A Haunting at Silver Falls (2013) Poster

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Better than expected.
sal1085113 October 2013
A young teenager is haunted by a ghost in a small town. Now she must uncover the truth behind this haunting...

First off I was quite surprised at how well this film was made and the low rating received considering the budget. Everything from the acting to the plot was outstanding. I was very well pleased with the lead acting and the story. Not to mention that according to the film this is based on a true story and that always leaves you thinking of the possibilities. The special effects were a bit flawed but it could have been worse.

Definitely a good choice for a late night scare. 6 of 10!
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Enjoyable if average Lifetime ghost story
Moving to a quiet suburb after her parents' death, a teenage girl finds herself embroiled in a mystery by a pair of twin ghosts to solve their murder they may or may not be connected with her distant relatives she just moved in with.

This is a rather enjoyable enough Lifetime Channel ghost story even if it's pretty familiar and generic most of the time. As far as these general types of 'Righting Wrong' style of ghost movies go, where they appear to someone in a plea to fix a mistake seen by many in the community who are grossly misled by the real perpetrators or part of it themselves, the horror comes from the fact that there's plenty of ghostly encounters out of nowhere or strange shocks that come up, but then drop off in order to invest in the mystery surrounding everything and finally at the end bring everything to a conclusion. That's how this one plays out, and it certainly hits those familiar notes quite well and often in the beginning which usually pulls out the clichéd notion of the victim thinking they've gone crazy constantly seeing ghosts everywhere which does make for this one being so run-of-the-mill and ordinary during this main section of the film. That the mystery this one becomes embroiled in has a pretty gruesome story at the center of it all does help the middle going while the teens investigate this and holds off the ghostly encounters until the end when the real culprit comes forward and centers the film around that new-found angle and brings back the ghostly happenings in a fun if admittedly dry finale. There's not a whole lot of real true horror in this one in terms of bloodletting, gore, dead bodies or such as the ghosts' preference is to help initiate the investigation into why they're there and killing off the one who'll do that won't help matters, so as long as that factor isn't an issue, this is a fine effort.

Rated Unrated/PG-13: Violence, Language, drug use and children-in-jeopardy.
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Better Than The Cover Suggests
gavin694222 August 2013
A small town is haunted by the twin daughters of a wrongfully convicted man. Young Jordan (Alix Elizabeth Gitter) is sent down the path to who the real killer is only to find the killer is very close to her.

I figured this was going to be yet another disposable film with no names and little inspiration. I was wrong on both counts. One, it actually has a cast member (Erick Avari) whose face you have seen other places. And two, it is far better than the average "haunting" film because the story is not really about the ghosts at all.

I have to single out James Cavlo as Larry, and I hope to see Cavlo in more things. In this film he seemed to be referencing "American Werewolf in London" by his style, and I am unsure if this was intentional. His look and delivery were excellent, so I hope we see him in bigger things in the future.

The lead actress, Alix Gitter, is also excellent. She seems to have done even less than Cavlo, though her growing list of films might catch someone's eye. She is talented and has a look that I think would take her far in Hollywood. I hope so.
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Disappointing and Inconsistent
ArdentViewer9 December 2014
Warning: Spoilers
The beginning of a horror movie is often familiar to viewers. It's up to each film to subsequently diverge in a way that is clever, holds attention, and genuinely frightens. Unfortunately, this movie failed on all counts.

BAD ACTING: w/ the exception of the lead character and possibly the aunt, most of the characters were clichéd, unbelievable, & unsympathetic.

SHAKY PLOT: I'm able to suspend my disbelief quite a bit. However, too many elements in this film don't make sense or tie together, even given assumptions of the supernatural. - Several of the characters (Robbie, the sheriff) were superfluous, adding nothing to the plot. - Perception of a shared delusion among girls in town (only triggered by prior knowledge) is far-fetched. If everyone believed that these girls had either been delusional or copycats, the fact that Larry divulged vague details to Jordan about ghosts would be meaningless. Jordan wasn't told anything about the twins or the fact that other girls had claimed to be "haunted." Larry's slip would in fact ONLY matter if her condition had a supernatural origin - an assumption not considered by anyone. - The fact that one or both of the twins repeatedly tried to hurt/kill Jordan - but supposedly wanted to send a message – is contrived. You can't have it both ways. Either ghosts are evil & want to kill, or they have unfinished business & try to communicate w/ the living. Both can't be true simultaneously - at least not without significant character development & backstory, neither of which occurred. The lame excuse thrown in towards the end that "Heather has a temper" is ridiculous. - If the ghosts could bring Jordan outside and nearly drown her in the bathtub, surely they would've been able to remove the ring from her finger. If anything, the ring was meant to stay on Jordan's finger to enable her to appreciate its significance & connect it to the other rings she eventually found/noticed. If the twins had really wanted to communicate, they would've left the ring alone. This entire subplot was obviously a weak (and failed) attempt to tie together disparate story elements. I could concede finding the ring in the jewelry box & suddenly realizing the truth, but the repetitive actions of touching fingers together were a big stretch. You can't just reveal something supposedly crucial (i.e., the dad and the twins having parts of the same ring) at the eleventh hour & expect viewers to accept it.

  • What was the purpose of revealing the aunt & uncle's drug habit? It merely showed that they were hypocrites, but their morals were already questionable due to their mistreatment of Jordan. This didn't add anything.

INCONSISTENCIES: - No psychiatrist would hold an intervention and allow outsiders to be present (his son, Robbie & the sheriff). This is highly unprofessional and unethical. - No psychiatrist would allow, much less encourage, emotionally fragile, impressionable patients to visit a death row prisoner. No sound-minded parents would permit this, either. - No death row prisoner (or possibly other prisoners) would be able to receive multiple visits from random strangers, much less underage girls. Visits would have to be negotiated in advance, w/ background checks conducted, clearances provided, etc. - No prisoner on death row would be permitted a last-minute visit from a stranger ON THE NIGHT OF EXECUTION. This is beyond absurd. - If the aunt & uncle had been smart enough to avoid any prior suspicion, wouldn't they have been smart enough to check if Larry had departed before having an all-too-incriminating conversation outside the house?

LOOSE ENDS - What was the point of Robbie calling Jordan, saying she wasn't crazy & asking her to meet him? Nothing ever came of this. At best, this was a case of bad editing. At worst, it was yet another dangling plot point. - What was the point of Jordan's aunt revealing that Robbie had a history of rape? This fact has no bearing to the plot. If it was meant as a red herring, it failed. Red herrings must be convincing in order to be meaningful. - Why introduce the father about to be executed? We can presume that he is killed as planned, since we aren't told otherwise. We haven't known him long enough to care, yet most viewers wouldn't like an innocent man being killed. This is pointless. - We are never told how the twins were killed. This information would be important. It could have been used as clues to tie the twins' murder in with the subsequent deaths of the girls, and even Jordan's mother. Instead, the viewers are left hanging in this regard. - We are never given the motives for killing the twins in the first place. We can surmise that the other murders covered their tracks, but why the first murders? Aside from a few vague morsels, we aren't privy to the aunt & uncles' psyches. In order to be sold on their guilt, it's necessary to have explanation and insight into the characters (both of which were absent).

LACK OF SURPRISE - Once the uncle buckles Jordan's seat belt and lingers on her, we knew we was sketchy. I immediately suspected he had killed the twins. This was a bit too obvious. - Once we discover that the aunt & uncle had been responsible for all of the girls' purported "suicides," I realized that Jordan's mother was among this group. Why would it take Jordan so long to connect the dots?

It isn't often that I'm unable to identify any redeeming value from a film. This is one of those rare cases. I only gave it three stars due to the likable character of Jordan (played nicely by the lead actress), and the fact that I didn't predict the aunt's involvement in the murders.
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Pretty Decent Movie (If You Like Lifetime Movie Channel)
tdwillis-2627330 May 2017
For a "B" movie, they had a decent budget, and you can tell it. (Some reviewers calling this a low budget "B" Movie. I wouldn't call 2.5 million , low budget. Of course it isn't the Hollywood ga-zillion dollar budget, but Iv'e seen LOW BUDGET Movies (10,000 to 300,000)A BIG difference.

This movie is more of a "thriller" type haunting, then a haunted "HORROR" movie. The story unique and paced well. There are some small plot holes but nothing major enough that I couldn't continue to watch the movie and enjoy it for what it offered.It also had some occasional surprising and interesting twists and was directed well thru out most of the film.

Most of the acting is passable/acceptable, with some scenes/characters less then mediocre. Cinematography/camera and sound was well done and score/screenplay also nicely done.

The make-up and CGI effects were well done. Appropriately creepy and realistic without being over done.

If you are a thriller/haunted ghosts fan, and wont miss the intense scares/violence/blood, and perhaps enjoy a good lifetime movie on occasion, then this movie is right up your alley.
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iwiresteve27 October 2013
Almost a good horror movie.... Had elements of Sixth Sense, The Ring, The Gift, and Stir of Echoes (in fact, that's probably how the film was pitched to get it made). Problem was I saw all of those and they were all way better. It was decent though, and with the above being said, we kept watching. I did like the interaction of the ghosts with the main character. I also thought the acting was pretty good all around. Then came the last half hour. I came to a point where I wanted to turn it off, but I had already invested my time and wanted to see how it ended. With out giving anything away...I should've gone to bed. It's like the screenplay guy couldn't figure out how to end the movie and someone else came up with an idea to just get it over with. There seemed to be some great avenues to explore and they either didn't know how or wanted to try to be "clever". It did inspire me to post my first review on IMDb though...
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Not so shabby
Duveteux23 June 2013
It isn't a horror that'll scare you witless, there aren't any jump scares or scenes of bloody violence. It's quite a simple ghost seeking vengeance plot. Slightly creepy, but nothing you'll lose sleep over. If anything you understand the ghost(s) isn't going to hurt the protagonist and just wants her to know something, and it's all about finding out what that something is, so there's little threat involved.

I enjoyed it though! I found myself wanting to see the end and it wasn't a bad story overall.

Worth a shot if you're into stories and can live without brilliant cinematography and things that'll come crawling out of your closet when you try to get to sleep afterwards.

It did make me wonder what would have happened if she'd gone to Silver Falls with Robbie at the end to see what he had to show her. Maybe it was just a lame come on like she thought, though...
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Wasted potential
lusciousmuffins21 May 2016
Warning: Spoilers
This film had decent actors and the scenery and camera work was also better than other B horror movies I've scene. Unfortunately, it was still painful to watch. The real problem was that the whole thing made zero sense. And I'm not referring to "ghosts aren't real" no sense; I mean it was an illogical mess. First off, while audiences can buy into willing suspension of disbelief, they shouldn't be treated like they are stupid. For example, you are supposed to believe that on the night of a man's execution a psychologist from a small town arranges for some random teen to visit with the prisoner while he eats his last meal because the good doctor thinks it might help her with some hallucinations she's been having. Naturally, they visit one on one because why would a guard want to interfere with their little heart tot heart. WTF??? Then again, the psychologist also thought it was ethical to take on his son's girlfriend as a patient, after he forbid her to see said son. Oh yeah, and the man on death row also gives the young protagonist a ring because, sure, they would let a death row prisoner keep jewelry and then give it to strangers.

Secondly, this movie was rife with story lines and characters that went nowhere. I imagine the film's makers thought they were using misdirection, but really, they were just throwing a bunch of stuff into the movie that served no purpose other than to annoy the audiences. There was one kid in particular who they kept bringing in over and over until he announces he has critical info for the main character and is on his way to see her, but she blows him off and then...That's it! You never find out if he did or didn't know anything relevant or if he came over like he said he would. He was just there, then gone. Like many characters in the film he offered nothing to story, he was just filler.

Thirdly, the dialog was painful at times. I mean, you actually end up feeling bad for the actors. Most of the things they had to say were either so unnatural it's a wonder no one stopped and demanded a rewrite or it was so nonsensical you'd think they stop, raise their hands and point out that it made no sense because watching it I sure wanted to.

Lastly, this movie had no logical consistency. First the ghosts are attacking the girl, alternating between trying to kill her and get a ring off her finger. Then, they somehow become her protectors who are trying to lead her to the horrible truth...gasp, gasp. The horrible truth by the way is pretty dumb and, like most everything else, very hard to believe. Of course by the time you reach the big reveal you just want everyone to die because the movie was so damn dumb.

Bottom line, this movie came across like it was written by a high schooler who didn't have a proofreader. It was just a jumble of dead ends, inconsistencies, and painfully stilted dialog. What made it all that much more frustrating is that you know someone competent could have taken the same actors and resources and turned them into a film that
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Glad I didn't read the plot summary...
arusinghnz5 June 2013
Warning: Spoilers
Or I wouldn't have enjoyed the movie as much as I did. The story is very different to your average ghost story. Love the twist and kept my interest right to the end. The story is a slow bleed story on a new girl in town type tale filled with stories about a haunted forest. I really liked the way the story was revealed. I was asking myself what the inciting incident was after the first 10mins. The film doesn't try hard to be the next Exorcist or Amityville Horror and stands on its own feet as a ghost story that creates it's own genre.

If you read the plot summary, whoever wrote it deserves to be shot, the whole summary is a big Spoiler. Why anyone would write the whole premise and outline of a movie as a plot summary I can't for the life of me understand Which hopefully every horror/thriller fan won't read.

It deserves more than the low rating its been given on here. 6/10
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Do you hear the snoring at Silver Falls...?
paul_haakonsen19 July 2013
"A Haunting at Silver Falls" failed to deliver on so many levels. And for a ghost movie it was anything but scary and below mediocrity.

There were absolutely no scare moments in the movie, and there wasn't anything scary or even remotely horror to this. And suffering from a poor storyline and a failure to scare, concentrating on the movie started to become a struggle, and it was hard not to pick up my phone and start doing something else.

The story is about Jordan (played by Alix Elizabeth Gitter) who comes to a small town, where she finds a ring somewhere in the forest, and of course she puts it on. The ring is linked to the dark past of an event that took place in the town, and Jordan starts to see the apparition of a dead girl, while coming closer and closer to the truth.

I will say that the story did have some parts that could have been great, but ultimately failed to do so. I think it was because the movie was predictable and because of the complete lack of scares, that the movie failed to entertain me.

As for the actors and actresses in the movie, well I will say that they actually did good jobs with the roles they were given. But they were fighting an uphill battle against a predictable storyline and a very mediocre chain of events throughout the entire movie.

If you are looking for a good ghost movie to make the small hairs on the back of your neck stand up, you had better look elsewhere, because this movie will fail to do the trick.

And to top it off, the movie starts out with "inspired by true events". Right, well at least the dead twin apparitions was not the source of inspiration. On the plus side, then the movie at least wasn't one of those God awful "found footage" type of movies.
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Foster parents sometimes be very, very bad.
suite9227 November 2013
Warning: Spoilers
Jordan's father died, so she comes to live with her aunt Anne, her deceased mother's twin sister, and her uncle Kevin. She goes on a date with Larry Parrish; Larry ends up being arrested for drug possession, and Jordan gets a ride home from Robbie. Larry is in line to be the school valedictorian, and Dr Parrish (Larry's father, a psychologist) is not amused.

Jordan starts getting nocturnal visitors; one leaves candy wrappers, the other tries to pull off the ring she found in the woods while fleeing the cops after the 'date.'

Larry tries to help Jordan get the ring off. It seems to work, but then the ring gets back on, somehow. Jordan's new parents bring up the things (an Hermes scarf, money from Kevin's wallet) found in her underwear drawer. The lock her in the bathroom using pennies while they have a night out by themselves. Then the ghosts try to drown her. Good planning there. She's soaking wet but the bathroom is not. Hm. They give her some haloperidol, an anti-psychotic. Oh, great. She sees the one ghost in daylight now.

Her first visit with Dr. Parrish on a professional level does not go well. She sees the ghost in his office, cannot take her eyes off of it, and cannot tell hi about it. The doctor knows she is lying and concealing. Sigh. At school, Larry and Robbie are competing over her. Larry and Jordan ditch school and follow Jordan's ghost. Larry calls her parents and the Sheriff, who then stage an intervention.

Jordan gets to meet Mr. Dahl, the father and the condemned killer of the twins, Heather and Holly Dahl. These are the ghosts Jordan has been seeing. Mr. Dahl gives her another ring, the second third of what used to be one ring. After she gets home, Jordan puts it on as well. She has quite the dream after that, featuring both twins. They warn her that she is next.

Jordan finds the third part of the ring, and information that she did not expect.

Will Jordan make it out alive?


Cinematography: 8/10 Fairly good, but had a few problems, at least on Netflix.

Sound: 8/10 No particular problems.

Acting: 8/10 Steve Bacic was great; Erick Avari, an enduring favourite, was even better. James Cavlo was beyond bad. Except for him, I might have given this film a five of five. Alix Elizabeth Gitter was fine as Jordan.

Screenplay: 8/10 Liked the story.
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Quite good!
MissOceanB28 June 2013
Great fun ghostly film that will leave you questioning certain events throughout. Personally, I thought the story was not bad at all! Some of the plot could have been better filled, but for a lower budget film, it does seem "higher budget". The special effects were good, some spooky "jump in your seat" moments and the acting was actually very well done. Some viewers may find it a bit predictable, but this could also be questioned throughout the film. I do wish the film had been longer and much more creepy scary (I really like it when my adrenaline starts pumping - those types of Haunting thrill movies are my favourite, but to each his own). It would be interesting for this film to have a prequel, that would really make the film (and prequel) stand out.

Overall, dim the lights and enjoy this "fun" haunting thriller!
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exceedingly boring (mild spoilers)
zzoaozz17 July 2013
Warning: Spoilers
apologies, the contains spoiler box was not working so I put it in the title and on the first line.

This movie was incredibly ordinary. It was neither good nor bad, just there. It's the kind of movie you would watch on TV if there wasn't anything else on.

The acting is acceptable, not great but okay. The guardians come across as wooden, the main character as vacuous, and the romance factor utterly flat.

There are several events in the movie that are very difficult to buy even when you are very good at suspending disbelief. Some of the worst: A psychiatrist who sees patients in his kitchen and asks his son to stay in the room while having a session. A cop who brings a file on teen suicides who all claimed to have seen ghosts to said psychiatrist's house, drops it on a table, then leaves. A prison system that would allow teenage girls to talk to a man on death row about to be executed for murdering his daughters because a psychiatrist thought it might be therapeutic. There are other things but those are the most glaring.

The ghosts are the kind we've seen a million times lately thanks to current cgi technology. The pasty white girls with scraggly hair who move in jerky frame edits and occasionally shake their heads very fast for no apparent reason.

It's okay, good enough to watch all the way through if you have nothing better to do. I'd recommend you skip it and rent or stream a good movie and wait until it shows up on Fox or ScyFy.
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Been there, haunted that
cnsea29 May 2013
Warning: Spoilers
It's not great. It's not terrible. It's just kind of there.

Basically, if you've ever seen any other ghost story, you've already seen this one. The ghosts are a set of twins this time. This doesn't really bring anything new to the table, as they still open doors, knock stuff over, and do any manner of typical spirit things. At the very least, you'd think they could at least open two doors simultaneously to show off their undead twin powers. Everything from their look to their agenda is purely prototypical. And while their makeup and look is precisely what you'd imagine (whether that's a good or bad thing depends on whether or not you like innovation or tradition), the actual ghost effects are flat out terrible, and the ghosts are just on screen too often, robbing them of any sense of mystery.

The acting is mostly tolerable, though the villains are unconvincing. The story is, again, exactly what you'd expect for this sub-genre. The actual filmmaking is perfectly sound for a B-movie, it's just that there isn't much to work with. So all in all it's a half-decent foray into all-too-familiar territory.
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Painfully bad, borderline comedy
jfkbmb-004869 March 2018
I could sum up this movie in three words: Stink, Stank, Stunk - but I'll add in Cheesy and Comical at some points. I wish I could get that hour and a half of my life back. It's too late for me - but spare yourself.
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rasashalene24 October 2017
Warning: Spoilers
It wasn't terrible per say... I love class B movies... However I was a little annoyed that I'm still sitting here asking questions about the movie. A lot of why's and how's. Why are Anna and Kevin nuts? Why did they kill Anna's sister? Why did they even bother bringing that "cool kid" into the show? I feel like they could have done a lot more for the story line.
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Expected another generic ghost movie but this was a bit different.
Jaeon5 May 2015
Warning: Spoilers
I give it a 7/10 since it was different from what i expected of it.

There were many minor things throughout the film that could be nitpicked on but overall I enjoyed it.

I just finished watching this on Netflix on my tablet while being distracted with things going on in real life. Maybe that's why I overlooked the adoption part but picked up on it as the film went on. Maybe they just quickly shot through that tidbit.

Acting was decent. I'm familiar with the psych guy, he usually does well with his roles.

The aunt and her boyfriend were cast well too. She really extrudes the dominant aura in a relationship, especially at the end of the film.

I like how the movie pokes at the typical, make a move on the young girl yet he never did (til the end of course).

My favorite part has to be when the lights flicker and the girl references the execution, Lol

Wish they had concluded with the cop and the psych but again, decent film.
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Not Perfect, But Not Avoidable Either
totalovrdose13 November 2014
Don't be fooled by the cover. If seeing translucent ghosts with black eye shadow opening up their mouths in a silent scream, and hearing the creaking of doors opening by themselves sends shivers racing across your skin, then A Haunting at Silver Falls will be a terrifying experience. If not, and you are after something more frightening, you might be better off watching A Haunted Mansion with Eddie Murphy, which proved to be a lot more atmospheric.

This is not to say the film is terrible by any standard, it just isn't the kind of feature that anyone could ever mistake for a horror film, despite the distributor's attempts to pitch it as one. Instead, it is more of an adolescent romance, shrouded by supernatural occurrences, which appears to have qualities reminiscent of the movie Twilight (minus the vampires).

The film has its beneficial qualities that help grasp the audience's attention. Jordan, a teenager, who has recently moved to a new town to live with her aunt and her husband, the only familial members she has left, finds herself inexplicably slipping a ring onto her finger that she finds in the woods one night after attending a party. By doing so, Jordan inadvertently invites the ghost of a woman about her age into her life, who, was horrifically murdered, along with her twin. In order to satisfy the spirit's thirst for justice, Jordan is inevitably spurred into uncovering the identity of the killer.

Over the course of the film, the depth of character development is well orchestrated, which in turn helps conceive likable characters, and the occasionally funny, witty dialogue establishes a sense of comical relief. This aside, there were instances that were not believable, and other aspects of the film that could have been better developed.

The film opens with a young woman, running frantically through the woods, pretending to trip over as she attempts to hide from an unseen attacker; an introduction any horror film fanatic would have seen better executed at least half a dozen times before. Despite this, the opening does manage to build some measure of tension, although it is not effectively executed throughout the majority of the feature. The ghosts we witness in A Haunting at Silver Falls seem too sympathetic and compassionate to be feared. Moreover, Jordan exhibits little terror when confronted by a specter, and because of this, how are we supposed to fear the female equivalent of Casper? However, this criticism aside, these strategies allow the viewers to appreciate the ghosts as people, with human motivations.

Furthermore, the relationship between Jordan and her paramour, Larry, was not a believable sub-plot. On one hand we have Jordan - an utterly gorgeous young woman who could cause the heart of an iceberg to melt, while on the other we have Larry, a Napoleon Dynamite look-a-like, with issues regarding his confidence. No matter how much geeks such as myself would wish for that to be real, women with the above mentioned qualities, rarely, if ever, affiliate romantically with nerds.

On top of this, although the lead antagonist of the plot was not formidable or threatening enough to be taken seriously, this was overshadowed by the predictability. Despite the feature providing the audience with several characters who exhibited suspicious qualities, before the end, it was too obvious who the villain truly was.

A Haunting at Silver Falls is not necessarily a movie you ought to avoid, but it isn't a film that will thoroughly entertain you either, and by the end, your thirst for a horror film will certainly not be quenched. With a plot deserving of more twists and turns, and an atmosphere in need of a far darker ambiance, this is probably a film you will want to rent, rather than purchase.
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Haunting ... or not haunting
kosmasp16 August 2021
It will always depend on your own sensibility I reckon. I for one thought this would be a much worse affair than it turned out to be. Not really a masterpiece of course, but a more than decent effort in the horror genre. Well done, good acting (all things considered and for the genre) and nice set pieces.

Script is decent too - with some minor issues. Effects are ok too ... there are a few twists here and there that may or may not surprise you. Like 9 minutes before the movie ends ... did you actually believe it? Was it surprising? And does that play a role in how you feel about the movie? I thought it was nicely resolved, not that I was surprised too much though.
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How can you do that with us?
elshobakitech19 April 2014
Shame on you the director for this FAKE movie. I was not able to believe how was bad this movie??? Its was joking with our minds. The horror movies to be good at my opinion as a watch man or interested person should be directed perfectly and also to bring an actor who is able to show the reaction on his face and his/her movement like our actress. Do you want to be good? you must respect the people opinion as its your guide line. Second thing.. The story was terrible... and the way we see the ghost or the dead person is worst than classic horror. (I like to watch classic than this one)

Its cover was attracting me so I told myself lets see....... I not recommend this movie because this is wasting time. The Points I give this movie are: Music 5/25 -- Visual Effect 2/25 -- Story 1/25 and ZERO for entertaining so the total points 8/100 (VERY BAD)
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A really decent psychological haunting.
ahlan33612 October 2013
Warning: Spoilers
Yes, this was sent to DVD directly, yes this is what is considered a "B" movie, HOWEVER, it was really good! Characters were actually decent, could be trained more, but the main cast, especially Alix Elizabeth Gitter (Jordan in the movie) played the part well. People complain about the acting, but you get past that pretty quick.

Kind of a scary theme for a movie.

Yes there was a cheesy part where the ghost cast a shadow when it was leading her to the bar, however that did not overshadow the movie.

The ending was pretty sweet, how justice was served.

I would seriously give this a try, you will not be disappointed.
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A great B horror movie
ChasingAimee-14 July 2017
The young lead, Jordan, is very cute quintessential girl next door. The dorky boyfriend is Michael Cera inspired. The movie has some crazy twists & turns. There are some unexpected scares but, it lacks a bit on the gore side. Since it was low budget the lighting isn't great. The camera is a little wonky but, I appreciate that the director tried to make it pleasing to the eye and had some nice establishing shots. Overall, it was a good watch for a B movie. I look forward to checking out the 2nd one.
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jhart0529 September 2019
Was forced to watch this by girlfriend. Do yourself a favor and suggest literally any other movie. How this got a sequel is beyond me.
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The Legend Of The Dahl Twins!!!!
wandernn1-81-68327418 May 2020
Halfway through this movie and nothing really has happened so far, the tension building....a little....

-1 Star for the Idiot Parents and their little jaunt out of the house , but this is where the paranormal stuff starts to happen

But the End was lame . Very Stir of Echoes ish movie.

-1 Star for the ending which was not rewarding in the least.

You can definitely skip this one and not feel left out. Trust!
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Complete waste of time.
doug-6466411 April 2017
Life is too short; precious moments and all that. Why throw away 90 minutes you'll never get back?

It occurred to me while watching this update on watching paint dry that if movies had IQ's, this one's would be very low.

Summation: Painfully slow and pointless; useful only as an exercise in how not to make a movie. The only reason it got one star was because zero wasn't offered as an option.

If you have to decide between watching this film or staring at a wall for 96 minutes, take the wall. You'll have put your time to better use.
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