Alert: Missing Persons Unit (TV Series 2023– ) Poster

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Had to write a review to say:
thejdrage10 January 2023
Warning: Spoilers
I watched the first episode of Alert on Sunday and was not all that drawn into it. When the lead woman took the former kidnapped girl into an elevator with two men, that did it for me - what an incredibly stupid move putting herself and the child in an enclosed box with strangers. Not the brightest move by a "profession".

Then her son is found (and I still had zero interest) until ..... the DOG didn't recognize him! NO WAY! I want it down in writing that I am betting that the kid who claims to be their son is absolutely not who he claims to be.

You cannot fool Mother Nature - and the dog IS Mother Nature on steroids!

So - In the first episode they were not terribly bright - twice.

Now I have to watch to make sure I am right!! But am betting I am!
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I Hate To Say It But
fbchristian30 January 2023
I love Scott Caan so when I saw he was gonna be on this show I was excited. Dania Ramirez is a good actress as well. HOWEVER, she and the character Kemi are getting on my last nerve!

It has the potential to be a great show but those characters ruin the show especially Kemi's front and center "religion". If another "religion" (especially Christianity) was pushed so hard on a show, it would have probably never seen the light of day.

There is a difference between being smart and being a know-it-all; Kemi is a know it all. My husband is over this show so I will probably turn off the auto-record feature on my dvr after tonight's episode.

Oh and I have to agree with other's comments about Dania always saying (I can't even remember the character's name that's how much I no longer like the character), "we get our babies back, that's what we do". It was cool the first time but in reality she wouldn't be able to keep that promise.

Anyways, just my 2 cents.
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Drop the tag line. PLEASE!!!
cscott233124 January 2023
OMG!!! If I hear one more time "we bring our babies back, it's what we do" I'm going to vomit!!! I absolutely hate it. Truthfully the best part about this show is the storyline about the son. That's why I come back each week. I want to know what happened and I want to know what's up with the sister. The missing persons track is okay. A new story each week. Sadly this is something too may people know all to well. Especially children going missing. I wish they all turned out like they do on this show. Sadly no. Actually there's A lot of this that isn't realistic. In if the big ones is the voodoo in the office. If it's a government office you da*m we'll know it would never happen! I don't care how woke. I could be wrong. Truthfully it adds nothing to the show anyway. But it's not as bad as the tagline. Didn't I mention I HATE IT! And want to punch her face every time I hear it. Maybe thats just me.
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Deteriorating fast
wassermanadrienne18 January 2023
I enjoyed Scott Cann in Hawaii 5.0, so I gave this show a try. He remains likeable, but I'm quickly running out of patience with the writing and with the other characters. Our heroine, a detective specializing in recovering people who have disappeared, is entirely too sentimental: if I hear her say one more time "we get our babies back", particuarly when referring to middle aged people, it will be one time too many. There is another detective who thinks she has had past lives, and connects with the victims' families by rubbing eggs on them: now this was cute once or twice, but it's getting weird, and perhaps a bit cruel when she supposed with sandlewood allows a comatose patient to communicate for a very limited few lines. Unless you want an audience of all 20 year olds, cut back on the sex triangles. In the real world, sex in the back room of a police station is going to get you fired.

And the older daughter looks maybe five years younger than her mother, and certainly older than a high school student. My husband says that they're highly specialized police professionals, and they're acting like horny teenagers.
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Cops that don't do a simple DNA test?
weinsure14 January 2023
Watchable but nothing special. One of the plots is the lead having her missing son back and the daughter doesn't believe it's her brother. Why not a simple DNA test? Makes no sense. I hope this show gets better as time goes on. This could end up being a one season show unless it improves.

Too many politically correct shows these days having women beating up the hell out of bigger males. How TV shows have changed in this day and age. Not as bad as Rookie Feds where that female lead is totally horrible and unwatchable. Seems all these companies just need to fil the air with anything. I will give this one a few more watches to see where it goes. But take a damn DNA test. LOL.
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Scott Caan deserves a better show to be in than this..
djcmnv20 January 2023
I gave it 3 episodes just to be fair,,, But I will be deleting this show from my list!! The script is so unbelievably boring... the show drags and I find myself checking how much longer I had to endure this lackluster barely thought out show. The scenes are so far from reality and really gives a misunderstanding about what happens when a missing child is found and processed. I could probably place a bet that no TRUE research was done before they started writing the script. It's all around BAD!!!

Scott needs to start looking for a better show because this one will only put him in a negative light.
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Not too bad
tykishia22 January 2023
Warning: Spoilers
So the first episode was all over the place. A clue that a pic was taken in Vegas, next scene in Vegas, like that's their job location, then back in Philly, returning the kid that had been rescued, only for her to get kidnapped again. Then 2nd episode shows no DNA testing done, and the daughter insisting brother is a fake, because she and a mystery person knows what really happened. Are we to believe an 11 year old, who shows no signs of psychopathy, committed murder, or hid a death, for 6 years from 2 cops? And the cop can slow down with past lives and burning sage and sandalwood. It's getting to sound like a joke.
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Alert: Missing SOMETHING!
Narce21 January 2023
I have now gone through three episodes of silliness that comprise this show, and have decided that that's enough to consign it to the trash heap.

Many of the characters seem to be incompetent when it comes to doing their jobs as police officers. I was especially annoyed that this force would employ someone who practices voodoo or some such spiritual belief, not just on their own, but in the presence of other officers, and even victims' families! "Take these eggs, they will give you hope" WTF?

And then there are the parents whose son was kidnapped, who latch desperately onto the hope that he has been found, ignoring clues to the contrary. Really foolish police work, there!

I'm not sure who is at fault here. Probably not the actors, they just perform the roles they are given. But their managers/ agents need to be taken to task for associating them with this dreck. The writers are probably most responsible, as are the producers and directors who accept and approve their work.

Sorry, folks, but as the voodoo cop might say, "I see no Emmys in your future"
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Takes a while to warm up - Give it time
skpn12321 February 2023
While there are some aspects of this show that annoy me like the weak writing only held up to a good standard by some sound veteran acting and some fresh new faces. The script is weak at times, for example raising some fascinating issues but not following through to explore them with depth. In short, a little superficial about issues that are not at all shallow such as the response of young people to kidnapping trauma and physical and sexual abuse.

The relationship issues are also appropriately complex but just need a little more follow through. Every week there is a different and gripping kidnapping story and they are all fun and satisfying.

The underlying story of their son's kidnapping is really fresh and unique and I am know up to episode 8 and enjoying the twisty turny journey as we discover fragments of the truth about Keith but are left itching for more. This is a somewhat light watch but by no means without its merits and I am enjoying many of the different and unique side characters. Only wish I could binge the rest of the season NOW.
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I like this show, but....
rick-369-5453406 March 2023
Drop the we get our babies back line. Also, maybe make some of these people not come back. It's not believable that they save every single person who goes missing. Who are they trying to kid with that?

Also. The beginning part of every episode where everybody is looking at their phones for a missing personal alert. That's BS. Nobody has ever gotten an alert like that in the history of people getting alerts.

Other than that, I like this show.

I really wanted to succeed, but sometimes I just wonder if it's going to get canceled at any moment.

The acting isn't terrible. The writers just need to do a better job overall.
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This Thing Is A Hot Mess
simonwoodwrites20 January 2023
I'm not one those people where a Tv show has to be bordering on high art to be good. I'm pretty forgiving of artistic license if the show is entertaining but Alert is a hot mess. You can feel the writers' room throwing everything at the wall to make the show interesting. The problems with this show are numerous. The characters have baggage they stop an investigation to talk it out. Like airlines they should have a baggage limit or pay a fee. The humblebragging. Characters have to list their achievements all the time. Most breakthroughs have to be explained for two minutes while forgetting they have 60 seconds to save a life. Inappropriate behavior. Two of the unit members are in a relationship. In one scene, they tell parents finding their child is their top priority and then go into closet to bang. One of the characters believes in past lives and mysticism, etc. But her behavior is meant to be quirky and cute when it's pretty offensive. In one episode, she asks to rub eggs on the parents of a missing child for good luck! WTF! The same character chewed out a person in a planning department for not being able to identify a property's address by the dimensions of a southeast facing basement. Yeah, planning departments don't work like that. There's a lot of technobabble on digital data manipulation that is designed to compete with CSI forensic technobabble. There's a lot of manufactured action scenes that are silly and just there for the drama. And I'm only scratching at the surface of the character and story issues this show has. The problem is no one is standing back from it all to keep their show from getting silly. The shame of it is there's a good show here if given the right attention.
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Love Alert:
jtungsten-5950123 March 2024
Alert: Missing Persons Unit is now my favorite show on TV, it has everything I want in a series. It has a back story where they show the main characters stories and they continue in a serial format and they have a different story for each episode. I love everything about this show and I hope it continues. I was so excited to see that a second season is available. I love the characters, the writing, the cinematography and the whole look of the show. I think Fox has a real hit and I can see this show having at least 5-10 seasons. This show will be rewatchable for many years to come. I was reading the reviews and I don't understand the low ratings. I suggest everyone watch Alert.
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Decent idea, too rushed, unpolished and so many plotholes
meyweder26 February 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Watched two episodes to be sure that it wasn't just the pilot.

Decided to give it a shot because of Scott. It is almost decent, but the whole show feels rushed and like it's always something missing. They bombard you with all this info and many logic plotholes that are there just because they didn't bother to think about it/probably greenlighted as "good enough" (mostly about investigations themselves where timelines and the characters actions are sketchy).

To give an example an be careful this is the spoiler that is contained here in this review: in the second episode they have a live video with a crime. Somehow they get to the miracle number 68 minutes as deadline from some point and they have enough time in 68 minutes to go to the crime scene(from HQ), spend a few minutes aresting someone, get back to HQ, interogate the suspect and somehow go at the location in the video on time to save that person. All of that in the middle of the day. I barely can wrap my mind how tight that schedule was and somehow they don't even seem to rush that fast in the cars en-route to the victim. Not to mention when there is such a "time sensitive" case in front of them they are interrupted by a colleague at the beginning of the investigation and go just to have a talk about another case unrelated and a pointless conversation that could have took place after this one was over.

Not a bad show, but it isn't a good one yet. Maybe if someone else gets the helm in the next episodes, but after two episodes I feel like I could watch something better.
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Not the best
akisala12 January 2023
The female characters are the main female character's main tag line is "we get our babies back." No police officer would ever promise. Just yuk... what is with the lighting/burning in a government building..dark forces should abduct's a shame some of the story lines could work.

Some of it is too unbelievable, needs a lot of work. It's a shame I like Scott Caan and some of the lines given to him are very tired. Also no cop would ever call suspects "baby" they would end up being on report or getting retrained.

The computer work is too shonky and the only thing of interest is their son. It is weird he is not getting treatment and being checked out for dna. The storyline needs to be fixed.
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Scott Caan
elephant-518681 May 2024
I really like the concept of the show but I am going to stop watching because I can't stand Scott Caan. I record the show so i can fast forward any scenes he's in. He tries to act like a tuff guy but comes off like a loser. He ruined Hawaii Five-0 for me too. Wish they would have cast someone different!!! They need to stick to missing children with that fantastic alert system. I get very few amber alerts on my phone. There should be an alert system like the one on the show so millions of people could help search!! Stop all the side stories that Scott Caan keeps interfering in. He's just a horrible actor!!!
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Absolutely hate Kemi character
robinobumsawin26 January 2023
Every time this nut Kemi is given screen time, I feel annoyed. The character is a horrible co worker and a lunatic. The writers seem to be pushing acceptance of her being allowed to push her beliefs on the traumatized parents of missing children. Her coworker is allergic to her burning incense and she refuses to stop. I don't know what they are trying to do with her character. The rest of the show is ok, so far. Lots of things happening that would never happen in real life. No police officers would be allowed to do what these ones do. Seems to be an interesting side story that will keep me watching for answers.
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So sad for Scott Caan
e-mcdermott91621 February 2023
I thought I would love this show as a crime scene/cop show junkie and Scott Caan fan... but the female lead is so unbearably annoying I'm having a really tough time continuing watching.

I like the premise and the storylines are intriguing but, she ruins it. Poor acting and the stupid lines: "we get our babies back, that's what we do", along with her promises of getting back whoever is missing are just blah.

Also the drama between her new fiancé and ex husband is a little much... she goes from dedicated fiancé to reminiscing ex wife and the 2 men are caught up In weird ways bc of it. Takes away from the story

Will prob see this season out, but not beyond.
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I wanted to like it....
karensanto5810 January 2023
Warning: Spoilers
I hope it gets better. No professional detective calls everyone "baby" and perps (i.e. Mother with gun). Very annoying. Zero chemistry with lead and Caan. BTW: huge fan of Caan. I would also expect more validation from police management when, surprise, your stolen son is back. No tests (even if adopted, there'd be something available for DNA testing). No identity confirmations other than from the dog; and no one took notice.

Disappointed in the writing. What does the incense burning ritual bring to the show? Fox is usually a sure thing. A focus group of unbiased viewers could be helpful to iron out some of the "that's weird" moments that keep viewers from engaging.
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Not sure why all the hate
Deccomajor24 March 2024
I have to admit i was excited when i heard Scott Caan was making a new show and reprising his role as a detective ( See Hawaii 5-0 ).

The first season of Alert had promise, okay the idea had been done before but it started off well, Scott and his ex wife had to find missing persons and as each episode went by it was there son who become the shows focus, firstly finding he was missing then to have him returned, the whole was he their son or not had you thinking but when the 1st season ended i thought ok that is another 1 season wonder.

How wrong i was and i was excited to see a 2nd season, and personally i think the 2nd season is miles better then the 1st with lots of change and new ideas, Scott still has his Detective Danny "Danno" Williams mannerisms.

Excited to see where this season goes and do not read into what the people who rated this show less than 6 stars.
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God Awful
bluejra25 January 2023
There are so many things wrong with this tv show. For starters, that "we get our babies back" is probably the dumbest tagline in the history of words. Secondly the lead actress (Ramirez) and actor (Caan) are badly cast. This show has so much potential if they had better actors/actresses and writers.

Speaking of writing, there is absolutely zero logic in most of these storylines. For it to be a show about a group of expert law enforcement professionals that find the missing, they can't seem to find a way to make this show great. Again, this show had potential but I don't see it getting renewed. Anyone with half a brain is not impressed by any of this mess. Having COVID was better than sitting through this bs.
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Entertaining fast paced police procedural
Harry_Pamiaqui11 January 2023
I love the series, it has its heartbreaking thrilling plot, like any others, it is not perfect, I intend to keep watching it. Dania Ramirez is among the best, but her character is not at McGarrett's level. So, Scott Caan must stop the annoying whining, moaning, and complaining, because it looks like is the same Danno character in a bizarre situational setup. Where an ex-kidnapped girl is put in an elevator with two strangers appearing out of nowhere, and the family dog does not recognize a son. Scott is also a great actor, with all due respect, but his Devon character must get away from the Five-O environment because it ends up looking out of place. I am sorry to say it, but it is the truth, we have had Danno for so long that he etched in our memories and something different of equal quality is expected.
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VERY poorly written
flynucwby17 January 2023
I get its TV but really ? A fuel tank above a rear fender ?? Then it somehow leaks fuel over the tire onto the ground and ignites....and somehow the front of the car burns ?

Then from behind a wooden door in a house they hear 2 gunshots 2 minutes apart and dont make any attempt to enter ??

Just pathetic tbh.

Characters have zero interesting interactions. The main actor uses a 6 shot revolver ??? In 2023. How could any law enforcement be effective with a weapon that fires 6 loose cartridges ? The acting is pathetic the writing is WORSE. Even the premise is weak. Yes its a hot topic but written so poorly and acted out in away it makes me not want to watch and God forbid any actual law enforcement does what they do in this soon to be cancelled show.
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Rooting for Scott Cann
abby-5143128 January 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Our family loved Hawaii 5-0 and Scott Cann especially, but unfortunately this does not deliver. Unbelievable police interactions, allowing a civilian (even if they're an ex-LEO) in on cases, the high school-esque drama between characters, the disregard for all protocol and even marginally accurate procedures.... I could go on. Found most of the dialogue to be cringy and forced, for example, "We need help not a headache, and you're giving me a migraine." Huh? The horrible fake crying from the mother of the missing girl...ew. The proposal scene? Another level of cringe I didn't even want to watch. The fiancé saying that someone jumping from a second story balcony and into a pool made him think he'd never see her again...ummm ok. The scream from the token spiritual, do things in an off-the-wall way but it's somehow endearing and not at all inappropriate for the workplace lady when they "found" their "son" and everyone around her smiling and accepting it....mmmkay. And this is all just after watching 1 episode!! Not to mention the completely ridiculous insinuation that they grabbed their long-time missing son off an ambulance without any questions as to why it took 6 years for someone to ask for a ransom AND marked him as found without our verification of literally any details! I will watch more to see if this gets any better but if other reviews are to be believed, it won't.
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It's like a bad 90's soap opera
murdercityriots20 January 2023
Warning: Spoilers
I am 3 episodes in and that is 3 too deep. It started off bad and it's just continues on that trajectory downhill as the season progresses. I feel like they made the actors study bad 90's soap operas and told them, "you see this!? This is fine acting right here. Do it just like them."

The long pauses, the exaggerated expressions, the physical awkwardness between all of the characters, the corny as heck lines. They even threw in a "steamy" scene in the evidence room, complete with Beverly Hills 90210 music and odd angles.

They really tried to put every character from every cop show into this one show:

There's the "weird techy girl," that "bad boy that doesn't play by the rules," of course a "boss bi*** that can take on anyone," and her "sensitive lover" that is supposed to be her boss, but we all know who's the actual boss. *eye roll*

Don't even get me started on the familial drama because it is so over the top it's equal parts hilarious as it is painful to watch.

I really hope this doesn't get picked up for another season.
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Great to see Scott Caan and a diverse cast
yaornw19 January 2023
Warning: Spoilers
I enjoy the show. Not sure what other people are watching. It's got interpersonal family drama of an ex (Scott Caan) working for his ex-wife (Dania Ramirez) as boss-their son having been one of their missing cases-that gives it some extra heart, but this is about a team of people who have real passion for finding missing people and reuniting families, and I think it's very promising. So far I have enjoyed every episode. There's a subplot with Mike (Ryan Broussard) who is Nikki's new love interest that makes complications between exes. Keri (Adela Role) is a character who seems to use traditional African beliefs in her work toward solving cases. Hemingway (Peter Gibson) deals with a father slipping away deep into dimentia. So for him, finding the missing, is personal because "the one person I want to find I can't reach." Interesting backstories and set up. A solid cast. Look forward to more.
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