Butcher Boys (2012) Poster


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Over acting, How did this get produced?
courtney-lalala31 May 2014
So what even is happening in this movie? All of the actors are ridiculous, and the music is TOO over the top. So many of the fighting scenes are obviously fake and this movie is a waste of 10 GTR's if you ask me. No but seriously, it's so bloody weird, and I've seen all scary movies before. Please don't even waste your precious time watching this crap. Just when you think it's about to end, some more weird stuff happens. There's a mutant thing that keeps making noise and is just horribly distracting. I'm pretty sure it's about weird cannibals, but I don't even know. The movie skips to different scenes way too quickly, and when the bad guys get shot they don't even get hurt !

Plus the booby scenes aren't real :(
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The only film I've switched off near the start.... ever
laymonite-212 October 2013
Warning: Spoilers
I watched (all through to the end) several bad horror films before this dross. I didn't enjoy them, but they at least attempted to make an entertaining film. I turned this film off after about 15 minutes.

This film reminded me of Troma films from the 80's (except they were much better) . Was it supposed to be deliberately/humerously bad? Maybe I missed the joke? I liked the pre-credits scene...

Isn't anyone else appalled at this dross?

Cigar chomping leather clad 20 something white 'gang' members in the run down areas of the city? I'm sure that's utmost in our fears!

Pure crud.
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I said it before, but what did i just watched? :O
destroyerwod19 September 2014
Warning: Spoilers
Seriously, sometimes i watch a movie and i feel i lost a couple brain cell once its done. But this time, i must have lost a bunch of them. This movie is so stupid... On the cover they say "by the creator of the Texas chainsaw massacre" so i was expecting something gruesome, with a creepy feel to it. I love every Texas chainsaw movies of recent years(never saw the old ones). But this movie is just plain bad. Much of the protagonist get decimated in the first minutes, you don't understand why the guys will kill them. Then eventually much of the movie is just the killers chasing the main girl all over the place, most of the time loosing her because of there inner conflicts and stupidity.

The whole movie is anti-climatic, with characters being so over the top and bad caricatures that there is no way you really feel invest in this mess. I get that they wanted to keep the main girl alive because she was pregnant.. and somehow they wanted to eat the baby, i guess, but all the rest is never explained and on top of that this movie happen in San Antonio, not some remote location with no law enforcement. I am sorry but this is hard to review this movie objectively, as the plot, the script, the dialogue is so atrocious. But even if you want to see it as a slasher flick, its still a bad one, as most of the cast dies in the first 20 minutes or less, and despite a few gory parts the kills are not impressive at all.

This movie is just boring, extremely stupid and i think its the first time i will give such a negative rating and review since Cabin Fever. These type of movies can be done right, watch The Midnight Meat Train for example. At first your confuse but everything is explained and make sense by the end. Sadly Butcher Boys is a mess, a bad confusing, over the top ridiculous mess.
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One long chase scene.
Greenzombidog25 March 2014
Four kids out for some fun upset the wrong gang of cannibal greasers and are chased around a city at night while being picked off one by one. The script for Butcher boys was written by the writer of the original Texas chainsaw massacre with most of the ideas from that movie being regurgitated here only slightly tweaked. Several scenes are reused which dampens the impact as you've seen it before. It also borrows from other films most notably Judgement night.

In its favour Butcher boys does have a pleasingly nihilistic tone as once the film gets going nothing is explained. Who are these rockabilly cannibals? Why are the cops scared of them? Just what is that weird restaurant/gentlemans club they're running all about? But the tentative approach to the violence portrayed is at odds with the gonzo storytelling. Apart from two or three slightly graphic scenes the blood and gore is fairly minimal. This could be due to budget constraints. If I so I would have maybe saved the money spent on the constant nighttime aerial shots and spent that money on more prosthetic effects. A little more violence would have pushed this film up another notch on the crazy level making it that little bit more memorable. The nihilism does eventually reach it's apex in the finale when all hell breaks lose. Unfortunately this scene also turns a few things already set up in the film on its head. Making you question even further the lack of coherence.

I did find watching Butcher boys a fairly frustrating experience. I could definitely feel the opportunity for a good if not great movie in there somewhere. Visually it's very competent, it's well filmed and has a certain visual style all credit to the directors achieving this on a minimal budget. The sound and score are also strong. On the whole the performances are good with the odd exception. The problem lies mainly with the script, it borrows too much from other films, some of it could be classed as a knowing wink or nod to the writers previous work. Although had it been written by anyone else I think we'd be calling it plagiarism.

In the end I was left neither loving or hating the film hence the score. Maybe on a second viewing I'd like it more, but at the moment the only taste left in my mouth is vanilla.
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Too bad for words
hernan_xanax10 October 2013
Warning: Spoilers
Total nonsense, one of the worst movies ever. Seems like a no budget movie from the 80's. Some scenes are ridiculous and just for no reason...example: The dog out of the window. What was that all about?.

One word can describe everything: BAD!. (The site won't allow me to write the right word). They try too hard, but the outcome is just a disaster.

They might have make the money spent on the helicopter ride to show the city...but that was all.

If you are going to rip off something do it well.

This absurd attempt to remind you of the Texas Chainsaw Massacre fails horribly. Don't watch it.
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Bad! Really bad! Avoid it!!!
spyroskonst13 October 2013
FYI all other reviews claiming how good this movie is, are just staged. Maybe written from producers, actors, i don't know, but there is no chance anyone in this world to like this terrible film.

All of you comparing this to "Texas Chainsaw" should be ashamed of yourselves. This movie is a total crap, nothing makes sense no matter how much you try to accept certain facts for the sake of the movie. Its just not believable by any chance.

Don't WATCH IT! I really want my 1hr 27min of my life back, and you staged reviewers are part of this scam, telling people to watch this insult to horror films.
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Simply put... The WORST movie I have ever seen!
W-vick00712 July 2014
So after looking through the other reviews I realized that people were only writing good ones to trick others. Let me do you a favor, DON'T WASTE YOUR TIME!

I should begin by saying that I LOVE cheesy slasher films. I appreciate unbelievable and over the top. I get it when the blood is outlandish and the girl always trips in the chase scene. This movie looked like it could have been that... But it wasn't. Not even a little bit!

I am still unsure how the production staff was able to get a studio to pay for this film to happen but they did... There are random scenes that have absolutely nothing to do with the movie. The black dude with the chainsaw is a horrific actor and over acts his role as far as he can possibly go. The worst part is near the end where there is this weird monster thing chained up that just keeps screaming at the top of his lungs and there is no point for it. There are a lot of parts where the entire cast is talking at once making it literally impossible to understand any of the dialogue. Finally when you think everything is winding down is when the movie gets the most ridiculous and the director throws in every movie prop he could get his hands on.

This director attempted to make cannibal version of lost boys in a restaurant with sloth chained in the corner. Need I keep explaining how bad this movie is?
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You are not what you eat.
DiCaprio7420 December 2014
This movie was terrible. For starters, you could clearly see how fake the back drop of the Space Needle in Seattle was, they were in some phony abandoned town, the cops for some reason knew about the crimes happening, but decided to be against it and the rest, is just pitiful. Who in their right minds would think that this movie is scary? It was no were near frightening. It was beyond horrible. They should make a perfect place in hell for this movie.  The characters sucked majorly, as if they were only getting paid in Bitcoins, there was some strange monster thing that just kept making sounds and that whole town was just unrealistic. The reviewers who are saying that this movie was great, must be a relative of the cast member or a staff from the movie. Do not give in, it's a terrible film, STAY AWAY FROM IT. I find it hilarious how even the director commented on my tweet about how terrible it was. I think he even knows it was a piece of crap.
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No plot. No storyline. Insulting
xxxxxx6829 October 2014
Warning: Spoilers
A new word should be created for this movie like bawferrible or dumbgusting. I have seen better porn plots and story lines. The Screenwriter's Guild of America should host an intervention. The First Amendment shot itself and left a note. It said, "This is bad so bad and then it got worse *sob sob). It never made any sense and made every mistake possible. Cliché cliché in the worst way! Hickory dickory dock please stop! Waste fraud and abuse! Send this to movie jail for repeat sexual predators. The humanity. Boo. Boooooooooooo infinty. I hate it!!!!!!" This movie is so bad I began daydreaming about a specially equipped taskforce that exterminates the movie. This movie brings to mind the moral dilemma that putting ideas like these out there are influencing weak and impressionable minds that moronically imitate what they see on film. First Amendment abuse.
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Don't let your time get eaten up
haley_sobczak18 August 2014
Warning: Spoilers
They really butchered this one. I'm more shocked than the creature with the electric collar that this film was able to wrangle the budget that it did. Having watched every crappy slasher flick to ever hit a red box I can confidently say this is the WORST of them all. The first two minutes when they are in the restaurant eating cake are by far the best. By the end I was praying for cannibals to come eat me so that I wouldn't have to endure anymore of this movie. The writing was terrible, consisting mainly of screaming and guys saying "bitch" every other word. The make up and costumes were laughable, the old man with the gun looking for his daughter? Was that a leather mankini with gun holsters???? Also the scene where Barbie flashes the other car, was that a female CPR mannequin whose boobs they used? Because they sure weren't an actual persons. And where did the rocket launcher at the end come from? So many questions left unanswered.

To all of those who have compared it to Texas Chainsaw Massacre, please a take a lap. And then take another because you clearly are delusional.

Praying that I never have the misfortune of watching another film that involves the writer and/or directors of this one.

Save your time and money and watch any of the other shitty slasher flicks on the red box queue.
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Never quite real, but so much more fun that expected.
face-819-93372611 May 2014
I threw this on for background noise, and it turned out to be pretty good to the end. It had a ethereal feeling like the Fancy restaurant that Jake, and Oy stumble upon while trying to get back to the Beam. I thought it was just another vampire movie, and I started to tune it out, but I liked the sound that kept drawing me back. The sound of a woman getting away over, and over again. That is a pretty good sound, so I was pulled in, and surprised by what I saw. This movie is what would happen if vampires ran the "Hostile" organization, but one night the kick ass survivor girl from "The Cave" shows up, and does her thing. I really ended up enjoying myself, and would recommend this to anyone who is a Buffy fan, or just likes good action/horror.
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Not a horror movie,neither a comedy one
nayara-g-oliveira19 November 2015
While I was watching this movie there was plenty of times I couldn't stop myself from thinking I was watching an anime. The way the guys walk, talk, that sniffing thing. At first, I thought the writer went bananas when wrote the script but in the middle of the story I got it. It has gore and remind me of Hostel at the beginning, then it turns out to be more like Scary Movie. The story is good, you need to know that it is an anime like story to enjoy it. So wait for something like uni- dimensional characters, unnecessary dialogs and somethings with a bad explication. I laugh with some of the butcher boys, I guess they wanted to do them as crazy guys who are mad in all the possible ways, their personalities reminded me of Deadpool. The dog and that dress, they're comic. The end is like what the…? I loved and hated this movie. That so bad that it's good thing. A good movie to relax if you relax with screams and this kind of crap. It has a lot of potential, it just was not used so well. PS: English is my second language, so I'm sorry about any mistakes.
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Ugh!! Yuck and WTF?
nabobrob-895-73723912 January 2014
Warning: Spoilers
Could have watched it on acid and would still grasping at straws to make sense of it. And I'm the kind of guy who can make sense of David Lynch movies while tripping. The movie did however make me hungry for some raw baby flesh, joking. Mmmm, baby flesh...? Can anyone say f u c k e d up? Eating babies is "the sh!t"? And what the hell was really going on in this movie anyway? Anyone who gets their jollies from this sort of sadistic crap is something in a whole different league from your average horror aficionado. I love a good slasher/ crazy violent and gory horror flick but this movie made my brain feel like it had just licked a dirty ashtray nice and clean. Long story short, avoid this one like the plague. You'll thank yourself. Even if you have to lather your body in Crisco and navigate through underground passageways to do so, do not watch this. There's not enough soap in the world to wash your eyes clean from this tripe.
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Atrocious and unworthwhile effort
kannibalcorpsegrinder5 March 2014
Returning home from a birthday party, a group of friends run afoul of a gang of devious cannibals looking to sell human skin to likewise investors and must try to fend off the deadly members before succumbing to their whims.

This is an utterly wretched and nearly worthless affair that has almost no redeeming values. The fact that this is as brutal and vicious as it is does have some nice qualities about it, but the mere fact that this one has as much wrong with it as it does is the real hindering problem here. The fact is that this one tries so hard to be seen as an urban variation of "TCM" that it goes for out-and-out copying several points from that movie and passing them off as original scenes in here. The chase through the alleys and back-door shops is mirrored from the chase through the woods in the original, a bounty hunter looking for a kidnapped member of the family is straight from one of the sequels and most insulting of all is that it apes the dinner sequence nearly shot-for-shot with the exact same results here, though this one tends to use it as an homage to that film more so than because it fits within the storyline construct because it makes no sense for the people in this film to behave like that for any reason other than outright pillage. That brings up the film's two biggest flaws, because nothing in here makes sense since no one says anything about what's going on. It tends to think that just because people are being vicious beaten and battered that they're supposed to feel sorry for what's happening to them, but it never says anything about what's going on. All attempts at expanding what the group's doing is mockingly laughed at and shot down, so it's a real mystery if they're cannibals, flesh peddlers or just flat-out wackos that have a fascination with the 50s' Greaser look since they all look like rejects from a hot-rod teen-angst movie. The other big flaw here is that this is done in an urban area of a major city, yet the police are shown as wholly incompetent and afraid of the gang while the locals are more than willing to live in the area as long as they don't mess with the group for there's several times where the police have the power to help them but choose not to, while the locals are shown to be abjectly afraid of interfering for fear of running afoul of the gang. This is unrealistic on a number of levels and is capped off by the frantic and confusingly irritating finale that upsets the whole nature of what's gone on before it. As well, there's a small dose of minor flaws like too much blackened screen-time without showing anything or being unable to find a topless actress for the role that it leaves this with a heaping slew of detrimental problems and nothing to save it.

Rated R: Graphic Violence, Graphic Language and Nudity.
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3.5? more like 2/10
vosnescis2 March 2020
I like the veganish theme

reminds me of how we terrorize animals for food we don't need

but yeah the movie is an attempt to simulate the Texas Chainsaw screaming for prolonged periods of time, and it's corny, gratuitous and dull. overall it felt long to watch and full of exaggerated insanity.
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Don't waist time watching this sadly I did
tomasgduque21 October 2013
A movie with good potential but scripted and directed very poorly. Whoever wrote and directed this flick was someone who seemed not to want to tell us anything as to who are these cannibals are or why are they doing what they're doing.

They seem to want to show us crazy and chaotic characters with the purpose, I guess, of shocking us but they really miss on that becoming a cliché of bad character, awful plot development and senseless phrases. Really don,t watch it, but if you do and you really get some sense out of it please tell us…

Have a good one!
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Forget the TCM References Because It's Still a Stinker
helgar308 January 2014
Warning: Spoilers
Best way to describe this move was that it was all over the place. No characters were fleshed out, no back stories, no reason to love the "final girl." It's a shame because I enjoyed the lead actress in "Bad Kids Go to Hell." Sure there are old school actors in here that TCM fans will get a kick out of, but even they are glossed over. The characters come in and out of scenes that drag out and don't seem to go anywhere. If the writer just stuck to writing another TCM sequel maybe things could have worked. Maybe. The director seems to have no idea where he wants to go with the story. I'm all for quirky characters and random acts of "what the hell" moments, but this was too much. And that ending...I guess you could say it was a fitting ending to such a mess. Don't believe the high marks that some other reviewers gave this movie. But don't take my word for it, watch it yourself if you think I'm being harsh in my critique. I saw this on Netflix streaming and for every stinker of a horror film such as this, there are some great ones that are available this month such as Maniac, Grabbers, American Mary, and VHS2. Even Texas Chainsaw 3D was better than this and that's not saying much!
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the worst movie
pesticle12 January 2014
This is the worst piece of crap I've watched in recent memory.

I watch a lot of poor horror movies with shitty plots but this movie really takes the cake.

I've never written a review on IMDb before but I was inspired to get up and head to my computer to give this film a one star rating before the credits even finished rolling.

Anyone giving this film more than 4 stars should have their account deleted and be banned from this site, it is seriously a travesty to rate this movie that high.

For god's sake do not watch this movie.
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waste of tine Warning: Spoilers
This was a Texas Chainsaw wannabe. Not even a good one at that. Thin plot and bad ending....Horrible. No back story, just a bunch of crap. This movie did not give any sort of story line. Just a bunch of cannibals I think. I was not able to follow anything in this movie. Oh the special effects were decent, but that was about it. I really think that they were going for a Chainsaw type movie by basing it in Texas. Totally missed in my opinion. Really a guy in a medical uniform with a cattle prod and next he is wearing a dress...really. A another guy running around greased up with lard or something. Where did he come from? Just really not enough explanation and too broken up. Scenes did not gel at all.
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i cant even. That was a mish-mash of complete and total crap.
kasey-verrett19 June 2014
You know how some art museums of sh*t like a piece of plywood with a stripe on it and they call it art and sell it for $5,000? Well this movie is that. It was all over the place, I don't understand what the hell happened in it, made no sense at all, I don't even think a plot was apparent in any aspect. The whole thing was just completely and utterly, indescribably idiotic. I cant even, i just cant right now. Its so f****** bad that I'm writing a review, thats pretty frickin bad. I have to cleanse my mind with anything else right now, even Honey-Boo-Boo or Miley Cyrus would be better than that movie. And trust me, that is saying a whoooole lot from me.
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Pure Madness!!!
txrmi6922 January 2014
First of all, I don't normally even post reviews for movies(Very Rarely), but really felt the need in this case. Many horror fans, who actually do read reviews first, could possibly miss out on an extremely entertaining film in my own personal opinion! I totally dug Butcher Boys and all of the absolute insanity that revolved around these 'twisted' psychos. This was definitely a brutally insane and very chaotic horror flick, that WILL have its fans!!! Butcher Boys was honestly one of the Most Outrageous and Bizarre movies I have seen in a Long Time by far that kept me on the edge of my seat! I thought it was great and it was without a doubt...90 minutes of Pure Madness!!!
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Had to say something about this movie
mxwhatley23 February 2015
It is very over the top crazy multiple things happening you never really form attachments to any of the characters but I really enjoyed this movie. I like quirky weird story lines and I love weird concepts in movies such as cannibalism (spell check) I did only watch this movie because I was bored and nothing else was on but if you're into weird nonsense movies this is one for you. After you will be asking what did I just watch. I do think this movie is a hit or miss for people. I am seeing people either really hated it or people really likes it. No middle base here. It ended on very weird terms I almost thought it wasn't over. Like all that and this is the end but again I did enjoy it and I don't think this movie gets the props that it deserves.
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nogodnomasters2 August 2018
Warning: Spoilers
In 1729 Jonathan Swift published "A Modest Proposal" a satire in which he suggested Ireland offer up their children as food to gentlemen and ladies. He was metaphorically describing the exploration of the poor by the rich in terms of cannibalism, creating an everlasting metaphor. In this film the J.Swift society captures and kidnaps people for eating and for implanting fertilized eggs in order to develop a fetal delicacy.

Sissy (Ali Faulkner) and her friends unfortunately encounter this group and must fight for their lives. The film obeys the rules of Latin satires by patterning itself after an existing film (TCM). What was unfortunate is that the point of the satirical metaphor is lost in the film. Yes there were the subtle references to Yahoos, but there needed to be more exquisite dining scenes and less scenes of grunting individuals.

Parental Guide: F-bomb, sex, nudity (Tory Tompkins' body double)
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Had potential
hotaru-8607512 July 2020
It must be one of the craziest movies i've recently seen. The story is all over the place, everything is messed up but it actually made it look more... intriguing. Acting isn't the best but a butcher boys and lead actress did their bests. Than, comedy element comes in. This movie tries so hard to be like Deadpool mixed with Chainsaw Massacre, but on a worse level. Music is ok, so is the setting and camera angles although might be a little bit too shaky. First half of the movie set near derelict buildings of the city is a typical cat and mouse game, when protagonist got lost after running away from the butcher boys. I enjoy some running around once in a while but it leads us to the second half which... I gotta admit is unpredictable although a bit unexplained. I gave 5 stars and I really enjoyed watching it!

If you're into pseudo-slasher movies mixed with delicate comedy, watch it!!
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Stop the fake reviews, below average movie at best
aronharde21 October 2023
It seems like they are quite a few fake reviews under this movie from what I have read. Many compared it to the Texas Chainsaw Massacre movies and I do have to say that there are similar scenes, but this movie is not nearly as good as those quality-wise. Maybe as good as one of the bad sequels and I'm not talking about the second one, which was good in it's own way.

It starts off by 4 friends driving around in their car at night. The drivers girlfriend Barbie is a really unlikeable person and he seems to be turned on by her bad girl behavior. On the backseat a young woman named Sissy and her brother are sitting, she is disgusted by the behavior of Barbie but her brother seems to like it as well. After Barbie starts beefing with two guys at a gas station they start chasing them and during their chase they run over a dog that seemed to belong to a gang of cannibals. And apparently these cannibals have so much power over the city that not even the cops want to mess with them. After some time they get caught by the gang and now the fight for survival begins.

The movie is pretty dark and a lot of the scenes are really chaotic and absurd. We follow Sissy as she tries to escape from the hands of these cannibal gang members and there she encounters some weird characters, some bad and some not so bad. Also the movie ends really abrupt and the ending in general is pretty random and made me laugh. I wouldn't say that the movie was really entertaining or had many qualities to it, some viewers might enjoy it if they are into this kind of thing but I think this movie could be skipped without a regret. [4,4/10]
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