Riddle (2013) Poster


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breakadawn24 March 2013
I desperately wanted to like this movie only because I'm a Kilmer fan, and appreciate the efforts of veteran actors like William Sadler, but even they couldn't save this poorly written piece from rental oblivion. If this were a student film piece, this movie would certainly showcase the promise and potential of everyone involved. Even though this was made on a low budget, it's a flat-footed attempt at a thriller. This is one of Kilmer's "paycheck player" roles, and is not worth viewing if you're a fan. The younger actors are not terrible, but they don't bring much to the table, either. Use your Redbox free rental promo code for something else.
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No depth but an easy watch
katzcrazy19841 December 2014
This film seems to have been given a pretty bad wrap. Even still I decided to give it a go. The story line is easy to follow and answers all the questions the movie gives you (as long as you are not expecting an insane twist.) Val, I believe, was really never given much to develop (character wise) in the film, which is disappointing. Actually, none of the characters really made you care. They really played up the American small town 'cultish' feel. Without going into any detail regarding the plot or giving any spoilers, the story progressed naturally and actually made me feel like I was watching a 'point and click adventure computer game' (which is fine for me as I enjoy them.) All in all, it was flat but I good brainless film to watch. It was enjoyable but nothing special and I am sure there is no reason to watch the movie a second time to see if anything was missed through the first viewing.
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mmthos17 August 2021
Entirely predictable "thriller" bout a girl who goes looking for her missing brother and finds her crazy supposedly dead, pa. You know that you're in trouble when the first shot of the town where little bro disappeared is of mute, overage children sitting in swings with that frizzy hair children of the corn, damned, whatever, always seem to wear, and they run away scared when she asks for directions. Overdramatic and Overblown, the orchestral soundtrack is inappropriate and so intrusive, like It wants to be the star. Very attractive young cast, including a young Rob Lowe look-a-like, trapped in stereotypes, which they have got down, give them that. Fat Val (Kilmer) checks in for a few minutes to pick up a paycheck How desperate must he have been? Adequately decent camerawork is why it's a 3, not 2.
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why oh why
aampd6 March 2013
Firstly, I truly find it hard to accept someone reviewing this movie and giving it a 10...wrong movie I think. I gave this movie 2 stars only because I thought the idea was good but the outcome was not so good. I believe in giving young actors a chance and I felt they tried their best in a lack lustered affair.Val Kilmer, what do I say...had about 20 lines in the whole move and was so poor maybe he should have hung his boots up after the 80's comedy, Top Secret. He just didn't want to be there, his body language was about as solid as a wet paper bag. The script had so many holes in it and the basis of the storyline was "riddled" with flaws. The filming was also very D grade. No smooth transitions, no fluency. At times the camera work was trying too hard, too hard to be shot as a blockbuster instead of just being the movie it was suppose to be. It could have been a good B grader, however in my opinion it didn't even reach the perils of an F.
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Not a riddle at all
kosmasp1 July 2013
While the movie starts off pretty moody (a good thing), it does turn pretty quickly and becomes pretty ugly. Side stories that seem not to matter, characters getting disposed off and a general weird feeling make this an almost uncomfortable watch. I do like Diora Baird a lot, not only because of her looks, but neither she nor the other leading female can save this film.

Val Kilmer does his thing, which means almost nothing at all. It's not the pounds he has layered upon on his body, but the fact, that it seems, he forgot how to act. Is this really the same man, that gave a phenomenal performance as Doc in Tombstone? It's hard to believe, again not only because he doesn't look like that guy anymore. But the teenage boys playing their parts in here are as bad. So many flaws in this one, I wouldn't really know where to stop. It does look good though (photography that is).
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Riddle me this - why was this film even made ?
adrossan20 February 2013
Warning: Spoilers
Riddle commences with an initially interest-grabbing tale - Holly's brother Nathan disappears and not a word is ever discovered about his whereabouts.

We jump forward three years with Nathan still missing, and one day Holly is certain she has seen him, and promptly gives chase.

Here the scriptwriters had an immense opportunity to take the viewer on a roller coaster ride of mystery, suspense, thrills and a touch of horror.

You will want to ask why Holly never mentions Nathan's shoes.....but after overcoming her differences with the school associates she meets in the town of Riddle, she continues her pursuit of Nathan, despite being warned off by the Sheriff (Val Kilmer) and a mystery man (Wllliam Sadlier).

I've never seen a Sheriff with a pony-tail and I was itching to take my scissors to a very unconvincing Val Kilmer's odd hairstyle - it must have been a deal clincher for him to keep the horse's backside on his head in exchange for playing his small part in the film.

Unfortunately, once a prime discovery is made the story appears to have painted itself into a corner, and to me it felt as if the original scriptwriter had quit and was replaced with a 10 year old with budget control.

The end sequences descend into farce, and the riddle of Riddle is never really explained.

It's no surprise why so many films are failures when they betray the cinema-goers trust with this type of dross.

One star for providing young actors and film creators with employment, no stars for Val Kilmer and his wooden horse with tail impersonation.
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name suggest what u expect
tawhid8711 March 2013
now riddle is a story, where the writer directer couldn't solve the riddle, worst acting, most unnatural situation, even if u think its horror flick its actually nothing but a pretty girl running here and there, a bit mysterious because its in tag, most mysterious events were dreams, not at all connected with film, any way total waste of time i joined IMDb just to tell don't watch it if u like mystery, u may consider watching the leading girl :P...i read other review and watched it, i don't know when was last time he watched a movie I'm furious with such people writing review for a film like this...try your best to avoid it
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Does This Riddle Have An Answer?
chow91331 May 2013
Warning: Spoilers
Elisabeth Harnois stars as a typical 33 year old teenage girl in a small town.

What? Elisabeth Harnois can still pass for 16 after all these years since we drooled over her in 'My Date With The President's Daughter' back in 1998? Yes! She can! And she still looks great! Harnois' mentally handicapped brother... I mean mentally challenged... I mean mentally disabled... I mean differently enabled mentally... I mean special needs... I mean whatever is PC at the moment, is taken for a joyride by two bullies. While stopping for beer at a gas station he disappears.

3 years later (so is Elisabeth Harnois now supposed to be 36?) Harnois spots her brother at a farmers market and follows him to the ghostly town of Riddle which appears to be almost completely abandoned. This is creepy but it's never explained. Just like the rest of this movie.

When she reports her brother's sighting to the local yokel sheriff Val Kilmer, the bar tender, tow truck driver and other locals they all hint at there being a conspiracy within Riddle to cover up her brother's kidnapping.

This plot appears to be going somewhere but it isn't! In no time Harnois unites with other thirty something teenagers and we're left with the slasher formula of teenagers running through the woods from ax wielding maniacs and stepping in bear traps.

Basically NOTHING is ever really explained as to why her brother was kidnapped or even by whom.

There are also several other major logical flaws in this film. For example, when one character is found imprisoned in a barn he has long hair to suggest he hasn't been well treated. How then is he clean shaven? Uncut hair but clean shaven? The film makers could easily have fixed this by simply having the makeup artist add some stubble.

In another scene Harnois just happened upon her brother's manila file showing they were both adopted. Why would his birth file have his adopted last name on it? The film makers could just have easily fixed this by having the adopted parents name on the file instead of the brother's. Sloppy work.

'Riddle' isn't nails on a chalkboard but there is no reason to see it other than to marvel over how great Elisabeth Harnois still looks at age 33.
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What the Hell? How to mess up a good start.
rbrites19 March 2013
Warning: Spoilers
OK... here we go. I regretted watching the first 15 minutes because it made me watch the whole thing. Nice start, well shot and directed... When someone stops at a gas station and some car just happens to sneak behind it... Im always suspicious... and that blue truck was no different.

Then it is just downhill... no plot whatsoever... the Town gets invaded by all kinds of police force (Val said so) and they just miss the old suspicious compound...

The question mark with the stairs (film poster) has nothing to do with anything. Everything happens so easy... nothing gets explained... characters are poorly developed.

Val (Kilmer) is a joke.

Guys, use the same first 15 minutes and try again, this one is not worth it.

Pros: young actors. Worked well with what they had.
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This film is just fine... IF you are not expecting 'CITIZEN KANE'...
lathe-of-heaven30 June 2013
I just finished watching this and I was quite pleasantly surprised at how well done it was. Sure, both Val Kilmer and William Sadler were completely wasted and did MAYBE a DAY'S worth of work between them. But, honestly, everything about the film was solid and done with a nice slow sense of building suspense.

The one thing that I REALLY appreciated, which I feel is quite rare in these low-budget films, is that the acting was actually decent and restrained instead of amateurishly going over the top or just plain ruining it as many do. It took a little while to get going, but still overall I feel that it was well constructed. YES, the story is extremely straight forward and simple, but still done well. And, I also liked how the stronger Horror elements were done in the last act; pretty effective for what it was...

NO, they didn't give you a whole lot to go on and did not really explain very much; but, I think they gave you enough to figure out what was going on, especially in the ending credits : ) That really wasn't so much the point as just enjoying the actual outworking of the story, I would say.

So, if you are in the mood for a nice little suspenseful Thriller, you should enjoy this movie just fine. Just ignore all the petty know-it- all haters out there who expect GOD knows WHAT in their films...

I do wonder though...

... just how much DOES Val Kilmer make in these hit-and-run films that he does? Seriously, I'm DYING to know! : )
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Doesn't know what movie it's trying to be
KineticSeoul14 March 2013
This movie is a utter piece of crap. I sometimes give these not well known movies a try and it sometimes turn out good. But this one is the complete opposite of that. In fact it made me angry knowing the fact that I kept thinking it was going to get better, when it's the complete opposite. And invested my time to watch the most boring movie with a script that doesn't know which direction to go. Yeah, some people say this about certain movies. But this one really didn't know which direction to go and seemed like the makers of this crap of a movie just made stuff up as they went along. The acting is bad, it isn't awful but bad. Val Kilmer is in this one as the sheriff and oh how much he has fallen. This one is his mark as a fallen actor. I don't even want to get started with the plot for this one since it's going to give me a headache. And not because the story is complicated but it just ticks me off just thinking about it. The title of this movie is "Riddle" but there isn't even a single puzzle or riddle solving in this. It's just some towns name that is it. Avoid this movie like the plague.

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Great film! Edge of your seat suspense
finnsmyth26 January 2013
This kept me on the edge of my seat for most of the film. Beautiful shots, mysterious setting, and great acting by Val Kilmer and several lesser known folks, especially the lead. Don't watch this movie if you don't like horror films, because it will keep you up the night you watch it! Also make sure you get a good drink beforehand because with the fear you will experience it's a much more intense viewing than most so-called horror movies. A lot of movies have been filmed near this part of the country (notably Mothman Prophecies in 2001), but none of them managed to show the grit and reality as well as Riddle. I think they didn't get a wider release because Mross is a new director, but hopefully word will spread that this is a terrific film.
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Entertaining Mystery Thriller
stsinger24 February 2013
"Riddle" is a fun thriller that catches your attention early and keeps it throughout. Elisabeth Harnois plays Holly, a high-school girl with a younger brother who suffers from Thompson's Disease. One day, he disappears and she is, of course, devastated.

Cut to three years later. She is back from college helping out with the Farmer's Market when she becomes convinced she has seen her missing brother. She follows the trail to the town of Riddle, which just happens to be the home town of the last two boys who saw her brother. Riddle looks to be a town on the door of Hell -- completely run down and sparsely populated. The major drawing point of the town seems to be the wonder of Nature that is Diora Baird, who is the daughter the less than helpful Sheriff (Val Kilmer). But Riddle also has secrets, and they are brought out into the open as Holly continues to dig where, as she is told, she doesn't belong.

Lots of good stuff here. The story moves quickly and briskly. Even though you'll probably guess the culprit early on (I did), there's enough ancillary mystery to make that OK. The early scenes prior to young Nate's disappearance are genuinely unsettling and make a couple of characters way more complex than they have a right to in a film like this. And finally, it's not surprising that Harnois and Baird are friends in real life -- they have an easy going, natural chemistry together that really helps drive the film forward.

Nothing classic here, guys, but better than a lot and definitely worth checking out.
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Terribly predictable cliché movie
ariesguy_0823 February 2013
Warning: Spoilers
First of all the plot is totally unbelievable by 1/3 of the way through. The plot is very shallow especially with back story and character development. It is very hard to have any sympathy with the undeveloped vapid characters. The acting was very jilted and contrived, especially the role of Val Kilmer. It was as if Val was forced to do a movie for some reason and gave his bare minimum.

I think in this 21st century the idea of the helpless unresourceful female character is outdated. In fact the reactions of all four characters who are hunting for the whereabouts of the missing brother is so overdone in hundreds of "horror" movies before that it is an offensive to the viewer. They follow the very typical method of operation that so many horror, slasher, teenage movie flicks follow. separate and get picked off one by one. then when confronting the bad guy in the movie one of the male characters makes all the wrong mistakes that we come to expect and as easily predicted he dies. What a big shocker there. And the obvious blaring misconception is the cover on the video, a giant question mark with an MC Escher like illustration. At no time did this theme in anyway relate to the film. What could have been a mind bending psychological thriller turned out to be worse than some film student's senior project. I did give it one star because there was a happy ending and one cannot turn down a happy ending.
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Riddle is what was the director thinking?
omendata25 December 2017
Started off really, really well - I was hooked and even had to pause it whilst I went away for a weewee and quick cuppa tea. >;o)

I came back and then it just descended into trash. I wont even try to descibe the rest other than that I havent a clue how to.

Poor old Val Kilmer has hit the bargain basement bucket along with Ron Perlman, Lance Henriksen, John Cusack, Christian Slater and sadly Nicolaus Cage.

My question is really where did the $7,000,000 that it cost to make this tragedy go - I surmise Val Kilmers pocket!

Do your self a favour and bypass this one its an hour and half wasted.
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It did not do it for me
jordondave-2808520 April 2023

Small town called "Riddle" which became synonymous for a missing Teller brother, ruining the entire town's reputation forever. Three years later and the family has already moved on, living on a another small town called Johnson, and while the sister's Holly Teller (Elisabeth Harnois) volunteering at the farmer's market, she managed to spot someone wearing her younger brother's runners upon her picking up some fruit from the ground. So she then decides to follows him while he was being driven away on a pick up, leading back to the small town of "Riddle" again with Val Kilmer as the town's sheriff.
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bangbaronbarbar1 October 2014
This movie is a utter piece of crap. I sometimes give these not well known movies a try and it sometimes turn out good. This film I have watched many times, mainly because of the mood it creates, a time and place you want to go back and visit The only link i could get between the name of the movie, was that it happened in a village called " Riddle " This is the first time I have ever written about a movie good or bad, I felt like writing something because of the first reviewer in solvethis.net said some good things about it. I kept waiting. I guess he doesn't get out much to say anything good about this movie. Again the Acting is so poor you can tell at the beginning of the movie alone I intend on writing about movies in the future because I watch my share of them.
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guusj8920 March 2013
Warning: Spoilers
This movie was such a disappointment.

In the start i was really exited about the plot, 2 fresh mens going to school.

1 of the kids " Nathan" get teased by a bully and spills food over the "Jerks" of the school, therefor a little conflict is starting, but an gym teacher comes between it and makes sure the Jerks get detention.

Afterwards the kid " Nathan" waits for his sister " Holly " and her cheer leading practice.

While Nathan is waiting the Jerks are finished with detention and get the interest of Nathan about talking cars, en go for a ride.

At this point i was really excited, because this could have gone so many ways.

But guess what happens, they play the game "Are u a coward" against a freaking truck, Nathan pisses his self, goes to a gas station and disappear.

After less then a minute searching they decided he disappeared and the movie fast forwarded to 3 years after.

And the movie is done, no story, no explanations. If the goal of the writer was the leave allot of "questions" he sure did a good thing calling the movie Riddle and putting a question mark on the disc cover.

The only link i could get between the name of the movie, was that it happened in a village called " Riddle "

1 Star, because i couldn't give less
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keko922-27 September 2013
What a waste I kept watching just in case it got better somewhere the acting was really poor I mean put it this way if someone says hey here watch this and you are bored you have nothing to lose but the time otherwise don't buy or don't rent this completely STINKS.

This is the first time I have ever written about a movie good or bad, I felt like writing something because of the first reviewer said some good things about it. I kept waiting. I guess he doesn't get out much to say anything good about this movie. Again the Acting is so poor you can tell at the beginning of the movie alone I intend on writing about movies in the future because I watch my share of them.
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A moody, enjoyable film from start to finish.
adj-699-88774621 June 2013
Warning: Spoilers
When I first read the rather daunting reviews here, I was a little iffy about watching it, but I decided to take the plunge. What I discovered was a little gem--an atmospherically dark, moody, journey that builds in suspense to a rather thrilling climax.

I think the pace was good though perhaps just a wee bit too slow for some. Coming off of another film where the action sequences hit you virtually non-stop roller-coaster fashion, it might even seem sluggish, but to me this was more than offset by the visually attractive elements of the film, some great camera work, and some very worthy acting.

Some have stated that they found the story-line vague, but I didn't at all--if you follow the dialog, it is obvious what is happening, and the end is rather thrilling. I would have preferred that the character of the "disheveled man" (read 'Mad Doctor' and also *secret* someone else in the film) had been better developed, but it seems the writers wanted our lack of knowledge about him through the body of the film to be held as more of a surprise--a part that was both eerily and excellently portrayed by Jack Erdie.

I've always enjoyed Bill Sadler's work--he's another Scotty Glenn in that he's such a flexible, utilitarian actor--though his cameo here was too short.

I think it's now in vogue for people to dis Val Kilmer--he's getting older and fatter--but he lends his weight (seriously--no pun intended) to his part and is at least credible (as always). My only wince during the film was when, after a burst of threatening anger, he suddenly, calmly, admonishes his daughter and her friends for being together, warns them not to do it again, then drives off business-as-usual, when any other Sheriff/father would have been far more aggressive and not so instantly calmed.

The big surprise for me was the excellent work by virtually all the supporting actors--character development was as good as their screen-time allowed, but the actors had both depth and presence in every scene. I think this one fact really made the movie for me. Perhaps it was, in some cases, the dearth of dialog which, a la Alan Parker/Kubric-style, helps to build suspense and add depth. I think they are all responsible, in working with such a script, for delivering a solid movie experience. I simply cannot find fault in any of the acting--all were on beat throughout.

Elisabeth Harnois also gave a credible and professional performance in the lead role--at least as good as other actors with her age and experience--I had no problems at all in believing in her character, or anyone else's in this film. What I thought might be an awkward moment in the scene transition from her brother's disappearance to her crying in the parking lot explained itself away when we recognize her dilemma--'what should she do next'? I think the directors were on queue and were consistent and seemed intent on getting as much from a scene as budget allowed, yet there were no long, wasteful scenes or gratuitous landscape pans often seen in other films of this budget range to 'not waste the camera rental fee'--every scene seemed to transition well, and at an apparent purposefully suspenseful pace. The backdrops in Riddle were fabulously 'decaying middle America' and I found myself wanting to see lots more of them in play.

Lastly, I must say that the film score, while apparently purposefully unobtrusive, was too much so. Many scenes seemed wanting for music that just wasn't there at all. My bailiwick, a better, more sinister-sounding, more energetic and engrossing score would have added so much more depth to the slow-beat pacing of the dialog and many of the scenes.

While many film goers (and reviewers) seem to have embraced a more black & white style of critique of the movies they see (it's either a 'Taxi Driver' or a 'Plan 9'), there is a universe of film in between--and much of it is worthy. Riddle is certainly up there in both effort and craftsmanship, and I hope the cast and crew, the producers, directors and writers, will bring us more and better in the future.

I rate this film as a 7--a good, solid, entertaining movie.

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Ok watch
baunacholi-861597 May 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Not as bad as other reviews suggest - in my POV. The riddle does quite some things right even if it's not a complex riddle so to say. (Spoiler: dad survived and kidnapped his boy) Story is fairly realistic and esp in the beginning able to create suspense. I liked the slow pace and overall unagitated feel. Towards the end it drifts more and more into cliches and implausible decisions which take unfortunately some oomph away. Ps: The twisted staircase on the cover has nothing to do with the actual movie.
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Regular, but I enjoyed it...
RosanaBotafogo24 May 2020
It starts with an excellent drama, flirts with something supernatural, skids in terror and ends with the policeman with the potential of a B movie. film, sometimes too convenient, sometimes unfortunate... Regular, but I enjoyed it...
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A very good thriller
mwmccollum4919 September 2013
Riddle is a small scale film, that plays out like a film noir.It"s captivating mood is kept throughout the story. The camera work is excellent, and the actors are all in fine form. This film I have watched many times, mainly because of the mood it creates, a time and place you want to go back and visit

with multiple viewings, not many films can accomplish that.It just goes to show, you don"t need to write a blockbuster for an enjoyable movie experience.I have watched many films in my life time which spans sixty four years. One thing I have learned is to be patient with what the film makers are trying to convey, and judge it on that merit, by doing so, I have enjoyed a wide variety of cinema.By the way, Scott Glasgows music composition is very good. especially in the end credits.
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Enjoyable watch
rainerberger28 May 2022
This movie was an enjoyable watch even though it falls short of being a classic. The younger actors do a good job and keep the audience engaged. Val Kilmer's role is very small and rather forgettable. The last part of the movie is a fairly straightforward horror tale and not that interesting, but the first two thirds of the movie are more intriguing.
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Major flaw
haroot_azarian13 May 2023
Warning: Spoilers
I thought the story and acting was pretty good. My major problem with it however was with the two boys who took Nathan for a ride. Considering that they got detention and at least one of them blamed Nathan for their punishment. So they take Nathan, but before that as Holly is in her cheer practice her friend tells her that the boys are with her brother on the bleechers. She looks and says it's alright and continues with her practice. So since she was responsible for her handicapped brother she should have gone over to see what was going on. Her job was to protect her brother.

So they take Nathan for a ride and while stopping at a gas station Nathan goes to the bathroom and when the two boys return Nathan has gone missing. Next it is three years later and Holly is at college. While working at a farmer's market she notices her brother's sneakers and follows the lead to the town of Riddle.

She bumps into her old high school friend Amber whose father is Riddle's sheriff. Anyway to cut a long story short I found it a) incomprehensible that the boys did not get punished for Nathan's disappearance, or at least it seems that way, and b) how easily Holly let's Amber and the two same boys team up to search for her brother. After all it was their fault in the first place that her brother went missing.

The rest of the movie and the story was pretty good, but for the reasons that I said the movie was ruined. Just to add an interesting point Elizabeth Harnois was 34 years old in the movie playing a teenager, and Diora Baird was 29 playing a teenager.
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