The Ultimatum: Marry or Move On (TV Series 2022– ) Poster

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Cringey but I kinda like it lol
amyfleck8 April 2022
I'm a reality show addict, like most girls... I'm not even sure why that is.... its all so cringey. The show is so cringey, but I'll watch it!! I'm not sure how real this show is, but it's kinda ridiculous. When you first meet a "date", everyone puts on a front. Guys act like they care about your feelings and girls act like they're willing to cook, clean, and rear the children at the same time freaky in the sheets. EVERYONE does this, but nobody seems to remember 2 years later in their relationships.. Its funny how these people go into this show 'believing' one thing, but as soon as they meet someone else they're attracted to, their 'beliefs' suddenly change. So comparing someone you're with for 2 years to someone you first meet is just absurd in thinking they're 'different'.. YOUR PARTNER ONCE DID THIS TOO!! Are these people naive af?! Looking for their 15 min (Alexis and Hunter obviously)?! Who knows? But I'll keep watching!
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Exactly what you should expect
Jim_Screechy13 March 2023
Five couples swap partners for 3 weeks essentially living as married couples while doing so. Without the sexual activity for the most part, though some couples do get tactilely intimate.

Obviously this disrupts the various relationships and the outcome is pretty predictable. I wouldn't necessarily call it toxic since all it is doing is exposing the nature of human interaction on a very personal level. True, some people consider this a societal low, but realistically its really only exposing human nature in a very blatant manner, stripping away the the underpinnings of intimate relationships for all to see.

Actually I think it's quite a healthy way to explore the realities of serious romantic partnerships; especially since so much of what constitutes healthy pair bonding is really undisclosed misinformation with honesty and truth buried under pretence, façade and fluff.

Having said this, I'm not sure it's for everyone. If you don't want to colour your notions of love and romance, or explore the reality of what exists under the covers of perceived romance, then give this a miss. Even though it isn't uncouth, dirty or 'for the most part' tasteless, it is pretty raw in places with notions of love and compatibility unearthed for the reality of complexity that actually exists between the various couples.

I liked it, no real surprises, and exactly what you'd expect from a modern reality series. In fact given what's on offer, its actually a pretty good production.
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Every good marriage starts with an ultimatum...
maxinepuffington7 April 2022
This show is literally horrific and these people are remarkably shallow and stupid but for some reason I cannot stop watching. Also what the F is this whole concept? So toxic and cringe even if it's scripted there were some scenes that was hard to watch but then I remembered those people stirred the sh*t for themselves so then I was ok again.
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mmmetikos12 April 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Reality TV can be a great, exciting, joyful waste of time. This is most definitely a waste of time, albeit kind of interesting because of the giant train wreck that it is. It seems like the producers didn't put enough baselines into the casting to make this a worthy show. These folks have only been together 1 - 2.5 years and want a marriage ultimatum already? And they're pretty young; this is a first relationship for many of them. Then they enter a fake marriage with other people they find attractive, which isn't even remotely realistic as a "faux" marriage.

How about setting some baselines, like couples that have been together 5 years, the fake marriage actually requiring them to do married couple things? Like share the costs for the apartment, groceries, electric bills for the month they live together? Sharing the household tasks? Having one of those faux crying babies they have to take care of? THAT would be far more realistic.

All this show does is provide an allowed cheating setting (aka taking a break) for a bunch of people unhappy in their relationships. This doesn't teach them anything real.

If there's going to be a S2, it needs to be revamped. Majorly.
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banananatime9 April 2022
As a woman who doesn't want to have kids, it was pretty offensive to watch a woman who's main boundary was to not have children (she said she doesn't feel comfortable around them!) have her FIRST conversation with a man be plowed over and ultimately be asked to overcome it, as if it's a fault, and despite not fully understanding where she's coming from. He was eager for her to admit it was about pregnancy affecting her body, rather than the lifelong consequences of raising a human being that she's not comfortable with. Then for her to actually acquiesce to it like it's not even that important of a concern, is absolutely mind blowing and reinforcing of the persistent sexist mindset that still exists. So much for women representing the rest of us, not that I should have expected it from such a shallow show.
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It was an entertaining and unique series that was worth a viewing if you enjoy dating/matchmaking type show
kevin_robbins27 April 2022
The Ultimatum: Marry or Move On (2022- ) is a show my wife and I watched together on Netflix (Season 1). The storyline follows a group of couples where an individual in the relationship has decided that their partner needs to marry them or move on. To help in this process they decide to go on this show and meet other couples in the same situation and date each other to see if that helps with next steps to stay together or move on...

As a season one of any reality television series you can tell there were some lessons learned from the team that created the show. It started right off in episode 2 when several couples panicked and immediately proposed when they were scared their partner would date someone else and no one wanted them. The series did handle it well but it drastically reduced the scope of the show.

Another lesson was hopefully learned when they look back will be how they handle serious societal issues. There was a physical altercation they didn't cover well. There was also a character that was pregnant in the final episode so they didn't showcase her evolution and challenges in the show (likely due to her condition, but it felt strange they didn't cover her rollercoaster journey in the final episode).

However, overall it was an entertaining and unique series that was worth a viewing if you enjoy dating/matchmaking type show. I would score this a 7.5/10 and recommend giving it a shot.
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Colby and Madelyn
holdenrudd19 April 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Wasted 9 hours to find Madelyn married this dope. I feel duped, although the first two episodes were 10 star content. Colby is a phony and will likely be the leader of a cult.
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Pro tip: Look at their pupil size
lauracharles2510 April 2022
This show is wild, I don't even watch reality tv but this concept is so insane to me that people would put this stuff out their. I have to say its hard to stop watching though, and seeing how people play games. But damnn their pupils are huge especially at the table (end of ep 2-start of 3) very interesting.
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All kinds of messed up
melodyso13 April 2022
Warning: Spoilers
I thought I would like this but I just don't...People's intention of going on the show is beyond me. I'm super unconvinced about their strong desire of marrying their partner after dating for 1 or 2 years. The drama is totally unnecessary and confusing like "I cheat on you because I love you!?". I think they can do a better job of actually lying out the rules of the show, because it is tiring to see the fight about cheating or not every 3 seconds. I also hardly like anyone on the show and hence not rooting for anyone at all. It seems like it's just a bunch of fame hungry people going off at each other.
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Double standard much...
msmoothe7417 April 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Shanique is really hilarious! She starts the girls night off with "Zaye and I got our cuddle on and he got hard" Then she tries to say that Madlyn said that about Randall. What?? She cannot claim to do something and then get mad if her "ex" does it too?! That's why they are going through this experiment! She seems so disrespectful when she talks to ppl. Rolling eyes is another way of saying you don't give a crap about what the person is saying! It's rude!
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Shows like this shouldn't exist
ashleyclark-7399717 May 2022
These people have no respect or empathy for anyone, not even their supposedly long term partners. This is not the sort of behaviour society should encourage.
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Like car accidents? Then this is your show.
dradford-3503310 April 2022
Boy howdy. It would be easy to give this show a 1/10 if you rate it on the people in the show alone, because nearly ALL of these cry baby lunatics are truly deplorable. But if you watch it with the intention of exploring the completely malformed psyches of the 20 somethings that are walking the streets today then you won't find a better show. I wanted to hate this show, I wanted to not be able to bear a second of the vapid, insipid pseudo intellectual musings of self absorbed morons, but then something brilliant happened. I found myself drawn in and watching with the same mode that I would a Ben Stiller cringe comedy, the likes of "Meet the Parents" or "Something about Mary." It's a feast of watching selfish self absorbed people with virtually zero self awareness try to convince themselves that they are ready for a lifetime commitment to each other. It's a hysterical, laugh a minute slow motion train wreck. And the fact that some of these morons think that they're ready for the responsibility hey of having children makes this feel like this show is teetering on tragedy. Don't get me wrong, there are three kids who don't complete suck, in particular a guy named Randall. With some more experience and maturity under his belt he will make a fine addition to the real world, but he is the only one that can even remotely articulate how he actually feels, what he wants and his rationale behind his beliefs. But watching him to to relate to a bunch of immature spoiled cry babies makes the shows cringe factor reach all new heights of hilarity. ALL and I mean ALL of these people NEED and would be better served with intense therapy than wasting nearly two whole months on a reality tv show is evident. How these people function and are able to hold down employment of any kind is incomprehensible. But enough. Watch it and enjoy how your life can't be anymore messed up than These peoples.
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Reality with a Premise
jmk199718 April 2022
I enjoyed the fact that this show had a premise, unlike most reality television that centers around the personalities themselves. These couples seem to all make an odd choice by adding a television show to their problematic relationships, but soon progress to realize if they love or not with The Ultimatum.

It's a casual weekend watch with a friend type of vibe, and I dig it.
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WTF will the come up with next?????
kristinesklarz8 April 2022
I'm on episode 4 and I can't believe I got that far. How desperate are people going to get to be on TV?!

How desperate am I to watch a good reality TV show to watch 3.5 episodes of this crap?!?! Shame on me-I blame myself for contributing to it.

Also, how annoying is Vanessa Lachey???...good god, I can't stand her!
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Toxic, Terrible, Brain Dead
likwide13 May 2022
I'm 5 episodes in and this show is absolutely terrible. I'm convinced that the couples who agreed to go on this show are only in it for the money and don't actually care about each other to begin with. The entirety of the show takes place in ONE week. Yes, these couples are risking their relationships (some 2 to 3 years in) to date numerous people for one week and decide if a stranger they just met on a reality show could be "the one". The premise of this show is terrible and this is something you'd expect to see on a failed idea board for MTV. I'm going to finish the remaining episodes so I can update my review, but I literally feel like I've lost IQ points watching this. I believe the ideal target audience for this show are high school girls.
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You can't help but keep watching
joanamarah7 January 2023
Warning: Spoilers
It's an absolute cringe fest but it's so entertaining at the same time. You can't stop watching and if you like trash tv then you'll love this.

The couples though are hard to like. Honestly you can describe each one with one word or phrase. Colby - insecure but covers it with trying to be perfect, Madelyn - the drunk and most immature, Jake - boring, Rae - the nice girl, Zay - aggressive man child, Shanique - the jealous one, Randall - the nice guy, April - just wants to be loved, Alexis and her fiancé- bland and look 20 years older than they are, Lauren - bullied because she didn't want kids, her fiancé - boring.

The one thing I really didn't like was how everyone was pressurising or bullying Lauren for not wanting kids. It's 2023 and if a woman doesn't want kids then she shouldn't be shamed for that but when the men say they don't want any it's relatable? Sad that they used that as her storyline.

Also really didn't like how they watched Madelyn be constantly drunk or high and air it, honestly think that girl was drunk for 90% of the season and she seemed problematic.

Overall worth a watch but if there's going to be a season 2 then maybe use older couple that have been together for longer than 2 years to make it more realistic.
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Just another toxic dating reality show
jessdelong-2507211 April 2022
Just another toxic dating reality show, glad I don't watch these type of shows often, I can feel my brain melting. These people need therapy, not a reality show. Poor things. I do hope they all get the help they need.
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Compelling and Cringeworthy
debrahnava-5249627 March 2023
OMG... all of these character's try so hard not be superficial and shallow, but no matter how hard they try - it doesn't work. Crazy dynamic! I especially loved how nobody else wanted Alexis or Nat, so they ended up just getting back together. And Alexis coming for Colby because she said he said she was 'unattractive' and 'of course, how could anybody think that?!'. He actually said he was not 'attracted' to her because during their 1 talk she went on & on about how having a lot of money was very important to her. Alexis, honestly some people are turned off by that... how do you not know that at 30 yrs old?
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Further proof that humanity truly has no low that is too low
nathanchasewomack13 April 2022
8 hours of "peaked in high school pretty people" (some are genuinelly GL and some are far from it & r clueless, u can decide who is who on yer own) believing the lie that they tell themselves that they are adults who are having deep and profound conversations. IOW people who are too old to to be hammered 24/7 having "conversations" about "feelings". Reminded me of college days 18, 19, 20 tops when I'd be hammered and skiing high and thought I was so profound. How do these empty people pull this off with a straight face? This show makes The Bachelor look like Citizen Kane by comparison. A slow as a snail car crash that took itself seriously. The 2 nobody hosts aren't worth mentioning. Sorry not sorry.
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Not the worst thing I've ever seen
wczktcfmz10 April 2022
What complete and utter garbage. Bimbos and morons together or maybe not. The average IQ of this cast and hosts must be circling around 80 or 85 if you shoot half the immature and illiterate men on this show. Don't get me started on the girls. Surely they must have cast this in either a reform school, juvenile prison or simply the dregs of the USA. I was wrong...this is absolutely the worst thing I have ever seen.
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Cringe but addictive
mavinizhon7 April 2022
The show is cringy at time not believable, I know these shows are scripted but the rules and the layout of 3 living together and 3 weeks coming back together while the same time being involved with the other couples is messy and strange.
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the negativity is unsettling
nvmensah8 April 2022
I'm 7 episodes in and I can't believe I'm still watching this, there is constant negativity and fights to the point that it becomes too much and just becomes unsettling to watch. I don't know how anyone would want to display their relationship problems like this, I mean if you want to get on TV so bad , there's other ways to do it than to embarrass yourself and your spouse on tv. There's only 2 almost sane people on this entire show...
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Just wait for the reunion episode
jkanecoleman8 April 2022
If you want to waste hours of your life watching a handful of 20 somethings fall apart at a snails pace, by all means check this out. Otherwise just wait for the (inevitable) trainwreck reunion episode.
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An absolute hot mess
mikerang-321988 April 2022
The premise... put 12 of the most self absorbed, 20 something year old headcases in a bottle and shake it up. That's it. That's the show. Sadly, I watched one episode and I'll never get that time back. If you are DYING to know which of these headcases stay together just wait until the reunion episode and save the time. It's really that brutal. After watching a few minutes of this you'll realize why this generation of kids is so messed up.
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Never been so confused.....
yeroc-633468 April 2022
I will admit & acknowledge up front that we as viewers are at the complete mercy of the editors. These people spent weeks together and we got ti see maybe 45 minutes per couple. So I don't wanna be too judgmental but DAMN!!!! These are the worst couples in the history of I guess reality show history....if you can call this reality. Maybe in some Marvel multiverse this is reality. I probably should go back & give it another star so others will watch and I'm not alone in my confusion. Watch at your own risk!!
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