggage develops, new priorities come into play, values change, people grow together and people grow apart. Dynamics change.

The entire point of ST Picard was to explore what happened to Picard in the years after TNG. He was no longer the captain of The Enterprise and became free to deal with the loss of Data, being Locutus, dealing with the destruction of Romulus, and now, having been cut out of Beverly's life, and thus his son's, for 20 years.

People always say, "I would never do that," and then, find themselves doing those exact things when they get older and gain perspective (and authority).

For anyone to say, "The writers changed the characters and they're not the same people anymore" is a silly criticism. Of course they're not the same people. They've grown. If they don't, it wouldn't be respectful to the characters, suggesting they have no capacity to change.

It's just the reality of living.
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Worf feels like Worf again!
whatch-179314 March 2023
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I loved Deep Space 9, but as a TNG fan, I never liked where the character went in DS9. I actually grew to despise DS9 Worf. All the worst and most angsty attributes with almost none of the fun. I actually grew to love Martok on that show.

THIS Worf feels like TNG Worf again. He's not perfect and certainly has his issues, but he's not at all above cracking jokes.

And while I don't want to see a lot of gore added into Trek, it's nice to see that Worf's bat'leth does exactly what you would expect that sword to do.

Regarding Beverly and Picard... I think it's a bit out of character (and even hypocritical) the reasons Beverly didn't tell Picard about Jack....

But McFadden and Stewart act the heck out of it so it works. I don't expect the script to have some perfect depiction of these characters decades later.
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Probably the best episode of Star Trek for 20 years.
Chrisinco3 March 2023
This will probably go down as one of the great episodes of Star Trek. It delivers what every TNG fan has wanted since 1994. It is a brilliant story, surprising, edge of the seat and fantastically exciting. Star Trek at its absolute best and it's been a long time coming!

The background to Riker, Beverly and Picard just feel natural, logical and maps brilliantly against the TNG universe.

The special effects are top notch and the link to other events across different series is an absolute master stroke. I've never been so excited to see how this all plays out.

Brilliant, brilliant, BRILLIANT!!!!
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Remarkably well done!
rrtiverton3 March 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Okay! Episode 3 and the season is still on the rails! I feel like this is a REAL season and not just a bunch of slapped together plot points to get through an episode. Nothing feels lost or misdirected. The characters have an organic interconnect that feels correct. Also none of the characters are just set dressing - they are all doing something necessary.

Worf and Raffi are a superb power couple for this season; superb story arc for them. On board the Titan, the activity and pacing are well choreographed, not telegraphed. The only demerit I have with this episode was when Riker ordered Picard off the bridge towards the end. That was totally out of character.

Good to see that ONE of the villains this season will be the changlings, too! All in all an excellent episode.
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Better Than Awful So Far
chashans30 March 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Who says something took "17 seconds"? No one. They narrow it down. 15 seconds. 20 seconds. Riker says it took exactly 17 seconds to get via the turbolift to his newborn son. What did he do, count, "One, one-thousand. Two, one-thousand, three..."? Did Picard do that too when he went to see Jack in sickbay?

Everything in these first 3 episodes of Picard have been done before. Picard has an unknown son. Like Kirk. The ships play tag in a nebula. Like Kirk and Khan in "Wrath". The big bad ship looks like a gigantic insect. Like the big bad ship in "Nemesis".

Speaking of the big bad ship. It's Captain. Is it just me? Anyone else see her as Frau Farbissina from the "Austin Powers" movies? I can't seperate the two. "It's a commercial. There's this leprechan. They're always after me Lucky Charms!"

I'm not clear on how old Jack Crusher is. Did Picard and Bev do the deed after "Nemesis"? Making Jack 20something? He looks 30something. Was it back just before season 2 of TNG, when Bev was gone for a year? If that's it, then Bev abandoned the kid for the next 5, 6, 7, 8 years? Cuz Jack didn't tag along with Bev on the Enterprise D. If Bev was impregnated after "Nemesis", how old was she? And she still was able to conceive? Maybe cuz it's the 24th century? And why did Bev associate Jack attending school in England to having "it in his DNA"? Picard is French. (Patrick Stewart is English.)

The Changlings? Really? They never worked for me in DS9. They're complaints about humans never made sense. All they ever had to do was disguise themselves as humans and then hang out with humans. Not Starfleet or Military minded humans or Section 31 humans. Real humans, back on Earth. On the supposedly enlightened 24th century Earth. The Changlings would have learned, as Odo did, that real humans weren't bad at all.

Picard has been an entirely different character than who he was during TNG. "Will, you've got to fight!" Old age has really changed Captain Diplomacy.

The Titan Captain would never have made Captain. 7 of 9 would have thrown the jerk out an airlock months ago. The Titan Doctor seems to practising 22nd century medicine. Titan Guards are entirely incompetent.

The action on the Titan seems to be taking place in a constant. Maybe 2 hours have gone by since contact was made with the Frau. But the Raffi "action" seems to be occuring over a period of days. Titan action and Raffi action are being presented on screen as happening at the same time. Did I miss something? Or just bad editing/story telling.

Picard season One was awful. I've only seen season Two in short clips. It looks awful. Picard season 3 so far, 3 episodes in, is better than awful. I hope it gets much better than awful.
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Hell yes worth a solid 10 , best star trek episode since 2005
tom9923 March 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Three episodes in star trek Picard season 3 is plenty strong, especially when compared to the other first two questionable seasons... The storytelling is clear, the pacing is just good, and the characters are in depth and offcource familiar faces. As stated in a previous review, this season of Star trek Picard feels like a really good "Next Generation" movie. Also has a feel of the TOS movies like the wrath of Khan etc.

So as I said the pace of this season has been everything but dull, with revelations coming steadily and logically. The character moments, likewise, have been explored with tact and the showrunners have allowed conversations to play out in full.

In my opinion having all the next generation cast joining this season is a brilliant move and one that we as fans have been hoping for for many years, yes they are older but they are still as good as we remember and even better, keep in mind that there has been more than 20 years that past since we last saw them, so their lives changed as well.

This episode kept me at the edge of my seat, and when it was revealed that the changelings are back my mouth fell open. I cannot wait what other surprises will be in store for us this season. THIS IS STAR TREK, THANK YOU TERRY!!!!

Let's hope after this season we can have more trek like this with more legendary characters.
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It has some elements
rutger-845-6373975 March 2023
Warning: Spoilers
It has some elements of the way Star Trek was, but the new age "lets put 2 episodes in a whole season, add over the top focus on emotions, shaky cam" is something I just don't like.

Worf is cool, but his lines feel a bit forced. Also the "We are warriors, lets team up!" and then "cool" scene makes it feel a bit childish to me.

There was on moment I did see the old Picard, a scene that did him justice. It is when he reacted on the fact he wasn't told about his kid. Strong, powerful expressions and voice. I hope they do that more, that is how you honor the Picard we all came to love.

As for the constantly smoking villain and her storm trooper crew: Picard face palm.

The last scene where Picard is dismissed, I hope he was replaced by the shape shifter who want him to fall for the Portal trap. And how Riker reacted, blaming a number 1 just for advice? Out of character. A captain has first responsibilty.

I wonder what entity lies in the clouds. The "organic by nature" had to be repeated a few times without anyone saying out loud what we all think (the crew of this new Star Trek seems not as sharp as we were used to).

By the way, this portal tech. Does it mean the end of transporters? No more breaking down into a particle wave but just portal step down to a planet?
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NuTrek's fingerprints weigh it down
bradpeterson-634205 March 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Outside of Worf moments, this episode contained too many qualities that sunk Discovery.

Drama was forced through atypical emotional outbursts. Riker uncharacteristically lashed out at Picard after following his recommendation. Picard repeatedly lashed out at Crusher. Picard is ready to sacrifice the Titan crew for his son, then rudely dismisses and disowns his son, then in a 17 second turbolift ride flips and fully embraces him once again. Huh? What? These characters are riding the NuTrek emotional roller coaster at the expense of telling a good story. This immaturity does not fit the TNG crew.

Consistency is also a problem. Captain Shaw started out as a hard-nosed by-the-book leader ready to pounce on anyone who deviates from his tight ship. Now he's sniveling, fearful, and deferring every chance he can. Riker is the clever tactician who saves the day, until he stops proposing any new ideas, then takes bad advice, then blames another for it. Picard can't take over the Titan because he's a retired admiral, then takes over the Titan because he's an admiral, then is unable to take over the Titan because Riker is acting captain.

Between a glut of grimy dark scenes, uninspiring monologues, distracting shakycam, and the bazillionth NuTrek superweapon, this episode just doesn't have much...

...except for Worf. He made the episode worthwhile. His character is exactly what it was, except older and wiser. He moved the story along. He makes smart decisions, advances the team, and embraces those loyal to him. I'm rooting for the guy. When Picard ends at Season 3, they should pick up the story with Worf next.
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Great episode.
xuajsten4 March 2023
It's tacky and cheesy but it works well. I do love the new direction the franchise is going in. I know the purists (which I should be classed as) are yearning for this communist utopia to return but isn't it more exciting when the there is something to not like about the galaxy.

I love the fact that the galaxy is fractured by difference. It exemplifies real world problems in a unique way and equally demonstrates the strength and integrity of people from all walks of life.

This episode had it all. It had the cheese, the tacky lines and sense of real fear from certain members of the crew. Captain shaw is brilliant. I feel like he is coasting his way to admiralty until the self righteous Picard comes to spoil the party.

Hope you enjoy.
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dsmalley-6612920 March 2023
I had forgotten how much I loved Dorn in Star Trek. After all these years he has matured and is still so characteristically Worf. He has created a character for the ages, so well acted, it makes me think he is a real Klingon. He should be proud of his work over the years. Just an all around awesome directing and acting job.

Though Beverly Crusher has obviously had a face job in the future, she also has a pretty compelling character. I can still see her old face, but a good job being the Dr and mom character we all remember.

Jonathan Frakes is a great actor and director. As he has said, Matalas made Riker even better in Picard. I love it!! Too bad Data or La Forge Sr. Haven't made an appearance in season 3.
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Wow. Just wow.
s-blundell-875-6669164 March 2023
This is Star Trek. This is Sci-Fi. This is the way forward. This is what the show was meant to be. Absolutely brilliant in all ways. I can only hope the remaining Next Generation characters are somehow brought back into the fold. I honestly had goose bumps watching this. Jonathan Frakes has always been a superb actor and director and here he demonstrates that he has not lost his abilities one bit. To the people who are rating this episode 1 I say this...what the hell are you thinking and how can you possibly call yourselves fans of Star Trek if toh do not think that this episode and this series in particular are an appropriate sequel to the series and films. I can only hope that they don't call time on this series and realise just how many people want a 4th season now that it's found it's path.
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While season 1 or 2 was
rolandsira4 March 2023
While season 1 or 2 was no here or there, S03 is heading in TNG direction, finally, I have not been so excited about Star Trek since 2002. The movies with Pine as Kirk (ahhh, so so, ok, just to see what will happen). TNG is my generation, of course there are many holes in the script, someone mentioned, three captains in ep 3, yeah but that is the punchline, that is the irony in that situation. I am just glad to see old-new faces in the next next generation to be a part of some new adventures of the time that we were part of as viewers since we were kids, from 87 to 94, and movies to 2002. Than you, TNG!
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Probably the best episodes of the entire series so far
DocIndy3 March 2023
Warning: Spoilers
From great drama to action scenes this episode stands out. The scene between Picard and Beverly is definitely the best of the entire series so far. Such a raw and emotional exchange. It was followed by another great with Ricker and Jack. The growing tension between Ricker and Picard showing such contrast to their relationship in the past. The scenes with Work and Raffi show a growing bond that I would anticipate to continue as the season progresses and maybe beyond. Amanda Plummer has proved to be an interesting villain with an uncertain motive as to why she wants Jack.

And it all ends with Picard being thrown off the bridge with the fate of the Titan in question.

Such a great episode!
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Huh?!?! Talk about a quick change
metdvls-12 March 2023
Warning: Spoilers
The episode was well done- almost.

Worf and Rafi make a great team. Discovery that the enemy are the Founders of the Dominion was well done. Didn't see that coming. That part of the story was tight and I would have loved the entire episode built around them.

The story aboard the Titan was good- until a point. The Shrike stalking the Titan through the "nebula" - which seem to probably have some connection to the Great Link/Founders/Changelings will come out somehow.

My problem is when Riker assumes command when Shaw is injured- Riker starts budding heads with Picard like Picard is some deranged old fool. He ignores the fact that HE help put the Titan in its precarious position. Why the personality change? It just seemed out of character like two people wrote two different stories. This ep was direct by Frakes so why didn't he pick up on this? Is Riker a Changeling or is this just more lazy, bad writing, directing and acting like we saw in season 1& 2.

We'll see.

BTW- the herring theft from Daystrom was Lore of you haven't guessed yet.
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Better than last ep, nice twist, but not perfect
christianschumann3 March 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Much better than last week, but not as good as the first one.

  • changelings back
  • story gets more interesting
  • a bit more to do for Beverly
  • Visuals are better then before
  • there seems to be a SF topic in the nebula
  • portal weapon usage is quite cool

  • Rafi as annoying as always
  • jokes about decapitation
  • Jack is annoying, simply doesn't work for me
  • Not sure why it has to be Jack that has the important idea
  • Medical procedures seem less advanced than in TNG & DS9
  • not sure about the conflicts between Picard, Riker and Beverly, not fully convincing

Realy looking forward to how this progresses.
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Wonderful !
lahilaastravnar21 March 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Great job. What great episode, the best since The Next Generation last seasons: gorgeous CGI, good dialogues, ship hunt and paternity themes well managed. Good the direction and a the script rich of events and evolutions in the relations between characters that comunicate with gazes, gestures and sinthetic phrases very related to the situations: just a good script, congratulations to authors. I waited episodes like that from the first season. Good racitation from almost all actors: perfect Picard and Beverly, good Number One, very good the captain and the son of Beverly, and all the others.

As ever, some little inconsistencies about the Federation technology: a photon torpedo has more effect on enemy ship when it explodes at half way than with a direct impact; the Federation Navy's diagnostic tools of the infirmery are less accurate than a diagnostic test done with hands by a psychological councillor. At last, aliens not humanoid: good choice. I hope the other episodes shall mantain this high quality level.
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Finally, One of the Best Factions Returns
guerrio4 March 2023
Warning: Spoilers
I'm still confused by the editing and lighting choices, but it's adequate. Boy was I ever pumped to see the Dominion show their faces again, or a break-off group of them anyway. I was hoping more in the ballpark of the Breen or something like that, since one of the actual humanoid races would make a lot more sense to go rogue. The changlings can all link up each other's minds in their lake, so rash decisions like the changlings in this episode made seem out of their parameters to me.

This was a pretty solid episode, but still it baffles me how many silly mistakes the characters make after decades of experience in Star Fleet. A ship that toys with Picard and Riker with a portal gun somehow bamboozled them by making them hit themselves with their own torpedoes? Wow, who would've thought? If they had no idea about the portals sure, that would be unexpected but whatever. The Picard and Crusher scene was well done, other scenes gave us some room to breather before dimly lit scenes bombarded us again.

I am truly happy that these writers are dipping their toes into past, meaningful elements from the TNG/DS9 Era. The execution of it could be better. It just doesn't feel like the writing team took enough time to really familiarize themselves with old trek episodes, but they're doing enough so that we're not rewatching the absolute trainwreck season 2 was. I realize the structure of my review is fairly sloppy, but so is this show. Pretty good, but dear lord do I miss the quality of writing prime of TNG and DS9 gave us. And even Enterprise and Voyager. This is better than Nemisis though.
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Completely Out of Character
crzycatldy5 March 2023
Warning: Spoilers
I want to like Picard, I really do. But the writers have so completely changed his character that I don't know him anymore. Imagine, if you will, during the days of TNG, if a retired admiral had come onto the Enterprise and demanded to basically take over his ship. Neither he nor Riker would have put up with that nonsense for a moment, so what's their excuse for pulling insubordination on Shaw (sure, he's a douche, but still - he is the captain of the ship). Then, to make it worse, once Riker is sitting pretty in the captain's chair, Picard questions his leadership and then engages in mutiny when he doesn't get his way, in front of the whole bridge crew. The Picard I know would never resort to such antics.

And then there's Beverly. Not a single one of her excuses to taking off and leaving Picard in the dark about his son is at all what the Beverly Crusher from TNG would have done. She was skilled at crucial conversations and it is not in her character as she was once written to pull such a stunt - and then essentially blame Picard for her distorted thought process. She says she lost everyone "to the stars" when she herself has been a dedicated Star Fleet officer for decades. On top of that, she seems to have raised a career criminal. Wonder what Wesley the Wonder Boy thinks about his bro?

There is a little good - the captain of the Shrike is deliciously evil, cunning, and more than a little crazy, so she's at least entertaining for a minute or two. Worf was mostly solid.

I can only hope that as the episodes progress, the writers will bring back the Picard, Riker and Crusher we who watched TNG all grew to love.
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First Episode since Season 1 to Feel like Star Trek
jseph1234-262-61748822 April 2023
I have just started watching the three Season of Star Trek Picard and with the exception of Season's One Episodes I have bitterly disappointed with Bad Writing, Directing of this Star Trek series.

This was from the same team that assume gave us Trekkies that Joke show "Star Trek Discovery"

On to my review of this episode. This had quite coherent writing and storylines that made sense. My only disappointment is with Patrick Stewart, who is just too old for this series. His delivery and carriage suffers greatly because of his age and just is not a good look for such a Great Actor and his legacy.

I did enjoy the episode inspite of the above and gave it a 9/10.
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Finally the writers watched Next Gen?!
kristinbauer126 April 2023
Warning: Spoilers
I actually feel like this may be Star Trek. Season 2 was crap. Utter and total Crap. Painful excruciating bad crap. Not even sure why I tuned in for 3. I guess I had a long week and was just exhausted and knew the old crew was in this season.

But this was good...up until the last line...how did Picard "kill them all?!" Um, they had no warp and couldn't Go further in to the nebula so they had to fire, didnt they?!?! I mean, wouldn't Riker have fired anyway??? What were the other options prey tell? That was really dumb, so dumb I'm trying to figure out how a rift with Picard suits the writers plot. Does the writer need Picard off the bridge??

It was a truly dumb reaction of Rikers. And also, Riker is the captain so have we ever seen the acting captain throw a hissy fit over an order he gave after #1 advised him? "Look what you made me do!!!" Is pretty much what this writer wrote. "It's all your fault". Again, did these writers watch next gen??? And in any star trek series have we ever seen the captain say, "we're all gonna die!!!!" Ah....no. Every week they're in this much trouble, on every show! Not once have I seen any of them cry about it. Not sure how frakes delivered it.

Anyway, it's better than 2! (Not that that is a high bar) - it's good, just hoping that silly last line wasn't the dwindling spiral.
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