Lego: The Adventures of Clutch Powers (Video 2010) Poster

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Better Than Expected
rickytrapp5 March 2010
Clutch Powers is Lego City's best explorer. His latest mission is to capture a criminal mastermind who is also a wizard. Teaming up with other Lego characters such as Brick, a weapons expert, Peg, a smart botanist and Bernie, Lego's best engineer, they travel into space and into medieval times to stop the wizard and his comical sidekicks, Skully & Bones, two skeleton warriors. It is better than it sounds. Humorous and lots of fun, this was a lot better than expected, with some standout scenes and interesting characters, this Lego homage to explorer films is a lot of fun for kids and adults.

Rated G Some Scary Scenes.
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Fun, but definitely a straight to video release
samradion8 July 2010
Firstly this is a kids movie and has to be reviewed as such. If you're an adult and even an adult fan of Lego you won't get a huge amount out of this. The movie has some nice touches such as a scene inspired by the alien movies and the post-opening intro song is actually pretty good.

However it really does seem the main aim of this movie is to sell more Lego than to entertain, they have tried to cram in just about every current Lego range in (rock monsters, space police, city and castle) before rather strangely deciding to base the rest of the movie in the Castle universe.

The animation is OK, but not really much better than any of the cut-scenes in a Lego game and the whole movie did have the feel of an extended computer game scene. I couldn't help feeling this would be better suited to a 15-20 minute episode format on kids TV.

The voice cast is actually not bad, Ryan McPartlin and Yvonne Strahovski (sic?) are well known for their work together on Chuck and are well cast.

Overall a fun kids film to kill an hour or so for a young Lego collector, but ultimately too shallow and lacking lots of the humorous touches that featured in other Lego offerings such as the Lego Star Wars games that made them fun for adults too. Worth picking up when it inevitably appears in the £5 section of your local supermarket, but still a million miles better than the Bionicle movie.
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Humorous geeky fun that needs a sequel
et-8910 October 2011
Warning: Spoilers
I was pleasantly surprised by this movie. It's very lighthearted and full of staples of the genres, in this case adventure, science fiction and fantasy. From the moment Clutch uttered "rock monsters, why does it have to be rock monsters?" I knew I was going to like this movie, although the highlight for me was "it was a dark and stormy knight". The movie is full of homages to other movies and to fantasy tropes.

The story moves quickly between adventure, superspy and futuristic (prison planet) until it settles on fantasy. I found this unexpected, and for the remainder of the movie continued to think it would move on from this. Unfortunately the movie ends with a definite "to be continued" feeling. With one villain of three apprehended it looks like this is supposed to be a trilogy. Will it be continued? I certainly hope so.

I enjoyed the animation, and the way the lego world was built. Nothing amazing in terms of visuals, but there was good humorous use of the fact that the world is built from legos.

Is it worth going out to the movie theatre to see this? I'd say it's borderline. Give me 3D and I'm sold. Still, I'm definitely hoping the sequels will appear.
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Everyone's Being Rather Harsh...
harperdiscoveredemail11 January 2018
All right, so this movie isn't Citizen Kane. Let's be real. It's a kid's movie. It never tries to advertise itself as anything else. Sure, it's not really deep, but it is amusing. I remember watching this movie as a young kid and enjoying it immensely. Not for its thought-provoking morals, not for its innovation in the animation industry, but for being a fun movie that I could enjoy. Sure, it's light, but not every movie needs to be heavy and deep and thought-provoking.
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Yo! Lego Team To The Rescue!
strong-122-47888515 September 2015
Clearly nothing more than just a cute "kiddies" picture - The one thing that I liked about this Lego production was the squat appearance of all the Lego characters (and their plasticized hair, too).

It was especially when these thick-set characters were on the run that I got my chance to chuckle at the awkwardness of their limited movements. To me, that was about the best thing that this CG adventure tale of bungling heroics and dumb wise-cracks had to offer.

Unfortunately, when it came right down to this picture's actual storyline - I'd say that it could've been a bit more original, than what was poorly presented here.

I found this Clutch Powers' story to be just stale and predictable nonsense that's been so obviously recycled about 1000 times before. And, due to this, it became something of a chore for me to stay focused and remain interested in what I was watching on the screen.

Anyway - Strictly from an adult's perspective - This particular Lego production was, at best, "OK" as far as entertainment goes.
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Great movie for kids
soggybeans29 September 2019
I remember watching this as a younger child and loving it and I decided to rewatch it as a joke and I ended up liking this movie. I know the plot isnt really that good but the voice acting is good and the characters are likable and each have good personalities. The movie is very cheesy but it's a kid movie. The movie boring cheesy is one of the most enjoyable factors of the movie
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A forgettable movie
wheely030123 April 2017
Warning: Spoilers
The movie it self isn't very good. The voicing is OK for most characters. The way most thing is made of Lego is amazing however in my opinion it is done a lot better in the Lego Movie as the Lego itself looks less computer generated. The soundtrack like the movie is also forgettable as well as the story overall being boring and unimaginative. It has some very cheap jokes. Overall I don't recommend this movie because of it's boring and forgettable plot, acting, characters and soundtrack especially for 2010.
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noahpalmer-1610824 March 2021
All who dont like this movie deserve to be executed
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One of the best Lego movies I've seen
margarettemlopez2 January 2020
Lego: The Adventures of Clutch Powers was so awesome, it was very close to being as great as the Lego Movie! It has excellent voice actors and is a fun mix of action and comedy. The music is catchy and there are good lessons about teamwork, friendship e.g. There's also surprisingly good animation for a movie from 2010. Overall exceptional quality.
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Clutch Powers is beyond human comprehension
opearson-483607 June 2019
My mother died today, or maybe it was yesterday. The telegram that came today said "YOUR MOTHER HAS PASSED AWAY. FUNERAL TOMORROW. DEEP SYMPATHY". My mother lives quite far from the city so it is more than possible that the retirement home sent it yesterday and it only arrived today, but it does not matter. I am heading to the home this evening, and I will spend a night by the body as is customary. If I take the 2 o' clock bus I should be there before dinner time. I was able to get some time off from work, however it was very clear that my boss was annoyed at my having to leave. I told him"It's not my fault you know." I know now that this was stupid. It was his responsibility to express his sympathy and whatnot. I took the 2 o'clock bus. It was a uniquely hot afternoon. It doesn't often get that hot in Lego City and everyone was clearly uncomfortable. Perhaps it was the heat, or the smell of the rubber, but I found it increasingly difficult to stay awake, so I rested my eyes and slept. When I awoke I found that my head was resting on the arm of a large man dressed like a pirate. He looked at me and smiled. "Have you seen me lucky socks?" I had not and told him that. The retirement home was a little over a mile from the nearest bus stop. I went there on foot. When I arrived I asked to see my mother at once, but the receptionist seemed distracted. "Oh my God look, it's Clutch Powers!" I didn't know who that was, but turned anyway just to see what was so interesting. "Whoa, rock monsters!" this made no sense to me as I had not noticed anything that could be described as a rock monster. I turned to the receptionist to ask him if he had seen any rock monsters, but to my surprise the 5' 6" receptionist was now a clump of stones and green light. I jumped back out of reflex. Then I thought to myself what difference does it make? If I stand here the result is ultimately the same, the receptionist is a rock monster. I felt the smooth but of Raymond's pistol in my jacket pocket. I stood there in the sun, it's heat burned my cheeks. I felt little droplets of sweat creeping down my back. The little monster drew toward me and raised it's arms above it's head. The sunlight bounced off them like blades digging into my eyes. I became aware of the blinding red that fogged my vision. I felt my grip tighten around the gun, and the trigger gave. The hard steel of the revolver jogged my palm. The whip crack of the gun broke the silence of the home. I knew I had broken the balance of the day. I fired four more shots into the inert pile of stones, all of which pinged off with no visible impact.Each shot was a reminder of my failure. I stood there in silence for sometime, until I became aware of the eyes digging into my back."Why does it have to be rockmonsters?" I didn't know how to answer that question, so I remained silent. "I just wanted one of your power crystals." He turned around quickly, leaving me in my silence.
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Ok LEGO movie
biohazard-7096919 November 2020
This LEGO movie was okay. In my opinion, it is better than most. It is hilarious too.
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It'll work definitely for children & maybe some adults
Before the Lego company finally got its first theatrically released film in early 2014, there were several direct-to-video productions. Also in the same realm were the Bionicle films, both of which were moderately popular. The thing is now, looking back at these early creations feels out of touch. When looking at The Lego Movie (2014), there are several things that were included in its construction that helped it define itself from other Lego films in the past and other films in general. It's not to say this movie doesn't work or have appeal, but there are elements to it that aren't as effective as they could've been.

The story centers on famed adventurer Clutch Powers. It's interesting how Clutch is the exact opposite of Emmet from The Lego Movie (2014). Clutch is popular and everyone knows him. Emmet is not popular and nobody knows him. Clutch is also the son of his equally famous dad, Rock Powers. Clutch is a solo man; he works alone, following in his father's footsteps. Yet, out of the blue after completing his latest mission, Clutch's boss decides that on his next assignment, he needs a team. The new members consist of demolition expert Brick Masterson, German engineer Bernie Von Beam and English biologist Peg Mooring. Naturally, like many other team effort films, nobody cooperates at first and then everything comes together at the last minute.

Writing the screenplay to the film was Tom Rogers, a man who before this production had written for several Disney direct-to-video sequels, his best known probably being The Lion King 1 1/2 (2004). There are points where Rogers does show some creativeness in his writing, but much of it is cliché, has unfinished subplots or has visible plot holes. To give an idea, cliché would be that one of the characters has to fall in love with someone they don't even know. An unfinished subplot focuses on Clutch's dad. In fact, the title reads The "Adventures" of-. This is unfinished because as far as characters go, this is the only movie about Clutch Powers. There were no more adventures. A plot hole would be that on a certain world, only primitive weapons work and high tech mechanical ones malfunction - but later on, a vehicle and jetpack are used with no problem. These are just one thing per flaw but there's always more one can find. I won't list them all.

This would be acceptable if the story also didn't deviate from its main cast. While aiming its message of teamwork to audiences, the story splits off and simultaneously looks at another character that is introduced halfway into the movie. Its not the greatest direction but I guess director Howard E. Baker tried his best. Baker has headed more TV episodes than videos so it's hard to say. Character dialog however is one thing that works occasionally. There are moments where the comedy pushes a little too much of the same. And then there are times where the characters acknowledge how silly a character sounded after saying a comment. It were those moments that should've happened more frequently. The voice cast is another element that help sustains its characters.

Each actor that lends their voice does a respectable job. The cast doesn't have many familiar names but some have lent their voices to animated films or video game characters. Even better is that Jeff Bennett, best known for voicing Johnny Bravo is the man behind Bernie. Maybe that's why I found him the most likable of Clutch's team. However, an even bigger help to the comical aspect and visual design of the movie, would've been using physical objects instead making it entirely CGI. Yes, no doubt with CGI animators could have various characters do things that regular Lego figurines could never do. But what's the fun in that? Having various limitations is what helps create the comedy. Another interesting part to this movie is that the characters build their creations just like a master builder would from The Lego Movie (2014). So are these guys master builders too?

It is strange with certain physical backgrounds though. Either some look too plain, like a tree here or there, and others are straight out green flat lands as far as the eye can see. Boring much? Then there's the city, which is good but still would've looked better with physical legos instead of CGI ones. Another minor problem is that everything isn't made of legos. I just don't see how making everything CGI, didn't permit anyone to thinking of making everything out of Legos. It sounds illogical in a world where everything is Lego. The music composed by Eric and David Wurst didn't do a bad job. There wasn't a main theme but the score did at least sound cinematic to a point. It wasn't memorable or powerful when evoking the emotion but it was appropriate for each scene. It's still a fun movie but it's more for kids since they care less about things making sense.

As an early Lego film, it gets the job done with goofy characters and sporadically comedic writing. However, the delivery of its story can feel flawed at times and its visual style isn't as fresh now with The Lego Movie (2014) totally blowing it out of the water.
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Its lego, but.....
Filvies14419 March 2015
My vote for this is really 5.5/10. Now Lemme tell y'all that this is not as greatly written as the Lego Movie. The Lego movie is creative, has unique animation, and was totally good for theaters while this is a direct to DVD movie that has only a decent story, the characters aren't as interesting, and the animation wasn't as unique. Its not as fun as the true "Lego movie", but OK, at least its a better movie that countless other bad movies. Its a good thing it still has some dialog because some very old Lego video didn't have the dialog it needed.

Bottom line: I prefer the 2014 Lego movie than this 2010 DVD movie. Well, it could've been a lot worse.
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Greatest movie of all time
fireowl-4833318 October 2019
Some people say the godfather or the shawshank redemption is the best movie of all time but no clutch freaking powers does everything a film could do it has great character design and development, stunning visuals and hillarious comedic value, i highly suggest you watch this movie
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A Okay Movie, At The Time
yolibarvueswag11 March 2021
The movie has the saving grace of coming out a few years before The Lego Movie, and if it didn't, it would get overshadowed and overwhelmed even more. That being said, because this is mainly a DVD movie, it's probably not gonna be fantastic. Also, probably bad.

But no. This movie is in the middle of bad and good. The animation is choppy and bland, but considering the year of release, and the studio who made this film also made one of the worst animated films of all time released two years later, that's to be expected.

That being said, compared to The Lego Movie, it makes this look like a movie you'd find for one dollar at Walmart. The writing in Clutch Powers is nowhere near as good, and disregarding the animation, the characters aren't much better.

However, compared to Threshold's later film released two years later, that makes Clutch Powers look like the full quality of The Lego Movie, no questions asked, and a Oscar winning movie. It's kinda sad and shocking how the company made that after Clutch Powers. Besides, Clutch Powers was just a average, acceptable, but not great animated kids movie that you could let babysit your kids if they're bored. Clutch Powers is a million times better than that, and another sad thing is, Clutch Powers had no hype surrounding it. The film released two years later did, as it's been worked on since the early 2000's.

But hey, Clutch Powers could've been worse, but it could've been so much better. I'm just thankful it's nowhere near as bad as the movie released two years later.
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A cinematic masterpiece
samkomracka22 February 2019
Best movie ever made. Te world has never seen a more glorious hero than my boy Clutch Powers, blessed be his holy name.
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Best movie
abronson-4220728 October 2021
I cried tears of sadness after this movie ended I was so sad that the movie was over. My depression was cured and I think this cured my cancer too. This is defenitly worth watching time and time again.
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The greatest Lego movie devised by man
nio-3749818 August 2017
Warning: Spoilers
This movie is the magnum opus of reality itself, after 13.8 billion years of celestial progression and biological evolution. The fact that other critics are not rating this a full 10/10 baffles me on a spiritual level, but it just goes to show how blind our current society is to the truth. Clutch Powers is my hero, my idol, and he is owed all of the respect in the world.

First off, the Adventures of Clutch Powers does an unspeakably excellent job of depicting the fragility of man, and how our souls are weighed down by Earth's gravity (Sieg Zeon). From start to finish, this interplanetary adventure showcases an astounding amount of philosophical value that I will not get into in this review simply because this review is weighed down by a maximum of 1,000 words, much like how our souls are weighed down by Earth's gravity.

The only minor gripe I have with this film is that the other characters are not as good as Clutch himself, so they tend to hold him back from his true potential at times. But aside from that, the plot is well thought out and riveting, the animation is of a level of quality several orders of magnitude greater than what you'd see from Pixar, and the soundtrack is perfection incarnate.

Spoilers: I still believe that Kjeld Playwell was the one who murdered Clutch Powers's father. I wish this were expanded upon in the film, but the sequel may explain this and set my soul at ease.

I highly recommend this film to anyone and everyone, it is a cinematic masterpiece in every sense of the word.
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ortonjh31 December 2021
If you have never seen this movie then you deserve nothing but to watch it. It is that simple. After watching this movie i legally changed my name to Clutch Powers I am in sorrow that I will never get to experience the joyous moment of finishing it the first time. I have 5 children and they have grown up on pure Clutch Powers. I once got kidnapped but my kidnapper let me go after I enlightened him with this masterpiece of a movie. This movie - you cannot describe how good it is. I cried with happiness when one of my children first asked me if we coulf rewatch Clutch Powers. I also disowned my 6th child after he told me that he didn't want to watch it again. This guided my life to happined and is the best thing I have seen. PERIOD. My heart and soul will be behind any soul that tries to make a sequel, buy I cannot think of any way they could match the sincere beauty of the first movie 😍😍
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The Best Film of all time
benjamindennison11 April 2020
Before this movie i was on the verge of suicide. After it, I had found new life-in the one true god, clutch power. I sold all of my worldly possessions and lived in the caves, hunting rock monsters. I know i must find a power crystal for Clutch. The fact that this movie never received a sequel and the Lego movie did is what is wrong with our generation today. If there was Clutch Powers 2, 9/11 never would have happened. It was so good it could have rewritten space and time to fit the whims of the perfect world as dictated by Clutch powers himself.
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The Lego Movie: The Bad One
pmalexmckenny23 March 2015
It was certainly very hilarious, ultimately a bad movie, but hilarious. I don't know whether it was the inconsistent and downright weird story, the awkward embarrassing characters who despite the efforts of the writers, come off as cliché, or the weird childish humour that even actual children would find contrived and condescending. The animation, although fluent, looked almost sub-par and made me get chills form looking at character's creepy faces.

So why did I give it such a high rating? Because when I watched it with my friends back when we were kids, I saw that it definitely has the potential to become a cult film, think "The Room" for kids. My friends and I found ourselves laughing our asses off, not at how good the movie was, but laughing as one would laugh whilst watching "Sharknado" or "Birdemic: Shock and Terror". I could see drinking games created from this movie, drink every time a failed reference to Lego is made, or drink every time a character says "We build on Each Other" (That line alone made the movie for me).

If I ever have to babysit children, and they ask me to play the Lego Movie for them, I would play this one just for kicks. Clutch powers is legendary, and is so under-rated, it should be up there with all the other big cult movie titles out there. 10/10, 10/10, 100/100, best movie, BEST MOVIE! Show everyone this, we need to get the word out to the world that this movie exists!
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ten minikits out of ten
overchot24 February 2021
A truly butiful film with amasing animation, an inspiring story, and flawless charecter desighn. needs more red two by two bricks.
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A movie to rival the greats!
indieguytrindade11 December 2020
Warning: Spoilers
When you think of great movies what do you think about? Maybe Shawshank Redemption, The Matrix or even 2015's runaway hit Minions. But you would be wrong! THIS IS THE BEST MOVIE EVER MADE, AND WHOEVER SAYS THE OPPOSITE IS A POOPYHEAD AND DESIRVES TO GO TO A GULAG AND COMMIT NOT LIVING ON ROBLOX.
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sophiewallis-0964122 August 2021
This movie was truly the best thing that's ever happened in my life. The first time I watched it, I was reduced to tears by the sheer beauty of this masterpiece. Honestly the clutch powers movie has got me through all the hardest times in my life. Recently I gave birth to a gorgeous baby boy and I only saw it fit to name him after my hero and god - clutch powers. Watch this movie - it will resolve all your problems 👍
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Oh he's clutch alright
thatgiythosethat7 March 2024
Some may say they don't know Clutch Powers. I say everyone knows Clutch Powers. For he is the chosen one and he will rest with the gods in eternity. Clutch will be here through the good and the bad, never sleeping, never resting. One day i will hope to meet him in a high place of higher power and higher will. What am i talking about you may ask? I have no clue. But i know that Clutch Powers will live on and that no one can stop him. I've had a vision... one must sacrifice there loved ones to the great gods to make it to the afterlife. And yes by the afterlife i mean Clutch Powers. At this point i've completely forgotten why i'm writing this but my time is up... so i must go... Clutch Powers will live on.
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