The Depraved (2011) Poster


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A smidgen above the usually humdrum slasher
movieman_kev19 June 2013
A group of people take in an underground tour of the tunnels beneath Berlin. All is going relatively well until their fairly enigmatic guide suffers an unfortunate accident. If being lost in these deep, dark, endless maze of tunnels weren't bad enough, they also happen upon a deranged nut-case/former border guard.

I thought I was in for yet another low-budget, badly acted horror flick of little real value, but as the movie wore on, I found, much to my surprise, it to be fairly well done. Highly derivative, but well done nonetheless. I actually found myself caring if these characters survived or not, no small feat as most of these type of films have such one-dimensional cardboard characters that I usually can't be bothered. Which I guess is also true here to some extent, but I was drawn into the story regardless.
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Much more Urban Explorer than Depraved.
fxdx43 January 2014
I think this could have been an engaging flick. It has some good character development and an interesting premise. The acting is acceptable, and the filming/directing is solid. With that said, this movie does suffer an identity crisis – even the title shows the problems in the movie. The Depraved – Urban Explorer says it all. The movie is not really either, but a poor cross of both. This is not the traditional slasher, gore fest circa Hostel or Turistas. Nor is it an adventure film with Nazis and underworld crime, rather it is a blend that does not succeed in either genre.

The movie starts as a group of tourists is lead into an underground tunnel system under Berlin. There are plenty of interesting red herrings, and exciting action as they descend deeper and deeper under the city. This goes on successfully for nearly 2/3s of the movie, and I was engaged enough that I forgot that something 'depraved' was going to happen. It does, and when it does it is pretty lame.

The movie then turns into a cliché horror with all the classic conventions – girl getting tortured, cell phones dying at the right (wrong) time, the 'is he dead?' bad guy. However, there is nothing overly interesting or unique about the depraved or the situation. I kept wishing they would get back to the interesting tunnel system to explore.

As in all slasher movies, the ending is underwhelming, but by then I had pretty much tuned out. This movie could have been pretty entertaining, and starts off enjoyable, but can't decide what it wants to be. I would have been happy with just the Urban, keep the Depraved to yourself.
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Good baddie
kosmasp4 March 2012
This movie isn't really that much different from some other "pycho" on the loose movies. Even if some try to tell you different. Though I am excited for you, if you really liked this movie, giving this the approval of "masterpiece" is more than a far stretch. You might think it's really good, but don't go around throwing big words like that, they never tend to stick and do more harm than good.

Having said that, the movie isn't half bad (if you can overlook some bad OTT acting and some flaws in the screenplay). Also there are strands left in the dark (no pun intended), which shows that some scenes only made it into the movie for superficial reasons. The good thing though is that you have a really bad guy as "baddie" and this guy is good at what he does best! Some good effects round everything up. A nice little horror movie with a psycho touch.
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dusan-2210 March 2012
My opinion on this movie is kind a selective. Good thing about it is superb directing, scary camera and very good acting. It is as good as in the best horror movies of that kind. So most of the conditions to make a good movie were fulfilled. Still, from my point of view movie is not good for its great downfalls. The greatest one is a pretty bad script full of holes. I am not going to go step by step in naming these holes as I don't wanna spoil your fun. Scenario is also very dry, there are some scary moments mostly due to the clever camera, but the plot is kind of sterile and uniformed. This is because the movie is not involving us on the basis of the clever plot composition, but on the separate scary events. I also found insisting on grouse effects pretty unnecessary. I love European horror movies and among them German very much, but this one looks more like a B class Hollywood movie pattern.
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Worth a watch! BUT you might find your self shouting at the T.V for 94 min's!
schutzstaffelto194521 October 2014
Warning: Spoilers
OK, Well I was really looking forward to watching this film based on the reviews I had read 'mainly on here, but i have to be honest I found my self sorely disappointed! For starters There's absolutely NO explanation as to why 4 complete strangers (only two of whom actually know each other, 'Lucia' played by Nathalie Kelley, & 'Denis' played by Nick Eversman, who are couple), led by a 5th person 'Kris' the guide played by Max Riemelt, would be meeting up in a dark car park outside of a dodgy Berlin night club in the middle of the night. To go "Urban Exploring" (Wearing there best clothes I might add, to trek through open sewers' & old deserted subways from the Third Reich.

I assume it's because they'd planned to end the night in the club. Which I can only assume would end with every one in there giving them a wide berth. And who would blame them? After spending 3 hours walking through a dark, dirty, smelly rat infested subterranean maze, you have to assume you're going to smell a little funky!

Secondly I really, really don't know why you wouldn't turn back after getting attacked in the first 5 min's down there by two pit bull wielding, probably "Neo Nazi" skinheads lurking about in the dark! ( I certainly wouldn't take my beautiful looking GF down there to get Gang raped, chopped up or both! (just saying! 'Warning signs.) If all that wasn't enough to make you wonder what sort of geniuses your watching, one of the girls decides the best time to take a photo of the only person down there that knows where he's going is right at the point he's walking across a , rather unsafe "bridge" (a bridge meaning a slim piece of steel girder slung across a wide gap, spanning a high drop) resulting, obviously to anyone with half an idea about human reactions, in him getting blinded /startled and falling in said gap with rather (again) obvious consequences.

Jump forward about 20 min's and welcome to the fun house! we have a drugged and tied up BF, and a GF tied to a chair while being tortured by "A psycho" (cliché) now the said BF has to escape, over power the "psycho", free his GF, and hope he can find there way out of the deep, dark, hell that they have found there selves in. Should be easy right? Well not really, but it could of been a whole lot simpler if 'Lucia' (Nathalie Kelley) had chosen to go out with Ethan Hunt, or anyone with half a brain and a working set of balls between his legs! Which 'Denis' (Nick Eversman) clearly doesn't have. He could of,' I kid you not, walked out of there at least 3 times with nothing worse than a little cut to his GF ear, called the police and had the psycho locked away in a mental facility for the rest of his deranged little life! Instead he chose (which is lucky for us i guess, or really wouldn't be worth watching) to do everything you DON'T do in a horror film. You know like telling your mates I'll be right back or going back in to the house after you've just got out! Well needless to say I found my self shouting at the TV for most of the second half of the film! I never found out how or what exactly happened to the other two girls either. other than ending up part of the stew. I think they were just in the film for the lesbian kiss (actually more a lesbian peck on the lips) And please will some tell me how some one can be a psycho killer one minute and then don an apron and start mopping up floors & walls ,with a full cleaning trolley' in the middle of a open subway platforms the next! And right in the heart of Berlin (where's all the CCTV?) To many questions, not enough answers, not enough realism and far to many obvious wrong moves by the boy, unlike the killer who always seemed to be in the right place at the right time, even when one gets away and finds help after running for over a mile through tunnels and down holes!! worth a watch for the bloody bits not much else. 3/5
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I don't know about yours, but mine had English subtitles. Warning: Spoilers
A lot of reviews said they gave it a lower rating than they would have because the movie did not have subtitles, but the one I watched did, so don't be put off from seeing it, since it's a film horror fans wouldn't want to miss. It reminds me a bit of Wolf Creek, except for the contrast in setting, obviously.

The male protagonist of the story would irritate you to no end on the choices he makes, but you might find yourself rooting for him, all the same. One female, the one with the camera, will make you want to push her in a ravine on one scene, because their unfortunate circumstances started due to her utter stupidity. Just had to get that off my chest. Heh.

I must say, you'd think, in the beginning of the film, that the villain would be different, but as the film progresses, it will prove you wrong. He actually surprised me by his evil-ness, although the torture scenes were not as bad as what I've seen in other gore-themed movies. And I actually liked that they toned it down a notch and didn't make it out to be like another Saw or Hostel movie. I'm not much of a fan of those, though I have seen my share.

The characters will make you go bald from pulling your hair from its roots,because you're frustrated as **** with the choices they make. It won't make you stop from sitting at the edge of your seats though. You'll be able to watch this to the end, because it's the kind of movie that compels you to do so, even if you know it might not be categorized into the same level as some of the greats.

Watch it. It's worth your time, especially for a true horror fan.
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Underground plot holes galore!
aventer-18 March 2012
If all you want is a spooky movie with monsters and atmospheric settings, this is as good as any. If you expect anything like a logical story, well, maybe not so good. The film depends on a common misconception; every big city has endless tunnels beneath and they are all connected as well as lost and forgotten. And this is nonsense. Unlike Paris which has quarries beneath it, most cities do not have anything like a connected maze of tunnels. And most tunnels, even abandoned subway stations, are used for something and are well documented.

This film, like others of its type, substitutes basements or even abandoned factories with their windows covered for underground areas. One look at the brickwork of these phony tunnels is enough to reveal the sets are ordinary locations dressed as spooky tunnels. The huge size of many of the locations should tip off the viewer that they are seeing nothing more mysterious than an old warehouse.

And our explorers are totally unprepared for their adventure. The have no hardhats, no first aid kit, no proper clothing, nothing but a few dinky flashlights. If not for their "guide" somehow toting 5 sets of rubber waders in his tiny backpack they would never have made it through a flooded tunnel. We are further told that scrawny teens can climb 50 feet, hand over hand, on a thin rope. And thats up and down. Small wonder the actual climbing is not shown! And of course the abandoned tunnels are full of improbable characters who survive on.....what....rats? If you like to suspend your disbelief totally, you will probably enjoy this film. But if, like me, obvious plot holes spoil the experience you may wish you watched something else.
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German psycho...
deloudelouvain9 March 2015
This movie deserves much more then a 5.2 rating on IMDb. I'm not saying that you will get great dialogs or deep conversations and that's not the point. This is a horror/thriller and so you don't need that. The only thing you need with a horror/thriller is suspense, creepy background sounds, a nasty villain, a lot of screaming and blood. And all that you will get with this movie. The actors were not bad at all, especially the German subterranean psycho played by Klaus Stiglmeier. You will need subtitles for this movie because at the end there is quite a lot of German language. I thought the underground sceneries were perfect for this movie so that you would get the feeling that there is no escape from that weirdo. Great entertainment if you like that kind of movies. Certainly much better then the usual stuff we get in that genre.
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Painfully predictable
desertbear347 May 2021
Warning: Spoilers
The people giving this more than 5 stars have obviously never watched a horror movie. Everything about it is predictable, right down to the stupidity level of the kids who go underground with someone they've never met for a "big surprise". When the kid is eating the stew you know exactly what's in it, so when you get the big reveal "Oh no he's a cannibal!" you already know it. The final guy is without a doubt the biggest coward or moron in Berlin since he watches his girlfriend be tortured and almost get killed, but does nothing even though he has a thick steel bar chained to him. And his girlfriend is supposed to be a nurse, but is totally unstable in any situation(no nurse I've ever worked with was this panicky, they wouldn't survive their first rotation)

Even the tour guide breaking his leg in a fall and thus trapping everyone down below is reminiscent of the Descent. AND the girl digging out of the dirt to freedom is the same as the Descent!

The acting is ok, the visuals are good, and the directing was on spot, but the plot was horribly tripe and predictable.
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Good atmospheric n claustrophobic thriller. Never knew John Jarrat had a cousin in Germany.
Fella_shibby4 April 2017
Saw this on a DVD in 2012. Plot- a group of people from different countries take an illegal tour to explore Hitlers special bunker through a labyrinth of tunnels, sewers and catacombs. The movie offers up a good amount of intensity and creepy atmosphere. The underground tunnels were claustrophobic and atmospheric. There was sufficient tension but the gore might put off some. The effects were well done. The pacing was good n the film never dragged. The direction, editing n cinematography were noteworthy. The villain is very intimidating. His glee at playing the hunter is so fierce that it wud disturb some viewers. His face is the most terrifying thing about the film. I wud rather take my chances n go alone than follow a creepy guy with that face. Klaus Stiglmeier, the guy who played the villain was more creepy than the guy from Wolf creek. My only crib is that the two sub plots, 1)The encounter with the nasty chaps n their vicious dog n 2)the story about Hitler's desire to build an army of super soldiers were never explored. There is something sinister about the neo Nazis n Hitler. Nevertheless it is a decent thriller. Fans of Creep - 2004, Wolf Creek, Descent n Stag nite will definitely enjoy this.
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Good acting, good cams/light - but the plot kills it.
schmollce121220 June 2013
Warning: Spoilers
Not much to add to the title - that's just the way it is. The enactment/staging of the movie is - in my opinion - kinda great, good actors, nice lighting, o.k. camera handling. But now the missing 6 stars - this is partly based on my taste and partly the director's fault.

First of all, I'm not a fan of horror, "torture-porn", gore and such at all, I watched this movie rather "accidentally". Well, there are great horror movies, this one is set in my home town and I'm interested in that exploring stuff, so I gave it a try. Unfortunately, this movie degrades itself to a C-title due to the use of these worn-out, standardized, boring, predictable default clichés like: Why do these people act so stupid? Why don't they kill him securely as they have the chance? Why are they so incredibly unskillful and overwhelmed in every situation? -.- It's a pain in the *** watching this over and over again. Can't directors come up with good horror ideas that are NOT based on these defaults?

The second major problem is the actual lack of a story. There are basic approaches, but nothing really fits. This might be typical for the genre - well, this is mainly the reason I don't like these movies. But if there is a psychotic killer, a good movie can skillfully show why and with what reason he does this stuff. This is hardly explained here, maybe some traumatizing-history-psycho-stuff, but nothing justifying such a behavior. The end scenes let the viewer wait for some kind of twist, but nothing happens. The psycho is the almighty bad boy and prepared for everything, so not even 5 or more people stand a chance against him. Of course. And let me tell you: Berlin underground stations are not THAT empty at night, for sure not.

The logical consequence - if the exploration leader survives, which is not exactly shown - would be a special forces operation into the villain's underground base (I'd like to see that as an epilogue ^^). But this is left open like every bit of... reason in this movie. Kinda sad because the acting, lighting and stuff, like mentioned, is really well done.

Let me add that the lack of subtitles in the version I watched was more positive than negative for me as I speak English and German fluently. This gives the movie a nice realistic touch.
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Not a lot of innovation but it gets it right on so many levels!
sinoir24 July 2011
I had the chance to watch this movie at the Fantasia festival in Montreal and it blew me away. Urban Explorers biggest let down came in the introduction and story telling that up to a certain point it followed a bit too closely the usual scary movie blueprint down to the usual characters archetype (the cool guy, the wannabe hero, the scared girl, etc.).

I said up to a certain point because the movie really start to shine once the exploration truly begins. I was sucked in the gritty atmosphere created by the amazing locations Urban Explorer was filmed in enhance by the actors who manage to really make you feel uncomfortable.

All in all this movie is going into my library once released as a must see for fan of the genre.
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straight horror, no heroes involved
trashgang24 September 2012
German horror do normally means splatter but this here isn't your typical German splatter, in fact, it is a really slow builder. It takes a while before the horror comes in but that didn't bother me because you know something will go wrong only when, that's the question.

When things go wrong it really goes wrong and it even isn't for the squeamish. What I did like was the fact that there weren't any heroes. You just couldn't predict who was going to survive. Only the end was a bit strange, clearly an open end but suddenly this flick was over.

If you like flicks taking place in the dark with a twist then this is for you but don't expect a gore galore.

Gore 2,5/5 Nudity 0,5/5 Effects 3/5 Story 3/5 Comedy 0/5
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This is literally Wolf Creek.....
ajkeller11229 January 2023
Warning: Spoilers
So before diving in (and this review contains spoilers) I wanna say one thing to those who haven't seen this, go watch Wolf Creek first (just trust me) then follow up by watching this. So now onto the review (which again contains spoilers.) I remember watching a BRUTAL clip that was shown on YouTube of a character being partially skinned alive & I would later find out that it was to this film. I went into this film empty headed, knowing nothing, it looked brutal & of course scary from the clip I watched. Now while I thought it was a decent film I noticed 2 things. 1. It didn't have any subtitles so I didn't know exactly what was being said, I just had to follow through with what was going on. Wasn't hard and I think I managed ok. But number 2... Being the BIGGEST thing i noticed was that this film was a DIRECT COPY of the film Wolf Creek that came out in late 2005. Literally, it's Wolf Creek. Ok, a few things are different. 1, obviously the setting where this film takes place in an abandoned tunnel/underground, whereas Wolf Creek takes place in the Outback of Australia. There's a few more characters here than Wolf Creek. But the literal last half of the movie is a copy of Wolf Creek. The killer being as sadistic as Mick Taylor, 2 characters being centered as the "Finals" only to be met with death, one being an exact rip off of the famous "head on a stick" just tried to be done in a different matter for shock value. Anyways I'm not saying this movie is bad, but it's almost an exact replica of the film Wolf Creek. Would recommend watching that first before watching this. 5/10.
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Classic slasher, low quality
dracoqc3 June 2022
Just the typical low iq friends who get chased by some psycho. Lot of reactions are just completely ridiculous, from the main characters but also from people around them. I guess it's fine if you're looking for a netflix and chill movie but want to focus on the chill part.
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Truly Frightening, with Stellar Performances
sofaqueen31 May 2014
I was astonished by how intrigued I was with the story, and how invested I became in the well-being of the characters. This is a tough film to watch, and is only going to appeal to those who enjoy a good slasher flick. With that said, in spite of the rather derivative material, and a few plot holes, it's wicked good stuff. It's not a film I would watch again. It was hard to take! But it kept me on the edge of my seat, and rooting for the good guys. I was utterly terrified of the bad guy. I have always been willing to suspend disbelief for a chance to escape into an alternate universe for ninety minutes Once you get to the end of the ride, you will be relieved to get out and return to the real world. Unless you live in hell. The villain haunts my nightmares to this day. I'd like to see him on you tube or in an interview, being himself just once. He's that convincing and upsetting. I had to repeat "it's only a movie" at several points in this journey. Sometimes, that's all you really want from a film. To briefly forget that it's not real. I lost my sense of time and place, and felt like I was witnessing a crime.

So while this movie carries no message beyond stranger danger, and may not deviate from the formula, it follows the formula with style, it packs a powerful punch in the gut, it does what we expect from a film like this, and does it better than most. The acting and production values surely set it apart from the others in this genre.

You will be horrified, to be sure. Not for the faint of heart. I gave it six stars for lack of originality (plot). A great effort, a weak plot. Worth at least one trip to the horror section, if you enjoy these "slasher" films.
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From the depths of the FAhrerbunker...
WithoutTalent5 September 2011
Warning: Spoilers
(contains 1 dialog spoiler)

What happens when someone takes a bunch of foreign actors who haven't been in many movies before and makes them speak English?! Exactly!! You burst out laughing. That's the first problem with Urban Explorer. The acting is just an insult to the audience. Now the second problem besides the acting is the dialog. It is absolutely ridiculous. Lines like -this is the piano that Hitler used to lure in slaves- are really laugh out loud jokes you could expect from an episode of Family Guy. I mean if they were going for a Grindhouse or comedy-trash film then a line like that would just be perfect, but Urban Explorer doesn't want to be funny. It wants to be dead serious and scary as hell.  So we go on... We deal with the bad acting and the awful dialog and get midway into the movie where the storyline takes a twist into the torture porn genre. (Mind you. I have nothing against torture porn and i hate calling it that!) So what happens then?! You know a German horror film usually isn't really a German horror film unless it bluntly imitates another film?! (Please close your eyes and guess now.) Exactly! Urban Explorer starts imitating hostel in very obvious original way. However, since the actors are totally awful the film somehow feels like it's this slapstick version of "Hostel"! It's like you're watching a freakin' Tom and Jerry episode! So we keep going. Laughing as the pseudo-scares keep coming. When we get towards the end, Urban Explorer than has its slapstick take on "Creep" and "Midnight Meat Train" keeping the imitations coming like there's no tomorrow.

Well... There you have it folks! Another movie with a great lighting good effects and an original premise getting ruined by bad acting, awful dialog and an unoriginal storyline. Too bad! This movie really makes Alone in the Dark and Sweatshop look like Academy Award winning films. Only watch for laughs! Unintentional laughs that is...
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Slightly Above Average Horror Film
One reviewer said it best when he compared this film to "Wolf Creek", this really basically is that movie but in a different setting. However, they did throw in a few things to make this movie its own.

The film started out very interesting and I was pretty excited. I really like the idea of Urban Exploring so to finally see a horror movie about it was very cool. But once things really got going I realized this was pretty much the same ole thing, but in this case that wasn't such a bad thing.

The baddie does an excellent job of being terrifying and just plain evil, and I think thats the main thing that made me enjoy this film. That mixed in with some very extremely gory scenes made this worth watching.

Its not the best horror movie ever and its not going blow any minds, but it was fun and fairly disturbing. If you enjoyed such films as Wolf Creek, Hostel, and Train I suggest you give this one a look cus you are bound to find something you like here.

Good movie but nothing special. 6/10
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A pathetic, pitiful, infuriatingly bad piece of junk
Scudpipes28 March 2012
Warning: Spoilers
This film is complete and utter scheiss-water - the horrible jittery camera-work, the blundering script, and the horribly unlikeable characters... it was completely fright-free, and involved the usual crapola of the 'hero' being given countless opportunities to kill off the villain, but, of course, he doesn't, so that by the time the hero is skinned alive you are cheering, because he is such a dumb cluck... the film starts by telling us how many miles of undiscovered tunnels there are beneath Berlin, then proceeds to shoot scenes that look like an Ikea store room. Urban Explorer ADDS nothing the genre - in fact, it detracts from it... the more that films like this get made, the more it negates the horror genre... the director, and the writer, haven't got a clue - not a single clue - and obviously have NO LOVE for horror films - else why would they add this retrogressive, cliché-ridden, predictable, deathly dull, poorly plotted, laughably bad piece of **** to the canon...? And people wonder why everyone downloads films for free, instead of paying for them... when films are this poor, why should anyone pay for them? If downloading kills the film industry, it will be garbage like this that takes the first hit, so more power to the down-loaders, download your socks off and maybe in the future stuff like this won't see the light of day. Memo to the makers: if you wouldn't wipe your arse on your script, then for God's sake don't go ahead and film it.
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Better than expected
mutlumehmet26 December 2018
Very entertaining first 10mins is slow but after that I didn't want to turn off the film
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Four tourists decide to explore the tunnels beneath the city of Berlin
kush-0681728 November 2017
If there ever were a movie that sucked at royally everything, it'd have to be this movie.The cast dying at the hands of the villain would make you feel relieved.. There is stupidity and then there is extreme masochism. Without saying anything else id just advise to skip this disaster.
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I loved it - and it has nothing to do with Hostel
bouzirid17 October 2011
I loved this movie! As an Frenchguy, I usually say: German movies, especially psycho films, are very bad. This time I changed my mind: Urban Explorer is an good Horror-Thriller with explicit gore scenes.

I saw on some comments that the film feels like Hostel. It does not at all! Hostel is an absolutely other type of movie. It only wants to shock with "ultra gore and splatter". Urban Explorer does not, but is also very bloody.

The biggest difference between Hostel and Urban Explorer is, that the psycho factor is much more realistic in Urban Explorer: When you watch Hostel, you only see some "perverts" who have no real psychopathic personality.

In Urban Exploerer, the killer is really insane and I really feared him as I think that some of those guys really exist in our world. The ones of Hostel do not.

In some points, the film might be unrealistic, but it' s straight in his handling and if I sum all the together, I can say: It' s more an psycho film with some horror elements and not the opposite.

Some people just don't get the psycho factor and refer the movie to B-movies like "scram" that has nothing to do with this master piece.

I loved it!
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gerddeblieck17 June 2012
Very difficult to be original in these days...nicely managed. A couple of links to the " Texas Chainsaw massacre". Like the music, I got flashbacks to the old classic. The images are sometimes too dark. Beautiful performance of Andreas Wisniewski (also appeared in Die Hard). He is a real added value for this film. The different nationalities of the characters makes the movie more realistic. No screaming teenage girls. That distinction the European horror film. The movie is also just a little too long... The introduction should just slightly shorter. For the rest nice pop corn film, but about 10 years will this movie be forgotten. Just not good enough to speak of a classic...
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Meh, no subtitles killed this movie for me
Indifferent_Observer7 March 2012
Yeah, I know I'm a dumb American. I downloaded this film expecting so much after reading how it won LA's ScreamFest and the movie was probably great, but I was like the poor American girl not knowing what the hell the German Guy(Speaking Dutch) was saying as he went on and on for about 30 minutes. Had I known Dutch and German I may have enjoyed this. The psycho was very animated in his speeches and I probably would've gotten a kick out of what he was saying, subs.

So, hopefully this will be released with subtitles for the large gaps of convos between foreigners. I love foreign Horror flicks, but when a movie is marketed as in English and there are 30minute gaps of Dutch/French with no subtitles it ruins the film. I don't know nor care if was supposed to be like the dumb American girl who couldn't understand, thereby supposedly making it more scary, or again perhaps I got a bad copy.? Either way as it is w/ no subtitles its not worth ones time.

To be fair, I will keep a look out for the Subs and if they're released then I'll be back and change my rating and review to reflect the movie, but in the meantime my review and rating stands.

In the movie, as stated there's an American girl who is saying every 5 minutes, "Whats he saying", to which we get no response for the most part so if your dumb like me and only speak English look for subtitles. If there are none, don't bother.

4 stars out of 10, If this gets released with an English sub file I'll probably change my review.
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One good part (WARNING SPOILER)
b-suhr018 October 2012
Warning: Spoilers
First of all, having a majority of this movie be in German and NOT subtitling it is very stupid. It's like wanting to make it very artistic but failing miserably. Second, this was waaaay too long. The set up for it and the two opening sequences introducing the four "explorers" was pointless and kind of made me hate them. Third, the whole Nazi subplot seemed irrelevant except for the fact that Nazis are cool and Nazi images in a film, even more cool. (see Frontiers, Dead Snow, Blood Creek) Maybe this did all play into the movie, but seeing as how the antagonist spoke German and their was no subtitles, I only have to guess. Fourth, isn't torture porn a little blasé? I mean hasn't the torture by a psychopath thing been done to death? I've seen countless movies do it better and honestly, if you're going to do the whole torture porn thing, at least show a little more gore and make it worth it. Having only really two, possibly three scenes of semi-gore seems a waste and when you have nothing else going in a film but gore, you should at least play it up. Having said all that, I watched half of this movie and then forwarded to key scenes til the end. I got bored quickly and knowing that nothing was really going to be resolved by the end, decided to just skip to that. SPOILER One cool idea was the salt on the skinned guy. The only piece of creativity in the whole movie. Decent, but didn't make suffering through the long beginning worth it.
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