Apartment 143 (2011) Poster


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Good Found Footage Warning: Spoilers
I watched this movie without great expectations, and i ended up liking it a lot. It's definitely more of the same things horror fans are used to, but that doesn't mean it's not good. The movie is not great or fantastic, but it is very nice, a good addition to the most prolific sub-genre in horror last years, the "found footage" genre, all of them sons of "Paranormal Activity" and grandsons of "The Blair Witch Project".

The movie follows the story of a "scientist" and his crew who investigate cases of paranormal activity with the best equipment science can get. The entity on this movie is pretty busy, since the team enters the house they start to experience paranormal craziness for all over the house. So, as they install all the equipment, the supernatural being(or non-supernatural thing, as the scientist explains), does all kind of things. The whole movie is recorded by the cameras in the house and other cameras they carry all time with them, and they had a really good job with that, it almost fooled me, almost...

As the time passes and the ghost starts to get more and more bold, the lead scientist starts to figure out what's happening in the house, based on the family story. He explains the situation as a case of poltergeist, a manifestation of the human mind, that goes out of control and start to be violent, in that case, the daughter's mind was the responsible.

After some easy scares and cool effects, the movie take his path to a dramatic ending. In an interview, the Father gives up the whole story about the death of his wife, mother of his kids. That was the best part of the movie, and Kai Lennox (the father, Alan White), really did a great job on his acting. But, as a good horror, the dramatic part was followed by a nice display of SFX, very "Poltergeist" stuff, with lots of people flying across the room, and bodies lifting in the air.

As i wrote in the beginning, the movie is not original, great or revolutionary for the sub-genre, but it's for sure a movie worth watching, at least if you are a horror fan, like me. I can forget to say, "Emergo" isn't a mainstream movie, so they deserve my respect for the good work.
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A lot of fun while you're watching it but it doesn't stay with you at all.
Hellmant13 September 2012
'APARTMENT 143': Three Stars (Out of Five)

Another 'Found Footage' haunting movie. This one focuses on a family that recently lost their wife/mother who's haunted by the unknown, at their apartment and the house they lived at prior, and the team of parapsychologists tasked to investigate. It was written by Rodrigo Cortes (who also directed the claustrophobic thriller 'BURIED') and directed by rookie feature film director Carles Torrens. It's a Spanish film originally titled 'Emergo' but it's spoken all in English with American actors (including Michael O'Keefe of 'CADDYSHACK' fame). There's definitely nothing new or original to the story but the scares are effective and well done.

The story revolves around Alan White (Kai Lennox) and his daughter Caitlin (Gia Mantegna) and son Benny (Damian Roman) who recently moved in to apartment #143 of an apartment building after experiencing strange things at their old home. The unusual disturbances continue to haunt them at their new home and Alan asks a team of three parapsychologists, lead by Dr. Helzer (O'Keefe), to investigate what's going on. We soon learn that Alan lost his wife in a car accident and his daughter blames him for it. Helzer and his team constantly witness the drama between the two as well as weird occurrences they were told about. They're able to catch it all on video (of course) as the investigation becomes more and more bizarre.

Like I said there's absolutely nothing unique about this film but it is entertaining if you like spooky films full of shocks. The only problem is you'll soon forget everything as there's nothing memorable to the film. That's the thing about movies like this; they're a lot of fun while you're watching them but don't stay with you at all (I'm sure a year from now I'll barely remember this film). Still it's better made and more effective than something like 'PARANORMAL ACTIVITY'. Scary movie fans looking for a few scares could do a lot worse.

Watch our movie review show 'MOVIE TALK' at: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2UY2UtXfI_w
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Apartment 143 (2011)
SnakesOnAnAfricanPlain9 September 2012
Apartment 143 gives us a look at a supposedly haunted apartment. The difference here is that the scientific investigators are looking for scientific explanations rather than the supernatural. It's a neat idea, but leads to some heavy exposition scenes that betray the found-footage set-up. Perhaps if these had been explained in talking head interviews it wouldn't seem so clunky and forced. The film does well to have a little mystery behind it and the cast are generally rather impressive. One of the biggest problems is how quick it wants to start. I don't find that these films work without a decent amount of build up. Here, the camera crew walk in and stuff is happening almost immediately. I also got tired at the scientists continued explanations of stuff when it was clear that some of these things were impossible to explain. Some decent effects and genuine scary parts make this a fine effort, but with a bit more time and some better pacing this could have been so much better.
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A poor excuse for a movie.
user-undefined-198410 September 2012
Warning: Spoilers
The writers of this movie and whoever has given it good reviews must've been on some kinda substance. I'm a true horror fan and I'm pretty lenient with my reviews but this..............

So apparently this widower and 2 children (who somehow look Hispanic while he and his wife couldn't be whiter) move away from a haunted house into a haunted apartment. Assuming the "spirits" have followed them, he calls in some paranormal investigators.

Some cliché scary moments are thrown in here and there, perhaps in an attempt to lead the audience to believe the dead wife is haunting them. So its made to seem like a GHOST is involved. AND THERE IS EVIDENCE THAT POINTS TO IT BEING A GHOSTLY HAUNTING in pictures and videos etc...

Next thing you know, the "paranormal investigators" second guess the whole haunting, claiming it to be something completely unrelated to ghosts and spirits, supposedly the "twist" of the plot.

When i saw the ending, sure, i jumped out of my seat... because of how RIDICULOUS it was! Little did I know that medical related problems (I shall not give away too much) can cause WHIRLWINDS in your house, strong enough to suspend a human being in mid air, while blowing SAWDUST (don't ask me where this sawdust came from.. maybe it came from their.. scalps...??!!) all over the place! This movie is so senseless it makes David Hasselhoff's singing career look brilliant.
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A Bit Different But Still The Same Old Thing
The reviews of this movie really got me excited. I had just about given up on this style of horror films, so to hear that one was getting some very positive buzz got me fairly excited. But as with "Grave Encounters", I found myself feeling letdown the further the movie progressed.

The idea behind "Apartment 143" is interesting, you have a group of scientists investigating a possible paranormal haunting. Seeing them act very professional about the whole ordeal was fairly entertaining. This alone is what made the film feel a tad fresh and original. The scares were decent but as events unfolded I found myself getting tired of seeing things move around and what not.

With the recent explosion of films along this genre it is hard to really surprise the audience, and that is the main problem this movie had. You arn't going to see anything here you haven't seen before. That doesn't mean that the movie's not entertaining, it will hold your attention throughout, but you can't help but feel like you've seen this entire thing before in tons of other movies.

If you really have an urge to watch a "Found Footage" horror film and you have already seen "Paranormal Activity", than this is probably the best available option atm. Just don't be fooled by all the buzz, this isn't anything great, it is a entertaining yet forgettable movie that is worthy of killing a week day night.
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Better than Paranormal Activity, but that doesn't take much
HorrorQueen1728 May 2012
'Found Footage'/shot at home style horror movies are 10 a penny these days, mostly because they are relatively cheap and easy to film. As such, it takes a lot to make them original because there are so damn many of them. This had it's moments of originality but for the most part was same-old, same-old. However, Apartment 143 starts out a lot better than most, jumping straight into the story without the tedious back story of the investigators or family padding out the first half, which was a good move.

The basic story is that there are some spooky goings on surrounding a family consisting of Dad, daughter Caitlin and son Benny. The investigators pitch up in their house and stay there, setting up their equipment and monitoring the situation. There are a few jump scenes thrown in here and there, and some rather confusing explanations as to what is causing the phenomena.

The acting was mostly decent throughout, and the way the investigators conducted themselves was a lot more interesting than the typical cliché investigators, who freak out at the slightest thing.

The reason the Paranormal Activity money-grabbers are so dull is that virtually nothing happens, and if it does it happens right at the end of the movie. Thankfully Apartment 143 does give the viewer some supernatural goings on very quickly, and they are not badly done, but overall I felt it was just a little boring. Nothing like as bad as PA, and I watched the whole way through, but it wasn't 'edge of your seat' stuff, and none of the jump scenes got me.

The one thing I did like was how the tension built for the one scene where they are using the constant flash on the camera. I thought that was really well done, and the best scene in the movie.

All in all, it wasn't a bad found footage movie, and it might scare you a bit if you're not a horror buff, but for any aficionados it wasn't up to much. See it rather than Paranormal Activity, but for something better with more scares, grab Grave Encounters instead.
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Sufficiently scary!
xtayler_raex13 September 2012
This movie, though very predictable, definitely had its moments of terror. The build-up before the moments that made you jump were great, and although I was fully anticipating what was to come I still jumped several times. The plot was decent and I appreciated how the characters were written. The acting was surprisingly good for a low-budget film, I was definitely impressed by that. The apex of the film was very intense and dramatic, if slightly cheesy. The only thing that really bothered me was the very, very cliché ending. I felt as though I've seen that very ending 10 other times in various other movies, it has been so over-done that it will ruin an entire movie for me. But other than the very end, I was pleasantly surprised by this movie and would definitely recommend it!
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The bad in this movie outweighs the good, unfortunately.
WisdomsHammer7 November 2016
There are some great scares in this movie that kept me going. Then there were the terrible ones. And the long, drawn-out drama scenes that just didn't work for me. Maybe because they tended to be clichéd scenes that I already knew the ending to that they tried to extend for dramatic effect but fell flat. At the end of one of those scenes, one of the actors was laughing, and I don't think she was acting because it was ridiculous. The premise was okay, but I don't feel like they stuck to it. In the end, you don't know exactly what happened or why. And I didn't even care. It's just not that good. On a side note, as I looked this up, I saw Michael O'Keefe in the cast! I realized, "Oh! It's the kid from Caddyshack!" He didn't do a bad job, but I thought it was funny.
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Great movie in the 'lost footage' genre
hellornola23 July 2012
Warning: Spoilers
There's not much I can say about this movie that hasn't already been said. If you like the lost footage/home movie genre, I think you'll like this. It's full of quick scares, creates a thorough, consistent creepy atmosphere, and leaves you wondering what'll happen next.

Unlike most movies from this genre, I feel that it's a lot deeper than simply filming a poltergeist from the corner of your bedroom. It deals with the pain of losing a loved one to illness and death and the emotional and physical affects it has on a family. By delving into these issues somewhat, it gave the movie a slightly depressing atmosphere.

The only issue I had with the movie was towards the very end, when the truth about the mother and her illness was revealed. It would've made perfect sense had they left it at that, but to deduce that the daughter was schizophrenic seems incredibly far-fetched. I don't think that aspect brought anything other than confusion to the movie and its audience.

Nonetheless, it's a great movie to watch on a stormy night, and it certainly brings more to the table than the typical 'five teenage friends' horror film that we've been drowning in for years.
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The doctor's diagnosis and the ending made no sense
Ashleyjw858 October 2012
Warning: Spoilers
I think it started out pretty good and even some of the special effects were better than most movies we've seen. So why a 3 out of 10? There is no explanation for the phenomenon the family is experiencing.

When the doctor can't find a ghost he concludes schizophrenia?! That's just stupid. They all saw pictures of a figure, heard unexplained noises including the kitchen being taken apart, and pictures turned upside down with no footprints anywhere.

They have footage of a tea pot just magically moving from the stove to counter and doctor's conclusion is mental illness?! How?! How does that explain the daughter levitating, the wind, people being picked up and thrown across the room by an invisible force and the glass being blown from the doors?!

It was just stupid and I'm so sorry but there was no other way to describe it. And what a let down because I had high expectations for this film. I was so amped up and set for a good horror story and this is the best they can come up with. So happy I saw this movie free on Netflix and had I known I wouldn't have wasted my time.
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Just watched it; I'm not a professional critic but I'll give you my honest opinion.
jrdnyc29 April 2012
It kept me on the edge of my seat from beginning to end. I watched it with a friend who is much more sensitive and he was terrified; said he'll "never watch a scary movie again." I watch a lot of horror movies and this one is a must see. It is a short film but worth every minute. It's like if you took out all of the scary moments from paranormal activity 1,2&3 and just made a movie out of that footage, but this movie is still much better. In it's 80 minutes you will find the perfect blend of action, suspense, supernatural occurrences and scary images. It didn't scare me as much as the ring did but that is one of my all time favorites. The story line is original and I don't think you will be disappointed.
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Better Than most Found Footage Films
lojitsu2 September 2012
Here's The Lowedown on "Apartment 143" (A Horror/Fount Footage DVD review)...LIKED IT!!

Become a fan of The Lowedown on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/#!/pages/The-Lowedown/386583633764

Genre: 7.5 Movie: 5.5

What's it about?

A parapsychologist team are asked to investigate Apartment 143. The White family, who have lost their wife/mother in a car crash, have been experiencing strange things since they moved in to the apartment. But, they were also experiencing things at their old place.

What did I think?

Found Footage movies are an acquired taste...and I for one have a taste for them. If you are a fan like I am, this movie is better than most. If it is not your style, however, You probably won't like it. The cast is recognizable and the acting was good...plus there are no misconceptions about it being real. Give it a shot...see what you think.
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Watch if you can ignore all logic!
DamosThought22 June 2013
Warning: Spoilers
Okay.... the acting was okay, the effects standard at best, the story line tired and technique well worn. But I can still watch and enjoy a movie provided it makes sense.

This movie does not.... noises through the house (crashing, door bell etc), a kettle jumps from stove to counter and the stove goes off all in an instant, gale force winds in the house, girl hovering a meter over her bed...

And the final decision on the cause from the professionals is... wait for it.... SCHIZAPHRENIA Disgraceful.

For those that can ignore that logic good for you but it was a slap in the face for me looking for a compelling resolution. Very disappointing end to an average movie.
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Boring and Unoriginal
claudio_carvalho26 May 2013
The widower Alan White (Kai Lennox) invites the parapsychologists Dr. Helzer (Michael O'Keefe), Ellen Keegan (Fiona Glascott) and Paul Ortega (Rick Gonzalez) to investigate a supernatural phenomenon in his apartment in an old apartment building. Alan is an unemployed agronomist engineer that lives with his four year-old son Benny (Damian Roman) and his teenage daughter Caitlin (Gia Mantegna), who blames her father for the death of her mother Cynthia (Laura Martuscelli) in a car crash. After witnessing weird events, Dr. Helzer and his team find the cause of the activities…or not?

"Emergo" is another boring and unoriginal movie that follows the "style" of "The Blair Witch Project" of making cheap movies with handy cam, no lighting and poor edition. There are a couple of scary moments but along the 80 minutes running time there are too much technical explanation for the haunted apartment by the annoying Dr. Helzer. This Spanish variation of paranormal activity is a waste of time. My vote is three.

Title (Brazil): "Apartamento 143" ("Apartment 143")
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Apartment 143 - Boring
ghchamp9613 November 2013
Warning: Spoilers
I had high expectations for this movie. I love movies about ghosts, and I love found footage movies. So, I figured this one would be perfect. I was completely and totally wrong. I enjoyed the characters and the back story. That's all I enjoyed though. During much of the movie, I had to turn the volume up all the way, and I still had difficulty hearing the dialog. Then, came the end of the movie. Here is a paranormal investigator, standing in a room with a girl levitating over her bed, and instead of focusing the camera on the levitating girl, the investigator goes back and forth from the psychologist and the girl's father. I actually yelled at the screen, 'Just point the camera at the girl!' I was also confused as to why this movie was in the found footage genre. No one dies. I would call this more of a mockumentary than found footage.
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Paranormal inactivity
thefan-21 December 2012
Warning: Spoilers
If your idea of a good time is watching people sitting at a table talking, with the sound so bad it sounds like it was filtered though a garbage can, and the talk is nonsensical and pretentious at the same time, then this one is for you. We found if you turn the sound off, it's boring beyond belief. If you leave the sound on, it's also boring beyond belief. Fast-forward it, it's boring. Leave the room altogether, it's still boring.

Okay seriously, if you died and found that in the afterlife you had control over physical phenomena and could make lights flicker and loud noises happen, could you even be bothered with such things? Well, actually, yes you could, if you were an asshole. In fact, that's the message of this movie: asshole in this life, asshole in the next. For you, the hereafter is an eternal state of excruciating insanity, to quote a famous writer.

Good! But if you're gonna make a movie about it, at least try and have a few good scenes, nice special effects, something. Don't, I beg you, for the zillionth time think you can get away with depicting a ghost as an attractive but obviously demented young woman (you know she's crazy because her hair is a mess) who crawls toward you across the floor. Or the ceiling, in this case.
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nogodnomasters23 August 2018
Warning: Spoilers
The main problem with Apartment 143 is not the movie itself, but the fact we have been inundated with a host of hand held ghost stories that are "real" found footage with actors. The production by itself is decent, but given the fact we have seen it before will cause one to quickly get bored.

Three ghost hunters investigate the bizarre events at the apartment of Alan White (Kai Lennox). Paul (Rick Gonzalez) is the technology guy and the one we have to blame for all the cameras. Ellen (Fiona Glascott) is the secretary and assistant but vastly prefers the title "gate keeper." The brains of the operation is Dr. Hezler (Michael O'Keefe). Alan has two children: Benjamin (Damian Roman) who is four and Caitlin (Gia Mantegna) who is at that difficult age. Caitlin has a very cold if not hateful relationship with her father, which immediately makes you think we are headed down the ghost/incest lane, something that has become too much of a substitution for good writing here of late.

The mother Cindy has passed on. They believe she is the haunting spirit. Caitlin blames her father for her death.

This production is subject to the same criticism of all found film productions. This one experiments with an idiotic head mounted camera that gives the film a "fish eye" view. The writing and acting were acceptable "B" grade fair. The scare factor was middle of the road. The main problem with this film is that we didn't get to feel for the characters. We got to know about them, but just didn't care.

PARENTAL GUIDE: F-bomb, no sex or nudity.
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A script so bad it's not worth watching it.
filipemanuelneto10 January 2018
Horror movies has long suffered from an illness called "lack of originality". There are several ways to combat this, one of them is risking. This Spanish film, directed by Carles Torrens and written by Rodrigo Cortés, tried to risk, but the shot backfired due to the stupid ideas that passed through the heads of these two gentlemen. It must be said, however, that Spanish cinema has been responsible for some of the most airy and innovative horror films of recent years, and this has made me expect something more from this film that never came.

Using the old "found footage" formula, which we have already seen in "Paranormal Activity" and "Last Exorcism", we follow a team of experts who will investigate strange phenomena in a house where a man and two kids are living after the recent death of his wife/mother. And here the inconsistencies begin... for example, the experts say they don't want to disturb their comfort but, at the same time, they settle in their house, fill everything with machinery and put more cameras than in "The Big Brother" show . Does it make sense? Shortly after, the audience begins to be toasted with subtle supernatural activities that worsen over time, but the film doesn't explore this, preferring to suggest "logical explanations" for the phenomena. Many of them are implicitly suggested but they're there: sickness, sexual harassment, murder... the film shoots in all directions until it disproves its own haunting thesis, contradicting itself to the point that we no longer know what the hell of experts are those guys! The ending turns out to be so bad and disappointing that it makes me want to make the screenwriter to swallow the movie.

Brutal inconsistencies, bad script options, bad dialogues, a lot of dead moments with some scares in the middle... In all these mud, there's something positive: good sound and special effects is much better than the poor quality that reigns in horror films and Gia Mantegna overcame her youth and inexperience, proving to be a better actress than many of those adults... Kai Lennox was also well, in a suffered and psychologically very heavy character. And that's all that this unfortunate movie has to give us. It doesn't add anything good to the genre and will not bring good memories to anyone involved. Fortunately, it also turns out to be so forgettable that you're probably going to forget it the day after watching.
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Packed "Full" Of Frights Warning: Spoilers
This movie is set in an apartment building. The family that is shacked up in it, is haunted by what they think is their dead mother/wife's spirit and call in a team of parapsychologists to try and capture the events on camera and to ultimately try and stop it. The plot was easy enough to follow and wasn't too complicated until the ending which seemed to fly by us like a swarm of wasps leaving us crying with confusions which was disappointing.

The acting came across as if it came from kindergarten whereas the little boy who would of been in kindergarten seemed to have done a better job than the others. The father of the family emphasised his role too much resulting in him whining like a three year old whilst sitting at a table trying to explain the mothers death. The daughter, however, done a good job of acting like a crab floating above her bed, hats off to her. Overall nobody was that impressive.

The effects were nothing special. All seen before in other movies, the frights were sometimes predictable which was disappointing.

Overall, this is a good movie to watch if you enjoy the found-footage horror genre. It is not surprising it didn't win, let alone get nominated for, any awards. However, that does not suggest that this movie shouldn't be given a chance as it does provide a few good unexpected frights that made us hide behind our hands and wet our pants.
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Boring, unexplained plot holes and dodgy camera angle... Warning: Spoilers
This film has got to be one of the worst films I've ever seen. It's a predictable film, but what makes it so much more worse is the dodgy camera angle! The film's angle is extremely dodgy and the quality is not clear at all. So that combined with a bad plot is a recipe for disaster...

The film isn't interesting in the slightest. In fact the only interesting scene was the last one whereby the main character explained the whole film and what actually happened. I feel in an attempt to make the audience understand what was going on throughout the film, the camera crew and co explained small stuff to the child in the film... In doing so the audience understood what all the equipment was for.

There is really nothing else to say about this film. It was an extremely boring film. Nothing about this film was scary nor jumpy, it's simply random generic events. You want to know what the cause of all this is and that's why you watch till the end.

The ending of the film makes no sense what so ever! But by this time the whole film is already a let down, that you expect the ending to be a let down.

The whole film is low budget and it's extremely obvious. There is nothing wrong with a film being low budget, but in this film the plot didn't make up for it. There are so many plot holes in this film...

Overall, I definitely would not recommend this film.

Spoilers ahead:

1. Okay, so Caitlin has schizophrenia... How does that explain the picture turning upside down and the teapot moving?

2. How was Caitlin in the air towards the end?

3. Why didn't the doctor tell Alan he knew he was lying about how his wife died?

4. Who was the girl at the end?
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Actually a really good movie!
monkhelz29 April 2012
Warning: Spoilers
I watched this movie with my hubby while nursing a hangover. I had never heard of it so was watching with a little skepticism. I'm really glad I gave it a go. The movie starts with a widower and his two kids calling in paranormal researchers to investigate some creepy goings on at their apartment. The young boy states it is his Mum who is "neither alive nor dead". The teenage daughter has serious issues with her father and abuse is hinted at several times in the movie, thought in all honesty I think it is more of a "did he/didn't he" subplot and not a major twist. The scares kick in almost instantly and they come thick and fast. I recognized two cast members but really liked all of them, good actors with a likability factor. The lead investigator has it pinned down as poltergeist activity spawning from the daughter who blames her father for her mothers death. We later learn the mother was not a nice person and her husband was badly treated by her. The events get more threatening and the daughter is inferred to have schizophrenia (as did her mother before she died) and the lead investigator concludes the case is closed. The end has the only "cheesy" scene which in my opinion could have been done in a better way that lets us know if the investigator was right. That is my only real criticism. Actually, one more little criticism, there is a machine used by the investigators that is pixilated and it is never explained why, but all in all a good film that will make you jump. Good effort!
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Does the house have no lights ?
c_ozcn_129031 May 2012
There are lights in every corner of the house, and the electricity is on, but the film is so amateur that only camera light is used just to "scare" people. I don't understand people using only camera light and get scared instead of simply turning the lights on. It's even pitch dark near the door- while the outside corridor is brightly illuminated. The owner of the house doesn't need to turn the lights on when opening the door. Another vampire movie scenario would be more appropriate. Amateur, amateur movie.

A four-year old kid is hanging around and not even scared when things go real crazy- another big fail. There's no rational and sensational explanation of a four-year old kid walking in the house without even screaming and taking everything so natural.

Why does not the family move away ? This is another question the scenario-maker needs to answer. Yes the "haunting" is about the family not the place, but at least the family needs to try communicating to the soul and solve the problem, instead of hiring a crew to put cameras and take pictures of the house. A lack of rational scenario.
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Decent Horror despite alot of flows that could've made it way better!
mmjnr1026 September 2019
Warning: Spoilers
Another wasted opportunity I'm afraid... You see the movie is very watchable to me as the storyline of a haunted house or apartment plus possession and all that is something that appeals to me when done right... Unfortunately very very few now days do make the grade or hit the mark and even when those do occur you get some wild fans and critics making a mockery out of it despite being above excellent in what it was made to do like The Rite by Anthony Hopkins and Excorxism of Emily Rose and a few more not as good but can go by... Back this one I feel it was done OK very a low budget movie but not more than Ok! There were alot of key scenes that could've made it better plus the general mood creation from music and sound effects could've been much better yet I found the visual effects of them showing the force of the ghost entity was quiet well done for a low budget movie yey the whole think felt disoriented and a bit confused... Still a very decent horror that you could enjoy on a Saturday evening with some popcorn just lower your expectations and this could be one of the good ones that exist out there in this Genre..
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Clunky script, boring Luke-warm horror.
waterman_harry1 September 2015
Apartment 143 is surprisingly bad, I was really quite disappointed with it. From the trailer, the cast and the plot I figured that it would be quite a good film but it really isn't.

The story is really Grave Encounters meets August: Osage County with half the picture weaving a spooky story of ghouls and paranormal activity, whilst the other half literally involves nothing but the counselling of a seriously uncharismatic family. As is usually the way, the troubled father is just boring, the angsty teen seems spoilt and the ghost hunters are background props with absolutely no development of character whatsoever. The little kid is cute though.

The amount of clichés are gargantuan with the film including slamming doors, a deceased mother, a child communicating with the spirits, possession, electrical interference and surveillance footage. Of course these are in fact timeless conventions of the supernatural genre, however unfortunately in Apartment 143, they just seem so tried and tested it makes the whole film hysterically boring.

Not recommended. 3/10
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Paranormal Blahtivity
NotAnotherMovieCritic11 October 2012
In the world of Paranormal Activity ripoffs we have been introduced to some rather good versions and really bad versions. This one is in the later part of the series.

I expected this film to be better than it actually ended up to be. The story is pretty interesting, but the scares are not. It looked cheap and cheesy many times. I didn't get scared, I just got annoyed.

I felt like I wasted a night on this movie. It's not bad if your just bored out of your mind, but serious horror fans might want to avoid this one.

There are better found footage films out there, in fact there are better horror films out there period.
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