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zombiebird25 May 2013
Warning: Spoilers
An interesting indie film about relationships and mental illness.

It's not a movie that really opens up in the 1st few minutes, or even the 1st hour, you really do have to stick with it to get an idea of what's going on. In the beginning it almost feels like soap story where a evil character comes in starts spreading lies about somebody and ends up having that person ostracized, and as it progress you feel somewhat more confused about what's going on, but the end puts everything into perspective. A lot of what didn't make sense early on, starts to make sense now and you have that moment of connecting the dots and seeing the full picture.

The acting is brilliant, often in movies like this the acting is mediocre or even bad, but everybody here is just great. The writing and directing too is great, all the scenes have a natural feel to them that really pulls you in. It's obvious that this was done on a really low budget and so it's really interesting to see what can be managed with so little.

The mental illness side of this was great and what really interested me in this movie, I hate movies where mental illness are wrongly represented (*cough* Silver Linings Playbook *cough*) and so it's really refreshing to see a proper portrait of personality disorders.

In short, a great indie film, but probably not something mainstream audiences will enjoy.
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I can identify with Jackie but not so much with Caroline
jordondave-2808523 April 2023
Warning: Spoilers
(2013) Caroline And Jackie DRAMA (Contains spoilers) Independent, plot less movie written and directed by Adam Christian Clark, starring two very close sisters, by the names of Caroline and Jackie played by Marguerite Moreau and Bitsie Tulloch. What was expected to be was a formal visit from Caroline celebrating her birthday with her sister Jackie and her boyfriend at her house who in turn became sidetracked to celebrate it with other people at a nearby restaurant. And upon everybody coming back to Jackie's house again, her sister Caroline started to humiliate her right on front of people with negative assumptions made about her, that Jackie is an alcoholic and a bulimic who's addicted to medication. But as the movie is progressing, and as it turns out, it's Caroline who's really the nut job. If viewers were to watch this, one is going to expect many improvised pointless babbling happening throughout about eating and drinking more, as well as lighting some fireworks. I was also incapable to understand how some of the worst things are said about Jackie the person, and then when viewers do see her, she is the total opposite of all the bad things said about her, that she's an alcoholic, and a bulimic as well as a person who is addicted to drugs. This is a perfect example of a movie that's contradicted itself. I mean, even Jackie's live-in boyfriend actually believes she is all of those bad things- how is this possible? Bitsie Tulloch as Caroline is great in this movie, but this movie doesn't do anything for her.
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Terrible, waste of time
genevievecseh12 May 2013
Warning: Spoilers
The two stars are for the slight twist (although this is revealed in the synopsis, so hardly a real shocker) to the plot. All the characters were strange and really unlikeable. I never understood why they were all still sticking around. Ridiculous and unbelievable and pointless. The reality TV jumpiness of the filming is distracting and annoying and is about as interesting and worthwhile as reality TV (i.e., not at all). I want those two interminable hours of my life back. I nearly gave up a couple times, but watched on, hoping it might redeem itself somewhere. The whole thing was cringe-worthily awkward, but I suppose that was the point. Trouble is it was also laughably implausible and boring at the same time. Could have been done so much better than it was, with some actual plotting and a different director. I felt the actors were probably quite good, but there wasn't much for them to work with. Definitely would not recommend.
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waste of time
mariasquare21 May 2013
Warning: Spoilers
i thought this movie would be a good one. but man, was i disappointed after watching it. actually the movie started out well. but after a while it got terrible. i almost stopped watching but continued anyway hoping something interesting might happen. but again, i was wrong. after i was done watching it, i still didn't get what this movie was about. what was it that it's trying to depict? bond between sisters? mental health? anorexia? it seems as if every character are a bunch of crazy lunatics. some are crazier that others. which is which i can't seem to tell. this movie could've gone better. as i said it started well. but there were too many twists and turns. it certainly didn't deserve the 6.5 rating.
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Beautiful, touching and surprising.
helenaobadr24 January 2022
This movie is definitely one of my current favorites. What a great plot! Whoever's got siblings see themselves in some parts, but then the psychological and drama grows to the limits and I can't give spoilers here. There's space for laughter, tension, reflection and for getting emotional. And you're able to enjoy it with beautiful photography, soundtrack, and incredibly good acting. "Caroline and Jackie" has earned my respect. Can't wait to see Clark's next movies.
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jennifersaunders5554 June 2013
This is literally the first film review I've ever written, not to say I don't watch a tremendous amount of movies, I literally watch at minimum 5 a week. I mentioned that though because I feel compelled to say I'm shocked there would be a single bad user review out there for this film... to such the point that I felt compelled to write my own as I felt certain any negative reviews must be written by ex-husbands/wives or the such.

This film is absolutely brilliant! It's masterfully written and directed, not only for a first time filmmaker but for anyone. The acting is superb, I mean real-life tear at your seats real. And all the technical elements are top-notch, camera work, sound design, score, etc.

That being said, a lot of indie films out there are good, but what really sets this one apart is how original it is. If you watch a lot of indie movies, or studio movies for that matter, you start to find them really really repetitive and almost plagiarist. -- For Caroline and Jackie though, I can say you've literally never seen anything like it. It's both well crafted and original, and it'll keep you guessing over and over and over again. Like as soon as you think it's going one way, BAM, it throws you the opposite, and all for good reason, all for an amazing payoff.

That said, this is a character driven drama, indie film to its core, so if you're into that kind of movie or looking to explore one, you're going to love it. I mean really love it. If you're into big studio movies, want a simple escape and no questions to boot, then this might not be your cup of tea. I find the ending very satisfying, even redemptive, but I wouldn't call this a happy-go-lucky film, so don't go into it wanting to relax.

In summary, at its core this is a film about sisters, and more broadly family, for real. What a family is really like and what a family can really do to you, both in terms of helping you and hurting you. If you're crazy about relationships and love a good story, check it out.

I gave it a 9 because I think giving anything but like The Godfather a 10 is just ridiculous, so for my kind of scale this is about as 10 as you can wish for. I can't wait to see what this guy does next.
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The Resonance of Marguerite Moreau's Performance
thomasinarides2 April 2024
Marguerite Moreau's portrayal of Caroline in "Caroline and Jackie" is a masterclass in emotional storytelling. Her performance resonates with a palpable authenticity that draws viewers into the heart of the narrative. Moreau's ability to express the subtleties of her character's internal struggle adds a profound depth to the film, making her portrayal not only believable but deeply moving. The complexity and nuance she brings to Caroline illuminate t he film's exploration of mental health and the bonds of sisterhood , making her performance a standout element of the movie. The Resonance of Marguerite Moreau's Performance.
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Glad I found this director
qfgjprb18 July 2022
I just watched Newly Single and Caroline and Jackie today after discovering Diary of a Spy over the weekend. Dude! This director has a really compelling and original voice. Newly Single is by far my favorite of the group, but it's not going to be for everyone, this on the other hand I'd recommend to more people. Like his other films, it's not a feel good easy movie, but it's raw and real and super original. It makes you think. He's really good at capturing awkward and painful domestic moments. Acting too, is really strong in his three films.
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"Caroline and Jackie" - A Real Emotional Rollercoaster
farrantoppings7 April 2024
Last night I decided to give "Caroline and Jackie" a shot, mainly 'cause I heard Bitsie Tulloch was in it, and I'm a huge fan. Honestly, I didn't expect much at first, just thought it would be another one of those typical family dramas. But, boy, was I wrong! The film dives deep into the complexities of sisterhood, and Tulloch's performance as Jackie was absolutely phenomenal.

She brings such a raw and authentic vibe to her character, making you feel every bit of the emotional turmoil she's going through. The story unfolds in a way that's both subtle and powerful, drawing you in with its realistic portrayal of family dynamics. There were a few moments where I thought the pacing was a bit slow, but looking back, those scenes really added to the build-up of the storyline. Adam Christian Clark's direction is spot on, capturing the essence of the story without overdoing it. Definitely recommend it if you're into movies that make you reflect on your own family relationships.
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Marguerite Moreau: The Emotional Core of the Film
cherisemedawar7 April 2024
Marguerite Moreau: The Emotional Core of the Film Marguerite Moreau's role as Caroline in "Caroline and Jackie" stands out as the emotional core of the film. Her portrayal is a delicate amalgamation of strength, vulnerability, and complexity, bringing to life the nuanced dynamics of a sibling relationship fraught with tension and love.

Moreau's performance is both compelling and heart-wrenching, offering a glimpse into the soul of her character with every scene. Her ability to navigate the emotional landscape of the film with grace and authenticity makes her performance unforgettable and cements her status as a remarkably talented actress.
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Ten Stars, You won't be disappointed
theelectrictides3 June 2013
Okay, so anywhere you go online your going to find haters and why they think whatever isn't as perfect as they want. To those people I say, You go make a movie and lets see how you do. This is a work of art (Like all films are) and it should be view and respected as one. This movie kept me captivated from start to finish. This isn't an action movie this is a thought provoking movie that give you the chance to see what like would be like though another persons shoes. Ruth Surrey is the most talented upcoming executive producer and Adam Christian Clark is a talented writer. I found All the characters to be very believable, interesting and most importantly Entertaining. So haters you can keep on hating, but we all know that it''s not really the movie that bothers you, but your life. And I wish for the best for you and hope things get better. Try spreading Love and you'll see you''ll receive love back ten fold if done with the right intentions. Bottom Line THIS IS A MUST SEE MOVIE! Caroline and Jackie beautifully portrays certain family relationships and has plenty of interesting turns that keep you guessing. Love Endlessly, Live Epically!!!!!!!!!!!!! Great Movie hands down
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Gave "Caroline and Jackie" a try and wasn't disappointed
leanncredit7 April 2024
So last weekend, I was scrolling through movies to watch and ended up on "Caroline and Jackie." I heard about it from a friend who's really into indie films, and I thought, why not? The story's mainly about these two sisters, Caroline and Jackie, and their kinda tense but super interesting relationship. I was really impressed by Bitsie Tulloch's portrayal of Jackie; she brought so much depth to the character, making her feel incredibly real and relatable. The director, Adam Christian Clark, did a great job of keeping the film grounded, focusing on the emotional aspects rather than going for over-the-top drama. The dialogue felt natural, and the way the film explores themes like mental health and sisterhood is both thoughtful and provoking. It's one of those films that sticks with you, makes you think about your own relationships. Definitely recommend giving it a watch, especially if you're into films that focus more on character development and storytelling.
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Moreau's Captivating Performance in "Caroline and Jackie"
cordiacarlino7 April 2024
In "Caroline and Jackie," Marguerite Moreau delivers a captivating performance that serves as the linchpin of the film's emotional depth. Her portrayal of Caroline is a nuanced exploration of a woman caught in the throes of familial loyalty, personal turmoil, and the quest for identity.

Moreau's ability to imbue her character with a sense of realism and complexity adds layers to the film, making it a rich and engaging experience. Her performance is a testament to her skill as an actress and her ability to connect with the audience on a profound level, making "Caroline and Jackie" a memorable and impactful film.
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"Caroline and Jackie" - A hidden gem worth watching
bethneyvandewalle7 April 2024
I have to admit, I'm not usually one for dramas, but "Caroline and Jackie" caught my eye because of Marguerite Moreau. I've liked her in other stuff, so I thought I'd give this movie a go.

The film is all about the relationship between two sisters, Caroline and Jackie, and it dives deep into their past and present issues. What really struck me was how real the characters felt; their interactions, their conflicts, it all seemed like it could happen in any family. Moreau's performance as Caroline was particularly impressive; she nails the role of the concerned yet somewhat controlling older sister. The movie doesn't shy away from tackling tough subjects like mental health, but it does so in a very human and empathetic way. Some might find the pacing a bit slow, but I think it adds to the film's overall impact, allowing you to really get to know the characters. Plus, the cinematography is pretty great, adding another layer to the storytelling. If you're looking for something different and meaningful to watch, this might just be it.
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"Caroline and Jackie" Review - Surprisingly Good!
noellemestre7 April 2024
Okay, so I randomly picked "Caroline and Jackie" from my watchlist, not really knowing what to expect. The plot centers around these two sisters, Caroline and Jackie, dealing with some pretty heavy stuff during what's supposed to be a simple dinner party. Marguerite Moreau plays Caroline, and I gotta say, her performance is stellar. She perfectly captures the complexity of someone trying to navigate the tricky waters of familial love and concern. The film does an excellent job of showing rather than telling, letting the audience piece together the backstory and underlying tensions between characters. There were a couple of parts where I got a bit lost, might be due to some subtle plot points or maybe I just wasn't paying enough attention. But overall, the movie kept me engaged, and by the end, I was totally invested in the characters and their stories. It's not your typical feel-good movie, but it's definitely worth a watch for its character-driven narrative and strong performances.
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Just watched "Caroline and Jackie" and here are my thoughts
kristopherschnelder7 April 2024
I wasn't sure what to expect with "Caroline and Jackie," but I ended up really enjoying it. The f ilm focuses on two sisters, Caroline, played by Marguerite Moreau, and Jackie, played by Bitsie Tulloch. The dynamic between them is the heart of the movie, exploring themes of loyalty, mental health, and the complexity of family relationships. Both Moreau and Tulloch deliver powerful performances, making their characters' struggles feel incredibly genuine. Adam Christian Clark's direction is subtle yet effective, allowing the story and characters to shine without relying on clichéd drama. The script is well-written, with dialogues that feel natural and contribute to the development of the characters and their relationships. While the movie has its slower moments, they're important for building the emotional depth that makes the climax so impactful. Overall, "Caroline and Jackie" is a compelling watch, especially if you appreciate films that focus on character development and real-life issues.
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