The Santa Suit (TV Movie 2010) Poster

(2010 TV Movie)

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I don't think there is anybody in the whole world that cares about Drake Hunter.
lastliberal12 December 2010
Every year we are exposed to different takes on traditional stories. There are rarely new concepts, just different ways of interpretation.

Kevin Sorbo has a dozen screen appearances this year, and it is a welcome break to see him in something other than Hercules or Syfy.

He is perfect as an unloved CEO - no wife, no girlfriend, no friends of any kind. He pushed cheap toys and is only interested in sales, not people.

Of course, he runs into the real Santa, who decides to teach him a lesson. He is now broke and in a Santa suit. What else is going to do but work as Santa for Christmas? Of course, there is a sad, cute little girl (Brianna Daguanno), and a perky social worker (Jennifer Gibson).

This one will tug at your heartstrings even if you know how it will end.
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Not a classic, but still a good Christmas movie...
paul_haakonsen9 May 2017
The first time I got acquainted with "The Santa Suit" was during the Christmas holidays of 2016, as I sat down for a Christmas movie marathon with my family.

I must say that this movie actually turned out to be rather good, which was somewhat of a surprise. None of us had expected much from the movie, given the synopsis and the cast list. But "The Santa Suit" actually turned out to be a rather enjoyable movie.

Sure, this movie is as predictable and generic as you would assume, given the storyline and the presentation of aforementioned storyline. But still, writer Kevin Commins and director Robert Vaughn had managed to create a rather enjoyable Christmas movie.

As for the cast, well, I initially had some reservations as the only one I knew was Kevin Sorbo, and his track record of movie performances has been somewhat fluctuating. But he really stepped up here and performed quite well, and I do think that he was quite suitable for this particular type of movies.

If you enjoy watching Christmas-themed movies during the holidays, then "The Santa Suit" is definitely worth checking out. Sure, it is not a classic such as "National Lampoon's Christmas Vacation", "It's a Wonderful Life" or "Home Alone". And, for me personally at least, this movie doesn't really have that quality to it that allows for multiple viewings year after year.
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way, way above average for a Christmas movie...
grizzledgeezer24 December 2010
Warning: Spoilers
I've been watching Hallmark Channel's tsimmes of uplifting Christmas movies as I work in the morning. They vary from the interesting ("Ms Scrooge") to the appalling ("The Night They Saved Christmas"). (The latter is so devoid of joy, wit, or humor -- all the adult actors, including Art Carney, are there strictly to pick up their paychecks -- that it's a must-see for misanthropes and noelphobes.)

"The Santa Suit" is a modern version of "A Christmas Carol", with big chunks of "Miracle on 34th Street" blended in. It consistently /sidesteps/ (most) opportunities to be cute, cheaply sentimental, or superficially humorous. It even addresses issues films such as these rarely, if ever, consider. * Perhaps I'm getting old, but it drew a few tears, which seemed to have been honestly earned.

Though "The Santa Suit" is an exercise in subdued acting, writing, and direction, Kevin Sorbo's performance nevertheless stands out. I never thought much of this hairy-chest-with-a-dimple -- he did little more than read his lines in "Andromeda" -- but here he actually /acts/ and delivers a convincing characterization. If there's an Emmy for "Best Actor in a Made-for-Cable Movie", he should be nominated.

No, it's not a great film, but it's "good enough", one of those rare "Christmas movies" most viewers won't think was a waste of time.

* When Drake considers getting an expensive doll for a farbisseneh little girl, the woman who hired him to play Santa suggests that perhaps she would be better off /not/ believing in Santa, and not expecting to receive everything she wants. (The film might have been even better had it taken this path to its predictable resolution. What, you were expecting maybe a sorrowful ending?)
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Flaws but Still Worth Watching
Christmas-Reviewer11 August 2017

In this film Drake Hunter, the president of Hunter Marketing, has the perfect plan to boost sales for his father\'s toy company over the holiday season—hire department store Santas to promote his father\'s merchandise. When the real Santa Claus turns Drake into a Santa lookalike, Drake finds himself working as a dress-up Kris Kringle to make ends meet. Stripped of power and position, Drake discovers the importance of honesty, compassion, and respect.

Now the flaws with this film is numerous. The production itself is the main problem. You can tell its fake snow. Out of camera range there is not snow. There is a scene where someone runs down the street. Then when she turns the corner its nighttime.

As for the film itself? Well it works. However barely. Kevin Sorbo is only saved because the people around him are much better actors. There is a few minor surprises here and there but in general it is very predictable. However the film works. If you like Christmas films you will enjoy this. I did.
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Clothes Make the Man
boblipton8 December 2010
This is a fine little Santa movie as Drake Hunter, the scrooge-like owner of a toy company, finds himself mysteriously transformed into a Santa lookalike for the Christmas season -- he looks and feels like himself in his own mind, but everyone sees him as the jolly old elf in the red suit, even himself in mirrors -- and comes to recognize how empty his life is. Although this sort of body-switching device has been used many times before, this variation on it is well handled in the script department and well worth your time.

I do have one issue: Kevin Sorbo plays the role for as understandably depressed and low affect for the first hour. As I have commented in many another review, this is appropriate but uninteresting but there are enough interesting performances around him to sustain the movie until he begins to slowly work his way out of that state and into a decent person in the second half. That pay off makes the movie.
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THUMBS DOWN!!! But great of you want to feel mindless!
adoptshelterpetstoday7 December 2014
I actually hate this movie!

I don't think it could have been made more dull, drab, annoying, and tiresome: the plot, the actor, the lines, everything.......Just one humdrum scene flowed into another. Nothing enticing, nothing captivating, nothing cheerful about this "Christmas" movie. It actually gave a sense of depression!

To TRY to watch it one time without getting bored out of my wits by the first half hour was difficult enough, but to watch it a second time, is cruelty to the mind!

And I began to hate it because it is aired ad nauseum!...while Hallmark has so much better Christams movies that could have been aired.

It did have one great part though, thankfully: "The End."
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Surprisingly Good!
alistar-2799629 November 2018
I'm always dubious about TV movies on these kind of channels, but this one actually drew me in. I only started watching it by accident, stood there with a coffee just staring at the TV, the found myself drawn in to the amazing Christmas message. It's cliché, it's obvious what happens and we all know where the story is heading but how it gets there is very well done and makes for a really watchable and entertaining Christmas film. Well worth a watch.
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It's 2021 and this movie is still a good one
ciar2062 April 2021
Available on Hallmark (Demand) and this is NOT a typical Hallmark movie, but I love it - one of my favorite Christmas movies...a little bit of fun in many ways, a tiny bit of romance, and it tugs my heart in so many ways, every time. Enjoy it.

(BTW, I'm not a Kevin Sorbo fan, but this one is still good!).
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A Santa lesson
alisonrhem625 December 2010
The best Christmas movie I have seen in decades. Kevin Sorbo does and exceptional job in the role of Drake. Sorbo's character is realistic and believable and not over the top. I laughed and cried and can't wait to watch it again and again. If it has been ages since a movie has touched your heart then this is a must see. If you want to watch a Christmas movie that makes you feel you have not wasted 2 hours of your time, then this is the one to see. If you want to watch a movie that you can't walk away from even on the commercials then sit back and enjoy this ever so worthwhile movie. This is a movie that should be watched year long and not just at Christmas. Honestly, I can't say enough about this movie, except "Watch it!"
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Love me some Kevin Sorbo!
truckml13 December 2010
While this is nothing new about using a sort of a "George Bailey / Scrooge" outline for the story, its nice to see it in a new concept. Rich greedy CEO gets a new outlook on life. Of course it doesn't hurt that Kevin Sorbo is the hunk of a CEO. Although he is a little bland in the beginning he comes out of his uneasiness to embrace his role as Santa. I thought this would be a "boo-hoo save the little poor kid movie" and I wasn't about to watch it. But I was dying to see a new Christmas movie and this one turned out surprisingly good. No matter how mean they try to make Kevin Sorbo he always comes across as super nice though. The supporting cast was okay. Of course there are a few teary scenes but all in all it was a fun movie.
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And you said Kevin Sorbo couldn't act
BuckeyeJohn197621 December 2021
I was expecting a silly Christmas comedy, ha ha, a Scrooge executive is changed into Santa, learns the error of his ways (while making us laugh at his predicaments) and of course is magically transformed into the reformed Scrooge by the end. I expected nothing really special, but since it's rated 6.7 I expected to enjoy it.

Wrong. I laughed and smiled a few times early on, but basically I found this to be a very touching movie as Kevin Sorbo more and more saw himself as others saw him, and he didn't like it. That his singular focus on the bottom line hurt others, and worst of all, that he didn't even care. I was especially moved by his retelling of his Christmas bike story. I liked that his transformation was gradual, and not a light switch. I would only say that I wish Hallmark had sold 2 or 3 minutes less of commercials, so that the exposition of the new person he had become could have been more gradual.

I liked it a lot, I highly recommend it, and can't wait to share it with my wife.
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CEO learns what Christmas is all about!
renee052121 December 2011
Warning: Spoilers
This is one of the best Christmas movies I have seen in a long time. It tells the story of Drake Hunter, a Scrooge CEO who learns a lesson about the Christmas spirit when he is magically transformed into a Santa lookalike. Kevin Sorbo gives an outstanding performance as Drake,showing him first as a jerk thinking only of himself,then as a gentle soul full of love & compassion for everyone,including the social worker who wins his heart without knowing it.I have seen many takes on Scrooge,and this one is my favorite as it shows Scrooge(in this case,Drake)learning to find his inner Santa. If you want to watch something sweet with your family this holiday,this is the movie to see! You will love it!
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A very enjoyable genre film.
doctorsmoothlove30 November 2019
Warning: Spoilers
A workaholic businessman discovers there is more to Christmas than a dollar. This simple premise has been adapted to countless Christmas films and plays. Disney made a famous variation with their "The Santa Clause" in the early 90s. In that film a businessman becomes Santa after a chance encounter with the elf. This film, "The Santa Suit" is a riff of that film. This time the businessman is forced to have the appearance of Santa.

Kevin Sorbo portrays the businessman Drake Hunter. Drake gives the appearance of a ruthless, dispassionate man who in his words built the business his father founded. Hunter Toys makes mostly cheap, breakable toys that are probably made in China. They also make a Princess Doll which is the only high quality product they manufacture, which is the last remnant of Drake's father.

Drake offers store santas the chance to receive a commission based upon the sales they make when encouraging children to buy Hunter's toys. The real Santa observes and places a curse or blessing, depending on your perspective upon Drake. Drake must look like Santa until he has learned more about what Christmas is supposed to be about.

The film permits Drake to slowly grow into his role as Santa. We get the impression that he really isn't a ruthless tycoon as much as he is completely separated from real human emotion. He mentions at one point that he has almost no friends or family who care whether he is missing. The film realizes that the pursuit of money is often a substitute for a lack of connection with someone else. Even when Drake realizes he can earn money on the commission arrangement he proposed earlier, he doesn't do so after spending time with the children who don't want cheap garbage.

Sorbo plays Drake early with the acerbic tone low budget film fans are used to seeing. As an actor, he doesn't display a great amount of emotional range when he becomes Santa. It works in the context of this film. A man not used to much human contact wouldn't automatically warm up to anyone, child or not. He settles into a more relaxed version of himself, which is the most jolly a high strung man can be.

Despite its budgetary limitations and lack of originality, "The Santa Suit" is an enjoyable genre film. A good script and a good actor are good enough.
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Fantastic Christmas Movie.
robert_2158 November 2014
What an absolute brilliant Christmas movie. This is 1 of the best one's I've seen. Surprised this was not a big hit I have seen some Christmas films but this as to be one of the best. I was almost crying a few times it really put me in the Christmas spirit a great feel good movie. Cheered me right up a must watch at the festive time.

What an absolute brilliant Christmas movie. This is 1 of the best one's I've seen. Surprised this was not a big hit I have seen some Christmas films but this as to be one of the best. I was almost crying a few times it really put me in the Christmas spirit a great feel good movie. Cheered me right up a must watch at the festive time.
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Wonderful Cliched Christmas Story That is Well Done
Dark_Lord_Mark29 December 2019
Yes, we have seen these types of movies before in many different forms, but that does not mean this re-telling is bad or not fun.

Kevin Sorbo is Drake hunter. He's an ego-maniacal toy company big wig, who is mean spirited, anti-christmas and it takes a Kris Krandall to teach Drake a lesson.

Santa teaches Drake a lesson and will Drake find the true meaning of X-mas?

Highly recommended to watch with a wife, girlfriend or children.
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Well "Suit"-ed for the Holidays !!!
lallimj30 January 2015
Disclaimer: I'm a Kevin Sorbo fan. He's a good actor. If you compare him to most of the "generic" actors in Hallmark movies, he's a clear standout. When he comes on the screen he's certainly seems every inch a movie star. I say that because I've watched (or should I say fast-forwarded through) many HM movies where it really wasn't clear who was (supposed to be) the "star." This guy has matinée idol good looks (even now, well into his 50's) and he really is a cut above the usual male lead. There's a scene in the movie where he's recounting something upsetting, and he does it just the right blend of privacy, melancholy, and embarrassment that is appropriate when telling something private. In general, this is a great little feel-good holiday movie. Two thumbs up !!!
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A Christmas Masterpiece of cr*p with Television's Hercules Kevin Sorbo
keinheads18 December 2022
Warning: Spoilers
What the world needs: Television's Hercules Kevin Sorbo in a Christmas classic. This movie is what happens if you combine A Christmas Carol, It's a Wonderful Life, and Miracle on 34th Street with the beauty and charm of none of them. Seriously though, I caught this movie, starring Television's Hercules Kevin Sorbo, many years ago and it's so bizarre in how seriously everyone is taking it it adds up to something so wonderfully and hilariously bad. Television's Hercules Kevin Sorbo is Drake Hunter, an expertly overacted caricature of a Scrooge like toy exec. It's one of the earlier Hallmark movies and doesn't quite fit that new formula they churn out so they don't show it anymore. Naturally I bought the DVD; inviting Television's Hercules Kevin Sorbo into my home is a standard for every Christmas!
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A nice Christmas movie surprise
nancyfast-8293319 November 2023
Kevin Sorbo's portrayal of a toy company president facing a downturn in toy quality was elusive to me, in the beginning. The story progress was also slow initially but I resisted the impulse to stop. I began to unfold the plot in my mind like I would in reading a book. I could see the beauty in the story as it was written. I could appreciate the awkwardness and the beauty of the main character's transition back and forth. Kevin Sorbo is a fine actor whose skill made this story intriguing, rewarding and unforgettable. It may not hold the interest of younger viewers but the positive life lessons could be understood by 11 year olds and older, in my opinion.
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The Santa Suit
dirossi-0102127 November 2023
I've just for the first time EVER discovered this movie. And I haven't been able to watch it all the way through, I've seen a different part of it twice, and can't WAIT to see it all the way through, because it is one of the most heartfelt, and lovely Christmas movies EVER. I can't believe I hadn't seen it in 2010 when it came out nor any year thereafter! How can this be? I thought, when I START watching Christmas movies in July! I'm just so grateful to have found it now. I wish my daughter could have seen it with me. We'd sit on the couch and cry about how perfect it could be in every way. The meaning of Christmas gets lost in this day and age, but The Santa Suit is a reminder of what it is supposed to be. Thank you.
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